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Mini Project Report
submitted by
Antony J Na!ara
A"#in Ven$%opa
&ony Da'i( T)o*a"
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science & Engineering
Angamaly-683577, Ernakulam
Affiliated to
May /010
Mookkannoor(!"#, Angamaly-683577
$%is is to &ertify t%at t%e mini 'ro(e&t titled D"pace LDAP A$t)entication
#it) Vi(eo inte%ration submitted by Antony ( )alkara, As*in +enugo'al,
,ony -a.id $%omas, to*ards 'artial fulfilment of t%e re/uirements of t%e
a*ard of t%e degree of &ac)eor o2 Tec)noo%y in 0om'uter 1&ien&e 2
Engineering is a re&ord of bonafide *ork &arried out by t%em during t%e
a&ademi& year 3004-3050!
1taff 6n&%arge 7ead of t%e -e'artment
6nternal E9aminer8 E9ternal E9aminer8
6f t%e *ords *ere &onsidered as symbols of A''ro.al and token of
A&knoledgement, t%en let t%e *ords 'ay t%e %eralding role of e9'ressing gratitude! :irst
and :oremost *e 'raise t%e ;od Almig%ty for t%e gra&e %e s%o*ered on us during our
studies as *ell as our day to day a&ti.ities!
<e *ould like to take t%is &%an&e to t%ank t%e &%airman of :61A$
Mr4 P V Mat)e#5 and rin&i'al, Dr4 P S Sreejit) for 'ro.iding us *it% su&% an
en.iornment, *%ere students &an e9'lore t%eir &reati.e ideas! E/ually eligible is t%e
7ead of t%e -e'artment of 0om'uter 1&ien&e Mr Pra"a( J C for en&ouraging t%e
students to make t%ese nations true!
<e are e9tremely gratefull to t%e 'ro(e&t-in&%arge, Mr Ma)e")4C5
M" Re"*i R and M" Anjai G Nair for t%eir .aluable suggestions for t%e 'ro(e&t! <e
also sin&ierly t%ank t%e 0om'uter 1&ien& -e'artment :a&ulty for 'ro.iding us *it%
in.aluable %el'!
".erall not%ing &om'ares t%e su''ort and %ard *ork e/ually 'ut in
by our team mates! =ast but not t%e least, *e t%ank all our families and friends for
gi.ing us t%e %el', strengt% and &ourage for a&&om'lis%ing t%e task!
-s'a&e aut%enti&ation using =-A and .ideo streaming in
-s'a&e ! $%e 'ro(e&t aims at integrating =-A *it% -s'a&e and integrating a .ideo
'layer in -s'a&e *%i&% &an stream flas% .ideos *it%in its &olle&tion!
-s'a&e is &reated using >1(>a.a 1er.er ages# and >a.a ser.lets!6t &an be
installed in a 3 ste' build 'ro&edure! "n&e its build, it &an be &ustomised to &ontain
=-A aut%enti&ation! $%is is done in t%e &onfiguration file! "n&e its &onfigured *it%
t%e gi.en =-A settings, a user &an login into -s'a&e *it% t%e =-A username and
'ass*ord! "n&e a user tries to login,t%e =-A -)(-istinguis%ed )ame# of t%at user is
sent to t%e =-A ser.er and t%e bind is 'erformed by t%e =-A administrator for
&%e&king t%e &redentials!6f it is a .alid user,login is .alidated!
A .ideo 'layer is integrated in -s'a&e by &reating a fun&tion in t%e
?itemtag!(a.a? in t%e -s'a&e sour&e file! Also t%e 'layer frame*ork is added along *it%
t%e sour&e &om'onents! $%is *ill modify t%e -s'a&e after t%e build '%ase! 1o on&e a
flas% .ideo is u'loaded in -s'a&e &olle&tions, a user &an .ie* it in -s'a&e itself *it%out
any e9ternal .ideo 'layers!$%e fun&tion is &alled *%en a flas% .ideo is sele&ted and t%is
results in t%e embedded .ideo 'layer a''earing on t%e *eb'age *%i&% streams t%e
sele&ted .ideo!
5!5 6ntrodu&tion of t%e 'ro(e&t
5!3 "b(e&ti.es of t%e 'ro(e&t
5!3 1&o'e of t%e 'ro(e&t
3!5 roof of &on&e't
3!5!5 )eed of roof of &on&e't
3!5!3 roof of &on&e't design
3!5!3 roof of &on&e't results
3!3 1ystem 1'e&ifi&ations
3!3!5 1oft*are s'e&ifi&ation for de.elo'ment, im'lementation
3!3!3 7ard*are s'e&ifi&ation for de.elo'ment, im'lementation
3!5 -esign Met%odologies
3!3 1ystem Ar&%ite&ture
3!3 0ontrol :lo* -iagram
3!@ =ayer E9'lanation -iagram
3!5 A''li&ation -esign diagram
3!6 :lo*&%art
3!7 $e&%nology E9'lanations
@!5 6ntrodu&tion
@!3 $est 0ases
5!5 6ntrodu&tion
5!3 6nstallation ro&edure
5!3 6m'lementation 'lan
6!5 Ad.antages and -isad.antages of t%e system
6!3 :uture s&o'e
7!5 1am'le &ode
7!3 $e&%nology e9'lanation
7!3 ;lossary
7!@ 1&reens%ots
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Preamble

141 Intro($ction to t)e project
$oday 'eo'le and businesses rely on net*orked &om'uter systems
to su''ort distributed a''li&ations! A''li&ations mig%t intera&t *it% &om'uters on t%e
same lo&al area net*ork, *it%in a &or'orate intranet, *it%in e9tranets linking u'
'artners and su''liers, or any*%ere on t%e *orld*ide 6nternet!
=-A is t%e =ig%t*eig%t -ire&tory A&&ess roto&ol! 6t is basi&ally a dire&tory of
users *%ose a&&ounts are built u' in a %ierar&%y! $%e -) (distinguis%ed name# of a user
is a uni/ue name t%at identifies a single user in t%e tree! 6t is made u' of se.eral 'arts
in&luding t%eir 0) (&ommon name#, any "As (organisational units# t%at t%ey are in, and
t%e -0 (domain &om'onent#!
-1'a&e is an o'en sour&e soft*are 'a&kage t%at 'ro.ides t%e tools for management
of digital assets, and is &ommonly used as t%e basis for an institutional re'ository! 6t
su''orts a *ide .ariety of data, in&luding books, t%eses, 3- digital s&ans of ob(e&ts,
'%otogra'%s, film, .ideo, resear&% data sets and ot%er forms of &ontent! $%e data is
arranged as &ommunity &olle&tions of items, *%i&% bundle bitstreams toget%er!
-1'a&e is also intended as a 'latform for digital 'reser.ation a&ti.ities! 1in&e
its release in 3003, as a 'rodu&t of t%e 7-M6$ Allian&e, it %as been installed and is in
'rodu&tion at o.er 3@0 institutions around t%e globe, from large uni.ersities to small
%ig%er edu&ation &olleges, &ultural organiBations, and resear&% &enters!t is s%ared under
a ,1- li&en&e, *%i&% enables users to &ustomiBe or e9tend t%e soft*are as needed!$%e
first .ersion of -1'a&e *as released in )o.ember 3003, follo*ing a (oint effort by
de.elo'ers from M6$ and 7 =abs in 0ambridge, Massa&%usetts!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 5 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Preamble
14/ O=jecti'e" o2 t)e project

$%e ob(e&ti.es of t%is 'ro(e&t are8
-s'a&e =-A aut%enti&ation
Enable +ideo streaming in -s'a&e

-s'a&e =-A aut%enti&ation
-1'a&e goes t%roug% 3 ste's to aut%enti&ate a user against an =-A ser.er8
5! 0olle&t username and 'ass*ord
3! ,ind to t%e =-A ser.er
3! Ase t%e &onne&tion
$%e user &an login into -s'a&e using =-A username and 'ass*ord and t%e -s'a&e
auto-registers t%e user and grants a&&ess if t%e login information is aut%enti&!
Vi(eo "trea*in% in D"pace
$%e ot%er ob(e&ti.e of t%is 'ro(e&t is to in&lude or embedd a .ideo 'layer in -s'a&e!
1u&% a 'layer *ill a&tually makes it 'ossible to *at&% .ideos in -s'a&e and gi.es an
im'ression of li.e .ideo streaming!$%e .ideo 'layer *ill be made 'ossible using a
fun&tion *%i&% *ill &reate an ob(e&t and t%is *ill be result in t%e .ideo 'layer a''earing
*%ene.er a .ideo is sele&ted in -s'a&e &olle&tions!
146 Scope o2 t)e project

$%e =-A 7ierar&%i&al Aut%enti&ation makes it easy for institutionsCfirms
using =-A for aut%enti&ation 'ur'ose! 1u&% an instituton &an install and use -s'a&e
*it%out %a.ing to register all t%e members in t%e -s'a&e database! $%e -s'a&e
automati&ally use =-A for aut%enti&ation on&e enabled!

ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 3 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Preamble
$%e =-A 7ierar&%i&al Aut%enti&ation met%od is 'arti&ularly useful *%en you
%a.e users in se'arate =-A &ontainers and need to to %a.e users in different &ontainers
log in! :or e9am'le, you may %a.e students in one &ontainer and fa&ultyCstaff in anot%er
&ontainer, *it% bot% &ontainers at t%e same le.el in t%e %ierar&%y of your organiBation?s
=-A ser.er!

+ideo streaming in -s'a&e is an im'ortant ste' for*ard as it &an 'lay .ideo
internally! $%e administrator &an store flas% .ideos in t%e filesystem of -s'a&e *%i&%
&an be *at&%ed by all users of -s'a&e *it% t%e %el' of embedded .ideo 'layer! 6t
be&omes a %uge ad.antage *%en t%e &om'uter system does not %a.e a .ideo 'layer

Asing &ommunities and grou's, different ty'es of data &an be stored
&ategory-*ise and 'ermissions &an be altered by administrator a&&ording to t%e
&om'any re/uirements!

ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 3 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#

/41 Proo2 o2 Concept

<e attem't to bind to t%e lda' ser.er *it% t%e username and 'ass*ord
'ro.ided by t%e user! 6f bind su&&eeds, user login .alid! 6f t%e bind fails t%ere &ould be
'roblems su&% as *rong 'ass*ord, lda' ser.er do*n, net*ork 'roblem et&! 6t is
'ossible to integrate -1A0E *it% =-A !
/4141 Nee( o2 Proo2 o2 Concept
+arious languages and s&ri'ting tools &an be used for de.elo'ment
and to a&&ess a =-A ser.er!6n &ase of >a.a .arious alternati.es e9ist to &onne&t a
&lient to a =-A ser.er! >)-6 is one of su&% alternati.es! 1in&e >)-6 is 'art of >3EE, it
is more &on.enient to use! >-)6 is similar to >-,0, *%i&% is not dire&tly
&ommuni&ating *it% underlying =-A ser.er, &an be easily re'la&ed by some ot%er
system 'ro.ider *%en re/uired! $%at means *it%out any =-A ser.er, &lient a''li&ation
&an be de.elo'ed at early stage and sim'ly s*it&% to a&tual >)-6 'ro.ider *%en
e.eryt%ing is ready! More im'ortantly, >)-6 is really good in maintaining ob(e&t
'ersisten&e on t%e net*ork! >-)6 is &o.ering more area &om'ared to ot%er te&%nologies
for same 'ur'ose!
>a.a1er.er ages (>1# is a >A+A te&%nology t%at %el's soft*are de.elo'ers
ser.e dynami&ally generated *eb 'ages based on 7$M=, DM=, or ot%er do&ument
ty'es! >1 allo*s >a.a &ode and &ertain 're-defined a&tions to be interlea.ed *it% stati&
*eb marku' &ontent, *it% t%e resulting 'age being &om'iled and e9e&uted on t%e ser.er
to deli.er an 7$M= or DM= do&ument! 1in&e >1 uses >a.a te&%nology, it is 'ossible to
aut%enti&ate =-A using >1 'ages! 6n t%e =-A, aut%enti&ation information is
su''lied in t%e EbindE o'eration! 6n =-A, a &lient initiates a &onne&tion *it% t%e =-A
ser.er by sending t%e ser.er a EbindE o'eration t%at &ontains t%e aut%enti&ation
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @ Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#
information! A >1 'age %a.ing aut%enti&ation information &an redire&t to some ot%er
'ages a&&ording to *%et%er t%e FbindG *as sussesfull or not!
-s'a&e a''li&ation &ontains &om'onents t%at &ommuni&ate *it% t%e *orld outside
*%i&% is *eb based! $%at is, -s'a&e uses a <eb Aser 6nterfa&e! $%e -1'a&e <eb A6 is
most-used &om'onent in t%e a''li&ation layer! $%ere are t*o .ersions for -s'a&e *eb
1. >1A68 ,uilt on >a.a 1er.let and >a.a1er.er age te&%nology
2. DM=A6 8 ,uilt on DM=
1in&e it %as a >1 Aser 6nterfa&e, if t%e &on&e't of aut%enti&ating =-A using
>a.a or >1 turns true t%en -s'a&e &an be su&&essfully integrated *it% =-A!
-1'a&e makes use of a sta&kable aut%enti&ation me&%anism! $%is means t%at
se.eral aut%enti&ation systems &an be used, and *%en a user attem'ts to log in, t%eir
&redentials are tried in ea&% system! 6f none of t%e systems *ill aut%enti&ate t%e users
t%en t%ey are disallo*ed from logging in! "ften installations (ust use one me&%anism,
but you may *is% to %a.e se.eral! :or e9am'le you mig%t *is% to enable 6
aut%enti&ation so t%at users &an login *it%out a username, (ust be&ause t%ey are on
&am'us! eo'le off-&am'us &an use =-A, and administrators &ould use a&&ounts in t%e
built-in -1'a&e user database!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 5 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#
/414/ Proo2 o2 Concept (e"i%n
:or integrating =-A *it% a >1 'age, a >1 'age re/uesting aut%enti&ation
information of t%e user is &reated! Aut%enti&ation information &ontain username and
user &redential! $%is is 'assed to anot%er >1 'age *%i&% try to &onne&t to t%e =-A
ser.er! 6f &onne&tion &annot be establis%ed, t%en an e9&e'tion is &reated! 6f &onne&tion is
establis%ed t%en it try to 'erform a bind o'eration *it% t%e gi.en information! "n
su&&essfull bind t%e 'age gi.es a .alidated signal! "n unsu&&essfull bind t%e 'age gi.es
a failure signal!
/4146 Proo2 o2 Concept re"$t"
Hesult of roof of &on&e't is t%e (s' *eb 'age *%i&% aut%enti&ates an =-A user
if its an aut%enti& a&&ount!
$%e s&reens%ot &an be .ie*ed in t%e A''endi9!age )os- 9i.,9. :ig!56,:ig!57!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 6 Computer Science & Engineering

JSP page User Input LDAP Server
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#
/4/ Sy"te* Speci2ication"
$%$%& Software Specification for development' implementation

1. A)6D-like "1 or Mi&rosoft <indo*s
=inu9 is a generi& term referring to Ani9-like &om'uter o'erating systems based on
t%e =inu9 kernel! $%eir de.elo'ment is one of t%e most 'rominent e9am'les of free and
o'en sour&e soft*are &ollaborationI ty'i&ally all t%e underlying sour&e &ode &an be
used, freely modified, and redistributed, bot% &ommer&ially and non-&ommer&ially, by
anyone under li&enses su&% as t%e ;)A ;eneral ubli& =i&ense!
2. >a.a >-K 5 or later
$%e >a.a -e.elo'ment Kit (>-K# is a 1un Mi&rosystem 'rodu&t aimed at (a.a
de.elo'ers! 1in&e t%e introdu&tion of >a.a, it %as been by far t%e most *idely used >a.a
1-K! "n 57 )o.ember 3006, 1un announ&ed t%at it *ould be released under t%e ;=,
t%us making it a free soft*are!
3. Helational -atabase8 (ostgre1J= or "ra&le#
ostgre1J=, often sim'ly ostgres, is an ob(e&t-relational database management
system ("H-,M1#!6t is released under an M6$-style li&ense and is t%us free and o'en
sour&e soft*are! As *it% many ot%er o'en sour&e 'rograms, ostgre1J= is not
&ontrolled by any single &om'any, but %as a global &ommunity of de.elo'ers and
&om'anies to de.elo' it!
!1er.let Engine8>akarta $om&at @!9 or later
A'a&%e $om&at is an o'en sour&e soft*are im'lementation of t%e >a.a
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 7 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#
1er.let and>a.a1er.er ages te&%nologies! $%e >a.a 1er.let and >a.a1er.er ages
s'e&ifi&ations are de.elo'ed under t%e >a.a 0ommunity ro&ess!
&$i(in% Too">
1. A'a&%e Ma.en 3!0!8 or later
Ma.en is a soft*are tool for >a.a 'ro(e&t management and build automation!
6t is similar in fun&tionality to t%e A'a&%e Ant tool, but is based on different &on&e'ts!
Ma.en is %osted by t%e A'a&%e 1oft*are :oundation, *%ere it *as formerly 'art of t%e
>akarta ro(e&t!
Ma.en uses a &onstru&t kno*n as a ro(e&t "b(e&t Model ("M# to des&ribe t%e
soft*are 'ro(e&t being built, its de'enden&ies on ot%er e9ternal modules and
&om'onents, and t%e build order! 6t &omes *it% 're-defined targets for 'erforming
&ertain *ell defined tasks su&% as &om'ilation of &ode and its 'a&kaging!
Ma.en dynami&ally do*nloads >a.a libraries and Ma.en 'lug-ins from one or
more re'ositories! Ma.en 'ro.ides built-in su''ort for retrie.ing files from t%e Ma.en 3
0entral He'ository and ot%er Ma.en re'ositories, and &an u'load artifa&ts to s'e&ifi&
re'ositories after a su&&essful build! A lo&al &a&%e of do*nloaded artifa&ts a&ts as t%e
'rimary means of syn&%roniBing t%e out'ut of 'ro(e&ts on a lo&al system!
Ma.en is built using a 'lugin-based ar&%ite&ture t%at allo*s it to make use of any
a''li&ation &ontrollable t%roug% standard in'ut! $%eoreti&ally, t%is *ould allo* anyone
to *rite 'lugins to interfa&e *it% build tools (&om'ilers, unit test tools, et&!# for any
ot%er language! 6n reality, su''ort and use for languages ot%er t%an >a.a %as been
minimal! 0urrently a 'lugin for t%e !)et frame*ork e9ists and is maintained , and a
0C0KK nati.e 'lugin *as at one time maintained for Ma.en!
ro(e&t "b(e&t Model 'ro.ides all t%e &onfiguration for a single 'ro(e&t! ;eneral
&onfiguration in&ludes t%e 'ro(e&t?s name, its o*ner and its de'enden&ies on ot%er
'ro(e&ts! "ne &an also &onfigure indi.idual '%ases of t%e build 'ro&ess, *%i&% are
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 8 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration S#stem Stud#
im'lemented as 'lugins! :or e9am'le, one &an &onfigure t%e &om'iler-'lugin to use
>a.a .ersion 5!5 for &om'ilation, or s'e&ify t%at 'ro(e&t &an be 'a&kaged e.en if some
unit test fails!
2. A'a&%e Ant 5!6!3 or later
A'a&%e Ant is a soft*are tool for automating soft*are build 'ro&esses! 6t is
similar to Make but is im'lemented using t%e >a.a language, re/uires t%e >a.a 'latform,
and is best suited to building >a.a 'ro(e&ts!
$%e most immediately noti&eable differen&e bet*een Ant and Make is t%at Ant
uses DM= to des&ribe t%e build 'ro&ess and its de'enden&ies, *%ereas Make %as its
Makefile format! ,y default t%e DM= file is named build!9ml!
Ant is an A'a&%e 'ro(e&t! 6t is o'en sour&e soft*are, and is released under t%e
A'a&%e 1oft*are =i&ense!
3!3!3 7ard*are s'e&ifi&ation for de.elo'ment, im'lementation
ro&essor 8 entium@
Memory 8 553 M,
HAM 8 356 M,
7-- 8 30 ;,
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 4 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

641 De"i%n Met)o(oo%ie"
-esign is t%e first ste' in t%e de.elo'ment '%ase for any engineered 'rodu&t or
system! 6t may be defined as8Gt%e 'ro&ess of a''lying .arious te&%ni/ues and 'rin&i'les
for t%e 'ur'ose of defining a de.ise,a 'ro&ess or a system in suffi&ient detail to 'ermit
its '%ysi&al realiBationG! 0om'uter soft*are design like engineering design a''roa&%es
in ot%er dis&i'lines &%anges &ontinually as ne* met%ods,better analysis,and broader
understanding e.ol.e!
Asing one of a number of design met%ods t%e design ste's 'rodu&es a data
design,an ar&%ite&tural design and a 'ro&edural design! reliminary design is &on&erned
*it% transformation re/uirements to data and soft*are ar&%ite&tures! -etail design fo&us
on refinement to ar&%ite&tural re'resentation t%at lead to detailed stru&ture and
algorit%mi& re'resentation for soft*are! $%e data design transforms t%e information
domain model &reated during analysis into t%e data stru&tures t%at *ill be re/uired to
im'lement t%e soft*are! $%e ar&%ite&tural design defines t%e relations%i' among ma(or
stru&tural &om'onents into a 'ro&edural des&ri'tion of t%e soft*are!

Ee*ent" o2 (e"i%n
$%e &om'onents of information system des&ribed using re/uirements analysis
are t%e fo&al 'oint in system design! Analysis must design t%e follo*ing elements!
-ata :lo*s
-ata 1tores
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 50 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
$%e flo* analysis 'ermits analysts to isolate areas of interest in t%e organiBation
and to study t%em by e9amining t%e data t%at enter t%e 'ro&ess and seeing %o* t%ey are
&%anged *%en t%ey lea.e t%e 'ro&ess! 6n t%e -ata :lo* -iagrams, t%e '%ysi&al system is
translated into a logi&al des&ri'tion t%at fo&uses on data and 'ro&esses! 6t is
ad.antageous to em'%asis data and 'ro&esses in order to fo&us on t%e a&tual a&ti.ities
t%at o&&ur and t%e resour&es needed, rat%er t%an one *%o 'erforms t%e *ork!
64141 Lo%ica De"i%n

6n t%e logi&al design, des&ri'tion of t%e in'uts, out'uts, databases and 'ro&edures
are gi.en in a format t%at meets t%e re/uirements!
Data +o# Dia%ra*"
-ata :lo* -iagram (-:-# is used to define t%e flo* of t%e system and its
resour&es su&% as information! -ata flo* diagrams are a *ay of e9'ressing system
re/uirements in a gra'%i&al manner! -:- re'resents one of t%e most ingenious tools of
&larifying system re/uirements and identifying ma(or transformations t%at *ill be&ome
'rograms in t%e system design! 6n t%e normal &on.ention, logi&al -:- &an be
&om'leted using only @ notations!
$%e -:- at t%e sim'lest le.el is referred to as t%e ?0")$ED$ A)A=L161
-6A;HAM?! $%ese are e9'anded by le.el, ea&% e9'laining its 'ro&ess in detail!
ro&esses are numbered for easy identifi&ation and are normally labeled in blo&k letters!
Ea&% data flo* is labeled for easy understanding!
6414/ P)y"ica (e"i%n
Inp$t (e"i%n an( o$tp$t (e"i%n
6n'ut design is t%e 'ro&ess of &on.erting user in'uts into &om'uter-based format!
$%e 'ro(e&t re/uires a set of informations from t%e user to 're'are a re'ort, *%en
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organiBed in'ut data are needed!
6n t%e system design '%ase, t%e e9'anded -:- identifies logi&al data flo*, data
stores and destination! 6n'ut data is &olle&ted and organiBed into grou's of similar data!
$%e goal be%ind designing in'ut data is to make it free from logi&al errors! $%e in'ut
entry to all ty'e of &lients is t%e user name and 'ass*ord only! 6f t%ey are .alid t%e
&lient is allo*ed to enter into t%e soft*are!
64146 Co(e De"i%n
A &ode is an ordered &olle&tion of symbols to 'ro.ide uni/ue identifi&ation of
data! $%e follo*ing are t%e &%ara&ters of a good &ode generation!
C)aracteri"tic" o2 %oo( co(in%
5!0 Ani/ueness
3!0 Meaningfulness
3!0 1tability
@!0 Aniform 1iBe and :ormat
5!0 1im'li&ity
6!0 0on&iseness
7!0 +ersatility
64148 Data=a"e De"i%n

$%e general t%eme be%ind a database is to %andle information as an integrated
*%ole! A database is a &olle&tion of interrelated data stored *it% minimum redundan&y
to ser.e many users /ui&kly and effi&iently! $%e general ob(e&ti.e is to make
information a&&ess easy, /ui&k, ine9'ensi.e and fle9ible for user!
6n a database en.ironment, &ommon data are a.ailable in *%i&% se.eral users
&an use! $%e &on&e't be%ind a database is an integrated &olle&tion of data and 'ro.ides a
&entraliBed a&&ess to t%e data from t%e 'rogram! 6t makes 'ossible to treat data as a
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 53 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
se'arate resour&e! <%ile designing a database, se.eral ob(e&ti.es must be &onsidered8
0ontrolled Hedundan&y
-ata 6nde'enden&e
More information at lo* &ost
A&&ura&y and 6ntegrity
He&o.ery from failure
ri.a&y and 1e&urity
Data +o# Dia%ra*"
A data-flo* diagram (-:-# is a gra'%i&al re'resentation of t%e Eflo*E of data
t%roug% an information system! -:-s &an also be used for t%e .isualiBation of data
'ro&essing (stru&tured design#! "n a -:-, data items flo* from an e9ternal data sour&e
or an internal data store to an internal data store or an e9ternal data sink, .ia an internal
A -:- 'ro.ides no information about t%e timing or ordering of 'ro&esses, or
about *%et%er 'ro&esses *ill o'erate in se/uen&e or in 'arallel! 6t is t%erefore /uite
different from a flo*&%art, *%i&% s%o*s t%e flo* of &ontrol t%roug% an algorit%m,
allo*ing a reader to determine *%at o'erations *ill be 'erformed, in *%at order, and
under *%at &ir&umstan&es, but not *%at kinds of data *ill be in'ut to and out'ut from
t%e system, nor *%ere t%e data *ill &ome from and go to, nor *%ere t%e data *ill be
stored (all of *%i&% are s%o*n on a -:-#!6t is &ommon 'ra&ti&e to dra* a &onte9t-le.el
data flo* diagram first, *%i&% s%o*s t%e intera&tion bet*een t%e system and e9ternal
agents *%i&% a&t as data sour&es and data sinks! $%is &onte9t-le.el -:- is ne9t
Ee9'lodedE, to s%o* more detail of t%e system being modeled!
-ata-flo* diagrams (-:-s# are one of t%e t%ree essential 'ers'e&ti.es of t%e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 53 Computer Science & Engineering
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stru&tured-systems analysis and design met%od 11A-M! $%e s'onsor of a 'ro(e&t and
t%e end users *ill need to be briefed and &onsulted t%roug%out all stages of a system?s
e.olution! <it% a data-flo* diagram, users are able to .isualiBe %o* t%e system *ill
o'erate, *%at t%e system *ill a&&om'lis%, and %o* t%e system *ill be im'lemented! $%e
old system?s dataflo* diagrams &an be dra*n u' and &om'ared *it% t%e ne* system?s
data-flo* diagrams to dra* &om'arisons to im'lement a more effi&ient system! -ata-
flo* diagrams &an be used to 'ro.ide t%e end user *it% a '%ysi&al idea of *%ere t%e
data t%ey in'ut ultimately %as an effe&t u'on t%e stru&ture of t%e *%ole system from
order to dis'at&% to re'ort! 7o* any system is de.elo'ed &an be determined t%roug% a
data-flo* diagram!
$%ere are only four symbols8
1. 1/uares re'resenting e9ternal entities, *%i&% are sour&es or destinations of data!
2. Hounded re&tangles re'resenting 'ro&esses, *%i&% take data as in'ut, do
somet%ing to it, and out'ut it!
3. Arro*s re'resenting t%e data flo*s, *%i&% &an eit%er be ele&troni& data or
'%ysi&al items!
4. "'en-ended re&tangles re'resenting data stores, in&luding ele&troni& stores su&%
as databases or DM= files and '%ysi&al stores su&% as or filing &abinets or
sta&ks of 'a'er!
$%e general rules to follo* *%ile dra*ing a -:- are 8
1. All 'ro&esses must %a.e at least one data flo* in and one data flo* out!
2. All 'ro&esses s%ould modify t%e in&oming data, 'rodu&ing ne* forms of
outgoing data!
3. Ea&% data store must be in.ol.ed *it% at least one data flo*!
4. Ea&% e9ternal entity must be in.ol.ed *it% at least one data flo*!
5. A data flo* must be atta&%ed to at least one 'ro&ess!
$%e four key elements in -:- are 'ro&esses,data flo*s,data stores 2 e9ternal entities!
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DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
E?terna Entity
An e9ternal entity is a sour&e or destination of a data flo* *%i&% is outside t%e
area of study!
A 'ro&ess s%o*s a transformation or mani'ulation of data flo*s *it%in t%e
system! $%e symbol used is a re&tangular bo9!
Data +o#
A data flo* s%o*s t%e flo* of information from its sour&e to its destination! A
data flo* is re'resented by a line, *it% arro*%eads s%o*ing t%e dire&tion of flo*!
6nformation al*ays flo*s to or from a 'ro&ess !
Data Store
A data store is a %olding 'la&e for information *it%in t%e system8
6t is re'resented by an o'en ended narro* re&tangle! -ata stores may be long-term files
su&% as sales ledgers, or may be s%ort-term a&&umulations!
-:- is used to define t%e flo* of t%e system and its resour&es su&% as
information! -:-s are a *ay of e9'ressing system re/uirements in a gra'%i&al
manner!6t %as t%e 'ur'ose of &larifying system re/uirements and identifying ma(or
transformations t%at *ill be&ome 'rograms in system design!6n normal
&on.ention,logi&al -:- &an be &om'leted using only @ notations!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 55 Computer Science & Engineering
A s/uare re'resents a data sour&e or
A &losed figure re'resent 'ro&ess t%at transform
t%e &ontrol!
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
Sy"te* +ea"i=iity
$%e aim of a feasibility study is to see *%et%er it is 'ossible to de.elo' a system
at a reasonable &ost! At t%e end of t%e feasibility study a de&ision is taken *%et%er to
'ro&eed or not!
A feasibility study &ontains t%e general re/uirements of t%e 'ro'osed system!
1ystem study breaks into t*o stages8reliminary and detailed! -uring t%e 'reliminary
analysis,t%e analyst lists t%e ob(e&ti.es of t%e 'ro'osed system! $%ey &olle&ti.ely form
t%e 'reliminary re'ort!
"n&e it is a''ro.ed,detailed analysis is done! $%ree te&%ni&al as'e&ts in.ol.ed in
t%e feasibility study are8
te&%nologi&al feasibility
e&onomi& feasibility
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 56 Computer Science & Engineering
A dire&ted line re'resents 'ro&ess t%at transform
t%e data stream
A re&tangle re'resenting data stores, in&luding
ele&troni& stores su&% as databases or DM=
files and '%ysi&al stores su&% as or filing
&abinets or sta&ks of 'a'er!
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
o'erational feasibility
Tec)noo%y an( "y"te* 2ea"i=iity
$%e assessment is based on an outline design of system re/uirements in terms of
6n'ut, ro&esses, "ut'ut, :ields, rograms, and ro&edures! $%is &an be /uantified in
terms of .olumes of data, trends, fre/uen&y of u'dating, et&! in order to estimate
*%et%er t%e ne* system *ill 'erform ade/uately or not! $e&%nologi&al feasibility is
&arried out to determine *%et%er t%e &om'any %as t%e &a'ability, in terms of soft*are,
%ard*are, 'ersonnel and e9'ertise, to %andle t%e &om'letion of t%e 'ro(e&t!
Econo*ic 2ea"i=iity
E&onomi& analysis is t%e most fre/uently used met%od for e.aluating t%e
effe&ti.eness of a ne* system! More &ommonly kno*n as &ostCbenefit analysis, t%e
'ro&edure is to determine t%e benefits and sa.ings t%at are e9'e&ted from a &andidate
system and &om'are t%em *it% &osts! 6f benefits out*eig% &osts, t%en t%e de&ision is
made to design and im'lement t%e system! An entre'reneur must a&&urately *eig% t%e
&ost .ersus benefits before taking an a&tion!
Operationa 2ea"i=iity
6s a measure of %o* *ell a 'ro'osed system sol.es t%e 'roblems, and takes
ad.antages of t%e o''ortunities identified during s&o'e definition and %o* it satisfies
t%e re/uirements identified in t%e re/uirements analysis '%ase of system de.elo'ment!
3. 2 System Architecture
An ar&%ite&ture des&ri'tion is a formal des&ri'tion of a system, organiBed in a *ay
t%at su''orts reasoning about t%e stru&tural 'ro'erties of t%e system! 6t defines t%e
system &om'onents or building blo&ks and 'ro.ides a 'lan from *%i&% 'rodu&ts &an be
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 57 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
'ro&ured, and systems de.elo'ed, t%at *ill *ork toget%er to im'lement t%e o.erall
system! 1ystems ar&%ite&ture &an best be t%oug%t of as a re'resentation of an e9istent or
to be &reated system, and t%e 'ro&ess and dis&i'line for effe&ti.ely im'lementing t%e
design(s# for su&% a system! $%e set of relations (t%at is, embedded information# *%i&%
an ar&%ite&ture des&ribes may be e9'ressed in %ard*are, soft*are, or somet%ing else!
6t is a representation be&ause it is used to &on.ey t%e informational &ontent of t%e
elements &om'rising a system, t%e relations%i's among t%ose elements, and t%e
rules go.erning t%ose relations%i's!
6t is a process be&ause a se/uen&e of ste's is 'res&ribed to 'rodu&e or &%ange t%e
ar&%ite&ture, andCor a design from t%at ar&%ite&ture, of a system *it%in a set of
6t is a discipline be&ause a body of kno*ledge is used to inform 'ra&titioners as to
t%e most effe&ti.e *ay to design t%e system *it%in a set of &onstraints!
:ig! 5
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 58 Computer Science & Engineering
Hardware Layer
OS Java
Tomcat Server
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

3. 3 Contro +o# Dia%ra*
A &ontrol flo* diagram s%o*s t%e flo* of &ontrol t%roug% a 'rogram as a gra'%!
Ea&% node in t%e gra'% re'resents a statement in t%e flo*! 0ontrol flo* diagrams break
a 'ro&ess do*n to a finite number of ste's t%at get e9e&uted one at a time! 6n a single-
t%readed system, only one of t%e ste's is being e9e&uted! $%e &ontrol flo* go.erns %o*
t%e ne9t ste' to be e9e&uted is determined! 0ontrol flo* does not say anyt%ing about
*%at t%e in'uts and out'uts! 6t does not address *%y *e mig%t *ant to 'erform ste's! 6t
does not address %o* t%e ste's get 'erformed internally!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 54 Computer Science & Engineering
Web Application Server
User Interface
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

648 Layer E?panation Dia%ra*
$%e -1'a&e system is organised into t%ree tiers *%i&% &onsist of a
number of &om'onents!Ea&% layer only in.okes t%e layer belo* it i!e! t%e a''li&ation
layer may not used t%e storage layer dire&tly!
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DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

Stora%e Layer
$%e storage layer is res'onsible for '%ysi&al storage of metadata and
&ontent!-1'a&e uses a relational database to store all information about t%e organiBation
of &ontent, metadata about t%e &ontent, information about e-'eo'le and aut%oriBation,
and t%e state of &urrently-running *orkflo*s!
:ig !5
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&$"ine"" o%ic ayer
$%e business logi& layer deals *it% managing t%e &ontent of t%e ar&%i.e,
users of t%e ar&%i.e (e-'eo'le#, aut%oriBation, and *orkflo*!
Appication ayer
$%e a''li&ation layer &ontains &om'onents t%at &ommuni&ate *it% t%e *orld
outside of t%e indi.idual -1'a&e installation, for e9am'le t%e <eb user interfa&e and
t%e "'en Ar&%i.es 6nitiati.e 'roto&ol for metadata %ar.esting ser.i&e!

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DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
649 Appication De"i%n Dia%ra*
A soft*are design is a meaningful engineering re'resentation of some soft*are
'rodu&t t%at is to be built! A''li&ation design ser.es as t%e foundation for all soft*are
engineering ste's t%at follo* regardless of *%i&% 'ro&ess model is being em'loyed!
<it%out a 'ro'er design *e risk building an unstable system M one t%at *ill fail *%en
small &%anges are made, one t%at may be diffi&ult to test!
$%e fundamental design &on&e'ts are8
A="traction - allo*s designers to fo&us on sol.ing a 'roblem *it%out being
&on&erned about irrele.ant lo*er le.el details ('ro&edural abstra&tion - named
se/uen&e of e.ents, data abstra&tion - named &olle&tion of data ob(e&ts#
Re2ine*ent - 'ro&ess of elaboration *%ere t%e designer 'ro.ides su&&essi.ely
more detail for ea&% design &om'onent
Mo($arity - t%e degree to *%i&% soft*are &an be understood by e9amining its
&om'onents inde'endently of one anot%er
So2t#are arc)itect$re - o.erall stru&ture of t%e soft*are &om'onents and t%e
*ays in *%i&% t%at stru&ture 'ro.ides &on&e'tual integrity for a system
Data "tr$ct$re - re'resentation of t%e logi&al relations%i' among indi.idual data
In2or*ation )i(in% - information (data and 'ro&edure# &ontained *it%in a module
is ina&&essible to modules t%at %a.e no need for su&% information
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 33 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
=-A Aut%enti&ation
<e attem't to bind to t%e lda' ser.er *it% t%e username and 'ass*ord 'ro.ided
by t%e user! :or aut%enti&ation of t%e =-A ser.er , a >1 'age re/uesting
aut%enti&ation information of t%e user is &reated! Aut%enti&ation information &ontain
username and user 'ass*ord! 6f &onne&tion &annot be establis%ed, t%en an error message
is dis'layed! 6f &onne&tion is establis%ed ,t%en it tries to 'erform a bind o'eration *it%
t%e gi.en information! "n su&&essfull bind t%e a .alidated message is generated! "n
unsu&&essfull bind, t%e 'age dis'lays a failure message!
Vi(eo Inte%ration
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 3@ Computer Science & Engineering
JSP Page
Video file

Video Player
Java Codes for
various application
Added Function
to call video
Java page in src.
Video player added
to server
Calls function.
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
64: +o# C)art
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 35 Computer Science & Engineering
yes no
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

3. 7 Technology Expl anat ions
-1'a&e is an o'en sour&e soft*are 'a&kage t%at 'ro.ides t%e tools for
management of digital assets, and is &ommonly used as t%e basis for an institutional
re'ository! 6t su''orts a *ide .ariety of data, in&luding books, t%eses, 3- digital s&ans
of ob(e&ts, '%otogra'%s, film, .ideo, resear&% data sets and ot%er forms of &ontent! $%e
data is arranged as &ommunity &olle&tions of items, *%i&% bundle bitstreams toget%er!
-1'a&e is also intended as a 'latform for digital 'reser.ation a&ti.ities! 1in&e its
release in 3003, as a 'rodu&t of t%e 7-M6$ Allian&e, it %as been installed and is in
'rodu&tion at o.er 3@0 institutions around t%e globe N5O, from large uni.ersities to small
%ig%er edu&ation &olleges, &ultural organiBations, and resear&% &enters! 6t is s%ared under
a ,1- li&en&e, *%i&% enables users to &ustomiBe or e9tend t%e soft*are as needed!
-1'a&e is *ritten in >a.a and >1, using t%e >a.a 1er.let A6! 6t uses a relational
database, and su''orts t%e use of ostgre1J= and "ra&le! 6t makes its %oldings
a.ailable 'rimarily .ia a *eb interfa&e, but it also su''orts t%e "A6-M7 .3!0, and is
&a'able of e9'orting ME$1 (Metadata En&oding and $ransmission 1tandard# 'a&kages!
:uture .ersions are likely to see in&reasing use of *eb ser.i&es, and &%anges to t%e user
interfa&e layer!
At a .ery %ig% le.el, -1'a&e looks like t%is8
<eb-based interfa&e makes it easy for a submitter to &reate an ar&%i.al item by
de'ositing files! -1'a&e *as designed to %andle any format from sim'le te9t
do&uments to datasets and digital .ideo!
-ata files, also &alled bitstreams, are organiBed toget%er into related sets! Ea&%
bitstream %as a te&%ni&al format and ot%er te&%ni&al information! $%is te&%ni&al
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 36 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
information is ke't *it% bitstreams to assist *it% 'reser.ation o.er time!
An item is an Ear&%i.al atomE &onsisting of grou'ed, related &ontent and
asso&iated des&ri'tions (metadata#! An item?s e9'osed metadata is inde9ed for
bro*sing and sear&%ing! 6tems are organiBed into &olle&tions of logi&ally-related
A &ommunity is t%e %ig%est le.el of t%e -1'a&e &ontent %ierar&%y! $%ey
&orres'ond to 'arts of t%e organiBation su&% as de'artments, labs, resear&%
&enters or s&%ools!
-1'a&ePs modular ar&%ite&ture allo*s for &reation of large, multi-dis&i'linary
re'ositories t%at ultimately &an be e9'anded a&ross institutional boundaries!
-1'a&e is &ommitted to going beyond reliable file 'reser.ation to offer
fun&tional 'reser.ation *%ere files are ke't a&&essible as te&%nology formats,
media, and 'aradigms e.ol.e o.er time for as many ty'es of files as 'ossible!
$%e end-user interfa&e su''orts bro*sing and sear&%ing t%e ar&%i.es! "n&e an
item is lo&ated, <eb-nati.e formatted files &an be dis'layed in a <eb bro*ser
*%ile ot%er formats &an be do*nloaded and o'ened *it% a suitable a''li&ation
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 37 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling

Li%)t#ei%)t Directory Acce"" Protoco
$%e =ig%t*eig%t -ire&tory A&&ess roto&ol, or =-A ('ronoun&ed C l
dQ'C#, is an a''li&ation 'roto&ol for /uerying and modifying data using dire&tory
ser.i&es running o.er $0C6!N5O
A dire&tory is a set of ob(e&ts *it% attributes organiBed in a logi&al and
%ierar&%i&al manner! A sim'le e9am'le is t%e tele'%one dire&tory, *%i&% &onsists of a
list of names (of eit%er 'ersons or organiBations# organiBed al'%abeti&ally, *it% ea&%
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 38 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
name %a.ing an address and '%one number asso&iated *it% it!
An =-A dire&tory tree often refle&ts .arious 'oliti&al, geogra'%i&, andC
or organiBational boundaries, de'ending on t%e model &%osen! =-A de'loyments
today tend to use -omain )ame 1ystem (-)1# names for stru&turing t%e to'most le.els
of t%e %ierar&%y! -ee'er inside t%e dire&tory mig%t a''ear entries re'resenting 'eo'le,
organiBational units, 'rinters, do&uments, grou's of 'eo'le or anyt%ing else t%at
re'resents a gi.en tree entry (or multi'le entries#!
$%e 'roto&ol a&&esses =-A dire&tories, *%i&% follo* t%e 5443 edition of t%e D!500
A dire&tory is a tree of dire&tory entries!
An entry &onsists of a set of attributes!
An attribute %as a name (an attribute ty'e or attribute des&ri'tion# and one or
more .alues! $%e attributes are defined in a s&%ema (see belo*#!
Ea&% entry %as a uni/ue identifier8 its -istinguis%ed )ame (-)#! $%is &onsists
of its Helati.e -istinguis%ed )ame (H-)#, &onstru&ted from some attribute(s# in
t%e entry, follo*ed by t%e 'arent entry?s -)! $%ink of t%e -) as t%e full file 'at%
and t%e H-) as its relati.e filename in its 'arent folder (e!g! if
08RfooRbarRmyfile!t9t *ere t%e -), t%en myfile!t9t *ould be t%e H-)#!
,e a*are t%at a -) may &%ange o.er t%e lifetime of t%e entry, for instan&e, *%en
entries are mo.ed *it%in a tree! $o reliably and unambiguously identify entries, a AA6-
mig%t be 'ro.ided in t%e set of t%e entry?s o'erational attributes!
EdnE is t%e name of t%e entryI it?s not an attribute nor 'art of t%e entry! E&nS>o%n
-oeE is t%e entry?s H-) (Helati.e -istinguis%ed )ame#, and Ed&Se9am'le,d&S&omE is
t%e -) of t%e 'arent entry, *%ere Ed&E denotes ?-omain 0om'onent?! $%e ot%er lines
s%o* t%e attributes in t%e entry! Attribute names are ty'i&ally mnemoni& strings, like
E&nE for &ommon name, Ed&E for domain &om'onent, EmailE for e-mail address and EsnE
for surname!

ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 34 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration 1ystem -esign 2 Modelling
A ser.er %olds a subtree starting from a s'e&ifi& entry, e!g! Ed&Se9am'le,d&S&omE
and its &%ildren! 1er.ers may also %old referen&es to ot%er ser.ers, so an attem't to
a&&ess EouSde'artment,d&Se9am'le,d&S&omE &ould return a referral or &ontinuation
referen&e to a ser.er *%i&% %olds t%at 'art of t%e dire&tory tree! $%e &lient &an t%en
&onta&t t%e ot%er ser.er! 1ome ser.ers also su''ort &%aining, *%i&% means t%e ser.er
&onta&ts t%e ot%er ser.er and returns t%e results to t%e &lient!
=-A rarely defines any ordering8 $%e ser.er may return t%e .alues of an
attribute, t%e attributes in an entry, and t%e entries found by a sear&% o'eration in any
order! $%is follo*s from t%e formal definitions - an entry is defined as a set of attributes,
and an attribute is a set of .alues, and sets need not be ordered!
seudo .ideo streaming
seudostreaming is a 'roto&ol t%at &an be installed on regular 7$$
ser.ers su&% as A'a&%e, $om&at, 661 or lig%t%tt'd! 6t uses a ser.er side s&ri't for :las%-
to-ser.er &ommuni&ation! $%e 'layer sends a 7$$ re/uest to t%e ser.er *it% a start
time 'arameter in t%e re/uest AH=Ps /uery string and t%e ser.er s&ri't res'onds *it% t%e
.ideo stream so t%at its start 'osition &orres'onds to t%e re/uested 'arameter! $%is start
time 'arameter is usually named sim'ly start! $%is same te&%ni/ue is used by t%e ultra-
'o'ular Lou$ube ser.i&e *%i&% uses lig%t%tt'd ser.ers!
$%e biggest ad.antage of using 'seudo streaming or any ot%er streaming
solution is t%e ability to seek in t%e timeline to 'ositions t%at %a.e not been do*nloaded
to t%e 'layer! $%is is most desirable for full-lengt% mo.ies be&ause t%e .isitor &an seek
to t%e last s&ene of a 3-%our mo.ie if s%e *ants to! 7ere are some more benefits of
Handom seeking to any 'art of t%e timeline at any time!
1tarting 'layba&k in t%e middle of t%e &li'Ps timeline!
ro.ides integration 'ossibilities to &ustom streaming ser.ers and ser.er-side
,ot% :=+ and 7!36@ files su''orted!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 30 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting

841 Intro($ction
$%is '%ase is ne&essary in order to &%e&k t%e effi&ien&y of system de.elo'ed!
1ystem testing is a &riti&al element of t%e soft*are /uality assuran&e and re'resents t%e
ultimate re.ie* of s'e&ifi&ation, design and &oding! $esting is t%e last stage of soft*are
de.elo'ment before *e release t%e 'ro(e&t to t%e &ustomer! 6t is also used to find and
eliminate any residual errors from 're.ious stages and t%e o'erational reliability of t%e
Te"tin% Strate%y
$%e o.erall strategy for soft*are testing is des&ribed in t%e follo*ing se&tion! <e
*ill use four different met%ods to test our soft*are!
Unit Te"tin%
6n t%e unit test &ase *e *ill be testing t%e se'arate modules of t%e soft*are! <e
*ill &arry out *%ite bo9 testing *%ere ea&% module or &om'onent of t%e soft*are is
tested indi.idually! <e *ill test t%e &om'onents by 'assing data t%roug% it and *e *ill
be monitoring data to find t%e errors! <e *ill be looking for entry and e9it &onditions of
t%e data! <e *ill make sure t%at all t%e &om'onents *ork *it%out any troubles! $%e test
'rimarily is &arried out by t%e 'rogrammer *%o designed and im'lemented t%e module!
=ead tester *ill t%an &arry out test on t%e modules to finaliBe t%e testing
:irst , t%e =-A &onne&ti.ity *as tested! 6n our 'ro(e&t!$%is *as done to make
sure t%at -s'a&e *ould be able to &onne&t to -s'a&e $%is testing *as done on t%e
'rototy'e as it is t%e unit testing!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 35 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
Inte%ration Te"tin%
6n t%is met%od of testing *e *ill im'lement t%e soft*are at t%e &lientPs lo&ation
and *ill run it! 1o *e *ill be testing t%e 'rodu&t on &lientPs net*ork! As 'art of testing,
*ill be looking for any signs of t%e &ollision bet*een our soft*are &om'onents and
t%ose of t%e &lients! Es'e&ially *it% regard to t%e &%anges t%at &an o&&ur in t%e database!
<e *ill install t%e soft*are at t%e &lientPs site and *ill run it! <e *ill make sure t%at all
t%e data is sa.ed &orre&tly and t%ere is no loss of data or data base anomalies in t%e
<e *ill start from t%e %ome 'age of -s'a&e and *ill go t%roug% all t%e soft*are
fun&tions and *ill test t%at! <e *ill be &arefully looking for any sort of &ollision
bet*een se.eral different a''li&ations *it% -s'a&e!
Vai(ation Te"tin%
6n t%is met%od of t%e test *e *ill be *orking *it% t%e &ustomer to find out if t%e
soft*are de.elo'ed is .alid for t%e &lients! <e *ant to make sure t%at t%e &lient is
getting *%at %e asked for! <e *ill look at t%e soft*are re/uirement do&ument in t%e
&ase of &onfli&t or misunderstanding *it% &lient regarding soft*are &om'onents! <e
*ill 'erform t%e bla&k bo9 testing *%ere t%e soft*are is &om'leted and *e test all t%e
soft*are &om'onents toget%er! <e *ill %a.e se.eral in'ut data or test data t%at *e *ill
deri.e results for! <e *ill insert t%is data in t%e soft*are and *ill get results from t%e
soft*are! <e *ill &om'are t%e results from t%e soft*are *it% t%e results t%at *e
deri.ed! $%is *ay *ill &%e&k for t%e .alidation of t%e soft*are!
6n &ase t%ere are 'roblems *it% t%e soft*are *e *ill &reate a defi&ien&y list and
*ill re&ord all t%e 'roblems in t%ere! <e *ill test all t%e &om'onents and
sub&om'onents of t%e soft*are to 'erform .alidation test!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 33 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
Sy"te* Te"tin%
6n t%is test met%od *e *ill &ombine se.eral ty'es of t%e testing! <e *ill test for
se.eral different &onditions by follo*ing se.eral different test met%ods!
He&o.ery $esting
7ere *e are &on&erned *it% ability of t%e soft*are to retrie.e lost data! <e *ant
to make sure t%at t%e soft*are is fault toleran&e and does not loose data in &ase
of system s%utdo*n or if t%e system &eases!
1e&urity $esting
6n t%is met%od of t%e test *e *ant to make sure t%at t%e se&urity &%e&ks are
*orking and no one is able to tem'er *it% t%e data! $%is is &ru&ial sin&e our
soft*are is design to tra&k t%e a&ti.ity t%at is not legal!
1tress $esting
6n t%is test met%od *e *ant to monitor stress &aused to system and t%e soft*are
due to simultaneous use! <e *ant to make sure t%at t%e system does not break
do*n under t%e e9treme use &onditions!
erforman&e $esting
erforman&e bounds are set during t%e design 'art of t%e soft*are de.elo'ment!
$%ese bounds *ill %el' us in determining t%e effe&ti.eness of t%e soft*are! 6t
*ill also %el' us to minimiBe stress le.el t%at is &aused to user be&ause of our
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 33 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
$%e 'ro(e&t?s system testing is t%e final testing 'ro&ess *%ere all t%e as'e&ts are
tested!$ests like test for administrator login, =-A loginC&onne&ti.ity and &ommunity
and &olle&tions &reation *ere done!Also .ideo streaming is tested using fl. .ideo file!
84/ Te"t Ca"e"
$%is se&tion des&ribes as detailed test 'ro&edure in&luding test ta&ti&s and test
&ases for t%e soft*are! 6n t%is se&tion all soft*are s'e&ifi&ation is des&ribed! <e *ill
des&ribe t%e met%ods for all t%e different tests to be 'erformed and *ill also de&lare t%e
e9'e&ted out'uts!
84/41 Te"t ca"e" 2or Lo%in A(*ini"trator
<e *ill make use se.eral different names to log in to t%e system! <e *ill use
&orre&t and in&orre&t Aser )ames and ass*ords to a&&ess t%e soft*are and t%us a&&ess
database! <e *ill not be allo*ed to log in using in&orre&t 'ass*ords and error message
*ill be s%o*n! <%en &orre&t 'ass*ord is 'resented *e *ill be able to log in be able to
ne9t *indo*!
P$rpo"e o2 Te"t" 2or Lo%in
$o test if t%e administrator &an log into t%e system su&&essfully!
Te"t Data Inp$t>
$%e administrator needs to in'ut %is username and 'ass*ord to login t%e system!
(5# $%e system is running! $%ere *ill be areas for t%e administrator to log in!
(3# $%e administrator in'ut t%e login 6- and 'ass*ord!
(3# 6f t%e 6- and t%e 'ass*ord are &orre&t, user &an login t%e system! "t%er*ise, error
messages must be s%o*n!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 3@ Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
E?pecte( re"$t" 2or Lo%in
$%e administrator &an su&&essfully log in to t%e system
84/4/ Te"t ca"e" 2or Ho*e Pa%e
$%is test is used to &%e&k t%e fun&tion of t%e %ome 'age *%i&% &ontains all t%e
P$rpo"e o2 te"t" 2or Ho*e Pa%e
$o test all t%e fun&tionalities of -s'a&e soft*are!
Must log in t%e system first and t%e system is a.ailable to be used!
E?pecte( re"$t" 2or Ho*e Pa%e
$%e fun&tion *orks su&&essfully in t%e system
84/46 Te"tin% proce($re 2or 'i(eo inte%ration
<e *ill be u'loading a .ideo file and &%e&k *%et%er t%e .ideo streaming
fun&tion is *orking &orre&t!
E?pecte( re"$t"
At t%e end of t%e test all t%e results s%ould be 'ositi.e! All of t%e soft*are
&om'onents s%ould *ork 'ro'erly! 6n &ase *e &ome a&ross t%e errors *e *ill re&ord
t%em in t%e error do&ument and t%ese errors *ill be fi9ed at t%e latter time!
Vai(ation te"tin%
$%is test is 'erformed to .alidate t%e soft*are! $%e test is kno*n as bla&k bo9
testing *%ere t%e entire soft*are *ill be &reated and *ill test all t%e &om'onent of t%e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 35 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
soft*are toget%er! <e *ill be *orking *it% &lients to s%o* t%em t%e soft*are and rea&%
agreements about t%e &om'letion or failure of t%e soft*are!
84/48 Te"tin% proce($re 2or 'ai(ation
<e 'erform a bla&k bo9 test *%ere *e *ill %a.e soft*are as *%ole *it% us! <e
*ill enter 'redetermined data *it% e9'e&ted results! <e *ill &om'are 'redi&ted results
*it% t%ose t%at soft*are gi.es us and *ill determine if t%e soft*are is .alid or not!
E.ery button, tab or menus *ill be tested! <e *ill $est t%e &orre&tness of t%e database
and *ill make sure t%ere are no errors regarding database u'dates!
E?pecte( re"$t"
<e s%ould not %a.e any troubles *it% t%e soft*are sin&e *e %a.e already tested
all t%e 'arts of t%e soft*are before! E.ery t%ing %ere s%ould *ork fine and *e s%ould be
able to .alidate t%e soft*are! <e *ill be .alidating only if ea&% and e.ery t%ing *orks
in t%e soft*are! Any soft*are error *ill for&e us to *ait for t%e .alidation until *e %a.e
fi9ed all t%e errors!
Pa""A2ai criterion 2or a 'ai(ation te"t"
$%e 'ass fail &riterion for all t%e .alidation tests are t%at t%e result from t%e testing
s%ould not &ontain bugs t%at &ould affe&t t%e *orking of t%e system as a *%ole! $%e
system 'asses a test only *%en t%e out'uts 'rodu&ed by its modules are t%e e9'e&ted
ones! :ailure o&&urs *%en t%e results if far off from t%e e9'e&ted result
Sy"te* Te"tin%
$%e system testing 'ro&edure is s'e&ified! :or ea&% of t%e system tests s'e&ified
belo*, t%e test 'ro&edure, test &ases, 'ur'ose, s'e&ialiBed re/uirements and 'assCfail
&riteria are s'e&ified! 6t s%ould be noted t%at not all system test met%ods noted in
1e&tions 3!3!@!n *ill be &ondu&ted for e.ery 'ro(e&t!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 36 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
Reco'ery te"tin%
6n t%is test met%od *e are &on&erned *it% t%e soft*arePs ability to retrie.e lost
data or to make sure t%at soft*are does not loose any data during t%e u'dating of t%e
database! <e *ill be mainly looking at transa&tion 'ro&essing *%en *e talk about t%e
re&o.ering testing! 6n transa&tion 'rote&tion *e *ill be testing t%e soft*are to make sure
t%at *%en it sa.es any t%ing it *ill sa.e all of it or none of it! $%is is ne&essary to a.oid
e9isten&e of &orru't data in database!
Sec$rity te"tin%
6n t%is testing se&tion *e are &on&erned about t%e se&urity of t%e soft*are! <e *ill
be testing t%e soft*are to see if unaut%oriBed users are able to a&&ess sensiti.e 'arts of
t%e soft*are! <e %a.e di.ided t%e se&urity se&tion in t%ree stages!
5! ass*ord =ogin
<e *ill try to log in using in.alid user name or .alid user name and in.alid
'ass*ord! <e *ill also test t%e soft*are to see if it allo*s a&&ess *it%out any
identifi&ation *%at so e.er! <e *ill also test t%e soft*are so t%at 'ass*ord in not
sa.ed in any *ay *it%in &om'uter for ot%ers to .ie*!
3! Modular A&&ess
"ur soft*are identifies t%e user and allo*s %im or %er to a&&ess only &ertain
modules! <e *ill test to see if t%e soft*are restri&ts unaut%oriBed users from
a&&essing &ertain modules of t%e soft*are! 6n 'arti&ular *e *ant to make sure
t%at user &annot a&&ess modules for t%e administrator!
3! riority A&&ess
$%e soft*are is setu' so t%at ins'e&tors &an .ie* ea&% ot%ers *ork but &an not
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 37 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration "esting
u'date or delete it! <e *ill test to make sure t%at ins'e&tor or managers in not
able to delete t%e data entered by t%e administrator! <e *ill do t%is by trying to
delete t%e data entered using some ot%er login name! <e s%ould not %a.e any
'roblems *it% any se&tions of t%e se&urity testing! 1e&urity measures are serious
issue and *e %a.e made all attem'ts to kee' it from any bug!
Stre"" Te"tin%
6n t%is test met%od *e are &on&erned *it% t%e soft*arePs ability to allo*
&on&urrent transa&tion! $oo mu&% of t%e *ork at t%e same time may &ause system
s%utdo*n or frees! <e *ant to test and to make sure t%at t%is does not %a''en! As test
'ro&edure *e *ill try to &reate as mu&% traffi& for t%e soft*are as *e &an by o'ening
se.eral a''li&ations &on&urrently! <e s%ould not %a.e any trouble in a&%ie.ing our goal
in t%is se&tion of t%e test sin&e our 'rodu&t is not at t%e large-s&ale soft*are 'rodu&ts
and does not generate too mu&% traffi& eit%er!
Pa""A2ai criterion 2or a "y"te* te"tin%
$ests e9e&uted against t%e system use t%e fun&tional re/uirements, non-fun&tional
re/uirements, and use &ases as t%e elements to determine 'ass or fail! 6f a test e9%ibits a
'rodu&t failure to meet t%e ob(e&ti.es of any of t%e fun&tional re/uirements, non-
fun&tional re/uirements, or t%e use &ases, it *ill fail and a defe&tCissue *ill be re'orted
for re.ie*!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 38 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation

941 Intro($ction
6m'lementation is an a&ti.ity t%at is &ontained t%roug%out t%e de.elo'ment '%ase! 6t
is t%e 'ro&ess of bringing a de.elo'ed system into o'erational use and turning it o.er to
t%e user! $%e ne* system and its &om'onents are to be tested in a stru&tured and 'lanned
manner! A su&&essful system s%ould be deli.ered and users s%ould %a.e &onfiden&e t%at
t%e system *ould *ork effi&iently and effe&ti.ely! $%e more &om'le9 t%e system being
im'lemented t%e more in.ol.ed *ill be t%e system analysis and design effort re/uired
for im'lementation! $%e im'lementation 'lan in.ol.es t%e follo*ing!
$esting and &onfirm effe&ti.eness
-ete&tion and &orre&tion of errors
Making ne&essary &%anges so as to satisfy t%e re/uirements!
$%e 1ystems -e.elo'ment =ife 0y&le (1-=0#, or 1oft*are -e.elo'ment =ife
0y&le in systems engineering and soft*are engineering, is t%e 'ro&ess of &reating or
altering systems, and t%e models and met%odologies t%at 'eo'le use to de.elo' t%ese
systems! $%e &on&e't generally refers to &om'uter or information systems!
6n soft*are engineering t%e 1-=0 &on&e't under'ins many kinds of soft*are
de.elo'ment met%odologies! $%ese met%odologies form t%e frame*ork for 'lanning
and &ontrolling t%e &reation of an information system8 t%e soft*are de.elo'ment
$%e 'ur'ose of 1ystem 6m'lementation &an be summariBed as follo*s8 making
t%e ne* system a.ailable to a 're'ared set of users (t%e de'loyment#, and 'ositioning
on-going su''ort and maintenan&e of t%e system *it%in t%e erforming "rganiBation
(t%e transition#!

ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# 34 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
94/ In"taation Proce($re
Pre B Re@$i"ite" So2t#are
A)6D-like "1 (=inu9, 7CAD et&#
>a.a 5!@ or later (standard 1-K is fine, you don?t need >3EE# M 1un >a.a
A'a&%e Ant 5!6!3 or later (>a.a make-like tool#
ostgre1J= 7!3 or later - an o'en sour&e relational database, or "ra&le 4 or
>a.a 1er.let 0ontainer M $om&at, Hesin, >etty, >,oss et&!
Uni? i!e OS
Any fla.or of A)6D like
=inu9, any fla.or
:edora et&!
1olaris (1un system#
7-AD (7e*lett a&kard#
A6D (6,M#
Ma& "1 D
Ja'a Co*pier
1un >a.a ('referred#
6,M >a.a
;)A >a.a
)"$E8 1ome =inu9 .ersions mig%t %a.e already been loaded *it% ;)A (a.a!
Make sure of t%e A$7 .ariable 'oints to 1un >a.a
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @0 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
>a.a based build tool, similar to make in t%e *orld of T0P
0om'iles (a.a 'rograms of ds'a&e sour&e&ode, generates *ar files
<ar files - A <eb a''li&ation is a grou' of 7$M= 'ages, >1 'ages, ser.lets,
resour&es and sour&e file, *%i&% &an be managed as a single unit! A <eb
ar&%i.e (<AH# file is a 'a&kaged <eb a''li&ation! <AH files &an be used to
im'ort a <eb a''li&ation into a <eb ser.er!
ostgre1J= (o'en sour&e#
"ra&le (&ommer&ial#
-atabase ba&kend of -1'a&e
1tores information on
Members - 'ass*ords
Ser'et container"
$om&at (most 'o'ular *it% -1'a&e#
>,oss (more 'rofessional#
0an be integrated *it% A'a&%e, you %a.e to build &onne&tors
1er.lets are ser.er-side >a.aU 'rograms! $%ese >a.a 'rograms e9tend t%e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @5 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
fun&tionality of a <eb ser.er by generating dynami& &ontent and res'onding
to <eb &lient re/uests! <%en a bro*ser sends a re/uest to t%e ser.er, t%e
ser.er &an send t%e re/uest information to a ser.let, so t%at t%e ser.let &an
&onstru&t t%e res'onse t%at is sent ba&k to t%e bro*ser!
Wor!")op B Con2i%
"'erating 1ystem M :edora 8!0
>a.a M (dk-6-linu9-i586!r'm
A'a&%e Ant M a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0-bin!tar!gB
$om&at M a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33-&om'at!tar!gB
-s'a&e M ds'a&e-5!@!3-sour&e!tar
1ite address of do*nloads
ant may be a.ailable *it% your "1
$om&at may be a.ailable *it% your "1, ,ut use t%e do*nloaded tom&at
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @3 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
In"taation De*on"tration an( Practica Se""ion
6nstall >A+A
0%e&k *%et%er (a.a is installed
V(a.a M.ersion
0o'y t%e (a.a r'm gi.en
&' (dk-6-linu9-i586
6nstall t%e 'a&kage
Vr'm Mi.% (dk-6-linu9-i586!r'm
Hemo.e any old installed (a.a
Vrm CusrCbinC(a.a
6nstall >A+A (&ontd#
0reate symboli& link to ne* installed >a.a
V&d CusrCbin
Vln Ms CusrC(a.aC(dk5!6!0C(a.a (a.a
1et en.ironment .ariable by editing file 'rofile
V.i Cet&C'rofile
$y'e t%e follo*ing lines
V >A+AW7"MESCusrC(a.aC(dk5!6!0
Ve9'ort >A+AW7"ME
1a.e t%e file
6nstall A'a&%e-Ant
0%e&k if ant is installed
V*%i&% ant
0o'y t%e a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0-bin!tar as follo*s
V&' a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0-bin!tar CusrClo&al
6nstall as follo*s
V&d CusrClo&al
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @3 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
VgunBi' a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0-bin!tar!gB
Vtar M9.f a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0-bin!tar
Vm. a'a&%e-ant-5!7!0 ant
1et en.ironment .ariable
V.i Cet&C'rofile
Add t%e line
1a.e t%e file
6nstall ostgre1J=
0o'y t%e 'ostgres/l-8!3!5-
3;-;!f7!i686!r'm and 'ostgres/l-ser.er-
6nstall t%e files in t%e same se/uen&e
Vr'm Mi.% 'ostgres/l-8!3!5 -3;-;!f7!i686!r'm
Vr'm Mi.% 'ostgres/l-ser.er-8!3!5-
6nstall ostgre1J= (&ontd#
=og into 'ostgres
Vsu Ml 'ostgres
6nitialiBe database
0onfiguration &%anges
"'en CdataC'ostgres/l!&onf and remo.e &omment for
listenWaddresses S Tlo&al%ostP
X.i CdataC'ostgres/l!&onf
"'en CdataC'gW%ba!&onf and add a line in t%e se&tion V6.@-style
lo&al &onne&tions8
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @@ Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
ds'a&e ds'a&e 537!0!0!5
355!355!355!355 md5
1a.e t%e file
6nstall $om&at
0o'y a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33!tar!gB to CusrClo&al
V&' a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33!tar!gB CusrClo&al
0%ange dire&tory
V&d CusrClo&al
An&om'ress and e9tra&t files
VgunBi' a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33!tar!gB
Vtar M9.f a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33!tar
Hename t%e dire&tory
Vm. a'a&%e-tom&at-5!5!33 tom&at
6nstall $om&at (&ontd#
0onfiguration &%anges
"'en t%e file Cet&C'rofile and t%e add t%e follo*ing
>A+AW"$1SE-Dm9553M -Dms6@M --file!en&odingSA$:-8E
e9'ort >A+AW"$1
1a.e t%e file
=o&ate t%e follo*ing se&tion in file CusrClo&alCtom&atC&onfigCser.er!9ml
YZ-- -efine a non-11= 7$$C5!5 0onne&tor on 'ort 8080 --[
'ortSE8080E ma9$%readsSE550E min1'are$%readsSE35E
enable=ooku'sSEfalseE redire&tortSE8@@3E a&&e't0ountSE500E
&onne&tion$imeoutSE30000E disableA'load$imeoutSEtrueE C[
Add t%e follo*ing
YZ-- -efine a non-11= 7$$C5!5 0onne&tor on 'ort 8080 --[
'ortSE8080E ma9$%readsSE550E min1'are$%readsSE35E
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @5 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
enable=ooku'sSEfalseE redire&tortSE8@@3E a&&e't0ountSE500E
&onne&tion$imeoutSE30000E disableA'load$imeoutSEtrueE
1a.e t%e file
6nstall -s'a&e
0o'y ds'a&e-5!5!3-sour&e!tar to root dire&tory
V&' ds'a&e-5!5!3-sour&e!tar C
0%ange dire&tory
V&d C
An&om'ress and e9tra&t files
VgunBi' ds'a&e-5!5!3-sour&e!tar
Vtar -9.f ds'a&e-5!5!3-sour&e!tar
Hename dire&tory
Vm. ds'a&e-5!5!3-sour&e ds'a&e
0reate an user ds'a&e
Vuseradd Md Cds'a&e ds'a&e
V'ass*d ds'a&e
-o*nload file 'ostgres/l-8!3!507!(ar and rename
Vm. 'ostgres/l-8!3!507!(ar 'ostgres/l
0o'y 'ostgres (db& dri.er
&' 'ostgres/l Cds'a&eClib
=ogin to ds'a&e
Vsu Ml ds'a&e
X&d Cds'a&e
0reate ds'a&e database
X&reateuser MA 'ostgres Md MA M ds'a&e
(;i.e 'ass*ord and remember it#
&reatedb MA ds'a&e ME A)60"-E ds'a&e
1tart 'ostgres ser.i&e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @6 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
Xser.i&e 'ostgres start
Minimal &onfiguration &%anges
"'en t%e file Cds'a&eC&onfigCds'a&e!&fg
ds'a&e!url S Nlike %tt'8CC50!583!99!99Cds'a&eO
ds'a&e!%ostname S N6 address of ser.erO
ds'a&e!name SN -s'a&e at 6610 <orks%o'O
db!'ass*ord S Nt%e 'ass*ord you entered in t%e last ste' of
'ostgres/l installationO
mail!ser.er SNl50!583!99!99O
mail!from!address S Nds'a&e\lo&al%ostO
feedba&k!re&i'ient SNds'a&e\lo&al%ostO
mail!admin S Nds'a&e\lo&al%ostO
alert!re&i'ient SNemail address (not essential but .ery usefulZ#O
1a.e t%e file
0om'ile and install
Xant fres%Winstall
0o'y t%e *ar files &reated
X&' Cds'a&eCbuildC]!*ar CusrClo&alCtom&atC*eba''s
0reate initial administrator a&&ount
Enter details as 'rom'ted
0%ange o*ners%i' to user ds'a&e for tom&at
V&%o*n MH ds'a&e!ds'a&e CusrClo&alCtom&at
1tart tom&at
"'en bro*ser
;i.e address %tt'8CC50!583!99!9988080Cds'a&e
$%ere you *ill %a.e t%e ds'a&e 'age
1u&&essful installation
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @7 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Implementation
946 I*pe*entation Pan
$%e 'ro(e&t *ill be im'lemented in t%e :61A$ digital library!*%ere t%e -s'a&e *ebsite
&an be %osted and staff and students &an login using t%eir =-A a&&ount id!$%e -s'a&e
*ebsite *ill be managed by t%e library administrator!$%roug% -s'a&e bot% students and
staff members &an u'load and do*nload digital data ranging from sim'le te9t
do&uments to fl. .ideo filles!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @8 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Conclusion

:41 A('anta%e" an( Di"a('anta%e" o2 t)e "y"te*
E.ery system *%i&% %as been de.elo'ed *ill %a.e &ertain ad.antages as *ell as
disad.antages asso&iated *it% it!
"ur 'ro(e&t fo&uses on t%e &on&e't of &reating an effi&ient library management
system! =ogged in users &an utiliBe t%e s'e&ial and en&%an&e ser.i&es su&% as digital
data storing su&% as .ideos, songs and &ir&ulation of t%e library a&&essing!
-1A0E installation is not a .ery easy 'ro&ess! 6t re/uire many 'a&kages and
libraries *%i&% %as to be 'reinstalled se'erately!$%ey do not &ome *it% -1A0E
:4/ +$t$re "cope
6t &an be used in :61A$ -igital =ibrary!$%e main 'ur'ose of our 'ro(e&t is -ata
integration!1taff and 1tudents &an a&&ess,u'load and s%are .arious kinds of data
&ommunity *ise in -1A0E! -s'a&e is an o'en sour&e 6=1!1o t%e &ode &an easily be
obtained!6m'lementation of a =ibrary system using -s'a&e %as 'ro.ed to be .ery
effi&ient!6ts features and fun&tionalities make it one of t%e best 6=1 soft*ares a.ailable!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# @4 Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

;41 Sa*pe co(e
Yform nameSEloginformE met%odSE'ostE a&tionSElda'!(s'E[
Ytable alignSE&enterE[Ytr[Ytd[Y%3[=ogin Aut%enti&ationYC%3[YCtd[YCtr[YCtable[
Ytable alignSE&enterE[
Ytr[Ytd &ols'anS3[YCtd[YCtr[
Ytr[Ytd &ols'anS3[2nbs'IYCtd[YCtr[
Ytd[Yb[=ogin )ameYCb[YCtd[
Ytd[Yin'ut ty'eSEte9tE nameSEt9tusernameE[YCtd[ YZ--A00E$6);
Ytd[Yin'ut ty'eSE'ass*ordE nameSEt9t'ass*ordE[YCtd[ YZ--A00E$6);

Ytd[Yin'ut ty'eSEsubmitE nameSE1ubmitE .alueSE 1ubmit E[YCtd[ YZ--1A,M6$
+A=AE1 $" ?=-A!>1?--[
YCbody[ YC%tml[
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# i Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
Y^\ 'age im'ortSE(a.a9!naming!0onte9t,
int .alidate(1tring username,1tring 'ass*ord#
CC $761 :A)0$6") 61 A1E- $" 07E0K <7E$7EH $7E ,6)- :"H $7E
;6+E) A1EH -) 61 1A00E11:A==
7as%table en. S ne* 7as%table(#I
)amingE9&e'tion eI

#I CC=-A >A+A 0"))E0$"H
en.!'ut(0onte9t!H"+6-EHWAH=, Elda'8CC573!56!5!58384E#I
CCAH= ": :61A$ =-A
CCAA$7E)$60A$6") =E+E=
en.!'ut(0onte9t!1E0AH6$LWH6)06A=,EuidSE K username K
E,ouSAsers,d&Sfisat,d&SeduE#I CC-) ": $7E 1E06:6E- A1EH
CCA11<"H- ": A1EH

CC 0reate initial &onte9t
=da'0onte9t &t9 S ne* 6nitial=da'0onte9t(en., null#I

CC 0lose t%e &onte9t *%en *e?re done
return 5I
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# ii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
CC,6)- 1A00E11:A==

`&at&%()amingE9&e'tion e#

return 0I CC ,6)-

1tring username, 'ass*ordI
if(re/uest!getarameter(Et9tusernameE# SS null#
username S EEI
username S re/uest!getarameter(Et9tusernameE#I
CC;E$ $7E A1EH)AME :H"M ?=-A-=";6)!>1?

if(re/uest!getarameter(Et9t'ass*ordE# SS null#
'ass*ord S EEI
'ass*ord S re/uest!getarameter(Et9t'ass*ordE#I
CC;E$ $7E A11<"H- :H"M ?=-A-=";6)!>1?

if (.alidate(username,'ass*ord#SS5#
out!'rintln(E+alidatedE#I CC1A00E11
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# iii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

out!'rintln(EfailedE#I CC:A6=AHE
;4/ Tec)noo%y E?panation
-1'a&e is an o'en sour&e soft*are 'a&kage t%at 'ro.ides t%e tools for
management of digital assets, and is &ommonly used as t%e basis for an institutional
re'ository! 6t su''orts a *ide .ariety of data, in&luding books, t%eses, 3- digital s&ans
of ob(e&ts, '%otogra'%s, film, .ideo, resear&% data sets and ot%er forms of &ontent! $%e
data is arranged as &ommunity &olle&tions of items, *%i&% bundle bitstreams toget%er!

ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# iv Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

Li%)t#ei%)t Directory Acce"" Protoco-LDAP.
$%e =ig%t*eig%t -ire&tory A&&ess roto&ol, or =-A ('ronoun&ed C l dQ'C#, is
an a''li&ation 'roto&ol for /uerying and modifying data using dire&tory ser.i&es
running o.er $0C6!N5O
A dire&tory is a set of ob(e&ts *it% attributes organiBed in a logi&al and
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# v Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
%ierar&%i&al manner! A sim'le e9am'le is t%e tele'%one dire&tory, *%i&% &onsists of a
list of names (of eit%er 'ersons or organiBations# organiBed al'%abeti&ally, *it% ea&%
name %a.ing an address and '%one number asso&iated *it% it!
seudo .ideo streaming
seudostreaming is a 'roto&ol t%at &an be installed on regular 7$$
ser.ers su&% as A'a&%e, $om&at, 661 or lig%t%tt'd! 6t uses a ser.er side s&ri't for :las%-
to-ser.er &ommuni&ation! $%e 'layer sends a 7$$ re/uest to t%e ser.er *it% a start
time 'arameter in t%e re/uest AH=Ps /uery string and t%e ser.er s&ri't res'onds *it% t%e
.ideo stream so t%at its start 'osition &orres'onds to t%e re/uested 'arameter! $%is start
time 'arameter is usually named sim'ly start! $%is same te&%ni/ue is used by t%e ultra-
'o'ular Lou$ube ser.i&e *%i&% uses lig%t%tt'd ser.ers!
$%e biggest ad.antage of using 'seudo streaming or any ot%er streaming
solution is t%e ability to seek in t%e timeline to 'ositions t%at %a.e not been do*nloaded
to t%e 'layer! $%is is most desirable for full-lengt% mo.ies be&ause t%e .isitor &an seek
to t%e last s&ene of a 3-%our mo.ie if s%e *ants to! 7ere are some more benefits of
Handom seeking to any 'art of t%e timeline at any time!
1tarting 'layba&k in t%e middle of t%e &li'Ps timeline!
ro.ides integration 'ossibilities to &ustom streaming ser.ers and ser.er-side
,ot% :=+ and 7!36@ files su''orted!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# vi Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
Ant - Ant is a >a.a library and &ommand-line tool! Ant?s mission is to dri.e 'ro&esses
des&ribed in build files as targets and e9tension 'oints de'endent u'on ea&% ot%er!
,ind - aut%enti&ate &lient to ser.er!
0;6 - 0ommon ;ate*ay 6nterfa&e!0ir&ulation-lending materials to 'atrons and
re&ei.ing t%em ba&k!
-s'a&e - -1'a&e is an o'en sour&e soft*are 'a&kage t%at 'ro.ides t%e tools for
management of digital assets, and is &ommonly used as t%e basis for an institutional
-ire&tory - A dire&tory is a s'e&ial 'ur'ose %ierar&%i&al database t%at usually &ontains
ty'ed information su&% as te9t strings, binary data et&
-) - -istinguis%ed )ameI$%e fully /ualified name of a dire&tory entry!6t s'e&ifies bot%
an entries lo&ation in t%e dire&tory tree and its name!
>a.a1er.er ages (>1# - >a.a te&%nology t%at %el's soft*are de.elo'ers ser.e
dynami&ally generated *eb 'ages based on 7$M=, DM=, or ot%er do&ument ty'es!
>-K - $%e >a.a -e.elo'ment Kit (>-K# is a 1un Mi&rosystems 'rodu&t aimed at >a.a
de.elo'ers! 1in&e t%e introdu&tion of >a.a, it %as been by far t%e most *idely used >a.a
=-A - An internet standard for a&&essing dire&tory ser.i&es
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# vii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
=-A dire&tory - =-A dire&tory is a dire&tory *%ose ser.er soft*are &onforms to t%e
=ig%t*eig%t -ire&tory A&&ess roto&ol *%en &ommuni&ating *it% a &lient!
=-A.3 - .ersion 3 of t%e =-AI=atest 'ro'osed .ersion of t%e standard!
Ma.en - Ma.en is a soft*are 'ro(e&t management and &om're%ension tool! ,ased on
t%e &on&e't of a 'ro(e&t ob(e&t model ("M#, Ma.en &an manage a 'ro(e&t?s build,
re'orting and do&umentation from a &entral 'ie&e of information!
ostgre1J= - "ften sim'ly ostgres, is an ob(e&t-relational database management
system ("H-,M1#!6t is released under an M6$-style li&ense and is t%us free and o'en
sour&e soft*are! As *it% many ot%er o'en sour&e'rograms, ostgre1J= is not
&ontrolled by any single &om'any, but %as a global &ommunity of de.elo'ers and
&om'anies to de.elo' it!
H-) - Helati.e -istinguis%ed )ameIA &om'onent of t%e -) &onsisting of atleast one
attribute or .alue 'air!
1treaming media - multimedia t%at are &onstantly re&ei.ed by, and normally 'resented
to, an end-user *%ile being deli.ered by a streaming 'ro.ider (t%e term E'resentedE is
used in t%is arti&le in a general sense t%at in&ludes audio or .ideo 'layba&k#!
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# viii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
;48 Screen")ot"
:ig 55!-s'a&e 7ome'age
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# i( Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

:ig!53!-s'a&e =ogin age
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# ( Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

:ig!53!+ideo 1treaming in -s'a&e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# (i Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

:ig!5@!0ommunities and &olle&tions in -s'a&e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# (ii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(

:ig!55!1ear&% *indo* in -s'a&e
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# (iii Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
:ig!56!Hesult of "0
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# (iv Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration Appendi(
:ig!57!"0 result 'age
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# (v Computer Science & Engineering
DSpace LDAP authentication and video integration )eferences
N5O F >a.a 3 0om'lete referen&eG
ublis%er8 7erbert, 1&%ildt,tata M&;ra* 7ill
N3O F>a.a 3, A<$ , 1*ing,DM= and >a.a,eans rogramming ,la&k ,ookG
ublis%er81te.en 7olBner, <iley -reamte&%
N3O F>a.a 1er.er 'agesG
ublis%er88 =arne eko*sky-earson Edu&ation
N@O F>18>a.a 1er.er agesG
ublis%er88,arry ,urd,6-; ,ooks 6ndia
ederal Institue !f Science & "echnolog# ** Computer Science & Engineering

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