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Balance Interest Calculation: - 10% 12.

Allahabad bank term loan---10%
Royal bank of Scotland -12.5%
It is a calclation of Interest on total balance of an accont or total balance of cstomer accont.
It is re!resented in "s".
System defined #ariant for balance interest calclation ty!e is 201$S201% and item interest
calclation ty!e is 201$&201%. Balance interest ty!e calclation is sed for ' ( Acconts.
Item interest ty!e calclation is sed for #endors and cstomers.
)o dis!lay all transaction codes *o to transaction code: S+1,

)he -ine confi*ration ste!s for calclation of balance interest calclation are

1. /efine interest calclation ty!e 01B2,.
2. &re!are accont balance interest calclation 01BAA.
3. /efine reference interest rates 01BA4.
2. /efine time de!endent terms 01B$1.
5. /efine or s!ecify interest rates 01B$3.
,. 4reate ' ( Acconts for Interest on loan a5c and (oan Accont 06S00.
7. &re!are *l accont balance interest calclation and /efine atomatic !ostin* 01B82.
$. +ntry for (oan 06-02.
%. Rn interest !ro*ram 0f.52.

Ste! 01: /efine interest calclation ty!es 01B2,.
&ath: S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation *lobal settin*s9/efine interest
calclation ty!es

'o to ne: entries
Interest Id 081. !t descri!tion -ame Interest calclation ty!e 0S. and enter it :ill take
atomatically balance interest for S
;ake sre don<t tick mark the bo= *i#en and sa#e it.

Ste! 02: &re!are accont balance interest calclation 01BAA.
&ath: S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation *lobal settin*s9&re!are accont
balance interest calclation

'o to ne: entries
'i#e calclation indicator as defined 81
Interest calclation fre>ency: 01 01 month.
4alendar ty!e: ' 02$-3153,5.
'i#e nmber ran*e: 03
Select balance !ls interest.

Ste! 03: /efine reference interest rate 01BA4.
&ath: S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:9 'eneral (ed*er Accontin* 0-e:. 9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9/efine reference interest rates

'o to ne: entries
Reference interest rate: 81 0same as Interest Indicator.
(on* te=t : 12%balanace interest
Short te=t : 12% balance interest
/ate from : 01.03.2010
4rrency : I-R

Ste! 02: /efine time de!endent terms 01B$1.
&ath: S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9/efine time de!endent terms

'o to ne: entries
Interest calclation indicator : 81
4rrency key : I-R
+ffecti#e from : 01.03.2010
Se>ential no : 01
)erm : /ebit interest balance interest calclation
Reference interest rate : 81

'o to ne: entries or 6$
Interest calclation indicator: 81
4rrency: I-R
+ffecti#e from: 01.03.2010
Se>ential no: 02
)erm: credit interest balance interest calclation
Reference interest rate: 81

Ste! 05: +nter Reference Interest Rate 8ales 01B$3.
&ath: S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9+nter interest #ales.

'o to ne: entries
Reference int. rate 081.
#ales effecti#e from 001.03.2010.
interest rate 012%.

Before creatin* '( accont 'o to )-4ode: 1B/2 to create secred loans accont *ro!.
'o to ne: entries
4hart of acconts a5c *ro! name from accont to accont
4hart of Accont <)A)A< secred loans 100300 1003%%
)A)A I-)R interest +=!enses 200100 2001%%
)A)A I-)R interest 'ained 300100 3001%%

Ste! 0,: 4reation of ' ( Acconts 06S00.
' ( A54 no: 100305
4om!any code: )A)A 0)ata Info)ech.
Select create btton
Accont *ro!: secred loans
Select balance sheet accont
Short te=t: ?SB4 Bank Accont
(on* te=t: ?SB4 Bank (oan Accont

Select control data tab
Select only balances in local crrencies
Select o!en item
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key: 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro!: '005
Select rele#ant to cash flo:
Interest calclation indicator: 81

'i#e ' ( A54 no: 200105
4om!any code: )A)A
Select create btton
Accont *ro!: interest
Select !rofit and loss accont
Short te=t: interest Allo:ed
(on* te=t: interest Allo:ed Accont

Select control data tab.
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key: 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro!: '001

'i#e ' ( A54 no: 300107
4om!any code: )A)A
Select create btton
Accont *ro!: interest
Select !rofit and loss accont
Short te=t: interest 'ained
(on* te=t: interest 'ained Accont

Select control data tab.
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key: 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro!: '001

Ste! 07: /efine atomatic !ostin* accont 01B82.
S&R196inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest !ostin*9&re!are ' ( A54 balance interest

'o to acconts
4hart of acconts: )A)A
A54 symbol crrency ' ( A54
0002 I-R 200105 0interest Allo:ed.
2000 Inr 100305 0?SB4 Bank (oan Accont.

Ste! 0$: +ntry for loan 06-02.:
'i#e docment date: 01.03.2010
&ostin* date: 01.03.2010
)y!e: SA
4om!any code : )A)A
4rrency : I-R
&ostin* key : 20
' ( Accont : 200005 0I4I4I bank a5c.
Amont : 50@00@000
Bsiness area : IR1-
8ale date : 01.03.2010
)e=t : loan recei#ed
&ostin* key : 50
' ( Accont : 100305 0?SB4 bank a5c.
Amont : A
Bsiness area : IR1-
)e=t : B


Ste! 0%: Interest calclation rn 06.52.:
Accontin*96inancial Accontin*9'eneral led*er9&eriodic &rocessin*9Interest

'i#e chart of acconts : )A)A
' ( A54 no : 100305 0?SB4 Bank Accont.
4om!any code : )A)A
4alclation !eriod : 01.02.2010 to 31.12.2012
Select lea! year.
Select !ost also if #ale date in !ast
Select !date master records

'o to system on men bar.
Select ser#ices
Select batch in!t
Select sessions
Select R6SCIS00
Select !rocess
Select dis!lay errors only
A*ain select !rocess

)he system *i#es the messa*e: 2014!rocessin* of batch in!t session com!leted201/

Balance Interest Calculation: -

It is a calclation of Interest on total balance of an accont or total balance of cstomer accont.
it is re!resented in "s".
System defined #ariant for balance interest calclation ty!e is 201$S201% and item interest
calclation ty!e is 201$&201%. Balance interest ty!e calclation is sed for ' ( Acconts.
Item interest ty!e calclation is sed for #endors and cstomers.
)o dis!lay all transaction codes *o to transaction code:S+1,

)he -ine confi*ration ste!s for calclation of balance interest calclation are

1. /efine interest calclation ty!e 01B2,.
2. &re!are accont balance interest calclation 01BAA.
3. /efine reference interest rates 01BA4.
2. /efine time de!endent terms 01B$1.
5. /efine or s!ecify interest rates 01B$3.
,. 4reate ' ( Acconts for Intesrest 'ained and Interest allo:ed and (oan Accont 06S00.
7. &re!are *l accont balance interest calclation and /efine atomatic !ostin* 01B82.
$. +ntry for (oan 06-02.
%. Rn interest !ro*ramm 0f.52.

Ste! 01: /efine interest calclation ty!es 01B2,.
&ath: S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation *lobal settin*s9/efine interest
calclation ty!es

'o to ne: entries
Interest Id 081. !t discri!tion -ame Interest calclation ty!e 0S. and enter it :ill take
atomatically balance interest for S
;ake sre don<t tick mark the bo= *i#en and sa#e it.

Ste! 02: &re!are accont balance interest calclation 01BAA.
&ath: S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation *lobal settin*s9&re!are accont
balance interest calclation

'o to ne: entries
'i#e calclation indicator as defined 81
Interest calclation fre>ency : 01 01 month.
4alendar ty!e : ' 02$-3153,5.
'i#e nmber ran*e : 03
Select balance !ls interest.

Ste! 03: /efine reference interest rate 01BA4.
&ath: S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9/efine reference interest rates

'o to ne: entries
Reference interest rate : 81 0same as Interest Indicator.
(on* te=t : 12%balanace interest
Short te=t : 12% balance interest
/ate from : 01.03.2010
4rrency : I-R

Ste! 02: /efine time de!endent terms 01B$1.
&ath: S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9/efine time de!endent terms

'o to ne: entries
Interest calclation indicator : 81
4rrency key : I-R
+ffecti#e from : 01.03.2010
Se>ential no : 01
)erm : /ebit interest balance interest calclation
Reference interest rate : 81

'o to ne: entries or 6$
Interest calclation indicator : 81
4rrency : I-R
+ffecti#e from : 01.03.2010
Se>ential no : 02
)erm : credit interest balance interest calclation
Reference interest rate : 81

Ste! 05: +nter Reference Interest Rate 8ales 01B$3.
&ath: S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest calclation9+nter interest #ales.

'o to ne: entries
Reference int. rate 081.
#ales effecti#e from 001.03.2010.
interest rate 012%.

Before creatin* '( accont 'o to ).4ode: 1B/2 to create secred loans accont *ro!.
'o to ne: entries
4hart of acconts a5c *ro! name from accont to accont
4hart of Accont <)A)A< secred loans 100300 1003%%
)A)A I-)R interest +=!enses 200100 2001%%
)A)A I-)R interest 'ained 300100 3001%%

Ste! 0,: 4reation of ' ( Acconts 06S00.
' ( A54 no : 100305
4om!any code : )A)A 0)ata Infotech.
Select create btton
Accont *ro! : secred loans
Select balance sheet accont
Short te=t : ?SB4 Bank Accont
(on* te=t : ?SB4 Bank (oan Accont

Select control data tab
Select only balances in local crrencies
Select o!en item
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key : 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro! : '005
Select rele#ant to cash flo:
Interest calclation indicator : 81

'i#e ' ( A54 no : 200105
4om!any code : )A)A
Select create btton
Accont *ro! : interest
Select !rofit and loss accont
Short te=t : interest Allo:ed
(on* te=t : interest Allo:ed Accont

Select control data tab.
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key : 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro! : '001

'i#e ' ( A54 no : 300107
4om!any code : )A)A
Select create btton
Accont *ro! : interest
Select !rofit and loss accont
Short te=t : interest 'ained
(on* te=t : interest 'ained Accont

Select control data tab.
Select line item dis!lay
Sort key : 001

Select create5bank5interest tab
6ield stats *ro! : '001

Ste! 07: /efine atomatic !ostin* accont 01B82.
S&R196Inancial Accontin* -e:96inancial Accontin* 'lobal Settin* -e:9Bsiness
)ransaction9 Bank A54 interest calclation9Interest !ostin*9&re!are ' ( A54 balance interest

'o to acconts
4hart of acconts : )A)A
A54 symbol crrency ' ( A54
0002 I-R 200105 0interest Allo:ed.
2000 Inr 100305 0?SB4 Bank (oan Accont.

Ste! 0$: +ntry for loan 06-02.:
'i#e docment date : 01.03.2010
&ostin* date : 01.03.2010
)y!e : SA
4om!any code : )A)A
4rrency : I-R
&ostin* key : 20
' ( Accont : 200005 0I4I4I bank a5c.
Amont : 50@00@000
Bsiness area : IR1-
8ale date : 01.03.2010
)e=t : loan recei#ed
&ostin* key : 50
' ( Accont : 100305 0?SB4 bank a5c.
Amont : A
Bsiness area : IR1-
)e=t : B


Ste! 0%: Interest calclation rn 06.52.:
Accontin*96inancial Accontin*9'eneral led*er9&eriodic &rocessin*9Interest

'i#e chart of acconts : )A)A
' ( A54 no : 100305 0?SB4 Bank Accont.
4om!any code : )A)A
4alclation !eriod : 01.02.2010 to 31.12.2012
Select lea! year.
Select !ost also if #ale date in !ast
Select !date master records

'o to system on men bar.
Select ser#ices
Select batch in!t
Select sessions
Select R6SCIS00
Select !rocess
Select dis!lay errors only
A*ain select !rocess

)he system *i#es the messa*e: 2014!rocessin* of batch in!t session com!leted201/

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