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1)sometimes we feel humiliated and depressed cause of how pathetic we are and

how bad the situation we're living in turned out. But we should NEVER EVER thin
k this suffering is beneath us and that nobody has gone through worse because Go
d's own Son was humiliated by the roman soldiers, tortured, and treated like an
animal before He was murdered. And He was literally infinitely less deserving o
f it than us. He was God, so for Him to go through that was the equivalent of u
s going through the suffering we're going through amplified by infinity. So if
Jesus was willing to endure that even though He didn't deserve it, we must be wi
lling to endure our suffering, even if we don't deserve it 100%. Jesus' sufferi
ng and death was the ultimate injustice in all of human history, so that just go
es to show us that life on this planet can be and often is really unfair and we'
ll never know why it is that way for some of us. But that's why Jesus gave us t
he beatitudes, cause that was His way of saying that more often than not, the pe
ople who are suffering greatly and who seem like victims of fate in this life ar
e gonna be rewarded in the next life. That's why He said the first shall be las
t and the last shall be first in the next life. We have to remember that this l
ife is such a brief period of time in the bigger picture of eternity, it just se
ems like an eternity when every minute is full of suffering and we haven't been
able to experience life yet because of our problems. We don't want life to pass
us by, and that's understandable, it's always been a fear of mine, one that I"l
l struggle with til the day I die probably. But if Jesus went through such horr
ible suffering, we have to be willing to go through it too, because like Jesus,
God might be using our suffering to save the souls of other people who would've
done to hell if it weren't for us offering up our suffering.
2) The other thing we have to keep in mind is that we're stronger than 99% of t
he population. Due to our sensitive and weakened brains and combined with our i
solation, we've gone through more suffering, both physically and mentally, than
many people our age will go through their entire lives. Some people struggle w
ith the loneliness that comes from isolation even though they're rich and have a
ll the material things money can buy. In fact many rich people struggle with th
at, cause their wealth blinds them to the lack of true friendship and meaning in
their lives. We have all the isolation and none of the riches or things, yet w
e've never taken out our suffering on others or committed suicide the way many o
f those rich people have.
But we also have to remember that there is that 1% or so of the population who's
gone through worse than us, like the guy who escaped the prison camp in N. Kore
a after watching his entire family being killed in front of him, and living off
of nothing but rice for his entire life til now, with no exposure to the outside
Now some of those people endured that kind of suffering without any kind of rela
tionship with God, which is a miracle in itself and proof that God helped them t
hrough it even though they weren't aware of His presence. Others got through it
by relying on God every step of the way.
The thing to keep in mind is that God has a plan for every single one of us, but
because of our egos, most of us tend to think it's a really big and important p
lan that will bring us earthly success and happiness. But the reality is God si
multaneously uses us to do His will on this earth and somehow causes His will to
be interwoven with a plan for us that mwill give us the greatest sense of peace
and satisfaction, but only if we submit ourselves to that will and accept that
Each one of us is just a tiny spec in the bigger scheme of human history and the
universe, so it's not surprising that we can't all have huge roles in God's pla
ns for humanity. Most of us will have really small and unexciting roles, and th
at's ok because it's those kind of roles that allow us to shrink our egos and be
come closer to God, which is what really makes life worth living. Also, it's th
ose small roles that will bring us the greatest reward in Heaven, if we carry th
em out faithfully, because in God's eyes, us being as loving, kind, virtuous, hu
mble, and faithful in those small roles for our entire life is equivalent to som
eone with a much bigger role who is given earthly happiness, riches, status, and
success fulfilling that role to the best of their ability.
In the bigger picture, each one of us is just a tiny part of God's plan for the
universe, but if we do what He asks us and expects us to do in this life, we'll
be rewarded in Heaven with glory and happiness beyond what we can even imagine n
ow. But because of how isolated we become and due to the advanced technology o
f our times, we forget how small we are and how small we should be, and expect t
he world to revolve around us. This necessarily creates a lot of conflict in th
e world, because God gave each of us certain talents and abilities and certain r
oles in the world, but if we reject those roles and decide to try and be someone
we're not and create our own role in the world that wasn't what God intended, i
t interferes with the plans God created for others and causes both them and ours
elves to suffer.
This is just logical. There's only a limited amount of space in the world, both
physically, intellectually, and in terms of influence and power, and there's on
ly a limited number of spots for things like jobs, being a student at a good hs
or college, being someone's friend, being in any position of power, etc. If one
of those spots is taken by an egotistical and prideful person who doesn't deser
ve it and wasn't meant to have it, it takes it away from the person God intended
it for and who it would bring the greatest amount of peace and happiness to.
If we all try to puff ourselves up and make ourselves bigger than we really are,
it silences the rest of the population who might actually have certain abilitie
s or gifts but either isn't aware of them yet or is but doesn't wanna use them f
or their own advantage to get ahead in the world. This tendency towards narciss
ism and trying to achieve one's own happiness at all costs without thinking of t
he needs of others creates chaos and conflict in the world in times and places w
here there could and should be peace.
Oftentimes we just have to ask God what He wants us to do in life and then make
the decisions that we think will be best aligned with His will. Where we find o
urselves could be very dark and ugly indeed, but in the end the only thing we're
responsible for isn't what situation we find ourselves in, it's how we respond
to it, because the situation is usually out of our control. We can either take
the easy way out, give into our base, animal instincts, and go down the path of
Elliot Rodger, Judas, and the multitude of other souls throughout human history
who gave into hate, jealousy, pride, and despair- and end up in Hell- or we
can take the narrow road, the one less traveled and filled with pain, sorrow, hu
miliation, suffering, constant trials, and fear- and get to Heaven. We can't w
alk this road alone, we're simply not strong enough. When Jesus was carrying HI
s cross on the way to His crucifixion and stumbled and needed help, that was His
way of showing us that if even the human side of the Son of God needed help des
pite His divine nature, surely each one of us needs help carrying our daily cros
ses throughout our lives, and like Jesus, we have to be humble enough to accept
that help when it's offered instead of rejecting it cause we wanna believe we're
strong enough to make it on our own.
The narrow road is the road that requires us to look towards God instead of ours
elves because we know there's too much ahead to deal with unless God is with us.
It's a decision that each one of us have to make and it requires faith in God.
Where we spend eternity will depend on this decision, so we have to use our lo
gic and reason instead of our instincts and emotions, because during times of gr
eat stress and suffering, those tell us to take the easy way out, and the flesh
tells us to give into the temptation. But what makes us human and greater than
all the other animals is our ability to use our higher cognitive capabilities an
d reason to overcome our emotions and make decisions that don't seem beneficial
in the short term, but are the right thing to do, and will be rewarded by God in
the long term. What better instance to use those cognitive powers than in deci
ding how we'll respond to the situations we find ourselves in throughout our lif
e, and thus, where we'll end up for all eternity?
We owe it to ourselves to make the tough decision, but the right one, to fight o
ur emotions and human instincts to the very end and to do His will. If we do, G
od will be waiting for us when we die and He'll be pleased to welcome us into Hi
s kingdom of Heaven as the reward for being a good and faithful servant.

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