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The Story Teller
Volume 1, Number 1 Copyright 2014 Te Media Pro Raleigh, North Carolina Free
When we set of on a production,
we ofen stop at Sheetz to fuel both our
vehicles and the hungry crews inside
them. Ken drinks his cofee black, Jill
likes those anti-cofees from the Sheetz
Expresso Bar, the lattes and mochas
that are flled with sweet chocolate, ha-
zelnut and caramel and depending on
her mood, the Chili Mac and Cheese
or a Breakfast Burrito. Matt likes the
Sheetz sandwiches; especially the Tur-
key Club with avocado and Susan is
an espresso girl, but she likes it sweet!
Living in North Carolina, were
used to hearing accolades about the
state being recognized for its outstand-
ing business climate and quality of
life. So, it stands to reason that Sheetz,
with its culture of treating employees
and customers like family, ranks as #3
in the state for Best Places to Work.
Te Media Pro shares the same values
as Sheetz when it comes to what you call
Total Customer Focus. We are just as
committed to providing our customers
with outstanding service. Te Media Pro
continued on page 2
is a compassionate organization that uses
integrity, passion, innovation, and collab-
oration to spark creativity, foster good-
will and develop lasting relationships.
Whether were creating rich media con-
tent, producing videos, graphics, anima-
tions, designing and distributing news-
letters and other printed material or
developing brand awareness initiatives
and planning and negotiating adver-
tising and other media campaigns, our
goals are the sameto meet and exceed
expectations and to create compelling
stories, interactions and connections.
Our newsletters and magazines are
viewed by bowhunters, land manag-
ers, Volvo dealers and feet managers,
healthcare investors, bank employees,
roofng installers, building contrac-
tors, and sports equipment manufac-
turers. We provide content, design,
print management and distribution
services through traditional mail-
ing options and digital transmissions.
Weve also worked on a variety of oth-
er meaningful and important projects,
Te Media Pro hopes to start using its storytelling and communications
expertise for one of the Triangle areas premier corporations, Sheetz.
Aligning your company, organi-
zation or government agency with
a woman-owned business gives you
a competitive edge, puts you in elite
company and diversifes your suppli-
ers. As of 2013, there are more than
8.6 million women-owned business-
es in the United States and we gener-
ate more than $1.3 in revenues and
employ nearly 7.8 million people.
Between 1997 and 2013, the number
of businesses in the United States in-
creased by 41%, but the number of
women-owned frms increased by
59%- thats at a rate of 1.5 times the
national average! In that 16-year time
period, women-owned businesses ac-
counted for a 10% increase in employ-
ment and a 63% jump in revenues.
Tat exceeds growth rates of all but
the largest, publicly traded frms and
tops all growth rates in number, em-
ployment and revenue of all privately
held businesses over the same period.
Te Media Pro is certifed by the
Womens Business Enterprise National
Council (WBENC) as a Womens Busi-
ness Enterprise. WBENCs national
standard of certifcation implement-
ed by the Greater Womens Business
Council (WGBC) has a rigorous and
stringent certifcation process includ-
ing an in-depth review of the business
and a site inspection. Te certifcation
process is designed to confrm the
business is at least 51% owned, op-
erated and controlled by a woman or
women. WBENC certifed WBEs use
their certifcation credentials to gain
access to WBENC Corporate Mem-
bers, as well as a number of federal,
state, and local government agencies.
continued on page 2
Durham plays host to the ILB All-Star Week Festivities, and
it all kicks of with a Block Party on Saturday Evening at 6pm
at the DBAP/ATC complex! Come check out the great live
music, grab some grub and come get your baseball on!
By: Jill Hammergren
When our good friend Melanie Raskin
contracted Te Media Pro team to pro-
duce a training video for Hidden in
Plain Sight Investigating Human Traf-
fcking for the North Carolina Confer-
ence of District Attorneys, we knew that
we had to deliver a great production
to mirror the terrifc script she wrote.
Te topic of human trafcking is
horrifying and we were astounded to
learn that North Carolina ranked in
the top ten states for this crime. And
as the script showed, it happens in
every community, to women, men,
teens and children. Human trafck-
ing ofen goes unnoticed or gets over-
looked because other crimes ofen
mask the real situation. Since this
training video was aimed at law en-
forcement ofcers, we were charged
with producing a demonstration that
helped them recognize human trafck-
ing and how to prevent it. We had to
teach ofcers that their criminals may
in fact, be victims of a larger problem.
Te script called for real-life sce-
narios based around situations that
North Carolina investigators have wit-
nessed. A production like this required
a lot of coordination of crews, acting
talent, location scouting and jumping
through scheduling hoops to bring it
all together. We had real ofcers on-set
with actors portraying the trafckers
and victims. Troughout the week, we
scheduled multiple scenes at various
locations including downtown Raleigh
during the day, at dusk and at night; at
a farm in Chatham County; retail stores
and street scenes in Chapel Hill; and a
trailer home in southern Wake County.
As with any production, experience
has taught us that in order to be suc-
cessful in video, TV and flm produc-
tion, we had to be fexible, adaptable
to change and determined to suc-
ceed. Tis production reminded us of
this fact on more than one occasion.
On one early morning shoot, I got
to the location planning to shoot sev-
eral scenes with male actors but a last
minute change required us to have fe-
male actors on-site, even though none
was scheduled, said DP/Cameraman,
Ken Peterson, I had a few scenes to
shoot without actors, so the crew and
I began to work not knowing whether
wed have actors for the later scenes.
Te scene called for Hispanic or
Latinas to play the role of prostitutes
who were being held by a trafcker,
said Hammergren, Afer promising
Ken that our shoot would prevail, even
though I wasnt so sure myself, I began a
measured search to fll the void. Peter-
son said, And she found them. Imag-
ine my joy we got to the scenes with the
actors three hours later and the women
who arrived were perfect for the roles.
Te International Telly Awards
and the Peoples Choice Tel-
ly Awards honored Te Media Pro
with four Telly Awards for these hu-
man trafcking prevention videos
in the category of excellence in non-
broadcast training. Tis is defnite-
ly an honor for Te Media Pro, said
Hammergren, We are grateful for
the opportunity to help shine a light
on his insidious degradation and de-
valuation of human life. We hope our
videos will help law enforcement have
the understanding and guidance nec-
essary to prevent these human rights
violations from happening across
North Carolina and around the world.
In addition, WBENC certifed WBEs
also gain access to more than 10,000
other WBENC certifed WBEs in order
to purchase products or services and
partner on joint venture opportunities.
By including women-owned busi-
nesses, like Te Media Pro, among
their vendors, said Roz Lewis, CPM,
CPSD, Greater Womens Business
Council, Corporations, and govern-
ment agencies demonstrate their com-
mitment to fostering diversity and
the continued development of their
supplier/vendor diversity programs.
Te Media Pro is pleased to be rec-
ognized as a certifed Womens Busi-
ness Enterprise (WBE), said Jill Ham-
mergren, owner of Te Media Pro, We
believe the WBE certifcation enables
us to connect with additional local,
regional, and national companies and
organizations that actively seek to part-
ner with women-owned companies.
Tis certifcation also helps our cur-
rent customers, particularly those do-
ing business with government entities.
including a recent e-learning course
for Public Schools of North Carolina
designed to help Child Nutrition work-
ers understand new federal guidelines
and to provide continuing education
credits for child nutrition topics, cus-
tomer service and kitchen efciency.
We produced a law enforcement
training video series to help ofcers un-
derstand and prevent human trafcking.
We developed several comprehensive
communications, branding, market-
ing, advertising, and PR campaigns
around health, education, the environ-
ment, social awareness, travel, tourism,
caring for infants and toddlers, the el-
derly and people who have disabilities.
A partnership between Sheetz and
Te Media Pro works perfectly with the
Sheetz model of convenience, total cus-
tomer-focused service, and care for the
community. Te Media Pro will guide the
Sheetz team through the process of craf-
ing, designing, production, printing and
distribution of the company newsletters.
We deliver creative, convenient, reliable
and efcient processes. Were excited
about the successful journey together.
continued from front page
continued from front page
the Special Olympics. Over the years,
my roles have enabled me to travel to
places Id never otherwise see; meet
people I would never otherwise meet;
and most importantly share a small
part of myself with the magnifcent
athletes, parents, staf, and volunteers
of Special Olympics. I, like hundreds
of other volunteers, got involved by
chance, unsure of what the future held
or what my role would be. Te chance
I took turned into a lifelong passion
and one of my proudest endeavors. To
anyone unsure of whether to get in-
volved or if youre wondering whether
Special Olympics is right for you, I say
come out and experience it for yourself.
I dare anyone to visit a Special Olym-
pics event and not walk away feeling
moved, impressed, and entirely hooked.
About Jill Hammergren
Jill Hammergren is a writer, producer,
creative storyteller, and visual media
consultant. She owns Te Media Pro, a
full-service media, marketing and com-
munication agency in Raleigh, North
Carolina that specializes in visual sto-
rytelling through videos, graphics, an-
imations, websites and brand identity
and development through strategic PR,
advertising, social media and audience
engagement. She is a committed lifelong
volunteer for Special Olympics and the
global movement to promote acceptance
and respect for people with all abilities.
Being a volunteer for a Spe-
cial Olympics World Games event is
an incredible experience. I discov-
ered my passion for Special Olympics
in 1991 when I was working over-
nights at a Minneapolis-St. Paul TV
station. Te games were coming to
Minneapolis so I decided to give vol-
unteering a shot. I signed up for one
year and ended up being a part of the
movement for the next 22 to come.
I did not really know what to ex-
pect entering my frst games. I knew
I was one of thousands of volunteers,
but I was unsure exactly what my role
would be or the impact I would have.
However, it didnt take long for me to
shake my frst time volunteer jitters.
Prior to the games I attended train-
ing sessions where I frst understood
the size of the Special Olympics and
the many positive contributions the
organization makes beyond the games.
Special Olympics wasnt just about ath-
letes competing in individual sporting
events, it was the manifestation of a
movement empowering millions (and
it still is). Armed with this informa-
tion, I began to feel empowered and
more importantly, excited for what
was to come. It was at these sessions
that I frst realized the potential I had
to really change lives as a volunteer
and I was eager to put my background
as a journalist to good use. It would
not be long before I was fully hooked.
Afer training, I went of to my frst
event at a roller-skating venue. Up to
that point, my fondest memory of roll-
er-skating was the moonlight couples
skate in junior high. I had no idea that
people competed in roller-skating.
Boy, was I in for a surprise. What I ob-
served through the surprising vehicle
of roller-skating, was that the men and
women competing were much more
than exceptional athletes; they were
athletes of a new caliber. I was and
still am amazed, thrilled, and in awe of
the passion that each athlete displays;
the dedication to training they exhib-
it; the commitment and support their
families show; and just how much fun
I have watching and supporting them.
My amazement continued as I have
volunteered for many other Special
Olympics events and I am repeated-
ly reminded of the true meaning of
23 Years Later and...
Im Offcially Hooked
sportsmanship. From enthusiastical-
ly cheering on their competitors, to
pulling themselves of the ground af-
ter falling in order to make it to the
fnish line, the courage, determination
and joy of these athletes is nothing
short of infectious. One of my most
memorable moments was best demon-
strated at a gymnastics event during
the 2003 World Games in Ireland.
I was moved to tears
when I witnessed a mother
throwing her arms around
Special Olympics founder
Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
Her utter joy was expressed with an
efusive smile and tears that streamed
down her face. She continued to thank
Shriver for all she had done not only
for her daughter, but also for her entire
family. Her gratitude rippled across the
crowd as we watched the two embrace.
Tats when the real impact of Special
Olympics grabbed my heart forever.
My commitment to Special Olym-
pics is real and I am proud of the role it
continues to play in my life. Afer vol-
unteering, I took a temporary position
with the 1999 Special Olympics World
Summer Games Organizing Commit-
tee and ever since, I have been a mem-
ber of the Media SOS team for Special
Olympics, bringing media expertise
and consultation to those involved in
A Special Olympics skater strides her way toward the fnish line during the intense competition.
By: Jill Hammergren
When Te Media Pro team gets to-
gether to plan a new project there are
always discussions on the right visu-
al storytelling methods well pursue.
We are creative visionaries. We dream
big and feed of each other with a va-
riety of ideas for videos, TV programs,
flms, graphics, animations, rich me-
dia content, branding campaigns, ad-
vertising, public relations, newsletters,
magazines, marketing and promotional
collateral, websites, e-learning options
and special events to ft any customers
needs, goals and budgets. We know how
to discover and tell a good story that
will connect with the right audiences.
We set out with the notion that what-
ever we do, it has to deliver measur-
able and tangible results for our clients.
Te projects weve worked on have tak-
en us all over North Carolina, across
the U.S. and around the world. Our suc-
cess isnt measured by awards, though
weve been honored and recognized
many times, but rather by the relation-
ships weve cultivated, the stories weve
told and the connections weve made.
We also like to laugh, have fun, and
inevitably, we share our own narratives
with each other. Sometimes Susan Foote
regales us with tales of dog training and
agility games. Other times, Matt Jen-
kins and Ken Peterson noodle around
for inspiration with a song, a musical
beat or even vent about the latest band
dramabecause if youre in a band or
you follow bands, sooner or later youll
be caught up in some kind of drama!
Jill Hammergren is likely sharing ex-
periences from the sidelines as a band
groupie or her life as a professional golf-
er (she wishes!) and a rabid hockey fan
(you bet!) We all share a love of outdoor
activities, sports, travel, music, great
food, tasty beverages and all things
creative, inspiring and entertaining.
When you enlist Te Media Pro
team to be a partner in your produc-
tion, project, campaign or event, you
always get our best eforts and we al-
ways bring the three Es with us ex-
pertise, experience and enthusiasm!
Te Media Pro team ofen fnds ways to
combine our passions and our work, an ex-
ample was the Period of Purple Crying
campaign we developed in conjunction with
the North Carolina Department of Health
and Human Services. Tis allowed us to uti-
lize a wide variety of communication media
to deliver a statewide message!
Jill Hammergren is the owner of Te
Media Pro, a WBENC certifed Wom-
ens Business Enterprise and a NC certi-
fed HUB Firm under the North Caroli-
na Historically Underutilized Business
(HUB Ofce) the Statewide Uniform
Certifcation (SWUC) program. Te
Media Pro is an award-winning agen-
cy specializing in connecting audiences
through visual storytelling and deliv-
ering measurable results. We do that
by creating engaging videos, graph-
ics, animations, rich media content,
e-learning and training initiatives, TV
& Cable programming for networks,
commercials, PSAs, documentaries,
and social media. Our productions
are for government, public and so-
cial awareness, education, marketing,
business, entertainment, health, envi-
ronment, science, and technology. We
develop brand identities; create audi-
ence engagements; plan, manage and
implement targeted media, advertising,
communications and public relations
strategies. We evaluate and analyze
the efectiveness of those campaigns
through industry research, relation-
ship-building and negotiated outcomes.
Dynamic Business, Marketing, Proj-
ect Leader/Manager, Writer, Producer
& Media Strategist
25+ Years experience in diverse me-
dia relations;
Directs people, projects, events,
sponsorships, fundraisers in varied
communications platforms;
Clarifes brand vision and translates
it into tactical plans;
Develops award-winning creative
direction, visual storytelling, engaging
productions, trainings, commercials,
e-learning products, multimedia cam-
paigns and live TV, Cable and Internet
Encourages strategic alliances, builds
teams, fosters relationships, and lever-
ages partnerships;
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
Bachelor of
Journalism | BJ
Instant E-Training
Certifed Social
Media Strategist

Wake Technical Community
College Raleigh, NC
Hollywood Film Institute Film
School Hollywood, CA

Excels at video, flm, graphics, ani-
mation productions, TV, radio, print,
online, outdoor, out-of-home media
relations, commercial and sports
marketing, and social media strategy
Creates compelling content and rich
media for publications, online and
mobile applications, videos, brochures,
websites, business case studies, mar-
keting, education, training, advertis-
ing, promotions, public relations;
Organizes and implements large and
small scale events;
Tracks and analyzes media campaigns
Matt is an insightful and talented com-
munications professional with 25+
years experience, inherent visual, lin-
guistic and media literacy skills and a
proven track record of directing suc-
cessful projects. He is a high-energy,
hard-working, results-oriented leader
providing innovative tactics and out-
of-the-box strategy, producing creative
solutions aimed at building brand iden-
tity and brand loyalty. An expert at con-
ceptual layout and visual design across a
variety of delivery platforms, he possess
a talent for building cohesive teams and
managing time-sensitive projects with-
in budget. His ability to distill pertinent
items in a persuasive strategy plan and
implement the creative media necessary
to bring that plan to fruition, have de-
livered measurable results for a variety
of clients over the course of his career.
Expertise in graphic design, typogra-
phy, visual concepts, copywriting and
print production
Excellent problem-solving, interpre-
tation and communications skills, and
highly-skilled at presenting messages
in creative ways
Mastery of layout skills to include
type, illustration & photography, illus-
tration and rendering skills for both
traditional and digital delivery
Possess cross-platform sofware skills
and the fexibility to work across both
Macintosh and Windows environments
Mastery Level of Adobe Creatve Suite:
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign,
Premier, AferEfects, Sony Vegas12,
Autodesk AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max,
Google SketchUp, Microsof Ofce:
to include Power Point
Old Dominion
Norfolk, Virginia
BS Communications/
Public Relations
Columbus State
Columbus, Ohio
AA Graphic Design &
Designer/Art Director
461 3 Hunt ers Creek L n.
Ral ei gh, NC 27606
( 91 9) 805- 1 061
www. t hemedi apro. bi z
Claire says,
Te Media Pro
is Shwell!

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