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Appendix C

CB-PAST Form 3/Instructional Supervision Form 3

ame %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Position Title %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
$istrict %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $ivision%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sc&ool 'ear%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Semester%%%%%%%% $ate o( O)servation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
General Instructions to the Observer
For purposes of formative appraisal for supervision, the Teacher Performance Observation Guide
of the Competency-Based Performance Appraisal System for Teachers CB-PAST! shall be used" The tool
#ill $enerate ob%ective information needed for the technical support of instructional supervisors for the
Form &A shall be used for the actual observation of the Teachin$-'earnin$ Process in the
Classroom" The domains to be observed are (iversity of 'earners, Curriculum and Peda$o$y and
Plannin$, Assessin$ and )eportin$"
Form &B shall be used for the observation of the *ome, School and Community +nvolvement" The
domains to be observed are the 'earnin$ ,nvironment and *ome, School, and Community 'in-a$es"
+ndicators #hich cannot be actually observed shall be verified in the Teacher.s Portfolio for evidences"
Form &C shall be used for the observation of the Personal, Social Gro#th and Professional
(evelopment of Teachers" The domains to be observed are the Social )e$ard for 'earnin$ and Personal"
Social Gro#th and Professional development +ndicators #hich cannot be actually observed shall be
verified in the Teacher.s Portfolio for evidences"
For the $uidance of the observers, the ratin$ scale is described as follo#s/
4 Highly Proficient (HP
Teacher behavior consistently e0ceeds e0pectations" (isplays consistently at all times,
hi$h level of performance in s-ills, abilities, attributes, initiatives and productivity" Self-direction of
the teacher is evident"
! Proficient (P
Teacher behavior often e0ceeds e0pectations" (isplays a hi$h level of competency related
s-ills, abilities, initiatives and productivity, e0ceedin$ re1uirements in many of the %ob areas"
" #asic (#
Teacher behavior on the %ob meets basic e0pectations based on standards" (isplays basic
level of #or- performance outputs as re1uired outcomes"
$ #elo% #asic (##
Teacher behavior on the %ob and outputs fre1uently fall belo# standard" Performance and
#or- outputs consistently lo#, fails to meet re1uired outcomes hence needs repetition of action or
by completion of others" The teacher may need immediate directive instructional support"
&' (ot Observed ((O +ndicator is re1uired of the %ob, but not observed"

)ep*) #*+,A -*)'-.G
Instructional +upervision /or0 !A1 C#'PA+- /or0 !A
-eacher Observation Guide for Instructional Co0petence
2egend3 &' (ot observed ((O $' #elo% #asic (##4 "'#asic (#4 !'Proficient (P4
4' Highly Proficient (HP
Circle the number that describes best your observation of the Teacher. Start here . . . 5
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
A5 )iversity of 2earners
& $ " ! 4
2"Sets lesson ob%ectives #ithin the e0periences and capabilities of
the learners
& $ " ! 4
3"4tili5es varied techni1ues and strate$ies suited to different -inds
of learners"
& $ " ! 4
&" Sho#s fairness in dealin$ #ith the learners" & $ " ! 4
6" Paces lessons appropriate to the needs and difficulties of learners" & $ " ! 4
7 "Provides appropriate intervention activities for learners at ris-" & $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation/
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
#5 Content and Pedagogy
#5$ -eacher #ehavior in Actual -eaching
2" Teaches accurate and updated content usin$ appropriate
approaches and strate$ies"
& $ " ! 4
3" Ali$ns lesson ob%ectives, teachin$ methods, learnin$ activities,
and instructional materials"
& $ " ! 4
&" ,ncoura$es learners to use hi$her order thin-in$ s-ills in as-in$
& $ " ! 4
6" ,n$a$es and sustains learner.s interest in the sub%ect matter by
ma-in$ content meanin$ful and relevant"
& $ " ! 4
7" ,stablishes routines and procedures to ma0imi5e use of time
and instructional materials"
& $ " ! 4
:" +nte$rates lan$ua$e, literacy, s-ills and values in teachin$" & $ " ! 4
;" Presents lesson lo$ically in a developmental manner" & $ " ! 4
<" " 4tili5es technolo$y resources in plannin$, desi$nin$ and
delivery of the lesson"
& $ " ! 4
=" Creates situations that encoura$es learners to use hi$her order
thin-in$ s-ills"
& $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation/
)ep*) #*+,A -*)'-.G
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
#5 Content and Pedagogy
#5" 2earners6 #ehavior in the Classroo0
2" Ans#ers in o#n #ords at a desired co$nitive level"
& $ " ! 4
3" Participates actively in the learnin$ tas-s #ith some levels of
& $ " ! 4
&" As-s 1uestions relevant to the lesson" & $ " ! 4
6 Sustains interest in the lesson> activity" & $ " ! 4
7 Follo#s routines and procedure to ma0imi5e instructional time" & $ " ! 4
: Sho#s appropriate behavior of individualism, cooperation,
competition in classroom interactions"
& $ " ! 4
;" +mbibes and values learnin$ from the teacher and from classmates & $ " ! 4
<" (emonstrates in varied #ays, learnin$ achieved in the activities" & $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation/
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
C5 Planning7 Assessing7 reporting 2earners6 Outco0es
2" Provides timely, appropriate reinforcement>feedbac- to learners.
& $ " ! 4
3" 4ses appropriate formative, summative tests con$ruent to the
& $ " ! 4
&" 4ses non-traditional authentic assessment techni1ues #hen
& $ " ! 4
6" " ?eeps accurate records of learners. performance level" & $ " ! 4
7 Gives assi$nment as reinforcement or enrichment of the lesson" & $ " ! 4
:" Provides opportunity for learners to demonstrate their learnin$ & $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation/
Comments of the Teacher
A$reements of the Teacher and Observer
88888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888
Teachers Name & Signature Observers Name & Signature
*Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties
)ep*) #*+,A -*)'-.G
I+ /or0 !#1 C#'PA+- /or0 !#
-eacher Observation Guide for Ho0e7 +chool and Co00unity Involve0ent
2egend3 &' (ot observed ((O $' #elo% #asic (##4 "'#asic (#4 !'Proficient (P4
4' Highly Proficient (HP
Circle the number that describes best your observation of the Teacher. Start here . . . 5
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
)5 2earning *nviron0ent
2" @aintains a safe and orderly classroom" & $ " ! 4
3" ,n$a$es learners in differentiated activities for hi$her learnin$" & $ " ! 4
&" *andles behavior problems 1uic-ly and #ith due respect to children.s
& $ " ! 4
6" " Creates situation that develops a positive attitude amon$ learners
to#ards their sub%ects and teachers"
& $ " ! 4
7 Provides $ender sensitive opportunities for learnin$ & $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
*5 +chool7 Ho0e 8 Co00unity 2in9ages
2" +nvolves the community in sharin$ accountability for learners.
& $ " ! 4
3" 4ses varied and available community resources human, materials! to
support learnin$"
& $ " ! 4
&" 4ses community as laboratory for teachin$ and learnin$" & $ " ! 4
6" Shares #ith the community information on school events and
& $ " ! 4
7 ,ncoura$es learners to apply classroom learnin$ at home and in
& $ " ! 4
:" +nforms learners, parents and other sta-eholders re$ardin$ school
policies and procedures"
& $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation
Comments of the Teacher
A$reements of the Teacher and Observer
__________________________ _______________________
Teachers Name & Signature Observers Name & Signature
*Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties
)ep*) #*+,A -*)'-.G
I+ /or0 !C1 C#'PA+- /or0 !C
-eacher Observation Guide for Personal7 +ocial Gro%th and Professional
2egend3 &' (ot observed ((O $' #elo% #asic (##4 "'#asic (#4 !'Proficient (P4
4' Highly Proficient (HP
Circle the number that describes best your observation of the Teacher. Start here . . . 5
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
/5 +ocial ,egard for 2earning
2" Abides by and implements school policies and procedures" & $ " ! 4
3" Observes punctuality in accomplishin$ tas-s and re1uirements" & $ " ! 4
&" Observes punctuality in class attendance and in other occasions & $ " ! 4
6" @aintains appropriate appearance and decorum at all times & $ " ! 4
7 (emonstrates appropriate behavior in dealin$ #ith students, superiors
and sta-eholder"
& $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
(arrative Observation
Perfor0ance #ehavior Observation ,ating
(O ## # P HP
G5 Personal7 +ocial Gro%th and Professional )evelop0ent
2" Maintains stature and behavior that upholds the dignity of
& $ " ! 4
3" Manifests personal qualities like enthusiasm fle!ibility caring
attitude and others.
& $ " ! 4
&" "emonstrates a personal philosophy of teaching in the
& $ " ! 4
6" #pdates oneself $ith the recent developments in education. & $ " ! 4
7 %mproves teaching performance based on feedback from
mentor students peers superiors.
& $ " ! 4
:" &ccepts accountability for learning outcomes. & $ " ! 4
;" 'eflects on ones quality of teaching vis ( a ) vis learning
& $ " ! 4
<" #ses self)assessment *TSN&+ to enhance strengths and correct
ones $eaknesses
& $ " ! 4
=" ,articipates actively in professional organi-ations. & $ " ! 4
2A" &bides by the .ode of /thics for ,rofessional Teachers & $ " ! 4
Total Score8888888 Avera$e888888 (escription88888888888888
9arrative Observation
.omments of the Teacher
&greements of Teacher and Observer
_________________________ _______________________
Teachers Name & Signature Observers Name & Signature
*Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties
)ep*) #*+,A -*)'-.G

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