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11g Management Agent Deployment via Grid Control using the Push

The 11g management agent cannot be directly installed using the Oracle Universal Installer GUI as in the 10g
version of the product. We can use any of the following methods to deploy the agent on target nodes.
gent !ull method
gent !ush method
gent clone.
This note shows us how to deploy the agent from the "# Grid $ontrol interface.
%rom the Deployment tab in the "# Grid $onsole& clic' on Install Agent (under gent Installation) and then Fresh
"nter the following details *
The host where we want to deploy the agent
The O+ user account and password on the target machine
The top level path of the directory under which the ,agent11g- sub.directory will be created.
#anagement +erver registration password
+ince the user account we are using does not have the privilege to do a sudo& unchec' the run root.sh bo/.
0emember we will need to run the root.sh from the agent home on the target after the installation.
+ince our O#+ is secured& enter the #anagement +erver rergistration password for the agent to connect to
repository in the secure mode. This password will be the one we supplied at the time of the 11g "# Grid $ontrol
+ince the machine where we are installing the agent does not have a connection to the internet& we will not provide
the user account details re2uired to connect to the #y Oracle +upport site.
We need to provide the correct path to the e/ecutables li'e ,scp-&-ssh-&-ssh.'eygen-. In our case these are not
located under 3usr3local3bin but under 3usr3bin.
On the server which hosts the O#+& we go to the 4omain directory (gc5inst) that we created at the time of the 11g
Grid $ontrol installation.
"dit the file ssPathssol!properties and ma'e the following changes
6* "d #u$1#app#ora"le#produ"t#g"inst#em#%MGC&M'1#sysman#prov#resour"es
6* vi ssPathssol!properties
fter establishing that secure connections to the target host can be made and the host is reachable& the installer will
perform a number of prere2uisite chec's. +ee Appendi1 2 for a list of chec's which are performed.
$lic' on home ta'es you bac' to the deployment page
We need to edit the ignoreMessages!t1t file under the same location
. 3g"inst#em#%MGC&M'1#sysman#prov#resour"es
nd add the following lines < this is the banner te/t which is output when a user logs in to the host =.
| This system is for the use of authorized users only. |
| Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in |
| excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their |
| activities on this system monitored and recorded by system |
| personnel. |
| |
| In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this |
| system, or in the course of system maintenance, the activities |
| of authorized users may also be monitored. |
| |
| nyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring |
| and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible |
| evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the |
| evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials. |
While the installation is in progress& the installer will create a temporary directory on the target server with the
prefi/ ,4T#!>-
%or e/ample * 4T#!5?010.10.1@510.0A.0B.#
This directory is removed automatically after a successful agent installation.
There will be a file called install.log in the same directory location and we can do a tail <f of that file while the agent
installation is in progress .
Appendi1 1 has e/cerpts from the file which show the various stages in the agent installation which happen in the
fter the installation is completed& we can see the screen gent Installation +ession 4etails which will provide details
of the entire agent deployment procedure.
Appendix 1
devastator!"u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-+,--#-& . tail -f install.log
/njarring 0racle Installer ...
dding execute permissions to unzip ...
2aunching 0racle Installer ...
3xecuting "u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-+,--#-&""%is4$"runInstaller -waitforcompletion
-force -response5ile "u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-+,--#-&""agent(download.rsp -silent
-inv'tr2oc "var"opt"oracle""oraInst.loc b(do%iscovery6T7/3 b(startgent6T7/3 -source2oc
07823(;39T(<0&3(208TI096"u#$"app"oracle"product" -local -static'ortsIni5ile
0&=(<0=T6>vixen.dpi.wa.gov.au> 0&=('07T6>-**:> -scratch'ath "u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-
=tarting 0racle /niversal Installer...
8hec4ing Temp space! must be greater than $+# &?. ctual $@$$# &? 'assed
8hec4ing swap space! must be greater than $+# &?. ctual $,)-, &? 'assed
'reparing to launch 0racle /niversal Installer from "tmp"0raInstall)#$#-$#-$)(#:-#--):&. 'lease wait
...AAA 8hec4 for updates AAA
AAA =elect Installation Type AAA
AAA 8hec4 'rereBuisites AAA
"u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-+,--#-&"%is4$"stage"shiphomeproperties.xml C9o such file or
AAA =pecify 0racle &anagement =ervice 2ocation AAA
AAA 8ustomize 'orts AAA
AAA 7eview AAA
;lobal =ettings
=ource! http!""vixen.dpi.wa.gov.au!-**:"agent(download"$$.$.#.$.#"solaris"agent"stage"products.xml
0racle <ome! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g Cagent$$g$D
Installation Type! 8omplete
'roduct 2anguages
=pace 7eBuirements
"u#$" 7eBuired $.-$;? Cincludes +,&? temporaryD ! vailable )*.$#;?
9ew Installations C+* productsD
0racle &anagement gent $$.$.#.$.#
gent Eirtualization $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager gent $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager gent 8ore 5iles $$.$.#.$.#
=ecure =oc4et 2ayer $$.$.#.,.#
0racle 7ecovery &anager $$.$.#.,.#
3nterprise &anager 8ommon 5iles $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager 8ommon 8ore 5iles $$.$.#.$.#
7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
0racle 78 7eBuired =upport 5iles-<= $$.$.#.,.#
0racle F%?8"T<I9 Interfaces $$.$.#.,.#
0racle F%?8"08I Instant 8lient $$.$.#.,.#
0racle ;lobalization =upport $$.$.#.,.#
0racle 9et 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
==2 7eBuired =upport 5iles for Instant8lient $$.$.#.,.#
2%' 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
0racle ;lobalization =upport $$.$.#.,.#
'erl Interpreter +.$#.#.#.$
'erl &odules +.$#.#.#.$
3xpat libraries ).#.$.#.$
G&2 'arser for Fava $$.$.#.,.#
'recompiler 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
7%?&= 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
7%?&= 7eBuired =upport 5iles for Instant 8lient $$.$.#.,.#
'arser ;enerator 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
'latform 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#a
'atch for 0racle 'rocess &anagement 9otification $#.$.@.-.#
0racle 'rocess &anagement 9otification $#.$.@.#.#
gent 7eBuired =upport 5iles $#.).#.-.$
G%H 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
=I2A'lus 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
=ecure =oc4et 2ayer $$.$.#.,.#
0racle 8ore 7eBuired =upport 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
3nterprise &anager gent for ;rid 8ontrol $$.$.#.$.#
Installation 8ommon 5iles $$.$.#.,.#
0racle 8onfiguration &anager $#.@.).$.#
0racle ?ali =hare $$.$.$.).#
3nterprise &anager pplication =erver Integrator 'lugin -- gent =upport $$.$.#.).#
0racle %ynamic &onitoring =ervice 'atch $#.$.).@.#
0racle %ynamic &onitoring =ervice $#.$.).$.#
3nterprise &anager pplication =erver 'lugin -- gent =upport $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager pplication =erver 'lugin -- 8ommon =upport $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager %atabase 'lugin -- gent =upport $$.$.#.$.#
3nterprise &anager =iebel 'lugin -- gent =upport $$.$.#.$.#
'rovisioning dvisor 5ramewor4 8ommon 5iles 5or gent and 0&= $$.$.#.$.#
8ommon component for Eirtualization $$.$.#.$.#
0racle 9otification =ervice Ce09=D $$.).#.$.#
3nterprise &anager 8ollaboration =uite 'lugin -- gent =upport $$.$.#.$.#
0racle 9otification =ervice $#.$.@.#.#
0racle 7eBuired =upport 5iles @) bit $$.$.#.,.#
0racle= <TT' 8lient $$.$.$.).#
0racle= F)33 ?/2H0'= $$.#.#.#.#
0racle Jallet &anager $$.$.#.,.#
0racle =ecurity %eveloper Tools $$.$.#.,.#
0racle /niversal Installer $$.$.#.*.#
0racle 0ne-0ff 'atch Installer $$.$.#.*.#
Installer =%H 8omponent $$.$.#.*.#
=un F%H $.K.#.$-.#
Installation in progress
pplying opatch for the oneoff :+--+)+ ...
"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"0'atch"opatch napply -inv'tr2oc
"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oraInst.loc -silent -local -oh "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
Invo4ing 0'atch $$.$.#.*.#
0racle Interim 'atch Installer version $$.$.#.*.#
8opyright CcD )##:, 0racle 8orporation. ll rights reserved.
/TI2 session
0racle <ome ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
8entral Inventory ! "u#$"app"oracle"oraInventory
from ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oraInst.loc
0'atch version ! $$.$.#.*.#
0/I version ! $$.$.#.*.#
0/I location ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oui
2og file location ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"cfgtoollogs"opatch"opatch)#$#-$#-$)(#:-$*--#&.log
'atch history file! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"cfgtoollogs"opatch"opatch(history.txt
Invo4ing utility >napply>
8hec4ing conflict among patches...
8hec4ing if 0racle <ome has components reBuired by patches...
8hec4ing conflicts against 0racle <ome...
0'atch continues with these patches! :-,#K:- :-*,$$* :+--+)+
%o you want to proceedL My|nN
O Cauto-answered by -silentD
/ser 7esponded with! O
7unning prereBuisite chec4s...
Oou selected -local option, hence 0'atch will patch the local system only.
'lease shutdown 0racle instances running out of this 07823(<0&3 on the local system.
C0racle <ome 6 P"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$gPD
Is the local system ready for patchingL My|nN
O Cauto-answered by -silentD
/ser 7esponded with! O
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P9pplyP for restore. This might ta4e a while...
pplying patch :-,#K:-...
pply=ession applying interim patch P:-,#K:-P to 0< P"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$gP
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P:-,#K:-P for rollbac4. This might ta4e a while...
'atching component oracle.sysman.top.agent, $$.$.#.$.#...
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"ias.$#g"oid"get0I%;en%etail.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"ias.$#g"oid"get0I%2og%etail.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"ias.$#g"oid"get0I%'erf%etail.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"ias.$#g"oid"get0I%=asl%etail.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"ias.$#g"oid"get0I%=tats%etail.pl>
pply=ession adding interim patch P:-,#K:-P to inventory
Eerifying the update...
Inventory chec4 0H! 'atch I% :-,#K:- is registered in 0racle <ome inventory with proper meta-data.
5iles chec4 0H! 5iles from 'atch I% :-,#K:- are present in 0racle <ome.
pplying patch :-*,$$*...
pply=ession applying interim patch P:-*,$$*P to 0< P"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$gP
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P:-*,$$*P for rollbac4. This might ta4e a while...
'atching component oracle.sysman.top.agent, $$.$.#.$.#...
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"iam"get8=5'assword.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"iam"get8=5'assword(oim.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"iam"oidtas4s.pl>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"scripts"iam"weblogic7es/sage.pl>
pply=ession adding interim patch P:-*,$$*P to inventory
Eerifying the update...
Inventory chec4 0H! 'atch I% :-*,$$* is registered in 0racle <ome inventory with proper meta-data.
5iles chec4 0H! 5iles from 'atch I% :-*,$$* are present in 0racle <ome.
pplying patch :+--+)+...
pply=ession applying interim patch P:+--+)+P to 0< P"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$gP
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P:+--+)+P for rollbac4. This might ta4e a while...
'atching component oracle.sysman.top.agent, $$.$.#.$.#...
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"rollbac4(:+--+)+.lst>
pply=ession adding interim patch P:+--+)+P to inventory
Eerifying the update...
Inventory chec4 0H! 'atch I% :+--+)+ is registered in 0racle <ome inventory with proper meta-data.
5iles chec4 0H! 5iles from 'atch I% :+--+)+ are present in 0racle <ome.
The local system has been patched and can be restarted.
/til=ession! 9-pply done.
0'atch succeeded.
/njarring the oneoff :K,K$@-.zip ...
"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"jd4"bin"jar xvf
created! :K,K$@-"
created! :K,K$@-"files"
created! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"
created! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"
created! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"default(collection"
inflated! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"default(collection"database.xmlp
created! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"metadata"
inflated! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"metadata"oracle(database.xml
inflated! :K,K$@-"files"sysman"admin"metadata"rac(database.xml
inflated! :K,K$@-"73%&3.txt
created! :K,K$@-"etc"
created! :K,K$@-"etc"xml"
inflated! :K,K$@-"etc"xml"=hiphome%irectory=tructure.xml
inflated! :K,K$@-"etc"xml";enericctions.xml
created! :K,K$@-"etc"config"
inflated! :K,K$@-"etc"config"actions.xml
inflated! :K,K$@-"etc"config"inventory.xml
inflated! :K,K$@-"etc"config"deploy.xml
pplying opatch for the oneoff :K,K$@- ...
"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"0'atch"opatch napply -inv'tr2oc
"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oraInst.loc -silent -local -oh "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
Invo4ing 0'atch $$.$.#.*.#
0racle Interim 'atch Installer version $$.$.#.*.#
8opyright CcD )##:, 0racle 8orporation. ll rights reserved.
/TI2 session
0racle <ome ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
8entral Inventory ! "u#$"app"oracle"oraInventory
from ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oraInst.loc
0'atch version ! $$.$.#.*.#
0/I version ! $$.$.#.*.#
0/I location ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"oui
2og file location ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"cfgtoollogs"opatch"opatch)#$#-$#-$)(#:-$:-#K&.log
'atch history file! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"cfgtoollogs"opatch"opatch(history.txt
Invo4ing utility >napply>
8hec4ing conflict among patches...
8hec4ing if 0racle <ome has components reBuired by patches...
8hec4ing conflicts against 0racle <ome...
0'atch continues with these patches! :K,K$@-
%o you want to proceedL My|nN
O Cauto-answered by -silentD
/ser 7esponded with! O
7unning prereBuisite chec4s...
Oou selected -local option, hence 0'atch will patch the local system only.
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P9pplyP for restore. This might ta4e a while...
pplying patch :K,K$@-...
pply=ession applying interim patch P:K,K$@-P to 0< P"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$gP
?ac4ing up files affected by the patch P:K,K$@-P for rollbac4. This might ta4e a while...
'atching component oracle.sysman.top.agent, $$.$.#.$.#...
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"default(collection"database.xmlp>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"metadata"oracle(database.xml>
8opying file to >"u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g"sysman"admin"metadata"rac(database.xml>
pply=ession adding interim patch P:K,K$@-P to inventory
Eerifying the update...
Inventory chec4 0H! 'atch I% :K,K$@- is registered in 0racle <ome inventory with proper meta-data.
5iles chec4 0H! 5iles from 'atch I% :K,K$@- are present in 0racle <ome.
The local system has been patched and can be restarted.
/til=ession! 9-pply done.
0'atch succeeded.
5inished one-offs apply...
%eleting the files...
5inished deleting the above files...
8onfiguration assistant >gent 0neoff 'atch pplication> =ucceeded
7unning 8onfiguration assistant >gent 8onfiguration ssistant>
'erforming free port detection on host6devastator.dpi.wa.gov.au
=ecuring the agent
'erforming targets discovery and agent configuration
=tarting the agent
8onfiguration assistant >gent 8onfiguration ssistant> =ucceeded
gent'lugIn!agent configuration finished with status 6 true
7unning 8onfiguration assistant >gent dd-on 'lug-in>
8onfiguration assistant >gent dd-on 'lug-in> =ucceeded
Iuerying gent status! gent is running
7emoving the copied stuff.....
2og name of installation can be found at! >"u#$"app"oracle"product""agent%ownload.solaris$#$)$##:#-)*.log>
"u#$"app"oracle"product""agent$$g"root.sh needs to be executed by root to complete this installation.
agent home base name ! agent$$g
=ucceeded message!
=ucceeded message $$g! AAA The Installation was =uccessful. AAA
gent installation successfull on node with default shiphome
8hec4 logs if root.sh is to be run
Q8devastator!"u#$"app"oracle"product"%T&'()#$#-$#-$)(#*-+,--#-& . ls -lrt
total #
0racle 3nterprise &anager $$g 7elease $ ;rid 8ontrol $$.$.#.$.#
8opyright CcD $::K, )#$# 0racle 8orporation. ll rights reserved.
gent Eersion ! $$.$.#.$.#
0&= Eersion ! $$.$.#.$.#
'rotocol Eersion ! $$.$.#.#.#
gent <ome ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
gent binaries ! "u#$"app"oracle"product"agent$$g
gent 'rocess I% ! )@,
'arent 'rocess I% ! )),
gent /72 ! https!""devastator.dpi.wa.gov.au!@*,)"emd"main"
7epository /72 ! https!""vixen.dpi.wa.gov.au!$$+:"em"upload
=tarted at ! )#$#-$#-$) #:!))!#@
=tarted by user ! oracle
2ast 7eload ! )#$#-$#-$) #:!))!#@
2ast successful upload ! CnoneD
2ast attempted upload ! CnoneD
Total &egabytes of G&2 files uploaded so far ! #.##
9umber of G&2 files pending upload ! $K
=ize of G&2 files pending uploadC&?D ! $K.)$
vailable dis4 space on upload filesystem ! +-.-,R
2ast successful heartbeat to 0&= ! )#$#-$#-$) #:!))!)@
gent is 7unning and 7eady
Appendix 2

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