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Yuka Purbani
Resha Dermawansyah
dr. Mukhsen Sarake, M. Kes
Preliminary : Cerdas is an abbreviation of Check the health condition
periodically, Get rid of cigarette smoke, Incrasing physical activity, Healthy diet
with balanced calorie, Enough resting, and Stress controling. For that reason,
implementing INTELLIGENT life in people's daily life is very important in order
to avoid being threatening diseases.
Method : This research is purposive sampling in the coastal areas of the lake
population tempeh, Fort Lompoe and Ujungpero village, subdistrict Sabbang
Lung, District Wajo, South Sulawesi province. With a total sample of 22
respondents, 13 men and 9 women, aged 10-64 years. Analysis of the data using
mr. Excel and SPSS, then test paired T test.
Results : From the results of research conducted from 29-30 May 2014, obtained
a sample of 22 people. Generally, residents of coastal villages tempe lake region
and Ujungperro Fort Lampoe have sufficient knowledge about SMART with the
average value of 55.36% when the pre-test. There is a difference between the level
of initial knowledge of people with knowledge after an explanation that is given
after the post-test average values become 67.36% and is considered good. Thus,
knowledge about the SMART residents increased by 12%.
Regular health checks prior knowledge pre-test average citizen 60.5% after the
explanation given by researchers to the average citizen becomes 71.67%. Get rid

of cigarette smoke prior knowledge pre-test average citizen 62.86% after the
explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an average 75%. Diligent
exercise and activity prior knowledge pre-test average citizens 71.6% after the
explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an average 80.7%. A balanced
diet prior knowledge pre-test average citizens 43.5% after the explanation given
by researchers to the citizens to an average 47.38%. Adequate rest and stress
administered prior knowledge pre-test average citizen 51.07% after the
explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an average 64.71%.
Conclusion: There is an explanation influence or intervention research to
knowledge about INTELLIGENT people, causing significant differences in
students' knowledge.

Keywords:CERDAS training, CERDAS, coastal lake in tempe

Periodic health examination beneficial to mendeteksiada or absence of
abnormalities or diseases that often occur in the community and
potensialmembahayakan. In addition, other benefits are preventing the
development of a disorder or disease to treatment with a more rapid and precise,
length of productive life, improve quality of life, and cost-saving treatment. A
study in India (Impact of Preventive Health Care on Indian Industry and
Economy, 2007) suggests that every U.S. $ 1 spent on preventive measures in
health care (termasukgeneral medical check-up), has saved U.S. $ 6 to the cost of

More than one billion smokers in the world will actively dying due to
various diseases associated with tobacco. Smoking contributes significant adverse
effects on health, including heart disease, lung disease, as well as a variety of
malignancies both in industrialized countries and countries berkembang.Menurut
last WHO report on the world tobacco consumption, smoking prevalence in
Indonesia is one of the the highest in the world, with 46.8 percent of men and 3.1
percent of women aged 10 years and over were classified as smokers (wHO,
2011). The number of smokers reached 62.8 million, 40 percent of whom come
from the lower economic.

WHO study on risk factors stated that lifestyle sedentary at work is one of
the top 10 causes of death and disability in the world. More than two million
deaths each year are caused by a lack of moving or physical activity. In most
countries around the world between 60% to 85% of adults not enough physical
activity to maintain their physical. The benefits of physical activity are biological
benefits of maintaining stable blood pressure remained within normal limits,
increasing the body's resistance to disease, maintaining a healthy weight,
strengthen bones and muscles, increase body flexibility, improve fitness. The
benefits of a psychic that reduce stress, increase self-confidence, build
sportsmanship, foster responsibility, build social solidarity.

A balanced diet is a diet that provides all the nutrients in adequate
amounts, not too much and not too sedikit.Kekurangan general nutrition (diet

lacking in quantity and quality) causing interference with the processes of growth,
energy production, the body's defenses, the structure and brain function and even
cause obesity prilaku.Gizi obesitas.Kelebihan energy consumed or stored on the
network in the form of fat. Obesity is a risk factor in the development of various
degenerative diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart, liver, and
gall bladder.

Rest is one way for us to live healthy, but it is also good with the rest
going to make our stamina remain fresh and fit, so any activity which passed in
the morning until late afternoon would be more common berharga.Secara people
who are experiencing stress a number of physical disorders such as colds easily,
easy to dizziness, muscle spasms (cramps), overweight or being underweight
which can not be explained, can also suffer from related diseases such as
cardiovascular serious, hypertension, etc..

Tempe Lake is one of the great lakes are located in South Sulawesi,
precisely in Wajo (70%), and the District Sidrap this Soppeng.Danau across 10
districts and 51 desa.Danau Tempe has a wide range of potential, particularly the
potential for inland fisheries resources Lung Sabbang besar.Kecamatan enough
memili 15 villages are villages Lompoe Fortress (5,751 inhabitants), the village
When (3,538 inhabitants), Liu village (2,654 inhabitants), Mallusesalo village
(1,546 inhabitants), Pallimae village (4,544 inhabitants), rural Pasaka (1,157
inhabitants), Tadangpalie village (2,545 inhabitants), Tolotenreng village (1,648
inhabitants), Ugi village (1,954 inhabitants), Ujungpero village (3,515
inhabitants), Wage village (2,212 inhabitants), Walennae village (1,578
inhabitants), rural Worongnge (2,233 inhabitants). Villages including coastal lakes
tempeh is Citadel Lompoe village, the village Liu, Mallusesalo village, village
Pallimae, Salotengnga village, village Ujungpero.

Objectives of this study were residents of coastal villages tempe lake region
and ujungpero lompoe fortress, with respondents who attend training as many as
50 people with the number of men 34 and women 16. Comprised of students to
head desa.Usia between 12-64 years. However, respondents who qualify are only

22 people with the number of men and women 13 men 9 men, aged 10-64 years.
This study 29-30 May 2014.Sampel the BE study is purposive sampling.
In the study concept given that the early respondents were given about pre-
test were then shown a video as a training and conducted post-test. The grille is
the question 13 questions about health checks on a regular basis, get rid of
cigarette smoke 6 questions, 4 questions about exercising diligently, 7 questions
about a balanced diet, 17 questions about stress management. In each question
item, given a choice of right or wrong answer each of these questions.
Each correct answer was scored 1 and each incorrect answer was scored
0.Pengolahan data is done manually and electronically using computer-assisted
through the program Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS.
This analysis is done with menstabulasi and then arranged in a table
according to a variable that is calculated by the following formula:

P = x 100%
P : Presentation
X : Number of Correct Answers
N : Number of Question
Results :
Good : 67-100%
Enough : 33-66%
Less : <33%
Hipotesis Test
H0 : 1 = 2 = 0
H1 : 1 < 2
Hipotesis Statement
H0 means no significant difference between pre-test and post-test.\
H0 rejected means that there is a significant difference between pre-test
and post-test

Table 1. Frequency distribution of the data pre-test and post-test regular
health checks
Periodically Health
Check Indicators
Pre test Post test


Good 9 40.9 14 63.64
Enough 10 45.45 7 31.82
Less 3 13.65 1 4.54
Total 22 100 22 100

Table 2. Frequency distribution of answers pre test and post-test respondents
on indicators rid of cigarette smoke
Indicators Smoke Away Pre test Post test


Good 8 36.36 13 59.09
Enough 13 59.1 8 36.36
Less 1 4.54 1 4.54
Total 22 100 22 100

Table 3. Frequency distribution of the data pre-test and post-test diligent
exercise and activity
Diligent Exercise and
Activity Indicators
Pre test Post test


Good 16 72.72 15 68.9
Enough 2 9.09 6 27.27
Less 4 18.18 1 4.54
Total 22 100 22 100


Table 4. Frequency distribution of the data pre-test and post test balanced

Indicators Balanced Diet
Pre test Post test


Good 1 4.54 2 9.1
Enough 15 68.19 18 81.8
Less 6 27.27 2 9.09
Total 22 100 22 100

Table 5. Frequency distribution of the data pre-test and post-test adequate
rest and stress manageable
Indicators Rest and
Stress Self Managed
Pre test Post test


Good 5 22.72 12 54.5
Enough 14 63.64 10 45.5
Less 3 13.64 0 0
Total 22 100 22 100

Tabel 6. Average value between pre-test and post-test pasa each indicator
pre test 60.50% 62.88% 71.60% 43.05% 51.07%
post test 71.68% 75% 80.68% 47.40% 64.70%

Information :
CKB: periodic health check
ER: Get rid of the smoke roko
RO: Diligent exercise and physical activity

DS: A balanced diet
SD: Adequate rest and stress manageable
Chart 1. Distribution comparison between pre-test and post-test on each
indicator statement

Table 7. Comparison of values between pre-test and post-test overall
No Name
Pre Test Post Test
Increase (%) True False True False
N % N % N % N %
1 AB 21 42 29 58 26 52 24 48 10
2 ABU 26 52 24 48 31 62 19 38 10
3 RM 20 40 30 60 28 56 22 44 16
4 MJ 34 68 16 32 41 82 9 18 14
5 SM 39 78 11 22 42 84 8 16 6
6 SL 16 32 34 68 20 40 30 60 8
7 KB 21 42 29 58 20 40 30 60 -2
8 LN 14 28 36 72 21 42 29 58 14
9 ST 29 58 21 42 40 80 10 20 22
10 ROS 31 62 19 38 40 80 10 20 18
11 HS 29 58 21 42 40 80 10 20 22
12 SK 19 38 31 62 37 74 13 26 36
13 SRJ 27 54 23 46 33 66 17 34 12
14 SY 33 66 17 34 35 70 15 30 4
15 SA 20 40 30 60 24 48 26 52 8
16 BUR 34 68 16 32 35 70 15 30 2
pre test
post test

17 RH 33 66 17 34 35 70 15 30 4
18 AE 32 64 18 36 35 70 15 30 6
19 BG 34 68 16 32 44 88 6 12 20
20 SUM 33 66 17 34 34 68 16 32 2
21 TAJ 34 68 16 32 40 80 10 20 12
22 BD 30 60 20 40 40 80 10 20 20
Average 55.36 44.64 67.36 32.64 12%

Table 8. Frequency distribution of the data pre-test and post-test overall (50
questions with 22 respondents)

Pre Test Post Test
Good 5 22.72 14 63.6
Enough 15 68.18 8 36.4
Less 2 9.1 0 0
Total 22 100 22 100

From the results of the analysis of the data obtained is equal to
6,448 t and t table is equal to 21.

Periodically Health Checks
In Table 1 it can be seen in the pre-test respondents' answers with regular
health check indicators prior knowledge of the average citizen 60.5% after the
explanation given by researchers to the citizens and conducted post-test be
71.67%. Distribution of pre-test is seen that most of the respondents answered in
the category quite as many as 10 people (45.45%). While the distribution of post
test the ability of citizens in answering statement periodic health checks most
respondents answered in both categories with 14 respondents (63.64%).
Smoke Away

In Table 2 can be seen in the pre-test respondents' answers to get rid of smoke
indicator prior knowledge of the average citizen 62.86% after the explanation
given by researchers to the citizens and conducted post-test be 74.73%.
Distribution of pre-test that most respondents answered in the category quite as
many as 13 people (59.1%). While the distribution of post test the ability of
citizens to answer the statement rid of cigarette smoke most respondents answered
in both categories with 13 respondents (59.1%).

Diligent Exercise and Activity
In Table 3 it can be seen in the pre-test respondents' answers with diligent exercise
and activity indicators prior knowledge average citizens 71.6% after the
explanation given by researchers to the citizens and made into a 80.7% post-test.
Distribution of pre-test that respondents answered in categories A total of 4 people
(18:18%). While the distribution of post test the ability of citizens to exercise
diligent in answering statement and move less as category 1 (4:54%).

Balanced diet
In Table 4 it can be seen in the pre-test respondents' answers with a balanced diet
prior knowledge indicator residents average 43.5% after the explanation given by
researchers to the citizens and conducted post-test be 47.38%. Distribution of pre-
test capabilities in both categories to answer as many as 1 (4:54%), while the
distribution of post-test respondents' ability to answer the statements in either
category into 2 (9.1%).

Rest and Stress Self Managed
In Table 5 it can be seen in the pre-test answers of respondents with a 5:17 table
indicators adequate rest and stress administered prior knowledge of the average
citizen 51.07% after the explanation given by researchers to the citizens and
conducted post-test be 64.71%. Distribution of pre-test that most respondents
answered in the category quite as many as 14 people (63.64%). While the
distribution of post test the ability of citizens in answering statement periodic

health checks most respondents answered in both categories with 12 respondents

In Table 6 it can be seen periodic health check prior knowledge pre-test average
citizens 60.5% after the explanation given by researchers to the average citizen
becomes 71.67%. Get rid of cigarette smoke prior knowledge pre-test average
citizen 62.86% after the explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an
average 75%. Diligent exercise and activity prior knowledge pre-test average
citizens 71.6% after the explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an
average 80.7%. A balanced diet prior knowledge pre-test average citizens 43.5%
after the explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an average 47.38%.
Adequate rest and stress administered prior knowledge pre-test average citizen
51.07% after the explanation given by researchers to the citizens to an average

Comparison of Pre Test and Post Test Overall
From Table 7 it can be seen that the average value of the current pre-test is 55.9%,
after the post-test questionnaire the average value is 67.5%. The lowest value of
the pre-test was 28 and the highest score was 78. Meanwhile, the lowest value of
the post-test was 42 and the highest score was 84.
In Table 8 can be seen in the comparison of pre-test and post-test in which the
average value of pre test answers 22 of 50 statements that respondents 55.36%
and after being given knowledge by researchers then conducted post-test mean
score increased to 67.36 pesponden statement%. In addition, the frequency
distribution of the data pre-test table 5:26 that most respondents answered in the
category quite as many as 15 people (68.18%). While the distribution of posttest
5:26 table that most respondents answered in both categories with 14 respondents

SPSS Analysis
Retrieved t 6,448 t, while table 21 shows that t> t table means H0 is rejected so
the conclusion is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test.

Moreover, it also gained sig. of 0000 with = 0.05 level, indicating 0.000 <0.05
then H0 is rejected means that there is a significant difference between pre-test
and post-test.
So from the data analysis it can be said that the residents of coastal villages tempe
lake region Lampoe Citadel and experience the difference Ujungpero prior
knowledge that after the researchers considered sufficient to explain the increased
knowledge of the citizens into either category. According to researchers there is
the effect of interventions conducted by researchers explanation to the people to
understand about INTELLIGENT well.


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