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177 BFP


B. F. Poltoratsky
The report is devoted to a problem of the solution of some contradictions, which take place in the
area of applied mechanics, concerning to the automatic mechanical transmissions. On the one
hand it is known, that the completely automatic mechanical system is a certain complex intended
for execution of specific functions, in which mechanical unit and the computer are main
components, connected together by the driver. The mechanical module can have the old analog,
which is capable to work without automatics.
The fact that the new mechanical unit is not capable to operate without computer, is not
disadvantage of the all complex, but can be as approximate criterion of a level of automation. An
example is the evolution of a typewriter up to the jet printer. On the other hand all modern many-
stage transmissions are designed so, that they can operate without computer and driver, since
they took from mechanisms with hand control everything to operate by itself or with hydraulic
boosters. In our opinion that use of the known frictional clutch or hydrotransformer prevents the
process of the further automation of transmissions. It is obvious, that essentially different
mechanism should be designed for connection of shafts, which rotate with different velocities.
Good stability of performance and ability to work in connection with the computer is required
for this new mechanism first of all. Also it is obvious that the impossibility of hand control can
not prevent to change a kinematic configuration of a transmission.
After a careful examination one can conclude, that some known principles of a rotary motion
transfer can be a basis of radical progress in this direction. But negative response of the experts
of the largest corporations to such an innovation has appeared unexpected. The author is inclined
to believe that the reason is due to a known subjective area of the relations of the man to the
computer and driver, concerning devices of automation.
Technical and psychological aspects separately are considered below.
1. Brief description of the invention.
A basis of a new transmission is the transmission mechanism, on which Feodor P.
Soprunoff has received the patent in 1910 [1]. This mechanism does not contain cut gears. The
rotary motion transfer occurs out from a drive rotation body to a driven body through a mobile
connective element at participation of a basic body. All three rotation bodies have guides, two of
which have the shapes of spiral furrows. The connective element interacts with rotation bodies
through these furrows. Later such transmissions have received the name ball reducers because
the connection element had the shape of a ball.
We have introduced only two changes into a Soprunoffs reducer. Firstly, connective
elements have supplied with rollers, since the ball can not be roldriven in three guides. And,
secondly, have applied guide with a variable step [2].
Fig.1. Components of 1-st version of a variable transmission mechanism.
Here: 1 drive rotation body; 2 - driven rotation body; 3 - basic rotation body; 4 - mobile
connective element with rollers.
Fig.2. The longitudinal section of assembly from parts on Fig.1.
As shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2 drive 1 and basic 3 rotation bodies have spiral guides with a
variable step, and the guide of a driven body 2 has the shape of a through long slot, as in a
Soprunoffs reducer.
The 2-nd version of an embodiment is possible also for the same kinematic
Fig.3. Components of the 2-nd variant of a variable transmission mechanism.
Here to former labels is added: 5 - rollers of a connective element 4, 6 - spiral guides.
Both variants are designed and operate within the framework of one precise
mathematical model calculated on linear increase of a transfer ratio Z=1/i from 0 up to 1 for a
cycle. The initial diagrams are submitted below.
Fig.4. The mathematical model of a variable transmission mechanism.
The diagrams on Fig.4 represent positions, unfolded on a plane, of guides relevant
rotation bodies -1, 2 and 3, in a place of which cross the connective element 4 is placed. The
home positions of guides are shown on the left. The positions of guides in an intermediate phase
are submitted on the right.
The interaction of rotation bodies through guides and connective element occurs likewise as and
in a Soprunoffs reducer. The propellented guide of the drive body 1 translocates a connection
element 4 along fixed guide of a basic body 3 (on the diagram Fig.4 - to the right and up). And
the connection element 4 rotates through longitudinal guide a driven body 2. It is convenient to
illustrate this process with multiplication [3].
So, the mechanism composed of the several solid components can have the following important
1 - the mechanism can work only cyclically, cycle ~ 3 - 8 rev. of a drive body,
2 - the mechanism operates only through an immediate engagement of components without
frictional devices, i.e. it is the holonomic mechanism,
3 - this mechanism is capable of smoothly and continuously to erect linking between shafts,
which rotate with unequal velocities,
4 - the mechanism has functional symmetry in relation to a drive body and basic body, i.e. these
bodies can change places functionally,
5 - this mechanism is a three-poler, in which the balance of torques exists. And it means that, if
the transfer ratio varies smoothly from 0 up to 1 inside a cycle, and the loading is constant, as
well the input torque is incremented smoothly from 0 up to the output torque. This important
property is illustrated with the diagrams below.
Fig.5. The dynamic characteristics of a variable transmission mechanism.
Here w
and - w
- circular velocities of drive and driven rotation bodies, accordingly, M
output torque, M
- input torque, M
- starting torque, bound with an initial acceleration of a
drive body, j - normalized phase of a drive body inside a cycle.
All numbered properties of a holonomic variable transfer mechanism allow one to construct a
very simple automatic transmission [4].
Fig.6. The simplified scheme of a transmission with synchronizer clutches on the input shaft.
Here new labels: 7 and 8 - free-wheeling clutches, S1 S4 - switches of the relevant
synchronizer clutches.
The order of linking of synchronizer clutches is following:
_ transm.
S1 S2 S3 S4
0 - - - -
1 +
2 + +
3 + +
4 + +
Table 1
So, the scheme of 4-stage transmission having a neutral state and ability without interruption of a
stream of power to yield switchings during speed-up is submitted on Fig.5 [3, 4]. Here always
each previous step represents support for the subsequent transmission, as the man go upstairs.
The holonomic variable transmission mechanism executes function of a solid mechanical reactor.
The following variant of a transmission facilitates operation of synchronizer clutches by a
deduction of gear pairs with their major moments of inertia from switched chains. In this device
it is possible to not use brake units absolutely.
Fig.7. The scheme of completely holonomic transmission.
Here in addition to the already entered labels: S1 S4 - holonomic synchronizer clutches, 9
12 - free-wheeling clutches of holonomic synchronizer clutches, F1, F2 - device of interlock of
free-wheeling clutches 11, 12.
Fig.8. The parts view of the holonomic synchronizer clutch.
Here, as well as earlier 1, 2 and 3 - drive, driven and basic rotation bodies, and 12 - free-
wheeling clutch, 13 - restoring spring, 14 and 15 ring and spiral sites guide drive a body.
The holonomic synchronizer clutch on Fig.8 is a disk analog of a cylindrical variable
transmission mechanism, for example, on Fig.1, Fig.2. It can be considered as the further
development of a ball reducer of L.Mackta [5], which has offered disk variant of a Soprunoffs
reducer. It operates also cyclically. The free-wheeling clutch 12 and spring 13 ensure
interruption of a cycle and return to a home position, accordingly.
Thus, the essentially new view of automatic mechanical transmissions with holonomic
constraints is offered. Outwardly only area of the intermediate shaft has undergone to radical
change. Such input units, as a frictional clutch or hydrotransformer are completely eliminated.
All other devices, including housing, gear pairs and final-control elements, can be manufactured
by the enterprise - manufacturer on habitual technology according to its standards. The designing
results of particular devices already allow making the following deductions:
The new transmissions occupy a medial standing between a usual mechanical
transmission and transmission with the hydrotransformer on the sizes and weight;
The schemes on Fig.6 and Fig.7 do not contain all opportunities of the offered
design. For example, the scheme on Fig.7 with usual synchronizer clutches is
perspective too, if they contain frictional units for prestress alignment of
velocities of the relevant parts and claw clutches for the basic engagement;
The technology of their manufacture does not call difficulties, because there are
not requirements of reinforced precision of parts manufacture;
Expected cost of a new transmission is equal approximately by serial
manufacturing to cost of a usual mechanical transmission with devices of
2. Details of the proposition presentation.
The process of designing of the offered transmission includes cycles containing
necessarily following stages: mathematical model operation of a kinematics in actual
dimensionalities, export of space curves to the powerful designer software for solid model
operation of parts and assemblies, dynamic model operation, strength examinations of models,
discussion of results. Many such cycles should be executed up to presentation and production of
the drawings.
As the stage of mathematical model operation cannot be exchanged by accumulated
earlier experience of manufacture and analysis of known parts, the habitual trajectory of
designing from the drawing to a part and to it subsequent trials is unacceptable here. Therefore
process of presentation of this proposition depends extremely from confidence to the computer at
persons responsible for decision making.
The experience of the author, which is obtained in dialogue with the designers
considerably more than from ten designer bureaus, testifies, that practically it is impossible to
reach understanding on the basis of the correspondence without personal dialogue. The business
becomes absolutely hopeless, if the designers team is parted organizationally into designers and
into calculators with their powerful computers and software. Such situation is characteristic for
the Russian enterprises in 8 cases from 10. There is an example and from Europe. Consequence
is latent antagonism, which erases creative communication inside a team, encourages of guide
conservatism and precludes the perception of innovations.
If the stage of first presentation is completed, further it is quite sufficient to acquaint the
partners with the basic features of the proposition, which are shown in the following table below.



1 - The reactor is placed not on
inlet of a gearbox, but on place of
an intermediate shaft.
The reactor has the very restricted (4
- 6 rev.) dynamic range.
The speed of mobile details and,
accordingly, inertial overloads
2 - All synchronizer clutches are
placed not on input shaft, but on a
The holonomic synchronizer
clutches are three-poles. The binding
of basic bodies to case or to details,
spinned with suitable speed, are
necessary to them.
The radical decrease of speeds and
moments of inertia of switched
units has allowed completely
refusing frictional cones, disks etc.
3 - The control is executed not
through claw clutches, but through
heavy drive rotation bodies of
holonomic synchronizer clutches.
It is necessary to reduce the effective
speed of a collision of joined details.
The speeds of a collision are
reduced more, than on the order at
the expense of contacts on a
4 - Only computer system of
control can be applied in this
a) The composite logic of inclusion
of the necessary transmission gear in
the move, during a motion.
b) The safety, for example, of a
neutral state.
The system completely corresponds
to the concept of application of
High Technologies for the
integrated control of the engine and
of the automatic transmission.
Table 2
[1] - F. P. Soprunoff, Patent Germanium _236138 from 12.05.1910, Kl.: 47h Gruppe 14.
[2] - B. F. Poltoratsky, Indent PCT/RU98/00432 from 06.01.98.
[3] - B. F. Poltoratsky, www.redline.ru / ~ pol.
[4] - B. F. Poltoratsky, Indent PCT/RU00/00175 from 15.05.2000
[5] - L. Mackta, Patent of USA _2,764,030 from 25.09.56, US Cl.: 74-216.3.

The author: B. F. Poltoratsky
_/fax 7 (095) 311-3551
E-mail: pol@redline.ru

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