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Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing people

with information about the healing powers of Hemp Oil medications for nearly
a decade now. Rick cured himself of a metastatic skin cancer back in 200!
and has since then devoted his life to spreading the truth of hemp oil. He has
met an absurd amount of opposition and lack of support from "anadian
authorities! as well as pharmaceutical companies! government agencies for
health! and #$ o%ces. &espite that fact! Rick Simpson has successfully
treated over '!000 patients (free of charge)! and believes that all forms of
disease and conditions are treatable. He states that it is common to have all
types of cancer and diseases cured with the use of high *uality hemp oil as a
Rick has treated patients will all types of conditions including! but not limited
to! cancer! +,&S! arthritis! multiple sclerosis! diabetes! leukemia! "rohn-s
disease! depression! osteoporosis! psoriasis! insomnia! glaucoma! asthma!
burns! migraines! regulation of body weight! chronic pain! and mutated cells
(polyps! warts! tumors).
Run From The Cure Ofcial Video
.his documentary /Run 0rom .he "ure1 was made by "hristian 2aurette in
2003 and shares Rick Simpson-s story. .he movie features interviews with
people who were cured by Rick-s oil! but were refused from testifying on
Rick-s behalf in the Supreme "ourt of "anada in his 2004 trial. .his video
documentary does a great job e5plaining the medicinal bene6ts of hash oil.
/, want people to know how to heal themselves.1
Rick Simpson believes that the oral ingestion of hemp oil seeks out! and
destroys cancer cells in the body. 7hen used as a topical! hemp oil can
control or even cure various skin conditions such as melanomas.
However! as with any 8drug-! too much hemp oil may cause some side
e9ects: the most notable three are hungry! happy! and sleepy. .his is an
e5tremely safe medication compared to the hundreds of drugs that are
approved with little to no study! and provided to patients that e5perience
horrible side e9ects including death. $obody has ever died from cannabis in
any form.
Rick Simpson-s Hash Oil Recipe
.o make the Rick Simpson-s hash oil! start with one ounce of dried herb. One
ounce will typically produce ;< grams of oil! although the amount of oil
produced per ounce will vary strain to strain. + pound of dried material will
yield about two ounces of high *uality oil.
,=>OR.+$.? .hese instructions are directly summari@ed from Rick Simpson-s
website. Ae BCRD careful when boiling solvent o9 Esolvent;free optionF! the
Games are e5tremely Gammable. +BO,& smoking! sparks! stove;tops! and red
hot heating elements. Set up a fan to blow fumes away from the pot! and set
up in a well;ventilated area for whole process.
H. >lace the completely dry material in a plastic bucket.
2. &ampen the material with the solvent you are using. =any solvents can be
used Esolvent;free optionF. Dou can use pure naphtha! ether! butane! IIJ
isopropyl alcohol! or even water. .wo gallons of solvent is re*uired to e5tract
the .H" from one pound! and '00 ml is enough for an ounce.
. "rush the plant material using a stick of clean! untreated wood or any
other similar device. +lthough the material will be damp! it will still be
relatively easy to crush up because it is so dry.
<. "ontinue to crush the material with the stick! while adding solvent until the
plant material is completely covered and soaked. Remain stirring the mi5ture
for about three minutes. +s you do this! the .H" is dissolved o9 the material
into the solvent.
'. >our the solvent oil mi5ture o9 the plant material into another bucket. +t
this point you have stripped the material of about 30J of its .H".
K. Second wash? again add solvent to the mi5ture and work for another three
minutes to e5tract the remaining .H".
4. >our this solvent oil mi5 into the bucket containing the 6rst mi5 that was
previously poured out.
3. &iscard the twice washed plant material.
I. >our the solvent oil mi5ture through a co9ee 6lter into a clean container.
H0. Aoil the solvent o9? a rice cooker will boil the solvent o9 nicely! and will
hold over a half gallon of solvent mi5ture. "+#.,O$? avoid stove;tops! red hot
elements! sparks! cigarettes! and open Games as the fumes are e5tremely
HH. +dd solvent to rice cooker until it is about L full and turn on H,MH heat.
=ake sure you are in a well;ventilated area and set up a fan to carry the
solvent fumes away. "ontinue to add mi5ture to cooker as solvent evaporates
until you have added it all to the cooker.
H2. +s the level in the rice cooker decreases for the last time! add a few drops
of water (about H0 drops of water for a pound of dry material). .his will help
to release the solvent residue! and protect the oil from too much heat.
H. 7hen there is about one inch of solvent;water mi5ture in the rice cooker!
put on your oven mitts and pick the unit up and swirl the contents until the
solvent has 6nished boiling o9.
H<. 7hen the solvent has been boiled o9! turn the cooker to 2O7 heat. +t no
point should the oil ever reach over 2I0N 0 or H<0N ".
H'. Oeep your oven mitts on and remove the pot containing the oil from the
rice cooker. Mently pour the oil into a stainless steel container
HK. >lace the stainless steel container in a dehydrator! or put it on a gentle
heating device such as a co9ee warmer. ,t may take a few hours but the
water and volatile terpenes will be evaporated from the oil. 7hen there is no
longer any surface activity on the oil! it is ready for use.
H4. Suck the oil up in a plastic syringe! or in any other container you see 6t. +
syringe will make the oil easy to dispense. 7hen the oil cools completely it
will have the consistency of thick grease.
+t .he &awn Of + $ew +ge ,n =edicine
Rick Simpson states that hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs! and that it is not
uncommon for people to report the oil making them feel 20 to 0 years
younger a short while after beginning treatment. ,n a message from Rick on
his website! he proclaims! /Once the public becomes aware of the fact that
properly made hemp medicine can cure or control practically any medical
condition! who is going to stand up against the use of hempP1

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