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4th part -how do u think the novel impact society-what dos it do for mental illn

-whether u thought that was good tratment n recommendation
pschylogical models that have reaseach support of who n why they get depression
theries-we have fraudian, behaviorist, n conitive model
-fraud perspective a person had hostile n unrealoced person towards someone else
, they cannot express those impluses
-the anger gets displaced inwards toward themselves, were they become the obejec
t fo the depression\
-it can be a symbolic loss(breakup) anger towads it n expressed otwards specific
obejct then u turn it to urseld
-behavioralist perspective: tauhthey were not getting rewards in their lifes, th
ere is not a lot thst is reinforcement
they dont talk about pleasure reading a book or speding time with kids, the lack
of positive reinforcement from the
enviroemnet that is the resaon for depression, but it does not explain how depre
ssion started
-does not explain the route(its important theory it does not explain how depress
ion emergers)
-cognitive models(popular theory to explain theory) idea that we have cognitive
diatheisis that form certian schema
that we tell ourselves(i am incompetent) that develop from experiences that affe
ct out thought or our automatic thoughts
-ex: a depressed person gets a compliment then
-the filters n we do that to ourelves, we are not conscious of the thought we ha
ve at certain situations
-look at slide 20
-we all have negative thought but people that are depressed(we see the majority
of their thought are negative thoughts)
-we have more neg thought n not as much positive or neutral thoughts
-we see info processing bias: if they have depressive or elevated, tehy will rem
ember the more negative events of a story
-negative view of the self, the future, n the world(u might be looking for the n
agtive (biderectional influnce
to they stay ways which isolated themselves) these people are high for suicide
-other theories
-ur attributes its my fault its going to be lie that foreever, this break up say
s something about me(its my fault that
im not good n I cant change why I am not good)-FORMULATED HELPLESSNESS THEORY
-HELPLESSNESS THEORY-it emerged them (fom animal expiments, schoked them n if th
ere is no way to avoid to shock, they
go into this passive n submissive mode) for humans the attribution that we give
makes a difference for the way we reformulated
helplessness theory
-excessive rumination: wwhat do I feel n why do u feel this way, they reprocess
it over n over again (gets u in a visciosu cycle)
-women(based on studies) do excessive rumination, which is why they are more pro
ne to depression
psych risk factors- strressful life event, cognitve diathesis, early adversity o
r parental loss, loss of a loved one
-based on reasech other types of stress are depended in our action that might in
crease their depression
ex: engage in self-destructive behavior, self-pity, rummination
-u enegae in behaviors that amplify the reasons why ur depressed
-cognitive diathesis(their schema)
-neurotisms -more of a herible triat, it has a biological component, has a herib
le component n linked to seretonin n our
seretonin transporter gene( they are prones to sadness, anger , anxiety, unstabi
lity) they are at risk
fr depression
-if people are not using communication n prbelm solving skills can lead to more
-distingushed by the presence of manic or hypomanic symptoms
-significant imperament or hospotialized
look at slide 25
-overindulgence in enjoyable/reckless behavior with a high risk of negative outc
-they have gone for days without sleeping, changes in sleep patterns, they have
high levesl of energy
for no reason, they will take on large tasks n they have pressured speech, to ge
t a word in, they are not making
sense because they are jumping from idea to idea, rambling make sense (not for s
-end marriges, end up in jail because of reckless behavior
-hypomanic are more mild -4 days
-biopolar disorders (we have the prescetnc of a depressive epesode)
bipolar 1 (manic depression_ have a depressive epesode n at least one mixed epis
-it must last 7 days
Bipolar 2-less severe( have a depressive epesode n a hypomanic episode(not full
blown manci epesode or mixed episodes)
-it must last 4 days or less
-rapid cycling-going in n out of depressive or manic episode or mixed, how quick
lt the episodes come in
-mixed if the is a combination of depressed n manic symptmos
-people with that have biopolar- have cycotic thought (child of god) n delusions
n must do changes in mood
-schizophenia-characteried by cycotic thought
-cyclothymic disoder: not full blown depressive or manic episodes,
-have some derepssve or manic symptoms-symptoms must be present for 2 years
-dont have psychotic features of bpolar disoders
-mania does not come as a unipolar disoder
video: depressive n macic state he cycled quicly, manic esipodes come more quicl
y n depression is much slower
-that's her on her medication
-efficacy of lithium for biplor disorder
-she has psychotic features, mood wings make it consistent or disoders
-bipolar above the line, n
bipolar 1-1%
bipolar 2-2-4%
*spend more times in depressiv than manic symptomds
biological causal factors:
high levesl of dopanien are a haalmart feuture for biopalr individuals
hihg nonephinnephrie related to hyperactivity
dont read obesity section of chapter 9

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