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Week 44, Day 1: Monday, 2 November 2009

Jeremiah 49, 50

What deceives the rebellious? (49:16)

Why was Babylon doomed for destruction? (50:29)

Proverbs 2

How do you become wise? (2:1-6)

3 John 1

Are we known by our deeds? (3 John 1:11)

Week 44, Day 2: Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Jeremiah 51, 52

Why must Babylon fall? (51:49)

What is one of God’s character traits? (51:56)

Why did calamity fall upon Jerusalem and Judah? (52:3)

Proverbs 3

What should be written on our hearts? (3:3)


Is the church body often preyed upon by ungodly men and women pursuing only lust and selfish
gain? (1-16)

How should we respond to sin within the body? (20-22)

Week 44, Day 3: Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Lamentations 1, 2

Compare 1:14 with Matthew 11:29-30.

What did the prophets fail to do? (2:14)

How terrible can sin’s consequences be? (2:20)


Proverbs 4

What in life is supreme? (4:7)

Above all else what should we guard? (4:23)

How should we guard our heart? (4:24-27)

John 1

How can the “Word” be with God and also be God? (1:1)

Through whom were all things made? (1:3)

Who were given the right to become children of God? (1:12)

How did John the Baptist know who Jesus was? (1:33)

Week 44, Day 4: Thursday, 5 November 2009

Lamentations 3-5

In the darkest of situations, even while we are suffering the consequences of our own sins, is
there still hope? (3:22)

Does God use pain to strengthen the character of a person? (3:27)

Where the terrible things that have happened to you outside of God’s Will? (3:37-39)

Does God hold His people more accountable than those who are not His people? (4:6)

What is man capable of doing with an ungodly heart? (4:10)

Who did God hold most accountable for the sins of the nation? (4:13)

Do consequences of our sins extend for generations? (5:7)

What happens when we suffer the natural consequences for our sins? (5:15)
Proverbs 5

How does a person learn discretion? (5:2)

Does sin always seem sweet at first but then become very bitter? Compare Lamentations with
5:3, 4.

Do sinners understand the full implications of their sins? (5:6)

What do many finally realize when it is too late? (5:12, 13)


Can anyone escape the consequences of sin? (5:21, 22)

John 2

What was Jesus’ first miraculous sign? (2:11)

Did Jesus avoid conflict? (2:14-16)

Week 44, Day 5: Friday, 6 November 2009

Ezekiel 1, 2

What did Ezekiel see? (1:28)

Was Ezekiel responsible for how people received his message? (2:5)

Are we to be discouraged when the world refuses to hear our message as ambassadors and
witnesses? (2:5-8)

Proverbs 6

What should we do if our mouth has gotten us in trouble? (6:2-5)

What is the relationship between the eyes, tongue, hands, feet, and heart that Proverbs keeps
referring to? (6:17-19)

What goes along with commands to guide you and build your character? (6:23)

John 3

Why do you suppose Nicodemus went to Jesus at night? (3:1, 2)

Where does the term “born again” come from? (3:3)

Who may have eternal life? (3:14-18)

Why do so many reject Jesus? (3:19-21)

Week 44, Day 6: Saturday, 7 November 2009

Ezekiel 3, 4

Isn’t it often harder to testify about Jesus to your own friends and family than it would be if you
were a missionary in a foreign land? Who is God calling you to share Jesus with today? (3:4-7)

Who did God hold accountable for the blood of the wicked man? (3:18)

Did God demand that Ezekiel make great personal sacrifice to get the message across to the
Jews? (4)

Proverbs 7

Is God’s truth self-evident and revealed every day in the world around us if we have eyes to see?

Psalm 128

Do we reap what we sow? (128:2)

Week 44, Day 7: Sunday, 8 November 2009

Ezekiel 5, 6

How did God’s people act with His word as compared to those around them who did not have
His word? (5:7)

How terrible can life be for those outside of God’s protection? (5:9-12)

What is the purpose of God’s punishment? (6:7, 10)

Proverbs 8

Is wisdom available to anyone who would listen? (8:1)

What must you detest to be wise? (8:7)

Does it take discernment to know what is right? (8:9)

If you love the Lord, what must you hate? (8:13)

Who gains wisdom? (8:17)

Does gaining wisdom require daily, persistent effort? (8:34)

Psalms 129, 130

In what can you have confidence? (129:4)

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