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Drinking Water Prescription: It is said that water is the ideal drink for the human being, and that

drinking water is good for one's health. The reasons why this would be the case, however, are rarely
stated. As a consequence, water, as a drink, is often neglected as a factor in health. fatigue, energy
depletion, depression, eczema, rheumatism, high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, gastric
disorders, and premature aging could all be caused by a chronic lack of water in the body. Most
people assume they are drinking enough fluids. Certainly they consume copious amounts of coffee,
tea, and all sorts of soft drinks, but these beverages are far less effective in hydrating the body than
plain water. Furthermore, in today's world, our bodies' need for water is much higher that it once
was. Our food is too rich, too concentrated, and too salty, and the use of dehydrating substances such
as alcohol and tobacco is very widespread. The Harm Caused by Dehydration Our bodies are
constantly dealing with liquid deficiencies
Every day we expel 2.5 liters of water from our bodies in the form of urine, sweat, water vapor from
the lungs, and the liquid contained in stools. When an equivalent intake of water is maintained, the
body's hydric budget is in balance. Conversely, if the liquid intake is insufficient, this balance sheet
goes into the red, and the process of dehydration begins,.body is deprived of liquids over a long
period. First, blood volume tends to shrink, surrendering part of its own constituent water to the
kidneys, the sudoriferous glands, and the other excretory organs that remove toxins from the body.
The situation cannot help but continue to deteriorate, because the blood continues to give an
uninterrupted supply of liquid to the excretory organs, forcing the interstitial compartment to give up
its water. This reduction of interstitial liquid cannot go on for long without generating new disorders.
Overall dehydration of the body engenders two serious metabolic problems that are the main causes
of all the various disorders caused by dehydration: enzymatic slowdown and autointoxication
(poisoning by toxins produced within the body) .Enzymatic Slowdown The role of enzymes is to
perform the many biochemical transformations necessary for the body to function. To do this they
need, among other things, an environment richly supplied with water.
When the volume of blood and cellular fluids shrinks, the substances normally held in suspension in
them become more tightly packed. The body fluids become more highly concentrated, which gives the
enzymes an environment poorly suited for their activity, a situation that continues to deteriorate as
long as dehydration remains an issue. Enzymatic slowdown eventually paralyzes all the body's
activity, as the production of energy, hormones, reparative substances, and so on necessary for the
body to perform properly gradually decreases.
Autointoxication Every day, cells produce wastes and metabolic residues. The essential support
medium for evacuating wastes is water: sweat is composed of 99 percent water, urine 95 percent, and
exhaled air and stools 80 percent. When the body does not have the liquids it needs to perform its
functions properly, elimination continues, but with a reduced quantity of water. Urination is less
frequent and the urine is thicker; sweat is more concentrated; and stools are dry and hard.
Digestive Disorders:Various digestive disorders can be caused by a lack of water: poor digestion,
gas, bloating, pain, nausea, indigestion, and loss of appetite. In fact, the body produces 7 liters of
digestive juices daily. In the event of chronic dehydration, the secretions are less abundant, and the
digestive process cannot perform properly

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