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Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009


Team ID: BSE F10-17
Session: BSSE Spring 2010

Project Advisor: Maam Saadia Shahzad
Submitted By
Sundas Sagheer BSEF10M00
!ohai" #han BSEF10M0$
%un&a" 'ni(ersity )ollege o* +n*ormation ,echnology
'ni(ersity o* the %un&a", -ahore.
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
This is to certify that following students have successfully completed the final project
named as: Online School Management Sstem, at the Punjab University College of
Information Technology, University of The Punjab, ahore, to fulfill the partial
re!uirement of the degree of Bachelors in !n"ormation #echnolog"
$ame %oll $o
#undas #agheer $#%&1'(')'
*ohaib +han $#%&1'(',)
Project .ffice #upervisor
PUCIT, ahore
----------------------------- ------------------------
Project Primary /dvisor Project %0aminer
(a1am #aadia #hah2ad (a1am #aadia #hah2ad

Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
Pr!!$readin# Certi$i%ate
It is to certify that I have read the document meticulously and circumspectly" I am
convinced that the resultant project does not contain any spelling, punctuation or
grammatical mista4es as such" /ll in all I find this document well organi2ed and I
am in no doubt that its objectives have been successfully met"
ecturer, PUCIT
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
6e truly ac4nowledge the cooperation and help ma4e by (a1am #aadia #hah2ad,
ecturer PUCIT" #he has been a constant source of guidance throughout the course of this
project" 6e are also than4ful to our friends and families whose silent support led us to
complete our project"
17 #undas #agheer
37 *ohaib +han
9une 3:, 3'1;
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
<ow days everything is shifted from file system approach to database" #chool records
were created and saved in files causes many problems li4e data cannot accessed
fre!uently" #o there is a need to automate school so that data can be accessed fre!uently
by teacher, student as well as administrator" .ur system will improve the !uality and
effectiveness of school" It is complete web7based #ystem for /dministrators, Teachers,
and #tudents" #tudent can see their attendance, and mar4s online" =e can also download
result in P8& forms online" /dmin manages the overall functionality of the system"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
#AB&E O' (O$#E$#S
1"1 Project Title>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:
1"3 Project .verview #tatement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"">:
1"5 Project ?oals @.bjectives>>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A
1"; =igh level system components>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"A
1", ist of optional functional units>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A
1") %0clusions>>>>>>>>>>>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""A
1": /pplication /rchitecture>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""B
1"A ?antt chart""">>>>>>>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"1'
1"B =ardware and #oftware specification>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>11
1"1' Tools and technologies with reasoning>>>>>>>>>>>>>">>>>>11
3 Introduction>>"">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>13
3"1 ProjectCProduct &easibility Deport>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""13
3"1"1 Technical feasibility>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"""13
3"1"3 .perational feasibility >>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"13
3"1"5 %conomic &easibility >>>">>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>""13
3"1"; #chedule &easibility >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""15
3"1", #pecification &easibility >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>15
3"1") Information &easibility"">>>>>>>>>>>""">>>>>>>>>>>15
3"1": (otivational &easibility >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""""15
3"1"A egal and %thical &easibility>>>>>>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>>1;
3"3 ProjectC Product scope>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""1;
3"5 ProjectC Product costing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1;
3"; CP( 7Critical path method>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""1)
3", ?antt chart >>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1:
3") introduction to team members and their s4ills>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1B
3": Tools and technologies with reasoning >>>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>"3'
3"A Eision 8ocument>>>>>>>>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"3'
3"A"3 %0isting #ystem $usiness .rgani2ation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"33
3"A"5 #cope of the #ystem>>>">>>>>>>>>>>>">>>>>">>>>>33
3"A"; #ummary of re!uirements Finitial re!uirementG>>>>>>>>>>>>>"""33
3"A", Identifying e0ternal entities and actors>>>>>>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""35
3"A") Capturing shall statements and e0ternal entities F/ctorsG>>>>>>>>>>"35
3"A": /llocate De!uirements>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""35
3"A"A Priorities De!uirements >>"" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""3;
3"A"BDe!uirement Traceability matri0>>>>>>>""">>>>>>">>>">>>3)
5"' Dis4 ist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>31
; Introduction>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"3A
;"1 Use case description>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"">"">>>>>>>>"5'
;"3 Use case diagram FDefined and updatedG>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""3B
;"5 8omain (odel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>">>>"">>>>>>>>"> ;A
;"; #e!uence 8iagram>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5,
;", Collaboration 8iagram>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;5
;") .peration Contracts>">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";B
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
1.1 Project Title
.nline #chool (anagement #ystem
1.2 Project Overview Statement
This software provides grading system that will 4eep records of progress of the
student" .nline results will be displayed" There will be student login through which
he can see his attendance, result and can download result" There will also be teacher
login through which heCshe can mar4 attendance, upload result and edit attendance"
/dmin will manage the overall system"

Project #itle: .nline #chool (anagement #ystem
Project Manager: #undas #agheer
Project Mem)ers: 3
<ame Degistration H %mail /ddress #ignature
#undas #agheer bsef1'm')'Ipucit"edu"p4
*ohaib +han +han2ohaibA)Iyahoo"com
Project *oal:
We want an automated way of managing the school that will help us in achieving
more standards and efcient way of giving education.
#r"H The following are the objectives
1 To automate students records"
3 #tudent e0am and results will also be maintained"
5 To ma4e daily attendance error free"
; /ccounts of teacher and student will be maintained"
, To automate staff records"
Project S+ccess criteria:
To automate the school features that can help us in achieving !uality and efficiency"
Ass+mptions, %is-s and O)stacles:
=uman power does not accept the change" It means they will not be able collaborate with the technology
Crashing of any hardware component"
#ystem (alfunctioning"
Organization Address .i" an/: ?eneral module for school"
#pe o" project: Desearch 0evelopment
#arget End +sers:
/dmin, &aculty, #tudent
0evelopment #echnolog: O)ject Oriented #tructured
Plat"orm: 1e) )ased 8istributed
8es4top based #etup Configurations
.ther (obile Computing
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
/pproved $y:
1.3 Project Goals & Objectives
#tudent records and their information will be automated" #tudentJs results will be
displayed" #tudent can chec4 their result" /ttendance of every student member will be
managed" Teacher mar4s attendance by login into their account" /dministrator will
manage the overall system"
1.4 High-level sstem com!onents
All records relating to student and their information will be
maintained. Result will be
displayed and can download. Student can view it or can download.
Administrator will
be the only authority who can manage changes. Teacher mark
attendance of every
student and can edit it.
1." #ist o$ o!tional $%nctional %nits

1" %0hibition of curriculum activities"
3" Previous board result will be saved"
1.& '(cl%sions
/pplication will not run on any of the mobile browsers"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
1.) *!!lication *rchitect%re
(lient #ier

1e) and Application server


0ata tier
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
1e) and Application Server
Application Server
(onnection Esta)lishment

Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009

1.+ Gantt chart
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
1., Har-ware an- So$tware S!eci$ication
So"t2are Speci"ication:
/ CH %nvironment
/ Eisual #tudio
3ard2are Speci"ication:
De!uire Pentium 5 pc
Duns on windows :
/vailability of electricity
1.1. Tools an- technologies %se- with reasoning

/ CH: This programming language is been used in our application"
/ (icrosoft Eisual #tudio
/ $uilt In 8atabase of cH"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
2 Introduction
&irst part of this deliverable is all about planning and scheduling of project" This
deliverable must contain following artifacts:
a" Project &easibility
b" Project #cope
c" Project Costing
d" Critical Path (ethod /nalysis FCP( /nalysisG
e" ?antt Chart
f" Introduction to team members
g" Tools and Technologies
h" Eision 8ocument
i" Dis4 ist
2.1 Project/Product Feasibiit! "e#ort
Technical /easibilit
2.1.1 0evelo!ment technologies
8ot <et &ramewor4 are available here" (icrosoft .ffice, Dational Dose and (y #K
were re!uired for documentation, project scheduling and costing, analysis and
design diagrams and database management" /ll these software are available"
The project Lschool management sstemM can be developed easily" There is not any
problem or any constraint against development of project" 6e have evaluated ourselves
that the whole team has s4ills to do project"
24142 Operational 'easi)ilit
This software is operationally feasible and user friendly" /nd no e0tra training is re!uired
for use this system" The project members have complete 4nowledge about the project
and have the technical s4ills to wor4 in visual studio"
24145 Economic 'easi)ilit
Project has no big economic e0penditures" This project provides benefits to
administrative department of school to automate their system" It will provide end users
the facility i"e to manage their routine wor4s using this application, to provide daily
attendance and help administrator to manage their wor4" It will wor4 intangible benefits"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
C!t etimate
o #oftware has been available free of cost in PUCIT computer labs"
.ther hardware resources li4e computer and server are available for use in PUCIT
computer labs are free of cost"
Bene"it estimates
o There will be no need of manual announcements and result declaration"
o It will save time and some other e0penditure li4e human errors"
24146 Sched+le 'easi)ilit
/ll the project activities have been analy2ed and scheduled" This project will be
completed within the given time" $ecause all the tas4s are well scheduled" 6hole project
is divided into smaller chun4s and tas4s and these tas4s are assigned to the group
members according to their s4ills" 6e hold meeting in every wee4 to discuss wor4
accomplished in coming wee4"
24147 Speci"ication 'easi)ilit
6e gathered re!uirements from different sources and these re!uirements are clear and
definite" Project scope boundaries have been defined" De!uired specification of hardware
and software for the completion of this project are also feasible" Constraint of the system
will also be defined"
24148 !n"ormation 'easi)ilit
/ll the information about the project is meaningful complete and reliable" $ecause it is
gathered through reliable resources"
Sr4 $o4 !n"ormation re9+ired Stat+s
1" Project re!uirements ?athered and clarified
3" Project guidelines Project office and project advisor are guiding
5" Technical help /dvisor is guiding
;" Programming and
documentation tools
/vailable in PUCIT labs
2414: Motivational 'easi)ilit
The project team is self7motivated to wor4 and doing the right things at the right time"
This software is providing the user friendly interface" This system is basically facilitates
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
school to perform its functionalities"" It also facilitates teacher and student to interact with
each other easily and rapidly"
2414; &egal < Ethical 'easi)ilit
.ur project supports legally and ethically to all customers and also accomplishing all the
legal standards of I#. and si0 sigma" This project does not contain anything that is illegal
or unethical" There is nothing illegal that can affect our project"
2.2 Project1Pro-%ct Sco!e
The objective of our system will be to provide administrative staff facility to maintain
their record in a better way" The main features provided to the students, teachers, /dmin
will be as following"
/ 1e) Application
This application can be accessed through web"
/ Attendance Sstem:
Teacher mar4s attendance of every student by login in to their account" Teacher
can upload result online and can download result"
/ =ie2 %es+lt >0o2nload
#tudents can view C download result online" #tudent can also see their attendance"
2.3 Project1Pro-%ct 2osting
Cost is one of the most important factor for any project" There is always a tradeoff
present between cost, !uality and time Project Cost" %stimation by &unction Point
1"5"3 Project Cost %stimation by using C.C.(.1A1 FConstructive Cost (odelG
$asic C.C.(.
Type %ffort #chedule
Organic PM? 246 .@&O(/ 1407 #0?247.PM/ 045;
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
'+nction &O( @&O(
Degistration )'' '")'
(ar4 attendance 5'' '"5'
Upload result 5'' '"5'
Eiew /ttendance B'' '"B'
Update record ;'' '";'
Eiew Desult :'' '":'
#otal: 5"3 +.C
&evel Ased: $asic
#pe: .rganic
E""ort .PM/ ? a .@&O(/
a N 3";
b N 1"',
%ffort N 3"; F5"3G
%ffort N A"1; P(
#0 ? no4 o" months estimated "or so"t2are development .time d+ration/4
T8 N 3", FP(G
N 3", FA"1;G
N ,",,O )
(ost %ate %s>PM N 13'''
People %e9+ired ? E""ort > #ime
N A"1; C )
N 1"5, O 3
0evelopment (ost N 13''' P A"1; N B:)A'Ds
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
Online School Management System Date: 27 March, 2009
2.$ %P& - %ritica Pat' &et'od
Activity Name Immediate
Duration in
A Feasibility
one !"
# $ro%ect Scope A &
' 'osting # "
( critical path
# ) ' *
+ ,antt 'hart ( &
F -ntroductions # ) ' &.
, Re/uirement
# ) F 01
2 (esign , 0.
- 'onstruction 2 ) , "3
4 Testing 2 )- !"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab(
$ C
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
A !" . !" . !" !" .
# & !" !* !" !* !* .
' " !* ". !* ". ". .
( * ". "* ". "* "* .
+ & "* "1 "* "1 "1 .
F &. "1 *1 "1 *1 *1 .
, 01 *1 1* *1 1* 1* .
2 0. 1* 5* 1* 5* 5* .
- "3 5* 0"0 5* 0"6 0"6 .
4 !" 0"0 063 0"0 063 063 .
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 06
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
2." Gantt chart
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 01
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 05
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
2.( Introduction to Team member and t'eir s)i set
.nline #chool (anagement #ystem project team comprises of two students" Their brief
introduction is as follows:
#undas #agheer
Programming in CQQ, 9/E/, IP and /ndroid"
6ebsite development using =T( and C## technologies"
8atabase development and management using (y#K"
#oftware engineering e0pertise using .bject .riented approach
Desearch e0pertise over the Internet and through boo4s
De!uirement engineering e0pertise
Bohai) @han
8atabase 8evelopment using (y#K"
Project (anagement %0pertise"
8ocumentation %0pertise
Communication #4ills"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24: #ools and #echnolog 2ith reasoning
Tools that will be used are:
=is+al St+dio:
&or Project 8evelopment
6e need to store our data for the project in database so we will use s!l"
MS 2ord
&or 8ocumentation
MS project
&or ?antt chart
%ational rose
&or Use Case 8iagrams
Technologies used in our projects are
&or project development
6e will use to ma4e functionalities of web pages"
6e will use 9ava #cript for form validations"
6e might use /ja0 because by using /ja0 the page can be refreshed dynamically
2.+ 3ision 0oc%ment
This application facilitate end users of application i"e" Teacher and student to accomplish
their routine wor4" It provides teacher, student accurate information" This /pplication
will maintain the profiles of teacher, student and admin" Teacher can mar4 attendance of
every student by login in to their account" Teacher can upload result" The student can
view by clic4ing on result lin4"
/dmin is the only person who can update record of every person of the school"
.ur objective is to develop an efficient system that ma4es it easy to access routine
activities of class e"g attendance and result" Teacher will have all the student records"
Teacher can upload result of every student"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &0
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
#ecure login system for every user Fteacher and adminG"
Kuic4 access"
@e "actors +sed to j+dge 9+alit
Kuality of records being maintained and used"
User friendly interfaces easy to use"
Key features and technology
$ro7le 8anagement.
8aintenance of records.
9nline attendance
:pload Result
Ass+mptions and 0ependencies
6e are dependent on platform (icrosoft 6indows"
6e are using =T( and C## which provides us an interface"
6e1re aimed at designing and developing a total new structured application, with
any reuse of modules used earlier"
24G %is- &ist
The ris4 factors that are involved in this project are as follows:
/ $eople may face some difculty switching to online system.
/ Slow -nternet would cause bottlenecks in the performance and
reliability of the services.
/ :ncertainties in the future pro%ect deliverable deadlines could
a;ect the planning and thus reliability of the software
development plan.
/ There can be some implementation issues about the system.
/ There might be a problem of electricity due to load shedding.
/ Risk is that a novice user may 7nd it difcult to adapt to system.
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24G41 Sstem Speci"ications
This system is an efficient system because this can be accessible through web, teacher
will have their students records" #tudent will be able to see result online"
This /pplication will maintain the profiles of both teachers and admin"
/dmin can update any record" Teacher can mar4 attendance of every student"
24G42 EHisting Sstem
Currently system of school is not advance all wor4 are manual it is time consuming so we
want to automate this system so that it will perform its functions in a better way"
24G45 Organizational (hart
<ot /pplicable
24G46 Scope o" the Sstem
1 Provide an interface for login"
3 Provide an interface for sign up"
5 Provide all details about student, teacher"
; Create accounts for administrator"
, (ar4 online attendance
) (anage and updates records"
24G47 S+mmar o" %e9+irements .!nitial %e9+irements/
.nline attendance"
/dmin can control overall system"
#eparate accounts for all teachers will be maintained"
/ccount department should be managed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24G48 !denti"ing EHternal Entities

a4 Over Speci" Entities "rom A)stract
.n the basis of the /bstract, we identified these entities
)4 Per"orm %e"inement
24G4: (apt+re IshallJ Statements >'+nctional %e9+irements
Para D EHternal
!nitial %e9+irements
1 Teacher Teacher shall have facility to sign up"
1 Teacher Teacher shall have facility to login"
1 Teacher Teacher shall have facility to mar4 attendance"
1 Teacher Teacher shall have facility to view every student record"
1 Teacher Teacher shall have facility to upload result"
3 /dmin /dmin shall have facility to sign up"
3 /dmin /dmin shall have facility to login"
3 /dmin /dmin shall have facility to manage records
3 /dmin /dmin shall have facility to view attendance"
3 /dmin /dmin shall have facility to update records"
3 #tudent #tudent shall have facility to view result"
3 #tudent #tudent shall have facility to view attendance"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24G4; Allocate %e9+irements
!nitial %e9+irements Ase (ase $ame
1 Teacher shall have facility
to sign up"
1 Teacher shall have facility
to login"
1 Teacher shall have facility
to upload result"
1 /dmin shall have facility to
1 /dmin shall have facility to
update record"
1 /dmin shall have facility to
manage record"
3 /dmin shall have facility to
view attendance"
3 /dmin shall have the
facility to sign up"
3 #tudent shall have facility
to view notifications"
UC-#TU8%<T- EI%6-<.TI&IC/TI.<
3 #tudent shall have facility
to view result
UC-#TU8%<T- EI%6-D%#UT
3 #tudent shall have facility
to view previous records"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &3
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24G4G Prioritize %e9+irements
a D
%an- !nitial
Ase (ase $ame
1 =ighe
Teacher shall
have facility to
sign up"
UC-1 UC-T%/C=%D-#I?<UP
3 =ighe
Teacher shall
have facility to
UC-3 UC-T%/C=%D-.?I<
1 =ighe
/dmin shall
have facility to
sign up
UC-5 UC-/8(I<-#I?<UP
3 =ighe
/dmin shall
have facility to
UC-; UC-/8(I<-.?I<
1 =ighe
/dmin shall
have facility to
update record""
UC-, UC-/8(I<-UP8/T%-D%C.D8
3 (ediu
/dmin shall
have facility to
manage record"
UC-) UC-/8(I<-(/</?%-D%C.D8
3 =ighe
/dmin shall
have facility to
view attendance
UC-: UC-/8(I<-EI%6-/TT%<8/<C%
3 =ighe
Teacher shall
have the facility
to upload result
UC-A UC-T%/C=%D-UP./8-D%#UT
3 (ediu
#tudent shall
have the facility
to view result
UC-B UC-#TU8%<T- EI%6-D%#UT
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &*
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24G410 %e9+irements #raceKa)ilit MatriH
Para D Sstem
Speci"ication #eHt
B+ild Ase (ase $ame (ategor
1 1 Teacher have
facility to sign up"
$1 UC-T%/C=%D-#I?<UP $usiness
3 1 /dministrator have
the facility to sign
$1 UC-/8(I<-#I?<UP $usiness
5 1 Teacher have
facility to log in
$1 UC-T%/C=%D-.?I< $usiness
; 3 /dministrator have
facility to log in
$1 UC-/8(I<-.?I< $usiness
, 1 /dministrator have
the facility to
verify attendance
$1 UC-/8(I<-EI%6-/TT%<8/<C% $usiness
) 3 Teacher have the
facility to upload
$1 UC-T%/C=%D-UP./8-D%#UT $usiness
: 3 #tudent have the
facility to view
$1 UC-#TU8%<T-EI%6-D%#UT $usiness
A 3 #tudent have the
facility to view
$1 UC-#TU8%<T-EI%6-<.TI&IC/TI.< $usiness
B 3 /dministrator have
the facility to
update records
$1 UC-/8(I<-UP8/T%-D%C.D8 $usiness
1' 3 /dministrator have
the facility to
manage accounts
$1 UC-/8(I<-(/</?%-D%C.D8 $usiness
11 3 Teacher have the
facility to mar4
student attendance
$1 UC-T%/C=%D-(/D+-/TT%<8/<C% $usiness
54 Ase (ase 0iagram:

Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &6
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
* Introduction
Third deliverable is all about the use case modeling and software design" In the previous
deliverable, analysis of the system is completed" #o we understand the current situation
of the problem domain" <ow we are ready to strive for a solution for the problem domain
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &1
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
by using object7oriented approach" &ollowing artifacts must be included in this
1" Use case description
3" Use case diagram refined
1" 8omain (odel
3" #e!uence 8iagram
5" Collaboration 8iagram
;" .peration Contracts
," 8esign Class 8iagram
)" 8ata (odel
<ow we discuss these artifacts one by one as follows:
64 4se 2ase56e$ine-7
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age &5
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Sign4': 22include33
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
$.1 +se case Descri#tion
14 Ase case $ame: Sign Ap
A( $ame Sign AP
Sta-e 3older User
Brie" 0escription The user must be registered to the web site so, that heCshe could
become an authenticated user of this web7site and use its
PreK(onditions User must have opened the web application"
Main S+ccess
14 User presses L#ign UpM button"
24 .nline Degistration form displayed"
54 User fills the online registration form"
64 User press LsubmitM $utton"
Alternative 'lo2 6a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid or field which are left empty"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions User gets registered to use functionalities of web application"
24 Ase case $ame: Sign !n
A( $ame Sign !n
Sta-e 3older User
Brie" 0escription The user will have to log in by giving some id and password,
after getting registered in order to attain the complete
functionalities of this web application"
PreK(onditions User must be at sign in page of the web application and user
must be a registered user"
Main S+ccess
14 User enters user name and password in the re!uired fields"
24 User presses L#ign inM button"
54 User name and password gets validated from database"
64 The user will be signed in successfully and directed to home
Alternative 'lo2 1a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
5a4 Anregistered Aser
#ystem indicates error if the user name an s password
given by the user is not validated form the data base"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions #uccess full login of user"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !0
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
54 Ase case $ame: !nsert 0ata and =alidate 0ata
A( $ame !nsert 0ata
Sta-e 3older User F/dminG
Brie" 0escription The user will have to log in by giving some id and password,
after getting registered in order to attain the complete
functionalities of this web application"
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
/dministrator has the right to create users
/dministrator has log on to system"
Main S+ccess
1" /dministrator will open the re!uired page"
3" /dministrator will enter the user data in form"
5" /dministrator will submit the form
Alternative 'lo2 1a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
5a4 Anregistered Aser
#ystem indicates error if the user name an s password
given by the user is not validated form the data base"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions
/fter successful e0ecution of this use case newly created user
can log on to system"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
64 Ase case $ame: Apdate Aser
A( $ame Apdate Aser
Sta-e 3older User F/dminG
Brie" 0escription The intent of update user use case is to update user profile of
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
/dministrator has the right to create users
/dministrator has log on to system"
Main S+ccess
1" /dmin will open the re!uired page"
3" /dmin will enter re!uired updated user data in form"
5" /dmin will submit the form
Alternative 'lo2 2a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions /fter successful e0ecution of this use case updated user profile
can active on to system"
74 Ase case $ame: Sho2 %es+lt And Attendance
A( $ame Sho2 %es+lt And Attendance
Sta-e 3older User
Brie" 0escription User enter the re!uired field to show result and attendance,
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
User has log in to system"
Main S+ccess
1" User will open the re!uired page"
3" User will enter re!uired updated user data in form"
5" User will clic4 on LdisplayM button
Alternative 'lo2 2a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions /fter successful e0ecution of this use case updated user profile
can active on to system"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
84 Ase case $ame: Apload %es+lt
A( $ame +pload res+lt
Sta-e 3older UserFTeacherG
Brie" 0escription Teacher uploads result of the every student"
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
User has log in to system"
Main S+ccess
1" User will open the re!uired page"
3" User will enter numbers of every student"
5" User will clic4 on LsubmitM button
Alternative 'lo2 2a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions /fter successful e0ecution of this use case student result has
been uploaded"
:4 Ase case $ame: 0elete Aser
A( $ame 0elete +ser
Sta-e 3older UserF/dminG
Brie" 0escription /dmin delete any registered user of the system "
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
User has log in to system"
Main S+ccess
1" User will open the re!uired page"
3" User will enter username of the re!uired user"
5" User will clic4 on LdeleteM button"
Alternative 'lo2 2a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
5a4 (ancel Operation
/dmin will cancel the operation"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions /fter successful e0ecution of this use case deleted user cannot
log on to system"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
;4 Ase case $ame: Mar- Attendance
A( $ame Mar- Attendance
Sta-e 3older UserFteacherG
Brie" 0escription Teacher mar4s attendance of every student of the class"
PreK(onditions #ystem must be up and running"
User has log in to system"
Main S+ccess
1" User will open the re!uired page"
3" User will enter class, section and teacher name of the
re!uired user"
5" /ttendance sheet will be displayed"
;" User mar4s attendance of every student"
," User clic4 on submit button"
Alternative 'lo2 2a4 !nvalid in"ormation
#ystem indicates error against fields in which
information is invalid"
At an time:
#ystem fails due to unavailability of internet connection"
Post (onditions /fter successful e0ecution of this use case deleted user cannot
log on to system"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !3
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
642 Se9+ence 0iagram:
Sign !n:
: 8dmin
1: enter)redentials<=
2: 6alidation<=
>: (alidating<=
1: ?(alidated? message
$: home :age dis:layed
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !*
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24 Sign Ap:
: 'ser
1: ?8ccount )reated? message dis:layed
>: FillSign':Form<=
2: Signu: *orm dis:layed
1: %ress?Sign ':? "utton
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !6
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
,( Inert and -a"idate .ata/
: 8dmin
1: 8dd 'ser<=
2: 8dd 'ser<=
>: ?+nserted Success*ully?
1: Enter username
$: 6alidate 'ser<username=
: (alidating<=
7: (alidation message dis:layed
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !1
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
64 Apdate Aser:
: 8dmin
1: ':date 'ser<=
2: ':date 'ser<=
>: ?':dated Success*ully?
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age !5
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
74 Sho2 res+lt and attendance
: 'ser
1: Enter)redentials<=
2: sho78ttendance<=
1: res:onse
>: searching<=
$: Enter)redentials<=
: sho75esult<=
@: res:onse
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age ".
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
84 Apload res+lt and do2nload P0':
: ,eacher
:+nter*ace searching<=
1: Enter Aum"er<=
2: add5esult<=
>: res:onse
1: %ress ?Do7nload 5esult? "utton
$: sho7%DF<=
: res:onse
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "0
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
:4 0elete Aser
: 8dmin
:+nter*ace searching<=
1: Enter 'sername
2: Delete'ser<=
>: res:onse
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
;4 Mar- Attendance
: ,eacher
:+nter*ace searching<=
1: Enter class and section
2: (alidation<=
>: Sho7-ist<=
1: mar;8ttendance<=
$: sa(ing<=
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
645 (olla)oration 0iagram
14Sign !n
: 8dmin
1: enter)redentials<=
2: 6alidation<=
>: (alidating<=
1: ?(alidated? message
$: home :age dis:layed
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age ""
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
24 Sign Ap
1: ?8ccount )reated? message dis:layed
: 'ser
1: %ress?Sign ':? "utton
2: Signu: *orm dis:layed
>: FillSign':Form<=
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "3
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
54 !nsert 0ata and validate
: 8dmin
: (alidating<=
1: 8dd 'ser<=
1: Enter username
2: 8dd 'ser<=
$: 6alidate 'ser<username=
>: ?+nserted Success*ully?
7: (alidation message dis:layed
64 Apdate Aser
: 8dmin
1: ':date 'ser<=
2: ':date 'ser<=
>: ?':dated Success*ully?
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "*
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
74 Sho2 res+lt and attendance
: 'ser
>: searching<=
1: Enter)redentials<=
2: sho78ttendance<=
1: res:onse
$: Enter)redentials<=
: sho75esult<=
@: res:onse
84 Apload res+lt and do2nload P0':
: ,eacher
1: Enter Aum"er<=
2: add5esult<=
>: res:onse
1: %ress ?Do7nload 5esult? "utton
$: sho7%DF<=
: res:onse
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "6
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
:4 0elete Aser
: 8dmin
1: Enter 'sername
2: Delete'ser<=
>: res:onse
;4 Mar- Attendance
: ,eacher
1: Enter class and section
2: (alidation<=
>: Sho7-ist<=
1: mar;8ttendance<=
$: sa(ing<=
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "1
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
646 0omain Model
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age "5
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
$., -#eration %ontracts
$ame #ign UpFG
%esponsi)ilities The user must be registered to the web site so, that heCshe could
become an authenticated user of this web7site to enjoy its
(ross %e"erence Use case : #ign Up
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition User must open the page"
Post condition User got registered to use functionalities of web application"

$ame #ign InFG
%esponsi)ilities The user will have to log in by giving some id and password,
after getting registered in order to attain the complete
functionalities of this web application"
(ross %e"erence Use case :ogin
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition User must be a registered user"
Post condition User successfully signed7in"
$ame Ealidate UserFG
%esponsi)ilities /uthenticate user and redirect to appropriate page
(ross %e"erence Use case: (anage User
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition User validation process is underway
Post condition Ealidation message displayed"
$ame Insert 8ataFG
%esponsi)ilities /dd new data to database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: Insert 8ataFG
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition /dd data process is under process"
Post condition 8ata saved in database"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 3.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
$ame Update UserFG
%esponsi)ilities Updating user data"
(ross %e"erence Use case: Update User
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition User updating process is underway"
Post condition Decords updated"
$ame #how DesultFG
%esponsi)ilities #how result from database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: #how Desult
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition The user is authenticated and has successfully signed in to the
web site"
Post condition User was on the page of hisCher profile
$ame #how /ttendanceFG
%esponsi)ilities #how attendance from database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: #how Desult
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition The user is authenticated and has successfully signed in to the
web site"
Post condition User was on the page of hisCher profile
$ame Upload DesultFG
%esponsi)ilities /dd result in to database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: #how Desult
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition The user is authenticated and has successfully signed in to the
web site"
Post condition User was on the page of hisCher profile
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 30
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
$ame 8elete UserFG
%esponsi)ilities 8elete user data from database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: 8elete User
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition The user is authenticated and has successfully signed in to the
web site"
Post condition User successfully deleted" user cannot sign in in to his account"
$ame (ar4 /ttendanceFG
%esponsi)ilities 8elete user data from database"
(ross %e"erence Use case: (ar4 /ttendanceFG
EHceptions <one
PreKcondition The user is authenticated and has successfully signed in to the
web site and open the re!uired page"
Post condition /ttendance of every student is mar4ed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 3&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
648 class diagram:
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 3!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
64: 0ata Model:
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 3"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
$ +ser &anua / S!stem .a!out
Potential users of our system are Teachers, #tudents and /dministrator /fter opening the
(ain page user will select the user type F teacher, admin and studentG"/fter selection a
login page will be shown" User will enter his id and password clic4 on ogin button" In
case of successful login user will be redirected to its home page"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 33
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
6hen the user selects admin login" ogin page is displayed" User will enter username and
password" In case of successful login user will be redirected to its home page"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 3*
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
0elete #eacher:
/dmin will delete any teacher record from database by enter name of the teacher" /fter
deleting from database that teacher will not be able to log in to their account"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 36
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Add #eacher:
/fter successful login, admin will create any new teacher record by entering all its fields,
and clic4 onM createM button" /fter clic4ing create button data will save in to database"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 31
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
0elete St+dent:
/dmin will delete any student record from database by enter name of the student" /fter
deleting from database that student will not be able to log in to their account"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 35
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Add St+dent:
/fter successful login, admin will create any new student record by entering all its fields,
and clic4 onM createM button" /fter clic4ing create button data will save in to database"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *0
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Search #eacher:
/dmin will search any teacher record from database by enter username of the teacher and
clic4 on LviewM button" If record e0ist than record will show otherwise it will redirect to
admin page"
%ecord o" #eacher:
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Search St+dent:
/dmin will search any teacher record from database by enter username of the teacher and
clic4 on LviewM button" If record e0ist than record will show otherwise it will redirect to
admin page"
Decord of #tudent:
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Apdate st+dent

/fter successful login, admin will update address of any student by entering username
and updated address of student" If record e0ists then address of the student will be
updated" .therwise it will redirect to admin page"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Apdate teacher:
/fter successful login, admin will update address of any teacher by entering username
and updated address of teacher" If record e0ists then address of the teacher will be
updated" .therwise it will redirect to admin page"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *3
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
!nsert (lasses:
/fter successful login, admin will add any new classes into database" 6hile adding
classes admin will also enroll subject, teacher and section to the particular class"
If data is inserted successfully following result will be displayed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age **
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
!nsert Section:
/fter successful login, admin will add any new section into database" 6hile adding
classes admin will also enroll class teacher class to the particular section"
If data is inserted successfully following result will be displayed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *6
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
!nsert #erm:
/dmin will define total terms of school in a year for e0ample mid, final etc"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *1
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
%eport *eneration:
/dmin will download three 4inds of reports term wise, subject wise and overall reports of
any class"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age *5
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
#erm 1ise %eports:
/dmin will view term wise report of any class after entering class name, section name
and term" If data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be downloaded"
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 6.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
S+)ject 1ise %eports:
/dmin will view subject wise report of any class after entering class name, section name
and subject" If data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be downloaded"
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 60
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Overall %eports:
/dmin will view overall report of any class after entering class name, section name" If
data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be downloaded"
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 6&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
If user selects teacher login option" ogin page will be displayed" User will enter
username and password" In case of successful login user will be redirected to its home
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 6!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Apload %es+lt:
Teacher can upload result by clic4ing Lupload resultM button" /fter clic4ing button,new
page will be displayed which contains many fields after entering all fields mar4 sheet will
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 6"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
&ollowing mar4 sheet will be displayed" /fter entering all values result will be uploaded"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 63
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Mar- Attendance:
Teacher mar4s attendance of any class by entering class name and section name"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 6*
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
If information is valid then following attendance sheet will be displayed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 66
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
%eport *eneration:
Teacher will download three 4inds of reports term wise, subject wise and overall reports
of any class"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 61
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
#erm 1ise %eports:
Teacher will view term wise report of any class after entering class name, section name
username, subject and term" If data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 65
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
S+)ject 1ise %eports:
Teacher will view subject wise report of any class after entering class name, section name
username and term" If data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 1.
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 10
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
Overall %eports:
Teacher will view overall report of any class after entering class name, section name and
username" If data is valid then reports will be shown and can alse be downloaded"
/fter clic4ing LshowM button following results will be shown"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 1&
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
If user selects student login option" ogin page will be displayed" User will enter
username and password" In case of successful login user will be redirected to its home
/fter successful login following page will be displayed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 1!
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
=ie2 Attendance:
#tudent can view hisCher attendance by entering hisCher name"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 1"
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
/fter enter username following result will be displayed"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 13
Online School Management System Date: 27, 0une 2011
0o2nload %es+lt:
#tudent can download hisCher result by clic4ing download result lim4" /fter clic4ing lin4
following result will be displayed"
/fter entering all fields result will be displayed and can be downloaded"
Punjab Univerity C!""e#e !$ In$!rmati!n Te%&n!"!#y' Univerity O$ T&e Punjab( $age 1*

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