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1. Abstract 1
2. Introduction 2
3. Objectives and Hypothesis 4
4. Methodology 4
5. Theoretical Frameor! 4
6. "iterature #evie $
7. %ample $
8. &niverse $
9. 'onclusion 12
10. "imitations 1(
11. #e)erences 14
Impact of !"ertisement on t#e $ife St%&e of Pa'istani (o)t#
Objective o) this %tudy as to access to the role o) the T* advertisement in
changing the li)e style o) +a!istani youth ith the help o) the habits, attitudes, tastes,
moral standards parameter- And also to measure to hich e.tent advertisement is
use)ul in changing the li)e style and its impact on society- It as a community/based
analytical study,- A group o) 20 respondents ta!es part in the study out o) hich 10
ere )emale, 10 ere male, and data as collected )rom government college
university Faisalabad--- In results, male and )emale both point out that the
advertisement is changing li)estyle and variable associated ith li)estyle by )ar o) its
limit and can be problematic o) our society-
+e%,or!s- impact, lifestyle, advertisement, Society
The impact o) television is immense due to combination o) audio/ visual e))ect
and broadly spread vieer ship and this )eature o) T* is orldide ac!noledge and
used as e))ective tool )or advertisement -In +a!istan no days mar!eter are heavily
targeting li)estyle in T* advertisement- Al)red Adler )irstly used li)estyle in 1121, )or
person basic reaction and behavior- 2enial '3itrom and 2avid Marc 411$56 provide a
s!etch to the popularity o) li)estyle in 1170s, hen several li)estyles became !non to
individuals and groups, including8 gay li)estyle, communal li)e style, student and
youth li)estyle, all )orming the ne 9alternative li)estyles:- The originality o) the
ord as somehat lost during the trans)ormation and introduction o) the alternative
li)estyles, )ocusing more on being part o) a more Hollyood li)estyle, observed by
celebrities, and )olloed by masses-
;o the <uestion arise ho Advertisement and "i)estyle are related- In
business, =li)estyles= provide a means by hich advertisers and mar!eters try to target
and match consumer aspirations ith products, or create aspirations relevant to ne
products- There)ore mar!eters ta!e the patterns o) belie) and action characteristic o)
li)estyles and direct them toard e.penditure and consumption- These patterns re)lect
the demographic )actors 4the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic levels
and so on6 that de)ine a group- As a construct that directs people to interact ith their
orlds as consumers, li)estyles are subject to change by the demands o) mar!eting
and technological innovation-
>outh is considered the builders o) any nation- The advertisement industry has
a tremendous impact on our thin!ing- Most people believe hat they see on T*- The
advertisers !no ho to appeal to our senses- They tell us hat to ear 4because
everyone is earing it6, hat to eat 4because everyone is eating it6, and hat to do
4because everyone is doing it6- They use peer pressure very heavily- =>ou need to
ear these tennis shoes because 4add a big name sports star6 is earing them and
everyone else is going to ear them- >ou ant to be cool don?t you@= >ou have to
have a )ast car that can go 120 mph even though the speed limit is set at about hal)
Interdisciplinary Aournal o) #esearch in Business *ol- 1, Issue- C, Auly 20114pp-(1/446
They have con)used our youth ith the di))erence beteen =need= and =ant-
The cultural impact on youth li)e style is global8 advertiser can use the same
commercials in all over the orld 4Dbad, 20106- This leads to brea! don in the
di))erences o) the societies- The youth no, a day gros hile atching these ads and
that is hy the culture o) almost C0E o) the orld is changing- Advertisement is also
in)luencing behavior o) !ids- Advertising ma!es !ids ant things // it creates desire
//hich puts a lot o) pressure on parents- Television is a shocase )or =must have=
items that parents are e.pected to buy- Fids and parents alays have to struggle about
purchases- Ghen a parent says, ?;o, I can?t buy that, I don?t have enough money?,
there?s an underlying sense that the parent is not meeting the child?s needs and is
depriving the child o) hat he or she needs to be happy-=4;eelima Hupta, 200$6-
At the same time advertisement a))ects the psychology health the youngster
ho learn ho to get parents to respond to his or her ishes and ants- This may ta!e
the )orm o) a grunt, hine, scream, or gesture//indeed some tears may be necessary//
but eventually almost all children are able on a regular basis to persuade Mom or 2ad
to buy something )or them- Advertisement is integral part o) industry, and tact)ully
targeting the youngster to sell their pro)it but )orgetting that advertising has an impact
on impressionable minds o) the children- +arents should be aare that advertising is
going on, and it?s in)luencing their children more than they thin! 4AnandNawathe,
2007*)- +arents must educate the children to e.amine the surrounding more care)ully
and ta!e decision more logically- A %tudy done by 4%habbir, 200$6 shos that
+a!istani children are very much aare about T* commercialIs )eatures li!eJ
truth)ulness, annoyingness, taste and in)luencing characteristics o) the ad- Their
behavior is also di))erent about advertised and non/advertised brands-
T* advertising has enhanced their involvement in product selection and
purchase, they pre)er to buy T* advertised products and sometimes they ant T*
advertised products even though they do not need them- They also li!e the
advertisements o) the products that they are using and believe that products are as
good as e.pected )rom T* advertisements- Advertisement has an impact on buying
behavior o) the youth- This ultimately changes their li)estyles- In +a!istan, most
advertising agencies no target children through advertisement especially hen
advertising consumer products li!e childrenIs toys, chocolates, candy bars, tooth paste
etc- 4Faroo< Ahmed Aam,20106 identi)ied Impact o) mar!eting activities 4specially
adverting6 on children is very important and sensitive issue )or the society and
mar!eters- #esults shoed interesting )indings that ads do not impact negatively to
children memory and behavior rather it enhances the !noledge o) children and the
ads targeted to children are not e))ective )or e))ective positioning o) children related
products mar!eters should target the parents and include ethical orientation along ith
environmental !noledge to in)luence the buying behavior o) parents-
.*/ecti"es an! 0%pot#esis
Objective o) this research is to access to the role o) the T* advertisement in
the changing li)e style o) +a!istani youth ith the help o) the habits, attitudes, tastes,
moral standards and parameters- Gith that also to measure to hich e.tend
advertisement is use)ul in changing li)e style and its impact on society-
It as community based analytical study, the author has developed a
<uestionnaire, and the <uestion as designed to !no the point o) vie o) youth
regarding the impact o)advertisement in changing the li)e style- First part o)
<uestionnaire contains in)ormation regarding demographic- %econd part has the series
o) close/ended indirect <uestions, hich ere based on li)estyle variables li!e believe,
;orm 'ultural value, )amily bonding and tendency to copy Ad- In the end, direct
<uestion as as!ed regarding the change in li)e style due to advertisement- /random
convince sampling techni<ue as used in our survey- To complete the survey 20
samples, respondents selected )rom government college university Faisalabad- 10
Male and 10 )rom the )emale )illed 20 <uestionnaires-
T#eoretica& 2rame,or'
3ses an! gratifications t#eor%
&ses and Hrati)ications Theory 4&HT6 is an approach to understanding hy
and ho people actively see! out speci)ic media to satis)y speci)ic needs- &HT is an
audience/centered approach to understanding mass communication- 2ivergent )rom
other media e))ect theories ho <uestion =hat media do to people@=, &HT )ocuses
on =hat people do ith media@=
This 'ommunication theory is positivistic in its approach, based in the socio/
psychological communication tradition, and )ocuses on communication at the mass
media scale- The driving <uestion o) &HT isJ Ghy do people use media and hat do
they use them )or@ &HT discusses ho users deliberately choose media that ill
satis)y given needs and allo one to enhance !noledge, rela.ation, social
interactionsKcompanionship, diversion, or escape-
It assumes that audience members are not passive consumers o) media- #ather,
the audience has poer over their media consumption and assumes an active role in
interpreting and integrating media into their on lives- &nli!e other theoretical
perspectives, &HT holds that audiences are responsible )or choosing media to meet
their desires and needs to achieve grati)ication- This theory ould then imply that the
media compete against other in)ormation sources )or vieers? grati)ication-
&HT has a heuristic value today because it gives communication scholars a
=perspective through hich a number o) ideas and theories about media choice,
consumption, and even impact can be vieed-=
3ses an! 4ratifications pproac#
Mar! "evy and %ven Gindahl provide a good description o) hat it means to
be an =active consumer= o) mediaJ
=As commonly understood by grati)ications researchers, the term =audience
activity= postulates a voluntaristic and selective orientation by audiences toard the
communication process- In brie), it suggests that media use is motivated by needs and
goals that are de)ined by audience members themselves, and that active participation
in the communication process may )acilitate, limit, or otherise in)luence the
grati)ications and e))ects associated ith e.posure- 'urrent thin!ing also suggests that
audience activity is best conceptuali3ed as a variable construct, ith audiences
e.hibiting varying !inds and degrees o) activity-=
ss)mptions of t#e T#eor%
&nli!e other theories concerning media consumption, &HT gives the
consumer poer to discern hat media they consume, ith the assumption that the
consumer has a clear intent and use- This contradicts previous theories such as Mass
%ociety Theory, that states that people are helpless victims o) mass media produced by
large companies8 and Individual 2i))erences +erspective, hich states that
intelligence and sel)/esteem largely drive an individual?s media choice-
Hiven these di))ering theories, &HT is uni<ue in its assumptionsJ
1. The audience is active and its media use is goal oriented
2. The initiative in lin!ing need grati)ication to a speci)ic medium choice rests
ith the audience member
3. The media compete ith other resources )or need satis)action
4. +eople have enough sel)/aareness o) their media use, interests, and motives
to be able to provide researchers ith an accurate picture o) that use-
5. *aluejudgments o) media content can only be assessed by the audience-
0e)ristic pproac# of 34T
Fat3, Blumler, and Hurevitch synthesi3ed that &HT?s approach as )ocused
on =the social and psychological origins o) needs, hich generate e.pectations o) the
mass media or other sources, hich lead to di))erential patterns o) media e.posure 4or
engagement in other activities6, resulting in need grati)ications and other
conse<uences, perhaps mostly unintended ones-=
According to Fat3, Blumler and Hurevitch?s research there ere )ive components
comprising the &ses and Hrati)ications Approach- The components areJ
1. The audience is conceived as active-
2. In the mass communication process, much initiative in lin!ing grati)ication
and media choice lies ith the audience member-
3. The media compete ith other sources o) satis)action-
4. Methodologically spea!ing, many o) the goals o) mass media use can be
derived )rom data supplied by individual audience members themselves-
5. *alue judgments about the cultural signi)icance o) mass communication
should be suspended hile audience orientations are e.plored on their on
According to the research, goals )or media use can be grouped into )ive uses-L5M The
audience ants toJ
1. 1.Be in)ormed or educated
2. Identi)y ith characters o) the situation in the media environment
3. %imple entertainment
4. Dnhance social interaction
5. Dscape )rom the stresses o) daily li)e
Beginning in the 1140s, researchers began seeing patterns under the
perspective o) the uses and grati)ications theory in radio listeners- Darly research as
concerned ith topics such as children?s use o) comics and the absence o) nespapers
during a nespaper stri!e- An interest in more psychological interpretations emerged
during this time period-
In 114$, "ass ell introduced a )our/)unctional interpretation o) the media on
a macro/sociological level- Media served the )unctions o) surveillance, correlation,
entertainment and cultural transmission )or both society and individuals-
Stages of t#e T#eor%
The &ses and Hrati)ications Theory ere developed )rom a number o) prior
communication theories and research conducted by )ello theorists-
Stage 1
In 1144 Herta Her3og began to loo! at the earliest )orms o) uses and
grati)ications ith her or! classi)ying the reasons hy people chose speci)ic types
o) media- For her study, Her3og intervieed soap opera )ans and as able to identi)y
three types o) grati)ications- The three grati)ications categories, based on hy people
listened to soap operas, ere emotional, ish)ul thin!ing, and learning-L15M
In 11C0 Abraham Maslo suggested that &ses and Hrati)ications Theory as an
e.tension o) the ;eeds and Motivation Theory- The basis )or his argument as that
people actively loo!ed to satis)y their needs based on a hierarchy- These needs are
organi3ed as Maslo?s Hierarchy o) ;eeds in the )orm o) a pyramid ith the largest,
most )undamental needs at the base and the need )or sel)/actuali3ation at the tip- From
the bottom/up the pyramid contains BiologicalK+hysical, %ecurityK%a)ety,
%ocialKBelonging, DgoK%el)/#espect and %el)/actuali3ation at the top-L17M
In 1154 Gilbur %chramm developed the )raction o) selection, a )ormula )or
determining hich )orm o) mass media an individual ould select- The )ormula
helped to decide the amount o) grati)ication an individual ould e.pect to gain )rom
the medium over ho much e))ort they had to ma!e to achieve grati)ication-
Stage 2
In 1171 Aay Blumler and 2enis McNuail studied the 1174 election in the &nited
Fingdom by e.amining people?s motives )or atching certain political programs on
television- By categori3ing the audience?s motives )or vieing a certain program, they
aimed to classi)y vieers according to their needs in order to understand any potential
mass/media e))ects- The audience motivations they ere able to identi)y helped lay
the groundor! )or their research in 11C2 and eventually the &ses and Hrati)ications
In 11C2 2enis McNuail, Aay Blumler and Aoseph Bron suggested that the
uses o) di))erent types o) media could be grouped into 4 categories- The )our
categories ereJ diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance-
In 11C(/C4 McNuail, Blumler and Bron ere joined by Dlihu Fat3, Michael
Hurevitch and Hadassah Haas, in their media e.ploration- The collaborative research
began to indicate ho people sa the mass media-
Stage 3
The most recent interest surrounding &ses and Hrati)ications Theory is the
lin! beteen the reason hy media is used and the achieved grati)ication-
&HT researchers are developing the theory to be more predictive and
e.planatory by connecting the needs, goals, bene)its, and conse<uences o) media
consumption and use along ith individual )actors-
Gor! in &HT as trailbla3ing because the research o) Fat3, Blumler, and
Hurevitch built on Her3og?s research and caused a paradigm shi)t )rom ho media
in)luences people to ho audiences use media, diminishing the dominance o) the
limited e))ects approach to mass media studies-
$iterat)re 5e"ie,
The role o) advertisement changes into hat the organi3ation ants them to
do- there ere times that an organi3ation uses the advertising to help them survive
)rom the impacts o) economic trends- %till the economists vies that the advertising
lays a signi)icant e))ects on the youth- And in a long process the advertising can lead
the organi3ation to competition- Based the understanding regarding the advertising,
the approach rooted in the organi3ation research )or the right anser on the e))ects )
the computation- 'onse<uently, the accepted basic role other the advertising is to
provide the youth ith the right amount o) in)ormation regarding to product or
services, hich is related to the objective o) the competition and that is to deliver the
youth satis)action- In this vie, the level o) advertising e))ect the youth ith the )ocus
o) organi3ation, based on the previous studies regarding the youth behavior, there are
three in)lectional )actors that a))ect the youth behavior hen buying there are
enumerated as e.ternal in)luences internal in)luences and the mar!eting in)luences in
hich the advertising product promotion, and the pricing techni<ues are )ound-
2e)initely mar!eting activity such as advertising e))ect both internal and e.ternal
#andom convince sampling techni<ue as used in our survey- To complete the
survey 20 samples, respondents selected )rom government college university
Faisalabad- 10 Male and 10 )rom the )emale )illed 20 <uestionnaires-
The total universe in this research as 20, 10 Male and 10 )rom the )emale
)illed 20 <uestionnaires-
6istri*)tion of st)!% gro)p on gen!er
6istri*)tion of 1a&e 5emar's
Cases (es No No of respon!ent
2o youth atch T* 50 50 10
>outh spend more
than one hour in
atching T*
75 (5 10
Attention to T*
C0 (0 10
Attention to paper
70 40 10
Attention to bill
board Advertisement
70 40 10
Advertisement is
changing the believe
o) our youth
75 (5 10
Advertisement is
changing the norms
o) society
55 45 10
Advertisement is
changing the culture
o) our society
$0 20 10
T* Advertisement is
changing the
religious value o)
our youth
$5 15 10
T* Advertisement is
changing )amily
$0 20 10
St)!% 4ro)p 1a&e 2ema&e Tota&
;o- o) #espondent 10 10 20
bonding o) our
>outh try to copy
T* Advertisement
a)ter atching it
70 40 10
T* Advertisement
impact lasts on
$0 20 10
T* Advertisement
change buying
75 (5 10
'elebrity in Ad has
greater impact on
C0 (0 10
Advertisement is
changing the li)e
style o) our youth
50 50 10
6istri*)tion of 2ema&e 5emar's
Cases (es No No of respon!ent
2o youth atch T* 50 50 10
>outh spend more
than one hour in
atching T*
55 45 10
Attention to T*
$0 20 10
Attention to paper
70 40 10
Attention to bill
board Advertisement
55 45 10
Advertisement is
changing the believe
o) our youth
75 (5 10
Advertisement is
changing the norms
o) society
70 40 10
Advertisement is
changing the culture
o) our society
55 45 10
T* Advertisement is
changing the
religious value o)
our youth
C0 (0 10
T* Advertisement is
changing )amily
bonding o) our
55 45 10
>outh try to copy
T* Advertisement
a)ter atching it
70 45 10
T* Advertisement
impact lasts on
55 45 10
T* Advertisement 70 45 10
change buying
'elebrity in Ad has
greater impact on
50 50 10
Advertisement is
changing the li)e
style o) our youth
50 50 10
Ge started ith the aim to e.plore the role o) advertisement in in)luencing the
li)estyle o) youth and our )indings provided astonishing insights )or )uture researchers
and mar!eting managers- Ge ended up ith the )inding son the bases o) above/
mentioned statistics, e can sa)ely conclude that T* advertisement in general and
those involving same celebrities have immense and lasting e))ect on youthIs li)estyle,
religious value, )amily bonding and their decision ma!ing )or buying various items-
%ome o) the e))ects are really damaging )or our society, hich are generally based on
combined )amily system, established religious and cultural value and here majority
o) people cannot not a))ord to purchase the product, hich have severe temptation )or
youth in the race o) sho poer-
"imitations and Future #esearch Implications Future researcher must test
these )indings in di))erent cultural conte.t to support our )indings or i) any di))erent
results )ound- There are some limitations o) study regarding sample selection because
entire samples ta!en )rom only one city o) +a!istan so it may not be the true
representative o) population- "i)e style, economic condition and per capita income o)
that area might have some in)luence on the community in sample- Third major
limitation o) our study is regarding the validity and reliability o) our measuring
instrument, e designed the <uestionnaire )rom the help o) di))erent literature and
ma!es re<uired changes in their scale as per our sample, although e tried our best to
ma!e the process standardi3ed but the sole reliability and validity o) our instrument is
re)erred to them- 2espite o) all these constraints e tried our best to )ollo the
standard research procedures and styles )or our sincere attempt ill add very little
value in this stream o) research-
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