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Dale Holman Maine: The Story Behind

The Success Of This Real Estate

Today Dale Holman Maine is a household name in Portland. He has earned
a good name for himself as a successful usinessman in the real estate
!orld. He !asn"t orn in a rich family. #t took him a long hard !orking and
struggling $eriod to o!n !hat he has today. He !as orn talented. %t a &ery
young age' he $ro&ed himself y eing selected to re$resent Portland Maine
in the (S Man of the year contest. Dale Holman Maine outshone his
com$etitors !ith his charm and intelligence. He !on the Portland Man of the
year contest and then headed to!ards the (S man of the year hunt. He !as
the !inner of t!o )rst*$lace tro$hies in ody uilding in +,,-' !hich $laced
him in the to$ in his uni&ersity. %fter )nishing his studies' he !ent on to
make his career. He $ut his s!eat and lood in e&erything he did. He started
his career in May +,,. as an outside Sales Re$resentati&e in Macmillan
Pulishing' (S%. He s$ent / years and 0 months in Macmillan !hich hel$ed
him greatly in learning the nuances of $rofessional !orld. His 1o !as to sell
.22 accounts !ithin +3 states. Dale Holman Maine shifted my careers in his
life time till he found solace in real estate usiness. He 1oined Sye4'#nc. in
Octoer +,,, as a 5ational %ccount Manager and !orked here till May 622/.
7ery soon he egan so con)dent in himself that he started his o!n real
estate com$any named 89E:STO5E RE%; EST%TE". #t $ro&ided e4cellent
commercial real estate ser&ices including uying' selling' leasing'
de&elo$ment and consultation. Dale Holman Portland Maine is an e4cellent
administrator and a rilliant manager. His management skills led him to
Eagle %tm. He 1oined it in 622, and looked after administration and
management single handedly. He handled $lacements' $roducts' ser&ices
and all system related issues rilliantly. He also o!ned a team of ++*/2
em$loyees !orking dedicatedly in the areas of marketing and ad&ertising.
Dale Holman Portland Maine has ser&ed numerous clients !ith ace and
$erfection. #f he ecame $o$ular among $eo$le in real estate usiness' he
too attracted so many ri&als. His ri&als and com$etitors try to defame him y
s$reading false rumors aout him ut that didn"t sto$ him. His !ork s$eaks
for him. He has $ro&ed his !orth y ser&ing honestly to the citi<en of
Portland. Dale Holman Portland Maine has a long !ay to go as a real
estate roker and he kno!s e4actly ho! to face the challenges.

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