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65 Comments March 25, 2014 6:00 pm EDT

Update April 4, 2014 12:31 AM EST: The passengers listed as patent holders in this
article do not appear on the flight manifest released by Malaysian authorities. One of the
first news sources to report the patent holder information was Express.co.uk. It is not yet
known whether the manifest has been altered or if these people simply did not appear
on the flight.
AUSTIN (INTELLIHUB) New information, fact checked by Intellihub News, may shed
some light on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight which was recently reported by
Malaysian officials to have ended tragically in the Indian Ocean despite the lack of physical
While the disappearance of MH370 which had 239 people aboard is tragic, new
bombshell information reveals that a Texas-based technology giant, Freescale
Semiconductor Ltd., may have benefited in some way from the missing airliner which was
reported to have been carrying 20 of Freescales employees. Although its obvious the
loss of human life likely saddened employees and co-workers of Freescale, the possibility
still remains that higher-ups in the corporation may have benefitted from the event.
Freescale previously confirmed that the 20 employees 12 from Malaysia and eight
from China were among 239 people on flight MH370. The company has not released
the names of those employees, and again declined to do so on Monday., as reported by
Brian Gaar, the American Statesman, Mar. 24.
It has also been mentioned in a statement by a company spokesperson that the
employees who were aboard MH370, were extremely talented and valuable in the
technological field.
Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. is primarily owned by the Blackstone Group, i.e. Lord
Jacob Rothschild, the same group responsible for spraying the highly-toxic Corexit 500A
into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill as reported
early on by Intelihub News. Shockingly, we also see the Carlyle Group listed as a
secondary investor adding another layer of suspicion for investigators.
The official entry listed under Freescale Semiconductors financials section on Wikipedia
Rothschild owned Blackstone Group
benefits from missing flight 370,
becoming primary patent holder of
new technology, reports say
9.4k Like
Syrian oil positionsreason for
escal ation Murdoch &
Rothschil d must possess crystal
bal l
Swine fl u virus which kil l ed hal f-
mil l ion modified to incurabl e
DoD rush orders H1N1 swine fl u
vaccine for coming pandemic to
possibl y be brought on by il l egal
migrant infl ux
Man finds FBI tracking device on
car, posts onl ine, gets visit from
Mexico l ooks to back peso with
sil ver: Woul d unl eash a gl obal
power shift
The question is, why woul d
ANYONE trust the government?
TSA grants security amnesty to
il l egal s: No ID required to fl y
commercial airpl anes, but onl y if
youre NOT an American
Landmark study underscores
wide-ranging benefits of
pesticide-free farming
Tweet 22 74

Boeing 777 not transponding
diverted away f rom nuclear
summit by two F- 16 f ighter jets
Previous Story
IMF and EU capture of Ukraine
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The Federal Reserve expl ained in 7
MH370 update: Mal aysian
government rel eases 45 pages of
raw satel l ite data reveal ing
Former Mal aysian PM: The C.I.A.
and Boeing are covering up fl ight
370s whereabouts, says report
Funny that snopes was quick to label everything mentioned here as FALSE even
On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium
led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital,
and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a
vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006,
was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of
2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.
As a journalist, I have to point out the vast amount of monies invested into this technology
firm. Its not like $17.9B is a drop in the bucket by any means, likely signifying the true
importance of this corporation. I also have to question why so many Freescale employees
were on the same flight at the same time, as four of them were reported by several
sources to have been U.S. patent holders of a new technology. This would likely have been
a breach of protocol, but at the least a costly oversight.
In fact its been reported by some that Peid Ong Wang, Suzhou, Zhijun Chen,
Suzhou, Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou and Li Ying, Suzhou, Freescale employees from China
who were said to have been onboard flight 370, were each 20% holders of U.S. Patent
#US008671381B1. Shockingly, the remaining 20% has been reported to be held by
Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., which now after the disappearance of flight 370 becomes
the sole patent holder. In laymens terms, Lord Jacob Rothschild is now the patent holder
by virtue of invested interest into Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.
To bring things further into perspective, putting the icing on the cake, the Rothschild
dynasty owns the Malaysian Central Bank which in-turn is heavily invested into the
Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines.
Need I say more?
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
(347) 759-6075.

Funny that snopes was quick to label everything mentioned here as FALSE even
though they affirmed it all within their article!
But sheep just look at the big highlighted word FALSE at the top, they don't know how
to read the article and see it's actually true!

Snopes is just a far left husband and wife. They know nothing. Kind of like
GossipCop.com does not have inside info on stars and Hollywood. They just
spit out what they are told. Back in 2007, I discovered that Obama and bomber
boy Ayers sat on a radical ed reform panel called the Woods Project. It was
funded by a grant from Annenberg. Annenberg owns Fact Check. Fact Check
said Obama's odd birth record was legit even though they admit he had dual
citizenship which automatically disqualifies him for high office---that and his
Marxist radical Muslim Brotherhood connected brothers and cousin Odinga in
Kenya. What the media and the shadow gov hid on Obama is NOW in the US
Library of Congress. http://theobamafile.com/indexA...

Able to Read
No, the Snopes piece does NOT say it is true....the most important piece of
information in the Snopes piece is that these patent holder's names are not on
the flight manifest. This article overlooks that important fact, vaguely stating that
they "were said to have been onboard" the plane. People don't get on planes
and not on a manifest, I don't care who they are.

The 9/11 hijackers names did not appear on any passenger manifests.
Yet within hours the government released a list of names of persons
alleged to be the hijackers. Odd, right?

LOL. If only that were true. You must be living in a cave.

You are incorrect,,,,happened to me.

you fucking moron

ubmediagroup Mod
Amazing report!!!! BRAVO!

Gene Chip Tatum
We have researched the names on the patent and the names of the passengers, they
are close but not the same according to my partner. He is Chinese and has stated that
the names are not the same. The manifest we used was one of the first out. Perhaps it
would be worth our time to check for a new manifest with updated names. There did
seem to be alot of confusion on Malaysian Airlines part .

Christina G.
Isn't it odd how the names Blackstone, Carlyle, Bin Laden (family), Bush (family), and
Rothschild keep surfacing when planes hit tall buildings, countries are invaded, and
planes go missing?

Not as much "odd" as "profitable"

nick quinlan
Odd? Maybe to some in the dark, but not to people with open eyes,that can dig,
and dig, and read


no...it isn't

So why isn't Diego Garcia being checked out ? I do not believe that even a US secret
military base would remain silent if the plane had landed there . Are we suggesting that
the US government would be a party to such an awful fraud . What about the 239
people on board are they to be holed up for the rest of their lives .
Surely this is an April fools prank .

nick quinlan
You have and give far more credit to the US government than it deserves

nick quinlan
I believe you are right !!!

Donna Hayden
I wonder how much key-man life insurance the company had on them.

Douglas Hotchkiss
this was in express uk march 19th.

Republic of Sarawak
The Malaysian Central Bank is owned by the Malaysian Government, NOT the

you mean like the "Federal Reserve" is owned by the Federal Government?
grow up and educate yourself.

The Federal reserve is privately owned by the banks that are members
of the Federal reserve system, the gov't does not Own the Fed. Banks
who are members of the Fed must buy shares to become part owners
of the system. Please do not speak about something you have no
knowledge of

yo ben, baby, bubala.....
the FED is owned by the Rothschild's. It is privately owned and
for profit. it controls the economy of the U.S., and along with the
other Rothschild central banks around the world, the world
economy. those central banks, along with the retail banks, along
with the fractional reserve system, has enslaved the world. who
do you think owns the major retail banks of the nation and the
world, and as you put it, the banks that own the FED? your
ignorance is astounding.

Rothchild's....yes..more exact.the Bildegerg Group.

Well Done
Fairy tales comfort the childish. Like you, Davey, like you.

nick quinlan
Amen, spot on. People need to read the Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, by Eustace Mullins

Republic of Sarawak
I know the difference, unless you are saying that the Malaysian
Government itself is owned by the Rothschilds. Educate yourself.

Their government isn't owned by the Fed, just their currency and
their debt is. Like
Nathan Mayer Rothschild said, "I care not what puppet is placed
upon the throne of England to rule the
Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls
Britain's money
supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British

not true! jacob rothschild does not own bank negara malaysia, i own the
malaysian central bank. i am the largest borrower in the malaysian banking
system. the central bank has to make sure i am ok, otherwise the malaysian
banking system goes "phut!"

Why am I not surprised? The Rothschild family will murder entire countries to get at
what ever they want which is more money power and greed.

Any interest owned by them is given to their heirs.

keith k
not true, with the patent not finalized it cannot be transfered/ declared to go to
heirs until it has been accepted. So it would go to the remaining patent holder
not the heirs of the former holders. if this happened after it was final that would
be the case but the timing seems to be perfect to cut everyone out of the

Wouldn't that depend on how the partnership/investor contract is written?

Thorium Plasma Batteries
Bubbles....Goodbye EU
Yes !
The most urgent need to our countries is energy.
Thorium is an exciting research project right now with Rolls Royce.
It's a scandal that the US did not continue using it in the 70's when they knew it
was what was needed instead of oil A clean source of energy & nothing like as

was what was needed instead of oil. A clean source of energy & nothing like as
dangerous as the present reactors.
Thorium fast reactors don't produce anything like the waste of present nuclear
reactors, that which is being buried in the ground would be burned by a
Thorium plant which produces very little waste of its own.
It's abundant & cheap...at present....but guess what , it wouldn't produce
weapons grade material so there's the answer as to why we've been in the grip
of the Middle East.
Consider this & how many oil & fracking Americans would go bankrupt if this
Thorium technology were used .

Well Done
Consider how far into fairy-tale land you are with this Thorium story. Too

Bubbles....Goodbye EU
I'd prefer you did some homework before speaking.
I speak from knowledge on the subject.

Thorium. Has it got anything to do with the Torah

Freescale lost much more than what they got from the patent. Nothing to say. Life is
more important than patent. These people are talented. If they are alive, they could
contribute more to the world. I don't care which company can benefit from this event.

That's so strange... when I look up majority shareholders of Blackstone, I get this, but
no mention of "Lord Rothschild" at all... not that I have any love for that family, but I
have to say, the degree of unfounded propaganda (not all of it is false) is astounding...
Do your homework people !

I'm sure if you'll dig deep enough you'll find him listed. It's not hard if you try.

Advisery Board! IT says nothing about ownership

Fred Green
If the patent was assigned to Freescale, then as employees of the Company when the
discovery was made, they have no say in how this patent is used. All employees of
research organizations agree to assign all discoveries to the Company as a condition
of employment. By law, the Company has to file the patent and include a list of the
legal inventors. These inventors all signed paperwork assigning the patent to
Freescale--no conspiracy here!

Are you stating U.S. law? And if you are these people where from China and
Bubbles....Goodbye EU
Only if they are honest & not threatened by another power.
There's no security whatsoever. If those inventors are suspected,pressured of
subversive activity,the only way to be sure they don't pass on their knowledge
i t 'di ' th
Load more comments
Man finds FBI tracking device on car,
posts online, gets visit from FBI

"Mexicans" have more

rights than "Americans".
Swine flu virus which killed half-million
modified to incurable

His work should be

destroyed and he should be taken out
and shot as a threat to humanity
First Lady of Guatemala: Illegal
immigrants not refuges escaping
If Obama actually cared about
homeland security or Islamic terror

is to 'disappear' them.

matt b
the patent is used by the company that owns it. ROTHSCHILD OWNS THE

Dr Imran Khan

Neil Brown
I see that Rothschild is also protected as he is listed on the current Illuminati 300...
He is also Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.
He also has a big thumb in Malaysia Airlines...
There are no Chinese names on the Illuminati 300 list. That fact alone supports the
Conspiracy theorists everywhere will no doubt be on the edge of their seats knowing all
these facts seem to subscribe to the guilty, but not yet the method or location of the
plane except the suspected clone... Even that now seems to gain clarity...
I notice that there are still four passengers stated as missed the flight...
I personally wonder if maybe they were ON that flight, but all trace and documents
were wiped from existence as it took off...

those names mentioned who are worked with FREESCALE IS NOT TRUE. Please
click name list below. Try to investigate by yourself & check every single name it the
above name same as psgr namelist

Neil Brown
Four people are claimed to have missed the flight... yet no names or evidence
has been released...
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Syrian oil positionsreason for escal ation
Murdoch & Rothschil d must possess crystal bal l
DoD rush orders H1N1 swine fl u vaccine for coming
pandemic to possibl y be brought on by il l egal
migrant infl ux
Pol ice total l y decimate home in S.W.A.T. raid
kil l ing man
Al ert: FEMA camps to pop-up up l ike wil dfl owers
nationwide under new DoD authorization
Texas official s: Obama to bl ame for swine fl u
outbreak from il l egal migrants Mass graves

boy are you

ignorantthe ancient kwanzans created
the spanish language and the north

Funny, he has be CALLED

the Deporter and Chief because he has
sent so many Illegals back to their

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