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/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../";
use lib "/usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps";
use lib "/opt/vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib/apps";
use VMware::VIRuntime;
use XML::LibXML;
use AppUtil::VMUtil;
use AppUtil::HostUtil;
use AppUtil::XMLInputUtil;
$Util::script_version = "1.0";
# Defaults
my $timezone = 110;
my $cpus = 1;
my $memory = 6144;
sub check_missing_value;
my %opts = (
vmhost => {
type => "=s",
help => "The name of the host",
required => 0,
vmname => {
type => "=s",
help => "The name of the Virtual Machine",
required => 1,
vmname_destination => {
type => "=s",
help => "The name of the target virtual machine",
required => 1,
filename => {
type => "=s",
help => "The name of the configuration specification file",
required => 0,
default => "../sampledata/vmclone.xml",
timezone => {
type => "=s",
help => "Timezone, For Windows use Time Zone Index Values for Windo
ws (Index value for Stockholm is 110)
For Linux use tz (timezone) database valuse such as Europe/Sto
required => 0,
default => $timezone,
domainuserpassword => {
type => "=s",
help => "Password for Domain user",
required => 0,
autologon => {
type => "",
help => "Enables Autologon",
autologoncount => {
type => "=s",
help => "AutoLogonCount, How many times system will AutoLogon",
required => 0,
default => 1,
localadminpwd => {
type => "=s",
help => "Local Administrator Password, (Sets \"AutoLogon Enabled\" and \"A
utoLogonCount = 1\", unless AutoLogonCount greater than 1)",
required => 0,
customize_guest => {
type => "=s",
help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize guest: yes,no",
required => 0,
default => 'no',
customize_vm => {
type => "=s",
help => "Flag to specify whether or not to customize virtual machine: "
. "yes,no",
required => 0,
default => 'no',
schema => {
type => "=s",
help => "The name of the schema file",
required => 0,
default => "../schema/vmclone.xsd",
datastore => {
type => "=s",
help => "Name of the Datastore",
required => 0,
snapname => {
type => "=s",
help => "Name of Snapshot from pristine base image",
required => 1,
convert => {
type => "=s",
help => "Convert destination disk type [source|sesparse]",
required => 0,
grainsize => {
type => "=s",
help => "Grainsize for SE Sparse disk [default 1024k]",
required => 0,
default => 1024,
guestid => {
type => "=s",
help => "Guest Operating System
required => 0,
#default => $guestid,
resourcepool => {
type => "=s",
help => "Name of ResourcePool in vCenter",
required => 1,
dnsdomain => {
type => "=s",
help => "A DNS domain suffix such as dell.com.",
required => 1,
gateway => {
type => "=s",
help => "Default gateway to apply to VM",
required => 1,
dnsservers => {
type => "=s",
help => "(DNS - Domain Name Servers) Comma seperated list,,10.
required => 1,
ipaddress => {
type => "=s",
help => "IP address to apply to the VM, Comma seperated list, Example: 10.
required => 1,
netmask => {
type => "=s",
help => "Subnet Mask to apply to VM, Comma seperated list, Example: 25,",
required => 1,
domain => {
type => "=s",
help => "Windows Domain to join",
required => 0,
plaintextpassword => {
type => "",
help => "Use Plaintext passwords",
domainuser => {
type => "=s",
help => "Username of user with permissions to join VM to domain",
required => 0,
runonce => {
type => "=s",
help => "A list of commands to run at first user logon, after guest cu
required => 0,
hudsoncred => {
type => "=s",
help => "hudson credential, after guest customization.",
required => 0,
memory => {
type => "=s",
help => "Amount of Memory (RAM) on the new VM",
required => 0,
default => $memory,
cpus => {
type => "=s",
help => "Number of CPUs on the new VM",
required => 0,
default => $cpus,
cluster => {
type => "=s",
help => "Name of the cluster",
required => 0,
my $clone_name = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
# Clone vm operation
# Gets destination host, compute resource views, and
# datastore info for creating the configuration
# specification to help create a clone of an existing
# virtual machine.
# ====================================================
sub clone_vm {
my $vm_name = Opts::get_option('vmname');
my $vm_snapshot_name = Opts::get_option('snapname');
my $convert = Opts::get_option('convert');
$convert = "" if (! $convert );
my $host_name = Opts::get_option('vmhost');
my $grainsize = Opts::get_option('grainsize');
my $resourcepool;
my $cluster_name = Opts::get_option('cluster');
my ($host_view, $cluster_view);
# Use host view if vm host name has been specified.
if ($host_name) {
$host_view = Vim::find_entity_view( view_type => 'HostSystem',
filter => {'name' => $host_name});
if (!$host_view) {
Util::trace(0, "Host '$host_name' not found\n");
# Use cluster view if cluster name has been specified.
} elsif ( $cluster_name ) {
$cluster_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'ClusterCompu
filter => { name => $cluster_name });
if (!$cluster_view) {
Util::trace(0, "Cluster '$cluster_name' not found\n");
# get all hosts under this cluster
my $host_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'HostSystem
begin_entity => $cluster_view);
my @esxarr=();
my $size=@$host_views;
# query for available host in cluster
foreach (@$host_views) {
my $status = $_->summary->overallStatus->val;
#if ($status =~ /^green$/i) {
if (!( $status =~ /^red$/i)) {
$host_view = $_;
$host_name = $host_view->name;
Util::trace(0, "Host found: '$host_name' overall
status is '$status'\n");
} else {
$host_view = $_;
$host_name = $host_view->name;
push ( @esxarr, $host_name );
Util::trace(0, "Host '$host_name' status found '
$status' and could not take any more VMs in cluster '$cluster_name'\n");
return if ( $#esxarr+1 eq $size );
} else {
Util::trace(0, "Please specify host name or cluster name for thi
s vm clone operation.\n");

my $vm_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
filter => {'name' =>$vm_name});
if (Opts::get_option('resourcepool')) { $resourcepool = get_resource_poo

if(@$vm_views) {
foreach (@$vm_views) {
if ($host_view) {
my $comp_res_view = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $hos
if (not $resourcepool) { $resourcepool = $comp_r
es_view->resourcePool; }
my $ds_name = Opts::get_option('datastore');
my %ds_info = HostUtils::get_datastore(host_view
=> $host_view,
datastore => $ds_name,
disksize => get_disksize());
if ($ds_info{mor} eq 0) {
if ($ds_info{name} eq 'datastore_error')
Util::trace(0, "\nDatastore $ds_
name not available.\n");
if ($ds_info{name} eq 'disksize_error')
Util::trace(0, "\nThe free space
available is less than the"
. " specified di
sksize or the host"
. " is not acces
my ($vm_snapshot,$ref,$nRefs);
if(defined $_->snapshot) {
($ref, $nRefs) = find_snapshot_name ($_-
if (defined $ref && $nRefs == 1) {
$vm_snapshot = Vim::get_view (mo_ref =>$
my ($diskLocator,$relocate_spec,$diskType,$diskI
my $vm_device = $_->config->hardware->device;
foreach my $vdevice (@$vm_device) {
if($vdevice->isa('VirtualDisk')) {
$diskId = $vdevice->key;
my $network_dev_key;
my $devices = $_->config->hardware->device;
foreach my $device (@$devices) {
if (ref $device eq "VirtualE1000") {
$network_dev_key = $device->key;
if ($convert eq "sesparse" && Vim::get_service_c
ontent()->about->version eq "5.1.0") {
my $newdiskName = "[" . $ds_name . "] "
. $clone_name . "/" . $clone_name . ".vmdk";
$diskLocator = VirtualMachineRelocateSpe
cDiskLocator->new( datastore => $ds_info{mor},
diskBackingInfo => VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo->new(fileName => $newdiskName,
diskMode => 'persistent', deltaDiskFormat => 'seSparseFormat', deltaGrainSize =
> $grainsize),
diskId => $diskId);
$relocate_spec = VirtualMachineRelocateS
pec->new( datastore => $ds_info{mor},
host => $host_view,
diskMoveType => "createNewChildDiskBacking",
pool => $resourcepool,
disk => [$diskLocator]);
} else {
$relocate_spec = VirtualMachineRelocateS
pec->new( datastore => $ds_info{mor},
host => $host_view,
diskMoveType => "createNewChildDiskBacking",
pool => $resourcepool);
my $clone_spec ;
my $config_spec;
my $customization_spec;
if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
&& (Opts::get_option('customize_
guest') ne "yes")) {
$config_spec = get_config_spec('network_
dev_key' => $network_dev_key);
$clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->n
ew( powerOn => 1,
template => 0,
snapshot => $vm_snapshot,
location => $relocate_spec,
config => $config_spec,
elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "
&& (Opts::get_option('customize_
vm') ne "yes")) {
$customization_spec = get_customization_
$clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->n
ew( powerOn => 1,
template => 0,
snapshot => $vm_snapshot,
location => $relocate_spec,
customization => $customization_spec,
elsif ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') eq "
&& (Opts::get_option('customize_
vm') eq "yes")) {
$customization_spec = get_customization_
$config_spec = get_config_spec('network_
dev_key' => $network_dev_key);
$clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->n
ew( powerOn => 1,
template => 0,
snapshot => $vm_snapshot,
location => $relocate_spec,
customization => $customization_spec,
config => $config_spec,
else {
$clone_spec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->n
ew( powerOn => 1,
template => 0,
snapshot => $vm_snapshot,
location => $relocate_spec,
Util::trace (0, "\nRequest virtual machine '" .
$clone_name . "' from '" . $vm_name . "' ...\n");
eval {
$_->CloneVM( folder => $_->parent,
name => $clone_n
spec => $clone_s
pec );
Util::trace (0, "\nRequest '$clone_name'
of virtual machine"
. " '$vm_name' s
uccessfully created.\n");
if ($@) {
if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') {
if (ref($@->detail) eq 'FileFaul
t') {
Util::trace(0, "\nFailed
to access the virtual "
." machi
ne files\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'Inval
idState') {
Util::trace(0,"The opera
tion is not allowed "
."in the
current state.\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NotSu
pported') {
Util::trace(0," Operatio
n is not supported by the "
t agent \n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'VmCon
figFault') {
machine is not compatible with the destination host.\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'Inval
idPowerState') {
"The att
empted operation cannot be performed "
."in the
current state.\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'Dupli
cateName') {
"The nam
e '$vm_name' already exists\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'NoDis
ksToCustomize') {
Util::trace(0, "\nThe vi
rtual machine has no virtual disks that"
. " are
suitable for customization or no guest"
. " is p
resent on given virtual machine" . "\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'HostN
otConnected') {
Util::trace(0, "\nUnable
to communicate with the remote host, "
."since it is di
sconnected" . "\n");
elsif (ref($@->detail) eq 'Uncus
tomizableGuest') {
Util::trace(0, "\nCustom
ization is not supported "
."for the guest
operating system" . "\n");
else {
Util::trace (0, "Fault"
. $@ . "" );
else {
Util::trace (0, "Fault" . $@ . "
" );
else {
Util::trace (0, "\nNo virtual machine found with name '$vm_name'
sub get_customization_spec() {
my @ipaddresses = split(',', Opts::get_option('ipaddress'));
my @gateway = Opts::get_option('gateway');
my @netmasks = split(',', Opts::get_option('netmask'));
my @dnsservers = split(',', Opts::get_option('dnsservers'));
my @winsservers = split(',', Opts::get_option('winsservers'));
my $dnsdomain = Opts::get_option('dnsdomain');
my $domain = Opts::get_option('domain');
my $localadminpwd = Opts::get_option('localadminpwd');
my $domainuser = Opts::get_option('domainuser');
my $domainuserpassword = Opts::get_option('domainuserpassword');
my $hudsoncred=Opts::get_option('hudsoncred');
#my $vmname = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
my $clone_name = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
my $plaintextpassword;
if (Opts::get_option('plaintextpassword')) {
$plaintextpassword = 1;
} else {
$plaintextpassword = 0;
my $autologon;
if (Opts::get_option('autologon')) {
$autologon = 1;
} else {
$autologon = 0;
my $autologoncount = Opts::get_option('autologoncount');
$timezone = Opts::get_option('timezone');
my $fullname = "COMPANY";
my $orgname = "COMPANY";
my $licensekey;
my $licensemode = Opts::get_option('licensemode');
my $licenses = Opts::get_option('licenses');
my $guestid = Opts::get_option('guestid');
my @runonce;
if (Opts::get_option('runonce')) {
@runonce = split(',', Opts::get_option('runonce'));
if ( ( $guestid eq "windows7Server64Guest" ) || ( $guestid eq "winLonghornGu
est" ) ){
} elsif ( ( $guestid eq "windows7_64Guest" ) || ( $guestid eq "windows7_32Gu
est" ) ) {
my $customization_sysprep;
my @ifconfig;
my $iface_ip_settings;
my $iface_settings;
my $iface_fixed_ip;
my $customization_name;
# Identify OS
if ( ( $guestid eq "windows7_64Guest" ) || ( $guestid eq "windows7_32Gue
st" ) || ( $guestid eq "windows7Server64Guest" ) || ( $guestid eq "winLonghornGu
est" ) ){
# Create Windows customizationimization #
my $customization_domain_admin_pwd = CustomizationPassword->new(
plainText => $pl
value => $domain
my $customization_identification = CustomizationIdentification->
domainAdmin => $
ord => $customization_domain_admin_pwd,
joinDomain => $d
my $customization_gui_unattended;
my $customization_local_admin_pwd;
if (Opts::get_option('localadminpwd')) {
$customization_local_admin_pwd = CustomizationPassword->new(
plainText => $plaintextpassword,
value => $localadminpwd
$customization_gui_unattended = CustomizationGuiUnattended->new(
autoLogon => $autologon,
autoLogonCount => $autologoncount,
password => $customization_local_admin_pwd,
timeZone => $timezone
} else {
$customization_gui_unattended = CustomizationGuiUnattended->new(
autoLogon => $autologon,
autoLogonCount => $autologoncount,
timeZone => $timezone,
password => Cust
plainText => "true",
value => $hudsoncred
my $customization_runonce;
if (Opts::get_option('runonce')) {
$customization_runonce = CustomizationGuiRunOnce->new(
commandList => \
$customization_name = CustomizationFixedName->new(
name => $clone_name
my $customization_user_data = CustomizationUserData->new(
computerName => $customization_name,
fullName => $fullname,
orgName => $orgname,
productId => $li
$customization_sysprep = CustomizationSysprep->new(
guiUnattended => $customization_gui_unattended,
identification => $customization_identification,
userData => $customization_user_data
} elsif ( $guestid eq "rhel5_64Guest" ) {
# Create Linux customizationimization #
$customization_name = CustomizationFixedName->new(name => $clone
$customization_sysprep = CustomizationLinuxPrep->new(
domain => $domai
hostName => $cus
timeZone => $tim
} else {
die "Error: Unrecognized Operating System Type.\n $guestid \n";
# IP stuff #
my $customization_global_ip_settings = CustomizationGlobalIPSettings->ne
$customization_global_ip_settings->{'dnsServerList'} = \@dnsservers;
my $numOfipaddresses = @ipaddresses;
my $numOfnetmasks = @netmasks;
if ( $numOfipaddresses == $numOfnetmasks ) {
my $counter = 0;
while ($counter < $numOfipaddresses ) {
$iface_fixed_ip = CustomizationFixedIp->new(
ipAddress => $ip
$iface_ip_settings = CustomizationIPSettings->new(
dnsDomain => $dn
dnsServerList =>
ip => $iface_fix
gateway => \@gat
primaryWINS => $
secondaryWINS =>
# netBIOS => "",
subnetMask => $n
$iface_settings = CustomizationAdapterMapping->new(
adapter => $ifac
if ($counter == 0) {
@ifconfig = $iface_settings;
} else {
push (@ifconfig, $iface_settings);
} else {
die "Error: Number of ipaddresses must match number of netmasks
specified. \n"
my $customization_spec = CustomizationSpec->new(
# encryptionKey => "",
identity => $customization_sysprep,
globalIPSettings => $customization_global_ip_settings,
nicSettingMap => \@ifconfig
return $customization_spec;
# Gets the config_spec for customizing the memory, number of cpu's
# and returns the spec
sub get_config_spec() {
my %args = @_;
my $net_dev_key = $args{'network_dev_key'};
my $network = "VM_NET_vlan149";
my $nic_poweron = 1;
my $nic_allow_guest_control = 1;
# my $memory = "6144";
# my $cpus = "1";
my $memory = Opts::get_option('memory');
my $cpus = Opts::get_option('cpus');
my $guestid = Opts::get_option('guestid');
my $vmname = Opts::get_option('vmname_destination');
# Find dvportgroup
my $network_view = Vim::find_entity_view(
view_type => 'Network',
filter => { 'name' => $network },
# New object which defines network backing for a virtual Ethernet card
my $virtual_device_backing_info = VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo-
network => $network_view,
deviceName => $network);
# New object which contains information about connectable virtual device
my $vdev_connect_info = VirtualDeviceConnectInfo->new(
startConnected => $nic_poweron,
allowGuestControl => $ni
connected => '1');
# New object which define virtual device
my $network_device = VirtualE1000->new(
key => $net_dev_key,
backing => $virtual_device_backing_info,
connectable => $vdev_connect_info);
# New object which encapsulates change specifications for an individual
virtual device
my @device_config_spec = VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('edit'),
device => $network_device);
# New object which encapsulates configuration settings when creating or
reconfiguring a virtual machine
my $vm_config_spec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(
name => $vmname,
memoryMB => $memory,
numCPUs => $cpus,
deviceChange => \@device_config_spec,);

return $vm_config_spec;
sub find_snapshot_name {
my ($tree, $name) = @_;
my $ref = undef;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $node (@$tree) {
if ($node->name eq $name) {
$ref = $node;
my ($subRef, $subCount) = find_snapshot_name($node->childSnapsho
tList, $name);
$count = $count + $subCount;
$ref = $subRef if ($subCount);
return ($ref, $count);
sub get_disksize {
my $disksize = 4194304;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();

eval {
my $tree = $parser->parse_file(Opts::get_option('filename'));
my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
my @cspec = $root->findnodes('Virtual-Machine-Spec');
foreach (@cspec) {
$disksize = $_->findvalue('Disksize');

return $disksize;
sub get_resource_pool() {
my $resourcepool = Opts::get_option('resourcepool');
my $resourpoolView = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'ResourcePool',
filter =>{ 'name'=> $resourcepool});
unless($resourpoolView) { Util::disconnect(); die "Resource pool \"$reso
urcepool\" not found.\n";}
return $resourpoolView;
sub find_disk {
my %args = @_;
my $vm = $args{vm};
my $name = $args{fileName};
my $devices = $vm->config->hardware->device;
foreach my $device(@$devices) {
if($device->isa('VirtualDisk')) {
return $device;
# check missing values of mandatory fields
sub check_missing_value {
my $valid= 1;
my $filename = Opts::get_option('filename');
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $tree = $parser->parse_file($filename);
my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
my @cust_spec = $root->findnodes('Customization-Spec');
my $total = @cust_spec;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Auto-Logon')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n autologon value missing
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Virtual-Machine-Name')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n computername value miss
ing ");
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Timezone')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n timezone value missing
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Domain')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n domain value missing ")
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Domain-User-Name')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n domain_user_name value
missing ");
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Domain-User-Password')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n domain_user_password va
lue missing ");
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Full-Name')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n fullname value missing
$valid = 0;
if (!$cust_spec[0]->findvalue('Orgnization-Name')) {
Util::trace(0,"\nERROR in '$filename':\n Orgnization name value
missing ");
$valid = 0;
return $valid;
sub validate {
my $valid= 1;
if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') eq "yes")
|| (Opts::get_option('customize_guest')
eq "yes")) {
$valid = check_missing_value();
if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_vm')) {
if ((Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "yes")
&& (Opts::get_option('customize_vm') ne "no")) {
Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customiz
e_vm option");
$valid = 0;
if (Opts::option_is_set('customize_guest')) {
if ((Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "yes")
&& (Opts::get_option('customize_guest') ne "no")
) {
Util::trace(0,"\nMust specify 'yes' or 'no' for customiz
e_guest option");
$valid = 0;
return $valid;
=head1 NAME
deployVMLinked.pl - Perform clone operation on virtual machine and
customize operation on both virtual machine and the guest.
deployVMLinked.pl [options]
VI Perl command-line utility allows you to clone a virtual machine. You
can customize the virtual machine or the guest operating system as part
of the clone operation.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<vmhost>
Required. Name of the host containing the virtual machine.
=item B<vmname>
Required. Name of the virtual machine whose clone is to be created.
=item B<vmname_destination>
Required. Name of the clone virtual machine which will be created.
=item B<datastore>
Optional. Name of a data center. If none is given, the script uses the default d
ata center.
=item B<customize_guest>
Required. Customize guest is used to customize the network settings of the guest
operating system. Options are Yes/No.
=item B<filename>
Required. It is the name of the file in which values of parameters to be
customized is written e.g. --filename clone_vm.xml.
=item B<schema>
Required. It is the name of the schema which validates the filename.
=item B<customize_vm>
Required. customize_vm is used to customize the virtual machine settings
like disksize, memory. If yes is written it will be customized.
=item B<filename>
Required. It is the name of the file in which values of parameters to be
customized is written e.g. --filename clone_vm.xml.
=item B<schema>
Required. It is the name of the schema which validates the filename.
The parameters for customizing the guest os are specified in an XML
file. The structure of the input XML file is:
Following are the input parameters:
=item B<Auto-Logon>
Required. Flag to specify whether auto logon should be enabled or disabled.
=item B<Virtual-Machine-Name>
Required. Name of the virtual machine to be created.
=item B<Timezone>
Required. Time zone property of guest OS.
=item B<Domain>
Required. The domain that the virtual machine should join.
=item B<Domain-User-Name>
Required. The domain user account used for authentication.
=item B<Domain-User-Password>
Required. The password for the domain user account used for authentication.
=item B<Full-Name>
Required. User's full name.
=item B<Orgnization-Name>
Required. User's organization.
The parameters for customizing the virtual machine are specified in an XML
file. The structure of the input XML file is:
<!--Several parameters like Guest-Id, Memory, Disksize, Number-of-CPUS et
Following are the input parameters:
=item B<Guest-Id>
Required. Short guest operating system identifier.
=item B<Memory>
Required. Size of a virtual machine's memory, in MB.
=item B<Number-of-CPUS>
Required. Number of virtual processors in a virtual machine.
See the B<vmcreate.pl> page for an example of a virtual machine XML file.
Making a clone without any customization:
perl deployVMLinked.pl --username username --password mypassword
--vmhost <hostname/ipaddress> --vmname DVM1 --vmname_destinatio
n DVM99
--url https://<ipaddress>:<port>/sdk/webService
If datastore is given:
perl deployVMLinked.pl --username username --password mypassword
--vmhost <hostname/ipaddress> --vmname DVM1 --vmname_destinatio
n DVM99
--url https://<ipaddress>:<port>/sdk/webService --datastore sto
Making a clone and customizing the VM:
perl deployVMLinked.pl --username myusername --password mypassword
--vmhost <hostname/ipaddress> --vmname DVM1 --vmname_destinatio
n Clone_VM
--url https://<ipaddress>:<port>/sdk/webService --customize_vm
--filename clone_vm.xml --schema clone_schema.xsd
Making a clone and customizing the guestOS:
perl deployVMLinked.pl --username myuser --password mypassword --operation clon
--vmhost <hostname/ipaddress> --vmname DVM1 --vmname_destinatio
n DVM99
--url https://<ipaddress>:<port>/sdk/webService --customize_gue
st yes
--filename clone_vm.xml --schema clone_schema.xsd
Making a clone and customizing both guestos and VM:
perl deployVMLinked.pl --username myuser --password mypassword
--vmhost <hostname/ipaddress> --vmname DVM1 --vmname_destinatio
n DVM99
--url https://<ipaddress>:<port>/sdk/webService --customize_gue
st yes
--customize_vm yes --filename clone_vm.xml --schema clone_schem
All the parameters which are to be customized are written in the deployVMLinked.
xml file.
All operations supported on VirtualCenter 2.0.1 or later.
To perform the clone operation, you must connect to a VirtualCenter server.

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