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for v1. 22
A. Interface .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
B. Getting started ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
b0. File management & Clovers ....................................................................................................................... 4
C. General Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
D. Brush settings......................................................................................................................................................... 7
d0. Brush Import/Export ................................................................................................................................... 9
E. Layers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
F. Hotkeys ................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Questions and suggestions for this guide: hemiolan@gmail.com
Feature requests, bug reports and other queries: cloverpaint@gmail.com
Comprehensive manual (in Japanese): http://www.cloverpaint.net/CRef_top.html
Website (Japanese): http://www.cloverpaint.net
Twitter (Japanese): www.twitter.com/Clover_Paint
Facebook (English): https://www.facebook.com/CloverPaint

A. Interface

Figure 1: Default UI. Buttons on the top and bottom left are custom shortcuts (termed Clovers see more in Section B)
Clover Paint uses traditional tree-menu system to access different tools. Long press on a button in the Main
menu to bring its submenus and swype to choose one. The main menu (from right to left) includes:
Gallery/Setting: tap one to go to the Gallery, long press to acess setting
Undo: undo last action, long press for Redo and other actions.
View: manipulating canvas (zoom, move, rotate, flip).
Tools: submenus are as follow (bottom-up)
File: import, export, open and save file (.PSD support!) Section B
Pen: brush tool (Blur and Smudge/Finger tool available!) Section D
Line: draw straight lines
Bucket: Fill tool
Image: edit, add, delete, merge, clear layers Section E
Move: manipulating layer and selection Section E
Sel.tool: selection tools (free-hand/lasso support!) Section E
button: appears when a certain (sub)menu or tool is picked. The
button changes accordingly to the tool.

Pick a brush, start drawing

Long press on a blank square to
register new color
Hit the symbol with 2 squares on
top each other to access Color

Layer: toggle layer panel on or off
Visible: show/hide current layer
Setting: go to Setting page.
Use the slider to change current layers
Long press on a layer to create,
duplicate, delete or merge layers.



See no canvas?! Simply draw
something and the canvas will
automatically expand
Figure 2: Tools and its submenus. 5

button is the leftmost button.
Tips: You can set clovers and hotkeys for almost every tool and action to save time swiping

B. Getting started

Pick any brush from the Brush slider and draw something on the screen, your canvas will be automatically
expanded. If you prefer fix size canvas: Image -> Setting -> Bound -> Fix. Type in the resolution on which you
want to work, 1200x1920 for example.
In case you dont fancy the checker background and prefer something else:
i. Tools -> Image -> BG
ii. 5
button -> BG -> Pattern -> Fill
iii. (optional) 5
button -> BG -> Color to change background color

Some words on the default Color picker. The sliders on the left, right and bottom correspond to color
Transparency (Opacity), Brightness (Value) and Saturation value respectively.

Figure 3: Default color picker
To save current painting, tap on Gallery/Settings and choose Overwrite or Copy. I recommend to make a copy
just in case.

(from the Gallery)
Tap +New to create new canvas
Double tap on existing drawing to open

Tips: create a preset for new canvas by choosing +New -> Settings
from the Gallery

Tips: Clover Paint provides auto save function. To increase the frequency,
go to Gallery/Settings -> Options and look for Auto save settings

b0. File management & Clovers

Import an image from your devices gallery: 5
button (File) -> Import -> Image
Import an image from other directories or a .PSD file: File -> Import -> PSD. Pick your favorite File manager app if
there are more than 1, tick Show all and navigate to where your image or psd file is. It is recommended to have a
file explorer app (eg: ES File explorer, Astro File management etc) preinstalled.
Export to image format: File -> Export -> Image. Choose image size, format (PNG or JPEG), then press Save
Export to PSD format: File -> Export -> Image -> PSD or PSD as..

Clover is the term for shortcut. You can create as many shortcuts as long as there is a Clover key associated with
the tool. You can create shortcuts for Undo, redo, brushes and so on. New shortcut will appear at the middle of
the screen.

Figure 4: Create a clover for the current brush. Clover making key is circled.

Tips: Long press on a Clover, choose Settings and enable Force icon visible
to keep it visible in any view mode.
File management: Tools -> File
button then becomes File

C. General Settings
It might take time for new users to figure out what each setting does. I recommend saving the exploration for
later and mimick the following settings as a starting point. Note: look at the blue circles on the left instead of
stretching your eyes to read the small footprints).

Gallery/Settings -> Option

Pointer Setting (devices with active
digitizer only): switch to Stylus (right-
handed) or Stylus (left-handed) if you
experience stylus offsetting

Lower UI Scale in small devices for more
drawing space
EfT - Extension for Tablet i.e. tablet
version of Clover Paint: The extension
provide more intuitive interface to tablets
and large devices. EfT provides more
freedom and convenience to the UI. There
are additional panels (similar to those in
the desktop applications) which you can
move/show/hide/dock everywhere. It also
remembers the workspace for portrait and
landscape mode without messing up when
changing from one to the other.
Edit frame: change non-drawing area


Gallery -> Stylus
(devices with active digitizer only)

Pointer Setting: same as above. If it cant
fix offsetting issue, try Calibration
Untick Disable Finger UI Control to enable
gestures when controlling canvas.
Pressure: adjust pressure curve with the
settings below (not shown here). The
small figure in Pressure Setting Test Area
plots brush strength (either size or
opacity) displayed on canvas against
actual pen pressure.

D. Brush settings

Standard brushes include Pencil for sketching; G-pen for inking; Airbrush, Water color, Oil for painting; Eraser,
Finger, Blur for editing etc. You can also create your own CUSTOM BRUSH.
Each brush has LOADS of parameter to control brush dynamics. I will only introduce the most crucial in my

Pick a brush from Brush slider, then
button (Pen) -> Brush.. to access Brush settings

Sandbox: testing area. This is a custom
brush I made for drawing hair
The little box activates
pen pressure effects to a
particular setting
Spot Basic: settings for brush unit
Pen shape: the standard comes
with circle and square as brush
unit. More shape can be created
by a custom brush option below
Deform: self-explaining
Roll of the spot center: brush angle
Blur ratio: brush softness (to be
used with Airbrush)


Flow Calc: settings for mixing brush
strokes (to be used with Water
color, Oil, Finger and Blur)
I actually dont know much about
these settings.
the + button to enable one.
Texture Brush Pattern: use an
image as a custom unit and
texture. In this example, I use 4
vertical dots as the unit for my
hair brush. Tap on the square on
the right to change/import your
favourite units.
Perlin noise: add noise to the
brush. I use this to create more
realistic pencils.
Sand brush: regularly used to detail
human skin or paint fog.
Color texture: retain colors on the
image that used for brush texture
Spot Space: flow settings. The
lower Interval Magnification is, the
denser brush strokes are
Tips: higher value puts less stress
on the CPU and decreases lag.
Stroke Blend: blending methods, to
be used with Water color
Jitter: create random, scattering
brush strokes and colors.

Tips: Use .png image with transparent background to create custom unit

d0. Brush Import/Export
What if you want to use your favourite brushes on another tablet or phone, or share your brush packs with the
others? This section will show you how to export and import your brushes.

1. Pick the brush you want to export, then 5

button (Pen) -> Brush.. -> Brush Exp. A new
layer is created with the brush data encoded in a
matrix (i.e. a square) on top-left corner.

2. You can export multiple brushes in one go.
Repeat step 1 and use Move tool to move
the brush data from overlapping on each

3. Make sure that your canvas has either
transparent background or a solid one as in this
example. Export this canvas to .png file with
Tools -> File then File -> Export -> Image
4. Specify image size such that all of the 5 squares
are included. They are really small anyway so the
default 256x256 works just fine.
5. Choose Save or Save -> Save as... Name it as
mybrush for example. You can find
mybrush.png in /sdcard/CloverPaint/

1. Move mybrush.png to where your other
device can access (Dropbox, external SD
Card etc.)
2. Create a new canvas
3. Import mybrush.png (as in section B)
4. Make sure that only the squares are visible
on the canvas. Here my imported image is in
the lowest layer so I hide the two above.

5. Tools -> Pen then 5
button (Pen) ->
Brush.. -> Brush Imp. All of the brushes
have been successfully imported!



E. Layers

Create a New layer: long press on current layer -> Edit -> Add -> New or Clone
Delete: long press on current layer -> Edit -> Delete
Merge: long press on current layer -> Edit -> Merge -> Down or All
Show/Hide current layer: toggle Visible key
Move current layer up/down: use up/down button
Clear current layer: 5
button (Image) -> Edit -> Fill -> Clear
To access setting page: tap Setting key. There are 11 blending modes, including the most popular such as
Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Color. It means that your imported PSD file will likely have all layers preserved as
long as their blending modes are available in Clover Paint. Clover Paint also provides clipping function.

use Layer Panel
or Tools -> Image

Figure 5: The red mark is unclipped on the left hand side and clipped on the right hand side


The app comes with a very handful selection and transform tool. Transform and move tool only transform/move
the whole layer though. Follow these steps to transform (or move) a selected region:
1. Pick Lasso tool (Sel.Tool -> Free) and create a selection around the word shrimix (shrimp + phoenix -
lame word play :p)
1a. (I also wanted to select the shrimix as well, so I chose Blend -> Add and created new selection
around the creature)
2. Press Return when Done
3. Transform the selected area by 2 small steps
i. Tools -> Move -> Cut&Paste or Copy&Paste, the selected area will be cut or copied into new layer
ii. Tools -> Move -> Transform. Press Apply when finish transforming
4. To clear the selection: Tools -> Sel.rect then Sel.Tool -> Edit -> Clear and Return

Tools -> Sel.rect for Selection tool
Tools -> Move for Move tool
Tools -> Move -> Transform for Transform tool

1. Assign hotkeys for Selection tool and Clear command, see more in Key Configuration settings Section F.
Also set After Paste to Transform tool in the same setting page.
2. I prefer Copy&Paste especially while painting.I use soft eraser to blend the transformed part into the
layer beneath by erasing the edges.
Figure 6: Step 1, 1a and 3

F. Hotkeys

Although Clover Paint is highly functional, you might have seen how troublesome it is swiping the menus.
Fortunately clovers and hotkeys save the day. I also use GMD Gesture Control (GGC - require roots) for my
current set-up on the Note phone:
- Press VOLUME UP once for Lasso (Free selection) tool, hold to Create new layer
- Press VOLUM DOWN once to clear the selection, hold to Merge down layer
- Hold MENU and swipe on the screen to change brush size
- Hold BACK and swipe on the screen to change brush opacity
- Tap BACK for Undo, or flick left thumb down on the left edge of the screen (assigned to BACK in GGC)
- Flick left thumb up (assigned to SEARCH in GGC) to access Color picker
Watch the set-up in action at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFLaKEA8IYk

1. Say I want to tap 3 fingers to activate Center view mode, I choose Center view mode in the setting page.

2. The box says that you can press and hold Ctrl + H or only hold H from an external keyboard to trigger the
view mode. As I want to add my own gesture, tap Add

3. Tap 3 fingers on the black box (or press a hardware button if you change your mind and dont want to
use finger gesture)
Gallery/Settings -> KeyConf.


4. Choose Click to call the command by tapping 3 fingers. Hold means that the command will be called by
long pressing 3 fingers. Holding means that the command will be triggered only while holding the fingers.
It will return to initial mode when the fingers are released.

5. Here it informs me that there is already an identical gesture mapped to other function and will be
deleted when I apply the gesture to the new command. No problem though, tap Add.

6. Press Back and tap OK

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