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Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church Witherspoon Street Presbyterian

124 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542-3224
Office (609) 924-1666 Fax (609) 924-0365 Church Building (609) 924-1332
E-mail: witherspoon@verizon.net
Website: www.witherspoonchurch.org

Rev. David Prince, Pastor in Residence Beverly Owens, Music Director
Rev. M. Muriel Burrows, Pastor Eva Kastner-Puschl, Organist
Rev. Charles Kalmbach, Parish Associate Phyllis Rich, Secretary
Rev. Melissa Moore, Parish Associate Vandyke Grant, Sexton
Denyse Leslie, Lector Samina Masood, Nursery Worker
July 13, 2014 10:00 a.m.

Outdoor Worship Service and Church Picnic

Enter Reverently, Meditate Quietly, Worship Devoutly,
Leave Gratefully, Serve Christ Faithfully

Words of Scripture are spoken, proclaiming who God is and what God has
done. We are reminded that our worship centers in God and not in ourselves.

Leader: Let us call on Gods name and give thanks.
Let the hearts of all who seek God rejoice.
People: We will sing of Gods wonderful works.
We will share with others Gods marvelous deeds.
Leader: Over the wind and waves, Christ comes to us.
Do not fear to meet Christ here.
People: We have heard the invitation.
Our hopes have brought us together.
All: Let us worship the living, loving God!

All: We seek your presence, Holy God. Break through all our pre-
tenses that we might sense the vibrant energy embracing the whole
universe yet know ourselves to be personally loved within the vast
expanse of space and time. How amazing are all the miracles of
life that surround us! We praise you. We thank you. We bow in
awe before you. In this hour, we pray that our faith may be enliv-
ened, our trust deepened, our commitment expanded to meet the
challenges of our times. Amen.

*HYMN OF PRAISE Kum ba Yah #338 PH

Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someones crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someones singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someones praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someones praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

We are invited to confess the reality of sin in our private as well as our common
life. Confession, or acknowledging that we fall short of Gods standards, is the
first step toward claiming the forgiveness that is ours in Christ.

Leader: We profess our faith in God, yet we rely more heavily on our own
ingenuity. We say we believe, but our lives seldom show confident
trust. We want to care as Jesus did, but were often ready to write
off those with whom we disagree. Who can save us from ourselves?
Let us confess our sins in Gods presence.
All: Gracious God, we confess that we are dreamers more intent on our
own importance than on your vision for us. We like our favored
position on this earth, and we are jealous of those who have even
more than we. We want to rise above others rather than reaching
out with helping hands, that all might be uplifted by you. We pray
for pardon, for greater insight, for opportunities to live and serve
with faithfulness. Amen.

Congregational Response (Sung): #322 PH

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me;
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Spirit of the Living God, words by Daniel Iverson. 1935, renewed 1963 Birdwing Music. CCLI License #11166956

Having confessed our sin, we are assured of Gods forgiving grace declared in
the name of Jesus Christ. We accept Gods forgiveness, confident that Gods
power in Jesus Christ is stronger than the power of sin and evil.

Leader: Take heart. Do not be afraid. The treachery of some will not wipe
out the good God intends. Everyone who calls on Gods name will
be saved. Remember Gods wonderful works and share the good
news. Let all humankind praise God. Praise God! Believe the good
news of the Gospel;
All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Thanks be to God!



Having been reconciled to God in Jesus Christ, we are invited to share signs of
reconciliation and peace with one another in His name.

Leader: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
People: And also with you!
Leader: Let us offer each other a sign of peace!

Scripture is Gods self-revelation. We pray asking God to make us receptive to
the life-giving, life-changing Word, which comes to us through the Bible.

SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23


TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
and put your trust in the Lord.


In response to Gods love in Jesus Christ we offer our lives, our gifts, our
abilities, and our material goods for Gods service.

All: God, we cannot deceive you with the appearance of generosity.
You know how we manage the wealth entrusted to our care. Help
us to know the joy of sharing from the abundance you provide.
Help us to trust when we feel we do not have enough. We give
thanks that you enable us to be givers, not just receivers. May
what we offer here provide a helpful ministry to many. May what
we offer to our families, friends, and co-laborers tomorrow also be
blessed as ministry. Amen.


*SENDING HYMN Amazing Grace #280 PH

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have also come;
Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

When weve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
Weve no less days to sing Gods praise
Than when wed first begun.

* Congregation stands


WELCOME The Pastor, Elders and Deacons of Witherspoon
welcome most warmly all worshipers. Our fellowship is enriched
by your presence. If you do not have a church home of your own,
we do sincerely invite you to be a part of our fellowship. Please
contact the church office if you are interested in church member-
ship or if you want to be added to the church e-mail distribution list (witherspoon
@verizon.net or 609-924-1666).
WE HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE! Like our Facebook page
(http://www.facebook.com/WitherspoonStreetChurch) to get the
latest updates on your wall. Share your WSPC comments,
photos and videos. If you want pictures added or notices posted please send an
email to facebook@ witherspoonchurch.org.

SUNDAY SCHOOL is on break for the summer. Sunday school
will resume on the second Sunday of September (September 7)
with classes for all ages. Please plan to join us!

FLOWERS If you would like to provide flowers in honor or memory of a loved
one, or simply to beautify the church, please sign up on the chart located on the
audio room door (left-hand entrance from the sanctuary to the parish house). After
worship service, the donor may take the flowers home. It is the responsibility of
the person giving flowers to make his/her own arrangements for preparation and
delivery of the flowers for the Chancel. The next available date is July 20.

USHERS for this mornings service are Jordan Johnson, Myles Johnson and
Spencer Johnson. Next weeks ushers are Theodora Codrington and Gerald Delk.

ATTENDANCE at the service of July 6 was 73.

LECTIONARY TEXT for next Sunday, July 20, is Genesis 28:10-19; Psalm 139:1-
12, 23-24; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

diately fol
is urged to attend.

edition of
well as other individual
encouraged to submit articles to share with our readers.

mighty ways, its time for a
Lord has brought us, its time for a
had praise breaks; celebrate the faith of leaders, past and present
the right now works of God; and have community
We will witness God
crafts. A delicious dinner will begin our activities each evening. Chil
ages are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in helping in any way, please
contact Beverly Owens at the church office (609
church. Come, join the fun!

sanctioned plans for a campaign to pur
our church. The current instrument is over 30 years old.
Because it is becoming difficult to find re
important that we begin this process. While we realize how
challenging our economy is, we know that this purchase is im
urge our members and friends to vigorously support this effort.
It is our hope to complete this project with haste. Please con
tact Beverly Owens if you would like to contribute in any way.

diately follow the service on Sunday, July 27
is urged to attend. *Please note* that committee chairs
and group leaders should have their reports to the
church office today to allow adequate time to pre
pare mid-year reports for distribution. Your
assistance is appreciated.
ALL SPOONER DEADLINE The deadline for the fall
edition of The Spooner newsletter is Sunday, August 1
Committee chairs and leaders of various church groups
well as other individuals with news of special interest
encouraged to submit articles to share with our readers.
Praise Break is the theme of this
years Vacation Bible School held
this week, July 14-18, at Wither
spoon from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
When Gods power is revealed in
s time for a Praise Break! When we reflect upon how far the
s time for a Praise Break! Learn how people in the Bible
had praise breaks; celebrate the faith of leaders, past and present; give praise for
works of God; and have community-fun in Jesus Christ!
s love for us through Bible stories, games, songs, and
crafts. A delicious dinner will begin our activities each evening. Chil
ages are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in helping in any way, please
contact Beverly Owens at the church office (609-924-1666) or speak to her after
church. Come, join the fun!
RGAN FUND We are pleased to announce that Session has
sanctioned plans for a campaign to purchase a new organ for
our church. The current instrument is over 30 years old.
Because it is becoming difficult to find replacement parts, it is
important that we begin this process. While we realize how
lenging our economy is, we know that this purchase is im
portant to the worship life that sustains our community. We
urge our members and friends to vigorously support this effort.
It is our hope to complete this project with haste. Please con
tact Beverly Owens if you would like to contribute in any way.
EETING will imme-
27. Everyone
that committee chairs
reports to the
quate time to pre-
year reports for distribution. Your
The deadline for the fall
Sunday, August 10.
church groups as
s with news of special interest are
encouraged to submit articles to share with our readers.
is the theme of this
Vacation Bible School held
, at Wither-
from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
s power is revealed in
When we reflect upon how far the
Learn how people in the Bible
; give praise for
fun in Jesus Christ!
ible stories, games, songs, and
crafts. A delicious dinner will begin our activities each evening. Children of all
ages are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in helping in any way, please
66) or speak to her after
We are pleased to announce that Session has
chase a new organ for
our church. The current instrument is over 30 years old.
placement parts, it is
important that we begin this process. While we realize how
lenging our economy is, we know that this purchase is im-
to the worship life that sustains our community. We
urge our members and friends to vigorously support this effort.
It is our hope to complete this project with haste. Please con-
The Robeson House Board of Directors, Advisors and
Coordinating Committee cordially invite your attendance at
a concert featuring renowned bass soloist, Kevin Maynor,
in a performance of the Paul Robeson Repertoire. The
benefit concert will be held on Sunday, September 21, at
the Performing Arts Center of Princeton High School at
2:00 p.m. The Trenton Childrens Chorus and The Revela-
tion Praise Dance Ministry of First Baptist Church of
Princeton will also appear on the program. General Admis-
sion tickets ($50) may be obtained from a member of the
committee or by calling the church office. Proceeds from
this special event will be used to support the purchase and
rehabilitation of this key structure in the history of our
church and our community. All Witherspoon members and friends are urged to

collecting nourishing food for the Crisis Ministry. ***NO GLASS
JARS, PLEASE.*** Checks made payable to the Crisis Ministry
are always welcome and may be placed in the offering plate or
given to a deacon. Please consider an extra purchase during your next grocery
shopping trip and place items in the wooden box in the Narthex.

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