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Ongoing events corroborate prior conclusions and, thus, allow for a more terse follow-up Blast e-mail;

it is embellished by indicia of subtle trends that are preserved for discussion purposes. As it has grown
throughout the day, it seems desirable to deal with domestic issues first, and then to turn look abroad.
This is lengthened by citing essays via NROs Jim Geraghty [not available via hyperlink, but encompassing
issues that had been gleaned from other sources] that are both well-written and on-point

Because there WILL be a chapter in PA of Log Cabin Republicans [structure TBD], anyone
who is interested in joining [particularly in MontCo], know that you dont have to be
LGBTQ to become a member. Exemplifying its priorities is its endorsement of H.R.
4260, The Ryan White Patient Equity and Choice Act, which seeks to ensure funding for
the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act program. As soon as the
legislative byplay has become becalmed in Harrisburg, Rep. Mike Vereb will help decide
how best to organize implementation [chapter, subchapters, etc.]; a self-IDed officer
has appeared, and Ill be a placeholder in case no one else emerges immediately [for we
need a Prez/Treasurer, initially]. Obviously, our goal is to be somewhat demonstrative
when expanding the GOP tent and, thus, to implement the types of balanced policies
that have been articulated herein, if only to minimize them when compared with the
trenchant need to neutralize as much of BHOs agenda/actions as possible, ASAP. {Also
note the need to confront the fact that 25% of Republicans Dislike Own Party.}

A two-time illegal immigrant was charged with rape in Philly, now a sanctuary city; City cops wont work
with feds unless Honduran immigrant convicted, and he could become the Willie Horton of the
immigration crisis.

Illustrating why Penn State captivates the voters, note these latest developments [Penn
State seeks to seal Paterno discovery papers because it Wants to limit how Paterno
family can use documents in NCAA sanctions lawsuit; PA state-owned schools see 3%
tuition jump; Defeated board of trustees candidate suing Penn State, 2 trustees who
beat him; and Jerry Sandusky's son told his story to Oprah Winfrey. {Also note that PA is
considering the scientific link between hydraulic fracturing, earthquakes.}

decode this vague bill because it SHROUDS EARMARKS IN SECRECY, TO GET PA SENATE VOTE. As a
reminder of the scandal that led to election of Senators Folmer/Eichenberger, the pink pig visited the
Capitol to mark the 9th anniversary of the midnight payraise [which was rescinded]. It has been noted
that. Finally, politicos have declared Winners & losers in PA budget battle. {Recalling the recent
congressional primary-battle, note that Congressman Bill Shuster separated from wife.}

Pictured at the end of this brief video [activists who have blasted the establishment
sometimes become part of it] is House Majority Press Secretary Steve Miskin, the guy
who defended Education-Committee Staffer David Transue after I had told them [via
speaker-phone] that I had detected a key-error in his memo regarding the mandated
Holocaust Education bill; the false assertion had been made [probably originating from
the Jewish Federations lobbyist, Hank Butler] that the current statue provided what
wanted in a cursory way, when it didnt. {Also note this on-point summary of what has
occurred in Harrisburg [plusses & minuses, candidly depicted.}

It is desirable to take-pause regarding tobacco-related concerns, inasmuch as Ive been an anti-tobacco
activist for 1/3 of a century; the major current controversy undermines recently-adopted restrictions on
vaping [against which I testified], for there is no evidence that e-cigarettes are harmful, certainly not to
the same degree as cigarettes. The key-goal is harm-reduction, and e-cigs have neither tar nor CO, the
major etiologies of cancer and vascular disease, respectively. Perhaps reminiscent of their hay-days
[such as when, as my son never ceases to remind me, Boehner distributed Tobacco-$ to his colleagues
during House sessions in the 90s], note that Tobacco lobbyists took advantage of legislative discord;
one might wonder why Hite would complain but, alas, the hunger for funding seems self-reinforcing.

CLICK HERE for a full list of GOP senators, their phone numbers, and links to their
Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Regarding the media, Battered wife media syndrome was manifest when 38 journalism groups [led by
the Society of Professional Journalists] complained to the Obama White House about numerous
offenses that were summed up as the "politically-driven suppression of news." Also, Bill OReilly FINALLY
released the results of his poll question related to Jason Mattera putting Hillary Clinton on the
spot regarding her role in Benghazi [Was the ambush of Hillary Clinton mentioning the late Ambassador
Christopher Stevens out of line?]. After 30,000 votes, the outcome wasnt even close; a whopping 62%
of his own audience voted NO, while only 38% agreed with Bill. Thus, notwithstanding the fact that his
viewership is loyal, it thinks independently. Also, Rosie O'Donnell will rejoin 'The View'; the
conservative-seat may be given either to Abby Huntsman [co-host of MSNBC's "The Cycle"] or
Margaret Hoover [CNN contributor]. Of course, neither is a True conservative, after having noted the
former transiently, recently, and after recalling the latters squishiness when she was on FNC,
particularly when on with OReilly.

It may be recalled that I briefly discussed [and praised] the first five chapters of the new
book on America: Imagine the World Without Her by Dinesh DSouza; Chapter Six
debunked claims by Native Americans that they should receive reparations for prior
treaty violations. Frank Gaffney's Secure Freedom Minute highlights this book/movie. A
scandal erupted after it was confirmed that wholesale retailer giant, Costco had began
removing this bestseller from their store shelves nationwide. Costco was SLAMMED on
Facebook, noting COSTCO'S CLOSE TIES TO DEMS; Obamas policies have been
supported by Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, a major Democrat donor and a
speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention that nominated BHO,
while Obama has conducted a bromance with the nations second-largest retailer.
{Also, Patriotism, Hollywood Style permeates Transformers: Age of Extinctionif you
are Chinese.}

GOPs Civil-War is raging [vide infra] and Draining GOP Groups; through it all, POTUS-16 politics are
palpable. For example, evincing bipartisanship, Rand Paul teamed-up with Cory Booker to propose a
comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. criminal justice system. {The REDEEM Act encourages states to
change policies so children are directed away from the adult criminal justice system; automatically
expunges or seals criminal records of juveniles who committed nonviolent crimes; limits solitary
confinement of children; creates a path for adults with nonviolent offenses to seal their criminal
records; and restores food stamp and welfare benefits for low-level drug offenders who have served
their sentences.} Also, Huckabee wrote the forward to a book by Todd Akin ['Firing Back: Taking on the
Party Bosses and Media Elite to Protect Our Faith and Freedom'] in which he apologized for apologizing
['By asking the public at large for forgiveness ... I was validating the willful misinterpretation of what I
had said. ... My comment about a woman's body shutting the pregnancy down was directed to the
impact of stress of fertilization. This is something fertility doctors debate and discuss' ... ].

After Cruz issued a Report Blasting Obama, observing that the Courts are Shutting Down
Tons of Obama Policies, an effort was made by a Law professor to claim Cruz is lying
about bill to repeal the First Amendment; note use of the word lie by an academic
who probably fears what Cruz wrote. In this latter instance, it is claimed that the
amendment would merely state that, [t]o advance democratic self-government and
political equality, and to protect the integrity of government and the electoral process,
Congress and the States may regulate and set reasonable limits on the raising and
spending of money by candidates and others to influence elections. When the critic
discounted the fact that this undermines the First Amendment [by using merely],
overtly ignored was the fact that the law-of-the-land is the Citizens United case; thus,
the WAY such limits would be established would be to suppress speech, and the key
black hole is how one might define reasonableness. Thus, this attack was tangential.
{Also noted, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, predicted Romney will be win Presidency in 16
and Chris Christie went back to NH , noting that basic questions about BridgeGate (What
did Christie know and when did he know it?) will probably not have been answered
until 2015.}
Unfortunately for Christie, final answers aren't likely to emerge for months, once all the
investigations wind down. Which all but ensures that as the country begins to turn its
attention to the 2016 presidential campaign he will still have some explaining to do."

Cruz also Called for an Investigation in Mississippi Runoff, even as McDaniel sought a New Election and
Cochran Denied Reports of Vote Buying; rallying the troops, Rush Limbaugh Exploded on Corrupt GOP-
Establishment for Employing Reprehensible Tactic Against Tea Party [recruiting Black-Dems to cross-
over and vote for Cochran]. Counterpointing this critique, according to AZ Central, McCain dismissed
criticism over these tactics; nevertheless, there is Unease in the G.O.P. over Mississippi Tea Party
Anger. As a result, although the Mississippi GOP said Cochran won the race by 7,667 votes and sent the
results Monday to the Secretary of State to be certified, a New Tea Party group's voting integrity lawsuit
threatens Mississippi establishment Democrats and Republicans and McDANIEL'S ATTORNEY claimed
they will be able to OVERTURN the June 24 COCHRAN run-off VICTORY ["A lawyer for Chris McDaniel
said campaign canvassers started going through records at every courthouse statewide and he's
confident McDaniel can successfully overturn GOP runoff. The Thad Cochran campaign countered that
few voting irregularities are being found and the vote should stand. ... Tyner said he is uncertain the
number of ineligible votes the campaign has found. McDaniel's campaign reported 4,900 late last week,
and McDaniel in television interviews said 5,000. The McDaniel campaign has said a majority of these
are people who voted in the June 3 Democratic primary, then crossed over June 24 and voted in the
Republican runoff, which is prohibited by state law."] Hot-News: TRUE THE VOTE ALLEGED PRO-
prompting True The Vote's Engelbrecht to claim Mississippi GOP Chairman is No Better than Obama,
Holder, and Lerner; it is possible PANIC has emerged, for COCHRAN REPLACED HIS CAMPAIGN
the NRSC Hosted a 'Thank You Reception' for 'Generous' Thad Cochran Donors.}

Cantor seeks financial help to refund his donors and to shut down his campaign
committee, needing upwards of $150,000, perhaps far more.

TEA-PARTY CHALLENGE HAS Republican Pat Roberts of Kansas ON EDGE. After Cantors loss, 'I might be
next,' a deadly serious Roberts recalled telling fellow GOP Sen. Bob Corker during a ride on the Senate
subway, 'You never know.']. Roberts has emerged as a case study of the personal and professional toll
even a nominal challenge from the right can take on a sitting senator, and a vivid illustration of the
impact the tea party can have even when it loses, as it has in nearly every GOP Senate primary this year.
Roberts is widely expected to survive an Aug. 5 faceoff against tea party-backed Milton Wolf, whose
campaign has been treading water for months. But at 78 and now in his fourth decade in Congress, the
senator nonetheless has the look of a changed man. He has appeared increasingly on edge, several of
his colleagues say, and his voting pattern, according to rankings by conservative groups, has shifted
markedly to the right. A onetime Marine who began his congressional career the same month that
Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president, Roberts has never been the cheeriest guy in the Senate. But
the challenge by Wolf, whose biggest claim to fame is that he's a distant cousin of Barack Obama, has
sent the senator into a frequent state of agitation. 'Interview is over,' Roberts snapped in May at a
reporter who pressed him on whether election-year calculations prompted him to call on former
Democratic Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to resign as Health and Human Services chief even though he
had strongly backed her nomination.

Predictably, the GOP Picked Cleveland for 2016 Convention over Dallas due, assuredly,
to the fact that Ohio will probably be a swing-state]; also, the GOP will hold early
convention [June or July], presumably to allow a greater time-span for the fall campaign
to be organized and implemented. {Also note that Senator Portman, who helped Ohio
land convention, weighs presidential run.}

It may be recalled that Heritage Action has been railing against enhancing the funds for patching a
budget hole in the Highway Trust Fund [preferring states assume this job]; the SENATE FINANCE
COMMITTEE is expected to take up this issue imminently. Republicans complained it didn't include
spending cuts, and Wyden wants to win bipartisan support for his plan. This may again recall the
dynamic of liberal-Reps bonding with the Dems regarding the mutual desire to grow government;
Politico ignores conservative input.

It may also be recalled that Heritage Action has been railing against renewal of the
export-import bank [and has support from committee leadership and majority leader.
Well, Politico is silent on this fact as it reports HOUSE MAY TIE EX-IM BANK TO
FUNDING BILL [along with the Highway Trust Fund], to wit: "Senior Republicans and
Democrats on Capitol Hill increasingly view a renewal of the Export-Import Bank as part
of a possible scenario to keep the government open past Sept. 30, according to multiple
sources in both chambers. High-level discussions between the two chambers are in their
infancy, and senior aides caution there is no deal in the immediate offing. But there are
forces in both chambers pushing to renew the Export-Import Bank and pass an
extension of the Highway Trust Fund before the election."

This reference to a deal is reminiscent of the deals between BHO and the GOPs Congressional
leaders as they were actually capitulating to everything BHO wanted; thus, I suspect this will be a major
discussion-point during the next Sentinel update.

Retaking the Senate
By Jim Geraghty

A roundup of the Senate races shows the circumstances are good for Republicans, but
there's been a real lack of fresh polling in most of the big races. Those races in North
Carolina, Louisiana and Arkansas aren't looking like slam-dunks yet . . .
National Journal's Charlie Cook a.k.a., the other one asks if Democrats are starting
to tell themselves that losing the Senate wouldn't really be that bad:
Early this year, we saw Senate Democrats throw their House brethren
under the proverbial bus with a Jan. 29 story in Politico headlined,
"Democrats: Cede the House to Save the Senate." It noted that
Democrats' hold on their majority in the upper chamber was tenuous,
while over on the House side, the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee was raising money hand over fist despite having little chance
of reclaiming the majority House Democrats lost in 2010. It didn't take a
rocket scientist to figure out that Senate Democrats were trying to
redirect fundraising from what they saw as a lost cause on one side of
the Capitol to what they saw as a much more important one on their
side . . .
We saw it again this past week with the Washington Post's inimitable
Dana Milbank writing a column July 4 suggesting that perhaps the
Obama presidency might benefit from Democrats losing their Senate
majority. The crunching sound you heard was the bones of Senate
Democrats under a bus, a pretty fair indication that someone in or close
to the White House was beginning to rationalize why such an outcome
might not be as bad a thing as some might think all logic to the

Identifying Those Relatively Apolitical Americans with Conservative Instincts
By Jim Geraghty

There's a demographic out there that I can describe but not label.
These folks are instinctively conservative, but probably don't apply that label to
themselves. They work for a living, or they are looking for work. They can't stand what
they perceive as whining.
But they don't identify with the Republican Party. They look at the leadership of the
party, at least in Washington House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell, RNC Chair Reince Priebus and don't feel any sense of connection to
In fact, they don't really relate to or connect with any particular politician. They either
tune out politics as much as possible, or they find the political process to be dominated
by adults acting like children and bickering in a selfish, obstinate manner.
One reason they don't feel any particular attachment to the current crop of Republican
leaders or perhaps the last Republican presidential standard-bearer, Mitt Romney is
that they're suspicious, or at least wary of Wall Street, or most big companies. They may
work for a big company but they don't feel a particular loyalty or identification with their
These folks might sound like potential Tea Partiers, but at some point, these folks either
tuned out the Tea Party or got turned off by some of the more fiery rhetoric. The tea-
party rallies almost inevitably feature somebody dressed up in Revolutionary War garb,
and that's not who they are.
Some people will see this as cute, some will see it as silly.
However, Common Core drives them nuts because they don't understand the homework
their kid is bringing home. They feel sorry for all of the children from Central America
coming over the border right now, but they don't feel that taking care of those kids
should be America's duty.
When these folks get galvanized, it's more often by a figure outside the political arena
who articulates a conservative value. Think of Tim Tebow, or Dr. Ben Carson, or Dirty Jobs
host Mike Rowe soon to return to CNN lamenting America's lawsuit-minded culture
and the loss of a sense of shame. Or Gene Simmons of Kiss, arguing that it's silly to
demonize the rich, important to assimilate immigrants, and to stand by Israel in the
Middle East.
Or Adam Carolla, raging against political correctness . . .
It's weird that comedians are on the list of people who are offending
other people with the things they say. It's counterintuitive. It's like I
think every year Variety or The Hollywood Reporter or one of those
magazines comes out with a list of celebrities or notables that hate the
gay community. Whatever it is. I was on that list, because in 2011 I
made a joke about Chaz Bono. Jesus Christ, if you can't joke about Chaz
Bono, then we're all through! They had Tracy Morgan, several of the
people on the list were comedians. And when did this start up? They're
comedians, onstage, making jokes! They may mean it half the time, but
they're still making jokes, why are they held to the same standard as
Here's Nicole Curtis, host of Rehab Addict on HGTV, in a February Facebook post:
In the past couple of weeks, I have had a few unpleasant experiences
with women who actually had the nerve to state that they are a
minority business owner (because they are a woman) and that should
do what? This is where I bang my head I am a business owner who
happens to be a woman -- don't judge me on my gender judge me on
my work ladies you want equal ground gain it by being equal in
professionalism and quality of work not by making excuses that you
are a small minority business owner. It brings the rest of us down. I
scrubbed floors for 10 years and worked my rear off to get where I am
at don't think for a minute that I'm the person to whine to that you
should be able to short step the process of dedication because you are a
woman last time I checked, I am too. We are all given opportunities
when we put the time in and develop the drive teach your daughters
that that's how you get ahead no entitlement here, please.
Even a bit of chef-turned-TV-travelogue host Anthony Bourdain:
In New York, where I live, the appearance of a gun anywhere is a
cause for immediate and extreme alarm. Yet, in much of America, I have
come to find, it's perfectly normal. I've walked many times into bars in
Missouri, Nevada, Texas, where absolutely everyone is packing. I've sat
down many times to dinner in perfectly nice family homes where at
end of dinner Mom swings open the gun locker and invites us all to
step into the back yard and pot some beer cans. That may not be Piers
Morgan's idea of normal. It may not be yours. But that's a facet of
American life that's unlikely to change.
I may be a New York lefty with all the experiences, prejudices and
attitudes that one would expect to come along with that, but I do NOT
believe that we will reduce gun violence or reach any kind of
consensus by shrieking at each other. Gun owners the vast
majority of them I have met are NOT idiots. They are NOT psychos.
They are not even necessarily Republican (New Mexico, by the way, is a
Blue State). They are not hicks, right wing "nuts" or necessarily violent
by nature. And if "we" have any hope of ever changing anything in this
country in the cause of reason and the safety of our children we
should stop talking about a significant part of our population as if they
were lesser, stupider or crazier than we are.
It's almost as if the political arena delegitimizes the voices of its participants. But when a
figure untainted by the 24-7 hypocritical rugby scrum that is our politics expresses what
we would consider to be a conservative value, a lot of folks who aren't into politics
Am I describing instinctively-conservative populists? Or is this the "libertarian populist"
phenomenon described by Ben Domenech and Conn Carroll?

These two essays establish concepts that are c/w this: NY Times: Liberal Kids Turning Conservative .

Sarah Palin has again emerged, focused on impeachment; she noted Obama Has
Committed at Least 25 Impeachable Offenses, that Illegal Immigration was the 'Tipping
Point' on promoting this intervention, that [regarding Boehner Lawsuit] 'You Don't Bring
a Lawsuit to a Gunfight'; and that patriots should Tell Congress to Consider
Impeaching 'Imperial President.' In response, BOEHNER NIXED IMPEACHMENT although
YES 72.8% (238,257 votes)
NO 12.91% (42,233 votes)
NOT NOW 14.29% (46,766 votes)
Total Votes: 100% (327,256 votes)
Exemplifying why mere introduction of this concept has prompted people to focus are
the reactions of Mark Levin [Sarah Palin "Exactly Right' on Impeachment, 'Stands with

The Dems are increasingly aware that, as per CONGRESSMEN King and Stockman, OBAMA is now USING
'CLOWARD-PIVEN MANEUVER' [regarding the Illegals, along with everything else]; Obama is also using
Operation Choke Point to bypass Congress and to destroy over two dozen free-market industries. But
Obama Isnt Prepared to Face Security Challenges and even the NYT has suggested Obama's Ineptness
May Make Young Americans More Conservative. That is why [in addition to courting Native Americans
[previously elucidated], Harry Reid's wages war against the Koch brothers, a highly unusual election-year
campaign against a couple of relatively unknown private citizens whom Reid and his Dems are seeking to
make into caricatures of a GOP that, on issue after issue, [he will claim] caters to the very rich at the
expense of everyone else. {Again, invoking class-warfare on behalf of the unifier-in-chief.}

There is a certain irony about the Dems use of Dark Money when promoting Campaign
Finance Reform; a liberal campaign finance reformer with ties to one of the lefts
leading dark money outfits succeeded last week in raising $5 million to elect politicians
who will pledge to reduce the influence of money in the American political process. Yet,
notwithstanding such hypocrisy [for, some would aver, this is the norm in politics],
Dems Need a Bubba Strategy TO REACH THE 99%; it shouldn't cede NASCAR voters:
Candidates need an effective way to communicate their empathy for the downtrodden
without sounding condescending or disingenuous. The lines between urban and rural
are blurring physically as well. Speaking the language of the new American underclass
requires understanding and respecting rural culture. Even if Democratic candidates
support policies that would benefit people facing hard times, they may not get their
votes if they don't make an authentic effort to identify with them. It is a tactic that Sen.
Mark Warner mastered in winning his Senate seat. But at best, the Bubba Strategy can
play a role only in cutting margins or building a coalition in most elections."

But the Dems appear to be running-scared, as evidenced by Mark Udall and the CO Governor [plus
Other Prominent Dems] not Attending Obama's Denver Speech; a pundit characterizes this behavior as
Playing in Traffic Is Not Safe Politics. Other Dems are stressed [Eldridge Trailing by 35 in Internal Poll;
The chairman of the Ventura County, Calif., Democratic Central Committee celebrated the Fourth of July
weekend by accusing Republicans of backing Nazis and discussing the size of conservative mens genitals
on Twitter; and Rep. Bruce Braley (D., Iowa) Keeps Making Farmer Gaffes in his Senate campaign, the
latest being his false-claim of being a farmer in a video (not smart noting this is a dominant industry)].
And another Dem thinks he has been unjustly attacked: CUBANS ALLEGEDLY PLOTTED TO SMEAR
MENENDEZ, about which MATTHEW BOYLE [the former Daily Caller reporter behind the Menendez
prostitution stories] gave no comment.

These problems are exemplified by just a few updates of BHOs Scandal-sheet [Hume:
'The Scandals Taken Together Add Up to a Series of Failures']: the IRS Is Ready to Move
On, but the American People Are Not, inasmuch as Issa thinks a 'Smoking gun' memo is
embodied in Lerners warning to IRS employees that they hide information from
Congress because we 'Need to be cautious about what we say in emails' [although it
seems she used instant-messages to avoid leaving any trail]; Benghazi panel ramped-
up and received briefing; and VA Doctor Who Copied and Pasted Notes Still Employed
and VA whistleblowers detailed pervasive retribution, carried out in a personal manner.
Therefore, Attorney Neil Eggleston returned to a White House under legal siege [instead
of looking toward a comfortable retirement on the generous nest egg he built through
high-stakes representation of prominent D.C. officials (such as Rahm Emanuel and
former Bush White House political director Sara Taylor Fagen) plus corporate clients].
Instead, he's returning to a grueling post, forced to contend on multiple legal fronts. The
61-year-old Eggleston has come on as chief counsel as President Barack Obama faces
congressional investigations, pushback from the Supreme Court, and House Speaker
John Boehner's announcement last month that he intends to sue the president over his
stepped-up use of executive orders. [Eggleston predicted the Boehner-matter will be
quickly dismissed by a judge for a lack of legal standing. 'As I used to tell clients in
private practice, anybody can sue anybody over anything,' Eggleston [said] from his
West Wing corner office. 'The fact that he's going to say that he's going to bring some
lawsuit is not going to affect what the president is going to do.'

Note also how the Dems abuse The Forgotten Taxpayer: BILLIONS IN TAXPAYER DOLLARS SPENT ON
'LYRICAL, POETIC' EMBASSY ARCHITECTURE OVERSEAS and Taxpayers Will Now Pay for More of Obama's
Colorado Fundraising Trip; also, Improper Payments Top $500B During Obama Years; by its own
estimate, the government made about $100 billion in payments last year to people who may not have
been entitled to receive them (tax credits to families that didn't qualify, unemployment benefits to
people who had jobs and medical payments for treatments that might not have been necessary).

This then translates [poorly] when assessing the views of Millennials; they Believe
Government Has Failed and Yet They Want More of It. Two-thirds of millennials--the 18-
29-year-olds who were key to the election and re-election of President Barack Obama--
now say that government is inefficient and wasteful. And yet just as many of them say
they want more government, regardless: they want government to provide health
insurance, they want government to guarantee a living wage, they want government to
pay for college, and they want government to provide for the poor].

On each major domestic issue, BHO is on the defensive. Regarding gun-laws, Between Thursday and
Monday, 82 shot and 14 Killed in Chicago Violence and Pregnant woman shot dead driving on Chicago's
Dan Ryan Expressway; the Police Superintendent blamed 'Lax' Gun Laws [despite their being, along with
D.C.s, among the strictest in the nation] and, as a result, the Real Clear Politics Co-Founder declared
Rahm Emanuel's Chicago to be a 'War Zone' and Jesse Jackson wants $2 billion to fight Chicago violence.
Meanwhile, Two Robberies occurred at Target Since Chain Asked Law-Abiding Citizens to Shop Unarmed
and Murder and Violent Crime Fell as Concealed & Carry Rose 130 Percent, the latter providing support
for a Concealed & Carry Groups suit against Ohio State University for Infringing Gun Rights; politically,
Bloombergs Gun Control Push will entail 'Pulling The Trigger' on Red-State Dems and GOP Senators
Push Repeal of Gun Control and Elimination of Certain 'Gun Free Zones.' {Also, note a CA Man was
Prevented from Displaying U.S. Flag Inside Home.}

Regarding education, Common Core has Become a national Nightmare, as Louisiana
Gov. Bobby Jindal Responded to Ed. Sec. Duncan's Slam over Common Core and New
York GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino announced he will Seek 'Stop Common
Core' Ballot Line; meanwhile, The president of a major teachers Union Defended
receiving Democracy Alliance Support [this being a shadowy left-wing dark money
group] after having been challenged by a pair of public school principals.

Regarding ObamaDontCare, it seems a Dem House Candidates Wifes OBGYN Practice Doesnt Accept
Medicaid, and details emerged regarding a Case That Could Send Obamacare Back To The Supreme
Court; through it all, the Feds (NIH) Spent $430,608 to study how getting mothers to dance with their
daughters can fight obesity. I have harped on the need for the House GOP to propose an ACA alternative
during the past year, although Republicans remain stymied by efforts to craft a functional replacement;
when I studied this issue last August, there were versions generated by Scalese and Price [which differed
inter alia regarding the level of default-exchanges, federal vs. state]; I would simply hope that they
would co-adopt the work of John C. Goodman [who is the maven, according to what Ive been told by
myriad individuals, including Sen. Pat Toomey]. {As a result, regarding America's Economic Woes, Jobs
Are Scarce, Wages Low, And Government Can't Help.}

ObamaCare - "Take Ten Pills and You're Fine" [Nancy Pelosi sings!]

Hillary continues to maintain she and Bill had been so 'Dead Broke' they Couldn't Get Mortgage Loans;
also, Hillary Refuses To Apologize For Laughing About 12-Year-Old Rape Victim She Maligned In Court.
And a Pro-Clinton Group [Correct the Record] Will Distribute Daily Talking Points For "Unified
Message," through a project housed under the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge; it will send
surrogates and Clinton advocates a 'daily email program, 'The Daily Point.'' Meanwhile, Buyers of
Hillary's 'Hard Choices' Aren't Reading It and Halperin declared Hillary Is 'Never Going to Be a Great
Candidate.' One essayist explored What Hillary Clinton and ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Have in
Common, noting that their much-anticipated public rollouts had been plagued by some of the same
problems that Hillary Clinton has experienced on her mediocre book tour.

Literary Analysis

After students were assigned to write a report on two stories [the movie 'Titanic' and
'My Life' by Bill Clinton], one student turned in the following, with the proposition that
they were nearly identical stories! [His cool teacher gave him an A+.]

Titanic:..... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.
Clinton:.... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.

Titanic:.. Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton:.... Bill is a bullshit artist.

Titanic:.... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton:... Ditto for Bill.

Titanic:.... During the ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton:... Ditto for Monica.

Titanic:. Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton:... Let's not go there.

Titanic:.... Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton:... Monica' s forced to return her gifts.

Titanic:.... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton.... Clinton doesn't remember Jack.

Titanic:.... Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton:... Monica.. ooh, let's not go there, either.

Titanic:.... Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton:... Bill goes home to Hillary - basically the same thing...

Obama: My Amnesty Programs Not Luring 'Misinformed' Parents to Send Kids to US
Defiant Obama Refuses to Visit Border: I'm 'Intimately Aware' of Everything Taking Place
Sen. Ron Johnson: Illegals Could All Be Flown Home in Style for 1.5% Obama's Funding Request
WH Prohibits Asking Immigration Status of Adults Who Pick Up Illegals from Detention Centers
Boehner Considering Including Immigration in Lawsuit Against President
Obama on Declining Border Stop: This Is Not Theater, I'm Not Interested in Photo-Ops
the illegals involved in the border surge are going throughout the country
White House: $3.8 billion needed to deal with influx of minors at border - The White House on Tuesday
will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied
minors from Central America, a far higher amount than the Obama administration had previously
signaled, according to a Capitol Hill source familiar with the plans. The White House opted not to include
legislative language calling on the unaccompanied children to be deported more quickly to their home
countries. But officials made clear that their intent is to speed the current turnaround process by
increasing money for the immigration courts and putting a priority on recent arrivals.
Buchanan Cites Reagan: Country That Can't Control Borders Not a Country
Obama delayed deportation change
Zuckerberg's immigration push hits brick wall - He must reconcile Silicon Valleys ambition with the
sobering lessons of Washington.
Democrats: Border Crisis Will Be Obamas Katrina Moment
Obama Has No Plans to Deport Illegal Kids
Ted Cruz Slams Obama for Collecting Checks from 'Democratic Fat Cats' Instead of Visiting Border
Cruz on Border Crisis: 'Amnesty Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes'
Los Angeles to Stop Honoring Federal Immigration Detainer Requests
OBAMA ISN'T GOING TO THE BORDER - There are very few upsides, write National Journal's James
Oliphant and George E. Condon Jr.: "President Obama evidently has decided not to put a human face on
the crisis unfolding at the southern U.S. border-not even his own. The White House said over and over
again Monday that Obama will not travel to the border with Mexico despite flying to Texas this week to
raise money for Democratic candidates there. It's certainly in part a political decision, one meant to
avoid taking ownership of a difficult issue on which the White House would prefer to share blame. But
it's also one that will inflame Obama's critics on both the right and left who say the administration has
been too passive in response to the thousands of young border-crossers swamping U.S. detention
facilities. In other words, if Obama goes to the border, he owns the problem. If he doesn't, he's blasted
for a lack of leadership."
Nelson report for the WSJ: "Republican lawmakers on Wednesday called for a change in law so that
many children crossing the U.S. border could be deported more quickly, and some said the change
should be a condition of approving President Barack Obama's request for $3.7 billion to stem a surge in
minors entering the country. A group appointed by House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) as well as
some rank-and-file Republicans said they would push to revise a 2008 law when considering Mr.
Obama's funding request to address what he has called an 'urgent humanitarian situation' on the
border. The president has asked for more flexibility with the law, and on Wednesday, he suggested the
changes be included in the emergency spending bill."
Surrender: Feds Back Down, Cancel Illegal Alien Flights to San Diego--For Now
LICE SO BAD 'They Can Be Seen Crawling Down' Their Faces!
Border Patrol Tells Agent: 'Cease and Desist' from Speaking with Media...
MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti on Walls of Processing Center...
Minors Admit to Engaging in Torture, Murder...
Sheriff: Feds Releasing Criminals into AZ...
Hundreds released in MD...
Churches Providing Housing for Illegals...
HHS Official: 'Jesus Was Refugee'...
CLAIM: Residents Asked To Shelter Children -- In Their Homes!
FLASHBACK: Obama Mocks GOP on Border: 'They'll Want a Moat and Alligators'...
SESSIONS: President has abandoned lawful duty to American people...
White House warns: Stop criticizing...
Feds using tax dollars to buy Monopoly games, toys for illegals...
PHOTOS: Crossers Wearing 'Obama Shoes'...
Flying migrants back home 'would be 99.5% cheaper'...
Ted Cruz Sends Map With Directions From Fundraisers To Border Towns...
President Plans on Surge 'Continuing Indefinitely'...
App Brings Air Raid Warnings to iPhone...
Catholic Churches Providing Housing for Illegals
Gutirrez: Setup for Obama Impeachment Behind GOP 'Illegal' Deportation Push
8 Reasons to Close the Border Now
Texas Rep. Lamar Smith: Not 'a Single Penny' to Obama Until He Secures Border
White House Asks for $17.5M to Provide Lawyers for Illegals
Top Dem: U.S. 'Cannot Be Expected to Give Sanctuary to Every Single Child in the World'
Ted Cruz to Obama: Have a 'Real' Meeting with Rick Perry at Border
Rick Perry Accepts Obama Invitation to Border Meeting to Be Held in North TX
Cornyn: Obama 'Needs Wake-Up Call' About Border Crisis
More Than Half of Central American Immigrants on Welfare
Feds Now Running Full Time Transport Service for Illegal Aliens
Leaked Documents: 'Family Members' Appearing 'Several Times' to Pick Up Illegal Immigrant Kids
Documents: Illegal Immigrants Sending Billions Back to Home Countries
Jeff Flake: Obama Sending Wrong Border Message With Emergency Funding Request
Groups Sue Obama Administration to Provide Lawyers for Illegal Immigrant Children
Republicans Blast Government Officials For Blocking Access to Unaccompanied Minor Facility
Justice Department 'Refocusing' Efforts to Recent Border Crossers to Address Crisis
Blame America First: Luis Gutierrez Says US Drug Use Leading to Flood of Illegals
Report: Increase in Underage Pregnant Women Crossing Border
The Government vs. the People: Rebuilding Trust in the Midst of the Illegal Alien Tsunami
Obama Retreating from Policies to Send Illegals Back Home
Obama's warning: 'Right-size' immigration expectations - The issue offers vexing challenges to the
president from every angle. {Written as would a true-lib.}
Perry grabs mic on border crisis - The foray into the escalating border debate couldnt come at a better
time for the Texas governor.
Border Agent Spokesman: Illegal Kids Will Stay, 'Backdoor Amnesty'
Andrea Mitchell: 'Bad Political Optics' for Obama to Skip Border Visit During Fundraising Trip
Chuck Todd: White House 'Very Much in Denial' About Border Visit Optics
Obama goes after Republicans on immigration - Theres a very simple question here. Congress needs to
just pass the supplemental.
Perry pushes Katrina comparison - He calls the situation a humanitarian crisis.
Ted Cruz: Obama Should Visit Border to See If US Better 'By Almost Every Measure' Since 2008
Mark Levin: Cesar Chavez Believed Embracing Illegal Immigration Wasn't 'Compassionate'
Mark Levin Unveils Three-Step Border Plan
Sheriff Babeu: Feds Releasing Criminals Deported 10-15 Times into Arizona
MSNBC Report: Honduran Kids Coming for Obama's Amnesty
USA Today's Gomez: Obama's 'DREAM Act' Deadline 'Lost in Translation'
Mexican Vigilantes Fight Violence Near Border
Illegals Busted After Asking Texas Sheriff Deputy for Ride
Paul Begala: 'This Is Not Right,' President Should Go to the Border
More Military Bases Asked to Provide Facilities for Illegal Aliens
Murrieta Hires Crisis Management Consultant, Bans Word 'Illegal'
Boehner: 'If We Don't Secure the Border, Nothing Is Going to Change'

Let's Show Some Compassion at the Border . . . for American Citizens, Too!
By Jim Geraghty

Of course:
President Obama is holding off for now on seeking new legal authority to send
unaccompanied migrant kids back home faster from the Southern border, following
criticism that the administration's planned changes were too harsh.
The Acela Corridor Establishment's conventional wisdom is that "comprehensive immigration reform"
ought to legalize the 11 million or so in the country illegally. The same crowd now insists any proposal
involving sending the kids back to their home countries is insufficiently compassionate.
How about some compassion for the communities currently trying to deal with the tsunami of
unattended children? Here's how the AP describes one stretch of our border in Mission, Texas:
The influx of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has grown so large that it now
requires its own transportation system: government buses that spend each night idling
on a Texas roadside, awaiting the latest arrivals . . .
Just since October, the Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley sector has made more than
194,000 arrests, nearly triple that of any other sector. In the first week of June alone,
agents in this area south of Mission arrested more than 2,800 people, most from
Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, making it the highest-volume arrest zone on the
entire U.S. border. More than 60 percent were children . . .
Across the river is a garbage dump and a Reynosa slum that reaches nearly to the bank.
Smoke from burning garbage sometimes drifts across the river so thick it's difficult to
see. At the river's edge, discarded pieces of clothing, orange life vests and deflated inner
tubes litter the sand.
A few days earlier, as a reporter in a kayak approached a hairpin bend in the river, a
cartel sentry on a bluff 20 feet above the river slammed a magazine into his assault rifle.
He asked where the paddler had come from and who gave him permission to be there.
A radio squawked at his waist. The cartel controls what crosses the river.
That's part of why Napoleon Garza doesn't bring his kids here to fish like he did as a
child. Garza recently drove through one of the many gaps in the border wall to cut a tree
stump from property owned by his uncle.
"When they built the border wall, everything ended because they left a big old gap right
here that so happened to be where our land is," said Garza, 38, who sells firewood for a
How about some compassion for the U.S. Border Patrol personnel trying to humanely deal with a
problem they were never trained to address? Suddenly they have to do the job of the Centers for
Disease Control as well:
Approximately 40 immigrants in detention at one center in the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection's San Diego Sector have active cases of scabies, a source tells National
Review Online, and they could soon be spreading it to the general public.
A Border Patrol agent who helped process illegal immigrants at the Chula Vista Border
Patrol Station on Sunday tells NRO that the 40 immigrants infected with scabies arrived
on a plane that landed July 4, carrying about 140 immigrants total.
The agent says the people at FEMA who are responsible for doing the medical screening
of the immigrants before they're transferred to California should be fired.
"Management's more concerned about processing and getting rid of them as quickly as
possible than looking at decontamination," the agent says. "And [the released illegal
immigrants] go out in the community, get on the public transportation, go where they
need to go, and it could result in another infestation of scabies being spread
But the San Diego Sector was already dealing with a scabies outbreak when the latest
batch of illegal immigrants arrived. Two agents at the Brown Field Border Patrol Station
developed rashes on July 3 after processing illegal immigrants from Texas, according to
a letter obtained by NRO written by Ron Zermeno, health and safety director of National
Border Patrol Council Local 1613. Zermeno confirmed the veracity of the letter and the
facts contained therein to NRO.
How about a proposal that anybody who wants these kids to stay in the United States has to open their
home to them? The loudest Acela Corridor advocates of "comprehensive immigration reform" live their
lives far from sustained contact with any actual illegal immigrants. Perhaps there's an outside chance
that they employ some illegal immigrants as gardeners or housekeepers. Perhaps they bus or wait the
tables at their favorite restaurants. But they live very far from the problems that mass illegal
immigration brings. They certainly don't face downward pressure on wages from illegal immigrants
getting paid under the table. They don't encounter gangs. They live far from the violence and their only
encounter with a drug cartel is a secretive encounter with their smuggled product.
Here's another proposal: If Obama gets the $2 billion he wants to build the infrastructure to process
these illegal immigrants, the holding facilities have to be built in places like Hyde Park in Chicago, the
Upper West Side in Manhattan, Billionaire's Row in San Francisco and Marin County, California,
Burlington, Vermont . . .

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