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Roll No__________________


Departe!t "# Aer"!a$t%&a'
)ee*ter +II
Degree & Branch: B,E, - Aer"!a$t%&a' E!.%!eer%!. Date :
Sub Code & Name AER 1// - Ga* T$r0%!e Te&1!"'".2 Time:
Duration: Two hrs Maximum Marks: !
4A!*5er A'' t1e 6$e*t%"!*7 410 8 1 9 10 Mar:*7
"# $hich one has a high hardness %ro%ert&'
a( Metals b( Ceramics
c( )ol&mers d( Com%osites
*# +nterru%tion o, air ,low due to turbulence in com%ressor is called as---
a( Com%ressor surge b( Com%ressor ma%
c( Com%ressor stall d( None o, the abo.e
/# $hich t&%e o, turbine used s&mmetrical blade##'
a( Reaction turbine b( +m%ulse turbine
c( +m%ulse & reaction turbine d( None o, the abo.e
0# $hat t&%e o, engine used in 1"2 aircra,t##'
a( Turbo%ro% b( Turbo,an
c( Turbo3et d( Turbo sha,t
# $hat t&%es o, instrument used ,or ,uel ignite'
a( S%ark %lugs b( 4iner
c( +n3ector d( None o, the abo.e
2# Ram air %ressure reco.er& is directl& %ro%ortional to--
a( The amount o, thrust %roduced b( The amount o, com%ressor ratio
c( +nlet air ratio d( None o, the abo.e
5# $hat6s the minimum bearing re7uirement in 8et 9ngine##'
a( 0 b(
c( 2 d( None o, the abo.e
:# $hat t&%e o, ,uel tank is used in large aircra,t'
a( Rigid remo.al tank b( Ti% tank
c( +ntegral tank d( Bladder tank
;# $hat is the throttle setting .alue o, Take o,,'
a( "!! b( 0!
c( ;! d( !
"!# $hich o, the material is used in com%ressor "
a( Titanium b( Steel
c( com%osites d( <luminum
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3ART B 4108; 9 ;0 Mar:*7
4A!*5er A'' t1e 6$e*t%"!*7
""# $ater in3ection at inlet o, a gas turbine engine increases thrust# Comment on the statement#
"*# De,ine the %henomenon o, surging o, com%ressor#
"/# $hat are the im%ortant ,actors a,,ecting combustor design'
"0# 9x%lain the di,,erence between +m%ulse and reaction blade#
$hat is meant b& Ram %ressure reco.er& o, inlet duct'
$hat is =,, Design )er,ormance o, >as Turbine 9ngine' 9x%lain#
9x%lain structural integrit&#
9x%lain C)CS with neat sketch#
$hat is meant b& inlet distortions'
$hat is meant b& Reliabilit& test'
3ART C 4<814 9 =0 Mar:*7
4A!*5er A'' t1e 6$e*t%"!*7
*"# a( $hat are the three t&%es o, combustion chamber' 9x%lain# Com%are its ad.antages and
b( $rite detail notes on:
?i( Construction o, no@@le chambers and
?ii( Thrust re.ersal
?iii( 1lame stabili@ation
**# a( $hat are the basic re7uirements o, a ,uel s&stem' 9x%lain the working o, a t&%ical ,uel
s&stem o, a turbine engine with the hel% o, a neat sketch#
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b( 9x%lain the basic conce%ts o, 1<D9CA and discuss in detail about the working %rinci%le
with neat sketch#
*/# a( Discuss the %rocedure ,or %redicting the transient %er,ormance o, a >as Turbine 9ngine#
b( $hat is meant b& surge margin' 9x%lain design & o,, design %er,ormance o, a gas
turbine engine#
*0# a( $rite detail notes on:
?i( Com%ressor ma%
?ii( Turbine testing and %er,ormance e.aluation
?iii( 9ngine %er,ormance monitoring
b( The ,ollowing conditions are known about a running engine#
R%m B ;02C 9>T B "!
CC $, B ":"0#0kgDhC $a B ;!#5 kgDsC 1n B "!!!!lbC TS1C B !#0C
Barometric %ressure B "!*#2k)aC Standard da& %ressure B "!"#/k)aC <mbient Tem%erature
B *5#:
CC Standard da& Tem%erature B "
C# 1ind out the all corrected .alues#
*# a( $hat are the im%ortant ,actors to be considered in design o, engine test bed'
b( $rite detail notes on:
?i( <cce%tance Test
?ii( Surge Test
?iii( Test <%%ro.al
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