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In a world where 60% of the business population hardcore economic crusaders and ruthless estate
owners, developmental decisions which promote environmental responsiveness and total defense of
the earth must be considered as the most important among the rest.
A Green entrepreneur endorses environmentally friendly businesses and encourages unprejudiced
approach towards sustainable development. He magnifies the unassailable role played by green
advocates in protecting the wealth of the earth. And like every other branch of economics, it projects
the importance of profit making in business ventures. The only difference between it and the rest is its
gospel of environmental conservation. It preaches the importance of encouraging impact analysis before
execution of projects. It as well suggests the creation of green economic policies and the adoption of
green conservation as a topic of discussion in every board meeting
Unlike a Hardcore entrepreneur who presumes that every available opportunity is a potential tunnel
to an unlimited source of wealth, and only worries about possible monetary risks he is likely to
encounter on his way to his projected financial destinations, the Green Economist in every given
developmental prospect puts into consideration probable impacts of his business decisions before
implementation proper. As a developer, he is to carry out a well planned environmental impact
assessment of his business idea before going ahead with its execution. On execution, set guidelines
created during the assessment are usually adhered to. They often include:
Designated area of development: this will depend on the decision reached at the end of the
assessment. Decision taken must be guided by the result of the analysis
Principles of development: set environmental principles are adhered to. These principles guide
the developer during execution and goes on to interpret his limits of development.
Probable impacts and accruable penalties for negligence on the part of the developer
So its clear the green developer puts the earth first. He understands that he is only a tenant. The only
fee he is allowed to pay is his stewardship to the earth which he presents by standing up for its
preservation and by adhering to policies that helps in its protection. That way he gives back to the earth.

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