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Oral First Test

Section 1) Mobile Phones: Curse or Blessing

Area Blessing/Advantages Curse/Disadvantages
Service SMS texting
Cheaper form of communication
Good coverage
Socializing (Faceoo!" #$itter"
%e$s and $eather
Broadcasts in BB
Disaster management (earth&ua!e"
food" etc'(
)ive #*
Games and Music/+ntertainment
+mergenc- calls (lifesaver(
Costl- for accessing ig size
files li!e videos
Ma!ing un$anted more calls
.igh usailit- due to lo$er
Benefits or
+as- to use
Safer 1a- to #ravel
%ot having to find a pa- phone
other $a- to communicate $hen
a$a- from -our land line
2nsafe Driving
)ac! of +ti&uette
,ogue 1ireless %et$or!s
0ersonal #heft
Bluetooth .ac!s
Micro$ave radiation health
issues and ris!s resulting in
increased cancer ris! and
genetic damage" distured
rain function and other
effects (use headset and !eep
moile distant from rain
and heart(
Student/)earning )oo! up information on /nternet
,ecord or ta!e notes
1or! on pro3ects $ith classmates
Access digital textoo!s
#a!e videos of class presentations
or experiments
0la- educational games
Communicate $ith
,eceive reminders and alerts
4rganize school$or!
)earn aout school activities
Access social net$or!s
Create and share documents/media
2pload assignments and $or! to
Coordinate calendars
Share/edit oo!mar!s
,umors affecting education
un$anted attention or
C-erull-ing5 sending
threatening" rude or mean
texts to another child6s cell
2nsafe usage $hen crossing
roads or $hile driving
#heft of information and
personal photos (set
pass$ord for sim and moile
Batter- life affects
Addiction leading to
misleading from actual
needs and tas!s
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20042080 Page 1 of 4
Oral First Test
7'7( Mobile or cell phone etiquette / politeness issues
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20042080 Page 2 of 4
Oral First Test
Section 2) Eail
receivers email address
attachment declaration
salutations (opening and closing(
rief message
reference to an- previous communication
Advantages Disadvantages
+mail is a faster and more efficient
Sent at an- convenient time
Sent to different receivers at the same
Stored / sent at off5pea! telephone rates
Saves paper
1ritten and edited &uic!l- - several
people efore it is sent
Comine text" pictures and diagrams
Document or files can e attached to the
Copies for$arding
Costs a lot less" some services offer free
e5mail' All -ou need to pa- for is -our
internet connection'
+mail is secure ecause -ou need and /D
and pass$ord to access it'
Send messages around the $orld'
Difficult to distinguish et$een casual
and formal messages ecause of their
similar la-out
#ime lag if the receiver does not read
their email for a fe$ da-s
/naccessile to those $ho are computer
illiterate or not online
Content ma- reappear later in a variet- of
printed forms
)ac!s nonveral communication cues to
add meaning
*iruses can e hidden in e5mail
4ften receive 8spam6 e5mail' Spam is
un$anted adverts and offers'
4ur information can e hac!ed
)imited size for attachments
9'7( Eail etiquette / politeness issues
7' Be concise and to the point
9' Ans$er all &uestions" and pre5empt
further &uestions
:' 2se proper spelling" grammar ;
<' Ma!e it personal
=' 2se templates for fre&uentl- used
>' Ans$er s$iftl-
?' Do not attach unnecessar- files
@' 2se proper structure ; la-out
A' Do not overuse the high priorit- option
7B' Do not $rite in CA0/#A)S
77' DonCt leave out the message thread
79' Add disclaimers to -our emails
7:' ,ead the email efore -ou send it
7?' Be careful $ith formatting
7@' #a!e care $ith rich text and .#M)
7A' Do not for$ard chain letters
9B' Do not re&uest deliver- and read receipts
97' Do not as! to recall a message'
99' Do not cop- a message or attachment
$ithout permission
9:' Do not use email to discuss confidential
9<' 2se a meaningful su3ect
9=' 2se active instead of passive
9>' Avoid using 2,G+%# and /M04,#A%#
9?' Avoid long sentences
9@' DonCt send or for$ard emails containing
lielous" defamator-" offensive" racist or
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20042080 Page 3 of 4
Oral First Test
7<' Do not overuse ,epl- to All
7=' Mailings D use the ccE field or do a
mail merge
7>' #a!e care $ith areviations and
oscene remar!s
9A' DonCt for$ard virus hoaxes / chain letters
:B' Feep -our language gender neutral
:7' DonCt repl- to spam
:9' 2se ccE field sparingl-
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20042080 Page 4 of 4

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