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University of Dallas

College of Business
Strategic Analysis
Client Name: American Airlines
Submitted By: Team Eagles
Henry Cofield
Galil Day
David Hou
Cauncey !acey
Cerry "oy !agurin
#es $artin
%iran Setty
Ed Tamayo
Submitted To:
&rofessor Brian !emons
)* Abstract ************************************************************************************************************************** +
))* )ndustry Analysis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +
)))* (actors tat )nfluence Demand and Gro-t &ros.ects ,,,,,,***,,,,,*** +
)/* (actors )nfluencing Cost and &rofit Structure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0
/* Environmental Scan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1
/)* Evaluation of )nternal Environment ******************************************************************************* 2
/))* Strengt3 #ea4ness3 '..ortunities and Treat 5S#'T6 Analysis ******************************** 7
/)))* Strategic Direction and $a8or Strategies *********************************************************************** 99
):* )m.lementation and Control ******************************************************************************************* 99
:* Closing Statements and (inal Tougts ************************************************************************ 9;
:)* A..endi< ************************************************************************************************************************** 9+
:))* =eferences *********************************************************************************************************************** ;7
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
I. Abstract
Tis analysis e<amines and analy>es te strategic management utili>ed by te American Airlines com.any* )t includes te
follo-ing com.onents: 96 )ndustry Analysis3 ;6 (actors tat )nfluence Demand and Cost Structures3 +6 Environmental Scan3 06 Evaluation
of te )nternal Environment3 16 S#'T Analysis3 26 Strategic Direction and $a8or Strategies3 and 76 )m.lementation and Control* Data
-ere collected by Team Eagles of (oundations in Strategic $anagement class from multi.le sources: American Airlines? aa*com -ebsite3
guided intervie-s and .rinted articles*
II. Industry Analysis
Te airline industry is can be local3 regional or global* )t is advantageous to be involved in more tan one nation so you can
e<.and your mar4et* Te ma8or customers to te industry are te follo-ing: domestic commuter @A*0B revenueC global .rofessional @7BC
entre.reneur @1*2B* Teir .o-er of coice gives tem te .o-erC tey re.resent +DB of AA?s revenue* Te ma8or com.etitors and teir
mar4et sares are te follo-ing: Delta Airlines @92*+BC United Airlines @91*ABC American Airlines @9;*ABC US Air-ays E A*+B* Te
ma8or su..liers to te industry are te follo-ing: Boeing and Airbus for aircraftsC &ratt #itney3 GE3 and =olls =oyce for enginesC Sabre
and H& for telecommunicationsC Samsung for screens and fligt attendants? tablets*
)f borro-ing is cea. and you can easily access ban4 loans or credit3 it is not ard to brea4 into te airline industry* Air.lanes and
rigt to use gates could be leased and oter service de.artments suc as maintenance3 ground services3 food service and reservations could
be outsourced* !easing and outsourcing can lessen te initial ca.ital investment needed for airline business start@u.* Hig e<it barriers are
te follo-ing: ig -ages3 benefits and relocation costsC com.etition from lo-@cost carriersC soaring fuel costsC and overca.acity* Hig
fi<ed costs are city bonds3 leases3 eFui.ment and facilities? relocation*
Tere are several strategies used in airline industry* Tese are differentiation3 lo-@cost3 innovation3 gro-t3 and alliance
strategy* $ost airlines no-adays use te alliance strategy as value cain im.rovement and .rovide re-ards system to attract and retain
consumers* Tere are numerous o.tions available as substitute for air travel suc as trains3 buses3 cars and te o.tion of not travelling at
all* Tere is not muc .ressure on .rices carged on airlines industry due to tese substitutes es.ecially for long@distance overseas travel*
Te airline industry is deregulated* According to Airline Deregulation Act of 9G7A3 it intends to remove government
control over fares3 routes and mar4et entry 5of ne- airlines6 from commercial aviation* #itout government control3 airline business
became a more com.etitive industry as tey can dro. un.rofitable routes and tey can control te fare .rice to offer lo- cost fares to
III. Factors that Influence Demand and Growth Prospects
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! (
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
A$= te .arent com.any for American Airlines can be traced bac4 to te 9G;D?s as a .ioneer of te aviation industry* )n 9G+03
A$= introduced American Airlines .rior to te deregulation act of 9G7A ma4ing American a legacy carrier* !egacy carries are eld to a
iger standard for ta4ing care of teir customers offering tem .er4s for teir travel* Tis can be done in te form of loyalty .oints3
aving .rivate lounges for our freFuent travelers and first class o.tion for te u.most e<.erience -ile traveling* Tese are te
e<.ectations -itin te airline industry for legacy carriers so ma4ing American Airlines uniFue is very im.ortant to te demand of our
customers* American is 4no-n for consumer travel -eter it be for business or leisure3 but tis is not our only .ur.ose of flying te
friendly s4ies* American Airlines .rovides services to local businesses bot domestically and globally by moving mail and cargo to teir
customers* American Airlines is most recogni>ed for .assenger travel3 moving millions of .eo.le across te country and te -orld* )ts
biggest function of te demand served is by te business traveler*
American Airlines ave a large foot.rint -itin te industry and continue to gro- annually bot domestic and globally* Teir
.roduct being around since te 9G+D?s is in te gro-t and mature stage of te .roduct life cycle* Tey ave been a ma8or .layer in te
U*S* mar4et for over 71 years and continue to gro- globally ever year* Te mar4et .enetration -itin te U*S* alone is greater tan 9;B
ran4ing American as one of te leaders in te mar4et* Altoug not te mar4et leader te brand is -ell 4no-n around te -orld* Being a
.art industry since 9G+0 American ave made millions in investments over te years and ave establised a sound .roduct* Even -it te
.ending ban4ru.tcy tey ave continued to gro- te brand and ave e<.anded into ne- mar4ets around te -orld* )n recent television
cam.aigns tey ave seen a ;10B increase in brand a-areness in te United %ingdom* Te recent e<.ansions in to te Asian and Sout
American mar4ets increase teir foot.rint globally* Te .roduct as reaced te mature state in tat no ma8or investments are needed tat
-ould increase fi<ed cost -itin te com.any* Tey ave leased ne- eFui.ment ma4ing tem vulnerable in te life cycle but teir
investments on training centers3 establised routes and ma8or ubs ma4e tis 8ust a small incremental investment tat 4ee.s u. gro-ing*
IV. Factors Influencing Cost and Profit Structure
Te airline industry is a very elastic demand and constantly canging de.ending u.on many factors* Tey ave found tat te
demand for te airline industry gro-s t-ice as fast as te annual gross domestic .roduct -itin tat country and airline yields al-ays dro.
over time* Tis ma4es forecasting -itin te industry very im.ortant to ma4e sure American stays efficient and ma4ing sure all routes are
.rofitable* A fe- caracteristics tat affect te .rice of demand for American -ould be oter fligts on oter carriers3 fligts on oter
carriers -itin tat mar4et and mar4ets tat are not service by American Airlines and oter com.eting mar4ets suc as alternate
trans.ortation modes* Te -ay to ma<imi>e te .rofit -itin te industry is by cutting fares tat -ill increase te demand but must
generate a dis.ro.ortional increase in te total demand to offset te .ricing dro.* Anoter -ay to increase te demand for American
Airlines is to increase te number of fligts but tis comes -it iger o.erational cost and finally an increase in te .assenger service
Fuality -ill increase te demand and create loyal customers but li4e increasing fligt tis comes -it a rise in o.erational cost* American
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! )
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Airlines -as te .ioneer in creating loyalty -it customers3 creating te advantage card giving customers miles for eac time tey travel*
Tis could be used initially for free fligts but as evolved into .urcase of consumer goods if tey so desire* American continuously
offers discounted fare for certain destinations .eriodically trougout te year -ic is used as a tool to ta. into te consumers tat are
loo4ing for te best deals for teir business or leisure travel* Te volatile .ricing -itin te airline industry ma4es American Airlines
continue to focus on forecasting of .ricing3 routes3 economic trends and consumer trends in order to stay com.etitive -it our
Te airline industry as al-ays been in a struggle on a number of fronts* Air.ort ca.acity3 route structures3 -eater3 tecnology3
and3 most significantly3 rising fuel and labor costs cut into airline .rofits* )n order to ma4e .rofits3 te airlines ave to try and fill teir
seats and increase teir ca.acity usage on all of te routes3 or find -ays to reduce cost* American Airlines -ill ave to loo4 for mergers to
increase teir net-or4 of cities3 increase te fleet si>e and also bring efficiency in staff and o.eration costs 5advanced aircrafts tat are
more fuel efficient6*
V. n!ironmental Scan
American Airlines as a broad range of e<ternal forces tat affect its business .ractices* Tese include social3 economic3
tecnological and .oliticalHlegal factors* )n regards to social factors te effects of terrorism .lays an integral .art in te .ractices of
American Airlines* Te organi>ation must .rovide a safe -ay for .assengers to travel* Tis includes aving air marsals on .lanes3
securing fligt cabins3 and inering to te government regulations*
Secondly te gro-ing increase in .o.ulation and cor.orations forces American Airlines to decrease teir global foot.rint3 tis is
done by using more fuel@efficient .lanes and com.elling vendors to researc alternative means of energy* American Airlines must also be
cogni>ant of ealt concerns for its traveler* Te com.any as a to. .riority to teir customerIs ealt concerns tereforeC tey must be
a-are of current global e.idemics to limit teir consumer?s e<.osure*
An additional social influence tat American Airline must be a-are of includes te #orld #ide #eb and society?s trend to-ard
te online mar4et* (or an e<am.le3 American Airlines as a dedicated t-itter team tat loo4s for customers tat as@tag 5J6 American
Airlines or t-eets te com.any in a tread and res.onds to consumer?s inFuiries and com.laints*
!astly -it te ma8ority of oil .roduction coming from te $iddle East any conflict tat are occurring -itin te region
American Airlines must be alert to because tis -ill directly affect te su..ly of oil* #en te su..ly of oil is decreased tis -ill raise
te .rice 5cost6 .assed on to te customers*
Te leads us to te economic forces tat American Airline faces* Te demand of air travel is directly related to te .erformance
of te economy* #e tend to see a trend tat -en te economy is .erforming -ell consumer demand is ig for travelC tis includes
vacations3 business tri.s and oter leisure tri.s* Ho-ever3 -en te economy is .erforming .oorly individuals and organi>ation find
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! 5
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
-ays to cut nonessentials3 suc as enacting travel free>es3 or finding substitutes 5alternatives6C for e<am.le3 business meetings via
conference calls3 internet or travel via car3 train or bus* Te .rice of oil is also directly related to te cost tat American Airline -ill need
to .ass on to te customer* #e learn tat 9 .enny increase of 8et fuel -ill cost American Airlines +; million dollars a day* #en
American Airline needs to .ass tis cost on to te customer tey tend to ma4e canges to air fare last o-ever3 increases in oter fees
suc as tic4eting and baggage fees -ill occur as te .rimary means to close te ga. bet-een cost and revenue*
American Airline must be on te front end of tecnology* Te trend of .urcasing over te internet and mobile a..s is vital to
its customers* Te ma8ority of American AirlineIs tic4et sales are done via te #orld #ide #eb terefore3 it is im.ortant to ave user
friendly -ebsite as -ell as a strong relationsi. -it tird .arty vendors suc as &riceline*com3 E<.edia and 'rbti>*
)t is 4no-n tat 4no-ledge is .o-er and American Airline must be abreast to consumer revie-s tat are .ublised on te
internet* Tese -ebsites include tri.advisor*com3 airlineFuality*com3 revie-centre*com and t-itter*com* #it te average .erson being
able to interact -it millions of .oetical buyers via tese cannels American Airlines must monitor tese to be bot reactive and
.roactive* American Airlines is also able to gater information tat can allo- tem to turn tese com.laints 5-ea4nesses6 into strengts*
!i4e most Airlines American must follo- regulations set fort by te Trans.ortation Security Administration3 (ederal Aviation
Administration3 De.artment of Trans.ortation3 )nternational Air Trans.ortation Association and Airlines for America* Tese bodies
.rovide and enforce te rules by -ic te organi>ation o.erates* Te governments can also encourage ne- business formation toug
ta< incentives and subsidies3 -ic can create com.etition 5treats6 for American Airlines* Te government can also com.letely alt
future business endeavors tey believe -ill create an unfair mono.oly3 -ic is a fear of te American Airlines and U*S Air-ays $erger*
Currently te D'" 5de.artment of 8ustice6 is revie-ing te merger and from tis decision eiter .ro.el or alt te currently business .lan*
VI. !aluation of Internal n!ironment
American Airlines? mission is to safely bring .eo.le togeter and to move goods Fuic4ly* (ligt ;D;D is its vision3 -ic is based
on te follo-ing five tenets: invest -iselyC earn customer loyaltyC strengten and defend our global net-or4C be a good .lace for good
.eo.leC and fly .rofitably* )ts core values are integrity3 team-or43 .assion and e<cellence* Te strategic direction as canged over time
by s-itcing from domestic to international air travels3 legacy to lo-@cost carriers3 and im.roved security monitoring after GH99 incident*
American Airlines is .ublicly traded* )t is o-ned by a grou. of sareolders 5see a..endi< for list of sareolders6* Board
members -o are elected annually govern te cor.oration* Te .rinci.al internal sta4eolders or te 4ey managers are Tomas Horton
5Cairman and CE'63 Daniel Garton 5&resident and CE'63 etc 5.lease see a..endi<*6
American Airlines3 American Eagle and te AmericanConnectionK carrier serve ;2D air.orts in more tan 1D countries and
territories -it3 on average3 more tan +3+DD daily fligts* Togeter3 its members and members@elect serve more tan GDD destinations -it
more tan 9D3DDD daily fligts to 90G countries and territories* American Airlines3 )nc* and American Eagle Airlines3 )nc* are subsidiaries
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! *
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
of A$= Cor.oration* As of December ;D9;3 total assets is L;+319D3DDD3DDD and te total number of full@time em.loyees is 1G3170* As of
'ctober 973 ;D9+3 total revenue is L2*A billion*
American Airlines .rovide one of te finest training in te airline industry* )ts em.loyees are trained from te day tey are ired*
Tey follo- a Fualification curriculum 5initial3 transition3 u.grade3 recurrent and reFualification6* &lease refer to a..endi< for te
curriculum descri.tion* American Airline as tree .rimary labor unions @ Allied &ilots Association 5A&A63 Association of &rofessional
(ligt Attendants 5A&(A6 and Trans.ort #or4ers Union 5T#U6* 2A*+B of American Airlines em.loyees are re.resented by one of tese
labor unions* American Airlines endeavors to build mutual trust -it its em.loyees by .roviding tem -it face@to@face forums -ere
tey can voice teir issues3 -eter tey are re.resented by union or as an inde.endent em.loyee*
)ts cor.orate goals include e<cellence in customer service and safety3 environmental .erformance3 diversity and inclusion3 and
community engagement* According to aa*com3 American Airlines strives to maintain an em.loyee -or4 environment tat su..orts eFual
rigts and o..ortunities of individuals from many bac4grounds and orientations* )t is also active in giving bac4 to te society by .roviding
el. to calamity victims3 su..orting carity institutions as -ell as community .rograms and fund raising activities*
VII. Strength" #ea$ness" %pportunities and &hreat 'S#%&( Analysis
ST=ENGTHS E as a com.etitive advantage
9* =ecogni>able brand name @@ even after te merger -it US Air-ays tey -ill continue to use te )conic American brand name*
;* !argest Global Airline in terms of .assenger traffic
+* National and )nternational =outes @@
a* American Airlines is a founding member of te global one-orldK Alliance
b* Trans@Atlantic "oint Business Agreement -it Britis Air-ays3 and )beria to create a 8oint business governing fligts
bet-een Nort America and Euro.e*
c* Trans@&acific "oint Business Agreement -it "a.an Airlines 5"A!6 to im.lement a 8oint business agreement governing
te o.eration of teir fligts bet-een Nort America and Asia*
0* &erceive as a big carrier -it good levels of service
a* AmericanIs a-ard@-inning -ebsite3 AA*com3 allo-s customers to conveniently searc for and boo4 air fares and a-ard
b* Best in class freFuent flyer .rogram AAdvantageK offering different levels and re-ards*
c* Strong Hub in DallasH(ort #ort
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! +
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
d* Strong Brand image3 Started many ne- routes since ;D9D
e* Strong image for onboard entertainment content
1* #ide reac -it over ;1D destinations -it a strong fleet si>e of 2DD carriers*
2* &erceived as a Training &o-er*
a* American Airlines (ligt Academy is an institution dedicated to safety in air travel and is te center for all .ilot training
activities at American and American Eagle* =ecogni>ed by te aeros.ace industry as one of te finest fligt training facilities
in te -orld*
b* American also leases certain (ligt Academy .ilot@training facilities to oter airlines from Commuters to Cargo Airlines*
7* American Airlines Aircraft $aintenance Strengt
a* T-o state of te art $aintenance Bases .erforming ma8or overaul -or4 on AmericanIs fleet*
b* American $aintenance bases are also -ell 4no-n for .roviding aircraft maintenance to oter carriers on a contract
#EA%NESS E as absence of certain strengts
9* (inancial &osition
a* )t is a cause of concern since American lost about L9D billion from ;DD9 to ;D9D*
b* American is under Ca.ter 99 ban4ru.tcy .rotection*
;* Cost Structure
a* !ac4ing of a lean cost structure to com.ete -it oter Airlines forced American into ban4ru.tcy*
+* !osing mar4et sare to !CCs 5!o- Cost Carriers6 and inability to com.ete -it tem*
a* !ac4 of com.etitive .ricing to attract casual traveler base due to concentration on te business traveler segment*
0* /ulnerability to .ricing
a* (uel .rice fluctuations affecting American*
1* )nability to com.ete on international fligts in some routes*
a* Strong entry barriers in some international routes from -ell@establised airlines*
2* Credit rating inibits ability to enter fuel edging contracts*
a* Affected by ban4ru.tcy status*
7* !abor and Union )ssues
a* Strong .ilot3 attendants and ground .ersonnel unions*
A* (ligt $aintenance
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! 8
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
a* (ueled by incidents li4e te seats coming loose*
'&&'=TUN)T)ES E for .rofit and gro-t
9* 'ne of te greatest u.coming o..ortunities results in a recovering freigt industry*
a* #orld-ide cargo demand -as u. nearly 1DB last year -it te main o.eration of AA being international and domestic air
services for freigt and mail3 .lus military services* Giving te com.any a cance to ca.itali>e on te mar4et*
b* Gro-ing global air freigt mar4et*
i* )ATA e<.ects international aviation -ill carry +A million tons of cargo in ;D90
ii* (AA forecasts tat te general@aviation fleet -ill gro- from ;+03D91 to ;713;+D by ;D;1
;* Te freigt industry is not te only industry currently recoveringC
a* &ositive outloo4 of te .assenger airline mar4et
i* )nternational Air Trans.ort Association 5)ATA6 e<.ects .rofits to reac L92*0 billion in ;D90
ii* )ATA .redicts global airline industry to generate L70+ billion in ;D90
a* Te Tourism industry also sa- a rebound since ;D9D and as been .redicted to 4ee. gro-ing* Te global rebound as
sifted te travel industry into more .ositive ligt*
b* #it an increase in bot te leisure mar4et and freigt industry -ill su..ort American increasing revenue and o.efully
derail te rising cost of o.erations due to fleet si>e and rising fuel costs*
c* &resence at most air.orts3 including small air.orts covered by American Eagle regional routes
;* Te 'ne #orld Alliance as el. American e<.and across te globe and no-
b* !everage on code sare agreement -it a number of airlines
c* Ne- Asia mar4et 5Hong %ong and Sangai direct fligt from D(# in ;D906
+* Enancing customer benefits3 combined balance seet3 -it te synergy created -ill strengten te 'ne #orld Alliance and its
ne- .osition -it te gate-ay more international destinations on .o.ular routes*
a* Direct benefiting from SAB=E .assenger service system created by American
b* Advantage over many com.etitors by becoming a first mover on many ne- tecnologies offering in@fligt internet3
a..lications for a..le .roducts allo-ing easier transfer to fligts -it many areas still being develo.ed to offer greater
0* )f a..roved3 te merger -it US Air-ay -ic -ould ma4e American te largest airline in te -orld
TH=EATS E as e<ternal environment ris4s
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! ,
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
9* Te e<treme com.etition among com.etitors in te airline industry*
a* Te .rices are e<tremely sensitive to te sligt cange in te industry and .assenger demand*
b* $any airlines try to com.ete troug .rice discounting and matcing trying to gain even te sligtest margin against
c* Along -it a -ider air.lane body being introduced many com.etitors are constantly ad8usting .rices and 4ee.ing in line
against com.etitors to gain te margin and te control*
;* &rices are furter influenced by one of te biggest environmental factors .resentC 'il* 'ne of te most volatile .rices tat can be seen
in airline costs lies -itin .etroleum mar4ets* Historically cyclical .rices can be seen -it uge fluctuation beginning in te summer
and dro.@offs in fall and -inter*
+* =egulations to te industry
a* Every function of te airlines is eavily regulated to cover com.liances and legal .rocedures as -ell as international la-s3
regulations3 and restrictions tat can be installed on any com.any*
b* #it many airlines al-ays e<.ecting to .ay for fines or com.liance issues to continue o.erations -it more fees to be
incurred troug te rest of te com.anies? life affecting tic4et .rices3 reduction in revenues and constant increasing costs*
9* Gro-t in video@conferencing3 travel alternatives and lo- fare carriers
a* Hig s.eed rail-ay initiatives
b* =emote virtual reality -it ig s.eed internet
c* )ncreasing labor cost and tin o.erating margins favoring lo- fare carriers*
d* Customer Fuality .erce.tion of lo- fare carriers tat e<ceeds te ma8ors
;* &otential ris4s and uncertainties associated -it te $erger Agreement -it US Air-ay
a* )f not a..roved3 economical si>ing benefit3 future business3 financial condition3 results of o.eration and .ros.ects -ould be
materially and adversely affected
b* )f a..roved3 customary restriction in te $erger Agreement may restrict AA?s ability to see oter strategic alternatives
c* Te uncertainties associated -it te $erger may cause a loss of management .ersonnel and oter 4ey em.loyee
+* &otential ris4s and uncertainties associated -it te Ca.ter 99
a* Creditor3 court or oter tird .arties may ta4e action tat are inconsistent -it our business .lan -ic is in te best
interests of te Com.any
b* Ca.ter 99 may restrict te ability to .ursue te business strategies and to im.lement business .lan
c* Em.loyees face considerable uncertainty3 and businesses could suffer from restructuring
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#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
VIII. Strategic Direction and )a*or Strategies
#e recommend American Airlines to follo- a strategy to focus on seven different ty.es of .remium customers* #e -ill use
customer data to create ne- .roducts and services to a..eal tem* Te seven customers tat tis strategy identified are te riser3 global
.rofessional3 road -arrior3 seasoned traveler3 entre.reneur3 domestic commuter3 and testing -aters ty.e*
Tere is a great o..ortunity for American to increase customer retention and utili>ationC American is one of te -orld?s largest
airlines and it as a uge customer base tat is familiar -it te airline and .refers it* American needs to use tis as a .rimary advantage to
.rotect its mar4et .osition and to build a stronger one* %ee.ing te American business class travelers using re-ards and .ersonali>ed
service via American?s tecnological structure -ill contribute eavily to American .rofits due to te iger fares .aid for first class and
business class seating* To increase customer satisfaction and retain its .rofitable business class travelers American must increase its
Fuality of service from its current .osition* Since American is not com.eting in te lo- fare .latform* American sould concentrate on te
freFuent flier base tat re.resents American?s big advantage* American as to increase its international .resence -it additional routes and
alliances -it oter airlines3 to ca.ture te international travel mar4et segment and el. .ositioning te com.any as a strong international
(or a com.any as big as American3 it is not easy to im.lement te strategies3 it is facing resistance from not only te regulation
bodies 5aviation3 environment3 national security etc*63 but also te strong unions 5.ilot3 attendant and ground o.eration grou.s6* Business
strategies are im.lemented troug day@to@day decisions made at te o.eration level of te com.any* Any survived strategy -ill ave to
be tested by te ca.abilities3 structure3 systems .rocesses and culture of te com.any* (or e<am.le3 te strategy of o.ening more direct
fligts to Cina -asn?t im.lemented at D(#@Bei8ing route in ;D99 because of te strong re8ection from te &ilot Union and it ad to be
altered to Cicago*
)t -ould be an enanced revenue generator and .roviding a better flying e<.erience to end customers3 -ic -ill be a -in@-in for
all te sta4eolders* Tis strategy -ould be su..orted by ma8ority of sta4eolders oter tan te one -o do not belong to te .remium
customer category and sta4eolders -o feel tis migt be negatively im.acted by tis ne- initiative3 -ic is not of ig .riority3 and
teir o..osition sould not im.act tis .ro.osal* #it te su..ort of te sta4eolders -e -ould be able to create a ne- .rogram3 -ic
-ill target to fulfill te M-antsN of te customers tat belong to te .remium customer category .roviding a better flying e<.erience* Te
igly .remium customer strategy recommendation -it a customer segmentation is su..orted on statistic data tat .roves to be very
.rofitable 5+*2B of customers generate ;A*2B revenueC te canges in te industry and broad environment are e<.ected to influence tis
strategy in a .ositive -ay in te foreseeable future and -ill .rovide te foundation for American trive and survival*
I+. Implementation and Control
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#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Te airline industry and mar4et dynamics are sifting to focus more on te McustomerN* Tis combined -it our recommend for
AA to eigtened its focus on .remium customers -ill reinforce te need to better identify3 understand and effectively reac tese
customers* 'ur recommendation of customer segmentation -ill enable tem to leverage a data intensive .rocess tat focuses on te travel
e<.erience troug te lens of a customer*
Te recommendation for American Airlines is to focus on te 7 igly valuable segments 5customers63 -ic includes te Climber3
Global &rofessional3 Globe Trotter3 Seasoned /eteran3 Entre.reneur3 Domestic Commuter3 U.@and@Comer* Currently American Airlines
as te a..ro.riate systems3 structures and .rocess to carry out tis recommendation* )n order to reac tese customers American Airlines
-ill need to .rovide international .remium cabin3 domestic coac e<.erience3 freFuent flyer .rograms3 service recovery and air.ort
efficiency* Te systems tat -ill be vital to accom.lis tis includes social medial3 e<.edite cec4 inHsecurity and freFuent flyer
.rograms3 -ic American Airlines already utili>es to an e<tent*
'nce our recommendations on customer segmentation ave been im.lemented3 -e are e<.ect to see a iger boo4ing activities
from tose targeted customers3 iger consum.tion of .roducts and on@board amenities3 .lus lo-er customer com.lains associated -it
our services and .roducts* Te com.any -ill be able to com.are te revenue and boo4ings of tese customer grou.s before and after te
im.lantation to measure te success* Te main ob8ective associated -it our recommendation is to increase te revenue3 to increase
customer satisfaction3 to el. te com.any?s bottom line*
+. Closing Statements and Final &houghts
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -"
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
+I. Appendi,
'-nersi. Summary
To. Holders
Sare Cange(iling Date
Higland Ca.ital $anagement3 !*&*Sares HeldB 'HS 13D2030DD 9*1 ;3;973GDD D2H+DH9+
!im 5Oe- Oo4e6 0390732D0 9*; @;D3;01319+ 9;H+9H99
)CC Ca.ital $anagement3 )nc* ;3;903DDD D*7 @93G;+3D71 D2H+DH9+
GE Asset $anagement )nc* 93;2D3+2; D*0 93;2D3+2; D2H+DH9+
Hourglass Ca.ital3 !!C 2GA39DD D*; 2GA39DD D2H+DH9+
=$B Ca.ital $anagement3 !!C 2+03DGD D*; 2+03DGD D2H+DH9+
Horton 5Tomas #6 0G937GA D*; 922317D D1H;0H9+
Garton 5Daniel &6 +2A30A9 D*9 G;3A;7 D1H;0H9+
Gruber P $cBaine Ca.ital $anagement3 !!C +DD3DDD D*9 +DD3DDD D2H+DH9+
Goren 5)sabella D6 ;DA31;D D*9 ;13D9A D1H;0H9+
'-nersi. data based on most recent .ublicly available data according to Tomson =euters*
)n 9GA;3 stoc4olders voted to a..rove a .lan of reorgani>ation under -ic a ne- olding com.any3 A$= Cor.oration3 -as
formed and became te .arent com.any to American Airlines* Te name QA$=Q -as ta4en from te airlineIs tree@letter Ne- Oor4 Stoc4
E<cange symbol*
-oard %f Directors
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -(
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Tomas #* Horton
Cairman3 &resident P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
A$= Cor.oration P American Airlines3
(ort #ort3 Te<as
"on #* Bacmann
Senior &artner
Ed-ard "ones
St* !ouis3 $issouri
Ste.en $* Bennett
Cairman3 &resident P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
Symantec Cor.oration
$ountain /ie-3 California
Armando $* Codina
Cairman P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
Codina &artners3 !!C
Coral Gables3 (lorida
Alberto )bargRen
&resident P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
"on S* and "ames !* %nigt (oundation
$iami3 (lorida
Ann $* %orologos
=etired Cairman
=AND Cor.oration
Board of Trustees
Santa $onica3 California
$icael A* $iles
S.ecial !imited &artner
(orstmann !ittle P Co*
Ne- Oor43 Ne- Oor4
&ili. "* &urcell
Continental )nvestors3 !!C
Cicago3 )llinois
=ay $* =obinson
Citi>ens Trust Ban4
Atlanta3 Georgia
Dr* "udit =odin
Te =oc4efeller (oundation
Ne- Oor43 Ne- Oor4
$atte- %* =ose
Cairman P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
BNS( =ail-ay
(ort #ort3 Te<as
=oger T* Staubac
E<ecutive Cairman3 Americas
"ones3 !ang3 !aSalle )nc*
Dallas3 Te<as
Core -usinesses
American Airlines3 )nc*
Tomas #* Horton
Cairman3 &resident P Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
American Eagle Airlines3 )nc*
Daniel &* Garton
&resident P Cief E<ecutive 'fficer

MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -)
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
#ho.s #ho at A)/ Corporation and American Airlines
A)/ Corporation %fficers
Tomas #* Horton
Cairman3 &resident P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
Daniel &* Garton
E<ecutive /ice &resident
)sabella D* Goren
Senior /ice &resident P
Cief (inancial 'fficer
Gary (* %ennedy
Senior /ice &resident3
General Counsel P
Cief Com.liance 'fficer
%ennet #* #imberly
/ice &resident P
Cor.orate Secretary

American Airlines Senior %fficers
Tomas #* Horton
Cairman3 &resident P
Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
Daniel &* Garton
E<ecutive /ice &resident
)sabella D* Goren
Senior /ice &resident P
Cief (inancial 'fficer
Beverly %* Goulet
Senior /ice &resident P
Cief )ntegration 'fficer
Gary (* %ennedy
Senior /ice &resident3
General Counsel P
Cief Com.liance 'fficer
$aya !eibman
Senior /ice &resident E Tecnology P
Cief )nformation 'fficer
Denise !ynn
Senior /ice &resident E &eo.le
"ames B* =eam
Senior /ice &resident @ '.erations
#illiam %* =is3 "r*
Senior /ice &resident E Government P
=egulatory Affairs
"onatan D* Snoo4
Senior /ice &resident E Customer Service
/irasb /aidi
Senior /ice &resident P
Cief Commercial 'fficer
American Airlines %fficers
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -5
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Timoty "* Aern
/ice &resident E
Ne- Oor4 and )nternational
Andre- $* Bac4over
/ice &resident E Communications
David !* Cam.bell
/ice &resident E Safety and '.erations
Donald B* Casey
/ice &resident E
=evenue $anagement
#illiam $* Cavitt
/ice &resident E
Engineering3 &erformance P
Suality Assurance
#illiam "* Collins
/ice &resident E
Base $aintenance
%evin E* Co<
/ice &resident E =eal Estate
!auri !* Curtis
/ice &resident E (ligt Service
Dere4 !* DeCross
/ice &resident E Global Sales
$arilyn "* De/oe
/ice &resident E $iami
%ennet $* Durst
/ice &resident E
!ine $aintenance
!aura A* Eins.anier
/ice &resident E
Em.loyee =elations
=obert "* (riedman
/ice &resident E $ar4eting
Ca.tain "on $* Hale
/ice &resident E (ligt
%en8i C* Hasimoto
&resident E Cargo
Daniel &* Henry
/ice &resident E
Business Tecnology Services
Donnell %* !angford3 )))
/ice &resident E
Customer Care
"on =* $ac!ean
/ice &resident E
&rocurement P Su..ly Cain
Brian "* $c$enamy
/ice &resident E
(inance and Controller
&atric4 "* 'I%eeffe
/ice &resident E
Airline '.erations Tecnology
Artur #* &a..as
/ice &resident E
DallasH(ort #ort
Su>anne !* =ubin
/ice &resident E Customer )nsigt and
Carles "* Scubert3 )))
/ice &resident E
Net-or4 &lanning
%urt Stace
/ice &resident E
Strategic Alliances
(ranco Tedesci
/ice &resident E Cicago
Artur "* Torno
/ice &resident E $e<ico3 Caribbean and !atin
&eter #arlic4
/ice &resident E
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -*
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
%ennet #* #imberly
/ice &resident
P Cor.orate Secretary
Carolyn E* #rigt
/ice &resident E
Customer &lanning

American agle Airlines %fficers
Daniel &* Garton
&resident P Cief E<ecutive 'fficer
(red E* Cleveland
Senior /ice &resident E Tecnical '.erations
P Cief '.erating 'fficer
"on T* Hutcinson
Senior /ice &resident E (inance and &lanning
P Cief (inancial 'fficer
&edro (abregas
Senior /ice &resident E Customer Services

American Airlines &raining and Conference Center
Te American Airlines Training and Conference Center is located in te DallasH (ort #ort area3 8ust minutes sout of DallasH(ort #ort
)nternational Air.ort* #en te Center first o.ened in 9G17 as te American Airlines Ste-ardess College3 it -as one of te first facilities
in te airline industry for te centrali>ed training of airline cabin attendants* Troug te years3 te CenterIs role as evolved dramatically*
Still AmericanIs base for training fligt attendants3 te Training and Conference Center is no- also designed to encourage learning and
.rofessional gro-t -itout distraction for com.anies and organi>ations of all 4inds* Te Center is available for conferences3 team@
building .rograms and catered events* Te facility includes:
713DDD sFuare feet
71 training and conference rooms
A +DD@seat teater
;GG guest rooms including 7 suites
1 e<ecutive board rooms
7 aircraft cabin simulators for fligt attendant training
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -+
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
American Airlines Flight Academy
'.ened in 9G79 8ust sout of DallasH(ort #ort )nternational Air.ort3 te American Airlines (ligt Academy is an institution dedicated to
safety in air travel and is te center for all .ilot training activities at American and American Eagle* =ecogni>ed by te aeros.ace industry
as one of te finest fligt training facilities in te -orld3 te (ligt Academy o.erates +21 days a year and on any given mont3 as more
tan GDD AA .ilots visit for training* Te (ligt Academy ouses a total of ;7 igly advanced coc4.it simulators for training on eac
aircraft ty.e flo-n by American and American Eagle3 all te -ay u. to Boeing 777* Eac year3 AmericanIs and American EagleIs .ilots
QflyQ millions of very callenging training miles* #itout ever leaving te ground3 .ilots are tested and callenged -it literally tousands
of emergency scenarios and malfunctions to ensure safety and .re.are tem for any eventuality* American also leases certain (ligt
Academy .ilot@training facilities to oter airlines* Te (ligt AcademyIs ;7 full@fligt simulators include:
American Airlines Simulators
1 @ B7+7
2 @ $DAD
+ @ B717
+ @ B727
+ @ B777
; @ (9DD 5for contract training6
9 @ B7;7 5for contract training6
American agle Simulators
9 @ Saab +0DB
9 @ AT=@0;
; @ E="@901
Types of Training Done by American and American Eagle
0ualification Curricula1
Initial E Ne- to aircraft and duty .osition 5ne- ire for $DAD (irst 'fficer6
&ransition E Ne- to aircraft 5from $DAD (irst 'fficer to B727 (irst 'fficer6
2pgrade E Ne- to duty .osition 5from (irst 'fficer to Ca.tain6
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -8
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Continuing 0ualification Curricula1
/ecurrent E American .ilots do tis every nine monts
/e3ualification E =etraining for .ilots -o ave not flo-n a .articular aircraft for some time
Performance and Goals
#e are .roud of te .rogress -eIve made to-ard meeting our ;D99 goals and in acieving recognition for e<cellence in customer service
and safety3 environmental .erformance3 diversity and inclusion3 and community engagement* Altoug -e antici.ate many canges in
;D9; as a result of restructuring3 -e loo4 for-ard to delivering on our steadfast commitment to cor.orate res.onsibility as -e restore
American Airlines to industry leadersi.3 .rofitability and gro-t as AmericaIs (lag Carrier*
We seek to earn customer loyalty by meeting or exceeding our customers' expectations.
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
(urter advance certification levels
across all o.erational grou.s -it
regard to te (AAIs safety
management system 5S$S6 .rogram
Acieved !evel ; certification for all
o.erational de.artments included in our S$S .rogram3
-it our (ligt Services de.artment no- certified at
!evel +
Advance beyond !evel ; in ;D9; for
all de.artments associated -it our
Continue to im.rove our S$S to
meet u.dates to (ederal reFuirements
Continue im.roving on@time arrival
and de.arture rates
Acieved our second best on@time arrival
.erformance in te .ast five years
American Eagle acieved a .erformance of 8ust D*7
.ercentage .oints under its best .erformance in five
(ocus investments in maintenance3
air.ort resources and tecnology to
im.rove on@time arrival and baggage
Continue to roll out enancements to
im.rove te customer travel
e<.erience3 suc as ne- tecnology
Announced a istoric investment in fleet
rene-al3 .lacing an order for 02D ne- Boeing and
Airbus narro-body .lanes to be delivered troug
Continue to develo. and de.loy
customer travel innovations
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! -,
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
tat im.roves customer .roductivity ;D;;
&rovided customers -it access to more .ersonali>ed
fligt o.tions and amenities suc as &referred Seats3
)nfligt #i@(i and &riority Boarding
&rovide additional o.tions to allo-
for customi>ation of te travel
e<.erience for our $ain Cabin
(ocus investments to target &remium
(urter develo. our 8oint business
-it Britis Air-ays3 )beria and
"a.an Airlines to .rovide a more
seamless .roduct for our customers
Commenced our 8oint business -it "a.an
Airlines and dee.ened our coo.eration
-it one-orldK .artner Santas Air-ays
)ncreased codesaring -it Catay &acific
E<.anded service at our cornerstone ubs -it ne-
domestic and international routes
Continue to strengten our global
net-or4 to serve customersI travel
and connectivity needs
Add airberlin to te one-orld
alliance in ;D9;
$aintain focus on te Customer
Blue.rint by leveraging teams
dedicated to Customer E<.erience
&aid LA*2 million in re-ards to 273DDD
em.loyees for teir e<ce.tional customer service
)m.rove te Customer E<.erience as
demonstrated by 4ey metrics
resulting in greater financial re-ards
for em.loyees
We act as good environmental stewards and implement innovative ideas and wise investments to minimize our environmental
Continue .ursuit of e<cellence in
environmental ste-ardsi.s and
=eceived te best ran4ing3 for te second year
in a ro-3 among U*S* airlines on Newsweek's annual
Green =an4ings list of te 1DD largest .ublicly traded
com.anies in America* American Airlines moved from
No* 999 to No* 0G3 and -as te to. com.any in te
trans.ortation and logistics category
Enance our re.utation as an
industry leader in environmental
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "0
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
Acieve a 9+0 million gallon annual
rate of fuel savings troug our (uel
Smart .rogram
E<ceeded our ;D99 (uel Smart goal by
acieving an annual fuel savings rate of 909 million
Acieved greater fuel efficiency by o.timi>ing our
route selection3 reducing fuel use3 and by o.timi>ing
savings from e<isting initiatives
Acieve a 902 million gallon annual
rate of fuel savings troug our (uel
Smart .rogram
)ncrease Utility $anagement Council
energy savings to L9;*1 million
$et our goal of increasing energy savings to
L9;*1 million annually
E<.ecting to acieve te !EEDK Silver certification of
Admirals Club lounge renovation at San (rancisco
)nternational Air.ort
)ncrease Utility $anagement
Council energy savings to L9+
million annually
)m.lement initiatives tat reduce
-aste by +;23ADD lbs* annually3
-ic is te -eigt of a B777
)m.lemented initiatives tat reduced -aste by
9*+ million .ounds annually 5e<ceeded goal by almost
9 million .ounds6
=eceived (AA a..roval for coc4.it use of i&ads3
saving .a.er and fuel
)m.lement data collection systems to
better trac4 -aste minimi>ation
Acieve an Annuali>ed #aste
$inimi>ation =ate of t-o million
$aintain .rogress in im.roving
C'; efficiency of aircraft by an
average of 9*1 .ercent annually
bet-een ;DD1 and ;D;1
'rdered 02D narro-body 8ets from Airbus and
Boeing to be delivered ;D9+ troug ;D;;3 .utting us
on trac4 to ave te youngest3 most fuel@efficient fleet
in Nort America in rougly five years
=etired ;9 $D@AD aircraft from service and introduced
91 Ne<t@Generation Boeing 7+7@ADDs to our fleet
Continue im.roving C';efficiency
of aircraft by an average of 9*1
.ercent annually bet-een ;DD1 and
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "-
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
We strive to make our company a good place for good people to work and build a career by creating and maintaining a safe,
collaborative, inclusive and respectful work environment.
$aintain our re.utation as an
industry leader in -or4force diversity
Acieved a 9DD .ercent rating on te H=C
Cor.orate EFuality )nde< for te 9Dt consecutive year
=eceived te Diversity Council Honors A-ard from
te Association of Diversity Councils* American
Airlines -as te only airline to be listed as aving one
of te nationIs to. ;1 diversity councils
=ecogni>ed for e<ce.tional diversity and inclusion
.erformance by organi>ations including Blac4
Enter.rise3 Equal pportunity !agazine and "iversity
!#$ !agazine* /ie- our full list of ;D99 a-ards
Continue investing in enancing
-or4force diversity
)ncrease em.loyee engagement in
AmericanIs ealt and -ellness
)ntroduced onsite -ellness screenings to
identify ris4s for diabetes3 colesterol and ig blood
.ressure* &rovided education about tese cronic
conditions* De.loyed a .ublic -ebsite to encourage
s.ouse and domestic .artner .artici.ation
=eac 0D .ercent em.loyee
.artici.ation rate in -ellness
.rograms3 including ealt
assessment and screenings
Enance em.loyee safety by
e<.anding &artnersi. for Safety3
AmericanIs em.loyee safety .rogram3
to include additional de.artments
=e@engineered &artnersi. for Safety to
reflect our evolving a..roac to safety integration
Strengtened e<ternal relationsi.s -it 'SHA and
oter .artners and establised .rovisions for greater
clarity around safety oversigt
)m.lement an integrated safety
refreser training for all management
=educe !ost #or4 Case in8uries by
five .ercent year@over@year
=eceive no 'SHA re.eat citations in
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! ""
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
Acieved strong safety .erformance results3 including
a 9+ .ercent year@over@year reduction in em.loyee
in8uries and no re.eat 'SHA citations for te year
E<.erienced one fatality -en a ram.
o.erator failed to .ro.erly engage a safety device
and -as fatally in8ured by a .iece of eavy
=edouble efforts to-ard goal of >ero
fatalities3 and limit te number of
accidents and in8uries
E<.and leadersi. training to include
additional o.erational management
'ffered te !eadersi.: )m.roving te (uture
Togeter 5!)(T6 training course for te second
consecutive year3 benefiting 7A2 em.loyee .artici.ants
American Airlines as been rated one of te ;D best
com.anies for !eadersi. Develo.ment &rograms in
large cor.orations by 'eaders&ip Excellence !agazine
$aintain Fuality leadersi. training
tat is valued by em.loyees* Acieve
at least 71 .ercent of students rating
leadersi. learning e<.erience as
e<cellent or very good
Continue bargaining in good fait
-it our labor unions
Continued collective bargaining negotiations
in good fait -it tree .rimary labor unions
(ollo-ing te restructuring announcement3 -or4ed to
.ut togeter com.reensive labor .ro.osals to acieve
necessary cost savings
&rogress on our business .lan to
restore American to industry
leadersi.3 .rofitability and gro-t
Create te best outcome for te
greatest .ossible number of .eo.le
We are a part of t&e communities we serve and are deeply committed to supporting important causes and local economic
Continue investing in ne-
infrastructure .ro8ects and u.grades
to e<isting facilities
Com.leted construction of an Admirals Club
lounge at San (rancisco -ic is antici.ated to receive
te .restigious !EEDK Silver certification under te
U*S* Green Building CouncilIs !eadersi. in Energy
Continue investing in ne-
infrastructure .ro8ects and u.grades
to e<isting facilities
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "(
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
and Environmental Design
$ade u.grades and im.rovements to air.ort facilities
at !os Angeles )nternational 5!A:63 Ne- Oor4
!aGuardia 5!GA63 !ondon Heatro- 5!H=63 $e<ico
City 5$E:6 and Brasilia3 Bra>il 5BSB6
Continue to su..ort su..lier diversity
efforts among 4ey su..liers
Continued -it diversity mandates for Tier 9
E<.and and strengten te
Diversified Su..lier &rogram in
cornerstone mar4ets
)ncrease em.loyee .artici.ation in
te American Giving .rogram
Em.loyee contributions made troug te
American Giving .rogram dro..ed sligtly3 to
LG2;3DDD in .ayroll .ledges
/olunteer ours increased from +A3DDD in ;D9D to
093DDD in ;D99
=eac L9 million in donations
troug American Giving
)ncrease re.orted volunteer ours to
)ncrease by 9D .ercent overall
.artici.ation in bot em.loyee giving
and volunteering
$aintain AmericanIs su..ort for our
four .rimary giving focus areas:
Susan G* %omen for te CureK3
veterans3 4ids and community
$aintained su..ort for our four .rimary
giving focus areas: Susan G* %omen for te Cure3
veterans3 4ids and community
Continue su..ort for AmericanIs four
.rimary giving focus areas
E<.and %ids in Need
.rogram to
include all cildrenIs carities under
te %ids in Need umbrella
)ncrease te number of customers
-o are a-are of and .artici.ate in
customer giving initiatives
Total customer giving in ;D99 valued at L7*+
)ncluded messaging in montly customer
Continue customer messaging3
.romotions and general a-areness
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! ")
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
4566 Goals Progress 4564 Goals
)ncluded cause@related ads in infligt maga>ines3 suc
as $merican Way, (elebrated 'iving,
Nexos and'attitudes
&romote customer giving troug
social media cannels
Continue to su..ort community
disaster relief efforts in times of need
Continued disaster relief efforts3 focused on
"a.anese tsunami3 Haitian eartFua4e and U*S* tornado
and urricane cleanu. efforts
AAdvantageK members contributed more tan L9*A
million to =ed Cross relief efforts tat aided victims of
eartFua4es3 urricanes3 tornados3 and -ildfires around
te -orld
Engage communities to el. tem
better .re.are for disaster relief
Stand ready to launc .rograms
immediately in times of need3 toug
-e sincerely o.e significant
disasters do not occur in ;D9;
+II. /eferences1
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "5
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
American Airlines*;DD1 $merican $irlines )uick *acts* tt.:HHairlines*-sHamerican@airlines*tm
Beac43 =acel* D9H9DH;DD1* $irline bankruptcies effects far+reac&ing* Nort County Times3 San Diego3 CA
Holderbac3 &atrice* ;DD0* 'ow+cost $irlines ,op )uality -ankings*
D7HD0H;DD0* tt.:HH---*info>ine*comHne-sHstoriesHo.Hstories/ie-HsidH9GG0UvoV;9
)to3 Harumi3 !ee3 Darin*;DD+* $ssessing t&e .mpact of t&e /eptember 00t& ,errorist $ttacks on 1./. $irline
$ayer3 David3 G* ;DD;* $ugust 2332 Edition of 4#usiness 'easing News5*
Net$BA*com*;DD0* 6E/, $nalysis* ---*netmba*comHstrategyH.est
Nuseibe3 Basar3 Easterbroo43 Steve* ;DDD* -equirements Engineering7 $ -oadmap*
Suic4$BA*com*;DD1* 6orter5s *ive *orces* tt.:HH---*Fuic4mba*comHstrategyH.orter*stml
Suic4$BA*com*;DD0* /W, $nalysis* tt.:HH---*Fuic4mba*comHstrategyHs-otH
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "*
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness
Sane3 "effrey3 ;DD+* $irlines5 *uture "epends on 'ower (osts, 1./. fficial /ays*DG@D9@D+*
MANA 5F50 080 Foundations of Management and Stateg! "+
#ni$esit! of %a&&as Co&&ege of 'usiness

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