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Step Forward, Step Back

(40-50 minutes)
This activity shows some of the advantages and disadvantages related to skin color and
organizational power and privilege. The activity is used to show how long-term accumulation of
advantages ased on skin color and!or organizational privilege can produce gaps among groups
and create ine"uities in the communities we hope to serve. #e will see visually how
disadvantages and privileges have played out for us as individuals and we will see how our
positions within the organizations we work have privileged us$ some perhaps more than others.
The central "uestion at the end is$ what does our positioning reveal and how may we use this
understanding to close these gaps%
This activity should e conducted in a large open area where participants can move
around easily.
&sk participants to stand and form a line in the middle of the room. They should e
touching shoulders with the people on oth sides. ('se your (udgment aout asking
people to stand so close together. )f you think it would e awkward for the group$
another way to do this is to ask everyone to hold a piece of string with the person ne*t to
them. &s the activity progresses$ they will hold the string for as long as possile$
dropping it when they are too far apart to hold onto it). )f participants are not ale to take
a step (e.g.$ if they are in a wheelchair)$ invite them to +move forward or ack.,
-ead each statement to the group. .articipants will respond accordingly to what is true
for them / personally and in the position they hold within their organization / that is$
they will step forward$ or step ack. )f the statement doesn0t apply$ participants will
stand still.
1ive people time to think efore they move.
&sk people to oserve how others move as you read the statements.
&dvise people that$ if their parent0s e*periences were different$ they should do this
activity with one parent in mind.
2et participants know that this activity may ring up strong emotions$ and that0s 34. 2et
them know they will have a chance to talk aout how they feel at the end of the activity.
This activity is adapted from Everyday Democracys Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation,
discussion guide, pp.16-21.
To egin$ form a line in the middle of the room. The facilitator will read a series of statements.
Think aout how the statements apply to you. Then take one step forward$ stand still$ or take one
step ack.
Part A: Personal Identity:
5. )f you were ever in a situation where you were the only one according to your racial or
ethnic identify$ take one step ack.
6. )f you were ever called names ecause of your racial or ethnic identity$ take one step
7. )f your relatives (ancestors) were forced to come to the '.8.$ take one step ack.
4. )f you e*pect an inheritance from a family memer (property$ cash$ onds$ etc.) take one
step forward.
5. )f you purchased your first home with help from your parents$ take one step forward.
9. )f most of your teachers were from the same racial or ethnic ackground as you$ take one
:. )f your parents spoke ;nglish as a first language$ take one step forward.
<. )f you have at least one parent who earned a =aster0s or .h.>. degree$ take one step
?. )f '.8. laws prevented memers of your same racial or ethnic identify from voting$ take
one step ack.
50. )f you come from a racial or ethnic group that have ever een considered y scientists as
+inferior$, take one step ack.
55. )f you$ or a relative have een detained since the 8eptemer 55
attacks in the '.8.$ take
one step ack.
56. )f your ancestors0 land was made part of the '.8.$ take one step ack.
57. )f you elieve you have een harassed y the police ecause of your skin color$ take one
step ack.
54. )f you see people from your same racial or ethnic ackground as @;3s in most Aortune
500 companies$ take one step forward.
55. )f you can have a candid conversation aout racism at your family dinner tale without
eing shut down$ take one step forward.
Facilitator: Areeze the group and ask people to look around the room to see where everyone is
standing. &sk the following "uestionsB &t what point did you stop touching shoulders% #hy did
people end up where they are%
Facilitator: 2isten to a few answers from the group. &fter people have e*pressed their feelings
aout where they are$ then move the group onto the ne*t set of "uestions.
Part B: Organizational/positional Identity:
5. )f your organization0s grant making portfolio is etween C5-C55 million annually$ take
one step forward.
6. )f your organization0s grant making portfolio is more than C50 million$ take one step
7. )f you have discretionary grant making authority for funds etween C500$000 and
C600$000$ take one step forward.
4. )f you have discretionary grant making authority over C600$000$ take one step forward.
5. )f your organization has e"uity elements written into employee competencies$ take one
step forward.
9. )f your organization0s grant making authority is national and!or international$ take one
step forward.
:. )f past strategic planning in your organization has een done y a small group of
+e*perts, selected y top management and with little to no input from your grantees$ take
one step ack.
<. )f your position in the organization reflects upper management$ take one step forward.
?. )f e"uity impact statements are not re"uired of potential grantees$ take one step ack.
50. )f the staff of your organization reflects less than 50D the diversity of the people in the
communities where grants are awarded$ take one step ack.
55. )f the oard of your organization reflects less than 50D the diversity of the people in the
communities where grants are awarded$ take one step ack.
56. )f your organization pulishes its materials only in ;nglish$ take one step ack.
57. )f your organization does an annual internal e"uity assessment with all staff$ take one
step forward.
54. )f your organization regularly includes items on staff and oard meetings agendas to
continually uild a common understanding and vocaulary on e"uity$ take one step
55. )f your organization regularly entertains feedack from grantees on issues of e"uity and
has procedures in place to integrate that feedack$ take one step forward.
#hat patterns$ if any$ did you notice aout where everyone ended up in the room from
oth activities%
#hen you think aout where everyone ended up$ what does this say aout our country%
#hat does it say aout our work% #hat might it mean for the communities we serve%
Eow does it feel to have gone through these two activities%

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