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NAME: _____________________________________________ GR. & SEC.

: _______________________________________
DATE TAKEN: _____________________________________ DATE CHECKED: ________________________________

DRILL 01 | Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 01
Read and analyze the following sentences. Box the subject and underline the appropriate
verb in the parenthesis.

1. Joanie and Chachi (loves, love) each other.
2. Her professor and thesis adviser (is, are) here.
3. Her professor and her thesis adviser (is, are) here.
4. Pancakes and sausages (is, are) my usual breakfast.
5. A leader and not more members (is, are) what our club needs.
6. Every branch and twig (was, were) covered with dust.
7. Each boy and girl (was, were) given school supplies.
8. No one (is, are) here.
9. Alligators and crocodiles (is, are) normally found in hot countries.
10. Her students and nephew (tries, try) to make it make it to the honor roll.
DRILL 02 | Subject-Verb Agreement- Rule 01
Underline the appropriate verb.

1. Her student and her nephew (tries, try) to make it to the honor roll.
2. Hamburger, fries and iced tea (sells, sell) at fifty pesos.
3. The chairs and not the table (was, were) bought from the shop.
4. His daughter and his son (wants, want0 him to move to Florida.
5. The restaurants chef and owner (makes, make) good burritos.
6. Fish and chips (is, are) a popular dish in England, but it (is, are) no longer served wrapped
in newspaper.
7. Every toy and game (has, have) to be put away.
8. Each plate and glass (looks, look) new.
9. The ranger and the camper (sees, see) the bear.
DRILL 03 | Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 01
Box the appropriate verb.

1. Milo, Phoebe, and I (was, were) offering our help.
2. Floats representing various social clubs and the SSG (joins, join) the festive affair.
3. Both Liberal and Nacionalista (is, are) electing a new leader.
4. The actor and the director (understands, understand) the lighting problems.
5. A good diet and a realistic exercise plan (combines, combine) to help one lose weight.
6. A sweet potato and some carrots (provides, provide) Vitamin A, important for healthy eyes.
7. Ripe tomatoes leafy Brussel sprouts, and a handy orange (is, are) rich in Vitamin C.
8. The dog and the cats (bothers, bother) me.
9. Joe and the kids (needs, need) me.
10. Peanut butter and jelly (is, are) my favorite.
NAME: _____________________________________________ GR. & SEC.: _______________________________________
DATE TAKEN: _____________________________________ DATE CHECKED: ________________________________

DRILL 04 | Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 01
Circle the appropriate verb.

1. Every boy and girl (gets, get) a merit certificate.
2. Each business and restaurant (has, have) to display a business license.
3. What (is, are) your name and date of birth?
4. Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado (meets, meet) at an area known as the Four
5. Everyday, Dave and Jana (meets, meet) at the gas station.
6. At each competition, Ashley and Kelsey (meets, meet) up to discuss new techniques.
7. A freckle and a small scar on his elbow (identifies, identify) him.
8. Spaghetti and meatballs (goes, go) well with garlic bread.
9. Peace and not more war (is, are) what this country needs!
10. Her mother and friend (is, are) her confidante.
11. Beth and Kendra (reads, read) slowly.
12. The Divine Comedia and not the cults in Italy (reveals, reveal) the customs and belies of
Italians on heaven, hell, and purgatory.
13. Folksongs and sonnets (falls, fall) under lyric poetry.
14. Love, despair, grief, doubt, joy, sorrow and hope (is, are) the common themes of early
15. The Noli and the El Fili (contains, contain) the best qualities of a Filipino novel ever written.
16. Zarzuela not the Cenaculo and Moro-moro (is, are) considered the father of the drama.
17. The tropical stick insect and the Andaman Island centipede (grows, grow) to become
thirteen inches long.
18. Probably Marisa and Leonard (dances, dance) professionally by now.
19. Cleaning and painting (improves, improve) the whole atmosphere of the house.
20. In a special diving machine called a bathysphere, an ocean diver and equipment (reaches,
reach) a depth of almost 36, 000 feet.
21. The spatula and the whisk (is, are) in the second drawer on the right.
22. Both the guitars and the flute (was, were) left in the car.
23. Peanut butter and chocolate (is, are) my favorite combination.
24. Fruit and cheese (is, are) a good afternoon snack.
25. Bacon and eggs (is, are) also good for supper.
26. Every writer and editor (attends, attend) the annual conference.
27. Each boy and girl (looks, look) nice in their costumes.
28. Potato chips and cupcakes (is, are) bad for you.
29. Uncle Jim, Aunt Sue and my cousin Jake (goes,go) to Jamaica on vacation.
30. Beth and Kendra (reads, read) slowly.
31. The boots by the door and the flip-flops in the living room (needs, need) to be put away.
32. Peanut butter and jelly (is, are) available in the cafeteria.
33. Meat and potatoes (was, were) my grandfathers favorite meal.
34. Spaghetti and meatballs (goes, go) well with garlic bread.
35. My husband and best friend (likes, like) doing the dishes.

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