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Behold what manner of love the

Father has bestowed on us, that

we should be called children of
God! Therefore the world does not
know us, because it did not know
(1 John 3:1, NKJV).
Our Loving Heavenly Father

The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Praise & Worship. Michael Keim

Hymn of Prais.. Rejoice ye pure in heart..#27

Intercessory Prayer....Elder Teresa Ferreira

Washington Conference Healing of addiction in families,
City officials.

Next Week:
Arizona Conference Reclamation of our children and youth
Healing of mind and body.

Childrens Story...............................................

Offering.....Church Budget.......... Bob Reeve

Scripture... Ecclesiastes 8:15...Doris & Stephen Van L.

Pastor Alex Golovenko
Family Fun

Hymn of CommitmentO Day of rest and gladness.....# 282
Benediction.. Jack Polihronov

Sunset Today: 9:07p.m. Next week: 9:02 p.m.
Please send all bulletin related information by
WEDNESDAY 9:00 p.m. to alonso.lopez@engineer.com



1. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible
Study and testimonies on Wednesday night
at 7 pm. Come and be blessed.

2. Your financial assistance is needed to make VBS (July
21-25) a success this year. Mark ''VBS snacks" on your
tithe envelope, or give funds to Doris or Teresa, you may
also donate cookies and frozen juices if you wish.
Your VBS Team!

3. The Messiahs Mansion
installed at the Cambridge
Christian School, 229 Meyers
Road, Cambridge, will be opened
to the public last day tomorrow,
July 06, 2014. Free tours of this
exhibit will operate from 1:00-7:00 P.M. daily. Come and
see the actual size of the Biblical Sanctuary and learn
how the plan of salvation is unfolded in the Sanctuary

4. June is Men's Health Month: For the good of your
family and your health, wear sunscreen, try flax seed,
walnuts/almonds, and avocado, decrease salt intake, get
moving, and be thankful. Over 40, get a health check up!

5. Ruth SDA Church from Brampton has
requested donations to purchase chairs for
their new facility. The Church Board voted
to sponsor 5 chairs gift at $350 cost. Your
donations for the sister church could be
directed to our treasurer, mark on the envelopes Ruth
Church chairs.

6. Please come to a follow up VBS meeting on Monday,
July 7
at 7pm at the church. Im inviting all volunteers to
attend. Kindly give Doris your white T-shirt for painting.

7. The last Church Council (Board
meeting) for the summer will take
place on Monday, July 14 at 7 pm
at our church hall. There will be no Board meeting in
August, due to vacations scheduled. Please inform the
pastor about your plans for the agenda. The next Board
meeting will take place September 8 and set the plans
for the general Business Meeting in the fall, in order to
review business plans.


8. Next Sabbath our worship service
will be held at the grounds of
Fanshawe Park, 1424 Clarke Road,
London, regular time. July 4-6 our
church will be camping out at
Fanshawe Conservation area, located at. Today is the
last opportunity to use the sign-up sheet for all who
would stay from Friday to Sunday. We need to know
how many will be staying overnight to plan for meals
accordingly. The Sabbath School Class and Church
worship experience will also be in the nature on
Sabbath. Shuttle rides will be available for those who
need transportation (a separate sign-up sheet for rides
needed). It is an opportunity to invite our extended
family members to experience worship in nature, and
have a Family Fun on Sabbath.

9. July 27 Pathfinders are holding
the yard sale in the parking lot,
from 8 am to 2 pm. If you would
like to de-clutter your home,
garage, basement and have valuable items to
contribute, please do so on that Sunday. If you would
like to join in and use the table for our own sale join
the Club at a cost per table.

10. 5
annual Western District Youth Camp will take place July
18-20, 2014 at the Lakewood Christian Camp, 4297
Lakeshore Road, Plympton-Wyoming, Ontario (same place
as the last year). The speaker this year is Gerardo Oudri,
Ontario Conference Youth Director. The registration cost
per person is $40 and includes two night camp stay and 5
meals. Please register before July 12. Please ask youth
leaders or pastor for registration details.

Birthday Wishes for July

July 1 Andres Perez
July 3 Carolyn Dowdell
July 4 Jenny Mickle
July 8 Renate Weidner
Jul 9 Kasha Kindness
Jul 9 Matvey Pandaleke
July 11 Cameron Munro
July 11 Kara Topper
July 11 Rachael Taylor
July 12 Gene Bernardo

July 12 Jaiden Munro
July 12 Lucy Simoes
July 12 Gene Bernardo
July 15 Isabel Erazo
July 17 Chris Keim
July 18 Jesse Reeve
July 20 Joaquino Sampaio
July 21 Marilyn Topper
July 21 Sam Stajfer

July 22 Jackie Lima
July 22 Viola Reeve
July 23 Pat Carter
July 25 Chris Paul
July 26 Julia Mahon
July 26 Sheldon
July 28 Akwasi Boah-
July 29 Doris
July 31 Larry Tait

Pray for peace, and work while there is
still time.

This Sabbath we begin a new study theme for the Sabbath School
quarter focusing on the main teachings of Jesus as he revealed truth
about salvation for us. I would like to draw your attention to the back of
your quarterlies, to the mission projects.
Every quarter we focus on one of 13 world regions of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church, called divisions. This quarter the focus is on
the Euro-Asia, formerly known as the Soviet Union territory. As you
look at the map and statistics, you would notice that 4 out of 7 mission
projects are located in Ukraine. The membership, almost half of all
Adventists are in Ukraine. Just like last quarter we noted that majority
of Adventist believers in India lived in state of Orissa, where the
persecution of Christians is the strongest, so there is also a parallel
with believers in Ukraine. The country has been engulfed in war
from three directions, west, east, south for most of its millennial
existence, and its people learned to rely on God, to seek God in the
midst of turmoil.
Over the past 8 month I had paid added interest to the news of
conflicts and war, as my native country has been moving deeper and
deeper into military conflict. Last Sabbath Adventist churches
around the world prayer for peace in Ukraine on the appeal of the
Euro-Asia Division president, Argentinian national Guillermo Biaggi,
who has urged church members across the division (which includes
Ukraine, Russia and 10 other former Soviet republics as well as
Afghanistan) to give a freewill offering this Sabbath to help fund
efforts by ADRA to assist people, both Ukrainians and Russians, who
have fled to other parts of Ukraine and across the border to Russia in
the unrest.
This week as we celebrated Canada Dominion birthday 147 years
ago, and the 238
Independence Day of the United States, we
appreciate peace and safety here on the North American continent.
At the recent Ontario Conference Campmeeting during the special
feature, a parade of nations, our leadership asked for
representatives carrying flags of Ukraine and Russia to come first on
the stage after Canadian flag was brought in, symbolically signifying
the desire for peace, praying for the end of the conflict. Enjoying
peace we continue praying!

Yet, you probably had also noticed an escalation of conflict in
Israel, a renewed military fighting in Iraq, forcing Saudi Arabia to
move 30,000 soldiers to its borders. Some are wondering if this is
going to the final conflict, to the end battle of Armageddon. The
religious news of American and Canadian Pentecostal and
Charismatic leaders meeting with pope Francis on June 24 in Rome,
seeking alliance, also heightens anticipation of apocalyptic
Without speculating on the future developments I want to remind
you the invitation and guidance from Jesus, urgent to all of us today:
While it is still day, we must do the work of the One who sent me.
Night is coming. Then no one can work. (John 9:4). Use the
peaceful opportunities that you have to do the work of the Gospel, to
share about the coming Kingdom of Jesus, lead people from the
darkness into the light of truth, while there is still time.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko



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