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Greetings citizens, we are Anonymous.
We bring you this message as a matter of life or death for over half a million p
A vital hospital in a war zone will be shut down in less than 3 weeks.
We need to buy the hospital enough time until a large sponsor can pick it up.

As you may be aware the turmoil in the Middle East has significantly increased i
n the last few years. In Syria, over 100,000 people have been killed in the revo
lution that has engulfed the nation. The great majority of these deaths are civi
lian casualties caught in the middle of the fighting. Many have been deliberatel
y slaughtered by rogue rebels, terrorists, or by the Assad regime's air raid cam
paigns on civilian populations as a form of collective punishment. Despite the m
any ways to die in Syria the most common is a direct result of the lack of medic
al attention and hospitals in many areas. What would be commonly a minor injury
can very rapidly turn lethal.
To many outside the region the situation appears hopeless and it is hard to find
an effective way to help but one hospital has stood out. According to the UK ch
arity 'Hand in Hand for Syria', "the hospital is located just 30 km from Aleppo,
one of the hardest-hit areas of Syria." "The hospital became famous when it was
featured in the BBC Panorama programme Saving Syrias Children in September 2013,
linked here: ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLbBJBmhv5U ),after the hospital
received casualties from a thermal-bomb attack on a local school where many inn
ocent children, teachers, parents were severely hurt. Had the hospital not been
there, dozens of school children would have perished from their wounds and infec
tions from minor injuries as they do in other areas across Syria without hospita
We can't promise you that we can save everybody or provide aid to everyone throu
ghout Syria. What we can tell you is that in the Aleppo area, Atareb hospital an
d all of it's heroic staff are trying their best to help as many people as they
can. Day and night this hospital stands as a beacon of hope for over 500,000 peo
ple. According to the UK charity 'Hand in Hand for Syria',"When we first opened
the hospital in May 2013, it was just a small A&E unit. Weve grown it very succes
sfully since then, and it now offers 68 beds and a wide range of services from m
aternity and neo-natal facilities to many outpatient departments, three excellen
t operating theatres and a laboratory. It cares not only for those injured in th
e conflict but also non-conflict-related conditions such as cancer, heart diseas
e, asthma and diabetes. It even has a dialysis unit. It provides FREE healthcare
to anyone, regardless or political or faith affiliation."
From 'Hand in Hand for Syria':
Why is it closing?
The hospitals funding comes from a European donor which supports global emergency
response. This funding reaches Hand in Hand for Syria via an INGO partner. Alth
ough that funding is still very much in place, after one year our agreement with
our INGO partner has come to an end and the funding has to come through a partn
Cant we find another partner?
Despite the tireless efforts of our trustees and medical team, we have not been
able to secure a replacement partner for Atareb Hospital. Because of the very pa
rticular situation in Syria, there are difficulties and risks for INGOs when it
comes to delivering services there difficulties which we, as a smaller, independ
ent aid agency, face to a far lesser extent, but which we understand and respect
. Only the last-minute intervention of a new partner can save Atareb Hospital no
w, and we welcome all enquiries from any INGO who may wish to become a partner i
n the project.
What will the impact of closure be?
One of the very few remaining kidney dialysis units left in northern Syria will
shut. Essential and emergency maternity and neo-natal health services will no lo
nger be available. Three excellent operating theatres will remain empty, instant
ly ending the 282 life-saving operations carried out there each month. 32,000 in
jured people a year will have no access to emergency care. 25,000 outpatient cli
nic appointments will be lost. The laboratory will close. Specialist departments
including orthopaedics, ophthalmology, gynaecology, neurology, and many more wi
ll also shut. The hospitals 98 staff will be left with no income, no longer able
to support a further 400 family members between them."
In the last month 'Hand in Hand 4 Syria' has managed to recieve enough emergency
funds to keep Atareb Hospital open for another 4 weeks. However it is still und
er threat of closure at the end of July 2014. The fate of over 500,000 people is
in our hands; it is up to you and I to insure this hospital does not shut down.
If it shuts down we can promise you many people will die from completely preven
table deseases and treatable injuries.
What can you do to help?
Information blitzkrieg: Anonymous will release a copy of the information/ tweet
blitzkrieg with instructions on Saturday July 5th at 6PM EST, you will help us s
pread awareness to millions of people.
Meanwhile you do the following:
Tell everyone you know, lobby hard and get everyone talking!
Take part in the #SaveAtarebHospital selfie campaign. http://www.handinhandforsy
Donate to help buy the hospital precious time, with your donations it can remain
open while we find a permanant parthner: https://www.justgiving.com/HIHS-Atareb
We are Anonymous.
We are everywhere.
We are legion.
We are those you have left without a home.
We are those you have murdered.
We are voiceless no more.
The world will change. We'll change it.

Corporate Tyrants of the World,
Expect Us!

Join us. Help keep Atareb hospital open until a new partner for the project can
be found.
The closing down of Atareb hospital will be a massive loss to the half a million
people it serves.
Operation: Save Atareb Hospital
Hashtag: #OpSyriaAid. #SaveAtarebHospital
Location: Aleppo, Syria: https://www.google.com/maps/preview?ll=36.13718,36.8281
Anonymous Contact: @OpSyriaAid
Hospital Contact: @hands4Syr
#SaveAtarebHospital #OpSyriaAid

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