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Better wear, better Earth


1. Raw materials (hemp fabric, embroideries, natural dyes) are sourced directly from ethnic
minority communities like Hmong, Black Thai and Red Dzao peoples, without using "middlemen".
We will only source materials from communities where a direct relationship and engagement has
been formed, to ensure full monitoring, supply-chain transparency and quality.
2. VCP will NEVER use cheap, factory-made embroideries or industrial hemp brought from
neighboring regions such as China (a worrying trend that provides disincentives for production of
natural ingredients)...only authentic materials sourced directly from ethnic communities.
3. VCP will adopt the strongest of fair trade principles, as outline in our Community Charter
signed with suppliers of raw materials. VCP is currently applying for WFTO fair trade label, with
Party verification.
4. VCP will use its presence to promote and raise public awareness about ethnic community
values, customs and traditions, as well as the many livelihood and sustainability challenges and
threats they face.
5. VCP will use wherever possible natural hemp, which provides disincentive for communities to
change to industrial agriculture. Likewise in sourcing indigo-dye, vegetable dye and other (e.g.
bees wax) natural ingredients, and to pay a price premium for these, to support their continued
use as eco-friendly practices.
6. While the hemp and natural dyes used in most VCP products generally meets "organic" criteria,
however, until such a time that a specific 3rd Party organic certification is achieved VCP will never
refer to items as "organic". VCP takes misleading marketing and greenwashing very seriously.
7. VCP will work with organizations such as Helvetas Vietnam and others to promote the piloting
and development of community-based organic cotton in Vietnam (i.e. for use in bag linings and
certain threads), and promote its use among the minority group producers we engage with.
8. VCP will regularly engage with the producer villages we source from - as well as other
stakeholders and experts - to determine baselines and to measure socio-economic and
environmental indicators, in order to monitor our impact and inform our future activities.

This policy will evolve over time as we build our company. We are interested to hear from you -
we dont claim to have figured it all out. What other commitments or details would you like to see
from VCP and on our labels?

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