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Fax : 0755-2735980 Selection Centre Central
Tele : 0755-2702223(0930-1330hrs) Sultania Infantry Lines
IVRS : 0755-2731245/ 2731255 Bhopal (MP)-462001
Web : www!"#$#$%#a$ar&'$#(#$
SCC7305/45C! 11 May 2014
SS) I*T+RVI+W SS, (T)-43 : -,T 2014 ,-.RS+ I* T/+ 0R12
"ear can#i#ate$
1% &e are please# to infor' that you are no'inate# to atten# SSB inter(ie) for *oinin+ the ,fficers -rainin+
.ca#e'y% /our 0oll 1o is 'entione# )ithin 2rac3ets a+ainst your na'e in +x(el Shee3 (attache# )ith this Call !p
letter) sen# throu+h e-'ail% Please 4uote the reference of this letter alon+ )ith your 0oll 1o in all future
2% /ou are re4uire# to report at 4a3e *" 2 "5 Sele(3#"$ ,e$3re ,e$3ral6 S7l3a$#a I$5a$3r' 8#$es6 )h"9al: 7$%er
"w$ arra$;e&e$3 on the #ate an# ti'e as +i(en 2elo) *" 3ra$s9"r3a3#"$ 3" 3he (a$%#%a3es w#ll be 9r"<#%e%
5r"& Ra#lwa' S3a3#"$ )h"9al 3" 3he Sele(3#"$ ,e$3re ="(7&e$3a3#"$ a$% 3es3#$; 9r"(e%7res "5 s3a;e-1 w#ll
("&&e$(e 3he sa&e %a' *" la3e ("&ers w#ll be e$3er3a#$e%/ a((e93e% a53er 0>30 h"7rs a3 3he sele(3#"$
Ser 1o "ate of 0eportin+ -i'e of 0eportin+ Choice Batch
(a) 31 1a' 2014 0>00 h"7rs -$e 3#&e ,all .9 Re;7lar
5% !n#er e6ceptional circu'stances$ reportin+ #ate +i(en 'ay 2e chan+e# 2y this Centre 2ase# on a(aila2ility of
2atches #ates% In this case you )ill 2e re4uire# to sen# an application (Speci'en application is attache# at the en#
of the Call !p instructions) )ell in a#(ance% -he #ate )ill 2e consi#ere# chan+e# only if you recei(e a confir'ation
fro' us% In this case you )ill also 2e re4uire# to 2rin+ a certificate o2taine# fro' the authority as in#icate# 2elo)$
enu'eratin+ the circu'stances un#er )hich you coul# not report on the +i(en #ate%
,er3#5#(a3e 3" be S#;$e% b'
(i) 7#ucational Constraints Principal 8ea# of the
(ii) 8ealth 9o(ern'ent Me#ical ,fficer
(iii) :or any other reasons
Place of
,er3#5#(a3e 3" be s#;$e% b'
;illa+e -o)n City Metropolitan
' Pra#han
I9P Mayor
4% /ou are re4uire# to ensure the follo)in+ <-
(a) Co''on Call !p instructions for SSB inter(ie)s are a(aila2le on the a2o(e 'entione# )e2site%
8o)e(er$ *oinin+ Instructions are enclose# here)ith for your infor'ation an# co'pliance% ?lease6 e$s7re
'"7r el#;#b#l#3' (r#3er#a as 9er $"3#5#(a3#"$ 5"r 3h#s ("7rse be5"re re9"r3#$; 5"r SS) #$3er<#ew
Can#i#ates are re4uire# to 2rin+ the follo)in+ <-
(i) .ll e#ucational #ocu'ents in ori+inal alon+)ith t)o photocopies each #uly atteste# as 'entione#
inpara 5 of Call up instructions%
(ii) Ite's as 'entione# in para 1 of Call up instructions%
(iii) "eclaration certificate #uly si+ne#% (Speci'en +i(en on the re(erse si#e)
(i() Con(ersion Certificate of 9ra#e into 'ar3s syste' issue# 2y the concerne# colle+euni(ersity in case
ha(in+ +ra#in+ syste' in #e+ree le(el%
(() /ou are re4uire# to 2rin+ your all e#ucational certificates an# 'ar3s sheets in ori+inal as 'entione#
in the Call !p instruction% I$ (ase6 '"7 5a#l 3" 9r"%7(e a$' re@7#s#3e %"(7&e$3s 6 '"7 are l#able 3"
be re37r$e% w#3h"73 be#$; #$3er<#ewe% a$% $" re#&b7rse&e$3 "5 3ra<ell#$; all"wa$(e w#ll be
((i) In case$ your ori+inal #ocu'ents are #eposite# )ith so'e institution for pursuin+ hi+her stu#ies$ you
are re4uire# to 2rin+ a b"$a5#%e (7& (7s3"%#a$ (er3#5#(a3e #uly si+ne# 2y the Principalhea# of institution
reflectin+ those #ocu'ents an# t)o photocopies each #uly atteste# 2y the sa&e a73h"r#3'% See speci'en
at .ppen#i6 =C>)%
1I*I1.1 ,.T -FF ?+R,+*T04+ F-R 0??+0RI*4 )+F-R+ SS) IS >>A
I$ ?????????????????? 0oll 1o % ?????????%a can#i#ate for SS,(Te(h)-43
course here2y #eclare that I ha(e cu'ulati(ely o2taine# >>A &arBs 79 3" >
se&es3er #$ )+/) Te(h #e+ree
course )hich is 'ini'u' cut off @ for appearin+ 2efore SSB%
I$ further un#erta3e that 'y can#i#ature for SS,(T)-43 course shall 2e cancelle# in case the a2o(e
#eclaration is foun# to 2e false at any sta+e of selection%
Place < Si+nature of the can#i#ate
"ate <
8IST -F *-TIFI+= STR+01S F-R SS,(T+,/)-43 : -,T 2014 ,-.RS+
S3rea& Va(
B7B% -ech Ci(il 7n+ineerin+ Buil#in+ Construction -echnolo+y Ci(il
7n+ineerin+ (Structural 7n+ineerin+) Structural 7n+ineerin+
(2) B7B%-ech .rchitecture 7n+ineerin+ 02
B7B% -ech Mechanical 7n+ineerin+ Mechanical (Mechatronics) 7n+ineerin+
Mechanical A .uto'ation 7n+ineerin+
B7B% -ech Pro#uction 7n+ineerin+ In#ustrial Manufacturin+ In#ustrial 7n++ A
M+t) Pro#uct "esi+n A "e(elop'ent Pro#uction 7n+ineerin+ A Mana+e'ent
(e) B7B% -ech .uto'o2ile 7n++ &or3shop -echnolo+y 02
(f) B7B% -ech .eronautical .erospace .(ionics 02
B7B% -ech Metallur+ical Metallur+ical A 76plosi(es Metallur+ical 7n+ineerin+
Metallur+y A Material -echnolo+y Metallur+y A Material 7n+ineerin+
Metallur+y A 7n+ineerin+ A Material Science Metallur+y an# 76plosi(es
B7B%-ech 7lectrical 7lectrical A 7lectronics 7n+ineerin+ 7lectrical
7n+ineerin+ (7lectronics A Po)er) Po)er Syste' 7n+ineerin+
B7B%-ech 7lectronics Po)er 7lectronics A "ri(es 7lectronics A
Instru'entation .pplie# 7lectronics A Instru'entation 7n+ineerin+
7lectronics A Instru'entation 7n+ineerin+ 7lectronics A Instru'entation A
Control 7n+ineerin+ Instru'entation A Control 7n+ineerin+ Instru'entation
-echnolo+y Micro 7lectronics A Micro)a(e
B7B% -ech 7lectronics A Co''unication 7lectronics A 7lectrical
Co''unication 7n+ineerin+ 7lectronics A Co''unication 7n+ineerin+
7lectronics A -eleco''unication 7n+ineerin+ 7lectronics A -eleco''unication
-eleco''unication Satellite Co''unication
(3) B7B% -ech Bio -ech Bio -echnolo+y :oo# -ech 05
B7B% -ech Infor'ation -ech Infor'ation Science A 7n+ineerin+ Co'puter
7n+ineerin+ Co'puter Science Co'puter Science A 7n+ineerin+ Co'puter
-ech Co'puter Science 7n+ineerin+ M Sc (Co'puter) M Sc Co'puter

*"3e < *" %e<#a3#"$ 5r"& ab"<e @7al#5#(a3#"$s #s a((e93able ,la#&s "5 ("7rse ("$3e$3s/
s#&#lar s3rea& %7e 3" %#55ere$(e #$ $"&e$(la37re w#ll $"3 be a((e93e%
0%<#s"r' : In or#er to fa'iliariCe yourself )ith the SSB proce#ure 2ein+ follo)e#$ you are a#(ise# to
)atch the 'o(ie C5 =a's a3 SS)D 2y follo)in+ lin3s <-
http<)))%*oinin#ianar'y%nic%in SSB inter(ie) proce#ure A Mo(ie SSB Sche#ule Mo(ie B "ays at
B% Tes3#$; -his )ill last for fi(e #ays$ in t)o sta+es e6clu#in+ the #ay of arri(al% -he #etails are as un#er< -
(a) S3a;e I -he Sta+e I testin+ shall co''ence at 06<50.M on the first #ay an# )ill co'prise the
follo)in+ <-

(i) .n intelli+ence -est%
(ii) . Picture Perception an# "iscussion -est% (PP"-)
(2) In case of your re*ection in Sta+e I$ you shall 2e returne# fro' the Centre 2y 1 PM that #ay%
(c) S3a;e II -he Sta+e II tests co'prise the follo)in+ for the ne6t four #ays <-
(i) Psycholo+ical -ests%
(ii) 9roup -est I an# II for t)o #ays (in case of e6cess nu'2er of can#i#ates$ 9-, -ests 'ay
2e con#ucte# in one #ay)
(iii) Inter(ie)%
6% :ree 2oar#in+ an# lo#+in+ )ill 2e pro(i#e# to you for the perio# of your stay at the Selection Centre%
D% Call up instructions for your +ui#ance an# co'pliance are enclose#%
E% Please 2rin+ this letter )ith you an# #eposit the sa'e at the Centre on arri(al%
F% /ou are entitle# to +et tra(ellin+ allo)ance in case you are co'in+ to SSB for the first ti'e for this entry%
10% Please note that no lunch )ill 2e pro(i#e# 2y the Selection Centre on the #ay you report to the Selection
11% 1e%#(al +xa&#$a3#"$
(a) /ou shoul# 2e physically fit an# free fro' ail'ent or any health pro2le' )hich 'ay ha'per your
perfor'ance in the physical testsinter(ie)%
(2) In case$ you 4ualify in the Sta+e-II testin+$ you shall 2e re4uire# to un#er+o a Special Me#ical Boar#
(SMB) o(er the ne6t four to si6 #ays% In e6ceptional an# una(oi#a2le circu'stances$ it 'ay ta3e upto ei+ht
(c) In your o)n interest your are a#(ise# to un#er+o a preli'inary 'e#ical che3-up for )a6 in ears$
refractory error of eyes$ fun+al infections of s3in$ eosinophilia$ 3noc3 3nee an# flat foot or any other #isease
2efore reportin+ for SSB inter(ie)%
*"3e: - In case you are foun# unfit in the SMB$ you are eli+i2le for .ppeal Me#ical Boar# (.MB) )ithin 42 #ays fro'
the #ate of appro(al of the SMB% In case$ you are foun# unfit e(en in the .MB$ a final appeal i%e% 0e(ie) Me#ical Boar#
(0MB) application has to 2e su2'itte# )ithin 24 hours of appro(al of the .MB% 9rant of 0MB is at the #iscretion of
the Me#ical .uthorities%
12% Can#i#ates )ill strictly a#here to lai# #o)n ti'in+s%
15% Can#i#ate )ill not (isit testin+ areas after testin+ hours%
14% -he con#uct of the can#i#ates 2oth in the Selection Centre as )ell as )hen (isitin+ outsi#e areas shoul# 2e
+entle'an li3e%
1B% .ny contra(ention of a2o(e or#ers or any act of in#iscipline )ill in(ite i''e#iate cancellation of can#i#ature on
#isciplinary +roun#s%
16% Cases of serious 2reach of #iscipline an# con#uct )ill 2e han#e# o(er to ci(il police an# :I0 re+istere#
1D% Can#i#ates are not per'itte# to use 'o2ile phones #urin+ the con#uct of tests%
+$(l"s7res : -
(a) E"#$#$; I$s3r7(3#"$s
(b) 099e$%#(es F0: 3" F+:
,all .9 -55#(er
,088 .? I*STR.,TI-*S F-R 4.I=0*,+ 0*= ,-1?8I0*,+ -F ,0*=I=0T+S
0TT+*=I*4 S+RVI,+ S+8+,TI-* )-0R= I*T+RVI+W
1% I3e&s 3" be )r"7;h3 -he follo)in+ ite's )ill 2e re4uire# for the inter(ie) <-

,ash a$% Val7ables . 'a6i'u' of 0upees ,ne -housan# o(er an# a2o(e )hat is re4uire# for tra(ellin+ e6pense
'ay 2e carrie#% 1o (alua2les shoul# 2e carrie#% Safe custo#y of cash an# (alua2les )ill 2e the responsi2ility of the
2 ="(7&e$3s Please 2rin+ the follo)in+ #ocu'ents in ,0I9I1.L at the ti'e of reportin+ at this centre alon+
)ith t)o photocopies each #uly atteste# 2y a 9aCette# ,fficer an# a#here to the instructions )ith re+ar# to the
#ocu'ents as +i(en 2elo) <-
(a) Matriculation8i+her Secon#ary or e4ui(alent pass certificate for (erification of your #ate of 2irth% (1o
other #ocu'ent e6cept Matriculation8i+her Secon#ary or e4ui(alent pass certificate is accepta2le for a+e
(2) Inter'e#iate10G2 pass certificate%
(c) Mar3s Sheet of Matriculation 8i+her Secon#ary or e4ui(alent%
(#) Mar3s Sheet of Inter'e#iate10G2 e6a'inations%
(e) Se'ester/ear )ise in#epen#ent 'ar3s sheets of 9ra#uationPost 9ra#uation%
(:or 9ra#uationPost 9ra#uation entries%)
(f) "e+reePro(isional "e+ree Certificate% (:or 9ra#uationPost 9ra#uation entries%)
(+) 1CC =C> Certificate% (:or 1CC1CC& entries%)
(h) Certificate of 0e+istration )ith the Bar Council of In#iaState% (:or H.9 entries%)
(i) !PSC a#'it car#% (:or !PSC entries%)
(*) I#entity Proof )ith photo+raph (any one of SchoolColle+e I" Car#)$ P.1 Car#$ ;oter I" Car#$
Passport$ "ri(in+ Licence etc% (In case of can#i#ates of 1".10G2 (-7S) entries$ a certificate )ith
photo+raph issue# 2y Principal as proof of i#entity%)
(3) 0is3 Certificate #uly si+ne# 2y parent+uar#ian% (:or 1". an# 10G2 -7S entries)
(l) 8ar# copy of the application )ith photo+raph if you ha# applie# ,1LI17%
033e$3#"$ :- In case$ you fail to pro#uce any re4uisite #ocu'ent in ,0I9I1.L$ as 'entione# a2o(e at the ti'e of
reportin+$ you are lia2le to 2e returne# )ithout 2ein+ inter(ie)e# an# 1, rei'2urse'ent of -. )ill 2e 'a#e%
I$s3r7(3#"$s 5"r 8a%' ,a$%#%a3es In case a la#y can#i#ate is 'arrie# (e6cept )ho are issueless #i(orcee
issueless )i#o) )i#o) of #efence personnel)$ she is not eli+i2le$ an# nee# not report for SSB inter(ie)% -he call
up letter 'ay 2e treate# as cancelle#%
I&9"r3a$3 *"3e : -
(a) In case the result of final yearse'ester e6a' is a)aite#$ the can#i#ate )ill 2e re4uire# to su2'it a
2onafi#e certificate o2taine# fro' the hea# of the institution on his ori+inal letter hea#$ statin+ the current
status of the can#i#ateI #ate of co'pletion of final year e6a' an# #eclaration of result% (See s9e(#&e$ a3
099e$%#x F0:)
(b) F"r 5#$al 'ear s37%e$3s "$l' - If you are stu#yin+ in final year of #e+ree course$ you are re4uire# to
2rin+ a certificate o2taine# fro' the hea# of the institute Colle+e !ni(ersity statin+ that you are stu#yin+ in
final year of #e+ree course an# +oin+ to appear in the final e6a'ination #urin+ an# result )ill 2e #eclare#
2y ('onth A year) (See s9e(#&e$ a3 099e$%#x F):)
(() ,a$%#%a3es wh" ha<e s7b&#33e% 3he#r ,er3#5#(a3es a$% 1arBshee3s #$ ,"lle;e/ .$#<ers#3' 5"r
?7rs7#$; /#;her S37%#es Please 2rin+ a 2onafi#e custo#ian certificate alon+ )ith certifie# true copies of
those #ocu'ents% (See s9e(#&e$ a3 099e$%#x F,:)
(%) R#sB ,er3#5#(a3e 099l#(able 3" *=0 / T+S / 10G2 (Te(h) ,a$%#%a3es /ou )ill 2rin+ 0is3 Certificate
as per s9e(#&e$ a33a(he%
(e) *" ,la#& ,er3#5#(a3e - 0e4uire# to 2e su2'itte# 2y the can#i#ates for 9ra#uation Post 9ra#uation
entries% (See speci'en attache#)
F"r 033e$3#"$ "5 ,a$%#%a3es : -
(a) /ou are re4uire# to 2rin+ ori+inal 1CC =C> Certificate (.r'y 1a(y .ir :orce &in+) )ith one
atteste# copy$ if co'petin+ a+ainst reser(e# (acancies for 1CC =C> Certificate hol#ers%
(2) Brin+ certifie# true copy #uly authenticate#si+ne# 2y the co'petent authority of e(ery achie(e'ent
you ha(e o2taine# in the fiel# of 1CC$ 9a'es$ sports an# other e6tra curricular acti(ities%
(c) Can#i#ates #eclare# successful in the SSB inter(ie) are re4uire# to su2'it at the earliest a
photocopy #uly atteste# 2y Class-I 9aCette# ,fficer of all such pro(isional #e+ree #e+ree certificate$
ac4uire# after the SSB inter(ie) to the follo)in+ <-
:,0 .0M/ 71-0I7S - .##itional "irector 9eneral of 0ecruitin+$ Inte+rate# 8ea#4uarters Ministry of
"efence (.r'y) &est Bloc3 - III$ 0 J Pura'$ 1e) "elhi - 110066%
:,0 1.;.L 71-0I7S - "irectorate of Manpo)er Plannin+ an# 0ecruit'ent ("MP0)$ 0ecruitin+ Car#
Li2rary (1a(y) I8K of M," (1a(y)$ =C> &in+$ Sena Bha)an$ 1e) "elhi - 110011%
(#) Can#i#ates are further a#(ise# that #ocu'ents alrea#y (erifie# at Selection Centre nee# not 2e
su2'itte# a+ain to I8K Mo" (.r'y1a(y)% In case of loss of such #ocu'ents$ the onus )ill entirely rest
upon the can#i#ate%
3 Tra<ell#$; 0ll"wa$(e (T0)
Can#i#ates appearin+ for SSB inter(ie) for the first ti'e for a particular type of co''ission ie per'anent or
short ser(ice$ shall 2e entitle# for .C-III tier to an# fro rail)ay fare or 2us fare inclu#in+ reser(ation cu' sleeper
char+es )ithin the In#ian li'its% Can#i#ates applyin+ for the sa'e type of co''ission )ill not 2e entitle# to
tra(ellin+ allo)ance on any su2se4uent occasion%
,a73#"$ /ou are lia2le to forfeit tra(ellin+ allo)ance if you fail to <-
Meet the eli+i2ility criteria an# e#ucational 4ualifications as re4uire#%
Pro#uce the ori+inal #ocu'ents as +i(en in the instructions%
Pro#uce I" proof as 'entione# in the instructions%
4 ,ha$;e "5 0%%ress - Chan+e of a##ress$ if any$ after su2'ission of application )ill 2e inti'ate# to
"irectorate 9eneral of 0ecruitin+ (0t+-6)$ .#*utant 9eneral>s Branch$ I8K of Mo" .r'y 8ea#4aurters$ &est Bloc3 - III$
0%J% Pura'$ 1e) "elhi-F0010E$ Co B6 .P, (for .r'y 7ntries) an# "irectorate of Manpo)er Plannin+ an#
0ecruit'ent ("MP0)$ 0ecruitin+ Car# Li2rary (1a(y) I8K of M," (1a(y)$ =C> &in+$ Sena Bha)an$ 1e) "elhi -
110011% (for 1a(al 7ntries) an# this centre% (See s9e(#&e$ a3 099e$%#x F+:)
5 War$#$; . can#i#ate shoul# )ithhol# his 'o(e if he is a resi#ent of Bhopal$ his per'anent a##ress is
Bhopal or has a +uar#ianrelati(efrien# ser(in+ in this Selection Centre or his unit is locate# in BhopaI (:or ser(in+
can#i#ates only)$ inti'ate this centre i''e#iately the particulars of the person concerne# an# a)ait further
instructions% .ny atte'pts 'a#e 2y can#i#ate$ his relati(es or frien#s to influence the 'e'2ers of Ser(ices
Selection Boar# in his fa(our either (er2ally or in )ritin+ )ill result in his na'e 2ein+ re'o(e# fro' the list of
can#i#ates% In all 'atters of #iscipline$ the Centre Co''an#ant )ill 2e the final authority an# no appeal a+ainst his
#ecision )ill 2e entertaine#%
> ,"&9e$sa3#"$ 9o(ern'ent is not responsi2le for any co'pensation to the can#i#ates or to their
+uar#iansheirs for in*uries sustaine# 2y the' #urin+ the perio# of testin+% 8o)e(er$ facilities e6ist to atten# to the
can#i#ates fallin+ sic3 or sustainin+ in*uries #urin+ their stay at the Centre%
7 ,"rres9"$%e$(e In all correspon#ence$ please 4uote this letter 1o an# #ate$ !PSC
0oll 1o$ 1a'e of the 7ntry$ re+istration nu'2er an# full postal a##ress% 7'ail G Contact 1u'2er%
8 Ser<#(e 9ers"$$el "$l' In case you are alrea#y ser(in+ in the .r'y1a(y.ir :orce$ this letter )ill 2e put
up to your ,fficer Co''an#in+ an# your 'o(e in connection )ith this inter(ie) )ill 2e treate# as te'porary #uty
un#er the pro(isions of -0-1 F2 (f) (ii)% .s such$ you )ill 2rin+ a retu' *ourney rail)ay )arrant for your *ourney% /ou are
re4uire# to 2rin+ one set o f unifor'%
F% F"r I$5"r&a3#"$ "5 -55#(er ,"&&a$%#$; .$#3

(a) In case$ the can#i#ate has 2een poste# out of your !nit$ please$ for)ar# this letter to his present unit
i''e#iately$ un#er inti'ation to this Centre%
(2) Copies of 'o(e'ent or#er an# ", Part II )ill not 2e en#orse# to this Centre Separate 'o(e'ent
or#er )ill 2e issue# to e(ery in#i(i#ual re4uire# to report to thi s Centre%

(c) In case$ the in#i(i#ual cannot present hi'self for inter(ie)$ this Centre shoul# 2e infor'e#
(#) 1o .r's an# .''unition )ill 2e carrie# 2y the can#i#ate%
(e) Can#i#ates )ill 2e in possession of free return rail)ay )arrant$ I#entity Car# an# 8ealth 0ecor#
(f) Can#i#ates are re4uire# to 2rin+ a set of unifor'%
(+) .pprise this Selection Centre i''e#iately in case your unit is #eploye# in Bhopal%
10% ?h's#(al ,"$%#3#"$#$; - Can#i#ates )ho 4ualify the SSB inter(ie) an# 'e#ical e6a'ination are a#(ise# to
follo) the un#er 'entione# re+i'en #aily in or#er to 3eep the'sel(es in +oo# physical con#ition at the ti'e of
reportin+ at the .ca#e'y <-
(a) 0unnin+ 2%4 J's in 1B Minutes Sit ups-2B
(2) Push ups-15
(c) Chin ups ('ini'u' 06)
(#) 0ope Cli'2in+ (5 to 4 Meters)
Can#i#ates reportin+ for their SSB shoul# ta3e care of the follo)in+ 'e#ical points failin+ )hich heshe is lia2le for
re*ection <-
(a) I%eal 0;e6 /e#;h3 a$% We#;h3 (1ale) :- It shoul# 2e )ithin per'issi2le li'its (G or -10@) of the i#eal )ei+ht +i(en in
the ta2le% In recor#in+ fraction lo)er than 0%B J+ )ill 2e note# an# 0%BJ+$ a2o(e )ill 2e recor#e# as 1 J+% . correlation
ta2le 2et)een a+e$ hei+ht an# a(era+e )ei+ht is +i(en 2elo) for +ui#ance of can#i#ates <-
In case of can#i#ates 2elon+in+ to the 1orth 7ast an# hilly areas li3e 9or3has$ 1epalese$ .ssa'ese an#
9arh)alis$ the hei+ht )ill 2e rela6e# 2y B c's an# )ei+ht co''ensurate )ith re#uce# hei+hts%
(2) I%eal 0;e6 /e#;h3 a$% We#;h3 (Fe&ale) :-
0;e ?er#"% 20 3" 24 2rs 25 3" 29 2rs 30 2rs
/e#;h3 (,&) We#;h3 (H;) We#;h3 (H;) We#;h3 (B;)
14E%0 5F%0 41%0 45%0
1B0%0 40%0 42%0 45%0
1B5%0 42%0 45%0 4B%0
1BB%0 45%0 44%0 46%0
1BE%0 4B%0 4B%0 4E%0
160%0 46%0 46%0 4F%0
165%0 4D%0 4D%0 B1%0
16B%0 4F%0 4F%0 B5%0
16E%0 B0%0 B0%0 B4%0
-he 'ini'u' accepta2le hei+ht an# )ei+ht for )o'an can#i#ate is 1B2 c' an# 42 3+% In case of
can#i#ates 2elon+in+ to the 1orth 7ast an# hilly areas li3e 9or3has$ 1epalese$ .ssa'ese an# 9arh)alis$ the
hei+ht )ill 2e rela6e# 2y B c's an# )ei+ht co''ensurate )ith re#uce# hei+hts%
(c) 1o )a6 in the ear%
(#) 1o s3in #isease i%e% .cne (ul+aris$ )arts$ fun+al infection%
(e) 1o #ental ca(aties inclu#in+ te'porary fillin+ an# 'ini'u' 14 #ental points%
(f) 1o (ision #efect i%e% (ision correcte# 2y +lasses%
(+) 1o herniaa2#o'inal operation in past one year%
(h) 1o hy#rocele (aricocele%
*- ,80I1 ,+RTIFI,0T+
(:or 9ra#uationPost 9ra#uation 7ntries)
I %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% father +uar#ian of
)ho is a can#iate for 1". IM. ,-. 1a(al .ca#e'y entry in the .r'y 1a(y$ here2y certify that I fully un#erstan#
that 'y son #au+hter )ar# )ill$ if re4uire#$ atten# the Ser(ices Selection Boar# Inter(ie) )ith 'y full an# free
consent an# at 'y o)n ris3 an# that I or 'y son #au+hter )ar# shall not 2e entitle# to clai' any co'pensation or
other relief fro' the +o(ern'ent in respect of any in*ury or #isa2ility )hich 'y son #au+hter )ar# 'ay sustain in the
course of or as the result of any of the tests +i(en to hi' at the SSB inter(ie)$ )hether #ue to his o)n ne+li+ence
or the ne+li+ence of any other person or other)ise%
Place < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"ate < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Si+nature of Parent 9uar#ian
.##ress %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%
(:or 1".10G2 (-7S) 10G2 (-ech) 7ntries)
I LLLLLLLLLLLLLL(1a'e) father+uar#ian of LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(1a'e of can#i#ate) )ho is a can#i#ate for 1".
10G2 (-7S) 10G2 (-ech) 0e+ular Co''ission in the .r'y 1a(y$ here2y certify that I fully un#erstan# that 'y
son)ar# )ill$ if re4uire#$ atten# Ser(ice Selection Boar# Inter(ie) )ith 'y full an# free consent an# at 'y o)n
ris3 an# that I or 'y son)ar# shall not 2e entitle# to clai' any co'pensation or retest for the sa'e course or any
other relief fro' the 9o(ern'ent if son)ar# sustains any in*ury #urin+ the course of as result of any of the tests
a#'inistere# to hi' at the sai# Ser(ices Selection Boar# or )hile usin+ 'ilitary transport #ue to any reasons%
Si+nature of Parent 9uar#ian
.##ress ?????????????%%
Place < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"ate < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
099e$%#x C0D
,0*=I=0T+S W/- 0R+ ST.=2I*4 I* FI*08 2+0R -F T/+IR 0,0=+1I, S+SSI-*/0??+0R+= F-R FI*08
+I01I*0TI-*/R+S.8T *-T =+,80R+=
(-his certificate is re4uire# on the ori+inal letter hea#)
Certifie# that Mr LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL so shri LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLis a 2onafi#e stu#ent
ofLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (na'e of school colle+e) an# is presently stu#yin+ in LLLLLLLLLLLL 8is final
2oar# se'ester e6a'ination )ill 2e )as con#ucte# #urin+ LLLLLLL('onth an# year of e6a') an# the results are
e6pecte# to 2e #eclare# 2y LLLLLLLLLLLLLL('onth an# year)%
Place < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(Si+nature of Principal0e+istrar of the
"ate < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Colle+e!ni(ersity )here stu#yin+ )ith sta'p)
Colle+e!ni(ersity roun# sta'p

099e$%#x F):
,+RTIFI,0T+ F-R ?R+ FI*08 / FI*08 2+0R ST.=+*TS -F
.*IV+RSIT2 +*TR2 S,/+1+ (.+S) (?R+ FI*08 / FI*08 2+0R) =+4R++ ,-.RS+ -*82
(-his certificate is re4uire# on the ori+inal letter hea#)
It is certifie# that MrLLLLLLis in Pre-:inal :inal /ear of #e+ree course an# is +oin+ to appear in :inal /ear
Se'ester 76a'ination #urin+Lan# :inal /ear e6a' results )ill 2e #eclare# 2y LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL('onth an#
year)% Mar3 sheets of all the se'esters (up to I; se'ester for Pre :inal year can#i#ates up to ;I se'ester for
final year can#i#ates) alon+ )ith t)o photocopies each #uly atteste# are also enclose# here)ith%
Place <
"ate <
Colle+e!ni(ersity roun# sta'p
(Si+nature of Principal0e+istrar of the
Colle+e!ni(ersity )here stu#yin+ )ith sta'p)
099e$%#x C,D
,+RTIFI,0T+ F-R ,0*=I=0T+S W/- /0V+ S.)1ITT+= T/+IR ,+RTIFI,0T+S
0*= 10RHS/++TS I* ,-88+4+ /.*IV+RSIT2 F-R ?.RS.I*4 /I4/+RST.=I+S
(-his certificate is re4uire# on the ori+inal letter hea#)
1% Certifie# that MrLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLso Shri LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL is a 2onafi#e stu#ent of
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(na'e of colle+euni(ersity) an# presently stu#yin+ in LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
(na'e of course to 2e 'entione#)% -he follo)in+ certificates an# 'ar3 sheets in respect of the a2o(e in#i(i#ual ha(e
2een #eposite# )ith this Colle+e!ni(ersityInstitution in ori+inal for (erification purpose <-
(c) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2% It is further certifie# that photo state copies of the a2o(e #ocu'ents ha(e 2een (erifie# 2y the un#ersi+ne# an#
Place < (Si+nature of Principal0e+istrar of the
"ate < Colle+e!ni(ersity )here stu#yin+ )ith sta'p)
Colle+e!ni(ersity roun# sta'p
0??+*=II F=:
0oll 1o
:ather>s 1a'e
Postal .##ress
-he Call !p ,fficer
Selection Centre Central Sultania Infantry
Lines Bhopal - 462001
0??8I,0TI-* F-R ,/0*4+ -F 0==R+SS
1% Please refer to your Call !p letter 2earin+ 1o SCCD50L C! #ate#LLLLLLLLLL%
2% .s per your Call !p letter 4uote# a2o(e$ I a' re4uire# to report to your Centre on for SSB inter(ie) of
LLLLLLLLLLLL on LLLLLLLLLLLLL% But I a' una2le to report for SSB inter(ie) on the #ate as 4uote# a2o(e$ #ue to
the follo)in+ reasons <-
Postal .##ress (as +i(en in the
1e) Postal .##ress (-o 2e chan+e#
in the application)
5% May I re4uest you to please inclu#e 'y postal a##ress in the application for correspon#ence
4% -han3in+ /ou% /ours faithfully
"ate < LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (Si+nature of can#i#ate)
099e$%#x F+:
:ro' <
-he Call !p ,fficer
Selection Centre Central Sultania
Infantry Lines Bhopal - 462001
0??8I,0TI-* F-R ,/0*4+ -F =0T+ -F SS) I*T+RVI+W
1% Please refer to your Call !p letter 2earin+ 1o SCCD50L C! #ate#LLLLLLLLLL
2% .s per your Call !p letter 4uote# a2o(e$ I a' re4uire# to report to your Centre on for SSB inter(ie)
of LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL on LLLLLLLLLLLLL% But I a' una2le to report for SSB inter(ie) on the #ate as
4uote# a2o(e$ #ue to the follo)in+ reasons< -
5% -he follo)in+ Certificates "ocu'ents are enclose# here)ith in support of the a2o(e reasons <-
4% May I re4uest you to postpone 'y #ate of SSB inter(ie) to the a2sentee 2atch (for !PSC entries
only) fresh #ate in so'e other 2atch (for non !PSC entries)%
B% -han3in+ /ou%
/ours faithfully
"ate# < LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (Si+nature of can#i#ate)
S?+,I1+* 0??8I,0TI-*F-R ,/0*4+ -F =0T+ -F SS)

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