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Self Study Course


Module Topics

1. Triple scalar product and triple vector product

2. Differentiation and integration of vectors
3. Vector equation of a line
4. Vector equation of a plane

A: Work Scheme based on JAMES (THIRD EDITION)

1. Study section 4.2.11 on the triple scalar product starting on p.234. You should note that the general
result for the volume of the parallelepiped should state

volume of parallelepiped = |(a × b) . c| .

The additional modulus sign is necessary because in the proof in J. the unit vector k is perpendicular to a
and b but could point up or down. Hence, the angle between k and c could lie between 0 and π/2 (with
k . c > 0) or between π/2 and π (with k . c < 0). The value of (a × b) . c can therefore be a positive number,
or a negative number, but the volume of the parallelpiped is always positive, of course.
Work through Example 4.33.

2. Study the remainder of p.236 on the triple vector product. The result 4.15 appears on the formula
sheet and in the Data Book so need not be remembered. Equation 4.16 can be obtained from 4.15 on
noting that a × (b × c) = −(b × c) × a , found by changing the order of vectors in a vector product, and
then using 4.15 with appropriate changes of letters.
Study Example 4.34.

***Do Exercises 44, 45, 46 on p.237***

3. Turn to p.624 and read the first paragraph in section 9.6. Study section 9.6.1 and remember the rules
(a), (b), (c) and (d) on p.625.
Study Example 9.24. For the vector r = sin t i + cos t j considered in part (a) of this example, rule (b)
di dj
ṙ = cos t i + sin t − sin t j + cos t .
dt dt
di dj
Since i and j are constant vectors, with constant magnitude and direction, = 0 and = 0 and hence it
dt dt
is only necessary to differentiate the components of r, as stated in the solution in J. and in the expressions
for velocity and acceleration given at the bottom of p.624.

4. Study the formula at the top of p.626 for the integration of the component form of a vector and work
through Example 9.25. When a vector equation is integrated note that the constant of integration must
also be a vector, so both c and a which appear in Example 9.25 are constant vectors.

***Do Exercises 45, 47(hard), 48 on p.627***

***Do Exercise A. A particle moving in space has acceleration cos t i + sin t j . Find the equation of
its path if at time t = 0 the particle is at the point (−1, 0, 0) and travelling with velocity −j + k .

5. To conclude this module you must consider the vector equations of lines and planes. First, study the
section starting on p.212 below the horizontal line. Study Example 4.15, which derives the vector equation
of a line, and the vector form of the solution to Example 4.16 (you are expected to follow the vector

***Do Exercise 13 on p.216***

6. Study section 4.3.1 on p.238 and Examples 4.35 and 4.36.

Study Example 4.38 on finding the shortest distance between two skew lines. After equating the two
expressions for P2 P1 at the top of p.241, you could equate corresponding components on both sides of the
equation, obtaining three equations in the quantities t1 , s2 and d. These equations could then be solved to
find d. The method used in J. is more subtle and uses the fact that n is perpendicular to both lines. Hence,
by taking the scalar product with n, or any multiple of n, many of the terms drop out and d is determined
more quickly. After finding d, J. again takes two scalar products in turn to find equations for t1 and s2 but
it is more straightforward to substitute the value for d into the original equation and then find two equations
for t1 and s2 by equating the corresponding components.

7. Study section 4.3.2 on the vector equation of a plane. Equation 4.21 states that the vector equation
of a plane is r . n = a . n, where the right-hand side is a constant scalar. This equation is often written
r . n = C , where C is a scalar. Figure 4.49 shows that the perpendicular distance from O to the plane is
OA, which equals the component of r in the normal direction, and from the previous module you should
then recall that OA = OP . n̂ = r . n̂ . This proves the interpretation of p given just below Equation 4.21.
Study Examples 4.40, 4.42 and 4.43.

8. Study Example 4.44. An easier way to get the answer is to use the method discussed above in section 7.
It is clear that the point Q, say, with coordinates (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 13/2) lies on the plane x + 2y + 2z = 13,
(any point
on the plane can be used). The perpendicular distance from P to the plane can then be written
−−→ −−→
P Q . n̂ , the component of P Q in the normal direction. Hence, the perpendicular distance, p, is found by
5 (1, 2, 2) −2 + 6 + 5

p = −2, 3, .√ = = 3.
2 12 + 22 + 32 3

***Do Exercises 53, 54, 55, 62, 64 on p.246***

B: Work Scheme based on STROUD (FIFTH EDITION)

The material in this Module is not covered in S.

Specimen Test 15

1. (i) Evaluate j . (k × j) .
(ii) Given that a = i + j, b = 2k and c = j, evaluate a . (b × c).

2. (i) Write down the vector equation of the line L passing through the two points with position vectors
a = i + k and b = −i + j + k .
(ii) Find the point where line L cuts the yz-plane.
(iii) Find the point of intersection of L and the line r = (3 + s) i + (−4 + s) j + (3 − s) k .

3. Obtain the equation of the plane which has normal vector 6i + 2j − 3k and which passes through the
point (2, 1, 0).
Write the equation in the form r . n̂ = p, where n̂ is a unit vector, and deduce the perpendicular distance
from the origin to the plane.

4. Find the vector equation of the plane which passes through the points (1, 0, 1), (−3, 1, 12) and (2, −1, −4).

5. The position vector of a particle at time t is given by r(t) = cos t i + sin t j + t k .

Find the velocity ṙ and the acceleration r̈ of the particle, and evaluate ṙ . r̈.

6. Given that the acceleration of a particle at time t is

r̈ = sin 2t i − cos t j + t2 k

and that, at time t = 0, its velocity is 2j and its position vector is k, find its velocity and position as
functions of t.

7. Differentiate r × ṙ = t2 i and hence determine r × r̈ .


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