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All I know about my mothers mother is that her name was Sebastiana, she was from Minas
Gerais state and died when my mother was 8 years old.
My grandfather Lus was Italian and came to Brazil with his parents and siblings when he was
just a little boy; his fathers name was Giovanni. Besides Lus, Giovanni and his wife Dolores
had three other children: Paola, Leonardo and Giulia.
Lus and Sebastiana married each other and had two sons, Joo and Jos, and four daughters,
Clarice, Nair, Alice and Elsia (my mother).
My other grandfather was called Manoel; he was born in Bahia state and his ancestors were
My fathers mother, Raimunda, is the daughter of a Dutch man with a native Brazilian woman.
Raimundas grandparents wanted their son to marry a girl who was from the Netherlands like
themselves, but he ran away to marry my great-grandmother.
Raimunda eventually met Manoel, who was 20 years her elder and a widower with a daughter,
Therezinha. They got married, so Raimunda became Therezinhas stepmother, but she also
gave birth to two other children: Neusa and Manoel Jr. (my father).
Manoel Jr. and Elsia became husband and wife and had three children: Glenda (thats me),
Clayton and Glauco. None of us have children yet, so this story ends here for now, but I really
hope my brothers will give me at least a niece or a nephew.

become be, turn into (tornar-se)
besides in addition to, as well as, aside from (alm disso, adicionalmente)
children offspring, descendants (filhos(as), crianas)
Dutch of or pertaining to the Netherlands; of or pertaining to the Dutch language (holands
pessoa ou idioma)
each other one another, each to the other (um ao outro, reciprocamente, mutuamente)
elder a person who is older (he was 20 years her elder = ele era 20 anos mais velho que ela)
give birth bear a child (dar luz)
great-grandfather grandfather of ones parents (bisav)
Netherlands Holland (Holanda, Pases Baixos)
siblings brothers and sisters (em portugus seria irmos com significado de irmos e irms)
stepmother wife of ones father (madrasta)
widower a man whose wife has died (vivo, homem cuja esposa morreu)

1. Grife TODOS os verbos do texto. Use cores diferentes para verbos no presente e no

2. Escreva pelo menos 10 frases em ingls descrevendo relaes de parentesco das pessoas
citadas no texto, vide exemplos:
Lus is Elsias father, she is his daughter.
Glenda is Glaucos sister, he is her brother.
Glenda is Sebastianas and Raimundas granddaughter, they are her grandmothers.

3. Faa uma redao como esta com as informaes que voc tem sobre a sua famlia.

4. Conjugue os verbos a seguir, no presente e no passado:
to be
to do
to make
to go
to come
to have
to give
to take
to get
to work
to walk
to talk
to speak
to listen
to hear
to want
to ask
to look
to see
to lie
to tell

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