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DNA From Structure to Therapy


Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
What kind of course is this?
Getting to know us
What the course contains, and why structure is important
The fascination of DNA
Chapter 2: DNA carries the genetic information
How do we know that DNA exists and carries the genetic information?
The cell nucleus contains the genetic information
DNA is passed on to daughter cells upon cell division
How DNA was first isolated
DNA determines the genetic makeup of an organism
Chapter 3: The race to the discovery of DNA structure
What is the molecular structure of DNA? How was that discovered?
Chemical formulas show the structure of the building blocks of DNA
Bases pair in the DNA
The story of the discovery of DNA structure
DNA is a double helix
Chapter 4: DNA replication and PCR
How is the multiplication of DNA used to diagnose disease?
The DNA double helix can be separated and duplicated
How a strand of DNA is made
The polymerase chain reaction allows detection of extremely small amounts of DNA
Chapter 5: Transcription, translation, and therapy
How is the genetic information put to work in the cell?
Chromosomes, genes, RNA, and protein
How the genetic code was decoded
How proteins are made using the sequence information of RNA
Chapter 6: Curing a genetic disease

How can one cure an inborn disease?
What goes wrong in cystic fibrosis
How our knowledge about DNA can help suggest a cure

DNA From Structure to Therapy
Chapter Overview

Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
All elements without quizzes and no chapter homework:
Introductory sequence
Fascination DNA
Why start with structure?
Course contents
Concluding sequence

Chapter 2: DNA carries the genetic information
All elements have a quiz and chapter has one homework (p2p reviewing by participants):
Introductory sequence
Body, tissues, cells and sizes
Genetic information is in the cell nucleus
The Spemann experiment
Flemming 1: passing on genetic information
Flemming 2: Mitotic cells in the microscope
Flemming 3: his original drawings and the sequence of mitosis
The Miescher experiment: the isolation of nuclein
The Miescher experiment: nuclein composition
The Miescher experiment: the bases
DNA isolation experiment
The Avery experiment 1: the test system
The Avery experiment 2: tests with live and dead bacteria
The Avery experiment 3: tests with extracts
Concluding sequence

Chapter 3: The race to the discovery of DNA structure
All elements have a quiz and chapter has one homework (p2p reviewing by participants):
Introductory sequence
Chemical formulas show the structures of molecules
The Chargaff rules
The race to discovery of DNA structure
The X experiment 1 : Intro to lab sequence
The X experiment 2: Reproducing Rosalind's X
The X experiment 3: What did the X tell?
Base pairing 1: Watsons card board models
Base pairing 2: chemical attraction and repulsion
Base pairing 3: the Watson and Crick helix
Concluding sequence

Chapter 4: DNA replication and PCR
All elements have a quiz and chapter has one homework (p2p reviewing by participants):
Introductory sequence
Replication basics
Replication process
Replication topology intro
Nucleotide numbering
Mechanism of Polymerisation
DNA Polymerase
The reason for 5' to 3' directionality
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)
PCR-based diagnosis
PCR in the lab
Genetic fingerprint: Which parts of the DNA are used?
Genetic fingerprint: What are STRs?
Genetic fingerprint: Analysing a STR gel
Concluding sequence

Chapter 5: Transcription, translation, and therapy
All elements have a quiz and chapter has one homework (p2p reviewing by participants):
Introductory sequence
Genes as units of information
DNA from chromosomes to proteins
Decoding the code
Translation Intro
Ribosome 2: size and subunits
Ribosome 3: mRNA binding and conformational changes
Ribosome 4: domains and positioning of mRNA
Ribosome 5: protein synthesis
Ribosome 6: some questions
Ribosome 7: pre-mature stop codons
Ribosome 8: a therapeutic approach for cancer
Concluding sequence

Chapter 6: Curing a genetic disease
All elements have a quiz and chapter has one homework (p2p reviewing by participants):
Introductory sequence
The Disease
Osmosis Part 1: Dissolving egg shells
Osmosis Part 2: Eggs in exchange
Osmosis Part 3: The movement of water
Cystic Fibrosis
Part 1: What happens in a cell?
Cystic Fibrosis
Part 2: What happens in a lung?
Concluding sequence

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