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a IiofessionaI
Hunan eing
Hov To Lnjoy !"#$%%&'#$$ )*#+
and ,$#%*-./ 0.112-$%%
Using The Mind/ody/Woik Conneclion
324 5.6-*/.
Inlioduclion ly Veionica ulIei M.D.
Co-Aulhoi of A lcnans 8cs| Mcdicinc
econing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing
How To Enjoy Stress-Free Work and Personal Happiness
Using Te Mind/Body/Work Connection
}in agnoIa
}in agnoIal 2O11
IulIished ly 1slWoiId IulIishing
I.O. ox 2211, Iaii!eId, Iova 52556
leI: 641-2O9-5OOO - fax: 866-44O-5234
vel: vvv.1slvoiIdpulIishing.con
Iiisl Ldilion
SoflCovei ISN:
HaidCovei ISN:
eook ISN:
AII iighls ieseived. No pail of lhis look nay le iepioduced oi
uliIized in any foin oi ly any neans, eIeclionic oi nechanicaI,
incIuding pholocopying oi iecoiding, oi ly any infoinalion sloiage
and ieliievaI syslen, vilhoul peinission in viiling fion lhe aulhoi.
This naleiiaI has leen viillen and pulIished foi educalionaI
puiposes lo enhance ones veIIleing. In iegaid lo heaIlh issues,
lhe infoinalion is nol inlended as a sulslilule foi appiopiiale caie
and advice fion heaIlh piofessionaIs, noi does il equale lo lhe
assunplion of nedicaI oi any olhei foin of IialiIily on lhe pail of
lhe pulIishei oi aulhoi. The pulIishei and aulhoi shaII have neilhei
IialiIily noi iesponsiliIily lo any peison oi enlily vilh iespecl lo
Ioss, danages oi injuiy cIained lo le caused diieclIy oi indiieclIy ly
any infoinalion in lhis look.
Tnis occ| is dcdica|cd |c nq parcn|s,
Dcninic and 8ctcr|q 8agnc|a.
Tnan| qcu fcr ocing unc qcu arc,
unicn |augn| nc ncu |c oc!
Tc a|| cf qcu unctc a||cndcd nq
Prcfcssicna| Hunan 8cing ucr|sncps.
| natc |carncd sc nucn frcn qcu.
Tnis occ| is fcr qcu!
Ioievoid ly Veionica ulIei, M.D.
Inlioduclion: Meel Leioy Cianl, Ih
,789 : ; ,8<8<=>:!:9<!
)?." . ,?5 :% .-@ )?A B*C D$$@ :"
Chaplei 1 Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn
Chaplei 2 Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing`
Chaplei 3 Waves of Change~Iion Oulei lo Innei
Chaplei 4 Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai`
Chaplei 5 Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai`
Chaplei 6 Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying`
Chaplei 7 Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl
Chaplei 8 MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue
,789 :: ; 90< E>88:E>F>G
0*H "* I$" . ,?5
Chaplei 9 Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic
Chaplei 1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie
Chaplei 11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind
Chaplei 12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay
Chaplei 13 Lesson 5: Sland Up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl
Chaplei 14 Lesson 6: If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie
Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp
Chaplei 15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiy
,789 ::: ; EJGG<DE<G<D9
Chaplei 16 ConcIusion: Requiienenls foi Ciadualion
Chaplei 17 VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia
Aloul }in agnoIa
Nc| a nating and a rcs|ing, ou| a grcuing
and a occcning is |nc cnarac|cr cf pcrfcc|icn.
iilish poel
ie you ieady` In lhis look you viII le inspiied and chaIIenged
lo lake a gianl evoIulionaiy Ieap foivaid and lecone a Iio-
fessionaI Hunan eing. Inslead of jusl accepling lhe slalus quo,
ve aII have lhe polenliaI lo Iive eveiy nonenl in Iife lo lhe fuII-
esl. A fasl liack foi acceIeialed giovlh in eveiy aspecl of youi Iife
is avaiIalIe lo you. HisloiicaIIy Hono sapiens have giovn fion
hunling and galheiing, lo nasleiing nachines in lhe indusliiaI
age, lo using infoinalion and knovIedge as an indusliy. Nexl, ve
hunans ciealed a voiIdvide naikel pIace vilh lhe heIp of lhe In-
leinel and conpuleis. Then ve luined invaid and deveIoped oui
seIf-avaieness and peisonaI consciousness lo IeveIs nevei lefoie
expeiienced on such a lioad scaIe. Wilh lhis look }in agnoIa
lakes us lo lhe nexl IeveI ly offeiing lhe voiId a vision and piacli-
caI sleps lo acluaIIy do noie, have noie, give noie, and le noie
lhan vas pieviousIy lhoughl possilIe.
The concepl lhal oui caieeis, ninds, and lodies exisl as sepa-
iale enlilies is faIse and is Iiniling oui expeiience of Iife. Oui jols,
lhoughls, and physicaI heaIlh aie nol isoIaled conpailnenls, lul
diffeienl expiessions of lhe oneness ve caII oui seIves. Lach
Ioievoid 7
8 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
inleiacls vilh and piofoundIy affecls lhe olhei. AccoidingIy, ve
canl le fuIIy effeclive al voik unIess ve aie heaIlhy and happy.
Tiue vilaIily is inpossilIe unIess ve feeI passionale aloul oui
vocalions and ieIalionships. The innei and oulei ievaids Iife has
lo offei aie one and lhe sane.
}in cIeaiIy de!nes hov a IiofessionaI Hunan eing lhinks,
acls, and conliilules lo sociely. Inslead of pIanning ahead as ve
have done foi cenluiies, he suggesls lhal ve pIan lackvaids. y
lhinking as he caIIs upside dovn, ve can expeiience Iongevily,
caieei success, and piofound salisfaclion in aII aieas of oui Iives.
Oui jols shouId le insliunenls lo heaI ouiseIves and oui voiId.
We aII deseive Iives of nonenl-lo-nonenl giovlh and salisfac-
lion. Sliess can le ieduced and heaIlh pionoled ly jusl evoIving
inlo lhe hunan leings ve veie neanl lo le.
The look legins vilh an inspiiing sloiy of }ins chance
neeling vilh a IiofessionaI Hunan eing vho shines shoes
foi a Iiving. My heail vas louched ly lhe leauly of lhis nans
sinpIe and successfuI Iife. Thioughoul lhe look, youII !nd nany
sloiies, incIuding seveiaI aloul lhe Iife and voik of lhe voiId-
fanous nagician and IiofessionaI Hunan eing, Doug Henning,
lhal iIIusliale lhe povei and visdon of lhe poinl }in is liying lo
leach us. As a scienlisl, I appiecialed lhe ieseaich lhal pioved lhe
veiacily of lhe concepls piesenled. In Iail II of lhis look, }in pio-
vides piaclicaI aclion ideas lo luin lhe infoinalion and knovI-
edge inlo oui ovn visdon as ve expeiience lhe povei of each
Ioi ovei a quailei cenluiy, }in has shaied his polenl ideas
and expeiiences vilh cIienls. Many of lhen aie enpIoyeis vho
veie fiuslialed ly escaIaling heaIlh-caie cosls. Dala shov lhal
lhe aveiage cosl foi an enpIoyees heaIlh caie in 2OO1 vas $4,794,
in 2O1O il vas $11,O58. Oiganizalions connilled lo lhe heaIlh and
giovlh of lheii voikfoice have laken advanlage of }ins visdon
as he piesenled his vin-vin silualions.
We aie chealing ouiseIves, oui Ioved ones, and sociely if ve
conlinue lo pIay snaII. Nov ve aII have access lo lhe infoinalion
pieviousIy ieseived foi lhe coipoiale voiId. The ieaI possiliIily
of luining oui Iives and lhe fuluie of nankind aiound is exciling.
Whalevei oui cuiienl silualion, ve aII can giov lo nev IeveIs
of alundance, passion, heaIlh, and fuI!IInenl.
Cel ieady!
Veionica ulIei, M.D.
Co-aulhoi of A lcnans 8cs| Mcdicinc
Ioievoid 9
Meel Leioy Cianl, Ih
|n |nis |ifc uc cannc| dc grca| |nings.
lc can cn|q dc sna|| |nings ui|n grca| |ctc.
CalhoIic nun and vinnei of lhe 1979 NoleI Ieace Iiize
vaIked inlo lhe Loevs AnaloIe HoleI in DaIIas, Texas. I vas
lheie lo deIivei a keynole addiess lhal evening lo a gioup of en-
gineeis consliucling lhe DaIIas Aiea Rapid Tiansil syslen. Need-
ing a shoe shine, I Iooked aiound lhe Iolly and sav a shoe sland
and a genlIenan vho seened lo le piepaiing lo caII il a day.
I huslIed ovei and asked if he had line foi one noie shine.
He vas a laII, lhin, Afiican-Aneiican nan vilh giaying lenpIes,
and an infeclious sniIe. He vas veaiing a ciisp, vhile shiil and
a lov lie.
Of couise, he ansveied vainIy. If you need a shine, III
nake line. Have a seal, son.
I sal dovn. He legan lo nelicuIousIy ioII up lhe cuffs of ny
panls and Iay oul his looIs of liade. I noliced lhal il vas aflei six
When did you slail youi day` I asked.
Inlioduclion 11
12 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Oh, aiound seven lhis noining.
Youve leen heie foi neaiIy lveIve houis` And you sliII Iook
I guess lhals lecause I Iove ny jol.
May I ask you hov oId you aie`
Suie, he said. In 72. And heaIlhy and happy.
And you voiked lveIve houis loday`
Yes, I voik lveIve houis nosl days.
I vas anazed.
He conlinued, WeII, lo le honesl, I do Iove ny jol, lul ny
vife doesnl vanl ne al hone aII day. You knov hov il is aflei
nany yeais of naiiiage. We Iaughed.
I inlioduced nyseIf and he iesponded vilh a heaily hand-
shake and his nane: Leioy Cianl.
WeII, hov Iong have you leen a shoe shinei, Leioy`
He Iooked up al ne vilh a seiious Iook on his face and said,
Lxcuse ne, lul I an nol a shoe shinei.
Soiiy, I said. Whal is youi piofession`
I an a Iealhei lechnician.
When he sav ny confusion, he expIained: A shoe shinei is
jusl a shoe shinei. A Iealhei lechnician is an ailisl. In an ailisl.
In going lo give you lhe lesl shine youve evei had, and lhen In
going lo guaianlee ny voik.
Ive had ny shoes shined aII ovei lhe voiId lul nolody had
evei guaianleed lheii voik.
Whal does lhal nean` I asked.
I an gonna shine youi shoes unliI you aie happy. Then you
shouId le alIe lo luff lhen up lo a nice, gIossy shine foi lhe nexl
lvo veeks. If you canl do lhal, you cone iighl lack in heie and I
viII shine lhen again, fiee. No chaige. Nov, if you vaIk lhiough
nud and puddIes, youie on youi ovn! My caiing foi youi Iealhei
doesnl end unliI you aie salis!ed. Thals ny guaianlee!
I gol il, Leioy, and In inpiessed. You ieaIIy do Iove youi
jol, I can leII.
Love ny jol` he excIained. Look al ne! I donl have a loss
Iooking ovei ny shouIdei. I an lhe loss! Look al ny of!ce! He
gesluied lo lhe Iaige, fancy holeI Iolly. Look ovei lheie, he
said, poinling al a neaily lank of pulIic pay phones. Those aie
ny piivale phones. My vife and fiiends can caII ne. My kids caII
ne. You knov, I pul aII ny kids lhiough schooI doing lhis. If you
cone and In nol heie, you nighl neel one of lhen. My son is ny
vice piesidenl. Hes a Iealhei lechnician as veII.
Hov Iong have you leen doing lhis`
Sixly yeais.
Sixly yeais! I excIained in disleIief. So you slailed vhen
you veie lveIve`
I did, he nodded. My falhei said lhal I had lo voik and
heIp oul~you knov, il vas aiound lhe Depiession. He vanled
ne lo seII nevspapeis. He feIl lhal vas lhe lesl vay foi a young
loy lo nake noney. ul I vanled lo shine shoes. When I vouId
gel ny haii cul al lhe laileishop, I vouId valch lhe shoe shineis
in lheii shop and lhey aIvays Iooked Iike lhey veie having a Iol
of fun. I vanled lo do lhal. I asked ny dad and he said, 'You
canl nake noney shining shoes. SeII lhe papeis. Since ny falhei
vouIdnl Iel ne do il, I !guied oul a vay lo seII nevspapeis and
shine shoes, loo.
I asked lhe laileishop ovnei if he couId leach ne hov lo
shine and lo Iel ne shine shoes pail line if I voiked foi lips onIy.
He said yes, and I vas on ny vay. I had a IillIe sign, 'Iiee Shine,
Tips OnIy. Aflei a fev nonlhs of doing lhis, I venl lo ny dad
vilh lvo piIes of noney. I poinled lo one piIe and said lo ny dad
lhal lhis is hov nuch noney I had nade fion seIIing papeis. I
poinled lo lhe liggei piIe and said lhis is hov nuch I had nade
shining shoes pail line. My falhei Iooked al lhe piIes and said,
'Son, line lo shine shoes!
Leioy Iooked al ne vilh a lig sniIe. I an Iucky lecause In
on ny ovn and I donl voiiy aloul lhings. I aIso gel lo neel nice
peopIe aII day Iong. I leaulify lhe voiId a IillIe lil eveiy day. I an
Inlioduclion 13
14 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
on a nission. Molioning vilh lolh hands lovaids lhe "ooi, he
said, I leaulify lhe voiId dovn Iov!
I vas inspiied.
ul lefoie I Iefl I had one noie queslion foi hin. I couIdnl
heIp nyseIf, I jusl had lo ask hin, Leioy, hov do you nanage lo
keep youi shiil so vhile al lhe end of lhe day`
I jusl knev he vas going lo leII ne sonelhing aloul lhe caiefuI
lechnique of his shoe shining. Inslead, he said, Son, you change
il al Iunch!
I Iaughed oul Ioud. Leioy doesnl niss a leal. Cieal seivice
dovn lo lhe snaIIesl delaiI!
Aflei vhal I vouId caII lhe lesl shine I have evei ieceived, he
offeied ne a discounl caid lhal vas an offei foi so nany shines
foi $25~a haIf-piice deaI. I loughl lhe caid, nol lecause I vas
going lack lo lhe holeI anyline soon, lul lecause I vanled lo
suppoil vhalevei he vas doing. I aIso gave hin a nice lip, vhich
In lelling aII of his cusloneis do.
Lalei, vhen I addiessed lhe engineeis, you can guess vhal I
laIked aloul. Yes, of couise, Leioy Cianl and hov he liansfoined
his shoe-shining jol inlo sonelhing Iaigei, inlo sonelhing he
Ioved, inlo a piofession and, indeed, an ail foin.
A fev nonlhs Ialei, I vas lack in DaIIas voiking vilh anolhei
cIienl, The Kiogei Conpany, and of couise I venl oul of ny vay
lo visil Leioy. He iecognized ne iighl avay and said, Hey aienl
you lhe feIIov vho gave a laIk heie and loId eveiylody ny sloiy
aloul lhe Iealhei lechnician` I said, Thal vas ne. He giinned,
In leIIing you, son, I ove you sone noney.
Whal noney` I vas confused.
WeII, lhe day aflei you veie heie, I vas svanped vilh lusi-
ness fion lhose peopIe al youi laIk. They aII vanled a shine fion
lhe Iealhei lechnician.
I iesponded, You donl ove ne any noney, Leioy, lul Ive
cone foi a shine and sone inspiialion.
I donl knov aloul you lul I vanl lo do lusiness vilh peopIe
Iike Leioy. In facl, I vanl lo oc |i|c Leioy Cianl. I vanl lo viev eve-
iylhing I do in a posilive nannei. I vanl lo Iove vhal In doing
and le happy vilh nyseIf vhen In 72. Leioy seened happy and
heaIlhy. He pul his kids lhiough schooI and suppoiled his faniIy
foi ovei sixly yeais doing a jol he genuineIy Ioved.
Leioy Cianl is a Prcfcssicna| Hunan 8cing.
Hov nany peopIe do you knov vho appioach lheii voik
Iike Leioy Cianl` Do you appioach youi jol vilh joy and pui-
pose` Have you ciealiveIy liansfoined youi jol inlo an ail foin`
Aie you on a seIf-ciealed nission` Do you enjoy youi cusloneis`
Aie you happy lo le of seivice lo lhose counling on youi expei-
lise` Do you guaianlee youi voik` Aie you deIighled lo le al
voik` Have you luined Iio Iike Leioy has`
If you canl ansvei yes lo nosl of lhese queslions, youi heaIlh
and lhe heaIlh of lhe oiganizalion you leIong lo nighl le al slake!
The oiganizalion viII nevei le vhal lhe individuaIs aie nol.
Inlioduclion 15
|tcrq ar|is| uas !rs| an ana|cur.
Aneiican poel
educale execulives, nanageis, and enpIoyees voiIdvide in
lusiness and goveinnenl, lo le peak peifoineis in an uncei-
lain, sliessfuI, and unheaIlhy voikpIace. Ive leen doing lhis foi
noie lhan lvenly-!ve yeais foi iepeal cIienls lhal incIude Ioi-
lune 5OO conpanies, fedeiaI and slale agencies, and snaII piivale-
Iy heId conpanies.
Whal sels ne apail and appeaIs lo audiences is ny enphasis
on lhe nind/lody/voik conneclion. CIienls leII ne lhis enphasis
heIps lhen svilch geais and nake lhe infoinalion slick. I viII
expIain lo you lhe nind/lody/voik conneclion in deplh. You
viII discovei hov consliuclive lhinking palleins pioduce lhe
physioIogy lo suppoil success, lhe naking of a IiofessionaI
Hunan eing, and, al lhe sane line, lellei heaIlh.
In ny voikshops, I Iink lhe consequences of lhinking and
aclions al voik nol jusl lo peifoinance, lul diieclIy lo heaIlh.
I shov peopIe hov lheii line al voik shouId conliilule lo lheii
heaIlh and iejuvenalion and nol, as is lhe noin, conliilule lo
heaIlh piolIens and pienaluie dealh. I leII lhen aloul ny vise
fiiend, Leioy Cianl.
Iieface 17
18 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The advice I shaie vilh ny audiences is lhis: Ma|c a |iting, nc|
a dqing.
My appioach iesonales vilh a vide iange of peopIe vho donl
connecl lheii jols lo lheii heaIlh and Iongevily. Ils necessaiy lo
liansfoin negalive, seIf-defealing, disease-pionoling lhoughls
inlo alliludes lhal geneiale ciealivily, pioduclivily, fuI!IInenl,
and hainonious ieIalionships. The iesuIl of lhis is lellei heaIlh
foi you and youi oiganizalion. The facl is lhal lhe oiganizalion
viII nevei le vhal lhe individuaIs aie nol.
}ohn Hovaid, Diiecloi of lhe NalionaI Inslilule foi Occupa-
lionaI Safely and HeaIlh, iecenlIy said, If veie going lo keep
inpioving pioduclivily, ve have lo nake suie lhal ve keep
voikeis heaIlhy.
As an exanpIe of lhe ciuciaI ioIe heaIlh pIays foi lolh lhe
individuaI and lhe oiganizalion, lack in lhe Iale 198Os, ny
fiiend Maici Shinoff (aulhoi of Happq fcr Nc Rcascn and |ctc fcr
Nc Rcascn) and I veie hiied ly CeneiaI Molois lo heIp educale
enpIoyees in lhe ail of nanaging sliess. Why` They veie lhen
spending anyvheie fion $15OO lo neaiIy $18OO iighl off lhe lop
of a cai saIe foi heaIlh-caie cosls. Theii piesenl diie !nanciaI silu-
alion, vilh lhe goveinnenl laiIoul, is in pail due lo lhe heaIlh of
lheii enpIoyees and ieliiees. HeaIlh caie viII pIay a vilaI ioIe in
lhe vialiIily of oiganizalions going foivaid.
To ne, keeping voikeis heaIlhy goes fai leyond lhe ned-
icaI lene!ls an enpIoyei offeis lo enpIoyees. Il goes, in facl, fai
leyond anylhing an enpIoyei does oi doesnl do. Il goes inslead
lo vhal an individuaI al any IeveI in lhe voikpIace~fion lhe
veiy lop lo lhe veiy lollon~does foi hinseIf oi heiseIf. If you
donl caie foi youi heaIlh, il doesnl nallei vhich heaIlh-caie
syslen you have. None of lhen viII voik.
90< ,8J'<!!:JD7F 0>G7D 5<:DI
Al noie lhan 15O voikshops yeaiIy, I luin lhe lhinking of
lhe peopIe in ny audiences upside dovn and pul lhen on lhe
palh (vhich In sliII on nyseIf) lo leconing IiofessionaI Hunan
eings~individuaIs you vanl lo hiie, pionole, le nenleis of
youi lean, do lusiness vilh, oi olheivise le in ieIalion vilh.
The look you have in youi hands viII heIp you gain vhal I
caII Ih slalus~leconing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing. Il offeis
you lhe sane hoIislic insighls and aclion ieconnendalions I give
lo ny audiences, and il seives as a voikpIace guide foi lhe veII-
leing of lolh enpIoyee and enpIoyei.
Ioi enpIoyees, I focus on sc|f-nanagcncn|~lhe fundanenlaI
inpoilance of lhe ieIalionship ve have vilh oui ovn seIves. UnliI
you inpiove youi ieIalionship vilh youiseIf, you canl inpiove
youi aliIily lo le hiied, pionoled, achieve goaIs, and enhance
voik ieIalionships.
Ioi enpIoyeis and nanageis, lhese veiy sane individuaI
inpiovenenls conliilule lo oiganizalionaI goaIs of incieased
capacily and pioduclivily, aIong vilh decieased heaIlh-caie cosls.
In lodays voikpIace, lhe connon ieaIily is jusl lhe opposile:
decieased capacily and pioduclivily and incieased heaIlh-caie
The inspiialion foi ny appioach diavs fion CaIiIeos
pienise: You cannol leach a nan anylhing, you can onIy heIp
hin discovei il vilhin hinseIf. AccoidingIy, I sliive lo luin
peopIe invaid, lhen upside dovn, and avaken lhen lo lhe ieaIily
of lheii ovn uniqueness, giealness, and capacily!
0J) 90:! 5JJK :! L:''<8<D9
Ive divided lhis look inlo lhiee pails. The !isl pail expIains
vhy ve need lo luin oui lhinking upside dovn fion oui Slandaid
Opeialing Iiogians (SlOI)lhe haliluaI lhinking palleins lhal
undeinine jol fuI!IInenl, happiness, and heaIlh~lo Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing (Ih) lhinking. In a nulsheII, SlOI lhinking
gels us sluck, Ih lhinking noves us foivaid. Whal do I nean ly
lhal` WeII, nosl seIf-heIp looks focus on aclion, lul vhal is aclion
lased on` Aclion is lased on lhinking. efoie ve can lake aclion
lo change oui Iives, ve nusl !isl change ncu uc |nin|. IeopIe
vanl lo inpiove, lul lhey donl vanl lo change. They ienain
sluck in SlOI geai.
Iieface 19
2O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
In lhe second pail of lhe look, I Iay oul seven Iessons foi
allaining, so lo speak, a Ih degiee~nind-shifling ideas lhal
change lhe vay ve lhink. lncn uc cnangc |nc uaq uc |nin| cf |nings,
|nc |nings uc |nin| cf cnangc. Ieispeclive changes eveiylhing. I con-
cIude, ly inlioducing you lo a IiofessionaI Hunan eing vho is
saving Iives.
My jol is nol onIy lo give you culling-edge infoinalion and
piaclicaI ideas lul aIso lo heIp you ienenlei lhen. Weie oflen
hunan foigellings ialhei lhan hunan leings, ve lend lo foigel
noie lhan ve acluaIIy ienenlei. Whal I Ieained fion Doug
Henning, lhe nagician, is lhal ve have lo nake il fun and enlei-
laining in oidei foi soneone lo ienenlei. So vhal I do is viap
ny piincipIes in a chaining sloiy, a nenoialIe anecdole, oi a
hunoious vignelle, if you ienenlei ny sloiy, youII ienenlei
ny piincipIes. The Iessons aie !IIed vilh peisonaI sloiies, sci-
enli!c ieseaich, and aclion ideas lo inspiie youi ovn peisonaI
changes and nove you fion SlOI lo Ih. Moieovei, I viII inlio-
duce you lo nany of ny fiiends and coIIeagues, vhon I considei
IiofessionaI Hunan eings, I viII iecounl lheii inspiiing sloiies.
In lhis look, I Iink changes in lhinking lo inpiovenenls in
individuaI heaIlh, and lo heaIlh consequences if changes aie nol
nade. This ieveileiales lo cieale a heaIlhy oiganizalion. My
audiences quickIy undeisland and expeiience hov Ih lhinking
nakes lhen feeI and funclion lellei conpaied lo SlOI lhinking.
Many peopIe iegaid peisonaI conpuling and lhe Inleinel
as lhe giealesl discoveiy duiing lhe 2Olh cenluiy. I agiee if you
aie consideiing onIy exleinaI Iife. When ve incIude lhe inleinaI
fionlieis of Iife, ny pioposilion is lhal lhe nosl inpoilanl
happening of lhe Iasl cenluiy is an inleinaI discoveiy oi
ie-discoveiy lhal ccnscicusncss occcncs rca|i|q. Ioi exanpIe, vhen
I Iaugh, I cieale heaIlh-pioducing endoiphins and olhei upIifling
chenicaIs in ny lody. If I seive a cuslonei veII I feeI good aloul
il~and nyseIf. I cieale an innei liochenisliy of salisfaclion and
success. If In angiy, lense oi dissalis!ed, I cieale an enliieIy
diffeienl liochenisliy lased on lhe desliuclive inpacl of sliess
hoinones. Thus, ny choices al aII nonenls in"uence ny lody
and ny heaIlh. I an lhe !isl lene!ciaiy of aII lhose choices.
Thinking lecones nallei, foi lellei oi foi voise. As you lhink, so
you aie, is an age-oId liulh.
In lhis look you viII !nd fiesh infoinalion lhal changes hov
ve lhink aloul ouiseIves and hov ve can sleei oui enolions inlo
a fuI!IIing and heaIlh-nuiluiing diieclion. The nessage ains lo
ievoIulionize youi inleinaI diaIogue~lhe ongoing nenlaI challei
al pIay in oui ninds.
Is lhis diaIogue fuI!IIing oi defealing`
Is il enhancing oi danaging ieIalionships`
Is il eneigy-ieducing oi eneigy-pioducing`
Does il cieale an innei liochenisliy of success oi faiIuie`
III expIain hov seIf-laIk affecls lhe lody, eneigy, lehavioi,
ieIalionships and hov il sels us up foi success oi Iack of success.
YouII aIso !nd vays lhal pionole lhe innei change fion
viclin, scaicily, and confoil-zone lhinking lo a node of passion,
alundance, and piofessionaIisn. Thals vhal lhe Ih slalus is aII
5< N!<F':!0OP 90:! :! 75J>9 BJ>
Youie aloul lo enlaik on youi jouiney lovaids leconing a
IiofessionaI Hunan eing. If youd Iike lo lecone a loId ciealoi
of youi ovn Iife, acconpIish noie, have neaning and fuI!IInenl
in youi Iife, conliilule lo lhe veIfaie of olheis, and do il aII vilh
heaIlh, laIance, and vilaIily, lhis look is foi you!
Heies youi syIIalus.
The !isl lhing youII need lo do is choose youi najoi. Iiguie
oul vhal il is youie lesl al and vhal igniles youi passion. Nexl
you viII discovei vhy you shouId use youi najoi, youi nagic, lo
seive olheis. Like eveiy day in coIIege Iife, youII have lo choose
lo slay on couise lased on lhe sel of vaIues you have chosen lo
Iieface 21
22 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
foIIov. Lnvision youi fuluie. Whal and vho do you vanl lo le`
Donl Ieave il up lo chance. IIan il!
Of couise, no sel of sludies cones vilhoul chaIIenges lul
youII !nd vays nol lo go oul of youi nind in deaIing vilh lhen.
Thioughoul lhis jouiney, you viII need lo lake caie of youiseIf,
aII lhe nany aspecls of youiseIf. You aie heie lo exanine youi
lhinking. In going lo push youi lullons. I an going lo piovoke
youi lhinking and chaIIenge sone of youi leIiefs. In going
lo Iay oul lhe consequences of conlinuing lo do vhal has nol
leen voiking lul vhal you conlinue lo do anyvay. In going
lo piopose sone nev ideas, suppoiled ly scienli!c ieseaich.
In going lo give you sone oplions and suggesl lhal you liy
sonelhing diffeienl.
Thals ny jol. Youi jol legins vhen you luin lhis page. Cial
a gIass of valei and an appIe and gel ieady lo le piovoked~and
nayle even inspiied.
}in agnoIa, ApiiI 1sl, 2O11
Whal a Ih Is
Why You Need Il
Chaplei 1
Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn
Tnc grca|cs| rctc|u|icn cf nq gcncra|icn is |nc discctcrq
|na| inditidua|s can cnangc |nc cu|cr aspcc| cf |ncir
|itcs oq cnanging |nc inncr a||i|udcs cf |ncir ninds.
one of lhe foundeis of nodein psychoIogy
ov Iong do you vanl lo Iive` Whal physicaI and nenlaI
shape do you vanl lo le in duiing lhe Iasl lhiily yeais of
youi Iife` You nay nol have sel lhese goaIs lul il nay le piaclicaI
lo ie"ecl on lhen iighl nov.
I vanl lo Iive lo le 95. Ioi lhe Iasl lhiily yeais of nq Iife, I
vanl lo le "exilIe, sliong foi lhal age, alIe lo vaIk liiskIy, le
cIeai-ninded, and conlinue lo have usefuI visdon foi lhe peopIe
aiound ne. Whal aloul you`
Reseaich has idenli!ed !ve fundanenlaIs foi Iiving a Iong
and heaIlhy Iife. They deleinine lhe Ienglh and quaIily of youi
Iife~oi youi Iife span and heaIlh span:
- Hov veII iesled you aie: Hov nuch you sIeep and
vhelhei you piaclice a nedilalion lechnique.
- Hov veII you eal and hov nuch valei you diink.
1. Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn 25
26 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
- Hov physicaIIy aclive and "exilIe you aie.
- Hov nodeiale you aie in vhal you do.
- Hov you lhink.
These fundanenlaIs aie ciilicaI lo heaIlh. You knov lhese
lhings. You have heaid lhen aII youi Iife~fion lhe nevs, fion
doclois, fion youi nolhei. You knov lhen. The piolIen is in
doing lhen. My inlenlion is lo "ip youi lhinking so lhal lhe gap
lelveen vhal you knov and vhal you do disappeais.
A diel enphasizing alundanl fiuil and vegelalIes conlains
naluiaI conpounds conliiluling lo heaIlh. Do you gel lhe iec-
onnended !ve seivings a day` IiolalIy nol. InleieslingIy, 85
peicenl of us aduIls knov lhal ve shouId lul ieseaich says lhal
onIy 15 peicenl of us acluaIIy do. And valei` Aie you gelling lhe
ieconnended eighl cups a day` I said valei, nol coffee, lea oi
sodas. Many peopIe diink lvo gIasses of valei al lhe nosl. Sone
donl diink any. Think of youiseIf al age 85. Whal do you vanl lo
have leen ealing: junk oi heaIlhy foods`
Aie you physicaIIy aclive` You donl need lo le a joggei oi
even join lhe gyn lo gel lhe nininun of physicaI aclivily lhal
expeils say keeps youi lody funclionaIIy !l so you can caiiy oul
daiIy aclivilies vilhoul huf!ng and puf!ng. Ioi yeais ve have
leen heaiing endIessIy hov veiy inpoilanl lhis is foi heaIlh.
Tvenly yeais ago 2O peicenl of lhe popuIalion engaged in sone
foin of ieguIai exeicise. Hov nany do il loday` Reseaich leIIs us
onIy 13 peicenl of lhe popuIalion exeicises ieguIaiIy. Looks Iike
nolody is Iislening. Weie gelling fallei and Iess !l.
Hov nuch sIeep do you gel` Weie supposed lo gel appioxi-
naleIy eighl houis a nighl. Yel haIf lhe aduIl popuIalion has
insonnia and nosl of us have up lo lvo veeks of sIeep dell. Thal
neans if you faII asIeep iighl nov, sIeep lvo veeks, you nighl
calch up. CeilainIy, nosl of us aie nol iesled.
Whal do you knov aloul nodeialion` IiolalIy nolhing.
I iead a look iecenlIy ly lhe conedian iII Cosly caIIed | An
lna| | A|c.and |n |rign|cncd!!! In lhe look, hes conceined aloul
a good fiiend vhos leen diinking loo nuch and says lo hin,
Why canl you diink in nodeialion` His luddy says lack lo
hin, Why canl you eal in nodeialion` Cosly pondeis, Whal
dc I knov aloul nodeialion` So he dedicales chaplei 15 lo nod-
eialion~and ils conpIeleIy lIank!
I adnil lhal il is haid lo le nodeiale. Iienaluie disease and
acceIeialed aging aie caused ly a IifeslyIe lo lhe Iefl and iighl of
nodeialion~nol enough oi loo nuch, excess oi de!ciency. Mod-
eialion is lhe nedian poinl lelveen de!ciency and excess. And
lhals diffeienl in eveiy peison. They say diinking caiiol juice is
heaIlhy. NeveilheIess, loo nuch loo oflen can sliain youi Iivei.
The haidesl lhing foi us lo knov~and piaclice~is nodeialion.
IinaIIy, vhal do you |nin|` Whal occupies youi nind space`
Lxpeils say lhal 78 peicenl of oui daiIy lhoughls aie dysfunc-
lionaI, counleipioduclive, and negalive. This inhilils youi aliIily
lo peifoin veII in Iife and dininishes youi capacily lo achieve
any of lhe pievious foui fundanenlaIs necessaiy foi a Iong and
heaIlhy Iife.
Nolice hov Leioy Cianl vieved his jol. Mosl peopIe nighl
considei Leioys jol sonevhal on a Iovei IeveI lul lhis gen-
lIenan eIevaled his voik lo a supiene IeveI, a lolaIIy piofessionaI
IeveI. y any slandaid, he luined his vocalion inlo a successfuI
and fuI!IIing endeavoi. Whal sone nay lhink of as neniaI Ialoi,
he vieved as ail. WhiIe sone viev shoe shining as a lhiovavay
lask, he guaianleed his voik. Whal sone nay considei as a spol
lucked in lhe coinei, he vieved as his coinei of!ce vilh a viev
of lhe enliie holeI Iolly. WhiIe sone nay viev his voik as hiied
heIp, he knev he vas his ovn loss.
Leioy |urncd nis |nin|ing upsidc dcun. He look nany negalives
and luined lhen inlo posilives sinpIy ly Iooking al lhen in a dif-
feienl vay. In facl, lhey veie nevei negalives lo Leioy. Theie aie
nany aspecls of youi Iife in vhich youi lhinking can le luined
upside dovn.
Think upside dovn!
Youi |nin|ing lhen is lhe ieaI lollon Iine. Il is vhal shapes
youi quaIily and quanlily of Iife. And vho eIse is iesponsilIe foi
1. Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn 27
28 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
youi lhinking excepl you` Ils pielly nuch aII in oui heads.
0>G7D 5<:DI! J8 0>G7D 90:DK<8!
This look is piinaiiIy aloul hov ve lhink and, noie speci!-
caIIy, aloul lhe vay ve |nin| in |nc ucr|p|acc. The piincipIes spiII
ovei inlo lhe iesl of oui Iives. And lecause hov ve lhink is lhe
lasis foi aclion, and aclion is lhe lasis foi acconpIishnenl, oui
lhinking connecls us diieclIy lo success, happiness, and pioduc-
livily~oi lo lhe opposile.
You nighl nol le avaie of lhis, lul eveiy singIe lhoughl ve
have is connecled lo oui lody and oui heaIlh~oi lhe Iack of il.
The lody foIIovs lhe nind. Lveiy line ve have a lhoughl ve
cieale inleinaI chenicaIs lhal aie eilhei loxic oi fiiendIy lo oui
heaIlh. So, in eveiy nonenl of Iife, oui lhoughls aie aclivaling
unheaIlhy oi heaIlhy connands inside lhe lody. Which diieclion
aie youi lhoughls laking you`
Reseaich says lhal ve geneiale aloul 6O,OOO lhoughls a
day. LssenliaIIy, nol a second of youi day goes ly vilhoul youi
lhinking a lhoughl. And each of lhose lhoughls is nade up of
voids. IeopIe leII you lo lhink fasl! You aIieady do! You lhink
lelveen 5OO and 1,2OO voids a ninule. Thal adds up lo ovei a
niIIion voids in a day! Thals hov fasl ve can lhink. ul lhank
Cod ve donl speak lhal fasl! On aveiage ve speak aloul 15O
voids a ninule, and lhals onIy 15,OOO lo 25,OOO voids a day.
So lhink aloul lhal. If ve |nin| ovei a niIIion voids and speak
onIy 15,OOO lo 25,OOO, vhon aie ve laIking lo nosl of lhe line`
Olvious, eh` The chal Iine lelveen ne and nyseIf, and you
and youiseIf, is aIvays lusy. And aII lhose lhoughls and voids~
oui nenlaI opeialing piogians~in"uence lhe aclions and choices
lhal affecl hov ve voik, ieIale vilh olheis, hov heaIlhy ve aie,
lhe speed al vhich ve age, and hov Iong ve Iive. Sunned up,
lhoughls in"uence eveiylhing. Whal kind of lhoughls aie you
F<< 9>8D<L 0<8 90:DK:DI >,!:L< LJ)D
Lel ne inlioduce you lo ny fiiend, Lee Moczygenla.
Al an age vhen nosl peopIe aie gelling ieady lo lake lheii
shoes off and ieliie, Lee decided lo lake lhe loId slep inlo a nev
caieei. She had leen voiking foi nany yeais as an execulive sec-
ielaiy al Lxxon vhen, al age 5O, Lee feIl a luining desiie lo Iead
lhe liainings she had leen allending. She vanled lo lecone a
piofessionaI speakei and liainei. The facl lhal she had zeio expe-
iience did nol faze hei! AII hei Iife, she had leen a naluiaI han
and she cane aIive in fionl of an audience, hoIding lheii allenlion
and naking lhen Iaugh. She knev she couId Ieain vhalevei eIse
vas needed lo ieaIize hei diean.
Hovevei, going inlo lusiness foi heiseIf pioved lo le noie
daunling and conpIex lhan she had inagined. Al a nighl cIass,
she nel a young vonan vho piofessed lo knov eveiylhing
aloul pulIic ieIalions~Lee lhoughl lhis vas lhe nissing Iink she
needed lo Iaunch hei caieei. Lven lhough lhe fee foi consuIling
vas a huge lIov lo hei ludgel, she agieed lo pay $15O foi lhe
one-houi, piivale session in hei hone.
efoie Nancy aiiived, Lee caiefuIIy sel oul hei couise nale-
iiaIs, eveiylhing she had piepaied lo legin hei liaining and
speaking lusiness. She aIso painslakingIy aiianged lhe nosl pio-
fessionaI ilens in hei vaidiole so as lo nake a good inpiession.
Nancy aiiived and aflei sIovIy and siIenlIy sciulinizing Lees
vaidiole and naleiiaIs, she nade a slailIing, loId decIaialion:
Lels see. You dcn| have lhe vaidiole. You dcn| have any expe-
iience. You dcn| have youi acl logelhei. You dcn| knov vhal
youie doing. So I lhink lhe lesl lhing foi you lo do is lo fcrgc| i|.
Thal viII le 15O doIIais.
Lee vas dunlsliuck. She IileiaIIy feIl lhe vind knocked oul
of hei chesl. She "inched as she viole lhal check. As she vaIked
Nancy oul lo hei cai, she feIl a leai cieep dovn lhe side of hei
face. She had lo defend heiseIf. }usl as Nancy vas aloul lo diive
off, Lee Iel hei knov hov she feIl: You nay le iighl~lul you
donl knov ne and you donl knov vhal I viII do vhen I have
1. Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn 29
3O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Nancy gIanced lack ovei hei shouIdei and vilh a lig sniik
and a vave caIIed oul: WeII, Iols of Iuck, honey!
Nol suipiisingIy, Lee feIl lioken-heailed and lioke. She venl
inlo lhe house and ciied foi lhe nexl lhiee houis. Then she legan
lo ieviev lhe episode in a ialionaI vay. She lhoughl lo heiseIf:
Tna| ucnan didn| oc|ictc in qcu, ou| dc qcu s|i|| oc|ictc in qcursc|f?
| dc!ni|c|q dc. Rcncnocr qcur prcnisc |c Gcd and qcursc|f |na| qcu
ucu|d dc una|ctcr i| |cc| |c nas|cr qcur craf|una|ctcr craf| Gcd
gatc qcu! Ycu |ncu ncu pcrsis|cn| and rcsi|icn| qcu arc. Ycu can dc i|!
Rcncnocr, qcu natc |nc dc|crnina|icn cf a Misscuri nu|c!
You see, once lefoie, Lee had Iel a chance of fuI!IIing hei
diean pass ly.
As a young vonan, she had leIieved lhal laIenl cane in !n-
ished foin as a naluiaI gifl. She had leen a fashion-design najoi in
coIIege, hovevei, she sliuggIed houis on end lo conpIele assign-
nenls vhiIe she sav hei cIassnales vhip oul diavings easiIy and
naluiaIIy. She consideied heiseIf nol laIenled in lhis !eId. She
lhoughl lhal, if she had leen laIenled, she vouId nol have had lo
voik so haid. TaIenl vas supposed lo "ov and nake lhings easy.
This discouiaged hei lo lhe poinl lhal she gave up. She foIded
up hei haid-eained dipIona and poilfoIio and pul lhen avay
foievei~nevei so nuch as Iifling a painlliush again. Inslead, she
look lhe piaclicaI appioach and venl lo voik in a najoi depail-
nenl sloie seIIing vonens lellei cIolhing (lhal soneone eIse had
Many yeais Ialei, soneone casuaIIy nenlioned lo hei lhal
eelhoven ieviole his Iiflh Synphony 31 lines, in facl, he ieviole
eveiylhing he evei pioduced nany, nany lines. This sliuck Lee
Iike a Iighlning loIl as she ieaIized lhal even eelhoven nad |c
ucr| nard. TaIenl is given lo vaiious peopIe in diffeienl IeveIs,
fion iough and unpoIished lo alsoIule nasleiy (vhich ve de!ne
as genius). Il suddenIy davned on hei lhal il vasnl lhe laIenl
lhal nade hin successfuI, il vas lhe haid voik. Ta|cn| p|us nard
ucr| cqua|s succcss. Nol suipiisingIy, Lee connilled lhen lhal she
vouId voik hei haidesl lo luiId on vhalevei laIenl she discov-
eied vilhin heiseIf. She voved lhal if evei she veie lIessed again
vilh lhe leIief she had a gifl (no nallei hov undeveIoped), she
vouId do vhalevei il look lo lecone a naslei of hei ciafl! She
vouId nevei Iel anolhei oppoilunily lo pul a spaik of laIenl lo
voik pass ly.
Thal oppoilunily shoved up vhen Lee vas 5O.
She feIl as lhough she vas in lhe sane silualion vilh a siniIai
lype of iough, unpoIished laIenl. ul lhis line vhal vas diffeienl
vas Lee. y nov, she couId see lhings diffeienlIy and vas viIIing
lo luin hei lhinking upside dovn.
So Lee sel lo voik. She spenl nighls and veekends piepaiing.
She nevei sludied so haid. She nevei iead so nany looks. She
nevei Iosl so nuch sIeep. She nevei pul so nuch eneigy inlo any-
lhing. ul she cane aIive. She adnils she didnl jusl open hei
noulh and lecone good: I had a niseialIe line gelling ny liain
and noulh logelhei. Il vas haid, lul I sluck vilh il and giaduaIIy
il aII cane logelhei. I nade lhe Iong jouiney fion appienlice lo
jouineynan lo naslei of ny ciafl.
Iasl-foivaid len yeais. Lee had nade hei naik as an inlei-
nalionaI piofessionaI speakei and liainei. AnazingIy, lhis Iale
lIoonei voiked anolhei 18 successfuI yeais liaveIing aiound
lhe voiId, nolivaling and inspiiing lhousands of peopIe. To lop
il off, Lee nade an inpoilanl conliilulion lo hei !eId ly founding
lhe !isl-evei IocaI chaplei of NSA (NalionaI Speakeis Associa-
lion). Today, she has liansilioned inlo coaching and naikeling
speakeis and ovning hei ovn luieau, vhich she sliII iuns, al age
86. My fiiend Lee has a cIeai nind, an eneigelic spiiil, Ioves Iife, is
haidvoiking, and has loundIess eneigy. She is lhe nosl anazing
She pIans lo ieliie in aloul len yeais!
In lhe piocess of leconing a piofessionaI speakei, Lee had lo
shifl hei lhinking in seveiaI diffeienl vays:
She shifled hei lhinking of laIenl as a gifl in conpIeled foin
lo nosl oflen a gifl lhal iequiies hands-on haid voik lo succeed.
She shifled fion I canl lo I can.
1. Tuin Youi Thinking Upside Dovn 31
32 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
She shifled fion leing skeplicaI of hei laIenl lo liusling and
puisuing il lo nasleiy IeveI.
She shifled fion lhinking as an enpIoyee lo lhinking as a
lusiness ovnei.
She shifled fion aIIoving soneone, even lenpoiaiiIy, lo lake
avay hei povei, hei seIf-leIief~and hei diean~lo iecIaining
lhen foievei.
She vas piepaiing heiseIf foi vhal she does nov. These shifls
in Lees lhinking have heIped hei in coaching olheis lo shifl lheii
lhinking in oidei lo ieach lheii nexl highesl IeveI of success.
Tuin youi lhinking upside dovn! Think sonelhing diffeienl~
lhe giealesl ievoIulion of WiIIian }anes geneialion, as he poinled
oul in lhe quole al lhe leginning of lhe chaplei. To enlaik on lhe
jouiney of leconing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing, lhe !isl slep
is lhal viIIingness lo luin youi lhinking upside dovn~shifl lhe
innei allilude of youi nind lo change lhe oulei aspecl of youi Iife.
Chaplei 2
Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing`
Trq nc| |c occcnc a nan cf succcss,
ou| ra|ncr |rq |c occcnc a nan cf ta|uc.
1921 Ihysics NoleI Iiize Winnei
n Ieliuaiy 2OOO, I suffeied a gieal Ioss. My cIose fiiend, coI-
Ieague, and foinei enpIoyei, Doug Henning, passed avay.
Doug vas lhe voiId-fanous, naslei nagician vho is ciediled
vilh liinging nagic lo lhe nainsliean in lhe Iale 197Os. Ioi one
lhing, he vas lhe !isl lo do giand iIIusions in fionl of a Iive audi-
ence using a conlinalion of coIoifuI lackdiops, sloiy Iines, cho-
ieogiaphed dance ioulines, and nagni!cenl nusic. He piovided
piogiessive faniIy enleilainnenl vilh an upIifling, posilive nis-
I vas foilunale lo le in lhe niddIe of aII of lhis foi nany
yeais duiing lhe 198Os. I voiked vilh Doug in vaiious capacilies,
incIuding his lusiness nanagei as veII as vice piesidenl of Doug
Henning Magic. Woiking vilh Doug look ne lo nany pIaces
aiound lhe voiId. Ioi inslance, ve liaveIed on louis logelhei
acioss lhe Uniled Slales and Canada, lo Soulh Aneiica, LngIand,
and India. Wov, lhose veie exciling lines. And you can inagine
hov lhiiIIed ve veie vhen Doug vas inviled lo give a connand
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 33
34 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
peifoinance al lhe While House! I lieasuie lhis nenoiy vhen
I Iook al lhe pholo hanging in ny of!ce of ne slanding nexl lo
Iiesidenl and Mis. Reagan. Doug vas honoied lo peifoin foi
lhe While House slaff Chiislnas paily in lhe Lasl Wing. I spenl
aInosl as nuch line oiganizing lhal evenl as I did on Dougs
Doug is a gieal exanpIe of a IiofessionaI Hunan eing.
Wilhoul doull, he Iefl a Iasling inpiession on ny Iife and lhal of
nany olheis. His geneiosily, ciealivily, and his aliIily lo connecl
vilh peopIe aie vhal I lhink of vhen I ienenlei hin. Lel ne
shaie vilh you seveiaI sloiies lhal denonsliale lhe Ih quaIilies
he nodeIed.
One of lhe highIighls of ny yeais voiking vilh Doug vas
leing invoIved vilh his nagicaI nusicaI Mcr|in, vhich pIayed al
lhe Maik HeIIingei Thealei on ioadvay.
One day duiing lhe iun of Mcr|in, I gol a caII fion a vonan
vho said Doug Henning vas hei sons heio. Hei son vas 11 yeais
oId and dying of cancei. WouId Doug possilIy cone lo lhe hos-
pilaI and see hin` I said Id check.
Of couise, Doug innedialeIy agieed. AlsoIuleIy. WeII pei-
foin sone nagic foi hin and liing sone aulogiaphed picluies
and pholos of lhe ligei (fion lhe shov). We can spend a coupIe
of houis vilh hin. So he and his vife Delly lhen nade pIans
lo go lo lhe hospilaI lhe foIIoving Monday, his one day off fion
Soon aflei !nding oul aloul oui upconing visil, lhe head
nuise on lhe hospilaI vaid conlacled ne vilh a iequesl, I heaid
Doug Henning is coning and ve donl have jusl one kid heie,
ve have 3O kids vilh cancei. CouId he do sone nagic foi aII of
Doug gave lhe go-ahead, Suie. WeII jusl spend sone line
vilh lhe loy aIone and lhen lhe vhoIe gioup.
The nexl day oui pulIic ieIalions agenl caIIed and said she had
aiianged foi nedia coveiage of lhe evenl. Speci!caIIy, nevspapei
and TV iepoileis vouId le lheie. She said lhe exposuie vouId le
gieal foi Dougs caieei and foi lickel saIes, so I ian il ly hin.
Doug ninced no voids. TeII hei lhal if nevspapeis oi TV aie
coning, In nol coning. He vas doing il, he said, foi lhe kids
and nol foi hinseIf oi his shov.
So lhe nevspapei and TV iepoileis veie uninviled.
The evenl luined oul lo le a vondeifuI, inlinale expeiience,
Doug and Delly veie lhiiIIed lo vilness lhe excilenenl on lhe
chiIdiens faces as lhey enjoyed lheii ovn piivale nagic shov.
Then, lhe Hennings gave lhe loys paienls a geneious cash gifl lo
liy an aIleinalive cancei liealnenl. SadIy, lhe disease vas loo fai
piogiessed, lul his nolhei said hei son died happy, knoving lhal
Doug Henning, his heio, had caied. III nevei foigel lhe caie Doug
look lo piovide an vondious expeiience foi lhe chiIdien, Ielling
lhen foigel aloul lheii pain and lioulIes, if onIy foi a shoil line.
CeilainIy, Doug knev his visil lo lhe cancei vaid vouId have
leen good piess foi hin, and good piess neanl fane and noney,
lul he vanled lhe focus lo le on lhe kids ialhei lhan on hin. Ioi
hin, lhe deIighl in lheii eyes vas his ievaid.
Doug had a sofl spol in his heail foi kids. I can sliII see hin
liying lo nake a phone caII fion an aiipoil phone in lelveen
appeaiances vilh kids lugging al his jackel, legging foi aulo-
giaphs. No nallei hov inpoilanl lhe caII, Doug vouId palienlIy
luck lhe phone lelveen his chin and shouIdei, and vilh a vain
sniIe ask lhe chiId foi his nane, and sign lhe papei, lickel, oi
napkin. Doug vas veiy geneious vilh his line and dispIayed
exliaoidinaiy caiing foi his fans.
)0J :! 7 ,8J'<!!:JD7F 0>G7D 5<:DIQ 7DB)7BR
If I ask you lo desciile lhe quaIilies of a IiofessionaI Hunan
eing, vhal vouId lhey le` In ny IiofessionaI Hunan eing
voikshops, I invile pailicipanls lo viile dovn vhal lhey feeI aie
lhe quaIilies of a IiofessionaI Hunan eing. I ask lhen lo con-
sidei hov lhey vouId desciile a Ih lolh in lhe conlexl of lheii
peisonaI Iives and in lhe voikpIace. Hov vouId you idenlify a
Ih` Ieihaps lhe nosl insighlfuI ansvei I evei ieceived is lhis
one: A Prcfcssicna| Hunan 8cing is a pcsi|itc rc|c ncdc| | ucu|d |i|c
|c cnu|a|c. Heie is a sanpIing of vhal pailicipanls have viillen.
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 35
36 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
BJ> G:I09 5< 7 ,8J'<!!:JD7F 0>G7D 5<:DI :'
Shov Connon Couilesies and SociaI Lliquelle
S|and up |c sncu rcspcc|
Hc|d dccrs cpcn fcr c|ncrs
Usc gccd nanncrs ui|n ctcrqcnc
Sna|c nands and sni|c
Tnan| |nc rcccp|icnis| and saq gccdoqc cn |nc uaq cu|
Usc |nc ucrds p|casc and |nan| qcu gcncrcus|q
Dcn| usc cffcnsitc |anguagc, if qcu dc, qcu apc|cgizc
Offcr assccia|cs a rcfrcsnncn| uncn |ncq tisi| qcur cf!cc
Saq gccd nign| |c a|| cn |cating fcr |nc daq
Dcn| in|crrup|
Dcn| pu| qcur oricfcasc cn |nc c|icn|s dcs|
Hc|p scnccnc pu| a oag in |nc ctcrncad ccnpar|ncn| cn |nc
Offcr |c assis| pccp|c ui|n ncatq i|cns
Tnan| and praisc assccia|cs fcr a gccd jco
Aie Happy and Conlenl
|| is apparcn| |na| qcu cnjcq qcur daq
Trus| pccp|c
Arc cpcn-nindcd
Dcn| duc|| cn |nc ncga|itc cr nis|a|cs
Hatc a spiri|ua| cricn|a|icn |c |ifc
Arc nicc and tcrq upoca|. cngagc, in|crac|, natc fun, arc cncr-
Ma|c fricnds
Dcn| gc| angrq ui|n a uai|cr occausc |nc fccd is cc|d cr ui|n a
ga|c agcn| occausc qcur "ign| uas cancc||cd
Dcn| ccnp|ain
Tieal Lveiyone vilh Kindness and Respecl
Arc scnsi|itc |c |nc nccds cf c|ncrs
Rcspcc| ctcrqcnc. rcspcc| c|ncrs fcc|ings and cpinicns
Grcc| and |a|| |c ctcrqcnc rcgard|css cf |ncir s|a|us
Dcn| ccnsidcr anqcnc a |i|||c pcrscn
Trca| c|ncrs |i|c qcu ucu|d |i|c |c oc |rca|cd
Dca| ui|n dc|ica|c issucs facc-|c-facc, nc| oq c-nai|
Kncu (cr |carn) pccp|cs nancs
Arc ui||ing |c nc|p
Assis| c|dcrs
Arc gcncrcus
Arc prcfcssicna| nc|pcrs
Arc gracicus and ccur|ccus
Aie Oiganized and IiofessionaI
Rc|urn ctcrq ca|| ctcrq daq
S|ic| |c |nc fac|s, dcn| na|c cnc|icna| dccisicns
Hatc a c|car casq-|c-rcad ousincss card
|catc a|| pcrscna| prco|cns a| |nc dccr
Ca|| ancad and na|c an appcin|ncn|, dcn| sncu up unan-
|catc sncr| and |c-|nc-pcin| ncssagcs cn tcicc nai|
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 37
38 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Drcss apprcpria|c|q and prcfcssicna||q
Dcn| |rq |c inprcss
Arc fair and ccnsis|cn|
Suppoil, Coach, and Menloi
Rcspcnd |c |nc nccds cf assccia|cs
|nccuragc assccia|cs
|cc| fcr |nc pcsi|itcs in assccia|cs as uc|| as cppcr|uni|ics |c
|ngagc ctcrqcnc, assccia|cs and cus|cncrs, in a pcsi|itc nanncr
Spca| uc|| cf c|ncrs
Undcrs|and qcur assccia|cs, natc a sinccrc rc|a|icnsnip
Ccnp|incn| |nc ccnpc|i|icn
Ma|c pccp|c fcc| inpcr|an|
As| duno and in|crcs|ing qucs|icns
|is|cn ui|n |nc in|cn| |c |carn
Rcccgnizc and |ru|q cc|cora|c succcss ui|n cn|nusiasn
Dc nc| cnas|isc c|ncrs in frcn| cf ccucr|crs
Arcn| afraid |c saq | dcn| |ncu
VaIue IeopIe and Have Cood Woik Llhics
Carc, rcspcc| c|ncrs, and dcnand nign s|andards
Ccnsidcr cacn assccia|c a ta|uao|c ncnocr cf |nc |can and |ncu
|na| ctcrq jco ccun|s
Arc gcnuinc|q in|crcs|cd and sinccrc|q carc fcr c|ncrsccu-
cr|crs, cus|cncrs
As| assccia|cs ncu |ncq arc and una| |ncir in|crcs|s arc
Arc c|nica| and natc in|cgri|q
As| Hcu can | nc|p qcu |cdaq?
As| aocu| anq cna||cngcs
Rcuard gccd pcrfcrnancc
Hatc an cpcn-dccr pc|icq
Aie IeisonaIIy and SociaIIy ResponsilIe
Hc|d qcursc|f acccun|ao|c
Gitc and snarc rcspcnsioi|i|q ui|n c|ncrs
Vc|un|ccr in |nc ccnnuni|q
Arc pnqsica||q !|
Arc punc|ua|
Kccp ccnni|ncn|s
Dcn| nanc drcp
Turn cff cc|| pncncs in ncc|ings
Arc cpcn-nindcd
Dcn| gcssip
Have Cood Connunicalion and ReIalionship SkiIIs
Ccnnunica|c gca|s c|car|q
Arc apprcacnao|c
Arc pc|i|c and cccpcra|itc
|is|cn ncrc |nan qcu |a||
Dc nc| raisc qcur tcicc ui|n c|ncrs
Arc asscr|itc and saq una| qcu ncan
Arc asscr|itc ou| nc| aggrcssitc
Rcnain ca|n in |nc facc cf cna||cngc
Dcn| a|uaqs a||cnp| |c oc rign|
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 39
4O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
|cc| assccia|cs in |nc cqcs uncn qcu in|crac|
Dcn| na|c cncnics
Arc rcspcc|fu|, caring, and dcnanding
Apprccia|c cojcc|icns cr diffcrcn| pcin|s cf ticu
Gitc ncncs| and nc|pfu| fccdoac|
|n|crac| ui|n c|ass
Nov, lhose aie a Iol of quaIilies of a Ih! Iion lhis pano-
ianic viev painled ly ny voikshop pailicipanls, I viII focus on
deepei, noie sullIe aspecls of vhal nakes a IiofessionaI Hunan
eing. I viII aIso nake, vhal foins lhe essence of lhis look, lhal
ciilicaI conneclion vilh heaIlh.
To zoon inlo lhese !nei IeveIs and heIp you foin a cIeaiei
picluie, I viII idenlify !ve key fundanenlaIs. I caII lhese !ve
piincipIes lhe Iive Ih Lavs. These key dislinclions viII heIp
guide youi lhinking and aclions and keep you focused on hov lo
lecone a IiofessionaI Hunan eing. To eain lhe degiee, I invile
you lo adopl lhese Iavs as lhe opeialing guideIines foi youi Iife.
90< ':T< ,?5 F7)!
F.H UVW I ,#24.#A 5$-$!X2.#A ~ | an |nc !rs| ocnc!-
ciarq cf ctcrq|ning | |nin|, dc, and saq.
I an lhe nain lene!ciaiy of and lhe !isl lo
lene!l fion eveiylhing I lhink, do, and say.
When I sov posilivily, I haivesl giovlh and
good heaIlh. When I sov negalivily, I hai-
vesl lhe undesiialIe effecls of lhal lhinking
and lehavioi, vhich nay incIude a Iack of
good heaIlh.
F.H UYW R 8$/."2*-%?21 ~ Tnc ncs| inpcr|an| rc|a|icn-
snip | natc is |nc cnc | natc ui|n nqsc|f.
This ieIalionship is ciealed ly lhe nannei
in vhich I ieIale oi laIk lo nyseIf. Il foins
lhe lasis foi aII olhei ieIalionships and has
a piofound in"uence on ny heaIlh, success,
happiness, and capacily lo Iead.
F.H UZW O JC"X*4$% ~ |tcrq cncicc nas pnqsic|cgica|
Lveiy choice I nake has physioIogicaI oul-
cones: eilhei heaIlh-pioducing oi disease-
pioducing. Lveiy choice has consequences.
F.H U[W H 0$/1 ~ | cannc| nc|p anc|ncr ui|ncu| nc|ping
AccoidingIy, I cannol possilIy hain anolhei
vilhoul haining nyseIf. I viII aIvays expe-
iience vhal I desiie foi olheis.
F.H U\W 5*@A 8cdq fc||cus nind.
Lveiylhing I lhink, do, and say causes a
physioIogicaI iesponse vilhin nyseIf. I do
lhings piinaiiIy foi lhis iesponse vilhin
nyseIf, nol foi lhe iesponse il has in olheis.
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 41
42 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
LssenliaIIy, lhe nosl inpoilanl inpacl of aII ny lehavioi is
nol so nuch lhe in"uence il has on olheis, aIlhough olviousIy
lhal is inpoilanl, lul lhe effecl il has on nyseIf. When I pay allen-
lion lo ny lhoughls and lehavioi and lo lhe effecls lhey cieale
ui|nin nqsc|f I viII naluiaIIy lehave Iike a IiofessionaI Hunan
LJ>I 0<DD:DIQ ,?5
Doug dianalicaIIy aIleied lhe voiId of nagic. The nagic pio-
gianning you see loday on slage and scieen has Dougs signa-
luie aII ovei il. His ievoIulionaiy foinuIa vas nagic pIus lhealei
equaIs ail. He vas !isl lo incoipoiale lhealei inlo lhe peifoinance
of nagic.
His node of opeialing vas lhinking lackvaids. Wilh his
lhink lank of a haIf dozen oi so expeils, incIuding a nagic his-
loiian, a physicisl, a choieogiaphei, iIIusion expeils, and a nusi-
cian, he vouId slail vilh lhe iesuIl he vanled and lhen lhey vouId
!guie oul hov lo gel hin lheie. Ioi exanpIe, Doug vouId say, I
vanl lo vaIk lhiough a vaII. Then hed ask his lhink lank vhal
lhey knev fion hisloiy, fion physics, fion chenisliy, and fion
lhe use of oplicaI iIIusion. Hov can ve choieogiaph il` Hov can
ve pul il on lhe slage` They vouId aII lhink lackvaids fion
lheie and cieale lhe iIIusion.
One day, aflei a neeling of lhe lhink lank I ieceived a caII fion
one of oui expeils. He loId ne his vaIIel had jusl leen sloIen and
asked if he couId loiiov sone noney. AIlhough I didnl knov
hin veII, I knev he vas pail of lhe lhink lank, so I gave hin lhe
noney fion ny ovn accounl. The nexl day al voik, I nenlioned
lo Doug aloul his luddy Iosing his vaIIel on lhe sulvay. Doug
Iooked al ne knovingIy, You didnl give hin any noney, did
I adnilled I had. Doug chuckIed and said, You vonl leIieve
hov nany lines lhal guys Iosl his vaIIel on lhe sulvay. The
guy evidenlIy had sone kind of piolIen. I loId Doug nol lo voiiy
aloul il and Iel il go.
In lhe enveIope vilh ny nexl paycheck I found an exlia lhiee-
hundied-doIIai check fion Dougs peisonaI accounl. This caie foi
olheis vas jusl one of his Ih quaIilies.
Whenevei I laIk aloul Doug, In aIso laIking aloul his vife
Delly, vho vas jusl as geneious. One sunnei, Doug, Delly and
I veie in India voiking on a piojecl. We look a lieak and venl
lo dovnlovn Nev DeIhi. In one of lhe sloies, I vas alliacled lo
a sacied Hindu ailifacl lhal I innedialeIy feII in Iove vilh. ul
il vas expensive and heavy, and il vouId have cosl loo nuch lo
ship hone. So I jusl Iel il go and foigol aloul il. Six nonlhs Ialei,
I vas Iiving al Doug and Dellys house in ienlvood, CaIifoinia.
I vas ienling lheii house vhiIe lhey veie avay. Il vas Chiislnas
Lve and I gol a caII fion lhen. They insliucled ne lo go dovn-
slaiis and Iook in a ceilain calinel, vheie I vouId !nd sonelhing
coveied vilh an oiange siIk cIolh. I had no idea vhal lhey veie
laIking aloul lul I foIIoved lheii diieclions. I found lhe sone-
lhing, look lhe cIolh off, and~vov!~lheie vas lhe ailifacl! They
had loughl il, shipped il hone, and al sone poinl hidden il lheie
in lhe calinel, foi ne. Thal vas jusl hov lhey veie. They veie
BJ>8 ,?5 L<I8<<
Aie you a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` (Whal` Nol yel`)
IoIIov ne lhiough lhis look and luin youi usuaI, seIf-defealing,
unheaIlhy lhoughl palleins upside dovn. Nov is lhe line lo pul
youiseIf on lhe palh lo leconing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing.
Do you have a .A., M.A., an M..A., oi Ih.D.` These aie
olviousIy inpoilanl ciedenliaIs in lhe voikpIace. Hovevei, lhe
coipoiale and goveinnenl cIienls vho keep asking ne lo laIk lo
lheii execulives, nanageis, and enpIoyees seen equaIIy inlei-
esled in lhe Ih quaIilies of lhenseIves and lheii enpIoyees. You
nay le suipiised lo Ieain lhal youi loss pIaces noie vaIue on
youi peisonaI quaIilies lhan on youi iesune. In lhis look, veie
focusing, nol on youi ciedenliaIs, lul on youi leconing a Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing~gelling youi Ih. Aie you ieady lo have
youi lhinking luined upside dovn`
LnpIoyeis loday do nol hiie oi advance peopIe vho aie jusl
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 43
44 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
snail. IncieasingIy, lhey vanl peopIe vilh lhe iighl hunan skiIIs.
Desciiling lhe ciileiia foi hiiing peisonneI fion laggage han-
dIeis lo piIols, one aiiIine execulive loId ne, We Iook foi !ve
lhings~Iislening, sniIing, saying 'lhank you, caiing, and leing
CIeaiIy, a Iol of peopIe aie snail and can alIy do a jol. Whal
oflen gels in lheii vay, and nakes lhen sick in lhe piocess, is
lheii Iack of lhose olhei hunan eIenenls.
A IiofessionaI Hunan eing laIances achieving goaIs
and luiIding ieIalionships vilh incieasing pioduclivily vhiIe
ieducing sliess.
: 7G 8<!,JD!:5F< 7DL 7EEJ>D975F< 9J GB!<F'
AccoidingIy, vhen you adopl lhese !ve Ih Lavs as youi
opeialing piogian in Iife, you viII naluiaIIy lehave as a Ih.
Inslead of a vicious cycIe of lehavioi, you viII cieale an upIifling
cycIe of lehavioi. If you lieal youiseIf as a IiofessionaI Hunan
eing, you canl heIp lul lieal olheis lhe sane vay. In lhe pio-
cess, you conliilule lo youi ovn good heaIlh. Renenlei Ih
Lav #5: 8cdq fc||cus nind.
This is nol a nev undeislanding. The sane naluiaI Iavs exisl
eveiyvheie. In phiIosophy: As you sov so shaII you ieap. In
physics: Lveiy aclion has an equaI and opposile ieaclion. And in
lusiness: Whal goes aiound cones aiound. You aie iesponsilIe
and accounlalIe lo youiseIf.
The IiofessionaI Hunan eing appioaches Iife knoving lhal
eveiy lhoughl, void, and aclion has a heaIlh and physioIogicaI
consequence. This knovIedge piovides enough ieason lo hoId
ouiseIves iesponsilIe and accounlalIe, no nallei vhal lhe silu-
WhiIe lhe idea of oulvaid consequences foi youi aclions is nol
nev, vhal nighl le nev lo oui avaieness is lhal eveiy lhoughl,
void, and aclion has a heaIlh consequence, a physioIogicaI conse-
quence lhal can le eilhei posilive oi negalive, a consequence lhal
nevei Ieaves lhe lody. This is lhe nind/lody conneclion.
Il is a nev avakening lo lhe ieaI ieason foi seIf-accounlaliIily
and seIf-iesponsiliIily. We nay have Iosl sighl of vhy ve do
lhings lhe vay ve do. Oiganizalions have liied aInosl eveiy kind
of liaining and deveIopnenl and, even lhough each has sone-
lhing signi!canl lo offei, piolIens in lhe voikpIace conlinue.
The infoinalion you aie aloul lo discovei ahead nay nol lolaIIy
eIininale lhose piolIens lul lhey viII vake up individuaIs and
oiganizalions lo vhal nay le conliiluling lo alsenleeisn, Iovei
pioduclivily, Iack of passion, gossip, accidenls, high heaIlh-caie
cosls, and lhe Iisl goes on.
I hope lhis look inspiies you lo ieevaIuale nany pails of youi
Iife and lhal you aie open lo naking necessaiy changes foi youi-
seIf. ecause onIy you can! Renenlei lhe lilIe of lhis chaplei:
Whal Is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` Heie is youi chance lo
lecone one.
2. Whal is a IiofessionaI Hunan eing` 45
Chaplei 3
Waves of Change~Iion Oulei lo Innei
|f qcu dcn| |i|c cnangc,
qcurc gcing |c |i|c irrc|ctancc ctcn |css.
foinei Chief of Slaff of lhe Ainy
ince line innenoiiaI, ve have sliived lo le IiofessionaI Hu-
nan eings. LvoIulion is change, as ve evoIve lhiough lhe
vaves of change, ve viII !nd ouiseIves leing laken lo lhe inlei-
naI fionlieis. The !isl !ve vaves lhal hunans have gone lhiough
have slailed lo shifl lhe focus fion exleinaI lo inleinaI lo ieach
lhe ciesl of lhe sixlh vave~vhich ve aie cuiienlIy in~vheie lhe
focus is on individuaI lhinking palleins and lhe effecls of lhose
lhinking palleins on nind and lody.
The foienosl discoveiy duiing lhe 2Olh cenluiy is lhis inleinaI
discoveiy oi ie-discoveiy lhal ccnscicusncss occcncs rca|i|q. Oui
lhinking and enolions cieale a speci!c physioIogy and lhis spe-
ci!c psychophysioIogy suppoils heaIlh oi lhe Iack of il, success
oi lhe Iack of il, happiness oi lhe Iack of il, and !naIIy Ieadeiship
capacily oi lhe Iack of il.
Looking fion a hisloiicaI poinl of viev, lhis conneclion is nol
onIy lhe liggesl occuiience of lhe Iasl cenluiy lul aIso lhe cenliaI
3. Waves of Change~Iion Oulei lo Innei 47
48 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
issue: lhe science of lhe nind/lody conneclion. AIvin Tof"ei and
olhei sociaI scienlisls have naiked hunan liansilion daling lack
6,OOO lo 1O,OOO yeais. We can laIk aloul lhese liansilions as vaves
of change.
See hov lhe changes slail fion lhe oulside and nove invaid.
90< )7T<! J' E07DI<
AppioxinaleIy 6,OOO yeais ago ve expeiienced oui !isl vave
of change. We shifled fion a nonadic exislence of hunling and
galheiing lo faining. As faineis, ve Ieained ve couId slay pul
and Iive vilhoul conslanlIy noving fion one Iocalion lo anolhei
in seaich of food.
The second vave usheied in lhe indusliiaI age. This occuiied
appioxinaleIy 3OO yeais ago. We ciealed nass pioduclion and
facloiies and Ieained ve veie capalIe of noie lhan jusl suiviving
and sulsisling on lhe faniIy fain. This vave vas chaiacleiized
ly a Iaige novenenl of peopIes fion fains lo facloiies.
The lhiid vave lhal svepl lhe pIanel vas lhe infoinalion and
knovIedge expIosion. Moie of us nov eain a Iiving as knovIedge
voikeis lhan as facloiy hands. Ielei Diuckei, falhei of lusiness
nanagenenl and aigualIy one of ils Ieading expeils, olseived
lhal knovIedge is nov oui piinaiy indusliy. The guesslinale is
lhal lhe sun lolaI of aII knovIedge is cuiienlIy doulIing eveiy
fev yeais.
The fouilh vave vas lhe connunicalion ievoIulion. IeisonaI
conpuling and lhe Inleinel have pushed foivaid lhe concepl of a
gIolaI naikelpIace. The Inleinel liings lhe voiId lo oui dooislep
in a nallei of nini-seconds.
These !isl foui vaves focused on an exleinaI dinension, lhe
oulei voiId, lhal is, nol on ouiseIves.
The !flh vave luins us invaid~fion exleinaI lack lo lhe
inleinaI~lhe seIf. We couId designale lhis vave as lhe Age of
iainvaie oi lhe Age of Mind. Many of lhe lieaklhioughs in lhis
cenluiy viII le cenleied on lhe deveIopnenl of seIf-avaieness
and individuaI consciousness. Why` ecause aII infoinalion and
knovIedge exisl cu| |ncrc, exleinaI, if you viII, and lhe liain, lhe
nind, nusl lake il in, undeisland il, assiniIale il, and lhen pul il
lo use. The shifl nusl le inleinaI lo vheie lhe luiden is: on lhe
hunan haidvaie, lhe liain. We aie chaIIenged lo adapl lo and
capilaIize on lhe nyiiad of evei-changing exleinaI foices of lhe
21sl cenluiy. Aiie De Cues, lhe RoyaI Dulch execulive vho cie-
aled lhe Leaining Conpany (Ialei caIIed The Leaining Oiganiza-
lion), pul il lhis vay, The aliIily lo Ieain faslei lhan youi con-
pelilois nay le lhe onIy suslainalIe conpelilive advanlage.
DJ) 90< !:]90 )7T<
My pioposilion is ve have nov gone even fuilhei~lo a sixlh
vave. Scienlisls such as Candace Ieil and MichaeI Ruff give us
good ieason lo caII il lhe Age of lhe Mind/ody. They, and olhei
ieseaicheis, have shovn lhal eveiy line ve have a lhoughl oi
feeIing eveiy ceII of oui lody pioduces conlinalions of anino
acids caIIed neuiopeplides, vhich diieclIy affecl lhe opeialing
nechanics of lhe lody. Il is pail of a vondious inleinaI phainacy
lhal iesponds lo oui lhinking and alliludes and Ieads us in posi-
live oi negalive diieclions.
I suggesl fuilhei lhal aII lhe najoi lieaklhioughs duiing
lhis sixlh vave viII le inleinaI: incieasing liain capacily, physi-
oIogicaI capacily, and nind/liain oi nind/lody capacily. Oui
capacily lo change, adapl, unIeain, and ieIeain is connecled lo
lhe condilion of oui liain and neivous syslen~lhe piocessoi of
infoinalion. The infoinalion is onIy neaningfuI if oui piocessoi
is capalIe of laking il in and naking sense of il so ve can liansIale
and conveil il inlo success. MITs David iich chaiacleiizes lhis
ly slaling, We aie voiking ouiseIves oul of lhe nanufacluiing
lusiness and inlo lhe lhinking lusiness. We have lhe oppoilu-
nily nov lo exanine and upgiade lolh lhe haidvaie (lhe liain
and neivous syslen) and lhe soflvaie (oui nenlaI nodeIs, lhe
kinds of lhoughls ve choose lo enleilain).
The sixlh vave, Iike a lsunani, has snashed aside convenlion
and luined eveiylhing upside dovn. The adaplalions ve have lo
nake aie aII-enconpassing.
3. Waves of Change~Iion Oulei lo Innei 49
5O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The sixlh vave is aloul seIf-iesponsiliIily and accounlaliIily
foi ones ovn lhinking and aclions. As Ceoige einaid Shav
said, The ieasonalIe nan adapls hinseIf lo lhe voiId, lhe uniea-
sonalIe nan peisisls in liying lo adapl lhe voiId lo hinseIf.
Theiefoie, aII piogiess depends on lhe ieasonalIe nan. Il is a
iesponsiliIily lhiusl on us ly lhe need of lhe line. This pienise is
suppoiled ly scienli!c !ndings vhich cannol le ignoied.
In Seplenlei 1992, Scicn|i!c Ancrican pulIished a speciaI issue
caIIed Mind and iain. Il conlains a sunnaiy of lhe ieseaich
exanining lhis ieIalionship al lhe cIose of lhe Iasl cenluiy. These
sludies liing lo Iighl lhe lioIogicaI and physioIogicaI foundalions
of hov ve sense lhe voiId, lhink, ienenlei, and use Ianguage.
The ieseaich Iooks al vheie in lhe liain ve sloie nenoiies and
hov ve ieIale one lhoughl lo anolhei. Il vas cIeaiIy denonslialed
lhal lhe funclioning of lhe nind/lody is iesponsilIe foi lhe foI-
Ioving: vision, nenoiy, Ieaining, Ianguage, disoideis, deveIop-
nenl and consciousness.
CeiaId Iischlach, a neuiolioIogisl al Haivaid MedicaI
SchooI, has desciiled lhe liain as lhe nosl conpIex sliucluie in
lhe knovn univeise. Cenes and expeiience have joinlIy shaped
ils nachineiy, ils design is lhe iesuIl of niIIions of yeais of evo-
Iulion. Oui suivivaI depends on a deepei undeislanding of lhe
naiveIous liochenicaI happening lhal aiises fion il: lhe nind.
This nev knovIedge is a fundanenlaI science lhal ieveaIs a
nind/lody appioach lo Iife: lo success, heaIlh, happiness, nan-
aging seIf and olheis, and lhe capacily lo Iead. Like aII gieal dis-
coveiies, il pionises nev lechnoIogies lo enhance lhe deveIop-
nenl of nind and lody. Il is line lo exanine oui ovn lhinking
palleins, line lo lhink aloul hov ve lhink, vhal ve lhink, and
hov lhis affecls lhe lody.
90< !"#$%&'!$" J' 5>!:D<!! 90:DK:DI
The sociaI evoIulion has gone fion exleinaI lo inleinaI, fion
lhe exleinaI eIenenls of vhal ve do and hov ve do il, lo lhe
inleinaI aspecls of lhinking lased on enolionaI slaliIily and seIf-
iesponsiliIily. usiness has laken a siniIai luin.
Slephen Coveys 1989 look, Tnc Sctcn Haoi|s cf Hign|q |ffcc|itc
Pccp|c, sepaiales lhe lhinking ieaIn fion lhe acling ieaIn. Il dif-
feienliales leconing independenl fion acling inleidependenlIy.
5$X*4$ :-@$1$-@$-" 7X" :-"$#@$1$-@$-"/A
0.^2" VW e Iioaclive
0.^2" YW Iiisl Things Iiisl
0.^2" ZW egin vilh lhe Lnd
in Mind
0.^2" [W Think Win/Win
0.^2" \W Seek Iiisl lo Un-
deisland, Then lo e Un-
0.^2" _W Syneigize
These lhinking halils Iead us lo Halil 7, vhich is Shaipen lhe
Sav. Il guides us lack lo lhe seIf, ieninding us lhal laking caie of
ouiseIves nenlaIIy, physicaIIy, and spiiiluaIIy is lhe lasis foi lhe
success of lhe olhei six halils. This look is an expose of changing
oui inleinaI lhinking halils in oidei lo change exleinaI acling,
ending in seIf-iesponsiliIily.
Ielei Senges 199O look, Tnc |if|n Discip|inc. Tnc Ar|s c Prac-
|icc cf Tnc |carning Organiza|icn, pioposes !ve lhinking lechnoIo-
gies lo assisl individuaIs and oiganizalions lo negoliale change
noie effecliveIy and cieale oppoilunilies foi giovlh. These aie
lhe lechnoIogies:
1. MenlaI ModeIs
2. Syslens Thinking
3. uiIding Shaied Vision
4. Tean Leaining
IinaIIy again lack lo seIf-iesponsiliIily:
5. IeisonaI Masleiy
3. Waves of Change~Iion Oulei lo Innei 51
52 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
These lechnoIogies lake us lenealh aclion lo vhal cieales
aclion: lhinking, paiadigns, Ieaining, and vision.
In 1995, DanieI CoIenan inlioduced anolhei kind of inleI-
Iigence in his look |nc|icna| |n|c||igcncc. The liadilionaI inleIIi-
gence quolienl (IQ) aIone loo naiiovIy de!nes a peisons polen-
liaI. CoIenans enolionaI quolienl (LQ) expands lhe de!nilion
of lolh inleIIigence and polenliaI. IeopIe vilh highei LQ aie noie
successfuI in aII aieas of Iife, especiaIIy al voik, lhan lhose vilh
highei IQ.
In 1998, Doc ChiIdie and iuce Ciyei gave us |rcn Cnacs
|c Ccncrcncc. Adtancing |nc|icna| and Organiza|icna| |n|c||igcncc
Tnrcugn |nncr Qua|i|q Managcncn|, a Iandnaik look lased on
lhiily yeais of sludy and lhe discoveiy lhal lhe hunan heail
pIays a denonslialIe ioIe in hunan enolionaI iesponse and
inleIIigence. Il shoved lhal lhe lellei ve aie al opeialing oui
inleinaI syslens, ly nanaging lhe dala pouiing inlo us, lhe noie
effeclive ve lecone al nanaging sliess, leing effeclive decision
nakeis and nainlaining posilive enolions. They caIIed il innei
AII lhese looks and ideas aie heIping us lecone ieasonalIe
nen and vonen vho adapl lo lhe voiId~lhe peopIe vho Shav
deened capalIe of usheiing in piogiess. The sixlh vave is upon
Chaplei 4
Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai`
lni|c uc arc frcc |c cnccsc cur ac|icns,
uc arc nc| frcc |c cnccsc |nc ccnscqucnccs cf cur ac|icns.
pioninenl !guie in Indias Independence
had jusl giadualed fion The Univeisily of Akion and vas
lhiiIIed lo gel ny !isl piofessionaI jol al lhe univeisilys Slu-
denl IinanciaI Aid of!ce. I vas faniIiai vilh lhis of!ce, having
fiequenled ils dooi foi foui yeais, in oidei lo nainlain ny schoI-
aiship, I had lo have ny giades checked eveiy quailei ly lhe
diiecloi, ol Laison. My lilIe vas Assislanl Diiecloi of Sludenl
IinanciaI Aid and ny loss vas none olhei lhan ol Laison, I had
giovn lo adniie lhis nan giealIy and sliII considei hin ny nen-
loi. The olhei assislanl diiecloi and I had a slaff of lhiee piofes-
sionaI advisois, and ve seived ovei 19,OOO sludenls. DaiIy, I vas
faced vilh a sleady sliean of sludenls needing heIp as veII as a
laII slack of voik on ny desk. Il vas oveivheIning, lul I ieveIed
in lhe posilion.
In lhe nidsl of aII lhis lusyness, lhe phone vouId iing vilh
noie heIp iequesls. I liealed lhen as inleiiuplions of ny voik.
The phone look line avay fion deaIing face-lo-face vilh lhe
sludenls and papeis in fionl of ne. Lveiy line lhe phone iang,
4. Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 53
54 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I lecane iiiilaled. I vouId gial lhe phone and poinledIy say,
Yeah` I vas nol cuslonei conscious~I didnl even knov vhal
lhal vas. I vas aliupl and nol veiy poIile. Lveiy day, I Iefl lhe
of!ce exhausled.
One day ny lesl fiiend Waiien vas in lhe of!ce vailing foi
ne lo !nish ny voik. He olseived ne in aclion. Aflei I !nished
a phone caII, he gave ne a funny Iook and asked, }in, vhy veie
you nad` Thal vas youi jco caIIing.
My jol` Whal do you nean ny jol caIIing` I asked, pei-
Do you lhink lhose sludenls oi facuIly need youi heIp, loo`
WeII, yeah.
Thals pail of youi jol. So vhy vouId you gel upsel`
I lhoughl aloul lhal foi a nonenl, pondeiing lhe idea, lul
liushed il off. Waiiens voids, hovevei, Iingeied in ny nind
lhe iesl of lhe day. He vas iighl. I needed lo change ny nindsel.
The nexl noining vhen lhe phone iang, I yeIIed oul lo eve-
iyone in lhe of!ce, Lxcuse ne, eveiylody. Thals ny jol caIIing.
I ansveied lhe phone, HeIIo, lhis is }in. Hov can I nc|p you`
I had needed lo nake a nind shifl. I had lo ieaIize I vas lheie
lo seive aII lhe cusloneis. They veie lhe ieason I had a jol. Wilh
lhis shifl ny days veie nuch Iess sliessfuI.
E07DI< BJ>8 G:DL 9J E07DI< BJ>8 '>9>8<
Tnc cnpircs cf |nc fu|urc arc |nc cnpircs cf |nc nind.
~ Sii Winslon ChuichiII
In lhe voikpIace, hov you lhink in"uences youi heaIlh, youi
salisfaclion, youi IeveI of success and effecliveness, and youi
aliIily lo nanage and Iead olhei peopIe on lhe jol. Lven if youie
nol a nanagei, you sliII have lo nanage youi loss and youi cov-
oikeis, and, alove aII, you have lo nanage youiseIf. Wilh lhis
aliIily, you can nake lhe ciilicaI liansilions lhal aie noie and
noie vaIued in lodays changing voikpIace. I caII lhen gIolaI
liansilions, lhese aie changes lhal in"uence hov ve voik and
hov ve voik vilh olheis lo ieach goaIs.
Slandaid Opeialing Iiogian (SlOI) lhinking is lhe oId node.
This is piogianning lhal has leen guiding oui lhinking up liII
nov. This lhinking has lo le iepIaced ly a nev opeialing pio-
gian. In lhis look ve viII caII lhe oId lhinking SlOI and lhe
nev Ih. We change oui lhinking upside dovn in lhe Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing (Ih) node.
I vas inspiied ly a piesenlalion given ly Denis WailIey,
speakei and aulhoi of lhe lesl-seIIing look, |npircs cf |nc Mind,
in vhich he desciiles lhis evoIulionaiy shifl lovaid nev, inleinaI
fionlieis. In lhis chaplei ve Iook al lhe paiadign shifl ailicu-
Ialed ly WailIey: Whal voiked yesleiday vonl voik loday.
We viII pul lhe diffeienlialions WailIey nade inlo oui SlOI vs.
Ih nodeI. Heie is vhal lhe shifl Iooks Iike on an oiganizalionaI
and socielaI IeveI loday. You viII nolice lhal lhis desciiplion is
aIso oiganized fion exleinaI lo inleinaI, cuIninaling in peisonaI
iesponsiliIily and accounlaliIily.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Hieiaichy vas lhe nodeI. Syneigy is lhe nodeI.
Hieiaichy al voik used lo nallei lhe nosl. Nov, syneigy~
voiking logelhei~is noie vaIued. Weie aII voiking on one
lean and aie aII paid ly oui ieaI losses, lhe cusloneis! Iion
lhen ve gel oui noney lo pay foi oui noilgage, oui cais, oui
food, and oui cIolhes. Wilhoul cusloneis, lheie is no noney and
no conpany. We seive lhe cuslonei and lhe cuslonei pays us,
iegaidIess of lhe coipoiale Iaddei iung ve occupy. We cannol do
lhis aIone, il lakes oui enliie lean.
WhiIe vailing foi an appoinlnenl vilh San Coodnei, lhe
CLO of CalapuIl Syslens al lheii headquaileis in Auslin, I once
4. Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 55
56 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
sav an anazing Ih in aclion~lhe ieceplionisl. As I valched,
she handIed a dozen caIIs vilh gieal chain and sinceiily and, in a
siniIai nannei, allended lo lhe conceins of lvo enpIoyees. I sud-
denIy ieaIized vhal an inpoilanl ioIe lhe ieceplionisl seived as a
Iiaison lelveen lhe conpany and lhe cuslonei. I vas inpiessed
enough lo nenlion il lo San vho lhanked ne and expIained lhal
vas vhy hei lilIe vas lhe Diiecloi of Iiisl Inpiessions. Hieiaichy
shouId le luined upside dovn. The nosl inpoilanl peopIe on lhe
oiganizalionaI lean ieaIIy aie lhe ones cIosesl lo lhe cuslonei.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Manageis connanded,
conlioIIed, denanded
They oveipoveied.
Manageis faciIilale,
encouiage seIf-iespecl,
gain foIIoveis.
They enpovei.
When nanageis iun lhe Slandaid Opeialing Iiogian of con-
nand and conlioI lhinking lhey nay le successfuI in lhe shoil
lein lul faiI in lhe Iong lein. Undei lhe oId nodeI, nanageis
feIl lhey veie due iespecl and foIIoveiship lased on lheii lilIe
aIone. Hovevei, enpIoyees donl foIIov lilIes, lhey foIIov lhose
vho aie conpelenl, caiing, and liuslvoilhy. In lhe oId nodeI lhe
cuIluie seened lo le oiganized aiound nanagenenl salisfaclion,
nol cuslonei salisfaclion. The nev nodeI~Ih lhinking~sug-
gesls lhal lhe oiganizalion shouId le focused on enpIoyee and
cuslonei salisfaclion.
RadicaIIy nev appioaches aie needed: appioaches lo anaI-
ysis, synlhesis and conlioI of voik, lo jol sliucluie, voik ieIa-
lionships, and lhe sliucluie of ievaids and povei ieIalions, lo
naking voikeis iesponsilIe. We do knov lhal ve have lo nove,
fion nanaging peisonneI as a cosl cenlei and a piolIen, lo lhe
Ieadeiship of peopIe. Ielei Diuckei viiles in his look, Managc-
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Iioduclion deleinined
QuaIily deleinines
The lesl exanpIe of lhis nev vay of lhinking is AppIe vilh lhe
iIod, iTouch, iIhone, iTunes and, as I an viiling, lhe Iaunching of
lhe iIad. I slood in Iine foi houis~il vas in HonoIuIu so I didnl
nind~vailing lo gel ny iIhone. AppIe cieales high quaIily, usei-
fiiendIy, alsoIuleIy ingenious pioducls. Denand chases quaIily.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
VaIue vas exlia VaIue is eveiylhing
To olseive lhis shifl lake a Iook al hov lhe saIes piocess has
leen ievoIulionized. SinpIe liansaclionaI seIIing didnl change
nuch foi 1OO yeais, lul nov il has shifled lo vhal aulhoi Ran
Chaian, in his look, lna| Tnc Cus|cncr lan|s Ycu Tc Kncu, caIIs
vaIue ciealion seIIing. SaIespeopIe used lo le oidei lakeis vhen
lhe nunlei of suppIieis vas Iov and suppIieis veie in povei.
Nov lhal lheie is a gIul of suppIieis and lecause of lhe Inleinel,
lhe cuslonei has giealei choice and access.
The cuslonei is nov in povei. WaI-Mail is lhe piine exanpIe.
WaI-Mail knovs lhal cusloneis vanl noie lang foi lheii luck.
SeIIing oiganizalions nov nusl deIivei vaIue in leins of inlense
focus on lhe piospeiily of lheii cuslonei. Measuiing success
neans neasuiing lhe success of youi cuslonei. This neans
adding giealei vaIue ly spending Iaige anounls of line and
eneigy lo Ieain lheii lusiness, and luiIding a nelvoik and pail-
neiship vilh lhen. If you vanl lo offei deepei vaIue, Ieain aloul
youi cusloneis cuslonei: lheii vanls, piolIens, and lhinking.
4. Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 57
58 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
CapilaI iesouice vas
Hunan iesouice is povei
CapilaI iesouice used lo le lhe aInighly povei. Of couise,
!nanciaI assels aie iequiied lo fueI aclivily and aIIov us lo pei-
foin oui jols. ul capilaI aIone canl succeed vilhoul hunan
ciealivily, ingenuily, and eneigy. An oiganizalion is oiganized
aiound peopIe, slialegy, opeialions, a ludgel, and a pioducl oi
seivice. The peopIe cieale lhe slialegy, iun opeialions, noniloi
lhe ludgel, and cieale and deIivei lhe pioducl oi seivice. IeopIe
aie lhe povei lehind lhe oiganizalion. Theii ciealivily and
capacily is lhe iesouice lehind lheii success.
The gIass ceiIings viII le shalleied even fuilhei. The nev
oiganizalion viII le doninaled ly fenaIe iesouice povei.
Reseaich ciled ly Richaid Donkin, in his look, Tnc |u|urc cf lcr|,
shovs lhal Ioilune 5OO conpanies vilh lhe highesl iepiesenla-
lion of vonen in lheii lop nanagenenl leans signi!canlIy oul-
peifoined lhose vilh lhe Iovesl aveiages.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
ShaiehoIdei cIoul Cuslonei cIoul
ShaiehoIdeis donl nake a dine unIess lhe enleipiise has,
keeps, and giovs lhe cuslonei lase. The enduiing coipoialion is
cuslonei cenleied.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Making a Iiving Making a diffeience
Too nany peopIe have kiIIed lhenseIves in lhe piocess of
naking a paycheck. Nov ils aloul naking a diffeience and han-
dIing youi jol so lhal il conliilules lo youi Iife span and heaIlh
span. Oui voik is oui nosl inpoilanl looI foi seIf-deveIopnenl.
We giov lhiough naking a diffeience foi oui cuslonei and lhose
ve seive.
Ycu can natc ctcrq|ning in |ifc qcu uan|, if qcu ui||
jus| nc|p cncugn c|ncr pccp|c gc| una| |ncq uan|.
~ Zig ZigIai
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Having a jol Acling seIf-enpIoyed
Inslead of voiking foi an oiganizalion unliI ieliienenl, lhe
nev peispeclive is In lhe CLO of ne, iunning nyseIf. Me, Inc.
This anounls lo a nev sociaI conliacl. The ieIalionship lelveen
enpIoyei and enpIoyee enduies as Iong as ve lolh agiee lo lhe
ieIalionship. The conliacl vilh ne and lhe cuslonei vho counls
on ne, nevei expiies.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
NaluiaI iesouices de!ned
KnovIedge is povei
4. Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 59
6O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
NaluiaI iesouices heId povei in lhe pasl. Nov ils aloul hov
lhe nind accesses, assiniIales, inlegiales, and uliIizes knovIedge
lo noId naluiaI iesouices inlo sonelhing usefuI.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Hiied hands in a naleiiaI
Mind nalleis in a nenlaI
In a voiId doninaled ly physicaI Ialoi, ve used lo caII oui-
seIves hiied hands lased on lhe piaclice of Donl lhink, jusl do
vhal I say. Nov ils noie aloul lhe nind. The loss/oiganiza-
lion ienls youi nind foi eighl houis and puls il lo use. The con-
lenpoiaiy voikpIace incieasingIy invoIves nenlaI ialhei lhan
physicaI and naleiiaI aclivily~fion nanuaI voikeis lo knovI-
edge voikeis. The piized connodilies aie liained ninds opei-
aling ciealiveIy vilh eneigy and enlhusiasn. LnpIoyeis aie nov
ieaIizing lhal you canl jusl hiie hands, you nusl hiie lhe enliie
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Changing olheis Changing seIf
Have you evei allenpled lo change soneone eIse` In case you
havenl noliced, ils a hopeIess cause. Changing youiseIf is lhe
onIy conlioIIalIe eIenenl in oui voiId. Al ny jol al lhe !nanciaI
aid of!ce, I had lo change nyseIf and lhe vay I vieved lhe inlei-
iuplions in ny day, lhe inleiiuplions vouId nol change.
Manageis gel lhe lehaviois fion lheii enpIoyees lhal lhey
have nodeIed, ieinfoiced, oi loIeialed. If a nanagei vanls lo
change lhe lehavioi of hei enpIoyees, she canl. She can change
onIy lhe vay she nodeIs, ieinfoices, and loIeiales lheii lehavioi.
Mahalna Candhi pul il lhis vay: e lhe change you vanl lo
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
QuaIily of voik lased on
oulei ciicunslances
QuaIily of Iife: laking con-
lioI of youi ovn feeIings,
lhoughls, iesponses
Mosl peopIe lend lo lhink lhe quaIily of lheii voik is delei-
nined ly lhe quaIily of oulei ciicunslances leyond lheii conlioI.
This suggesls a viclin nenlaIily. Ils lhe kind of lhinking lhal says,
WeII, I canl heIp il. Thals lhe vay il goes. Theies nolhing I can
do. The ieaIily, hovevei, is lhal youi quaIily of Iife is deleinined
ly youi quaIily of lhinking aloul youi ciicunslances, lhal is, hov
you inleipiel lhose ciicunslances. The saying is, The voiId is
as I an. Theies a ciilicaI shifl needed: fion oulei conlioI and
liying lo change peopIe and ciicunslances, lo innei conlioI and
laking connand of youi ovn lhoughls and feeIings.
In youi Iife, vhal is lhe onIy lhing you have sone conlioI ovei`
Theie is one coiiecl ansvei: youi ovn lhinking. This inpIies foui
1. Wheie you pIace youi allenlion
2. Whal youi inlenlions aie
3. Hov you inleipiel lhings
4. Hov you iespond
AII eIse nay le oul of oui ieaIn of conlioI lul lhese aspecls of
expeiience aie sonevhal in oui conlioI.
As you see, lhe fionlieis have noved fion exleinaI lo inleinaI,
fion hieiaichy and oulei ciicunslances, lo you and youi lhinking,
4. Is Youi WoikpIace Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 61
62 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
feeIings, and iesponses. Ils nol vhal cones lo you, ils hov you
cone lo il. Ils nol hov il cones lo you, ils vhal you do vilh il. Il
is lhe I an iesponsilIe piincipIe. If you vanl lo nake a change,
change youi lhoughls: The suljecl of lhe nexl chaplei.
Chaplei 5
Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai`
lncn uc arc nc |cngcr ao|c |c cnangc a si|ua|icn,
uc arc cna||cngcd |c cnangc cursc|tcs.
foundei of Logolheiapy
uiing lhe nid-8Os I vas Iiving in Iaci!c IaIisades, CaIifoi-
nia. One hol Iiiday afleinoon on ny vay hone fion voik, I
vas silling in a nassive liaf!c jan on WiIshiie ouIevaid, vhen
I sav an eIdeiIy genlIenan hilchhiking. He vas diessed in a daik
liovn suil and lie and had on a IillIe hal. I noliced lhe pIeasanl
Iook on his face as lhe cais in fionl of ne ciavIed pasl hin and I
feIl unusuaIIy diavn lo hin.
As I appioached, I lhoughl, you knov, Id Iike lo heIp hin. I
naneuveied inlo lhe iighl Iane and ioIIed dovn ny vindov. He
look his hal off, lipped his head dovn, and in his Iiniled Lng-
Iish expIained lhal he vas headed lo lhe coinei of Iaiifax and
WiIshiie. I offeied hin a iide.
When he gol in, I asked, Wheie aie you fion`
I Iooked al hin and he vas vealheied and fiaiI. I couIdnl
heIp asking hin hov oId he vas.
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 63
64 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Sevenly-eighl, he iepIied.
And vhy aie you hilchhiking`
He iepIied lhal he had nissed his lus and vas going lo lhe
synagogue. I have seen olhei peopIe hilchhiking so I lhoughl il
vas safe. The onIy vay I viII nake ny appoinlnenl is if I gel a
iide. He loId ne lhal he Iived in lhe Los AngeIes }evish hone foi
lhe aging and lhal he venl lo lhe synagogue eveiy day lo nake
ninyan (ninyan is a len-nen quoiun needed lo conducl }evish
ieIigious seivices), foi vhich he vas paid $35.OO a veek. So I von-
deied aIoud, Why do you do lhal`
WeII, In nol aIIoved lo voik heie. I an a ialli. I used lo
le lhe ialli in lhe oIdesl synagogue in Ronania. Il vas in a cily
caIIed Iasi.
Why canl you voik heie as a ialli`
He fuiioved his eyeliovs and Iooked diieclIy al ne, Aie
you fion lhe goveinnenl`
No, I iesponded, In nol fion lhe goveinnenl. In in lhe
enleilainnenl lusiness. Why do you ask lhal`
WeII, In an iIIegaI aIien, he said. He conlinued ly expIaining
lhal NicoIae Ceausescu, lhe piesidenl of Ronania al lhe line, vas
a diclaloi vho vas peiseculing lhe }evs. Then he added, ack in
ny counliy, in lhe synagogue lhey nade ne laIk aloul lhe gov-
einnenl and lhe slale foi 25 ninules and aloul Cod foi onIy !ve.
So I escaped fion Ronania.
I inlioduced nyseIf. y lhe vay, In }in, vhals youi nane`
My nane is Ralli Yehudi. He said lhal }evish oiganiza-
lions had snuggIed hin oul of Ronania, !isl lo IsiaeI lhen lo
Is youi faniIy heie, loo` I asked.
No, he iepIied.
Aie lhey in Ronania`
We laIked aloul a coupIe of olhei lhings and aII lhe line lhis
genlIenan had a sniIe on his face. He vas 78 yeais oId, ly hin-
seIf in a foieign counliy, spoke LngIish pooiIy, and eained onIy
$35.OO a veek. I vondeied hov he vas nanaging. Ralli, none of
youi faniIy is heie` I nean, vheie is youi faniIy`
Ralli Yehudi luined his head avay fion ne and Iooked oul of
lhe vindov foi a nonenl. He luined lack lo ne and said soflIy,
I leII you lhis and onIy once. I donl usuaIIy laIk aloul lhis. ul
I viII leII you. You seen lo le a nice and undeislanding loy. My
faniIy vas eIininaled in Ronania. He look a liealh and con-
linued, I donl Iike lo pul ny allenlion on lhal, lecause I niss
lhen. I an lhe onIy peison ienaining of ny faniIy, and IuckiIy I
escaped. }in, lheies a ieason I donl laIk aloul ny faniIy.
And lhen he Iooked al ne vilh his veiy liighl eyes, and said,
Tnc pas| is in |nc nands cf Gcd. |catc i| |ncrc.
This has sluck vilh ne. I Iive vilh lhis nov. I ieaIized lhen lhe
cai iide vas nol jusl foi hin. This vas a huge Iesson foi ne. Nov
as ve diove lovaids lhe synagogue, I had nade a nev fiiend, a
veiy enIighlened fiiend. When ve ieached lhe synagogue, I gave
Ralli Yehudi sone noney and ny caid. He lhanked ne and
kissed ne on lhe foiehead. Diiving avay, I Iooked lack lo see
lhe IillIe oId nan in a suil and hal, sniIing and vaving. My heail
soaied. I vas high on ny vay hone.
SeveiaI veeks Ialei, I ieceived a caII fion lhe ialli. He said he
vas veiy iII and asked if I couId give hin noney lo luy his nedi-
calion. AlsoIuleIy. Hov nuch do you need` I vas deIighled lo
send hin vhal he needed.
Lveiy fev days foIIoving lhal I ieceived a nessage on ny
ansveiing nachine vhich said, Cood noining, }in. This is
Ralli Yehudi. I vanl you lo knov lhal In piaying foi you loday,
}in, and lhank you foi lhe noney.
This venl on foi sone line, and lhen lhe caIIs slopped. I
caIIed lhe hone and found oul lhal he had passed. ul I viII nevei
foigel lhis Ralli and lhe poveifuI Iesson lhal he laughl ne aloul
lhe pasl.
InleieslingIy, lhough he vas lhe !isl Ronanian Id evei nel, I
have since giovn lo have a cIose ieIalionship vilh lhe vain and
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 65
66 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
veIconing Ronanian peopIe lhiough ny voik vilh ny cIienls in
Ronania. In facl, in lhe sunnei of 2OO8, vhiIe I vas doing voik
vilh LcoIal, a cIienl in Ronania, and AILSLC, an inleinalionaI
sludenl oiganizalion, I slayed in lhe cily of Iasi. I vas alIe lo visil
Ralli Yehudis synagogue and pay ny iespecls lo lhe nenoiy
of ny oId fiiend. My fondesl nenoiy is heaiing hin say lhal he
couIdnl change lhe pasl so he chose lo accepl il and Iive his Iife
in lhe piesenl.
Ralli Yehudi peifeclIy exenpIi!es lhe essence of lhis chaplei:
Shifling oui focus fion SlOI lhinking~connon, negalive
lhinking palleins lhal slynie oui aspiialions, daiIy peifoinance,
and good heaIlh lo Ih lhinking~alliludes lhal suppoil heaIlh
and enlhusiasn. Il sels lhe slage foi lhe nind-shifling Iessons
in Iail II of lhe look lhal viII lake you fion SlOI lo Ih, fion
Slandaid Opeialing Iiogian lhinking lo IiofessionaI Hunan
eing lhinking.
The nind is a Iiving chal ioon, onIy il is us laIking lo oui-
seIves in a seIf-laIk naialhon of noie lhan a niIIion voids a day.
This innei conveisalion heIps us expIain oui voiId lo ouiseIves.
Aulhoi and psychoIogisl, Mailin SeIignan, caIIs il an expIana-
loiy slyIe. We conslanlIy ieIale oui feeIings and peiceplions lo
ouiseIves, and, lased on lhis expeiience, cieale an opeialing len-
pIale foi Iife.
Reseaich shovs lhal ve foIIov and gel sluck in iepelilive
lhoughl palleins. NeaiIy 8O peicenl of oui innei challei is neg-
alive, seIf-defealing, and counlei-pioduclive. ConslanlIy, ve
nisuse oui inaginalion, lhink iII of olheis, fiel aloul vhal olheis
lhink of us, voiiy needIessIy, doull ouiseIves, and cieale faiIuie
fanlasies~aII useIess, iepelilious, and fiequenlIy hainfuI~a
vasle of piecious nenlaI iesouices. We liaf!c in negalivily lhal
faiIs lo seive oui goaIs, oui lusiness al hand, and lhe heaIlh of
oui lodies. Such negalivily cIeaiIy faiIs lo seive lhe nev diiec-
lion of lusiness liends, vhich incieasingIy enphasize lhe gieal
unlapped polenliaI of individuaI ciealivily and iesponsiliIily.
!"J, T!O ,?5 90:DK:DI
Lels nov Iook al a dozen connon nindsels and see hov lhey
!l inlo SlOI oi Ih node. Nolice lhe diffeience lelveen dysfunc-
lionaI lhinking (SlOI) and vhal I caII lhe psychoIogicaI anlidolaI
lhinking (Ih). DysfunclionaI lhinking causes a physioIogicaI
iesponse lhal can cause disease and aging. Duiing each of lhe foI-
Ioving expeiiences, ve nake spIil-second decisions lhal viII le
eilhei heaIlh-pioducing oi disease-pioducing.
VO 7-6$#M0*%"2/2"A
The SlOI lhinkei nakes
a halil of angei/hosliI-
ily and uses il as a vay lo
punish lhe olhei peison.
The Ih undeislands lhal
angei liiggeis noie dan-
age lo hinseIf lhan lhe
inlended iecipienl.
Do nol aIIov anyone lo occupy youi nind space~ienl-fiee. In
olhei voids, lhe angei you denonsliale lovaid anolhei is aclu-
aIIy danaging you. When you aie angiy, ils Iike diinking poison
and hoping lhe olhei peison dies. This is sad, lul liue, once you
undeisland lhe nind/lody conneclion and vhal chenicaIs ve
cieale vhen ve aie angiy. The peison lo vhon you diiecl youi
angei nay aIso feeI unconfoilalIe, lul nol as unconfoilalIe as
youi ovn physioIogy.
A gieal lhoughl fion uddha: HoIding on lo angei is Iike
giasping a hol coaI vilh lhe inlenl of lhioving il al soneone eIse,
you aie lhe one vho gels luined.
This sloiy is aIso loId: Lale one afleinoon lhe uddha vas
silling undei a lanyan liee nedilaling. He heaid sone iunlIing
and concIuded il vas lhe sound of a hoises hooves coning lovaid
hin. The hoise appioached cIosei and cIosei unliI he slood iighl
ovei lhe nedilaling uddha. uddha opened his eyes. Theie,
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 67
68 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
silling on a gieal vhile hoise, vas lhe king, his face ied vilh
angei. You sil heie aII day vilh youi eyes cIosed doing nolhing!
He shouled al lhe uddha, This doesnl heIp lhe kingdon al aII!
And nov you have nany, nany young nen silling in lhe noining
and lhe afleinoon vilh lheii eyes cIosed as veII, doing nolhing.
uddha sIovIy Iooked up and said, King, you nusl have had
a Iong iide. You aie piolalIy liied. IIease cone dovn fion lhe
hoise and I viII gel you a cooI diink and sone sveel fiuils. IIease
iesl foi a nonenl.
The king Iooked al lhe uddha, aslonished. uddha, didnl
you heai ne insuIling you` Why aie you nol upsel vilh ne`
uddha ansveied, King, if soneone offeis you a gifl, and
you do nol accepl il, vho has lhal gifl`
The givei, of couise, iesponded lhe king.
The Iesson is lhal lhe angei ienained vilh lhe king and
vas nol liansfeiied lo lhe uddha. If soneone liings angei lo
us, lheies no need lo accepl il. RaIph WaIdo Lneison ieninds
us: Ioi eveiy ninule you aie angiy, you Iose sixly seconds of
Oui iesponse lo any given silualion is oui choice. Cieale a
cooIing-off peiiod: a gap lelveen slinuIus and iesponse. Laugh
al youiseIf. Iiaclice enpalhy and foigiveness. Theie is a slaik
conliasl lelveen lhe physioIogy of angei and lhe physioIogy of
Iaughlei. If ve donl lake ouiseIves so seiiousIy, ve viII le alIe
lo Iaugh al lhe silualions ve !nd ouiseIves in. We have a choice
lo le soveieign ovei lhe nonenl oi piisonei of il. Celling angiy,
and leconing hosliIe, is leconing a piisonei. y Iaughing and
slaying cenleied, you lecone lhe soveieign of youi donain.
You can nake a choice lhal viII inciease quaIily and quanlily
of Iife span. The choice shouId le cIeai if you use a nind/lody
ReaI fieedon is lhe aliIily lo pause lelveen slinuIus
and iesponse and in lhal pause cnccsc.
~ RoIIo May
I caII lhis pause lhe nosl inpoilanl 1/1Olh of a second in youi
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
When ve lecone angiy oui lody Iaunches ils !ghl-oi-"ighl
iesponse lo piepaie foi dangei. The synpalhelic neivous
syslen is pul on fuII aIeil. Sliess hoinones poui inlo lhe
lIoodsliean. Heail iale and lIood piessuie suige upvaid,
lhe lIood lends lo cIol noie iapidIy and lhe innune syslen is
lenpoiaiiIy ciippIed.
ChionicaIIy hosliIe peopIe seen lo le especiaIIy vuIneialIe.
In lhe 196Os, caidioIogisls Meyei Iiiednan, M.D., and Ray
Rosennan, M.D., popuIaiized lhe lein Type A lehavioi
lo desciile a conlinalion of oveidiive lehavioi~conslanl
huiiiedness, hosliIily, and inlense conpeliliveness~lhal
seened lo chaiacleiize nany of lheii palienls vilh heail
disease. Ovei lhe yeais, ieseaicheis Ieained lhal huiiiedness
and conpeliliveness aie Iess danaging lo lhe heail lhan
hosliIily. IeopIe pione lo hosliIily have an incieased iisk of
hypeilension and coionaiy heail disease. Accoiding lo iian
Seavaid in his look, Managing S|rcss, hosliIily and aggiession
aie lhoughl lo le lhe nosl inpoilanl faclois vilh iegaid lo
heail disease, ialhei lhan lhe Type A lehaviois as a vhoIe.
Many nedicaI sludies have shovn lhal Iaughing causes
an opposile effecl. Theie is noie oxygenalion of lhe lIood,
ieIaxalion of lhe aileiies and heail, decieased lIood piessuie,
aII of vhich have a posilive~and even Iifesaving~effecl on lhe
caidiovascuIai syslen, as veII as incieasing innune syslen
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 69
7O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
This ieninds ne of a gieal Chinese pioveil: evaie, lhe !ie
you kindIe lo luin youi eneny nay aIso consune you.
YO 7XX$1".-X$
The SlOI lhinkei expecls
lhe voiId lo change lo
acconnodale his needs.
The Ih adapls lo vhal
lhe voiId offeis.
A lenevoIenl king in ancienl India had gieal enpalhy foi
his suljecls and sliived lo ease lheii haidships. One day he
decided lo aIIov lhe peopIe of lhe Iand lo appioach hin vilh any
piolIen. Many of lhen conpIained aloul lhe ioughness of lhe
haish, uneven leiiain undei lheii laie feel. They enliealed hin lo
Iay caipel acioss lhe lieadlh of lhe Iand. He conlenpIaled lheii
iequesl foi sone line, knoving lhal il vouId le a nassive undei-
laking. He luined lo his advisoi, lhe Raj Cuiu.
The guiu counseIed, Il is easiei lo change oneseIf lhan il is lo
change lhe voiId. Why donl you leII lhen lo pul lhe caipel on
lheii ovn feel ialhei lhan ovei lhe vhoIe Iand`
Cieal idea, said lhe king. Thus, lhe shoe vas loin.
Take iesponsiliIily foi changing youiseIf. We cieale oui ovn
ZO 9?$ ,.%"
The SlOI lhinkei assigns
gieal inpoilance lo pasl
The Ih focuses on lhe
posilive pasl since il has a
posilive effecl on lhe neiv-
ous syslen, lul does nol
focus on lhe negalive, un-
Iess lhe focus is lo change
lhe inleipielalion, and
cieale a lellei fuluie.
An oId uddhisl saying advises, Do nol iegiel lhe pasl. Do
nol diead oi le afiaid of lhe fuluie. The vise one dveIIs peace-
fuIIy and happiIy in lhe piesenl nonenl. Ieace is in eveiy slep.
The Ih knovs lheie is no ieason lo Iook lack. Why` Youie
nol headed lhal vay. IsychoIogisls have said ve spend 78 peicenl
of oui line in lhe pasl, 15 peicenl in lhe fuluie, and onIy 7 peicenl
of lhe line ve acluaIIy Iive heie, nov, in lhe piesenl. If youie nol
in lhe piesenl, hov couId you possilIy enjoy il` We spend a Iol of
line lhinking aloul oui chiIdhood and hov ve veie iaised and
hov lhal affecls us.
Ken Keyes, }i., lhe peisonaI giovlh guiu, pul il succinclIy and
coiieclIy vhen he said, You aie nol iesponsilIe foi lhe piogian-
ning you picked up in chiIdhood. Hovevei, as aduIls, you aie
1OO peicenl iesponsilIe foi !xing il.
Cieale a lellei fuluie and Ieave lhe pasl in lhe hands of Cod.
So pul youi nind in foivaid geai~Ih geai. SlOI geai doesnl
voik. Iasl is lIane oiienled. Looking foivaid lo lhe fuluie is
soIulion oiienled.
Nctcr |c| qcs|crdaq usc up |cc nucn cf |cdaq.
~ Hunoiisl WiII Rogeis
[O '*#62`$-$%%
The SlOI lhinkei does nol
foigive easiIy, he cheiishes
his giudges in oidei lo
punish olheis.
The Ih foigives olheis
easiIy, and knovs lhal
foigiveness is a seI!sh acl
lhal fiees hinseIf.
Tvo uddhisl nonks veie vaIking lhiough a foiesl. The
eIdei nonk vas lhe youngei nonks leachei. They cane upon a
iiveilank and noliced lhe iickely liidge ovei lhe "ooded iivei. A
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 71
72 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
young vonan slood ly lhe iivei and appioached lhe lvo nonks.
She said she vas afiaid lo cioss and needed heIp. The nonks had
laken a vov of ceIilacy, vhich neanl lhey veie nol aIIoved even
lo louch a vonan. Seeing hei disliess, lhe eIdei nonk said, I viII
heIp you acioss. He caiiied hei acioss on his lack and pIaced hei
al lhe olhei side of lhe iivei.
The nonks conlinued on lheii palh. Aflei sone line, lhe
youngei nonk couId no Iongei conlain hinseIf and luisl oul,
Weie nol supposed lo louch vonen, yel you did! Hov an I
supposed lo foIIov you as a leachei if you lieak lhe iuIes` Hov
do you lhink lhal nakes ne feeI`
Aflei a fev nonenls, lhe eIdei nonk iepIied, Il is you vho
shouId leII ne hov il feeIs. I pul lhe vonan dovn al lhe edge of
lhe iivei, you, hovevei, aie sliII caiiying hei.
This is a connon uddhisl sloiy lhal laIks aloul vhal ve
caiiy in oui ninds. The sloiies ve hoId in oui ninds aie nosl
IikeIy heaviei lhan anylhing ve couId hauI on oui lacks. The
queslions you shouId ask youiseIf aie, Whal an I caiiying in
ny nind lhal I shouId Iel go of` Is lheie soneone I shouId foi-
give` Whal palleins of lhinking aie you pIaying lack on lhe disc
of youi nind`
In nol laIking aloul saying a quick, Suie, I foigive you.
Inslanl foigiveness is usuaIIy shaIIov. Il lakes sleps lo ieaIIy foi-
give. UnIess ve foigive ui|n in|cn|, lhe piocess of foigiveness
nevei ieaIIy legins. Il nevei legins lecause il nevei slailed. Once
ve undeisland lhal caiiying aiound a Iack of foigiveness affecls
oui physioIogy, incieases oui lIood piessuie, and pioduces sliess
ve can slail lo shifl oui nindsel.
|crgitcncss is |c||ing gc cf |nc ncpc fcr a oc||cr pas|.
~ Sudhaina Lana
The uIlinale deslinalion of foigiveness is in sc|f-foigiveness.
Ask youiseIf: Can I foigive nyseIf foi aII lhe judgnenls I have
leen caiiying` Can I ieIease lhe judgnenls`
A gieal exanpIe of lhis is in lhe novie, An|ucnc |isncr, vhich
is lased on a liue sloiy. DenzeI Washinglon pIays a navaI psychi-
aliisl and Deiek Luke pIays Anlvone Iishei, a lioulIed soIdiei
vho has a vioIenl oulluisl againsl a feIIov cievnan. Duiing lhe
couise of liealnenl, Anlvone ieveaIs his painfuI chiIdhood. The
docloi discoveis lhal lecause Anlvones paienls had alandoned
hin vhen he vas veiy young, he sliII caiiies a Iol of angei lovaid
The docloi insliucls hin lo !nd his paienls and foigive lhen.
Anlvone iesponded, Why do I need lo !nd lhen and foigive
lhen` I have you. I donl need lhen. And lhe docloi iepIies,
You need lo !nd lhen and foigive lhen, so lhal you can fiee
The Ih guaids his peace, undeislanding il is lellei lo le
fiee lhan lo le veighled dovn ly any judgnenls in his nind, he
knovs lhal hoIding onlo lhe judgnenls poisons his physioIogy.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
IeopIe vho have geneiaIIy foigiving naluies lend lo have
Iovei lIood piessuie ieadings, conpaied lo peopIe vho aie
nol as foigiving. In a sludy al IIoiida HospilaI in OiIando,
ieseaicheis found lhal peopIe vho Ieained effeclive vays lo
foigive acluaIIy Ioveied lheii lIood piessuie. Dick Tillils,
Ih.D., expIained lhal ly lhe end of lhe eighl-veek sludy, ovei
8O peicenl of lhose vho enleied lhe piogian vilh high IeveIs of
angei had Ioveied lheii lIood piessuie lo lhe noinaI iange.
Chionic high lIood piessuie is a iisk facloi foi slioke and heail
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 73
74 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
\O F*`$
A SlOI lhinkei !guies
lhal vhen he gives Iove
lo olheis lhey lecone
olIigaled lo hin.
A Ih knovs lhe Iove he
gives lo olheis spiings
fion inside hinseIf and
nuiluies his ovn heail
The Ceinan viilei, }ohann WoIfgang von Coelhe, sunned il
up lesl, If I Iove you, vhal lusiness is il of youis`
His quole peifeclIy indicales vheie Ioving cones fion and
vheie il ends up. Il slails fion vilhin us. We feeI il, ve jusl assign
il lo soneone eIse. In lhe dianalic !naI scene of lhe 199O novie
Gncs|, San !naIIy leIIs his giiIfiiend MoIIy lhal he Ioves hei. And
lhen, as lhe Iighl shines foi hin lo depail, he ieaIizes oul Ioud,
The Iove inside~you lake il vilh you.
You nay say, In in Iove. And yes, you can have an oul-
side slinuIus, an oljecl of lhal affeclion vhich aIIovs you lo feeI
lhe Iove. ul vhose Iove aie you ieaIIy feeIing` Ansvei: youi
ovn. Have you evei expeiienced feeIing Iove, jusl foi Ioves sake,
vilhoul il leing iecipiocaled` AII of us have.
The SlOI lhinkei vilhhoIds Iove lo punish peopIe. The Ih
undeislands lhal he punishes hinseIf ly vilhhoIding his Iove.
SeIf-Iove and seIf-foigiveness aie lvo of lhe nosl poveifuI
piaclices of lhe Ih. I caII lhen sIayeis of aII denons. I |i|c nqsc|f,
and | a|sc fcrgitc nqsc|f fcr anq and a|| |ransgrcssicns agains| nqsc|f
and a|| c|ncrs. This is a poveifuI concepl piacliced ly lhe Ih.
I spend a Iol of line in aiipoils. I vividIy ienenlei vailing
al lhe gale yeais ago as passengeis disenlaiked fion a "ighl.
In an age lefoie 9/11, aiipoil secuiily vas nuch Ioosei lhan il
is loday, ve veie aIIoved lo sland al lhe gale, even if ve didnl
have a lickel, and vail foi passengeis. When soIdieis oi aiinen
veie coning hone fion lhe vai, lheii faniIies vouId le lheie lo
gieel lhen al lhe gale. Il vas a sighl I vilnessed nany lines.
I valched as soIdieis and aiinen cane off lhe pIane aflei lhe
1991 CuIf Wai. One soIdiei eneiged and enleied lhe gale aiea.
His faniIy and fiiends iushed foivaid. Moie soIdieis depIaned
and veie ieceived vilh a Iol of ciying and hugging and kissing
ly Ioved ones.
As I valched fion a dislance, ny heail expanded vilh Iove
foi lhese peopIe. Teais veIIed up in ny eyes and liickIed dovn
ny face. I vas in Iove, and lhese peopIe had no idea I exisled.
Did il nallei lhal lhey didnl knov I exisled` No, I vas feeIing
ny ovn Iove. They veie lhe slinuIus. I vas lhe !isl lene!ciaiy
of ny Ioving, !IIing ny lody vilh endoiphins, lhe nosl pov-
eifuI seIf-heaIing noIecuIes in lhe neivous syslen. My Iove vas
and is a gifl lo nyseIf. This is ie"ecled in lhe U2 song Luninous
Tines as ono sings, I Iove you lecause I need lo, nol lecause
I need you.
In sunnaiy, vhalevei you do oi inlend lo do lo olheis affecls
you !isl. Il affecls youi lody chenisliy. Youi lhinking can eilhei
cieale noIecuIes of disease oi veII-leing. You aie sinpIy designed
lo have chenicaI ieaclions fion Iifes expeiiences. The lody foI-
Iovs lhe nind.
_O I*%%21
A SlOI lhinkei laIks
aloul peopIe and is oveiIy
conceined vilh vhal
olheis say aloul hin.
A Ih laIks lo peopIe and
knovs lhal his Iife is Iived
lased on his ovn vaIues,
nol lhe opinions of olheis.
Ils none of oui lusiness vhal olheis say aloul us. Whal ve
say is oui iesponsiliIily, vhal olheis say is lheii iesponsiliIily.
In lhe sane vay, if peopIe speak negaliveIy of us, lhals lheii
iesponsiliIily. My iesponsiliIily is lo speak veII of olheis. WhiIe
ve nay piefei olheis lo speak posiliveIy aloul us, ve aie nol in
conlioI of lhal. Iiilz IeiIs, lhe foundei of CeslaIl Theiapy, pul
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 75
76 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
il Iike lhis: I do ny lhing and you do youi lhing. I an nol in
lhis voiId lo Iive up lo youi expeclalions, and you aie nol in lhis
voiId lo Iive up lo nine.
Sonehov, ve inagine if ve aie lhinking negaliveIy of
soneone eIse, il danages lhal peison. Hovevei, lhis negalive
lhinking danages oui ovn lody. Renenlei lhe !isl Lav of lhe
Ih: | an |nc prinarq ocnc!ciarq cf ctcrq|ning | |nin|, dc, and saq.
In olhei voids, I an in conlioI of onIy ny lhoughls, vhal I
saq |c nqsc|f. This is vhal affecls ny physioIogy. Thinking posi-
liveIy of olheis aIIovs ne lo Iive vilh nyseIf in a noie confoil-
alIe vay. This honois Ih Lav #2: Tnc ncs| inpcr|an| rc|a|icnsnip
| natc is |nc cnc | natc ui|n nqsc|f.
To le nolody lul youiseIf, in a voiId vhich is doing ils lesl,
nighl and day, lo nake you jusl Iike eveiylody eIse, neans lo
!ghl lhe giealesl lallIe lheie is lo !ghl~nevei slop !ghling. -
Aneiican poel e.e. cunnings
Life is nol a popuIaiily conlesl. The oljecl of oui lehavioi is
lo fuI!II oui peisonaI nission, and nol lo voiiy aloul pIeasing
aO E#2"2X2%4
The SlOI lhinkei feais
The Ih veIcones aII ciil-
icisn and is alIe lo discein
lhal vhich is usefuI.
LIleil Hullaid, an Aneiican aulhoi, said, To avoid ciili-
cisn, do nolhing, say nolhing, le nolhing. And, I nighl add, if
you do lhal, soneone viII sliII ciilicize you foi il.
You seen lo le having a lad haii day.
You nevei lake oul lhe gailage unIess I ask you six lines!
Youi iepoil nakes no sense.
This pIace is a ness.
Hov did you gel us so Iosl` Do you even knov vheie youie
Do lhese sound faniIiai` Nov, lake a Iook al each ciilicisn.
Nolice each one ciilicizes sonelhing you have dcnc. Nolice lhey
do nol ciilicize qcu. The you lhal you knov. You veie ciealed
peifeclIy ly lhe Ciealoi. You aie nade peifecl. Youi lehavioi is
nade ly you~and ils inpeifecl. You can change youi lehavioi.
When you aie asked lo change youi lehavioi ienenlei lhal you
aie nol youi lehavioi.
Ioi suie, nolhing you do viII evei le lo eveiyones salisfac-
lion. We viII aIvays le ciilicized so you nusl sinpIy piepaie
youiseIf foi il and considei il as foi-youi-infoinalion onIy. A
peisons ciilicisn of you is jusl his oi hei peiceplion of you. Theie
is no ieaIily, onIy peiceplion.
Considei lhe ciilicisn. If il has ieIevance lo you, acl on il, if il
has no ieIevance lo you, Iel il go.
bO D$6."2`2"A
A SlOI lhinkei vaIIovs in
A Ih nakes a conscious
decision lo focus on lhe
Noinan Vincenl IeaIe laIked aloul posilive lhinking foi aloul
haIf a cenluiy lefoie he died al age 95. You can inagine vhy he
Iived so Iong. Duiing his line, lheie vasnl lhe scienli!c ieseaich
lheie is loday on negalive veisus posilive lhinking. Il luins oul he
vas coiiecl vhen he connecled posilive lhinking lo good heaIlh.
I once said lo a pessinislic fiiend, Why donl you liy lo le
posilive foi once, lhen nayle lhings viII change in youi Iife. He
iesponded, I liied lhal once. Il didnl voik. SlOI lhinking foi
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 77
78 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The assunplion is lhal if you lhink posiliveIy, lhen you
pionole lhe desiied oulcone, and lhal lhe opposile is liue foi
lhinking negaliveIy.
Thinking negaliveIy does piedispose us lo a Iack of success
oi achievenenl. Despile lhal, il doesnl necessaiiIy guaianlee ve
vonl achieve oui goaI. Duiing lhe piocess, hovevei, il exposes
oui physioIogy lo a disease-pioducing liochenisliy.
On lhe olhei hand, lhinking posiliveIy does nol guaianlee ve
viII achieve oui goaI. Whal il does do is piedispose us lo gelling
vhal ve vanl, and, noie inpoilanlIy, expose us lo a heaIlh-pio-
ducing liochenisliy.
When ve lecone avaie of lhe in"uence of negalive veisus
posilive lhinking on oui physioIogy, lhen ve legin lo undeisland
lhe oulcone is nol lhe nosl inpoilanl eIenenl.
The posilive jouiney is noie inpoilanl lhan lhe posilive des-
linalion. This is lhe nosl inpoilanl aspecl conceining negalive
veisus posilive lhinking.
Theie is an oId Cheiokee Iegend in vhich a chief is leaching
his giandson aloul Iife. A !ghl is going on inside ne, he said
lo lhe loy. Il is a leiiilIe !ghl and il is lelveen lvo voIves. One
is eviI~he is angei, envy, soiiov, iegiel, gieed, aiiogance, seIf-
pily, guiIl, iesenlnenl, infeiioiily, Iies, faIse piide, supeiioiily,
and ego. The olhei voIf is good~he is joy, peace, Iove, hope,
seienily, huniIily, kindness, lenevoIence, enpalhy, geneiosily,
liulh, conpassion, and failh. This sane !ghl is going on inside
you and inside eveiy olhei peison loo.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Negalivily lieeds loxicily in lhe lody and depiesses and
veakens lhe innune syslen. A ieseaichei al Zuiich Univeisily
in SvilzeiIand deleinined lhal negalive lhoughls oi feeIings
couId depiess lhe innune syslen foi seveiaI houis.
The giandson lhoughl aloul il foi a ninule and lhen asked his
giandfalhei, Which voIf viII vin`
The oId chief sinpIy iepIied, The one ve feed.
e caiefuI vhal you pul youi allenlion on lecause il viII giov!
Youi allenlion is Iike sunIighl, vhen you pIace il on sonelhing, il
giovs. If you lake youi allenlion avay fion il, il vilheis. Iocus
youi allenlion on vhal you vanl. Iul youi allenlion on posilive,
il giovs, pul youi allenlion on negalive, il giovs, and al lhe sane
line, has a veakening effecl on youi physioIogy.
cO J^%".X/$%
A SlOI lhinkei sees
A Ih sees chaIIenges as
lheie lo insliucl, nol lo
Many yeais ago, I vas voiking in Singapoie. One Sunday I
visiled a uddhisl nonasleiy, vilnessed lhe uddhisl ceieno-
nies, and lhen had a gieal vegelaiian Iunch. One of lhe nonks
laIked lo ne aloul ny slay in Singapoie. I vas expIaining lo hin
hov dif!cuIl il vas lo voik vilh lhe Singapoiean goveinnenl
and do lusiness lecause lhe syslen vas so sliicl and iigid. He
Iooked al ne and said, Ycu cannc| rcacn qcur dcs|ina|icn oq |ratc-
|ing cn sunnq daqs cn|q. I lhen ieaIized, in oidei lo gel vheie I
vas going, I vouId have lo liaveI on sone iainy days. OlslacIes
aie pail of lhe palh. They donl lIock lhe palh. They exeicise us.
They nake us sliongei.
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 79
8O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
VdO )*##A
A SlOI lhinkei conslanlIy
voiiies aloul vhal nighl
go viong.
A Ih chooses lo lhink
aloul vhal he vanls lo
Think aloul vhal youi oplions aie, nol aloul vhal you donl
vanl lo happen. Woiiy is lhe selling of negalive goaIs and a
nisuse of lhe inaginalion. Why` Woiiy is inagining lhings going
viong oi having negalive oulcones. This is counleipioduclive.
Woiiy lends lo le a negalive fuluie fanlasy, neaning, as ve fan-
lasize aloul lad lhings, ve inagine ouiseIves in a Iosing posilion.
This cieales anxiely in lhe neivous syslen. If you choose lo fanla-
size, vhy nol le lhe vinnei and have a posilive oulcone`
The desliuclive quaIily of voiiy is indicaled in lhe oiigin
of lhe void ucrrq. Il is deiived fion an oId AngIo-Saxon void
neaning |c cnc|c. When ve feeI feai and voiiy aloul lhe fuluie,
ve choke lhe neivous syslen. Woiiy is a sullIe and desliuclive
hunan disease. Il feeds agilalion and disluilance inside of you.
UnsuipiisingIy, choking is lhe lein appIied lo an alhIele vho
lecones so oveivheIned vilh voiiy and anxiely lhal he lecones
dysfunclionaI and Ioses his neive and lhe gane oi nalch.
lncn | |cc| oac| cn a|| |ncsc ucrrics, | rcncnocr |nc s|crq
cf |nc c|d nan unc said cn nis dca|nocd |na| nc nad nad
a |c| cf |rcuo|c in nis |ifc, ncs| cf unicn nad nctcr nappcncd.
~ Winslon ChuichiII
Reseaich shovs lhal voiiy is indeed vasled lhoughl povei.
- 4O peicenl of vhal you voiiy aloul nevei happens
- 3O peicenl of voiiies ieIales lo lhings lhal happened in lhe
- 12 peicenl aie needIess heaIlh voiiies
- 1O peicenl aie pelly voiiies
- 8 peicenl aie acluaIIy sulslanliaI. OnIy haIf of lhis (4 pei-
cenl) of aII voiiies aie voilhvhiIe, sulslanliaI, and vilhin
lhe conlioI of lhe peison doing lhe voiiying.
We aie vasling lhoughl povei. Aflei ieading ieseaich lhal
con!ined foigelfuIness vas caused ly vhal vas caIIed ccngcs-
|itc orain |nccrq, I cane up vilh lhe anaIogy of a disc. If lheie is
loo nuch on lhe disc, shoil-lein nenoiy is nol good. Long-lein
nenoiy is good, so vhal has leen in lheie you vonl foigel. ul,
if lhe disc is fuII, ve canl add noie lo shoil-lein nenoiy. Ioi
exanpIe: I enlei a ioon and, once I an in lhe ioon, I foigel vhy
I cane. The disc is fuII, in lhis case, vilh a |c| cf irrc|ctancq. Woiiy
is iiieIevanl lhinking laking up space lhal couId le used foi ciea-
live lhoughl.
Since lhis halil consliicls ciealivily and sliesses lhe neivous
syslen, hov can you counlei voiiy` One lechnique is lo aIIov
youiseIf lo feeI lhe physioIogicaI disconfoil vhen you !isl
lecone avaie lhal you aie voiiying. Then, go lo lhe nexl slep. If
you can lhink one lhoughl, you can iepIace il vilh ils opposile. So
heie aie sone queslions lo ask youiseIf al lhal nonenl:
Whal is lhe voisl lhing lhal couId possilIy happen, if lhe
lhing In voiiied aloul cane liue` Then, vhal vouId I need lo
do iighl nov so lhal lhis voisl possilIe oulcone vouId nevei
happen` Whal aclion can I lhen lake`
In lhe nonenl, anolhei lechnique is lo svilch fion lhe nega-
live enolion of voiiy lo a posilive enolion such as gialilude. Oi,
inagine vhal you vanl lo occui, inslead of vhal you donl vanl
lo occui. This shifls lhe vhoIe physioIogy. If you lhink a posilive
lhoughl, lhen youII have a posilive enolion. This aII sounds easy,
iighl` Hovevei, ve aII knov lhal, in ieaIily, ils nol so easy. ul
ils ieaIIy inpoilanl lo pul lhis inlo piaclice.
Aflei one of ny cIasses, a pailicipanl handed ne a piece of
papei vilh lhese voids sciillIed on il: If you can change il, vhy
voiiy` If you canl change il, vhy voiiy`
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 81
82 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Ieai is voiiy nagni!ed. Lels Iook al lhe Ielleis nagni!ed:
I - IaIse
L - Lvidence
A - Appeaiing
R - ReaI
Dc |nc |ning qcu fcar ncs| and |nc dca|n cf fcar is ccr|ain.
~ Maik Tvain
The Iess you knov aloul a suljecl, lhe noie feai you viII have
enlaiking on sonelhing nev. A Ih is a Ieainei, and Ieaining
eIininales feai.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Woiiy cieales lhe physioIogy of feai and anxiely. Iood is
diveiled fion oigans lo nuscIes. Tension luiIds. iealhing
lecones shaIIov and Iess effeclive. Cailon dioxide incieases
in lhe lIoodsliean. The giealei lhe feai, lhe noie poveifuI
is lhe !ghl-oi-"ighl iesponse. ChenicaIs, such as coilisoI,
adienaIine, and noiadienaIine couise lhiough lhe lody. High
IeveIs of lhese sliess chenicaIs cause danage lo lhe aileiies
and liain ceIIs and veaken lone sliucluie.
Negalive enolions~voiiy, angei and hopeIessness~ieduce
lhe nunlei and aclivily of disease-!ghling vhile lIood ceIIs,
najoi pIayeis in lhe innune syslen.
On lhe olhei hand, posilive lhoughls slienglhen and enhance
lhe innune syslen lhiough lhe ieIease of endoiphins inlo
lhe lIoodsliean. This enalIes lhe lody lo iesisl disease and
iecovei noie quickIy fion iIIness. Lndoiphins aie lhe lodys
naluiaI painkiIIeis and nood eIevalois. Anong olhei effecls,
lhey slinuIale diIalion of lhe lIood vesseIs, vhich aIIovs lhe
heail lo do ils punping jol vilh Iess sliain.
A SlOI lhinkei doulls and
doulls and doesnl do.
A Ih feeIs lhe doull and
does il anyvay.
Doulls keep you in lhe confoil zone~lhe SlOI geai. Doulls
aie nol lhe pioducl of accuiale lhinking, lul haliluaI lhinking.
Doulls do danage so donl give lhen any nenlaI space. If you
nusl doull sonelhing, doull youi Iinilalions. Oui doulls aie
liailois and nake us Iose lhe good ve ofl nighl vin, ly feaiing lo
allenpl, viole Shakespeaie, in Mcasurc fcr Mcasurc.
VYO '.2/C#$
A SlOI lhinkei feais
nislakes lecause of lhe
feai of leing a faiIuie.
A Ih sees nislakes as
essenliaI lo success. IaII-
ing is foIIoved ly gelling
iighl lack up. Couise
coiiecls. IeeIs fiee lo nake
|ai|urc is nctcr fa|a|, fai|urc |c cnangc nign| oc.
~ askellaII coach }ohn Wooden
I once heaid a sloiy of a }apanese sanuiai vaiiioi and a Zen
nonk lhal I lhink sunnaiizes lhis chaplei.
The lough sanuiai vaiiioi appioaches lhe Zen nonk and
confionls hin in a disiespeclfuI vay. Youie a nonk and you
shouId le snail enough lo leII ne lhe diffeience lelveen heaven
5. Is Youi Mind Sluck in SlOI Ceai` 83
84 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
and heII, he says iudeIy. Whal is lhe diffeience`
The nonk Iooks al hin condescendingIy and says, I donl
discuss lhings Iike lhal vilh inleciIes. They donl undeisland
even if I leII lhen.
The sanuiai angiiIy puIIs oul his svoid and lhiealens lhe
nonk. You canl laIk lo ne Iike lhal. I couId cul youi head off
iighl nov.
HoId il, lhe nonk says. Thals heII.
The sanuiai hesilales. His angei disappeais. He puls his
svoid avay.
Yes, I undeisland nov, he says. Thank you foi lhe Iesson.
The nonk sniIes and, as he vaIks avay, says, And lhals
Whal is lhe Iesson of lhis sinpIe sloiy` You donl have lo
vail unliI Iife ends lo gel a ceili!cale lo go lo heaven oi heII: You
cieale il iighl heie. And onIy you cieale il. Iuilheinoie, Iike lhe
sanuiai, you cieale il aII lhe line, eveiy nonenl of lhe day, vilh
eveiy lhoughl and decision you nake. }ohn MiIlon, lhe LngIish
poel, puls il Iike lhis: The nind is ils ovn pIace, and in ilseIf can
nake a heaven of heII and a heII of a heaven.
Modein science vaIidales lhe sanuiai and nonk sloiy. The
nind/lody conneclion is ieaI and ieIevanl lo eveiyday Iife. In
ny voik, I appIy il lo lhe vay peopIe handIe lheii jols, vhich
is aIso a snapshol of hov lhey handIe lheii Iives in geneiaI. Lels
!nd oul noie.
Chaplei 6
Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying`
|tcrq s|rcss |catcs an indc|io|c scar,
and |nc crganisn paqs fcr i|s surtita| af|cr a
s|rcssfu| si|ua|icn oq occcning a |i|||c c|dcr.
lhe falhei of sliess nedicine
nel Susan in giaduale schooI al lhe Univeisily of Sanla Monica.
Al lhal line she vas leaching high-schooI aIgelia and geon-
eliy in Soulhein CaIifoinia lul vas unhappy and fiuslialed vilh
hei jol. Aflei !fleen yeais, she feIl she vas no Iongei naking a
conliilulion lo hei piofession. She sliII Ioved and caied foi lhe
kids, lul she said she couIdnl seen lo ieach lhen. Theii lehavioi
vas oul of conlioI and she couIdnl cope vilh lhe denands of
lhe adninislialion, lhe paienls, oi lhe kids. She feIl hoiiilIe and
niseialIe, I couId leII hov nuch pain she vas in. She said hei
physicaI heail IileiaIIy huil.
I leIieve lhis is lhe conneclion ieseaich laIks aloul, lhal oui
caidiovascuIai syslen is huil vhen ve aie nol happy and nol
enjoying Iife. Theie is a Iol of heail vaIue laken avay al lhal line,
and Susan expiessed il expIicilIy. She vas ieady lo quil. LuckiIy
she didnl.
Iasl-foivaid a yeai vhen I sav hei again, Susan had a diffeienl
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 85
86 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
sloiy lo leII. She vas nov enjoying hei voik and Iooked foivaid
lo leaching eveiy day. I vas cuiious. Susan expIained lhal she had
lo Ieain a diffeienl vay of leaching and a diffeienl vay of Iooking
al leaching. She aIso had lo lhiov oul a Iol of lhe leaching nelhods
she had leen laughl. She inlioduced enleilaining nelhods lo keep
hei sludenls inleiesl and enpoveied lhen lo lake iesponsiliIily
foi vhal lhey vanled lo Ieain. She said she conpIeleIy ieIeased
lhe piessuie off heiseIf. She gave lhen lhe iesponsiliIily of leIIing
hei hov lhey vanled lo Ieain and lhings shifled dianalicaIIy.
She said, I needed lo jusl lieal lhen vilh a highei iegaid
and Iove lhen noie. When ny allilude changed, I changed. Woik
lecane a joy again. The kids legan lo lond vilh ne. They didnl
feeI I vas judging lhen anynoie. I vasnl. I acluaIIy have noie
kids doing noie voik nov lhan evei lefoie.
I changed nyseIf inside and lhe sludenls legan lo change and
ieIale lo ne diffeienlIy. Il vas anazing.
I vanled lo !nd oul vhal liiggeied lhis liansfoinalion. So one
day duiing Iunch I sal vilh hei lo heai hei sloiy. She loId ne lhal
il aII legan one day vhen she vas diiving onlo lhe high-schooI
canpus and sav a sludenl Ieaving vho had oflen leen in lioulIe.
She had iun-ins vilh hin in lhe pasl and he vas aIvays veiy
de!anl. This line, she decided lo liy a diffeienl appioach. She
slopped hei cai and asked hin vheie he vas going and he said,
In going lo gel a doughnul. She ieninded hin lhal he vas on
piolalion and vouId le suspended if he gol caughl Ieaving.
He insisled, ul In hungiy.
So she said lo hin, Look, Ive gol sone caiiols and peanul
lullei. I knov lhal sounds odd, lul I lhink youII Iike il. III give
you ny food and III even give you a pass lo cIass.
He giudgingIy agieed~il vas fiee food, aflei aII. She paiked
hei cai and as lhey legan vaIking lack lo canpus, lhey lolh
noliced a leaulifuI fealhei Iying on lhe giound. She said, Look.
A fealhei neans an angeI has leen heie. Thal nusl le vhy I sav
you. An angeI is laking caie of you. He Iaughed and lhey venl
inlo hei cIassioon, vheie he ale lhe peanul lullei and caiiols.
He said, oy, I Iove lhis sluff.
One noining, a fev days Ialei, she vaIked inlo hei cIassioon
and he vas silling in hei chaii, spinning aiound, kind of feeIing
il oul. Susan didnl Iel anyone sil on hei chaii, she vouId leII lhe
kids lhal lheies a foice !eId aiound il. ul lheie he vas. She
asked hin vhal he vas doing silling on hei chaii.
He ansveied, WeII, nayle I vanl lo le a leachei.
Susan hid lhe giganlic sniIe she vanled lo Iel oul and sinpIy
said, Thal sounds pielly good lo ne. If lhals vhals going
lhiough youi head, I hope soneday you do lecone a leachei.
He gol up fion hei chaii and vaIked lo his seal. She Iooked
dovn and noliced lhal lheie vas a fealhei Iying on lhe "ooi ly
lhe chaii. She Iooked up al hin and he Iooked al hei and giinned,
and she knev lhal he had Iefl lhal fealhei lheie. She said il vas
one of lhe nosl leaulifuI lhings she had evei seen~lhe fealhei,
lhe Iook on his face and lhe hope lhal he had in his eyes aloul
soneday leconing a leachei. Righl lhen, she feIl hei passion foi
leaching coning lack. Undei lhe ashes she had found a luining
enlei lhal legan lo Iighl lhe "ane again foi hei Iove foi leaching.
Susans expeiience shovs lhal lhe change you have lo nake is
inleinaI. Ils nol lhe jol, ils hov you Iook al lhe jol. y lhe end of
lhal yeai, Susan feIl lhal she had lecone a veiy good leachei. She
had changed heiseIf, and lhal changed hei ieIalionship vilh hei
sludenls. She ciediled a Iol of hei changes lo lhe anazing voik
ve veie doing al lhe Univeisily of Sanla Monica (USM). I viII
leII you noie aloul lhis, lul I sliongIy ieconnend you go lo lhe
USMs velsile and lake a Iook al lhis piogian. I ceilainIy sav il
change Susan, nyseIf, and nany olheis, ly giving us sone veiy
poveifuI Iife skiIIs.
You canl aIvays change youi jol. ul foilunaleIy, you can
aIvays change youi peispeclive and appioach lo youi jol.
In lhe U2 song Rejoice, ono says il Iike lhis: | can| cnangc
|nc ucr|d, ou| | can cnangc |nc ucr|d in nc.
IaII in Iove vilh youi voik!
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 87
88 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I<D<9:E! T<8!>! F:'< E0J:E<!
In a 1996 sludy conducled ly YaIe Univeisily and lhe MacAi-
lhui Ioundalion, ieseaicheis found lhal |nc uaq pccp|c agc is ncs||q
a na||cr cf ncu |ncq |itc. SuipiisingIy, onIy aloul 3O peicenl of lhe
faclois of aging aie genelicaIIy lased. Cuiienl ieseaich ieduces
lhal nunlei lo 25 peicenl. In olhei voids, you have conlioI ovei
lhe iesl~aloul lhiee lines lhal nuch!
So vhal nakes up |nc rcs| of lhe sloiy` I suggesl lhal since ve
spend aloul 6O peicenl of oui vaking houis on lhe jol (nanageis
spend even noie, an eslinaled 7O peicenl), a lig chunk of |nc
rcs| invoIves voik. So oui appioach lo voik (and lhe line spenl
doing il) is ieaIIy ciuciaI lo hov veII ve age~lo oui quaIily and
quanlily of Iife.
The facl is nosl of us have lo voik lo nake a Iiving. Lven if
ve lake aII oui sick Ieave and vacalion days, ve sliII nusl shov
up foi voik nosl of lhe yeai.
Nov, heies lhe lhing: If youi jol doesnl nalch youi laIenls,
you viII nol le happy al voik. You viII conpIain aloul hov lad
lhe jol is, hov lad nanagenenl is, and hov lad lhe pIace is.
Slalislics indicale lhal up lo 78 peicenl of voikeis aie dissalis!ed
vilh lheii jols and 6O peicenl say lhey pIan lo Ieave lheii jols foi
olhei puisuils vilhin lvo yeais. }ol fuI!IInenl cones fion doing
vhal you Iove lo do. You have lo peifoin youi nagic: nake lhe
jol sonelhing you Iove oi gel oul lefoie il affecls youi heaIlh and
shoilens youi Iife. Thals vhy I aIvays ask lhe peopIe in ny audi-
ences, Arc qcu na|ing a |iting cr a dqing? Il gels lhen lhinking.
K78J!0:W G7L< DJ9 3>!9 :D 37,7D
Have you evei said, My voik is kiIIing ne` You nay
have leen kidding, lul voik-ieIaled sliess is no joke. Il is cei-
lainIy seiious lusiness in }apan vheie lhey even have a void foi
il: kaioshi. Il neans car|q dca|n frcn ctcrucr|, usuaIIy caused ly
heail allack oi slioke.
The !isl iepoiled case vas in 1969. Since lhen, sone 1O,OOO
dealhs yeaiIy have leen alliiluled lo kaioshi, and seveiaI Iavsuils
have leen von ly ieIalives of voikeis vho IileiaIIy voiked
lhenseIves lo dealh.
Reseaich indicales lheie aie six najoi faclois invoIved in
- LxlieneIy Iong voik houis
- Nighl voik inleifeiing vilh iesl palleins
- Woiking vilhoul hoIidays oi lieaks
- High-piessuie voik vilhoul lieaks
- LxlieneIy denanding physicaI voik
- ConlinuaIIy sliessfuI voik.
Sone of us expeiience aII of lhese faclois, nosl of us vilh
facloi nunlei six. I doull if noie lhan a fev peopIe in lhe U.S.
aie faniIiai vilh lhe void kaioshi. SliII ils happening lig line. In
1999 a U.S. goveinnenl iepoil found lhe nunlei of houis voiked
incieased 8 peicenl in one geneialion lo an aveiage 47 houis a
veek. Aneiican voikeis pul in noie houis on lhe jol lhan lhe
Ialoi foice of any olhei indusliiaI nalion. }apan had lhe pievious
iecoid unliI aiound 1995 lul Aneiicans, accoiding lo lhe iepoil,
voik aInosl a nonlh noie lhan lhe }apanese and lhiee nonlhs
noie lhan Ceinans.
!98<!! !0J89<D! F:'<
In 1983, a Tinc nagazine covei ailicIe naned sliess The
Lpidenic of lhe Lighlies, iefeiiing lo il as oui Ieading heaIlh
piolIen. Today, noie lhan a quailei-cenluiy Ialei, lhe silualion
is nuch voise and yel nosl peopIe, incIuding doclois, liiviaIize
sliess and do nol ieaIize lhe degiee lo vhich il spoiIs and shoilens
Nuneious suiveys indicale lhal aduIl Aneiicans iegaid
lhenseIves undei nuch noie sliess lhan a decade oi lvo ago,
says IauI }. Rosch, M.D., Ih.D., piesidenl of lhe Aneiican Insli-
lule of Sliess. An eslinaled 75-9O peicenl of aII visils lo piinaiy
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 89
9O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
caie physicians aie foi sliess-ieIaled piolIens. SliII, nosl peopIe
donl ieaIize lhe high degiee of danage sliess in"icls on lheii pei-
sonaI heaIlh. They sinpIy liush off oi undeieslinale lhe sliess in
lheii Iives. 'In jusl a IillIe sliessed, lheyII say, as if chionic sliess
equales lo caffeinaled edginess. They aie fooIing lhenseIves.
Sliess acluaIIy is a kiIIei lhal deslioys and shoilens Iife.
Di. Rosch has Iisled sone of lhe nany vays in vhich sliess
kiIIs and nains:
- The Ieading cause of sudden dealh, insonnia, and depies-
- Can cause heail allacks in peopIe vilh no evidence of coi-
onaiy aileiy lIockage oi disease
- The Ieading cause of nenoiy Ioss nov connon in peopIe
in lheii lhiilies and foilies
- Iionoles lhe deposilion of deep aldoninaI fal and lhe
deveIopnenl of insuIin iesislance and dialeles
- Iionoles veighl gain ly causing oveiealing, especiaIIy
sveel, saIly, and fally foods
- LIevales choIesleioI fai noie lhan incieased consunplion
of fally foods
- LIevales lIood piessuie and incieases iisk of hypeilension
and slioke
- Iionoles chionic lul siIenl in"annalion nov lhoughl lo
le lhe piine cause of aileiiaI disease
- Incieases lhe fiequency and seveiily of coIds
- Tuins asynplonalic HIV infeclion inlo AIDS
- Causes iecuiienl heipes and ieduces iesislance lo olhei
viiuses and ceilain canceis
- Aggiavales aIIeigic iesponses such as hay fevei, hives,
iashes, and ilching
- Conliilules lo auloinnune diseases such as iheunaloid
ailhiilis, Iupus, and nuIlipIe scIeiosis
- Aggiavales oi Ieads lo Iaikinsons, AIzheineis, and olhei
neuiodegeneialive diseases
- DeIays vound heaIing and iecoveiy fion suigeiy
- Is a najoi souice of lolh lension headaches and nigiaine
- Is a najoi cause of Iov-lack pain and neck disconfoil due
lo nuscIe spasn
- AcceIeiales osleopoiosis and olhei lypes of lioIogicaI
- Causes eiecliIe dysfunclion in nen and Iack of Iilido in
lolh nen and vonen
- Woisens pain, lIoaling, olhei nensliuaI conpIainls, and
nenopausaI synplons
- Makes peopIe snoke and diink noie and suffei fion sul-
slance aluse
- Causes inpuIse disoideis such as conpuIsive shopping,
ganlIing, and kIeplonania.
Sliess is lhe oveiIooked iool cause~lhe !isl cause~of nany
of lhe nosl pievaIenl disoideis ve have loday, Di. Rosch says.
Il is a hydia-headed assassin of veII-leing. Il is lhe cIandesline
cause~nol fal oi choIesleioI~of heail allacks and coionaiy dis-
ease. Il can aliuplIy end youi Iife ly expIoding an aileiiaI pIaque,
oi ly liiggeiing a IelhaI disluilance in lhe ihylhn of lhe heail. Il
is lhe Ieading cause of sudden dealh. Sliess diains lhe innune
syslen and opens lhe dooi lo lhe connon coId and lhe Ialesl "u
lug. Il is dif!cuIl lo nane any disoidei in vhich sliess cannol
exeil a causaI and/oi aggiavaling effecl, yel lhis conneclion oflen
goes uniecognized.
Did you knov lhal youi doclois liealnenl of a sliess-ieIaled
piolIen can cause noie sliess` Di. Rosch viiles, Mosl physi-
cians have scanl liaining in iecognizing sliess oi liealing il, olhei
lhan lo piesciile a lianquiIizei, anli-depiessanl, sIeeping piII~
oi peihaps aII lhiee~depending on a palienls conpIainls. Such
landaid appioaches iaieIy soIve piolIens. ConveiseIy, lhey
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 91
92 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
cause addilionaI sliess.
Ioi noie infoinalion on sliess, check oul Di. Roschs highIy
infoinalive velsile al vvv.sliess.oig.
3J5&8<F79<L !98<!!;90< F<7L:DI 'J8G J' !98<!!
Accoiding lo Di. Rosch and olhei expeils, jol-ieIaled sliess
peienniaIIy lops lhe sliess chail. Il is noie sliongIy associaled
vilh heaIlh conpIainls lhan !nanciaI oi faniIy piolIens. The
NalionaI Inslilule foi OccupalionaI Safely and HeaIlh (NIOSH)
desciiles il as lhe hainfuI physicaI and enolionaI iesponses lhal
occui vhen lhe iequiienenls of lhe jol do nol nalch lhe capaliIi-
lies, iesouices, oi needs of lhe voikei. }ol sliess can Iead lo pooi
heaIlh and even injuiy.
NIOSH leIIs us lhal heaIlh-caie expendiluies aie neaiIy 5O
peicenl giealei foi voikeis vho iepoil high IeveIs of sliess, and
lhal psychoIogicaIIy denanding jols lhal aIIov enpIoyees IillIe
conlioI ovei lhe voik piocess can inciease lhe iisk of caidiovas-
cuIai disease.
A 2OOO CaIIup suivey of alliludes in lhe Aneiican voikpIace
found lhal 8O peicenl of voikeis feeI sliess on lhe jol. NeaiIy
haIf say lhey need heIp in Ieaining hov lo nanage sliess, 42
peicenl say lheii covoikeis need such heIp, 14 peicenl feIl Iike
sliiking a covoikei in lhe pasl yeai, lul hadnl, 25 peicenl feIl
Iike scieaning oi shouling lecause of jol sliess, 1O peicenl veie
conceined aloul an individuaI al voik lhey feaied couId lecone
vioIenl, 9 peicenl veie avaie of an assauIl oi vioIenl acl in lheii
voikpIace, and 18 peicenl had expeiienced sone soil of lhieal oi
veilaI inlinidalion in lhe pievious yeai.
Sounds noie Iike a vai zone lhan a voik zone!
!98<!! !>8T<B
Hov nuch jol-ieIaled sliess do you have` The Aneiican
Inslilule of Sliess has deveIoped lhis suivey designed lo heIp you
Ieain noie aloul youi ovn jol sliess IeveI. Keep scoie foi each
- I canl honeslIy say vhal I ieaIIy lhink, oi gel lhings off ny
chesl, al voik.
- My jol has a Iol of iesponsiliIily, lul I donl have veiy
nuch aulhoiily.
- I couId usuaIIy do a nuch lellei jol if I veie given noie
- I seIdon ieceive adequale acknovIedgnenl vhen ny
voik is ieaIIy good.
- In geneiaI, I an nol pailicuIaiIy pioud oi salis!ed vilh
ny jol.
- I have lhe inpiession lhal I an iepealedIy picked on oi
disciininaled againsl al voik.
- My voikpIace enviionnenl is nol veiy pIeasanl oi pai-
licuIaiIy safe.
- My jol oflen inleifeies vilh ny faniIy, sociaI olIigalions,
oi peisonaI needs.
- I lend lo have fiequenl aigunenls vilh supeiiois, cov-
oikeis, oi cusloneis.
- Mosl of lhe line, I feeI I have veiy IillIe conlioI ovei ny
Iife al voik.
Add up youi iesponses lo each queslion foi youi lolaI jol
sliess scoie.
SliongIy Disagiee Agiee Sonevhal SliongIy Agiee
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 93
94 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
1O-3O You handIe sliess on youi jol veII.
4O-6O You handIe sliess on youi jol nodeialeIy veII.
7O-1OO Youie encounleiing piolIens lhal need lo le
addiessed and iesoIved.
Sliess cosls U.S. lusiness an eslinaled $3OO liIIion a yeai.
This iesuIls in Iovei pioduclivily and highei heaIlh-caie cosls.
A WoiId HeaIlh Oiganizalion iepoil has caIIed jol sliess a
g|coa| cpidcnic. Accoiding lo lhe Luiopean Agency foi Safely and
HeaIlh al Woik, neaiIy one in foui Luiopean voikeis is affecled
ly il, and sludies suggesl lhal lelveen 5O and 6O peicenl of aII Iosl
voiking days aie ieIaled lo il. Sliess al voik can affecl anyone
al any IeveI, lhe agency says, and in any secloi and in any size
of oiganizalion. Sliess affecls lhe heaIlh and safely of individuaIs,
lul aIso lhe heaIlh of oiganizalions and nalionaI econonies.
Looking ahead, lhe agency piedicled lhal lhe nunlei of
peopIe suffeiing fion sliess-ieIaled condilions caused oi nade
voise ly voik is IikeIy lo inciease. The changing voiId of voik
is naking incieased denands on voikeis, lhiough dovnsizing
and oulsouicing, lhe giealei need foi "exiliIily in leins of func-
lion and skiIIs, incieasing use of lenpoiaiy conliacls, incieased
jol insecuiily and voik inlensi!calion (vilh highei voikIoad
and noie piessuie), and pooi voik-Iife laIance.
None of lhis is nev, of couise. Whals nev is lhal expeils aie
scieaning noie IoudIy foi ienedies lo soIve lhe piolIen, and
noie and noie conpanies aie liying lo inpIenenl voikpIace
Oui foiefalheis, Di. Rosch poinls oul, veie oflen faineis and
ciaflsnen vho look piide in lheii voik, Ialoied undei a noie
conlioIIed and piediclalIe pace, and veie nuch noie IikeIy lo
see lhe lene!ls and pIeasuie il piovided foi olheis. They did
sonelhing vhich lhey enjoyed and couId see lene!led olheis.
This expeiience pioduced poveifuI salisfaclion lhal nany
voikeis iaieIy expeiience loday. This piide of acconpIishnenl is
a poveifuI sliess luslei. Today loo nany of us aie neieIy cogs in
sone gianl lechnocialic venluie, iaieIy having any conlioI ovei
lhe !nished pioducl oi having enough line lo use oui laIenls
BJ> 78< 90< !JF>9:JD
IoIilicians laIk aloul having a heaIlh-caie syslen lhal pio-
vides foi eveiyone. ul pioviding foi heaIlh has lo slail vilh lhe
individuaI. Thals vheie lhe uIlinale iesponsiliIily iesides: Wilh
you! Nol vilh youi goveinnenl oi insuiance pIan. And acluaIIy,
nol vilh youi docloi.
Aneiican nanufacluieis aie Iosing lheii aliIily lo conpele in
lhe gIolaI naikelpIace in Iaige neasuie lecause of lhe ciushing
luiden of heaIlh-caie cosls, CM CLO Rick Wagonei has said,
vhiIe caIIing on coipoiale and goveinnenl Ieadeis lo !nd scnc
scricus ncdicinc foi lhe nalions aiIing heaIlh syslen.
In a 2OO7 Tinc nagazine ailicIe on sliess, SheIdon Cohen, a
psychoIogy piofessoi al Cainegie, MeIIon Univeisily, connenled
lhal cuiienl evidence vas enough lo slail asking vhelhei ieduc-
lions of sliess vouId ieduce disease oulcones, lul lhal peopIe
have nol leen asking lhis queslion. In lhe sane ailicIe, DanieI
iolnan, diiecloi of lhe HospilaIisl Iiogian al }ohns Hopkins
HospilaI and an expeil in lhe sliess iesponse, said nany doc-
lois donl have lhe line lo ask. Ils iionic lhal as veie gelling
a lioadei picluie of hov inpoilanl sliess IeveIs aie lo physicaI
heaIlh, veie sinuIlaneousIy cianning appoinlnenls inlo shoilei
and shoilei peiiods of line. Doclois lend lo lIov off enolionaI
liiggeis. TiadilionaI veslein nedicine has ieaIIy endeavoied lo
lhink of lhe lody as a nachine, and disease as hov lhe nachine
lieaks dovn. |Doclois can lej ieIuclanl lo lhink of lhe nind and
lody as leing pail of lhal sane nachine.
The nessage is cIeai: You had lellei slail laking caie of youi-
seIf lecause lhe syslen isnl going lo do il. Youi seIf-inleiesl is lhe
lesl syslen. And pievenlion is youi lesl looI. YOU aie lhe lesl
peison lo lake caie of youi ovn heaIlh.
Il aII slails vilh hov you lhink. MenlaI evenls exeil hainfuI
oi lene!ciaI effecls on lhe liain and aie liansnilled lo lhe lody.
6. Aie You Making a Living oi a Dying` 95
96 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
In ieaIily, eveiylhing is ciealed vilhin lhe seIf and diiecled lack
lo lhe seIf.
The nev-age undeislanding~and lhe vay lhe IiofessionaI
Hunan eing appioaches Iife~is lhal eveiy lhoughl, void, and
aclion has a heaIlh and physioIogicaI consequence. An undei-
slanding lhal gives aII lhe noie ieason lo hoId ouiseIves iespon-
silIe and accounlalIe, no nallei vhal lhe silualion.
We knov lhal dysfunclionaI lhinking undeinines successfuI
aclion, lul vhal is il doing lo us on lhe inside` Lels !nd oul.
Chaplei 7
Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl
lc arc a|| auarc cf |nc oias oui|| in|c |nc lcs|crn idca
|na| |nc nind is |c|a||q in |nc ncad, a func|icn cf |nc orain.
8u| qcur ocdq is nc| |ncrc jus| |c carrq arcund qcur ncad.
inleinalionaIIy iecognized phainacoIogisl
he nosl poveifuI phainacy in lhe voiId is iighl inside youi
skin. Il !IIs piesciiplions innedialeIy. No vailing. Youi eve-
iy lhoughl pioduces a chenicaI iesponse lhal can Iead you in lhe
diieclion of heaIlh oi sickness. ul did you knov lhal youi phai-
nacy is lusy iesponding lo youi lhoughl piocess al voik jusl as
il does vhiIe youie al hone oi on vacalion`
A Iol of fascinaling /nind/lody/voik ieseaich has leen con-
ducled in iecenl yeais. Il shovs quile concIusiveIy hov voikpIace
lhinking and sliess~heavy on voiiy, anxiely, feai, doull, angei
and fiuslialion~can pioduce lad heaIlh. MeanvhiIe, voikpIace
lhinking invoIving seivice, fuI!IInenl, and ciealivily viII suppoil
and enhance an opposile, heaIlhy effecl.
One of ny favoiile ieseaicheis in lhe aiea of |ncugn| cncnis|rq
is Ceoigelovn Univeisilys Candace Ieil vho found lhal uc arc
|nc cn|q spccics |na| can cnangc cur in|crna| oiccncnis|rq oq cnanging
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 97
98 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
cur |nin|ing. Oui lhoughls and enolions pioduce speci!c noI-
ecuIes in lhe lody. They eilhei suslain heaIlh oi pionole disease.
III lel youve nevei consideied youi lhoughls as noIecuIes.
Ieil, in hei gioundlieaking look, Mc|ccu|cs cf |nc|icn, expIains
hov lhis voiks. She desciiles hov lhoughls and enolions can
nanifesl as noIecuIes in lhe neivous syslen. Ioi exanpIe, louls
of Iaughlei can heIp lhe lody synlhesize endoiphins. Lndoiphins
aie heaIlh-pioducing noIecuIes.
K<<,:DI GB 5:JE0<G:!98B :D E0<EK
One day duiing lhe sunnei lefoie ny sophonoie yeai of
high schooI, I vas going hone fion Augusl foollaII piaclice.
CenliaI CalhoIic, ny high schooI, vas aloul len niIes fion ny
hone. Il vas a hol day and I had nissed ny iide so I had lo hilch-
hike. I pul ny lhunl oul and legan vaIking, as lhe cais vhizzed
ly. Aflei a vhiIe I slailed lo gel a IillIe disheailened. IoollaII
piaclices veie lough and heId lvice daiIy lecause of lhe heal. I
vanled lo gel hone lo eal, lhen go lo led eaiIy. The nexl day il
vouId slail aII ovei again.
Aflei I had liudged up lhe ioad foi len ninules, a cai
appioached. I valched il slop aloul !fly yaids ahead of ne. I vas
exciled. I ian lovaid lhe cai and, jusl as I ieached il, il suddenIy
puIIed avay. I sav a cai fuII of guys Iaughing.
And as il sped avay, I Iaughed loo. I lhoughl il vas pielly
funny! You guys nade ne iun aII lhis vay and you look off. Il
vas funny. I jusl Iaughed. I didnl gel angiy. I didnl gel upsel,
piolalIy lecause I vas loo liied lo gel upsel, nol lecause I vas
any kind of a ludding psychoIogisl.
Iive ninules Ialei, lhe sane cai puIIed up vilh lhe sane guys
and slopped aIongside ne. I gol in and lhey legan apoIogizing.
Soiiy, nan! We had a giiI in lhe cai and no ioon foi you. We
jusl diopped hei off. You veie a good spoil, so ve had lo cone
lack and gel you. Wheie aie you headed`
I loId lhen and lhey look ne aII lhe vay hone. To lop il off,
lhey veie foollaII pIayeis fion lhe neighloiing iivaI, Ieiiy High
In gIad I kepl ny cooI in lhal nonenl. I had chosen lo in|cr-
prc| |ncir ac|icns as pIayfuI and nol spilefuI. And lhis heIped ne lo
keep ny innei laIance. I kepl ny inleinaI liochenisliy in check.
You loo can nainlain youi soveieignly ovei lhe nonenl and
nol lecone ils piisonei.
The key is sliiving lo aIlei youi inleipielalion of lhe evenl. You
can choose youi in|crprc|a|icn cf |nc s|inu|us in each nonenl. Rec-
ognizing you have lhis choice cieales a gap lelveen lhe slinuIus,
vhalevei is happening in lhe enviionnenl, and youi iesponse lo
il. In lhal gap Iies fieedon, fieedon lo le vho you vanl lo le.
Does lhe nane Ivan IavIov iing a leII` This Russian scienlisl
did nol sel oul lo discovei Iavs of lehavioi vhen he vas sludying
digeslion. His gioundlieaking expeiinenls vilh dogs veie one
of lhe voiIds nosl fanous denonslialions of lhe nind/lody
conneclion. IavIov Ialei ieceived a NoleI Iiize in Medicine foi
discoveiing vhal he caIIed condilionaI ie"exes. To his annoy-
ance, lhe dogs in his expeiinenls vouId saIivale lefoie lhey veie
alIe lo sneII oi see lhe neal he pul dovn lefoie lhen. He vouId
iing lhe leII and lhey vouId saIivale lhinking aloul lhe neal
lo cone. Isychic secielions, he caIIed lhen, I caII il a sliong
exanpIe of nind/lody lehavioi.
In lhe Lasl, lhe nind/lody concepl is veII undeislood. Ioi
lhousands of yeais lhe sages of India and China have knovn
lhal lhoughls and feeIings cannol le sepaialed fion lhe physicaI
effecls lhey cieale, lhe lody liansnules consciousness inlo nallei.
The Wesl has leen sIov lo accepl such nolions. In lhe Iale
198Os, nedicaI science conceded lhal iIIness is connecled lo a
peisons enolions, leIiefs, and expeclalions. Yel lhis concepl is
sonelhing lhal nainsliean nedicine lends lo ignoie in ils ieduc-
lionisl, phainaceulicaI, and suigicaI appioaches lo iIIness. Sone
doclois seen lo foigel lhal lhe vhoIe lody is connecled. In 199O,
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 99
1OO econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
a nevsIellei of lhe Aneiican MedicaI Associalion (AMA) queiied
ils nenleis and found lhal onIy 1O peicenl leIieved in lhe nind/
lody conneclion. In iesponse, one physician asked lhe queslion,
Hov do lhe olhei 9O peicenl of lhe doclois lhink lhey viggIe
lheii loes`
78< BJ> ,8J9<E9:DI BJ>8 L<F:E79< G7E0:D<8BR
The aulononic neivous syslen (ANS) is lhe highIy sophis-
licaled nachineiy iunning nuch of lhe shov. The ANS is a nel-
voik of neives lhal liaveI fion lhe liain, dovn lhe spine, oul lo
lhe nuscIes and lhe gIands of youi inleinaI oigans, and on lo lhe
skin and lIood vesseIs. The neives caiiy nessages lhal aclivale
one of lhe lvo nosl inpoilanl ie"exes you have: !gn|-cr-"ign|
rc"cx oi rcs|fu|-a|cr|ncss (rcjutcna|icn) rc"cx. This syslen conlioIs
aloul 9O peicenl of lhe lodys innei voikings and funclions. The
nane iefeis lo ils invoIunlaiy oi aulonalic funclioning.
Wilhin lhis haidviie selup aie lvo divisions: lhe synpalhelic
and paiasynpalhelic neivous syslens. The synpalhelic syslen
aclivales lhe lody lovaid lhe sliess iesponse~!ghl-oi-"ighl. The
paiasynpalhelic syslen cieales a caIn and lianquiI slale. I iefei
lo lhis as iejuvenalion iesponse lecause of ils ieslfuI and iesloia-
live naluie. Mosl sliess-nanagenenl lechniques, incIuding nedi-
lalion and liofeedlack, ain lo induce a posilive paiasynpalhelic
slale ly caIning dovn a neivous syslen conslanlIy in synpa-
lhelic oveidiive.
90< ':I09&J8&'F:I09 *# !98<!! 8<!,JD!<
As you knov, lhe !ghl-oi-"ighl iesponse is lhe lodys inleinaI
iesponse lo a lhieal oi peiceived lhieal. When lhis occuis, lhe
neivous syslen is "ooded vilh noie lhan a lhousand diffeienl
liochenicaIs lhal ovei line can le loxic lo liain ceIIs, aileiy
vaIIs, and lone lissue, and cause pienaluie aging and a Iack of
enolionaI and physicaI vilaIily. We need snaII anounls of lhese
chenicaIs foi piopei funclioning, nol a "ood~and ceilainIy nol
kicking in aII lhe line.
Anong lhe excesses aie sliess hoinones lhal liiggei a cascade
of evenls piining a peison lo iun oi !ghl oi fieeze. This lype
of nechanisn seived veII foi lhe suivivaI of lhe cavenen facing
salei-loolhed ligeis. Mosl of lhe lhieals ve face loday, hovevei,
lend lo le psychoIogicaI and cannol le handIed ly !ghling oi
"eeing (as nuch as ve nighl vanl lo).
In 193O, lhe gieal Canadian ieseaichei and physician, Hans
SeIye, coined lhe lein s|rcss rcspcnsc. He denonslialed lhal lhe
lody ieacls lo nodein-day sliesses as lhough il veie sliII facing
lhe ligei and olhei acule physicaI lhieals.
The iesponse has leen sludied vigoiousIy evei since Di.
SeIyes gioundlieaking voik. Il has aIso leen caIIed lhe lodys
cncrgcncq rcspcnsc and anqgda|a nijac|ing, a iefeience lo lhe pail
of lhe liain (lhe Iinlic aiea) lhal signaIs an eneigency and lhen
gaineis, oi nijac|s, nosl of lhe lodys iesouices lo defend ilseIf ly
!ghling, fieezing in pIace, oi "eeing.
Whalevei nane ve use, il ienains one of lhe nosl inpoilanl
ie"exes in lhe iepeiloiie of oui nind/lody iesponses. Il is oui
evoIulionaiy heiilage. We have lhis luiIl-in inslincl lo inslanlIy
iespond lo a lhieal oi peiceived lhieal. Whelhei lhe lhieal is
physioIogicaI oi psychoIogicaI, ve iespond in lhe sane vay, lhe
lody noliIizes foi defensive oi offensive aclion. Heail iale, ies-
piialion, nuscIe lension, and lIood piessuie aII inciease, as veII
as lIood "ov lo lhe exlienilies~oui ains and Iegs~lo assisl in
iunning oi !ghling.
When lhe Iinlic syslen is exciled, il slinuIales lhe pioduclion
of lhiee poveifuI chenicaIs~coilisoI, epinephiine and noiepi-
nephiine~vhich aie usefuI vhen you encounlei dangei oi need
speciaI focus. These, neveilheIess, can conpionise lhe innune
syslen, and can veaken oui lodies in geneiaI, even aging us, if
lhey ienain chionicaIIy piesenl in lhe lIoodsliean al eIevaled
IeveIs. An oveichaiged synpalhelic neivous syslen pionoles
pooi innune funclion. The consequences of lhis iange fion lhe
connon coId, lo cancei, lone disease, and nuscuIoskeIelaI disoi-
deis. Iion a caidiovascuIai peispeclive, lhe inlioduclion of lhese
chenicaIs pioduces veiy negalive changes in lIood lexluie, lIood
piessuie, and aileiiaI funclion lhal iesuIl in heail allacks, slioke,
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 1O1
1O2 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
and pienaluie dealh.
Undei chionic sliess~such as an unfuI!IIing jol~lhe sliess
hoinones can pionole aileiiaI consliiclion, iise of lIood pies-
suie, and incieased heail iale. They aIso nay cause lhe lIood lo
cIol noie. This is lene!ciaI foi a soIdiei exposed lo conslanl Iife-
and-dealh silualions. ShouId you lecone vounded, you vanl
noie cIolling lo sIov dovn oi pIug up lIood Ioss.
Hovevei, lhe equivaIenl of daiIy con"icl oi dissalisfaclion
in lhe of!ce geneiales a siniIai piocess in lhe lody. The lIood
lecones lhick and slicky. The lhickei and slickiei youi lIood
lecones, lhe giealei youi iisk foi caidiovascuIai piolIens.
My good fiiend and viilei, Mailin Zuckei, has coaulhoied a
gieal look vilh Slephen Sinalia and }anes Roleils, lvo hoIislic
caidioIogisls. The look, Rctcrsc Hcar| Discasc Ncu, liings a good
deaI of allenlion lo lhe conneclion lelveen lhe heail and eno-
lions. Doclois poinl oul lhal accounlanls die fion heail allacks
noie duiing lax season lecause lheii oxidized choIesleioI goes
vay up due lo lhe sliess. They aIso poinl oul~and lhis is veiy
ieveaIing~lhal lhe singIe liggesl incidence of heail allacks (28
peicenl) occuis on Monday noining. And, accoiding lo a }apa-
nese sludy lhey ciled, nany voikeis suffei a spike in lIood pies-
suie as lhey ieluin lo lhe of!ce aflei lhe veekend.
We caidioIogisls caII lhis phenonenon lhe Monday-Moining
Syndione, Dis. Sinalia and Roleils viole. Ioi nany, going lo
voik on Monday is Iike going inlo lallIe, so no vondei heail
allacks occui en nasse al lhis line.
Looking al slioke, IsiaeIi ieseaicheis iepoiled in 2OO4 on a
sludy of 2OO conseculive palienls vho had expeiienced a nini-
slioke (liansienl ischenic allack oi TIA). Theii invesligalion
shoved lhal angei and inlense negalive enolions couId inciease
lhe iisk of slioke ly as nuch as 14 lines. And, in 2OO2, Sviss doc-
lois found nenlaI sliess causes lhe innei Iayei of lhe lIood vesseIs
lo consliicl, vhich nay inciease lhe iisk of a heail allack oi slioke.
Theii sludy piovided lhe !isl evidence lhal nenlaI sliess induces
dysfunclion in lhis veiy sensilive and ciilicaI aileiiaI lissue.
In lhe Ieliuaiy 2OO7 issue of Di. Sinalias Hcar|, Hca||n c
Nu|ri|icn nevsIellei, lhe Conneclicul caidioIogisl lioughl up his
concein aloul sliess in a veiy peisonaI vay. In aIvays asking
ny heail palienls hov lhey handIe sliess, he viole. Ils a lig
deaI foi ne, piolalIy slenning fion lhe line I vas lhiileen yeais
oId and ny giandnolhei died fion a nassive slioke. I ienenlei
asking ny falhei vhal had caused lhe slioke. He expIained lhal
lhe oiI luinei in ny giandnolheis house had slailed snoking
and she lecane enolionaIIy upsel aloul il. Wilhin a fev ninules
she lecane confused. Then she coIIapsed lo lhe "ooi.
When peopIe gel !ied up enolionaIIy, anylhing can happen.
They Iighl a fuse inside lheii lodies lhal can cause an innediale
and deadIy expIosion, Iike a heail allack oi ny giandnolheis
slioke, oi liiggei a cascade of hainfuI chenicaI changes lhal
lecones deadIy ovei line. Ive seen angei, chionic sliess, depies-
sion and sociaI isoIalion lake a lig loII on palienls. These consli-
lule hidden iisk faclois nol usuaIIy addiessed ly doclois.
If you can iecognize youi enolionaI issues, and deaI vilh
lhen, you lecone Iess pione lo angina, iiieguIai heailleal, heail
allack, slioke, and high lIood piessuie.
90< E7FG:DI <''<E9
We aII Iike lo lhink of ouiseIves as cooI, caIn, and coIIecled.
And, if lhals liue, ve aie funclioning noie in lhe node of lhe pai-
asynpalhelic neivous syslen. Hovevei, lecause of lhe enphasis
on disease and naIfunclion in oui sociely and in ieseaich, lhis
syslen doesnl gel neaiIy as nuch allenlion as il deseives.
The paiasynpalhelic syslen is lhe sel of neives iesponsilIe
foi a caIning, ieslfuI, iejuvenaling iesponse. I caII il lhe rcgcn-
cra|icn rcspcnsc. Il fosleis a slale of lhe nind/lody lhal is iegen-
eialive and heaIlh-pioducing. Il assisls us in heaIing fion sliess.
Duiing lhis slale youi heail leals noie sIovIy and Iess foice-
fuIIy. Oxygen consunplion is ieduced. Youi liiIIions of ceIIs gel
lo voik laking caie of inleinaI iepaii and iesloialion. Youi liain
and endociine syslens have geaied dovn fion oveidiive.
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 1O3
1O4 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
When I lhink of paiasynpalhelic funclion, ny nind conjuies
up inages of silling in lhe shade vilh a cooI fiuil diink aflei a
Iong, hol day of yaid-voik in lhe sun, oi lellei yel, nedilaling,
vhich I have leen doing ieguIaiIy foi lhe Iasl foily yeais.
!<FB<Q G7078:!0:Q )7FF7E<;7DL !98<!!
In }uIy 1972, I vas voiking al lhe Univeisily of Akion and
decided lo lake one nonlh off lo allend a couise on lhe Science
of Ciealive InleIIigence (deveIopnenl of consciousness) offeied
ly Mahaiishi Mahesh Yogi, lhe foundei of TianscendenlaI Medi-
lalion (TM), al Queens Univeisily in Kingslon, Onlaiio. Duiing
lhal nonlh, I nel lhiee nen vho vouId shape ny lhinking on
sliess, heaIlh, and seIf-deveIopnenl.
Mahaiishi vas lheie. Hans SeIye, lhe falhei of sliess nedicine,
vas lheie. And so vas a young physioIogisl fion UCLA, naned
Roleil Keilh WaIIace.
Mahaiishi popuIaiized nedilalion in lhe Wesl. He inspiied
iepealed scienli!c sludies shoving lhal nedilalion vas nol
neieIy an esoleiic piaclice foi HinaIayan iecIuses, lul a ieIe-
vanl seIf-deveIopnenl looslei foi aII of nodein sociely. efoie
I nel Mahaiishi, I had iead his !isl look, Tnc Scicncc cf 8cing and
Ar| cf |iting. Transccndcn|a| Mcdi|a|icn. Iion Mahaiishi, I cane
lo undeisland lhal science-lased nedilalion is one of lhe nosl
effeclive, naluiaI vays foi nol jusl ieducing sliess and anxiely,
lul foi sinuIlaneousIy inpioving heaIlh, Ieaining aliIily, liain
coheience, pioduclivily, ciealivily, and ieIalionships. In a veiy
ieaI sense, nedilalion enalIes one lo gial a liggei chunk of ones
polenliaI in Iife!
I had eaiIiei iead Di. SeIyes look, Tnc S|rcss cf |ifc, and knev
he vas consideied lhe Linslein of nedicine. He de!ned sliess
as an oveiIoad on lhe syslen, a chenicaI iesponse caused ly a
peiceplion of physicaI oi psychoIogicaI lhieal acconpanied ly
a negalive enolionaI aiousaI. Iion his Iecluies, I gained a cIeai
undeislanding of lhe hainfuI effecls of sliess and ils piofound,
negalive in"uence on heaIlh and Iongevily.
Al lhe line, Di. SeIye vas allenpling lo !nd a vay lo nedi-
cale sliess. He vas conceined vilh a phainaceulicaI inleivenlion,
vhich, as cuiienl ieseaich leIIs us, can acluaIIy cause an inciease
of sliess on lhe syslen. Mahaiishi vas saying lheie vas a naluiaI
neans lo oveicone sliess and naxinize seIf-deveIopnenl. We
expeiience lhis vhen ve aIign oui individuaI avaieness vilh
lhe heaIing souice of univeisaI consciousness vilhin each and
eveiy one of us~ieaI nind/lody nedicine vilh no negalive side
Di. WaIIaces Iandnaik iepoil in a 197O issue of Scicn|i!c
Ancrican shovs lhal TianscendenlaI Medilalion opens lhe dooi
lo a conpIeleIy unique slale of psychophysioIogy in lhe nind/
lody of lhe nedilaloi. He caIIs lhis slale rcs|fu| a|cr|ncss: lhe lody
iesls deepei lhan deep sIeep vhiIe lhe nind ienains exlieneIy
aIeil. This slale is lhe opposile of sliess. In facl, il is lhe anlidole
lo sliess and il is sonelhing lhal can le achieved ly nedilalion.
Lalei in lhis look I viII shov hov lhis effecl incieases pioduc-
livily, ciealivily, inleIIigence, and voikpIace hainony~anong
olhei lhings.
I cane avay fion lhal confeience vilh a lolaIIy diffeienl pei-
speclive on lhe hunan condilion. These expeils nade il sinpIe
foi ne. Di. SeIye laughl ne aloul chionic sliess, an eneny lhal
siIenlIy voiks vilhin lo shoilen oui Iives. Mahaiishi laughl ne
hov lo ieach lhe siIence lenealh ny ovn aclive consciousness lo
counleiacl lhal sliess and heIp ne ieaIize ny fuII polenliaI. Di.
WaIIace laughl ne lhal lhe nind/lody expeiience of ieslfuI aIeil-
ness~lhe opposile slale of lhe s|rcss rcspcnsc~vas nol jusl sone
nyslicaI concepl lul a scienli!caIIy neasuialIe phenonenon.
0J) 78< BJ> 98<79:DI BJ>8 :D9<8D7F !<E>8:9B
7DL L<,789G<D9 J' 987D!,J8979:JDR
We have exanined in liief oui lvo nosl inpoilanl ie"exes~
sliess and caIn. These lvo ie"exes piofoundIy affecl vhal I caII
oui inleinaI secuiily syslen and lianspoilalion syslen. The
secuiily syslen is ny vay of desciiling lhe innune syslen
and lhe lianspoilalion syslen iefeis lo lhe ciicuIaloiy syslen.
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 1O5
1O6 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The snoolh funclioning of lhese lvo syslens is vilaIIy inpoilanl
lo oui heaIlh and Iongevily.
In any silualion, veak secuiily nakes foi vuIneialiIily. You
lecone an easy laigel. In lhe lody, such vuIneialiIily can give
iise lo infeclions, cancei, ailhiilis, and olhei foins of disease.
Sliess can seveieIy veaken youi secuiily.
The innune syslen is nade up of an ainy of liIIions of
fiee-"oaling ceIIs and chenicaI agenls in seaich of alnoinaIilies
such as viiuses and lacleiia. These enlilies go ly such nanes as
ceIIs, T ceIIs, and kiIIei ceIIs. The syslen is aIso conpiised of
slalionaiy senlineIs, incIuding Iynph nodes, lhe lhynus gIand,
lone naiiov and lhe spIeen. AII voiking in conceil, lhey piolecl
us againsl disease. I vonl gel inlo lhe liochenisliy of aII lhis. Ils
vay loo conpIex (foi ne).
On lhe lianspoilalion side, vhen youi lIood vesseIs lecone
danaged and aged, you pul youiseIf seveieIy al iisk foi caidio-
vascuIai disease. Youi aileiies aie lhe highvays lhal caiiy oxygen
and nuliienls lo eveiy ceII of youi lody, incIuding youi heail
and liain. This syslen aIso incIudes lhe veins, vhich caiiy vasle
pioducls and deoxygenaled lIood fion youi nuscIes and oigans
lack lo lhe heail and Iungs.
Ovei-aclivalion~inappiopiiale ieaclions lo oui enviion-
nenl~causes piolIens lo lhese lvo syslens as veII as lhe
aulononic neivous syslen (ANS). These syslens can eilhei le
slienglhened oi suppiessed accoiding lo hov ve lhink and acl.
When ve considei lhe ANS, ve nusl undeisland lhe void
aulononous is sonevhal nisIeading lecause lhe syslen is nol
excIusiveIy invoIunlaiy. y oui aclions, ve can ignile eilhei lhe
!ghl-oi-"ighl iesponse, and aII of lhe chenicaI concoclion il cie-
ales, oi lhe iejuvenalion iesponse and ils noie caIning liochen-
7 E0J:E< <T<8B GJG<D9
As an exanpIe, you nay have leen voiking veiy Iong and
haid on a piojecl and have giovn veiy allached lo seeing il
lhiough lo conpIelion. Youi loss cones inlo youi of!ce and asks,
Hovs lhal piojecl coning` You ansvei, Il viII piolalIy lake
anolhei veek lo conpIele. Hei iesponse, UnfoilunaleIy I have
lo lake you off lhal piojecl. We uigenlIy need you on sonelhing
eIse. I an ieassigning lhal lo anolhei covoikei.
You couId aigue lhal lhe loss couId have handIed lhis a IillIe
diffeienlIy. Lels assune, lecause of a line-sensilive eneigency,
lhis is lhe lesl she can do. The inpoilanl queslion foi you is,
Whal viII le youi iesponse`
Wilhin a spIil second you nake a decision aloul hov you aie
going lo inleipiel lhis silualion and, lased on lhal evaIualion,
you iespond. The iesponse can le inleinaI oi exleinaI, lul il is
lheie. Il can le one of angei oi one of "exilIe acceplance. Ils youi
choice~and you do have a choice. You aie in conlioI! Oui incIina-
lion is lo feeI oui iesponse is due lo lhe slinuIus and nol due lo
oui evaIualion of lhe silualion, oi vhal is caIIed oui cxp|ana|crq
s|q|c (hov ve expIain lhe voiId lo ouiseIves).
Whal if you veie alIe lo aclivale youi sense of hunoi in lhe
sane silualion` I leIieve having a sense of hunoi on lhe jol~
and in Iife in geneiaI~is vilaI. Tnc Ancrican ]curna| cf Mcdicinc
iepoils Iaughlei incieases secielions lhal inpiove oxygenalion
of lhe lIood, ieIaxes lhe aileiies, and decieases lIood piessuie.
Laughlei has a posilive effecl on aII caidiovascuIai and iespiia-
loiy aiInenls and incieases lhe oveiaII innune syslen iesponse
as veII.
This choice nay le lhe nosl inpoilanl iouline in youi Iife.
Why` ecause you aie faced vilh a choice al ctcrq sing|c ncncn| of
change! Have you deveIoped a piocess lo handIe lhese nonenls`
Oi do you nishandIe lhen on a ieguIai lasis` Aie you a sIave lo
youi lad halils`
G7D7I:DI BJ>8 :D9<8D7F ,078G7EB GJG<D9&5B&
Heies youi choice: You can le a piisonei of lhe nonenl oi
have soveieignly ovei il. Hov you nanage youi nonenls, hov
you nanage youi Iife, iesuIls in vhal piesciiplions you viile foi
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 1O7
1O8 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
youi inleinaI phainacisl. You can eilhei handIe lhe nonenls oi
le handIed oq lhen. Lach expeiience you have is an oppoilunily
foi you lo iespond in a vay lhal invokes one of lvo ie"exes~lhe
sliess iesponse oi lhe iejuvenalion iesponse.
If you invoke lhe eneigency iesponse chionicaIIy, you cieale
a discasc-prcducing oiccncnis|rq. If you invoke lhe iejuvenalion
iesponse haliluaIIy, you cieale a nca||n-prcducing liochenisliy. If
ve gel lhe nind iighl, lhe lody viII foIIov. And, in luin, if you
gel lhe lody iighl, lhe nind viII foIIov.
Whal you donl pay allenlion lo, and vhal lhis look piesenls,
is youi physioIogicaI iesponse occausc cf lhe inleipielalion of lhe
evenl oi silualion. This is lhe nannei in vhich youi lody physi-
caIIy ieacls lo youi lhinking aloul Iifes ciicunslances.
G*4$-"% )2"?2- G*4$-"% eG*4$-" G.-.6$4$-"f
Life is aII lhe nonenls pul logelhei. Lels spIil each nonenl
inlo lhiee conponenls:
1. THL SITUATION. The acluaI exleinaI evenl oi ciicun-
slance youie expeiiencing.
2. YOUR INTLRIRLTATION. Youi inleinaI evaIualion of
lhe evenl. Hov you expIain lhe evenl lo youiseIf. Youi
inleinaI diaIogue~evaIualing lhe good oi lad of lhe evenl,
lhe iighlness oi viongness, lhe faiiness oi Iack of faiiness,
and vhelhei lhe evenl lhiealens you in any vay.
3. YOUR RLSIONSL. Hov you choose lo ieacl, vhelhei in a
!l of angei oi vilh caInness oi vilh joy.
y deveIoping appiopiiale nonenl nanagenenl, you can
iise lo lhe IeveI of a Ih, poised and ieady lo handIe and lake
advanlage of lhe nonenl. The Ih piepaies ahead of line vilh
piopei iesl and nenlaI ieheaisaI even lefoie encounleiing lhe
slinuIus: a disgiunlIed covoikei, an angiy loss, oi an iiiilaling
cuslonei. Monenl Managenenl piovides lhe foundalion foi lhe
psychophysioIogy of success, happiness, heaIlh, and lhe capacily
lo Iead.
One of lhe najoi chaIIenges ve face vhen ve aclivale oui
!ghl-oi-"ighl ie"ex is ieaIizing lhe peiceived eneigency is ieaIIy
nol an eneigency lo legin vilh, oi ieaIizing lhe eneigency is
ovei and ve nusl caII off lhe lioops (sliess hoinones). Sonelines
ve foigel lo ielieal. Reseaich indicales uniesoIved sliess causes
a nuIlipIe dovnei: Ioss of lIood "ov lo lhe highei cenleis of lhe
liain, iesuIling in ieduced ef!ciency, ailicuIalion and piolIen-
soIving aliIily, and a nenlaI shifl dovnvaid lo a supei!ciaI, sin-
pIislic, and unoiiginaI slyIe of lhinking. Anxiely and depiession
aie connon lypioducls.
As ve have seen, il lakes a spIil second lo decide vhich lianch
of youi neivous syslen you vanl lo aclivale: lhe synpalhelic (lhe
!ghl-oi-"ighl iesponse) oi lhe paiasynpalhelic (lhe iejuvenalion
iesponse). Ils youi cncicc. We nay have an innediale, inslinclive
ieaclion. ul, in lhe Iong iun, ils youi choice.
7. Meel Youi InleinaI Ihainacisl 1O9
Chaplei 8
MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue~Is il
Haining oi HeIping You`
Ycur ocdq dccsn| |ic.
psychialiisl and aIleinalive nedicine advocale
ne of ny cIienls is TAROM, lhe nalionaI aiiIine of Ronania.
Ioi ny !isl assignnenl vilh lhen nany yeais ago, lhey
piovided ne vilh a lusiness-cIass lickel lo "y lo uchaiesl fion
Chicago, vheie I had jusl conpIeled a fuII-day voikshop foi
anolhei cIienl. I sal dovn in ny seal, exhausled fion lhe days
voik, cIosed ny eyes lo nedilale and lhen, as soon lhe pIane
ieached ciuising aIlilude, I heaid cIick, cIick, cIick, cIick, cIick.
Whal vas lhal` And lhen~sniff, sniff~snoke!`!`! I vas shocked.
AII aiound ne, Iighleis veie leing Iil. y lhen, aII U.S. aiiIines
had lanned snoking on doneslic "ighls and ny usuaI caiiiei,
Aneiican AiiIines, had aIieady lanned il on inleinalionaI "ighls.
Hovevei, appaienlIy, lhe Ronanian aiiIine had nol.
In any evenl, In a non-snokei. I nean a ieaI DJD-snokei
(Iike a fanalic!). I innedialeIy pushed lhe "ighl-allendanl caII
lullon. Is lheie a non-snoking aiea` I asked.
No, she iesponded. This is a lolaIIy snoking "ighl.
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 111
112 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
ul In aIIeigic lo snoke! I iepIied slunned.
She asked, Aie you going lo die`
Mayle!! In nol going lo die, lul In going lo feeI veiy lad
ly lhe end of lhis nine-houi "ighl.
She asked if I vouId Iike hei lo ask aII lhe peopIe in lusiness
cIass nol lo snoke.
Whal veie lhey loId lefoie lhey gol on lhe "ighl` I asked.
Thal lhey couId snoke. I joked, Then YOU viII die!
We lolh Iaughed. I loId hei Id !guie oul a vay lo handIe il
and foi hei nol lo voiiy. She apoIogized and Iefl.
Aloul 45 ninules Ialei she lapped ne on lhe shouIdei. Al lhal
line, ny eyes veie cIosed. I vas allenpling lo disappeai in sIeep.
Mi. agnoIa, she vhispeied, vouId you galhei youi lhings
and cone vilh ne, pIease`
I vas vondeiing vheie lhey veie going lo pul ne, ny seal
vas aIieady in lusiness cIass. She look ne foivaid lo lhe cockpil.
She Iooked al ne and said, You veie veiy kind lo ne. I
lhoughl I vas going lo have lo ask eveiyone in lusiness cIass lo
slop snoking and lhal vouId have leen dif!cuIl. When I loId lhe
piIols, lhey said, 'iing hin up! Weie nol snoking.
I sal in one of lhe lvo seals lehind lhe piIols. The cockpil
vas a sea of Iighls and gauges. ul lhe "ickeiing Iighls inside lhe
cockpil paIed in conpaiison lo lhe panoiana oulside. TaIk aloul
a liids-eye viev! The piIols expIained lo ne lhal lhe shoilesl
ioule foi oui "ighl palh vouId lake us conpIeleIy noilh. Once
ovei lhe Noilh IoIe, I expeiienced lhe lieal of a Iifeline, lhe
Noilhein Lighls. The Auioia oieaIis slailed pIaying in lhe sky,
and il is sonelhing lhal cannol liuIy le desciiled in voids. Il vas
a nagicaI expeiience. I vas nysli!ed ly lhe dancing Iighls. I feIl
aved and hunlIed ly naluies giand Iighl shov. Whal a iide!
Inagine hov lhis nighl have leen diffeienl had I shovn
angei lo lhe "ighl allendanl. I feIl upsel inside, lul I kepl a cooI
exleiioi vhen laIking lo hei.
A }apanese pioveil says lhal ve shouId keep oui nisfoilunes
foi lhiee yeais lhey nay luin oul lo le a gifl.
T:!:5F< 90J>I09!W 90< !=>:L 7DL 90< ,JFBI87,0
If you aie a fan of AninaI IIanel oi NalionaI Ceogiaphic
ChanneI, Iike I an, you have piolalIy seen docunenlaiies on lhe
squid, a liuIy fascinaling ciealuie. Il is highIy inleIIigenl and has
a Iaige liain. esides having eighl ains and lvo lenlacIes, vhich
aIIov foi nuIli-lasking, lhe squid aIso has quile an exlensive
nuIli-nedia connunicalion aliIily.
}usl as ve have eIaloiale viiling syslens, squid have eIalo-
iale coIoi-coding syslens lhiough vhich lhey connunicale vilh
each olhei. They change lhe coIois of lheii ovn lodies lo send
each olhei nessages. A squid can even change lhe lvo diffeienl
sides of ils lody lo ieIale sepaiale nessages lo olhei squid on each
side. When a squid lecones aggiessive, he "ashes one coIoi oi
ieIease an inky sulslance. When he lecones anoious, he changes
coIois and "ashes lo alliacl. He "ashes coIois indicaling hov he
vanls lo hunl and allack his piey. His duaI-Iayei skin aIIovs hin
lo connunicale via poIaiized Iighl. Il is anazing lo valch lhe
"ashing and Iuninescenl dispIays vhich olviousIy seive foi sui-
vivaI, couilship, and hunling appIicalions. His sophislicaled con-
lioI of his physioIogy aIIovs hin lo conliacl, expand, and change
his coIoi. The changes aie alsoIuleIy cIeai and visilIe.
One lig diffeience vilh hunans, hovevei, is lhal ve cannol
vividIy see lhe changes in oui physioIogy lased on lhe changes
in oui lhoughls, Iike lhe squid. Sone ieseaicheis have used
lhe squid nodeI lo Ieain noie aloul hov lhe hunan neivous
syslen voiks. WhiIe squid aie lianspaienl IileiaIIy (lhe skin is
see-lhiough) and !guialiveIy (ve can see vhal lheyie lhinking),
hunan leings aie noie conpIex and expiess lheii lhoughls and
feeIings in vaiious vays: speci!caIIy ly saying oi leIIing, ly
shoving oi denonslialing lhiough faciaI expiessions oi gesluies,
and IaslIy ly changing inleinaI physioIogy.
The !isl lvo nelhods aie disceinalIe ly sighl, sound, oi
louch, lul lhe Iasl is neasuialIe onIy lhiough lesls.
OlviousIy, lheie aie sone leIIlaIe signs vhen oui feeIings aie
unconsciousIy exposed exleinaIIy, such as a lIush, a guIp, and
sone nicioexpiessions. A nicioexpiession is a liief, invoIunlaiy
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 113
114 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
expiession of lhe enolion lhal you aie liying lo hide. RecenlIy,
lhe !eId of ieading nicioexpiessions has lecone noie pioninenl
vilh lhe popuIaiily of TV shovs such as |ic |c Mc. The piolIen
vilh ieIying on lhis lype of signaI, hovevei, is lhal fev peopIe
knov enough aloul hov lo iead lhen accuialeIy.
Lxpiessions and nicioexpiessions aie tisio|c dispIays of lhe
enolions and ieaclions lo vhal youie lhinking. Theie aie aIso a
fev enpiiicaI vays pioven lo deciphei lhe pnqsic|cgica| iesponses
lo lhe lhoughls of youi nind. The lvo lesls connonIy used aie
lhe poIygiaph lesl and lhe nanuaI nuscIe lesl.
9)J )7B! 9J 9<!9 0>G7D 90J>I09!
This is vheie lhe poIygiaph, lellei knovn as lhe Iie delecloi
lesl, cones lo oui assislance. I caII lhis a denonslialion of lhe
nind shaking hands vilh lhe lody. This lesl is oflen associ-
aled vilh deleinining vhelhei soneone nay have connilled a
ciine, lul il has aIso pioven usefuI in sone jol inleivievs (e.g.,
II, CIA, and Seciel Seivice). The poIygiaph is a nachine vhich
iecoids (giaphs) nuIlipIe (poIy) signaIs fion sensois pIaced on
lhe lody. The sensois usuaIIy iecoid seveiaI physioIogicaI indica-
lois: liealh iale, puIse, lIood piessuie, nuscIe novenenls, and
peispiialion (gaIvanic skin iesponse).
Iiisl, lhe veII-liained exaninei eslalIishes a laseIine, lhen
asks lhe suljecl sone lasic queslions lo deleinine lhe noins foi
lhal peisons signaIs. Whal lhe exaninei Iooks foi aie "uclualions
such as highei lIood piessuie, incieased heail iale, faslei puIse
iale, oi incieased peispiialion neasuied ly lhe gaIvanic skin
In suie, veve aII seen lhe poIygiaph lesl as il chails lhe
physioIogicaI changes lased on lhe suljecls iesponses. Wilh
eveiy lhoughl and iesponse, lhe physioIogy changes. The poIy-
giaph lesl suggesls on papei vhal is dispIayed in lhe "ashing
liiIIiance of lhe squids coIoifuI connunicalion~lhe !ne cooidi-
nalion lelveen vhal is going on in lhe nind and vhal lhe physi-
oIogicaI effecls aie. The lody foIIovs lhe nind.
Il is agieed, lhal lhe poIygiaph is nol 1OO peicenl accuiale.
Sone peopIe nay faiI an exan jusl lecause of neivousness. Lxpeils
aIso agiee lhal lhe lein |ic dc|cc|cr is a nisnonei. The insliunenl
doesnl delecl Iies, il nonilois a peisons physioIogicaI ieaclions.
Il can delecl onIy vhelhei deceplive lehavioi is leing dispIayed.
ack in lhe 198Os, ny fiiend and coIIeague, Maici Shinoff,
and I veie hiied ly CeneiaI Molois lo heIp educale enpIoyees in
lhe ail of nanaging sliess, lecause lhe conpany vas conceined
aloul lhe pooi peifoinance of lheii enpIoyees. Al lhe line,
lhe conpany vas spending a good poilion of lheii ievenue on
enpIoyee heaIlh-caie cosls.
Aflei spending line vilh seveiaI gioups of enpIoyees, Maici
and I found lhal lhey veie expeiiencing high IeveIs of sliess and
lhis appeaied lo le affecling lheii jols. In oui voikshops, ve
discussed vilh lhe enpIoyees lhe seveiaI faclois ieIaling lo lheii
sliess~lad diel, oveivoik, Iack of iesl, and lhe Iack of any piac-
licaI nelhod lo ieIease lhe accunuIalion of sliess. ul oui nain
nessage lo lhen vas lhal lhis sliess vas caused ly lhe vay lhey
veie apprcacning lheii voik. The fauIly appioach vas lolh phys-
icaI and nenlaI, and lhe nenlaI appioach vas lhe nosl ciuciaI.
This is lecause lhe najoiily of oui sliess is caused ly oui ovn
lhinking, ly oui inleipielalion of and oui iesponse lo lhe silua-
lions ve aie faced vilh al voik and al hone.
IeopIe laIk noslIy lo lhenseIves, and 9O peicenl of lhis seIf-
laIk is iepealed day aflei day. Maici and I conjecluied lhal lhe
CM enpIoyees veie !IIing lheii ninds vilh ncga|itc seIf-laIk. We
had lo cone up vilh a nelhod lo denonsliale lo lhen lhe lodys
iesponse lo lhis negalive seIf-laIk. Aflei aII, as Di. Dianond says
in lhe quole al lhe leginning of lhis chaplei, The lody doesnl
Iie. We asked ouiseIves hov ve couId iIIusliale lhis dianalicaIIy
enough lo cause a paiadign shifl and nake an inpiession on oui
We couId have laIked aII day and peopIes eyes vouId have
gIazed ovei. Hov couId ve le inleiaclive` Hov couId ve gel
lhen lo ieaIIy undeisland hov lhe lody foIIovs lhe nind` Hov
couId ve gel lhen lo le cognizanl of lhe seIf-laIk of voiiy, a use-
Iess and danaging foin of fanlasy, and lo see lhe vaIue of sone-
lhing on lhe opposile side of lhe lhinking coin, Iike hunoi`
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 115
116 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
My jol lack lhen and nov is lo nake ny audiences aculeIy
avaie of lhis foik in lhe ioad~choosing lelveen posilive and
negalive seIf-laIk~and hov lhe sun lolaI of lhese expeiiences
duiing a day, a nonlh, a yeai uIlinaleIy liansIales inlo lhe ciea-
lion of good heaIlh oi lad heaIlh.
Al CM, I iniliaIIy lhoughl aloul uliIizing a poIygiaph device lo
dianalize lhe nessage. ul il vasnl piaclicaI. Too luIky lo caiiy
aiound, foi one lhing, and you couId hook up onIy one peison
al a line, vhiIe eveiylody eIse vouId le slanding aiound. You
vouId Iose lhe audience. Moieovei, sone peopIe nighl le inlini-
daled lecause of lhe devices associalion vilh poIice voik. We
aIso couIdnl liing in a vhoIe nedicaI Ialoialoiy lo diav lIood
oi do LKCs~haidIy piaclicaI oi even IegaI.
Inslead, ve decided lo use lhe lechnique caIIed nuscIe lesling,
videIy used ly heaIlh piofessionaIs, pailicuIaiIy in lhe !eId of
aIleinalive nedicine, lo deleinine loIeiance lo speci!c foods and
suppIenenls. Il pioved lo le exaclIy vhal vas needed~veiy
sinpIe lo appIy.
Lalei on in lhis chaplei, III vaIk you lhiough lhe lesl slep-ly-
slep and you viII see hov you can lesl youi lhoughls and slale-
nenls vilh lhe nuscIe lesling lechnique.
75J>9 G>!EF< 9<!9:DI
Accoiding lo appIiedkinesioIogy.con, AppIied kinesioIogy
is a foin of diagnosis using nuscIe lesling as a piinaiy feedlack
nechanisn lo exanine hov a peisons lody is funclioning.
In a Iecluie I allended sone yeais ago, I Ieained lhal nuscIe
lesling nay have legun lhousands of yeais in lhe pasl. Lgyplian
and Cieek heaIeis vouId have palienls pul a ceilain food in lheii
noulhs and lhen allenpl lo Iifl a luckel of valei lo lesl lheii
slienglh. The palienls aliIily lo Iifl lhe valei indicaled vhelhei
lhe food vas good foi lhe palienl (oi nol).
SiniIaiIy, in his 2OO2 look, Pcucr ts. |crcc. Tnc Hiddcn Dc|cr-
ninan|s cf Hunan 8cnaticr, psychialiisl David R. Havkins, M.D.,
Ih.D., desciiles lhe voik of Ceoige Coodheail, lhe falhei of
appIied kinesioIogy. Coodheail lesled a palienl vilh funclionaI
hypogIycenia. When sugai vas pIaced on lhe nans longue,
lesling indicaled lhal lhe deIloid nuscIe (lhe one usuaIIy used as
an indicaloi) inslanlIy venl veak. ConveiseIy, il vas discoveied
lhal, vhen sulslances lhal veie lheiapeulic lo lhe lody veie
pIaced on lhe palienls longue, lhe nuscIes did nol Iose slienglh.
This is lhe nosl sliiking !nding of appIied kinesioIogy: vhen
lhe lody is exposed lo hainfuI slinuIi~incIuding lhoughls~
nuscIes aie inslanlIy veakened.
In lhe eaiIy 197Os, ieseaich on nanuaI nuscIe lesling oi
appIied kinesioIogy vas done lo deleinine if lhe lechnique couId
le used lo accuialeIy delecl aIIeigies, nuliilionaI disoideis, and
iesponses lo nedicalions and suppIenenls.
You nay le suipiised lo Ieain lhal, vilh nuscIe lesling, you
donl even have lo lasle oi svaIIov lhe sulslances! You can hoId
lhen in youi hand oi pIace lhe oljecl againsl youi lody.
Isychialiisl }ohn Dianond, M.D., desciiled lhis phenonenon
in gieal delaiI in his 1971 look, Ycur 8cdq Dccsn| |ic. In lhis look,
he uses nuscIe lesling lo denonsliale lhe poveifuI inpacl~len-
e!ciaI and adveise~of physicaI and psychoIogicaI slinuIi such as
nusic, ail foins, faciaI expiessions, voice noduIalion, and eno-
lionaI sliess.
You nay nevei have seen a squid peifoin ils nagicaI Iighl
shov denonslialing ils inslincl/lody conneclion oi undeigone a
poIygiaph lesl youiseIf, lul III leach you hov lo use youi deIloid
nuscIe lo expeiience hov lhe lody iesponds lo heaIlh-pioducing
oi disease-pioducing slinuIi.
In ny voikshops, I ask peopIe if lhey have heaid of nuscIe
lesling. Mosl havenl. I denonsliale foi lhen lhe sinpIe sequence
I use. When I leach lhen in ninules hov lo peifoin lhis dianalic
lesl, lhey Ieave aslonished and eagei lo go hone and piaclice lhe
lechnique on fiiends and faniIy nenleis.
I !isl denonsliale lhe nuscIe lesling lechnique vilh a voIun-
leei fion lhe audience and lhen have peopIe paii off and piac-
lice on each olhei. As an exanpIe, vhen you say, I can, youi
ain iesislance is invaiialIy sliong, as conpaied lo vhen you say,
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 117
118 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I canl. SiniIai ieaclions occui vhen you say, I viII have lhe
iepoil ieady nexl Monday, as conpaied lo III liy lo have lhe
iepoil ieady nexl Monday.
Al a voikshop foi lhe SheII Coipoialion sone yeais ago, I used
lhis lechnique vilh a gioup of veiy skeplicaI conpany engineeis.
We conducled seveiaI lesls lo deleinine lhe pounds of piessuie
leing used ly lhe leslei. In oui ieseaich, if lheie aie negalive oi
hainfuI slinuIi, Iess lhan foui pounds of piessuie vas enough lo
liing lhe ain dovn. Hovevei, in sone cases vhen lhe lesl sul-
jecl nade a posilive slalenenl, lhe nuscIe vilhslood up lo foily
pounds of piessuie.
(Aulhois nole: To see an exanpIe of vhal In desciiling go
lo ny velsile al jinlagnoIa.con and cIick on lhe Iink Walch
Video. Ioi lhose of you vho aie cuiious aloul lhe ieseaich
lehind lhis feedlack syslen pIease CoogIe: On lhe ieIialiIily
and vaIidily of nanuaI nuscIe lesling: a Iileialuie ieviev. You
viII !nd seveiaI schoIaiIy ailicIes. Ioi lhose of you vho aie expei-
inenleis and vouId le inleiesled in a delaiIed desciiplion of hov
lhis piocess voiks and hov I use il, pIease iead on.)
0J) 9J ,<8'J8G 90< G>!EF< 9<!9
This is a lvo-peison exeicise~lhe leslei and lhe suljecl.
Check lo ensuie lhal lhe suljecl does nol have a shouIdei injuiy
oi sone olhei physicaI condilion lhal couId disloil lhe oulcone of
lhe lesl oi cause disconfoil lo lhe suljecl.
9$%" J-$W <%".^/2%?2-6 . N#$%2%".-X$P ^.%$/2-$
a. The suljecl and leslei sland facing each olhei.
l. The suljecl exlends his doninanl ain (iighl ain if iighl-
handed) lo lhe side, hoiizonlaIIy, vilh lhunl poinling
dovn. This is lhe ieady posilion. This Iocks lhe eIlov in
pIace and isoIales lhe deIloid nuscIe. If lhe suljecl aIIovs
his lhunl lo nove fion lhal dovnvaid posilion, lhe eIlov
viII lend, lhis cieales Ieveiage al lhe eIlov and lhe leslei
viII gel a faIse ieading.
c. The leslei pIaces lvo !ngeis on lhe suljecls viisl. The leslei
asks lhe suljecl lo iesisl and lhen he appIies sIighl piessuie
vilh his lvo !ngeis. A suljecl in noinaI condilion viII le
alIe lo hoId his ain up, paiaIIeI lo lhe giound, iesisling lhe
The leslei appIies piessuie !inIy and evenIy lul nol haid, jusl
enough lo lesl lhe spiing and lounce in lhe ain, nol so haid lhal
lhe suljecls nuscIe lecones faligued. The leslei viII feeI lhe sul-
jecls IeveI of slienglh. The leslei piesses and lhe suljecl iesisls.
The suljecl acluaIIy feeIs his ovn IeveI of slienglh and lhe aliIily
lo iesisl. Il is nol a queslion of vho is sliongei, lul of vhelhei lhe
nuscIe can |cc| lhe shouIdei joinl againsl lhe piessuie appIied.
9$%" 9H*W <%".^/2%?2-6 . NH$.+P ^.%$/2-$
a. The suljecl and leslei sland facing each olhei.
l. The suljecl exlends his ain in lhe ieady posilion.
c. The suljecl pIaces lhe lack of his olhei hand on his foiehead
in aInosl a saIule fashion oi, as I caII il, lhe voe is ne
d. The leslei pIaces his !ngeis on lhe suljecls viisl and leIIs
hin lo iesisl lhe piessuie. The leslei lhen appIies dovn-
vaid piessuie. You viII nolice lhal il goes veak. The deI-
loid coIIapses. The nuscIe cannol |cc| lhe shouIdei joinl
againsl lhe push.
This posilion inlaIances lhe lody sliucluiaIIy and eneigeli-
caIIy so lhal lhe suljecl and lhe leslei feeI lhe ain give vay undei
lhe piessuie. Nov lolh suljecl and leslei knov lhe diffeience
lelveen lesling sliong and lesling veak.
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 119
12O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
9$%" 9?#$$W GC%X/$ "$%" A*C# *H- %1$$X?
Nov Iels expeiinenl vilh lhe sinpIe phiases leIov lo expe-
iience lhe inpacl of each phiase (youi spcccn) on lhe physioIogy.
The suljecl viII say phiases oul Ioud. (In ny eaiIy days of nuscIe
lesling in lhe Iale sevenlies, I vouId aIIov lhe suljecl lo say lhe
phiases siIenlIy, lul lhis skeved lhe iesuIls lecause he vouId
oflen iepeal sonelhing eIse lo hinseIf.)
a. The suljecl and leslei sland facing each olhei.
l. The suljecl exlends his ain in lhe ieady posilion.
c. The leslei pIaces lvo !ngeis on lhe suljecls viisl.
d. The leslei says one of lhe enpoveiing-Ianguage phiases
oul Ioud and asks lhe suljecl lo iepeal il oul Ioud.
e. InnedialeIy foIIoving, lhe leslei says, Resisl, lhen he
appIies dovnvaid piessuie on lhe viisl vilh lvo !ngeis.
A suljecl in noinaI condilion viII le alIe lo hoId his ain
up, paiaIIeI lo lhe giound, iesisling lhe piessuie.
f. Repeal lhe lesl using a disenpoveiing-Ianguage phiase.
g. Nov have lhe suljecl say oul Ioud his ovn enpoveiing-
and disenpoveiing-Ianguage phiases as lhe leslei appIies
L2%$41*H$#2-6 F.-6C.6$ <41*H$#2-6 F.-6C.6$
III liy lo have lhe iepoil ly
III have lhe iepoil ly Monday.
Why does lhis aIvays happen
lo ne`
I an in conlioI of ny Iife.
He nakes ne so nad. I conlioI ny ovn feeIings.
I canl do lhal. Lels Iook al sone possiliIilies.
Theies nolhing I can do. Lels Iook al sone aIleinalives.
Thals jusl lhe vay I an.
I can choose a diffeienl ap-
I have lo . I choose lo.
You viII !nd lhal lhe suljecls use of enpoveiing Ianguage,
such as I an in chaige of ny ovn Iife, iesuIls in sliong iesisl-
ance~lhe ain viII ienain Iocked. ConveiseIy, negalive slale-
nenls nade ly lhe suljecl viII cause lhe nuscIe lo lesl veak. A
phiase I oflen use heie is, She nakes ne so nad, aIlhough you
aie pushing dovn no haidei lhan lefoie, lhe suljecl viII nol le
alIe lo iesisl lhe piessuie and his ain viII faII lo lhe side.
9$%" '*C#W GC%X/$ "$%" "?$ %1$$X? *g *"?$#% *- A*C
So fai, ve have lesled hov lhe suljecls ovn lhinking and
speech affecl his physioIogy. Nov Iels lake a Iook al hov olheis
lhinking and speech in"uence lhe suljecls physioIogy. As you
peifoin lhis seclion of lhe expeiinenl, le lhinking of hov you
speak vilh youi chiIdien, covoikeis, diiecl iepoils, oi spouse.
You nay le suipiised.
Take a Iook al lhe phiases leIov. The leslei viII say lhe
phiases oul Ioud, lhe suljecl viII nol iepeal.
a. The suljecl and leslei sland facing each olhei.
l. The suljecl exlends his ain in lhe ieady posilion.
c. The leslei pIaces lvo !ngeis on lhe suljecls viisl.
d. The leslei says one of lhe enalIing-Ianguage phiases oul
Ioud lo lhe suljecl, Iooking diieclIy al hin.
e. InnedialeIy foIIoving, lhe leslei says, Resisl, lhen he
appIies dovnvaid piessuie. A suljecl in noinaI condi-
lion viII le alIe lo hoId his ain up, paiaIIeI lo lhe giound,
iesisling lhe piessuie.
f. Repeal lhe lesl using a disalIing-Ianguage phiase.
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 121
122 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
L2%.^/2-6 F.-6C.6$ <-.^/2-6 F.-6C.6$
Who did lhal`
Whal aclion shouId ve lake
Donl you knov lellei lhan
Whal viII il lake lo have il
Who nade lhal decision` Whal vouId voik heie`
Why did you do lhal`
Whal aie lhe lene!ls of
achieving lhal oljeclive`
Whals youi piolIen`
Whal kind of suppoil do you
need lo assuie success`
Why aie you lehind scheduIe`
Whal viII il lake lo nove
cIosei lo oui oljeclive`
Why aie you so fai lehind lhe
olhei lean`
Whal key lhings need lo hap-
pen lo
achieve oui oljeclives in a
lineIy nannei`
Nolice lhal lhe negalive slinuIi (disalIing) cause lhe suljecl
lo le veak. The posilive slinuIi (enalIing) aIIov lhe suljecl lo
lesl sliong. This exeicise gives us poveifuI insighl inlo hov ve
enalIe oi disalIe soneone ly lhe Ianguage ve use.
9$%" '2`$W GC%X/$ "$%" A*C# *H- "?2-+2-6
Repeal sleps a - c as alove.
Nov have lhe suljecl jusl |nin| of soneone he is fond of oi
Ioves. AppIy lhe usuaI dovnvaid piessuie on lhe viisl. You
shouId !nd lhal lhe suljecl is veiy sliong. Nexl, lesl lhe suljecl as
he lhinks of soneone he feais, hales, oi iesenls. The noinaI sul-
jecl vouId go veiy veak and viII nol le alIe lo iesisl lhe piessuie.
If lhe suljecl is having lioulIe visuaIizing soneone, use a picluie
of soneone he Ioves (sliong), veisus an inage of lhe Tvin Toveis
luining in Nev Yoik Cily (veak).
9$%" !2hW GC%X/$ "$%" g**@ .-@ *"?$# *^i$X"%
}usl foi fun, you nighl Iike lo use lhis lechnique lo see hov
you lesl vilh sone langilIe slinuIi~such as food. I use lhis lesl
in ny sliess-nanagenenl sessions lo shov hov sliessfuI sone
foods nay indeed le on an individuaIs physioIogy. (Theie aie
ovei 6 liIIion diffeienl lodies and each peisons physioIogy nay
ieacl diffeienlIy lo any sulslance. To con!in any iesuIl, pIease
see a physician oi ceili!ed nuliilionisl.)
Repeal sleps a - c as alove.
Wilh lhe suljecls olhei hand, he hoIds a food ilen againsl his
lody jusl alove lhe naveI, lhe aiea iefeiied lo as lhe soIai pIexus.
Tiy il vilh aili!ciaI sveeleneis, ie!ned piocessed vhile sugai, a
snaII lollIe of aIcohoI, a lollIe of valei, a can of soda, an appIe, an
oiganic lonalo, convenlionaI lonalo, elc. You nay le suipiised
vilh lhe iesuIls! The lody is exlieneIy inleIIigenl and viII nol Iie
aloul vhal has a posilive in"uence on il and vhal does nol.
Nov liy lhe lesl vilh snaII quanlilies of lhe sane ilens pIaced
in an enveIope. Donl Iel lhe suljecl see vhal is in each enveIope.
I usuaIIy use packels of ie!ned sugai, iav sugai and olhei sveel-
eneis in packels lecause lhey aII feeI lhe sane in a cIosed enve-
Iope. Have lhe suljecl hoId one enveIope al a line nexl lo lhe
soIai pIexus and see vhal lhe iesuIls aie. Youi lody knovs.
If you vanl lo knov noie aloul nuscIe lesling, go lo vvv.
icakusa.con oi iead App|icd Kincsic|cgq ly Ceoige Coodheail.
y nov you viII have !guied oul lhal ve aie conlinuaIIy cie-
aling oui physioIogicaI slales ly eveiylhing ve say, lhink, and
do. The nuscIe lesl denonsliales lhis Iink lelveen lhe lody and
nind, jusl as lhe poIygiaph lesl does. When ve aie asked ques-
lions ly a Iicensed poIygiaph exaninei, oui lody naluiaIIy cieales
a physioIogy fion oui nenlaI slale~caIn oi agilaled~vhich can
le desciiled as heaIlh-pioducing oi disease-pioducing. In olhei
voids, lased on oui lhoughls and feeIings, oui inleinaI phaina-
cisl chuins oul speci!c noIecuIes vhich diieclIy affecl oui lodies.
The lody nelaloIizes eveiylhing lhiough aII !ve senses and il
iesponds eIecliochenicaIIy~jusl Iike lhe squid.
8. MuscIe Tesl Youi Innei DiaIogue 123
Hov lo Cel a Ih
Chaplei 9
Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic
Dc una| qcu arc.
peisonaIily expeils
an a piofessionaI speakei. Speaking is ny jol lul I vouIdnl
caII il a jol. Ive done a Iol of olhei voik in ny Iife, lul Ive
cone lo ieaIize lhal speaking is vheie I peifoin ny nagic. In
facl, speaking peifoins nagic on nc.
Sone yeais ago on a liip lo Tiinidad and Tolago, I feII
exlieneIy iII. I suffeied vilh high fevei, joinl pain, and a ciushing
headache. I didnl knov if I had conliacled dengue fevei oi lhe
Wesl NiIe viius since lolh veie ianpanl al lhe line. My liggesl
concein vas lhal I vas scheduIed lo give a keynole addiess in Los
AngeIes a veek Ialei. Il vas a najoi confeience, and nissing il
vas nol an oplion. I "ev lo L.A. sliII undei lhe vealhei.
The noining of ny addiess, aflei ny sIeepIess and unconfoil-
alIe nighl, I had a neeling vilh lhe confeience oiganizei and she
noliced lhal I vas peispiiing excessiveIy and didnl seen veII.
Wilh a voiiied Iook on hei face, she ieninded ne lhal lhey veie
counling on ne lo cone lhiough as lhe cIosing speakei. I assuied
hei lhal I vouIdnl pass oul~lul vasnl convinced nyseIf.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 127
128 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Lalei on vhen she inlioduced ne, I sliII vasnl feeIing a
vhoIe Iol lellei. I feIl veak and vondeied hov I vouId puII il
off. I vaIked lo lhe fionl of lhe ioon, heId on lo lhe podiun lo
sleady nyseIf, Iooked oul al lhe audience, look a deep liealh, and
legan ny piesenlalion. y lhe line Id !nished ny !isl anecdole,
I noliced I vas svealing Iess. The noie I laIked, lhe lellei I feIl.
And ly lhe end of lhe speech, I had foigollen lhal I had evei leen
This has happened lo ne seveiaI lines and In aIvays sui-
piised ly lhe expeiience. I slail off nol feeIing veII oi feeIing liied
and, ly lhe end of lhe piesenlalion, I feeI exhiIaialed. Speaking is
nol onIy ny nagic lul aIso ny nedicine.
To ne, lheies nolhing noie salisfying lhan giving a piesenla-
lion and lhen having peopIe cone up afleivaids and leII ne hov
lhey lene!led fion vhal lhey heaid, hov veII piepaied I vas,
hov veII deIiveied lhe speech vas, and hov inspiied lhey veie
lo see sonelody doing sonelhing vhich he ieaIIy Ioved lo do.
Theie is no lellei high lhan lhis. I lhank Cod eveiy day lhal I have
lhe oppoilunily lo peifoin ny nagic.
)079 G7K<! 7 3J5 G7I:ER
Whal kind of jol is nagica|` Il is voik lhal is ievaiding and
salisfying vhiIe accessing youi slienglhs and ciealivily~voik
lhal you gel Iosl in, so vhen youie doing il, you vouIdnl caII
il ucr|. Thals vhal I caII nagic! Oflen, voikahoIics, nyseIf
incIuded, Iove vhal lhey do. We gain gieal salisfaclion fion vhal
ve do and considei il a gifl. We undeisland lhal oui voik is oui
piinaiy looI foi dctc|cping cursc|tcs, vhiIe seiving olhei peopIe.
And, vhen ve aie peifoining oui nagic, il liuIy is nagicaI.
Theies an oId saying, If you Iove lhe voik you do, youII
nevei voik a day in youi Iife. Thal desciiles ny jol.
Il aIso desciiles lhe jol of Iiances HesseIlein.
A fev yeais ago, I had lhe pIeasuie of visiling lhe Diuckei
Ioundalion in Nev Yoik Cily, and I vas honoied lo neel Iiances
HesseIlein. TaIk aloul Ioving ones jol! Iiances is in |ctc ui|n
seivice. A pioIi!c aulhoi, she has viillen seveiaI looks incIuding
Hcssc|ocin cn |cadcrsnip, one of ny favoiile looks on lhe lopic. She
changed lhe lhinking in hei indusliy.
Ms. HesseIlein slailed as a voIunleei in lhe CiiI Scouls
oiganizalion and iose lo lecone lhe CLO, navigaling lhe
oiganizalion lhiough veiy lough lines. Ielei Diuckei, falhei of
lusiness nanagenenl, vas so inpiessed ly hei Ieadeiship skiIIs
lhal hes quoled as saying she couId nanage any conpany in
Shes lhe chaiinan and founding piesidenl of lhe Diuckei
Ioundalion and iecipienl of lhe IiesidenliaI MedaI of Iieedon,
vhich is Aneiicas highesl civiIian honoi. Ms. HesseIlein is sliII
educaling lhe voiId on Ieadeiship al hei young-al-heail age. Lasl
veek I spoke lo a cIose nuluaI fiiend and vas deIighled lo !nd
oul lhal she had jusl loaided an inleinalionaI "ighl on hei vay lo
nake a piesenlalion. Can you inagine Ioving youi cuiienl jol so
nuch lhal you choose lo keep doing il al lhe age of 95`
Thals exaclIy vhal Anlonio MancineIIi is doing. Iailnei in
lhe Anlonio and IasquaIe ailei Shop in Nevluig, Nev Yoik,
MancineIIi legan culling haii in 1924. He vas ciled in lhe 2OO9
edilion of Guinncss lcr|d Rcccrds as lhe voiIds oIdesl lailei
al 98. Lven al his advanced age, Anlonio is sliII passionale and
exliaoidinaiy, accoiding lo his cusloneis, and sliII cones in lo
cul haii al Ieasl once a veek. He says, You knov, lheies no Iav
againsl voiking. In going lo keep on laileiing unliI I jusl canl
do il anynoie~and I sliII can do il.
Anlonio vas in pielly good heaIlh vhen lhe nevs nedia
svooped dovn on hin aflei leing iecognized ly Guinncss. He
enjoys lhe inleiaclion vilh his cusloneis. Ils his Iove of peopIe
lhal has kepl hin voiking al a jol lhals nol a jol.
We knov of nany olheis Iike Anlonio and Iiances: Lena
Hoine, Noinan Vincenl IeaIe, conedians ol Hope and Ceoige
uins, Ielei Diuckei, W. Ldvaids Dening, Killy CaiIisIe, and
Linus IauIing. AII veie alIe lo keep voiking al lheii jols inlo
lheii 9Os.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 129
13O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
LJ>I 0<DD:DIj! G7I:E
One nighl aflei a peifoinance of Dougs ioadvay shov
Mcr|in, a fiiend and successfuI enliepieneui naned LincoIn
Noilon and his vife }une visiled us lackslage.
efoie Doug joined us in lhe diessing ioon, LincoIn and I veie
challing aloul Dougs nission~lo iecieale lhe vondei ve aII feIl
as chiIdien. We veie lolh inpiessed al hov nuch Doug Ioved
his voik. LincoIn lhen said sonelhing lhal iesonaled vilh ne.
He said lhal vhen peopIe peifoin lheii nagic~lhe one lhal lhey
veie nade foi, lhe one lhals in lheii heail~eveiylhing cones lo
lhen lhiough lhal voik.
Do you lhink lhal happened lo Doug` he asked.
Al lhal nonenl, Doug enleied lhe ioon and ve posed lhe
queslion lo hin. AlsoIuleIy, he said. I gol eveiylhing lhiough
nagic~ny fiiends, noney, nev and exciling pIaces lo Iive, salis-
faclion, and happiness. I even gol ny vife lhiough nagic! Magic
is vhal In supposed lo do.
I lhoughl aloul lhal conveisalion vilh Doug and ieaIized lhal
each of us nusl peifoin oui ovn individuaI kind of nagic.
Ive had a nuch siniIai expeiience, Ive aIso ieceived eveiy-
lhing lhiough ny nagic of speaking. Ive gollen lo liaveI lhe
voiId, luiId IifeIong fiiendships, and nake a Iiving. And, funniIy
enough, I aIso nel ny vife lhiough ny voik~Sais allended one
of ny piesenlalions in Tiinidad and Tolago.
We can aII exceI al sonelhing. Ioi ne, ils speaking and
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
A sludy ciled in The Lxliaoidinaiy HeaIing Iovei of Oidinaiy
Things: Iouileen NaluiaI Sleps lo HeaIlh and Happiness ly
Laiiy Dossey, M.D., found lhal naiiied, niddIe-aged Aneiican
voiking vonen had lellei heaIlh lhan did housevives,
piovided lhey had posilive alliludes lovaid lheii jols.
heIping olheis !nd lheii ovn palh. Ioi Anlonio MancineIIi, il vas
laileiing and inleiacling vilh peopIe. Ioi Leioy Cianl, il vas
leconing lhe lesl Iealhei lechnician vho guaianleed his voik.
Ioi lhese lvo nen and foi Doug, fuI!IInenl vas ie"ecled in lheii
voik, as is nine. Lach one of us found his niche.
We aII need lo !nd oui niche~oui nagic~nol onIy lecause
veII gel eveiylhing lhiough il lul foi oui ovn good heaIlh, as
you discoveied in lhe !isl seclion of lhis look.
In nol unieaIislicaIIy oplinislic. In no IoIIyanna. As I say
lhis, I undeisland lhal no one Ioves 1OO peicenl of his jol. In nosl
jols, aloul 2O peicenl of vhal ve do is iouline, lul necessaiy,
and ve have lo liudge oui vay lhiough il. Ioi ne, lhal pail is
lhe liaveI. WhiIe I lieasuie lhe oppoilunily Ive had visiling ovei
8O counliies, lhe pail I donl enjoy is lhe diudgeiy of il. Iacking,
eaiIy noining "ighls, diiving lo aiipoils, Iugging suilcases, going
lhiough secuiily, aiipIane food (lhe Iack of!), picking up ienlaI
cais, navigaling lhiough nev cilies, nanaging ny sluff in holeI
ioons, sIeeping vhiIe Iying dovn on sliange leds and silling up
in aiipIane seals, seaiching foi heaIlhy food eveiy day~you gel
lhe picluie. I !nd lhis lo le lhe loughesl pail of ny jol. I donl
Iike il. Theie aie haid pails lo eveiylodys jol, lul enjoying 8O
peicenl of il, I vouId say, is an alsoIule iequiienenl. In ny case,
lhal 8O peicenl noie lhan nakes up foi any haidships I expeii-
ence liaveIing. Whal aloul you`
ChaiIes AIIen, a Melhodisl ninislei and nevspapei coIunnisl
in AlIanla, once viole, Renenlei lhal you aie needed. Theies
al Ieasl one inpoilanl voik lo le done lhal viII nol le done unIess
you do il.
I leIieve nolody vas ciealed as an cx|ra. Lnledded in each of
oui souIs is a seed foi oui voik, oui duly, oui vay of seiving. In
Lesson Six ve viII expIoie lhis lopic fuilhei.
Oflen, you viII have a hinl of youi caIIing as a chiId.
Laiiy King, lhe fanous TV inleivievei, used lo ask queslions
aII lhe line vhen he vas a kid. Al lhe age of !ve he vouId ask lus
diiveis, Why do you do lhal` Why do you diive` He vouId ask
leacheis, Why do you leach lhis inslead of lhal`
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 131
132 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
King has said, I vas lhe nosl cuiious IillIe loy gioving up.
Hes leen peifoining his nagic foi neaiIy 5O yeais nov, and you
knov hov fanous and iich he has lecone lhiough asking olheis
L:''<8<D9 !98JK<! 'J8 8<F79<L 'JFK!
In one of lhe Iucky ones, I guess, Iike Anlonio and so nany
olheis, I found ny nagic eaiIy on. In a pIay in second giade, I
vas lhe uind. Inagine ny nons ieaclion vhen I loId hei I had lo
Iook Iike lhe vind and she had lo nake ny coslune! Aflei having
piacliced ny Iines ovei and ovei, I vaIked on slage veaiing lhe
giey, hooded cape lhal ny non had nade. I slood lheie vailing
lo say ny Iines and noliced lhe sea of faces faniIiai and unfa-
niIiai. Then cane ny cue. I Iooked sliaighl oul inlo lhe audience
and loIdIy said ny Iines, lhen venl lack lo "apping ny ains as
lhe vind. Aflei lhe pIay, ny nolhei loId ne lhal she couId heai
ny voids cIeaiIy and lhal she Iiked hov I spoke lo lhe enliie
audience, nol jusl one peison. And ny falhei vas lolaIIy anazed
lecause he didnl Iike lo speak in pulIic al aII.
My non is snail! She leIIs ne nov lhal il vas al lhal nonenl
she knev lhal I couId !nd success lhiough pulIic speaking.
Whalevei you do foi a Iiving, she loId ne, use youi noulh. I
have lo adnil I do Iike lo shaie knovIedge and I do Iike lo laIk lo
and inleiacl vilh gioups of peopIe. Il invigoiales and nouiishes
ne. Il feeds ny souI.
A siniIai lhing happened lo ny fiiend, Doug Henning. When
Doug vas seven yeais oId, he vanled lo le a nagician so his pai-
enls loughl hin a nagic kil foi his liilhday vilh an assoilnenl
of iIIusions. He liied lhen ovei and ovei again lul he couIdnl
gel lhen lo voik, and he vas a kid so he jusl lhiev lhe kil avay.
His nolhei cane lo check on hin and look il oul of lhe liash. She
scoIded hin, No. I loughl lhis foi you, and you viII Ieain il. She
look il oul of lhe liash nany lines. IinaIIy, he nasleied one of
lhe iIIusions. Tiiunphanl, he peifoined lhe iIIusion foi his dad,
vho vas aslonished and asked Doug lo shov hin again. Doug
did il again and his falhei sliII couIdnl see hov he vas doing il.
He fooIed his dad. Then he !naIIy lIev his dad avay. Doug gol
hooked on aslonishing peopIe. Hed found his nagic. LileiaIIy!
Many yeais ago, ny liolhei }ohn heIped ne !nd a sunnei
jol in Youngslovn, Ohio. I vas lo !II in as an accounlanl and
payioII cIeik foi lhiee veeks. Duiing lhe !isl veek, I vas leing
liained. y Monday of lhe second veek, I vas in alsoIule niseiy.
Then, and foi lhe foIIoving lvo veeks, I slailed deveIoping sone
of lhe signs and synplons lhal expeils IaleI as jol sliess. The Iasl
lhing in lhe voiId I vas neanl lo le vas an accounlanl. Il vas
avfuI. I couIdnl vail foi lhe lhiee veeks lo le ovei.
y conliasl, ny liolhei Dean is a ceili!ed pulIic accounl and
ovns an accounling !in pIus lvo olhei lusinesses. Thals his
nagic. He knovs nunleis and he knovs lusiness. Hes an exceI-
Ienl accounlanl. I caII hin Midas lecause vhalevei lusiness he
louches il luins lo goId. ThankfuIIy, Ive nevei had lo do ny laxes
lecause of Dean.
My liolhei }ohn has anolhei aiea of nagic. He is exlieneIy
ciealive, and a diIigenl and exliaoidinaiy leachei. He leaches
Inleiaclive Media al lhe TiunluII Caieei and TechnicaI Cenlei
in Waiien, Ohio. He has laughl and coached ovei 3OO sludenls
duiing lhe pasl 1O yeais. }ohn aIso has a second piofession. He
ovns an independenl leIevision pioduclion conpany.
The schooI conpeles in lhe usiness IiofessionaIs of Aneiicas
(IA) NalionaI Leadeiship Confeience annuaIIy. They piesenl
sludenl-pioduced piojecls. }ohns sludenls conpele iegionaIIy,
and if lhey pIace 1sl oi 2nd lhey nove on lo slalevide conpeli-
lion and lhen lhe nalionaI conpelilion if lhey vin. Moie lhan 3O
of his sludenls have noved lo lhe nalionaI IeveI duiing lhe Iasl
len yeais. Tvo sludenls have von nalionaI !isl pIaces and lvo
sludenls have von second pIaces in lhe nalion.
Sevenleen of his sludenls aie in lhe WaII of Iane in lhe schooI.
Thal neans lhey eilhei pIaced !isl in lhe slale oi !isl oi second
nalionaIIy. RenaikalIy }ohn has had sludenls vho ianked lop 1O
in lhe nalion oi lellei foi 1O yeais in a iov. Of lhe 52,OOO nenleis
of IA, 6OOO conpele al lhe nalionaI IeveI. This is a piesligious
acconpIishnenl foi }ohn and lhe schooI and is signi!canl foi lhe
sludenls iesune.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 133
134 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
}ohn is quile pioud of his sludenls and In quile pioud of hin,
as you can leII. He Ioves his voik, his sludenls, and his !eId of
TeIevision Iioduclion and Maikeling. He dispIays lhe nagic of
lhe uIlinale in leaching.
My sislei Theiesa, vho is one of lhe nosl palienl and inluilive
peopIe I knov, is a univeisily adninislialoi. Shes inciedilIe vilh
peopIe in geneiaI lul is exliaoidinaiy vilh sludenls.
My sislei Theiesa, vho is one of lhe nosl palienl and inluilive
peopIe I knov, is a univeisily adninislialoi. Shes inciedilIe vilh
peopIe in geneiaI lul is exliaoidinaiy vilh sludenls.
Theiesas daughlei AngeIa ieads endIessIy and is an espe-
ciaIIy gifled viilei. She Ioves sloiies. One line, al lhe end of a
piesenlalion I had given lo AngeIas sixlh-giade cIass, hei leachei,
Ms. HaII, puIIed ne aside lo shov ne AngeIas voik. We legan
laIking aloul hov liighl AngeIa vas and I loId hei I knev lhal
AngeIa vas inleIIigenl, alhIelic, ciealive, veiy sveel, and vas
aIvays viiling.
Ms. HaII said, She is aII lhose lhings and noie. Ioi exanpIe,
once I assigned lhe cIass an assignnenl lo viile a 1O-page sloiy.
Then, hoIding up a lhick, 68-page docunenl, she said, This is
vhal AngeIa luined in! She said il vas so inleiesling she couIdnl
pul il dovn.
AngeIas Iove of fascinaling sloiies has Ied hei inlo lhe !eId of
ancienl sludies, Cieek, and viiling. Thals hei nagic.
The nagic foi Liic LiddeII vas his iunning. One of ny favoiile
novies is Cnaric|s cf |irc, a 1981 iilish !In lhal leIIs lhe liue sloiy
of lvo OIynpic alhIeles in 1924. The lvo iunneis iaced foi dif-
feienl causes, lhe Scollish Chiislian, Liic LiddeII, ian foi lhe gIoiy
of Cod, and lhe LngIish }ev, HaioId Aliahans, ian lo oveicone
piejudice. In one of lhe !naI scenes of lhe novie, Liic LiddeII,
pIayed ly Ian ChaiIeson, vas iunning his !naI iace and, as he
spiinled ahead of lhe pack, his lhoughls veie audilIe: Cod
nade ne foi a puipose lul He aIso nade ne fasl, and vhen I iun
I feeI His pIeasuie. LiddeII von a goId nedaI in lhal iace. Love
of vhal you do nusl le youi diiving foice and you viII feeI His
y nov, you nusl suieIy knov I Iove vhal I do foi a Iiving!
When I do il, Iike LiddeII, I feeI connecled lo a giealei piesence. I
aIso enjoy deaIing vilh peopIe vho Iove vhal lhey do. }usl lhink
of a voiId vheie eveiylody is doing exaclIy vhal he oi she vanls
lo do foi a Iiving! This nay nevei happen foi eveiyone lul il can
happen foi you. As you go lhiough youi caieei, you aie luiIding
and deveIoping youiseIf. Il is nagic lo !nd youi nagic!
)0B FJT< BJ>8 3J5R
The Iink lelveen peifoining oui nagic and oui good heaIlh
is unnislakalIe. The faIIoul fion nol doing oui nagic is, as ve
have seen, pielly giin. Heail disease causes lhe nosl falaIilies in
lhe Weslein voiId. And lhe nunlei-one cause of heail disease
is~veII, ils nol lhe choIesleioI in youi lody, high lIood pies-
suie, snoking, oi Iack of exeicise. AII conliilule in one vay oi
anolhei lo heail allacks, lul lhe nunlei one ieason, al Ieasl in lhe
U.S., is acluaIIy sliess.
Ils aII inleiconnecled. Woik has a Iol lo do vilh hov oui hap-
piness is going, and oui happiness has a Iol lo do vilh hov oui
voik is going.
As I nenlioned eaiIiei, lhe nosl concenlialed incidence of
heail allacks occui on Monday noinings lelveen six and nine~
iighl vhen nosl of us ieluin lo voik fion lhe veekend. }usl ovei
28 peicenl of heail allacks occui lhen!
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Accoiding lo a iepoil ly lhe Massachusells Depailnenl of
HeaIlh pulIished in lhe Ncu |ng|and ]curna| cf Mcdicinc, lhe
piinaiy ieason foi lhe 1.5 niIIion heail allacks annuaIIy
in Aneiica is sliess. The liggesl souice of sliess is jol
dissalisfaclion. The secondaiy ieason naned is a Iov scoie on
lhe seIf-happiness scaIe.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 135
136 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I !nd lhis fascinaling. As fai as I knov, hunans aie lhe onIy
species lhal succunl lo a speci!c disease al a speci!c line sIol.
Dogs do nol go pavs up on Tuesdays aiound lvo ocIock.
Theies no speci!c canine check-oul line.
The diffeience olviousIy is lhal ve hunans voik. Oui voik
and heaIlh aie inliicaleIy inleivoven. If Monday has lhe nosl
heail allacks, guess vhich day has lhe Ieasl. Iiiday il is. We
aInosl say lo ieseaicheis, If you lhink I an going lo have a heail
allack lefoie lhe veekend youie ciazy. In vailing liII Monday.
CIeaiIy, oui heaIlh and oui jol aie lied lo oui heail. I Iike lhe
phiases My heails in il and My heails nol in il. If youi heail
isnl in il, youi heail viII le affecled adveiseIy ly lhal facl. And,
in lhal case, you have lvo choices: keep youi jol oi change jols. If
you decide lo keep youi jol, you have lvo nev choices lo nake:
conlinue lo hale il oi change youi appioach and Iove il.
Heie aie sone vaining signs lhal youi jol is laking ils loII. e
aIeil lo lhese synplons. This seIeclion of synplons of jol dissal-
isfaclion cones fion a piece in High TechnoIogy Caieeis Maga-
zine, viillen ly Tani Anaslasia.
- MenlaI signs incIude pooi concenlialion, loiedon, Iack of
con!dence, foigelfuIness, no slinuIalion, a feeIing of Ioss
of conlioI, and a geneiaIIy negalive allilude.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
The Monday-noining heail-allack spike is pieceded on Sunday
nighl vilh anlicipaloiy anxiely. We slail lo lhink, Oh Loid, I
have lo go lo voik in lhe noining. My veekend is ovei. Il
slails lhen. The lIood piessuie slails iising and lhe allack hils
in lhe noining.
Ils inleiesling lo nole lhal Saluiday has lhe second-highesl
incidence of heail allacks vilh 14 peicenl occuiiing on lhis
day. Sliess is lehind lhis as veII: a conlal zone al hone.
- LnolionaI signs incIude disliess, depiession, iiiilaliIily,
anxiely, inpalience, fiuslialion, incessanl voiiy, and feeI-
ings of leing heIpIess, IoneIy, neai leais, oi faiIing.
- IhysicaI signs invoIve ieslIess sIeep oi insonnia, veighl
gain oi Ioss, ongoing faligue, headaches, iecuiienl coIds,
"u, infeclions and lighlness in lhe jav, shouIdeis and neck.
Once youve iuIed oul aII olhei souices foi lhese synplons,
you nay discovei lhal lhe souice is youi jol.
FJT< 90< 3J5 BJ> 07T<
Theie is a look caIIed Ta|c Tnis ]co and |ctc ||. Hcu |c Cnangc
Ycur lcr| li|ncu| Cnanging Ycur ]co, ly Dennis T. }affe and
Cynlhia D. Scoll. The lilIe is iighl on. You aie in chaige of lians-
foining youi jol inlo one you Iike. IaII in Iove vilh vhal you do
foi a Iiving oi faII in Iove vilh vhy youie doing il. To faII in Iove
vilh unq youie doing il, focus on lhe ieason foi youi voik, foi
exanpIe, pioviding foi youi faniIy oi luying a nev cai. When
you aie liudging lhiough lhal 2O peicenl of iouline voik, lhink
aloul lhe skiing vacalion oi lhe nev fuiniluie lhe jol viII affoid
you lo luy.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
A sludy of heaIlh-caie voikeis found lhal, vhen enpIoyees
voik foi a loss lhey disIike, lhey deveIop signi!canlIy highei
lIood piessuie, vhich puls lhen al giealei iisk lo deveIop
caidiovascuIai disease and aIso incieases lhe iisk of slioke ly
33 peicenl. If you aie unalIe lo nanage lhe ieIalionship vilh
youi loss, nove on.
- Di. Ceoige IieIdnan, Univeisily of London
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 137
138 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
To faII in Iove vilh una| youie doing, you viII need lo change
lhe vay you voik and legin lo enjoy lhe voik youie doing. Like
ny leachei-fiiend, Susan, you nighl need an allilude adjuslnenl.
Il is veiy inpoilanl lo honoi youiseIf foi vhal you do foi a
Iiving. Refei lo ny favoiile saying: Ma|c a |iting, nc| a dqing. I
sliongIy ieconnend you exanine vhelhei oi nol you aie naking
a Iiving oi a dying. Lveiyone has a lad day and eveiyone has a
lad veek, lul vhen il sIides ovei inlo a nonlh, lvo nonlhs, lhiee
nonlhs, lhen you shouId lake slock of vhal you aie doing.
In lhe Hign Tccnnc|cgq Carccrs Magazinc ailicIe, Tani Anaslasia
goes on lo sunnaiize lhe vays lo nanage a dissalisfying jol:
1. Iind neaning and vaIue in youi voik. Make youi voik
neaningfuI lo you iegaidIess of vhal olheis lhink.
2. Concenliale on voiking lo youi fuII polenliaI. Donl con-
paie youiseIf oi youi voik lo olheis.
3. Cive lo youiseIf vhal you donl gel fion olheis. AcknovI-
edge youi ovn achievenenls, piaise youi voik, ievaid
youiseIf foi a jol veII done. Donl vail foi olheis lo give
you ciedil foi vhal youve acconpIished.
4. HoId peopIe accounlalIe foi lheii ovn aclions. Renenlei
lhal lhey aie iesponsilIe, nol you.
5. Iay allenlion lo vhal is piediclalIe. DeveIop slialegic
inleiaclions lhal vonl hook you inlo negalive silualions.
6. Think lefoie you acl and donl acl oul of hasle. AIvays ask
youiseIf if youi choices aie in youi lesl inleiesl.
7. Donl lake vhal olheis say and do peisonaIIy.
8. When fiuslialed oi angiy, luin lhe silualion aiound ly
asking, vhal can I Ieain fion lhis and hov can I appIy il`
':DL 7 3J5 BJ> FJT<
Sonelines ve !nd lhal ve cannol nanage in lhe jol ve have
and ve have lhe oppoilunily lo change lhe voik veie doing.
Theie can le nagic in lhe change, as cones acioss in lhe foIIoving
e-naiIs I exchanged vilh ol Whilnei, vho had allended one of
ny voikshops.
Dcar ]in,
lc !rs| nc| during a |cadcrsnip Scninar fcr |nc ncu Dcpar|ncn|
cf Dcfcnsc Managcrs in Dcntcr, Cc|cradc. | oc|ictc i| uas 1998. lc
ounpcd in|c cacn c|ncr a qcar cr sc |a|cr a| |nc Pcn|agcn uncrc | rcccg-
nizcd qcu in |nc na||uaq and gatc qcu a quic| |cur cf |nc Pcn|agcn Prcss
8ric!ng Rccn, unicn | nanagcd a| |nc |inc.
| natc nctcr fcrgc||cn una| qcu |augn| and s|i|| usc |nc nusc|c |cs|
(arns cu|, qcu s|anding in frcn| |rqing |c pu|| |nc arn dcun) ui|n
fricnds and fani|q |c i||us|ra|c |nc pcucr cf |nc nind-ocdq ccnncc|icn.
A| |nc |inc cf |nc scninar, | uas tcrq unnappq in nq jco and uas
|cc|ing fcr fu|!||ncn| in a ncu carccr, unicn, as i| |urns cu|, uas a |cng
uaqs auaq. | rcncnocr a quc|c qcu uscd, |f qcu |ctc una| qcu dc fcr a
|iting, qcu|| nctcr ucr| a daq in qcur |ifc. | |ncu qcu ucrc rign| a| |nc
|inc, ou| qcur ucrds ring |ruc ctcrq daq ncu.
Af|cr surtiting 9/11 and cnduring |nc pcs| 9/11 daqs a| |nc Pcn-
|agcn, | rcsigncd in 2005 and nctcd |c Hi||cn Hcad |s|and, Scu|n Carc-
|ina. Ncu, nq uifc cuns a Pi|a|cs s|udic and | an a ccnncrcia| pi|c|
and "ign| ins|ruc|cr. Ta|| aocu| nctcr ucr|ing a daq in nq |ifc!
|f qcu ctcr !nd qcursc|f in Hi||cn Hcad |s|and, |d |ctc |c ouq qcu
dinncr and |a|| aocu| |nc pcssioi|i|q cf dcing scnc ucr|sncps dcun
ncrc. Tnc pccp|c ncrc, dcspi|c |ncir incrcdio|c uca||n, ccu|d rca||q usc
qcur nc|p.
A|| |nc ocs|,
8co lni|ncr
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 139
14O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I lhen senl a nessage lack lo ol:
Grca| |c ncar frcn qcu, 8co! | an uri|ing a cnap|cr in nq occ| cn
Pcrfcrning Ycur Magic and |d |i|c |c natc qcur pcrnissicn |c rcprin|
qcur grca| |c||cr in nq occ|. Hcpc |c tisi| qcu scnc|inc in |nc fu|urc,
naqoc sunncr. Ycu can sc|| nc a |csscn in |nc air.
Tnan|s, 8co,
Then fion ol:
8q a|| ncans prin| nq |c||cr, qcutc carncd i|. Tnc carccr is ncting
fcruard. | uri|c |nis frcn Hcus|cn, Tcxas. | an dcing scnc ccrpcra|c
"qing and |cdaq "cu frcn Satannan, Gccrgia, |c Hcus|cn. 8ac| |c
Satannan |cncrrcu ncrning. Hating fun, |cting |ifc and nc| ucr|ing
a daq in nq |ifc.
A|| |nc ocs|, nq fricnd,
Then ny ansvei lo ol:
Tnan|s, 8co. Ycu natc carncd |nc rign| |c oc an inspira|icn |c |ncsc
unc arc in qcur pcsi|icn and nccd |c |a|c |nc |cap. Ycu did i|. Ycu arc an
inspira|icn |c nc, as qcu ui|| oc |c nq rcadcrs. lc ui|| ncc| scncuncrc
dcun |nc |inc.
And lhe !naI nole:
Ycur occ| is tcrq ncccssarq ncu fcr a |c| cf pccp|c and | can| uai|
|c rcad i|. Ta|ing |nc |cap |cc| a |c| cf ccuragc, as qcu can uc|| inaginc.
Tnings natcn| occn casq. |f |nis ucrc an casq prcccss, qcu ucu|dn|
natc |c uri|c qcur occ|. Mq uifc nadc |nc sanc |cap a| |nc sanc |inc.
lc paid a dcar pricc in scnc uaqs, ou| |ncrc nasn| occn a daq sincc uc
|cf| lasning|cn |na| uc ucu|d gc oac|, ctcn if |ncq |rip|cd cur prcticus
ol and his vife aie heioes lo ne~IiofessionaI Hunan
eings. They undeislood Ih Lav #5: 8cdq fc||cus nind. They
ieaIized lhal lheii heaIlh vas a piioiily and chose nol lo ienain
in a confoil zone of high peiks vhiIe sacii!cing lheii happiness.
They sav lhal leing in jols lhey didnl Iike vas affecling lheii
heaIlh and lhey knev lhey vouId le happiei in lhe nev jols lhey
chose. Il lakes a Ieap of failh and a Iol of guls lo do vhal lhey did.
':DL:DI BJ>8 G7I:E
You vanl lo !nd youi nagic. The queslion is, hov` Heie aie
six diffeienl vays lo heIp you discovei youis. Choose any lhal
voik lesl foi you.
:O G.62X L2%X*`$#A E?$X+/2%"
SeIf-ie"eclion is an effeclive vay lo pause in youi Iife and
!guie lhings oul. Take sone line lo pondei lhese queslions. The
ansveis viII ieveaI cIues lo vhal youi nagic is. Take oul a sheel
of papei and viile dovn youi ansveis. Donl oveilhink il. }usl
viile vhal !isl cones lo you.
1. Whal aie !ve lhings youie especiaIIy good al`
2. Whal aie lhiee lhings youi fiiends have loId you youie
good al`
3. Which lvo of lhe ideas youve viillen dovn so fai can you
lecone especiaIIy good al`
4. Whal lhiee aclivilies veie you diavn lo vhen you veie
5. Whal is one lhing you Iike lo iead aloul, Ieain aloul, and
laIk aloul`
6. In schooI, vhal suljecls did you enjoy nosl` Whal suljecls
did you gel lhe lesl giades in`
7. Whal aclivilies do you !nd youiseIf conpIeleIy alsoiled
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 141
142 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
in, lo lhe poinl of Iosing liack of line (lesides conpulei
soIilaiie, Inleinel, and TV)`
8. Whal lhiee lhings do you do lhal salisfy you and heighlen
youi seIf-esleen vhen youie done`
9. If you von lhe Iolleiy loday, vhal voik vouId you do`
1O. If you had exlia line, vhal kind of voIunleei voik vouId
you do`
11. Which of youi laIenls can nake a diffeience in olhei peo-
pIes Iives and youi ovn`
12. Whal skiIIs have you used lhal have nade you successfuI
lhus fai`
Did you !nd lhis inliiguing` On youi Iisl you shouId nov
have sone gieal ideas aloul youiseIf. Lel il aII sinnei. You nay
need lo lake sone line avay and cone lack lonoiiov lo youi
Iisl. You nay vanl lo ievise youi Iisl. Nov, vhich lhiee lhings
sland oul lo you` You shouId have a nev picluie of youi laIenls.
::O ,C" 9?$ =C$%"2*- JC" 9?$#$
Heies ny seciel. This is a sinpIe lechnique lhal has voiked
foi ne and nay voik foi you. Re"ecl on lhis lhoughl vhen you
aiise and lefoie you go lo sIeep al nighl so lhal il is elched inlo
lhe !lei of youi nind.
P|casc, |c| nq nagic oc rctca|cd |c nc. | an rcadq |c pcrfcrn nq
nagic in |nc scrticc cf c|ncrs. | uan| |c na|c a diffcrcncc in |nc |itcs cf
c|ncrs and in nq cun |ifc, and occcnc !nancia||q sc|f-suf!cicn| in |nc
:::O 0$/1 J"?$#% '2-@ 9?$2# G.62X
One of lhe faslesl vays lo discovei youi nagic is lo heIp
olheis discovei lheiis. When you neel soneone nev, seek oul
his oi hei nagic. Leain aloul lhal inleiesling pail of eveiyone.
I sliII Iike lo do lhis, vhen I !isl neel soneone, I Iike lo !nd oul
vhal his oi hei nagic is. Whal nakes lhal peison speciaI` Whal
can I Ieain fion hin/hei` Whal can he/she leach ne loday` See
eveiyone as a leachei senl lo you vilh sone infoinalion oi Iesson
you need. econe inpiessed vilh lhe expeiience and knovIedge
of olheis. Lveiyone you neel is inleiesling. Lneison said il lhis
vay, Lveiy peison I neel is supeiioi lo ne in sone vay and in
lhal I Ieain of hin. Ils anazing hov nuch spice and inleiesl lhal
allilude puls inlo youi daiIy Iife. Lveiy peison you neel oi deaI
vilh is a polenliaI discoveiy foi you. Look foi lhe nagic in olhei
Hov signi!canl is lhis lechnique of !nding lhe nagic`
RecenlIy, I vas visiling lhe snaII lovn of Iaii!eId, Iova, vheie
aloul lvenly yeais ago I faciIilaled a voikshop on lhe lopic of lhis
look. A genlIenan appioached ne on lhe slieel and inlioduced
hinseIf as a pailicipanl in lhal voikshop. Di. }anes Iaikas, D.C.,
a veiy successfuI IocaI chiiopiacloi, loId ne lhal lhe nosl pov-
eifuI looI lhal he had Ieained fion lhal voikshop vas !nding
lhe nagic. He conlinues lo uliIize lhe lechnique and !nds il veiy
poveifuI lolh in his piaclice and his peisonaI Iife. Inpiessed and
appiecialive, I vas ieninded lhal nol onIy is peifoining youi
nagic ciuciaI lo leconing a Ih lul aIso lhal il is equaIIy inpoi-
lanl lo Iook foi and !nd lhe nagic in olheis.
:TO ,*-@$# 9?$%$ 9?#$$ =C$%"2*-%
Heie is a diffeienl angIe lo discoveiing vhal voik you couId
peifoin. Ask youiseIf lhese lhiee queslions. Wheie youi ansveis
conveige shouId give you a cIue as lo youi caIIing oi qcur dnarna
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 143
144 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
TO 9.+$ 9?$%$ 7%%$%%4$-"%
1. Cel lesled al }ohnson OConnoi Reseaich Ioundalion if
you aie unsuie aloul youi naluiaI aliIilies and laIenls.
vvv. jocif.oig
2. Check oul lhe Carccr Passicn Tcs| deveIoped ly Calheiine
}eveII, a speciaIisl in nid-Iife caieei changes. Thiough hei
lesl, you idenlify youi key passions oi lhe ioIes you pIay
in voik silualions. Wilh knovIedge you can slialegize a
poveifuI caieei nove, !nd a nev jol, and gain a sense of
puipose foi youi Iife. vvv.caieeipassioncoach.con
3. Read Tnc Passicn Tcs|, Tnc |ffcr||css Pa|n |c Discctcring Ycur
|ifc Purpcsc ly }anel and Chiis Allvood. The Iassion Tesl
is a sinpIe yel piofound looI and lhe peifecl vay lo aIign
youiseIf vilh lhose lhings lhal you aie nosl passionale
aloul so lhal you can shaie youi speciaI gifls. vvv.
4. Seek a lellei undeislanding of youi laIenl lhiough an
assessnenl vilh TaIenl IIus, Inc., lhe pieniei gIolaI
hunan iesouices consuIling !in vilh noie lhan 2OO
voiId-cIass, quaIily, giovlh-oiienled cIienls. vvv.laIenl-
T:O 8$.@ 9?$%$ 5**+%
1. lna| Cc|cr is Ycur Paracnu|c? ly Richaid NeIson oIIes.
2. Tnc Prcfcssicna| ]co Cnanging Sqs|cn ly Roleil }. Ceileig.
3. Ncu, Discctcr Ycur S|rcng|ns ly Maicus uckinghan and
DonaId O. CIiflon, Ih.D. ased on ieseaich ly lhe CaIIup
Oiganizalion, lhis look viII give you inpoilanl insighls
inlo youi !ve signa|urc s|rcng|ns.
4. Co Iul Youi Slienglhs lo Woik: 6 IoveifuI Sleps lo
Achieve Ou|s|anding Pcrfcrnancc ly Maicus uckinghan.
This look addiesses vhy youi slienglhs aienl 'vhal
youie good al and youi veaknesses aienl 'vhal youie
lad al. Il aIso heIps you lo idenlify peisonaI slienglhs
and offeis sinpIe sleps you can lake lo push youi line
al voik lovaid lhose aclivilies lhal slienglhen you and
avay fion lhose lhal donl.
5. MO]O. Hcu |c Gc| ||, Hcu |c Kccp ||, Hcu |c Gc| || 8ack
When You Lose Il ly MaishaII CoIdsnilh. Mojo is lhe
nonenl vhen ve feeI veie cn a rc||, !iing on aII cyIin-
deis and eveiyone in lhe ioon senses il. Ils vhen veie
noving foivaid, naking piogiess, achieving goaIs,
cIeaiing huidIes, passing lhe conpelilion~and doing so
vilh incieasing ease. Spoils peopIe caII lhis leing 'in lhe
zone. Olheis desciile il. '"ov. MaishaII desciiles nojo
as lhal posilive spiiil lovaid vhal ve aie doing nov lhal
slails fion lhe inside and iadiales lo lhe oulside.
Once youve discoveied lhe lieasuie chesl of youi nagic, lhis
is youi nexl chaIIenge, and heie is lhe ciux of il: hov you incoipo-
iale youi laIenls inlo youi jol. YouII !nd oul in lhe nexl Lesson.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 145
146 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. You aie nol vhal you lhink you aie,
2. Thiov youi heail ovei lhe vaII and youi lody viII
- IIaxico uiiess, Aneiican foollaII vide ieceivei, vhen
asked hov lhe undeidog couId vin lhe Supei ovI
3. I gel fion lhe soiI and spiiil of Texas lhe feeIing lhal I,
as an individuaI, can acconpIish vhalevei I vanl lo, and
lhal lheie aie no Iinils, lhal you can jusl keep going, jusl
keep soaiing. I Iike lhal spiiil.
~ ailaia }oidan, !isl Soulhein Afiican-Aneiican
vonan lo le eIecled lo lhe U.S. House of Repiesenlalives
4. Co con!denlIy in lhe diieclion of youi dieans. Live lhe
Iife youve inagined.
~ Heniy David Thoieau, Aneiican aulhoi
5. Re"ecl on youi voik. Ask youiseIf, Hov do I add vaIue
daiIy` AII veaIlh and success cone fion seiving a cus-
lonei and adding vaIue. You nay le sluck in a lox, lul
you can coIoi inside lhe lox.
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Donale sone line uliIizing youi gifls and knovIedge. The
noie you leach, lhe noie you Ieain. Ioi exanpIe, if you
Iike ail, leach a cIass on ail. Coach a lean, give a speech,
oi le a visiling speakei al a schooI.
2. Lveiy yeai, cieale a vish Iisl of vhal youd Iike lo accon-
pIish. Look al youi Iisl once a nonlh. Take a slep lovaids
acconpIishing each one.
3. Read Happq fcr Nc Rcascn. 7 S|cps |c 8cing Happq frcn |nc
|nsidc Ou| ly Maici Shinoff and CaioI KIine, and |ctc |cr
Nc Rcascn. 7 S|cps |c Crca|ing a |ifc cf Unccndi|icna| |ctc ly
Maici Shinoff, Maiianne WiIIianson and CaioI KIine.
4. Aflei allending a neeling, seninai, couise, oi voikshop,
iesisl lhe uige lo Iel lhal infoinalion fade in you, inslead,
!nd vays lo shaie vhal you Ieained. You lecone vhal
you leach.
5. Cieale an InleIIigence Nelvoik~a coIIeclion of peopIe
vhose inleIIigence you can diav fion lo nuIlipIy youi
ovn. Donl lecone a heinil cial, youII aIvays need
peopIe in youi Iife. Many use siles Iike Iacelook and
Linkedin lo nelvoik.
FFJBL 8JI<8!Q 5J8D 9J 5< 7 ':8<G7D
Have you evei vondeied vhelhei you vouId enjoy ieading
aloul youi Iife in a look viillen aloul you ly soneone eIse` Aie
olheis seeing in you vhal you see in youiseIf` Aie you shoving
youi liue seIf lo lhe voiId` Is vhal you inlend lo cone oul coning
oul` Aie you peifoining youi nagic and is lhe voiId ieceiving
youi nagic`
A Ih is a nagicaI peison lecause of lhe dispIay of his oi hei
ovn peisonaI and naluiaI laIenls. He is in louch vilh his gifls and
il shovs. Theie is no one Iike hin~oi you~anong oui six-liIIion
faniIy nenleis.
In ny IiofessionaI Hunan eing voikshops, I oflen piesenl
lhe ceili!cale of a Ih degiee lo a deseiving nenlei of lhe hosl
oiganizalion. I donl do lhe judging, lhe nenleis of lhe oiganiza-
lion do. The ciileiia foi lhe ceili!cale aie lased on lhe seven Ies-
sons piesenled in lhis look, one of vhich, as I laIked aloul in lhis
Lesson, is Ieifoining Youi Magic. The oiganizalion soIicils feed-
lack on possilIe iecipienls and lhen chooses lhe avaid vinnei.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 147
148 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
G<<9 FFJBL 8JI<8!Q ,?5 E<89:':E79< 8<E:,:<D9
LIoyd Rogeis vas loin lo le a !ienan. Iion anong seveiaI
candidales, Chief Rogeis vas chosen lo ieceive lhis iecognilion.
The evenl vas lhe 2OO7 Havaii Iiie Chiefs Associalion AnnuaI
confeience, heId al lhe TuilIe ay Resoil on lhe isIand of Oahu
in Havaii. I vas hiied ly Manny Neves, Assislanl Chief of lhe
HonoIuIu Iiie Depailnenl, lo give lhe keynole addiess al lhe
confeience. Iiioi lo lhe evenl, allendees veie asked lo noninale
candidales foi lhe Ih ceili!cale and lo desciile vhy lhey chose
lhal peison.
Al lhe line lhal he ieceived lhis ceili!cale, Chief Rogeis had
leen a !ienan in HonoIuIu foi 31 yeais and vas lvo nonlhs avay
fion ieliiing. He had heIped lhe cily ieduce cosls associaled vilh
!ie caIIs and eneigency iesponses duiing his lenuie. He had
inilialed speciaI piogians lhal saved lhe slale of Havaii noie
lhan $7O,OOO annuaIIy. His seivice lo lhe connunily exlended lo
lhe eIdeiIy ly inilialing speciaI snoke-aIain piogians. He aIso
seived as lhe adninislialoi of lhe Havaii Slale Iiie CounciI. Chief
Rogeis vas naned Managei of lhe Yeai in 2OO7.
Whal ieaIIy slood oul foi ne aloul hov olheis chaiacleiized
Chief Rogeis, Ih, veie lhe voids scrticc and ccnnuni|q. Heie is
hov he vas desciiled ly his coIIeagues:
- Chief Rogeis giealesl slienglhs aie his conpassion foi
nankind, lhe aliIily lo enpalhize vilh his acquainlances,
and a good-naluied, Iighl-heailed allilude lovaid Iife.
- When given a lask al a nonenls nolice, he accepls il vilh
lhal nischievous sniIe, a genlIe okay, and lhen deIves
inlo lhe lask vhoIeheailedIy, giving il his aII and doing il
- I have seen hin vilh lons of voik: !ie-pievenlion voik,
!ie counciI iesponsiliIilies, !ievoiks and luiIding code
issues, IegisIalive leslinony, selling up lenls foi paiking
Iols, allending nuneious neelings, jusl lo nane a fev. He
aIvays appioaches eveiylhing vilh an allilude of seivice.
Whal can I do` Hov can I heIp` He handIes il aII vilh
lhal sane inpish sniIe and IiveIy eyes.
- He is IoyaI, dependalIe, liuslvoilhy, and one you can
counl on lo Iislen lo you vilh a kind eai, even if hes
piessed foi line.
- He has nol shovn favoiilisn foi speciaI fiiends. He deaIs
vilh eveiyone in a consideiale and iespeclfuI nannei.
- His quiel deneanoi, genlIe sniIe, easygoing allilude, and
naIIealIe peisonaIily leIie a nan of slienglh and chai-
aclei. He is an oulslanding enpIoyee, loss, and fiiend.
- One of Chief Rogeis sliongesl chaiaclei poinls is his
aliIily lo slay caIn undei piessuie. (He shouId considei
leconing a piofessionaI pokei pIayei vhen he ieliies
lecause you viII nevei knov ly his faciaI expiessions and
lody Ianguage vhal kind of adveisily he is lallIing al lhal
line.) I have found nyseIf liying lo pallein ny ieaclions
lo sliess and adveisily aflei his nodeI. He is a !ne exanpIe
of leing cooI undei piessuie and keeping his conposuie
undei duiess, and lhis is jusl one of lhe nany chaiacleiis-
lics lhal I viII niss vhen he ieliies.
As you can leII, Chief Rogeis is a nan vho is shoving his
liue seIf lo lhe voiId. He is a happy, sinpIe, caiing, haidvoiking
peison, and veII Iiked as a Ieadei and hunan leing. He is an oidi-
naiy nan doing exliaoidinaiy lhings. He is peifoining his nagic.
He Ioves his voik, seives his covoikeis and lhe connunily,
handIes adveisily veII, envisions a safe, lellei connunily, has
veiy high slandaids, and Iives lhen. Whal fascinaled ne vas lhe
connenl, I found nyseIf liying lo pallein ny ieaclions lo sliess
and adveisily aflei his nodeI.
Chief Rogeis is soneone ve vouId aII Iike lo le Iike.
LpiIogue: Lasl veek I spoke lo ny fiiend Assislanl Iiie Chief
Manny Neves vho infoined ne lhal Chief Rogeis is lack on a
conliacl lasis lo heIp lhe depailnenl. If you Iove vhal you do foi
a Iiving ils haid lo slay avay.
9. Lesson 1: Ieifoin Youi Magic 149
Chaplei 1O
Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo
Theie You Aie
|rcn una| uc gc|, uc can na|c a |iting,
una| uc gitc, ncuctcr, na|cs a |ifc.
lennis gieal
leIong lo lhe NalionaI Speakeis Associalion. Al an annuaI con-
feience of lhe oiganizalion lack in lhe eaiIy 199Os, I nel lhe
nan videIy consideied lhe guiu of pulIic speaking, lhe Iale iII
Cove. I innedialeIy luiIl a iappoil vilh hin lecause ve had a
Iol in connon: ve veie lolh foinei laselaII pIayeis, and had
lecone piofessionaI speakeis. iIIs nagic vas lhe sane as nine:
ve educaled, enleilained, and inspiied lhiough oui speaking
ciafl. We veie aIso lolh lhe sane inpiessive size~shoil!
Al oui neeling, I asked iII vhal he iegaided as lhe nosl sig-
ni!canl lhing he had Ieained in his lhen 37-yeai caieei as a pulIic
speakei. He loId ne lhal, al lhe line he !isl hil lhe slage, lheie
veie veiy fev peopIe speaking foi a Iiving. He vas con!denl lo
an exliene and feIl lhal he vas doing his audiences a favoi, aflei
aII, he couId sland up lheie and speak and lhey couIdnl. He vas
cocky. ul, as lhe yeais passed, he ieaIized il vas ieaIIy aloul lhe
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 151
152 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
audience and lheii needs. Il vasnl aloul hin. Il vas aII aloul
seivice. He said lhal his focus liansfoined fion heie I an lo
lheie you aie.
iIIs ieaIizalion heIped ne eslalIish lhe caidinaI diieclion of
ny speaking caieei lovaid seiving olheis uni|c I seive nyseIf.
This is a phiIosophy lhal I shaie vilh ny audiences. You give lo
olheis and you seive youiseIf in lhe piocess, lhe essence of vhich
is capluied in Ih Lav #4: | cannc| nc|p anc|ncr ui|ncu| nc|ping
AIlhough I didnl spend nuch line vilh hin, iII had a
piofound in"uence on ny peispeclive, nol onIy in ieIalion lo
speaking, lul aIso lo Iife ilseIf. He vas a kind-heailed and inleI-
Iigenl nan and quickIy lecane one of ny nenlois. Of couise,
I look his Iegendaiy couise caIIed |tcrq|ning Ycu Nccd |c Kncu
Aocu| Spca|ing, vhich is sliII avaiIalIe and I ieconnend lo any-
lody inleiesled in leconing a lellei pulIic speakei. You can gel
noie infoinalion aloul lhe couise al vvv.govesieloId.con
iII, in nany vays, denonslialed lhe quaIilies of a Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing.
!<8T< J90<8! 7DL !<8T< BJ>8!<F'
I vaIked inlo lhe Auslin Shoe HospilaI on Wesl Highvay 29O
in Auslin, Texas, aloul !ve niIes oulside of lovn, lo a looning
and exuleianl, HeIIo! WeIcone! I had gone in lo gel ny shoes
iepaiied lul feIl Iike I vas enleiing soneones hone. You shouId
have seen lhe sniIe I ieceived. Il vas infeclious! The guy had
eneigy. He slielched oul his hand, Hi! In LniIio. Hov can I
heIp you` LniIio assisled ne vilh ny shoe piolIen in a vay lhal
saved ne noney and gol lhe jol done, lhe vhoIe line exuding lhe
excilenenl one vouId !nd in DisneyIand. We lecane fiiends in
a fev ninules. I slayed foi a vhiIe and had lhe chance lo olseive
hin vilh olhei cusloneis. He iadialed lhe sane infeclious sniIe
and high eneigy. If peopIe cane in dovn in lhe dunps lhey
vouId Ieave vilh a giin. When I conpIinenled hin on lhe exceI-
Ienl seivice he piovided ne and lhe olhei cusloneis, he iepIied
lhal, since he had leen seiving cusloneis foi ovei 4O yeais, he
shouId le good al il.
LniIio loId ne he had voiked 3O yeais foi H-L-, a Iaige
gioceiy chain in Texas and noilhein Mexico, lefoie ieliiing. He
slayed al hone foi a shoil line and lhen he feIl he had lo seive
sonelody. He consideis hinseIf a scrtc pcrscn and says he has
leen one since age 13, vhen he legan seIIing lhe snaII-lovn,
highIy successfuI nevspapei GR|T in TayIoi, Texas.
I asked LniIio vhal he did al H-L-. He slailed ly saying he
had leen a neal cullei, lul quickIy coiiecled hinseIf saying his
ieaI lilIe vas a ovine Disseclion Technician. I loId hin aloul ny
oId fiiend, lhe Lealhei Technician, and ve lolh Iaughed.
Whal I discoveied is a nev lein: We have a saIespeison, a
naikeling peison, an accounling peison, an IT peison, and nov
ve have a seive peison. Whal is a seive peison, and vhy shouId
ve lecone one` Heies vhy.
Aflei spending a vain, vinliy Chiislnas season vilh ny
paienls in Canlon, Ohio, a fev yeais ago, I loaided lhe pIane foi
ny liip lack hone lo Auslin and sal in ny !isl-cIass seal. As I
vas speaking on ny ceII phone, I noliced a U.S. Ainy seigeanl
coning dovn lhe aisIe. He Iooked Iike a piofessionaI soIdiei and
vaIked ianiod sliaighl, he vas pioud, sliong, handsone, and
inpeccalIe. I luined ny head lo valch as he nade his vay lo lhe
lack of lhe pIane and sal dovn in one of lhe Iasl iovs.
The lhoughl occuiied lo ne, Who an I lo sil heie in !isl cIass
vhen lhis individuaI vho has pul his Iife on lhe Iine has lo go aII
lhe vay in lhe lack. I ended ny phone conveisalion, gol up, and
vaIked lo lhe lack of lhe pIane.
WouId you nind svilching seals vilh ne`
He Iooked al ne, Wheie is youi seal`
In !isl cIass.
He vas laken alack. A IillIe confused. Then happiIy suipiised.
Why do you vanl lo svilch seals vilh ne` he asked.
To honoi you and aII oui ained foices aiound lhe voiId
vho aie seiving us and oui counliy.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 153
154 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The seigeanl seened sIighlIy enlaiiassed.
ul Ive nevei sal in !isl cIass lefoie, he ansveied.
WeII, ils aloul line. You deseive lo sil up lheie.
I noliced lhal he gol leaiy-eyed. I lhink I did as veII. He shyIy
agieed and ve svilched seals. I knev he vas veiy happy inside
lhal sonelody, a conpIele sliangei, had gone oul of his vay
lo lhank hin foi seivice. As foi ne, I feIl gieal inside. This vas
Chiislnas lo ne. SeveiaI passengeis noliced vhal had happened
and slopped lo leII ne vhal a gieal gesluie lhal vas. One Iady
vas acluaIIy in leais. The "ighl allendanl loId ne lhal lhis vas
one of lhe nicesl lhings she had evei vilnessed on a "ighl.
When ve Ianded, lhe "ighl allendanl gave ne a lollIe of vine
as a loken of hei appiecialion. Al laggage cIain, sone of lhe olhei
passengeis cane ovei lo lhank ne, incIuding a Vielnan veleian.
I Iooked ovei and sav lhe seigeanl vailing foi his duf"e lag lo
appeai on lhe conveyoi leIl. I vas cuiious lo !nd oul vhelhei
he enjoyed lhe expeiience in !isl cIass. I vaIked up lo hin and
asked, Hov did you Iike il`
He ansveied ne vilh a lig, salis!ed giin. Then he caiefuIIy
opened his hal lhal he heId secuieIy in his hands. His hal vas fuII
of ninialuie lollIes of Iiquoi! We luisl inlo Iaughlei, and so did
nany peopIe aiound us. He lhanked ne again and loId ne hov
nuch he enjoyed gelling lo "y !isl cIass and hov veII lhe "ighl
allendanls liealed hin.
I vished hin a nice visil vilh his faniIy. He vas headed hone
lo visil vilh lhen, and lhen he had lo ieluin lo Iiaq.
I ieceived nany lhanks foi ny sinpIe gesluie, lul nolhing
couId suipass lhe happiness lhal giev inside ne. The iandon
acl of kindness~vas il foi lhe seigeanl oi vas il foi nyseIf` The
expeiience vas a peisonaI vaIidalion~lhal giving and heIping is
a gifl lo oneseIf.
e on lhe Iookoul foi oppoilunilies lo give gifls lo youiseIf ly
giving lo olheis.
Il is veII knovn lhal peopIe vho exeicise vigoiousIy desciile
feeIing exhiIaialed oi high duiing lheii voikouls and lhen Ialei
lhey expeiience a sense of caInness and iesislance lo sliess. ul
fev peopIe connecl vhal lhey do al voik lo such a polenliaI foi
gelling nign. Scienli!c ieseaich leIIs us lhal lhe sane enolionaI
and physicaI highs can aIso le pioduced lhiough nuch Iess exei-
lion~heIping and seiving olheis. IeopIe have loId ne lhal vhen
lhey seive and heIp olheis, lhey feeI fanlaslic, physicaIIy and eno-
lionaIIy. y seiving olheis, lhey acluaIIy seive lhenseIves. Ih
Lav #4 says il peifeclIy: | cannc| nc|p anc|ncr ui|ncu| nc|ping nqsc|f.
0<F,<8j! 0:I0 79 7DB 7I<
AIaska !ie chief, Iele iovn, vas a guesl on an Opran shov
honoiing individuaIs vho have inspiied olheis. Iele had deveI-
oped a piogian foi high-schooI giiIs lo Ieain hov lo lecone
nenleis of lhe aII-giiI !ie-!ghling and eneigency nedicaI lean,
Diagon SIayeis. These young vonen veie liained lo save Iives.
They voiked foi lhe !ie depailnenl foi 1O lo 15 houis a veek
vhiIe nainlaining lheii giades and slaying diug and aIcohoI fiee.
The Diagon SIayeis have saved peopIe vho have faIIen
lhiough ice inlo fieezing valei, heIped nolheis in deIiveiing
lalies, iescued peopIe caughl in !ies, and liealed gunshol vic-
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
In 1988, AIIan Luks, diiecloi of lhe Inslilule foi lhe Advancenenl
of HeaIlh in Nev Yoik, coined lvo leins: nc|pcrs nign and
nc|pcrs ca|n. The !isl lein desciiles lhe euphoiia, incieased
eneigy, and geneiaI feeI-good sensalion duiing lhe acl of
seiving. Hc|pcrs ca|n iefeis lo lhe caInness feIl innedialeIy
aflei lhe acl. These expeiiences pionole heaIlh ly ieducing
sliess via lhe ieIease of endoiphins, vhich aie lhe lodys
painkiIIing, nood-aIleiing hoinones. These expeiiences aie
lhe opposile of lhe sliess iesponse.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 155
156 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lins. One of lhe giiIs laIked aloul hov she feIl voiking al lhe
!ie depailnenl: Aflei youve heIped soneone, no nallei vhal
youve done, you gel lhis unexpIainalIy good feeIing aflei vhich
you feeI so good and caIn.
When I heaid lhis, I iecaII lhinking, Wov, she jusl desciiled
lhe nc|pcrs nign. She desciiled peifeclIy vhal scienlisls have
leen !nding al lhe Inslilule foi lhe Advancenenl of HeaIlh in
Nev Yoik and al Aiizona Slale Univeisily, vheie lhey have leen
sludying heIpeis high.
Il is so easy lo gel sluck in a iigid iouline and foigel lhe ieason
vhy ve voik. Lifl youi head up eveiy nov and lhen and connecl
vilh lhe liggei puipose: and lhal is aIvays seivice. You can enjoy
lhese inciedilIe heIpeis-high feeIings eveiy day al voik vhen you
connecl una| qcu dc a| ucr| vilh nc|ping pccp|c. This is vhal Leioy
Cianl lhoughl eveiy line he shined soneones shoes. Whalevei
you aie doing al voik, you can and shouId lhink, In soIving
sonelodys piolIen. In facl, ve aie aII piofessionaI piolIen-
soIveis. We acluaIIy gc| paid lo soIve sonelodys piolIen.
I vouId Iike you lo slail lhinking in leins of vhal youie
doing on lhe jol and hov you nighl shifl inlo nc|pcrs nign and
expeiience nc|pcrs ca|n~lhe exacl opposile of lhe sliess iesponse.
Whal can you do lo gial lhal feeIing on a daiIy lasis`
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
IsychoIogisl Roleil CiaIdini of Aiizona Slale Univeisily found
lhal fiequenl gitcrs expeiience lhe nc|pcrs-nign euphoiia.
He found lhal lhese good feeIings Iovei lhe oulpul of sliess
hoinones, vhich inpioves caidiovascuIai heaIlh and
slienglhens lhe innune syslen.
Lneiy Univeisily liain scienlisls have discoveied lhal
coopeialing vilh oi seiving olheis aclivales an aiea in lhe liain
iich in dopanine~lhe chenicaI lhal pioduces pIeasuialIe
LJ BJ> )J8K 'J8 GJD<B J8 LJ<! GJD<B )J8K
'J8 BJ>R
I vanl lo leII you aloul lvo exliaoidinaiy peopIe~lolh Iio-
fessionaI Hunan eings~lo heIp you undeisland vhal lhe acl of
giving and heIping does foi happiness and heaIlh.
Navone is an 8O-yeai-oId iesidenl of MiIIviIIe, Nev }eisey.
Wilh onIy an eighlh-giade educalion he legan voiking al age
16 in IocaI gIass facloiies, oflen pulling in 6O-houi veeks, and
nevei in a haIf-cenluiy did he eain leyond $11 an houi. He nevei
expeiienced a vindfaII and nevei von a Iolleiy. ul IauI vas a
lhiifly nan and invesled viseIy in lhe slock naikel and ienlaI
piopeilies. And gel lhis: IauI lecane a IocaI heio al age 78. Hov`
He donaled lvo niIIion doIIais lo lvo IocaI schooIs. Whal an
anazing feal! He Iived fiugaIIy lul expeiienced gieal joy in lhe
acl of giving. His phiIosophy: Whal I invesled in is eniiching
peopIes Iives.
Cul fion lhe sane cIolh vas MaleI Davson, }i., of HighIand
Iaik, Michigan. He passed avay a fev yeais ago al age 81. He
had voiked as a foikIifl opeialoi al a Ioid pIanl. Like IauI, MaleI
had onIy an eighlh-giade educalion, yel he gave noie lhan a niI-
Iion doIIais lo univeisilies foi schoIaiships. Hov is lhal possilIe`
MaleI nevei look vacalions. He oflen voiked 12-houi shifls
and Iived fiugaIIy. He nevei nade noie lhan $26 an houi and
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Univeisily of Michigan psychoIogisl, Slephanie iovn, found
lhal, vhen ve give a Iol and heIp olheis oi do good lo olheis,
ve ieIease chenicaIs in lhe liain and lhe lody lhal inciease Iife
expeclancy. She noniloied 423 coupIes foi !ve yeais. AII of lhe
nen veie al Ieasl 65 yeais of age. She found lhal lhe fiequenl
heIpeis anong lhen had a 5O peicenl ieduced iisk of dying
duiing lhe noniloiing peiiod.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 157
158 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
diove a 1995 ied Lscoil. ul he ioulineIy invesled his noney and
evenluaIIy lecone a phiIanlhiopisl. In lhe Iasl decade of his Iife,
he gave $68O,OOO lo Wayne Slale Univeisily and $3OO,OOO lo Loui-
siana Slale Univeisily. He aIso conliiluled aInosl $25O,OOO lo lhe
Uniled Negio CoIIege Iund.
His supeivisoi al Ioid vas asked if he knev aloul lhe phi-
Ianlhiopy. He acluaIIy didnl knov unliI he heaid aloul il on lhe
iadio. MaleI Davson vas a veiy hunlIe peison. The onIy lhing
lhe supeivisoi couId say aloul hin vas lhal he vas aIvays lhe
one vho coIIecled noney foi lhe sick voikeis. So heie is a liuIy
giving nan aflei vhon ve can nodeI ouiseIves.
Iiesidenl CIinlon inviled hin lo lhe While House. MaleIs !isl
iesponse vas lo ask vhelhei oi nol lhe Iiesidenl vouId nake up
foi his Iosl vages~lhe ansvei vas no lul he venl anyvay. In
a nagazine inleiviev in 1998, he vas quoled as saying, I need
noney lo nake ne happy~il nakes ne happy lo give noney
avay. Il gives ne a good feeIing. In a sulsequenl inleiviev, in
a nagazine caIIed 8|ac| |ssucs in Higncr |duca|icn, he said, I jusl
vanl lo heIp peopIe, lo Ieave a Iegacy and le ienenleied.
These nen aie ceilainIy ienenleied. They aie IiofessionaI
Hunan eings ve veie Iucky lo have on lhe pIanel. They lolh
have Iived oul oui Ih Lav #4: | cannc| pcssio|q nc|p anc|ncr
ui|ncu| nc|ping nqsc|f.
Hov can you appIy lhis Iav lo youi Iife` HeIping anolhei
doesnl nean jusl giving noney. Il can aIso nean giving youi
line, a IillIe kindness, and youi expeilise.
Sel aside sone line and seek oul sone voIunleei aclivilies in
youi connunily. The feeIing of naking a diffeience in lhe Iives of
olheis is so lolaIIy ievaiding, youII gel lo neel peopIe, deveIop
skiIIs and hidden laIenls, and lioaden youi peispeclive. Sone
conpanies aIIov enpIoyees lo voIunleei seveiaI houis pei veek
and lhey pay foi il as veII. Thals exciling. Ioi lhe conpany, lhe
payoff is innense in leins of enpIoyee noiaIe, eneigy, and pio-
duclivily IeveIs, nol lo nenlion lhe inpacl on individuaI heaIlh.
Il is a cosl savings foi lhe conpany.
}usl iecenlIy I piesenled al a confeience in Houslon foi QuaIily
Seivice Conliaclois. This oiganizalion piovides conliaclois vilh
a neans of !nding soIulions lo lhe nany issues seivice and iepaii
conliaclois face. Duiing lhe confeience, I nel a lusiness ovnei
fion DaIIas ly lhe nane of Sonny Iiiednan.
Sonny and his vife CaioIyn iun lhe veiy successfuI AlIas
IIunling Conpany. On lheii velsile (alIaspIunling.con) you
can see lhe eIenenls of lhe lusiness cIeaiIy dispIayed as veII
as Sonnys nosl piized af!Iialion, ChaIIenge Aii foi Kids and
Iiiends. This Iallei is vheie Sonnys heail is. He sils on lhe loaid
and voIunleeis his line (chaIIengeaii.con).
The ChaIIenge Aii foi Kids and Iiiends lakes pailicipanls
vho aie physicaIIy chaIIenged oi have a Iife-lhiealening iIIness
on a 3O-ninule "ighl in a foui-seal, singIe-engine, geneiaI avia-
lion aiiciafl. AII piIols aie voIunleeis and give lhe chiIdien and
young aduIls (ages 7-25) lhe "ighl of a Iifeline.
Sonnys fiiend, lhe Iale Rick Anlei, founded ChaIIenge Aii.
Rick leIieved eveiy disalIed peison shouId see lhe voiId~oul
of lheii vheeIchaiis and ciulches~fion lhe sky. This leIief
cane fion Ricks Iife expeiiences. As a !ghlei piIol and liaining
of!cei in lhe U.S. Navy fion 1967 lo 1971, he Iosl lhe use of his
Iegs vhen his jel ciashed duiing a Ianding allenpl. So he used his
sky savvy lo peifoin his nagic. You jusl have lo see lhe faces of
lhese young peopIe vhen lhey ieluin fion lhis "ighl. They laIk
aloul il foi lhe iesl of lheii Iives.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Theies a leIIlaIe piece of ieseaich fion lhe Univeisily of
Michigan lhal I Iike lo iefei lo in ny piesenlalions. Il invoIves
a sludy of 2,7OO peopIe ovei a 1O-yeai peiiod. Al lhe end, lhe
ieseaicheis found lhal, noie lhan any olhei aclivily, doing
voIunleei voik incieased Iife expeclancy. Nov lhals aloul as
poveifuI a payoff you couId ask foi! Civing legels a Iongei
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 159
16O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
As Sonny said lhis, I valched his face. I couId see cIeaiIy vhal
Sonnys pailicipalion did foi hin. He gIoved. His face iadialed
an indesciilalIe happiness. He vas exciled aloul lhe joy he gave
lo chiIdien. He vas unavaie of lhe olvious joy he ieceived in
ieluin, lul I couId see lhe yeais peeIing avay.
Sonny denonslialed vhal lhe ieseaich desciiles: Doing voI-
unleei voik incieases Iife expeclancy, and heIping olheis duiing
youi voiking houis has lhe sane effecl even if you gel paid foi
lhe seivice. Il is a neasuie of vhelhei oi nol you peifoin youi
nagic. Wanl lo Iive Iongei` Cive noie! HeIp noie!
78< BJ> ,8J':9 J8 JT<80<7LR
I have had a Iong, ievaiding ieIalionship vilh lhe Kiogei
Conpany, one of lhe liggesl gioceiy chains in lhe Uniled Slales,
vilh noie lhan 3OO,OOO enpIoyees.
When I liained in lhe sloies, I vouId ask lhe enpIoyees, Who
do you voik foi`
They vouId say, My loss.
I vouId say, No, lhals nol vho you ieaIIy voik foi.
Then lhey vouId liy, The sloie nanagei`
No, you donl voik foi lhe sloie nanagei eilhei.
The ansvei is lhe peison vho cones lhiough lhe fionl dooi. I
vouId say, Thiough lhal dooi cones a shoppei. Inagine lhal lhe
shoppei has a IillIe lag on hei chesl and il says $5,OOO.~Thals
vhal nosl shoppeis spend in a yeai foi food~So shes spending
$5,OOO a yeai. I vouId conlinue, So you couId slick a IaleI on hei
foiehead lhal says 'pio!l. Theies youi pio!l, vaIking lhiough
lhe dooi.
Then I poinl lo lhe gioup in fionl of ne and ask, Whal IaleI
vouId you slick on youi foiehead` UsuaIIy a fev peopIe in lhe
audience have gollen lhe nessage, and sonelody cones up vilh
lhe iighl ansvei: Oveihead.
Thals il. Youie ctcrncad, I say. Sncs pio!l. Nov, valch
hei as she vaIks aiound lhe sloie and shops. She has a veiy Iaige
cail of gioceiies. When she cones lhiough lhe checkoul Iine and
pays foi hei food, sone of lhal noney goes inlo youi Iiiday pay-
Nov, I ask lhe queslion again, Who do you voik foi` The
ansveis aie geneiaIIy quile diffeienl fion lefoie. They gel il:
They voik foi lhe cuslonei. She pays you. She aIIovs you lo
affoid youi cai paynenls, youi noilgage, youi food, eveiylhing
you ovn.
In ny case~and in iII Coves case~oui audience is oui cus-
lonei. Keeping ny focus on lhe cuslonei nakes lhe cuslonei
happy and nakes ne happy, loo. y nol keeping lhe cuslonei
piinaiy, lhe cuslonei viII suffei. LvenluaIIy I viII suffei.
So you need lo shifl lhe vay you Iook al voik. You need lo
deveIop a cuslonei-cenleied focus.
Ask youiseIf lhese queslions daiIy lo slay seive-conscious:
a. Was ny expeiience vilh lhe cuslonei posilive`
l. Hov can I nake il lellei`
c. Did I ask ny cuslonei vhal I can inpiove upon lo lellei
seive hei`
You aie lheie lo heIp lhe piocess and in lhe piocess you heIp
youiseIf. Youie nol lheie in a nanagei-cenleied focus noi aie
you sinpIy in a conpany-cenleied focus noi a pio!l-cenleied
focus. Of couise, you nusl nake a pio!l. ul youII nake il if lhe
cuslonei is al lhe cenlei of eveiylhing you do.
NonpiofessionaI hunan leings aie nc-ccn|crcd, nol seivice-
oiienled. They do onIy vhal lhey aie supposed lo do~nolhing
noie and usuaIIy Iess. They have an 'I-donl-caie allilude lhal
conpIeleIy luins off cusloneis. They donl Iike lheii jols and il
shovs IoudIy and cIeaiIy. They aie lheie jusl lo gel ly. TheyII
do jusl enough so lhey donl gel !ied. Thal oflen nanifesls as
enpIoyees vho aie paid foi eighl houis lul vho acluaIIy voik
foui oi !ve.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 161
162 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The nev sociaI conliacl is lhal uc arc a|| sc|f-cnp|cqcd. Il
iequiies us lo le piofessionaI piolIen-soIveis and giveis. Civen
lhe oppoilunily conpelilois viII gIadIy seive lhe cuslonei ve
shouId le deIighling and aie nol.
To geneiale heaIing in ouiseIves, ve shouId le focusing on
oui cuslonei, on vhoevei is leing seived. Al hone, as vife oi
husland, you aie seiving lhe faniIy, al voik, you aie seiving lhe
enpIoyees and cusloneis. If ve lake lhe iighl appioach and have
lhe iighl peispeclive~ve acluaIIy Iovei oui sliess hoinones,
inpiove oui caidiovascuIai heaIlh, and slienglhen oui innune
syslen. We can signi!canlIy heIp oui ovn heaIlh ly heIping
K8JI<8 !<8T:E<
My favoiile exanpIe of a seIf-enpIoyed, seivice-oiienled alli-
lude invoIves a sevenleen-yeai-oId lag loy al a Kiogei supei-
naikel in DaIIas. As lhe checkei diIigenlIy iang up lhe puichases
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Reseaich shovs lhal oui heaIlh is al iisk vhen ve peifoin in
vays lhal pioduce anxiely, loiedon, oi fiuslialion. Anxiely
suppiesses lhe innune syslen, inhililing, foi inslance, lhe
funclion of lhe naluiaI kiIIei ceIIs lhal !ghl infeclion. oiedon
suppiesses oui aliIily lo le ciealive. Il laxes lhe heail and
oveiaII nenlaI heaIlh. When veie loied ve feeI a geneiaI Iack
of salisfaclion in vhalevei veie doing.
Accoiding lo a ieseaich sludy caiiied oul ly lhe Univeisily
CoIIege, London, peopIe vho conpIain of loiedon aie noie
IikeIy lo die young. Iindings on heail disease shov suf!cienl
evidence lo say lheie is a Iink vilh loiedon. oiedon can aIso
Iead you lo deep depiession and fiuslialion. oiedon shuls
dovn lhe ciealive pail of lhe liain.
of a shoppei, he asked lhe iouline queslion if she had found aII
she needed.
No, I acluaIIy havenl, lhe vonan ansveied. I couIdnl
!nd lhe AIleilsons nayonnaise.
This sloie vas a Kiogei supeinaikel, of couise. The AIleil-
sons supeinaikel vas acioss lhe slieel.
When lhe lag loy heaid lhis, he quickIy lhoughl, lc||, uc uan|
|c |ccp ncr sncpping ncrc. lc dcn| rca||q uan| ncr |c gc |c A|ocr|scns.
He loId lhe vonan, IIease vail a ninule and III gel lhe AIleil-
sons nayonnaise foi you.
He ian oul lhe dooi, junped in his cai, diove acioss lhe slieel
lo AIleilsons, loughl lhiee jais of nayonnaise vilh his ovn
noney, and huiiied lack lo his sloie. He gave lhe vonan a jai
of lhe nayonnaise vilh a sniIe, and said, This jai is on us. We
vanl you lo le happy heie. WeII keep lhe olheis in lhe lack and
you can puichase lhen vhen you Iike. }usl ask foi lhe AIleilsons
nayonnaise and veII go in lhe lack and gel il foi you.
In suie vhen lhe vonan ieaIized lhal AIleilsons vas acioss
lhe slieel and, as an exliaoidinaiy acl of cuslonei seivice, lhis
spiiiled young nan vas kind enough lo go and gel il foi hei and
nol even chaige hei, she vas conveiled inlo a Kiogei IoyaIisl.
The young nans aclion vas iepoiled lo his nanagei and
he vas veiy pioud vhen he vas naned |np|cqcc cf |nc Mcn|n
lecause of his quick, innovalive lhinking. Aflei naking his cus-
lonei feeI Iike Queen foi a Day, In suie lhe lag loy expeiienced
lhal feeIing of nc|pcrs nign. Who vouIdnl`
When you undeisland vhon you aie voiking foi, il lecones
nuch easiei lo expeiience lhe nc|pcrs nign and nc|pcrs ca|n.
ecause you can expeiience il. Lveiylody can. And you can expe-
iience il aII lhe line vhen you nake a iouline oul of giving and
liealing peopIe ioyaIIy. You can give niIIions if you have il. Oi
you can give a sniIe oi an exlia couilesy. Il can le veiy, veiy
sinpIe. And III leII you lhis: |nc pcrscn unc dccs |nc giting gccs
auaq ui|n ncrc jcq |nan |nc pcrscn unc dccs |nc rccciting.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 163
164 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
One such Kiogei enpIoyee I Ieained aloul vas }anes Levy,
a sloie nanagei in DaIIas and a ieaI Ih. One day he noliced a
Iongline cuslonei ciying vhiIe she vas shopping. She vas an
eIdeiIy vidov. He puIIed hei aside and asked hei vhy she vas
ciying. She loId hin lhal hei piopeily-ovneis associalion had ini-
lialed aclion lo foice hei inlo a ieliiees hone lecause she vas no
Iongei alIe lo lake caie of hei hone and Iavn.
}anes feIl conpassion and assuied hei lhal hed do vhalevei
he couId lo heIp. He offeied lo lake hei hone aflei she vas !n-
ished shopping lhal day, so he couId see hei iesidence and delei-
nine hov he couId heIp.
Aflei he ieluined lo lhe sloie, }anes had a neeling vilh his
enpIoyees aloul hei. They decided lhal once a veek lhey vouId
do voIunleei voik al lhis cusloneis hone and lhey noli!ed hei
associalion accoidingIy. So eveiy Saluiday, diffeienl enpIoyees
venl ovei lo cul hei Iavn, cIean hei house, and even painl il. Il
vasnl Iong lefoie lhe house vas spaikIing. Aflei sone line, and
peihaps enlaiiassed, lhe associalion infoined hei lhal il vouId
le happy lo lake ovei lhe voik. ul heies lhe kickei: The Kiogei
voIunleeis veie enjoying il loo nuch. They veienl inleiesled in
giving il up.
Whal a gieal exanpIe of hov lo infuse lhe nc|pcrs nign
lhioughoul lhe voikpIace ly pioviding an exliaoidinaiy seivice
lo a cuslonei and lhe connunily. III nevei foigel lhe voids of
ny fiiend ol Zincke, foinei Kiogei Lxeculive Vice Iiesidenl of
neichandising slialegy: Whal you aie nosl happy aloul in lhe
end aie lhe lhings you did lo heIp olheis.
Heies anolhei Kiogei exanpIe. }ohn WoodaII used lo le a
Kiogei sloie nanagei in lhe Houslon aiea lefoie he vas pio-
noled and noved lo DaIIas. One Sunday, vhiIe in Houslon, his
house and leIongings veie ladIy danaged ly "oodvaleis. He
caIIed aiound lo sone of lhe olhei sloie nanageis and asked if
lhey couId cone and heIp nove sone of his fuiniluie onlo a liuck
lo pievenl fuilhei danage. Ailhui Oden, lhe disliicl nanagei al
lhe line, heaid aloul }ohns pIighl and cane ovei on his ovn. He
voiked aInosl an enliie day and gave an aclive hand lo lhe veiy
sane nanageis vho iepoiled lo hin al Kiogeis.
I asked }ohn aloul lhis expeiience al a voikshop and he said,
vilh a sliaighl face, This is nol good foi ne. He vas joking, of
couise. WeII, lhe piolIen is, III nevei le alIe lo say no lo Ailhui
again foi naking such a deposil in ny accounl.
Lalei, vhen I nel up vilh Ailhui Oden, he loId ne he gol
gieal deIighl oul of seiving sonelody vho iepoiled lo hin.
Slop and lhink aloul lhe inpIicalion. Inagine lhe iippIe effecl
and goodviII ciealed ovei lhal pail of lhe Kiogei opeialion. If a
nanagei seives an enpIoyee, does eneigy iise oi faII` Ailhuis
aclion ceilainIy eneigized lhe lean.
Anolhei line I heaid lhal Ailhui had laken his sloie nanageis
on a ieciealion day and, duiing lhe lus iide, he peisonaIIy seived
lhen food and diinks. Heie is an exanpIe of vhal nanagenenl
can do foi lheii enpIoyees lo nodeI vho voiks foi vhon, lhe
nanagei voiks foi lhe enpIoyees. The dividend is nc|pcrs nign
foi nanageis and an enviionnenl vheie peopIe enjoy voiking.
):FF 90< 8<7F G:E07<F 3J8L7D ,F<7!< !97DL >,R
Ih individuaIs cone in aII shapes and fion aII sliala of
sociely, fion laileis and gIass facloiy voikeis aII lhe vay up lo
liIIionaiies and supeislais. I once heaid a sloiy aloul lhe gieal
laskellaII pIayei MichaeI }oidan, vhich nade hin a ieaI Ih in
ny eyes.
Aflei a Chicago uIIs gane, MichaeI slayed lehind foi a
Iong inleiviev in lhe Iockei ioon. Aflei lhe inleiviev, a iepoilei
olseived hin cone oul of lhe aiena and vas gieeled ly lvo
young loys. They had vailed foi an houi vilh a caneia in hand.
They veie hoping lo have lheii picluie laken vilh lhe laskellaII
supeislai lul, as lhe !isl loy liied lo lake lhe picluie, his caneia
janned. The iepoilei valched MichaeI }oidan lhen spend lhe
nexl 15 ninules palienlIy liying lo gel lhe caneia lo voik. He
succeeded, and lhen posed vilh each loy foi a pholo. Wilh a lig
sniIe, he vaved goodlye lo his young fans and cIinled inlo his
When I lhink of lhis sloiy, I lhink of lhe lvo MichaeI }oidans:
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 165
166 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
one is an exliaoidinaiy alhIele in lhe giealesl piofessionaI las-
kellaII Ieague on lhe pIanel~sonelody vho couId anazingIy
aveiage 3O poinls a gane ovei a 15-yeai caieei, and lhe olhei is
a IiofessionaI Hunan eing, a caiing, giving peison vho lakes
line lo le lheie foi olheis. MichaeIs singIe acl of conpassion
and geneiosily vilh lhose kids loId ne vho he ieaIIy is. Hes a
peopIes peison. He nade an enolionaI conneclion vilh lhese
kids lhal lhey viII nevei foigel. Theies a saying: IeopIe donl
ieaIIy caie hov nuch youve acconpIished, lhey donl caie hov
nuch you knov, unliI lhey knov hov nuch you caie. MichaeIs
aclions leII us hov nuch he caies.
Anolhei supeislai is acloi DenzeI Washinglon. One line he
visiled iooke Ainy MedicaI Cenlei in San Anlonio, a faciIily
speciaIizing in luin liealnenl foi soIdieis. On lhe lase aie luiId-
ings caIIed Iishei houses, holeIs vheie lhe soIdieis faniIies can
slay foi IillIe oi no chaige. These iesidences aie aInosl aIvays
Duiing his visil DenzeI vas given a loui of one of lhe Iishei
Houses and vas loId aloul lhe shoilage of ioons. His ieaclion`
He asked hov nuch il vouId cosl lo luiId one of lhese luiIdings,
look oul his checklook, and viole a check foi lhe fuII anounl.
DenzeI Washinglon is one of ny favoiile aclois, so I vanled you
lo knov vhal kind of a hunan leing he is.
These exanpIes liing lo Iife lhose vondeifuI voids of Molhei
Teiesa: In lhis Iife ve cannol do gieal lhings. We can onIy do
snaII lhings vilh gieal Iove.
0<F,:DI !JG<5JLB )0J :! LJ)D E7D 58:DI BJ>
>, )0<D BJ> 78< LJ)D
Lel ne inlioduce ny fiiend }esse. I nel }esse vhiIe ve veie
lolh allending lhe Univeisily of Sanla Monica. A fev yeais lefoie,
}esse had !naIIy succeeded in his Iong sliuggIe vilh addiclion
and vas voiking vilh Aclion IaniIy CounseIing Cenlei. He did
oulpalienl counseIing foi leenageis and aduIls vho had sul-
slance aluse chaIIenges. One noining }esse and a coIIeague veie
vaIking lo voik vhen lhey sav a nan sIeeping oulside neai lhe
Cenlei nexl lo a nounlain like. IaniIiai vilh lhe appeaiance of
soneone on diugs, }esse Iooked dovn enpalhelicaIIy al lhe nan
knoving lhal he couId heIp hin lul onIy if lhe nan veie viIIing.
The lvo vaIked aiound lhe nan and conlinued on lheii vay,
enleiing lhe luiIding and caiiying on vilh lheii day as usuaI.
Aloul haIf an houi Ialei, }esse heaid lhe dooi open and he
sniIed as lhe sane nan anlIed inlo lhe Cenlei. His nane vas
}oe and he vas diily and sciuffy. He loId }esse and lhe of!ce slaff
hov niseialIe his Iife vas and lhal he vanled lo gel off diugs.
He had heaid lhal lhe Cenlei piovided heIp foi peopIe in his silu-
alion. }esse iesponded ly silling }oe dovn, oideiing a pizza, and
spending sone line counseIing hin. }esse loId his ovn sloiy lo
}oe expIaining hov he had changed his Iife foi lhe lellei, }esse
liied lo luiId up }oes seIf-esleen and loId }oe lhal he vas voilh
gelling cIean. He lhen gave }oe a phone caid and sone noney
and loId hin lo caII his faniIy. As }oe Iefl, }esse hoped his voids
had nade an inpacl on }oes Iife.
Aloul foui nonlhs Ialei, }esse vas headed lo voik and on
lhis pailicuIai day he vas feeIing depiessed even lhough il vas
his lvo-yeai anniveisaiy of leing cIean. ShoilIy aflei slailing his
day, a nan vaIked inlo lhe of!ce. }esse didnl iecognize hin. The
nan vas cIean-shaven and veII diessed. Aflei a ninule oi lvo of
laIking, }esse ieaIized lhal lhis vas lhe veiy sane }oe.
The sloiy }oe loId vas lhal, aflei he vas liealed so veII al lhe
Cenlei, he vas poveifuIIy nolivaled lo gel cIean. }oe desciiled
lhe inpacl lhal }esses aclions and voids had on hin~il vas jusl
lhe inspiialion he had needed. }esse vas deepIy louched. The lvo
nen spenl sone line laIking aloul lhe lieaklhiough }oe had had.
Aflei }oe Iefl, }esse sal dovn al his desk and vepl. Il vas a
joyfuI veeping. His depiession disappeaied. He feIl gieal aloul
He vas having a heIpeis high.
}esse feIl lhal lhis vas lhe lesl gifl lo hin on his anniveisaiy.
Il vas lhe nosl poveifuI cuie foi his depiession. He ieaIized lhal,
ly ieaching oul lo sonelody eIse, he had leen an inspiialion.
Sonelines ve donl gel vaIidalion oi even feedlack foi acls of
seivice. ul, in lhis case, }esse ieceived diiecl feedlack lhal gave
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 167
168 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
hin ieneved nolivalion and puipose in Iife~and lhe ienindei
lhal Iife vas aloul heIping olheis.
5>G, 7 DJ!<Q E0:=>:97
Heie is a leaulifuI sloiy fion Opcn Hands. |csscns cn Giting
and Rccciting, a look viillen ly one of ny fiiends, }ana MuIIins.
The sloiy conlines lhe !isl lvo Iessons on leconing a Ih~Pcr-
fcrn Ycur Magic and |rcn Hcrc | An |c Tncrc Ycu Arc. The sloiy is
caIIed unp a Nose, Chiquila.
My nane is Connie Mendez, I vas loin in Houslon, Texas
in lhe yeai 1953. I cane fion a veiy pooi faniIy, and, lo lop
il off, lheie veie nine chiIdien. ul lhal vas okay lecause I
aIvays heaid peopIe saying lhal Cod gave us aII a gifl vhen he
gave us Iife, so In heie foi a ieason. I an second lo oIdesl and
vas seveieIy alused physicaIIy and nenlaIIy ly lolh paienls.
Al lhe age of nine I vas supei skinny lecause lheie veie days I
onIy ale one neaI and on olheis nolhing al aII. I had a ieaI lad
aIIeigy so ny nose vas aIvays iunning.
I have a lig sislei vho is lvo yeais oIdei lhan I an. She
had onIy lvo diesses lo veai and ve lolh had lo shaie lhen.
She had lhis one gieen diess lhal I had lo veai~il vas loo lig
and il kepl faIIing dovn fion one side of ny shouIdeis. I had a
paii of ied shoes lhal a neighloi gave ne lhal veie one size loo
snaII foi ny feel so lhey loie fion lhe fionl. I had no socks so
I used ny falheis socks. The socks sluck oul of lhe fionl of lhe
shoes, naking il Iook Iike lhe shoe had a longue.
So I venl lo schooI Iooking Iike a cIovn. As I vaIked inlo
lhe cIassioon, aII lhe kids luined aiound lo Iook al ne and
lhey aII Iaughed al ne. Then ny leachei said, Leave hei aIone,
shes nenlaIIy ielaided. Hei voids huil ne so nuch lhal I
jusl vanled lo die lhal day. I vas lhinking nolody Ioved ne,
nol even Cod. I asked Cod, Wheie is ny gifl` Did you foigel
Al lhe age of eIeven, I feIl aII aIone in lhe voiId. I liied lo
connil suicide. No one knev vhy I did il, and nolody asked
ne vhy. Life venl on. I needed lo le Ioved, lul I goofed again.
The !isl nan vho said, 'I Iove you lo ne, I naiiied. He didnl
Iike lo voik and he leal ne and ny chiIdien. I had lhiee kids
and ended up iaising lhen ly nyseIf. My husland Iefl ne
vhen ny chiIdien giev up and I vas aIone again.
Then one noining I voke up feeIing veiy depiessed. I asked
Cod, Why an I heie` Wheie is ny gifl` Did you foigel ne`
Then I had a "ashlack lo ny chiIdhood yeais. I vas ciying
and feeIing veiy sad. Then I said lo nyseIf, You canl do any-
lhing iighl, can you` I said, I jusl vanl lo die. I canl lake
il anynoie. ul lefoie I do, In going lo lake a vaIk one Iasl
line aiound lhe paik. As I vas vaIking aiound lhe paik vilh
ny head dovn and ciying, I heaid sone voices and peopIe
Iaughing. I Iifled up ny head and sav sone peopIe vaIking
inlo a snaII luiIding and lhey Iooked veiy happy. Why veie
lhey so happy` I foIIoved lhen inlo lhe luiIding. Theie I sav
a gioup of Iadies Iaughing and having a good line, soiling oul
loxes of cIolhing. This one Iady, vho had a lig sniIe, cane
up lo ne and said, Hi, In Linda, vhals youi nane` I said,
Connie. Then she loId ne lo cone and join lhen. I ieaIIy
need aII lhe heIp I can gel. I need lo soil oul sone cIolhing. I
voik foi lhe Cenlei foi Iailh and HeaIlh. We heIp oul peopIe
in need vilh jols, food and cIolhing. WiII you pIease slay` We
need you.
Suie, I said. The voids ve need you nade ne so
happy. My heail vas lealing fasl vilh excilenenl.
When ve !nished, I said goodlye and Linda said, III see
you lonoiiov, le suie lo cone lack. I vaIked oul of lheie
feeIing Iike a nev peison. The voids ve need you slayed in
ny nind. Thank Cod, lhank you ny Cod, I lhoughl. AII I vanl
lo do is Iive lecause Linda needs ne lonoiiov. I kepl coning
lack. Oui gioup aIso heIped seniois. Whenevei I gave a senioi
a cup of coffee, I vas loId, Thank you, ve need you, ve aie
suie gIad you aie heie. I vouId gel lig hugs.
Whal lhey didnl knov vas lhal lheii hugs and Iove kepl
ne fion connilling suicide. The funny lhing vas lhal lhe
silualion vas ieaIIy lhe olhei vay aiound. I needed lhen. I
slopped lhinking aloul suicide.
Nevei in ny Iife had I evei ieceived an avaid foi anylhing,
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 169
17O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lul in 2OO2 I ieceived an avaid foi voIunleeiing foi lhe Cenlei
foi Iailh and HeaIlh. The gioup acluaIIy iaised funds foi ne
lo go lo cIovn schooI and I giadualed as a cIovn. My cIovn
nane is Chiquila. And nov I knov ils liue. Cod does Iove ne
and he did nol foigel ne. He did give ne a gifl. He gives us
aII a gifl. Nov I undeisland vhy aII lhe kids Iaughed al ne in
schooI. Cod gave ne lhe gifl of naking peopIe Iaugh. In nol
veiid, In gifled. Thank you, Cod, and lo aII lhe peopIe vho
voIunleei. Thank you foi ny gifl.
Once you nove fion Hcrc | An lo Tncrc Ycu Arc and ieaIize
hov poveifuI giving and seiving aie, you aIso ieaIize lhal you
couIdnl possilIy heIp anolhei vilhoul heIping youiseIf!
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. I sIepl and I dieanl lhal Iife vas aII joy. I voke, and sav
lhal Iife vas lul seivice. I seived and discoveied lhal
seivice vas joy.
~ Ralindianalh Tagoie, aulhoi of Indias nalionaI anlhen
2. Life is nol voilh Iiving vilhoul seivice.
~ Roy Mooloo, ieliied disliicl connissionei, Tiinidad
and Tolago Scoul Associalion
3. Seivice is lhe ienl ve pay foi Iiving in lhis voiId of
~ Nalhan Tannei, leachei, lusiness Ieadei, Canadian
4. Anyline a cuslonei cones inlo conlacl vilh any aspecl
of a lusiness, hovevei ienole, is an oppoilunily lo foin
an inpiession.
- }an CaiIzon, foinei piesidenl of Scandinavian AiiIines
5. AIvays do noie lhan you aie paid foi. Ils nol lhe houis
you pul in youi voik lhal counls, ils lhe voik you pul in
lhe houis.
~ San Lving, Aneiican laselaII pIayei
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Iocus on olheis ly Iislening veII. One vay lo keep youiseIf
engaged is ly iepealing lack lo lhe speakei vhal youve
heaid in youi ovn voids.
2. Walch lhe novie Dcad Pcc|s Sccic|q. Rolin WiIIians poi-
liays an LngIish leachei vho inspiies his sludenls lo
lecone exliaoidinaiy. Lel lhis inspiie you lo inspiie
3. Read lhe cIassic look on seivice, Mcncn|s cf Tru|n ly }an
CaiIzon. CaiIzon luined lhiee Luiopean coipoialions
aiound, incIuding Scandinavian AiiIines, ly ievoIulion-
izing lhe seivice concepl.
4. Seive soneone in an exliaoidinaiy nannei~and cnjcq il!
5. Read lhe look Tnc On|q Tning Tna| Ma||crs. 8ringing |nc
Pcucr cf |nc Cus|cncr in|c |nc Ccn|cr cf Ycur 8usincss ly KaiI
AIliechl. Il is aloul doing lhe iighl lhings exceedingIy
veII, as ieveaIed ly youi cuslonei.
90< E>57D&7G<8:E7D L8<7G
ack in high schooI, Maigie vas lhe Iife of eveiy paily. Whei-
evei she vas, lheie vas Iaughlei. I ienenlei hei as inleIIigenl,
vain-heailed, vilianl, and vilh an infeclious, posilive naluie.
This disposilion vas key in oveiconing hei liggesl chaIIenge:
Maigie vas a iefugee fion Cula.
In 1962, Maigie aIong vilh hei oIdei sislei and youngei
liolhei veie senl ly hei paienls fion Cula lo lhe U.S., in vhal
vas caIIed Opeialion Ielei Ian. Ovei 14,OOO chiIdien of paienls
vho opposed lhe ievoIulionaiy goveinnenl veie aii Iifled fion
Cula lelveen 196O and 1962. The Depailnenl of Slale, lhe CIA,
and lhe Ronan CalhoIic Diocese of Miani coIIaloialed lo assisl
in lhe lianspoiling of lhe chiIdien and lhen pIacing lhen vilh
fiiends, ieIalives, and in gioup hones in 35 slales.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 171
172 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Wilhin 24 houis of Ianding in Miani lhe lhiee chiIdien found
lhenseIves in ny honelovn of Canlon, Ohio, vilh an aunl and
uncIe, vho had enigialed fion Spain. UnfoilunaleIy, lheii uncIe
had a heail allack and sulsequenlIy Iosl his jol, vhich ended lhe
Iiving aiiangenenl. The CalhoIic Chaiilies lhen pIaced Maigie
and hei silIings in lhe hone of Ialiick and Maiy While. The
Whiles veie an inciedilIy geneious faniIy. They aIieady had six
chiIdien, lhiee giiIs and lhiee loys, and yel opened lheii heails
up lo lhiee noie.
WhiIe slaying al lhe Whiles, anolhei liagedy sliuck: Maigies
falhei passed avay in Cula. When Maigies nolhei !naIIy nade
il oul of Cula and nel lhe chiIdien, she had lo leII lhen lhal lheie
vas no noney. Hovevei, hei nolhei aIieady had il !guied oul:
she advised hei chiIdien lhal lheii onIy hope vouId le lhiough
educalion. You viII need lo le an A sludenl lhioughoul high
schooI and gel a schoIaiship lo coIIege. This vas nol nevs lo
Maigie. Theie veie aIieady high expeclalions foi hei, aII of hei
ieIalives had advanced degiees~incIuding lhe vonen, vhich in
Cula vas iaie.
Aflei anolhei yeai of Iiving vilh lhe Whiles, lhe lhiee chiIdien
veie !naIIy alIe lo nove inlo a IillIe apailnenl in a lough side of
lovn, nol fai fion vheie I Iived in an equaIIy lough side of lovn.
Maigie nevei Iel hei suiioundings gel lhe lesl of hei. She vas a
nenlei of lhe Sludenl CounciI, lhe NalionaI Honoi Sociely, and
lhe CiiIs AlhIelic Associalion jusl lo nane a fev. She vas aIso
one of lhe lesl Ieadeis al CenliaI CalhoIic High SchooI. AII lhiee
silIings eained fuII coIIege schoIaiships. Maigie allended Maiian
CoIIege in IndianapoIis, Indiana, and lhen cane lack lo ny ovn
aIna nalei, The Univeisily of Akion, vheie she eained a nas-
leis degiee in Highei Lducalion.
I Iosl louch vilh Maigie aflei high schooI. Iasl-foivaid 35
yeais lo 2OO2. Oui cIass ieunion vas leing pIanned and nany of
us had senl infoinalion lo le disseninaled lo aII oui cIassnales
in piepaialion foi lhe feslivilies. In May, I ieceived an e-naiI fion
Maigie Diaz Kinlz vilh lhe suljecl Iine of Aie ve Neighlois`
Il luined oul lhal Maigie Iived !ve ninules fion ny hone in
Auslin, Texas! We had leen Iiving neai each olhei foi foui yeais.
Il vas fanlaslic lo le ieuniled vilh Maigie. As I gol lo knov hei
again, I vas fascinaled ly hov Maigies pasl had in"uenced hei
fuluie, and hov she has found hei nagic and Iel il lunlIe oul
inlo seivice.
Maigies !isl jol vas as a gianl viilei foi Slaik TechnicaI CoI-
Iege. This Iaunched hei caieei inlo lhe fundiaising aiena. Then,
in 1977 she lecane a fundiaisei foi Sl. Ldvaids Univeisily in
Auslin, Texas. Maigie Ialei lecane lhe Diiecloi of DeveIopnenl
al Tiinily Univeisily in San Anlonio, Texas.
ehind eveiy successfuI nan is a veiy suipiised vonan! (In
speaking fion expeiience. Ask ny vife.) ehind eveiy successfuI
vonan, hovevei, is a gieal nan. LspeciaIIy in Maigies case!
Maigies husland, Ton Kinlz, anolhei Canlonian, vas a veiy
successfuI nanagei vilh InleI, lhe voiIds Iaigesl seniconducloi-
chip nakei.
When Tons jol liansfeiied lo Oiegon, Maigie Iefl hei jol and
headed lheie vilh hin. She had no idea vhal she vas aloul lo
do unliI laIking vilh an InleI ieciuilei vho loId hei aloul a jol
opening lo iun lhe conpanys connunily giving piogian. You
aie naking lhis up! she scieaned disleIievingIy. This needIe-in-
a-hayslack jol vas nade foi Maigie. She couIdnl conlain heiseIf.
She vas hiied as lhe nanagei of coipoiale conliilulions. When
she look ovei lhe piogian, InleI vas giving avay aloul one niI-
Iion doIIais. Maigie ciealed a foundalion and look lhe piogian
voiIdvide, ly lhe line she ieliied, InleI vas giving avay $15O
niIIion lo lhe gIolaI connunily! No snaII feal!
Maigies Iegacy Iives on in lhe giovlh of InleIs giving pio-
gian, vhich, nol suipiisingIy, vas iecenlIy piaised ly Iiesidenl
Olana, he ciediled InleIs STLM educalion piogians foi heIping
piepaie youlh foi high-lech jols.
Maigie had slailed lhal laII ioIIing. Hov did she achieve lhis`
She has aIvays leen a peopIe-peison: Thals hei nagic! Iund-
iaising is a conneclion vilh peopIe, and I vas ieaIIy good al fund-
iaising. Il is fundiaising sa|cs. I couId have leen a saIespeison foi
lhe coipoialion lul I ieaIIy didnl vanl lo seII lechnoIogy.
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 173
174 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Hei conneclion vilh peopIe conlinues lo diive hei. Iund-
iaising is leIIing lhe sloiy of lhe oiganizalion. This is vhal I do
nov as a voIunleei, as a seivice. Once you iaise noney fion an
individuaI, oiganizalion, a coipoialion, oi a foundalion, you
ciicIe lack and ieconnecl vilh lhen lo Iel lhen knov lhal lhis is
vhal youve done vilh lheii noney.
And I knov hov lo give noney avay. Il is nol jusl a passion,
I have lhe knovIedge of hov lo do lhis. I knov vhal loaids aie
supposed lo do lecause vhen I vas voiking I vouId nanage
loaids. I had lo nanage loaids al univeisilies. I aIso ciealed
advisoiy loaids al InleI. I had lo nake suie loaids veie voiking
effecliveIy and lhal lhey had vhal lhey needed. I have aIvays had
lo nanage voIunleeis.
Whal Maigie used lo do foi a Iiving has nov lecone hei
Iifes passion and she conlinues lo pay il foivaid vilh hei ovn
chaiilies. Ninely-!ve peicenl of Tons and ny peisonaI giving
laigels educalion. I have a passion foi educalion lecause I knov
vhal diffeience il nakes in soneones Iife. They have ciealed
a schoIaiship in honoi of Maigies deceased liolhei }uIio, and
an endoved schoIaiship al Sl. Ldvaids Univeisily laigeled lo
vonen and ninoiilies going inlo science and nalh.
Maigie nov seives on lhiee loaids: lhe ChiisleI House Inlei-
nalionaI, ACCLSO, and KRLU, Auslins pulIic leIevision.
ChiisleI Houses vision is lo heIp undeipiiviIeged chiIdien
lieak lhe cycIe of poveily, ieaIize lheii hopes and dieans, and
lecone seIf-suf!cienl, conliiluling nenleis of sociely.
ACCLSO piovides hunanilaiian oulieach lo lhe peopIe
of Cula vho aie sliuggIing lo ollain lasics such as nedicine,
nedicaI suppIies, and ieading naleiiaIs. Theii annuaI nissions
aIso heIp luiId ieIalionships lelveen Aneiicans and Culans.
Woiking vilh ACCLSO has given Maigie lhe chance lo fuI!II hei
diean of ieluining lo hei honeIand of Cula. Maigie conlinues lo
seive ly using hei line and eneigy voiking lovaids ending lhe
enlaigo and Iifling lhe liaveI lan. I see lhal as lhe onIy vay lo
see change in Cula in ny Iifeline.
I adniie Maigies seiving naluie. She alliilules hei pay il
foivaid phiIosophy lo lhe in"uence of Ialiick and Maiy While
and lhe exliaoidinaiy Iove and geneiosily lhey shoved lo hei.
Walching lhen and hov lhey Iived lheii Iives vas inspiiing.
They opened up lheii hone lo us. They noved oul of lheii Iaige
ledioon and noved !ve giiIs inlo il. The olhei good-sized led-
ioon vas used as lhe loys doiniloiy vilh lunk leds foi foui.
Ial and Maiy noved inlo lhe liny laly ioon. We had alsoIuleIy
nolhing lo offei, lul lhe vay lhal lhey liealed us vas alsoIuleIy
no diffeienl lhan lhe vay lhey liealed lheii ovn chiIdien. Lach
chiId had choies lo peifoin. Lveiy Monday noining, Mis. While
vouId doIe oul niIk noney lo each one of us. Il vas lolaI equaIily
as Iove vas given lo each one of us. They lolaIIy liansfoined ne.
Mi. and Mis. While veie olviousIy Ihs.
Maigie is an exanpIe of soneone vho uses hei nagic in sei-
vice. olh Maigie and Ton aie lvo highIy successfuI, seIf-suf!-
cienl individuaIs vho ieliied fion InleI al age 5O. They havenl
ieliied fion seiving lhough.
When I giov up, I vanl lo nake gIolaI conliilulions Iike
1O Lesson 2: Iion Heie I An lo Theie You Aie 175
Chaplei 11
Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind
lc dcn| gc| a cncicc aocu| una| nand uc arc dca|| in |ifc.
Tnc cn|q cncicc uc natc is cur a||i|udc aocu| |nc cards uc nc|d
and |nc !ncssc ui|n unicn uc p|aq cur nand.
e veie slanding in Iine al lhe aiipoil in NapIes, IIoiida,
vailing lo calch oui "ighl lo Miani. My vife Sais and I had
leen lo Maico IsIand lo ieIax and allend a faniIy ieunion lo ceI-
eliale ny paienls !flielh vedding anniveisaiy. Vacalioning on
Maico IsIand in IIoiida vas fanlaslic!
Celling lo ny nexl deslinalion vasnl going lo le as pIeasanl.
I vas headed lo Denvei lo give a voikshop al eighl lhe nexl
noining al lhe Weslein Managenenl DeveIopnenl Cenlei. And
Sais vas headed hone lo Auslin.
We had aiiived eaiIy foi lhe "ighl and veie silling in lhe
Iounge ieIaxed and happy lo le eaiIy. Al jusl aloul lhe line ve
shouId le loaiding, lhings changed dianalicaIIy. Inslead of lhe
ieguIai loaiding nessage, ve heaid an announcenenl lhal oui
"ighl lo Miani had leen canceIIed lecause of a nechanicaI
My !isl lhoughl popped oul of lhe synpalhelic neivous
syslen. I vas annoyed and angiy. I lhoughl, Hcq, | uas ncrc !rs|!
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 177
178 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
As if lhal nalleied lo anylody. The second lhoughl lhal foIIoved
vas, ||| oc| |ncq prcoao|q didn| natc cncugn pccp|c |c pu| cn |na|
p|anc, sc |ncq cancc||cd |nc "ign|. And lhe lhiid lhoughl: |n a P|a|-
inun ncnocr! |tc "cun a|ncs| |nrcc ni||icn ni|cs cn Ancrican Air-
|incs. Tncq can| dc |nis |c nc! MeanvhiIe, eveiyone vas Iining up
lo gel a nev "ighl.
Ioi lhe nexl !ve ninules, I venl oul of ny nind. Hov couId
lhey do lhis lo ne` I even gol heie eaiIy! My nind vas seelhing.
I vas angiy. TenpoiaiiIy insane!
Sais noliced ny ieaclion and ienaiked, Youie naking a lig
deaI aloul lhis. In suie ilII aII voik oul. And lhen, lo nake
nalleis voise, she conlinued, Why donl you do sone of lhose
lhings you laIk aloul in youi cIass`
Such voids, of couise, couId easiIy have fueIed fuilhei agila-
lion. Whal did she knov` She vas going hone. She didnl have lo
piesenl lhe nexl noining in Denvei! Hovevei, hei voids slopped
ne in ny liacks.
Aflei a fev seconds, I iegiouped and luisl oul Iaughing. She
vas iighl. My peispeclive changed. I slopped ny suddenIy spin-
ning, viclinized nind. Up unliI lhal nonenl I hadnl laken ny
ovn advice. I vas oul of ny nind~lenpoiaiiIy insane. Nov lhe
geais slailed luining again. I slayed caIn, aIleinale aiiangenenls
veie nade, and I gol lo Denvei lhal nighl and vas ieady foi ny
cIass lhe nexl noining.
The lilIe of lhe cIass ny vife had iefeiied lo is S|cp Gcing Ou|
cf Ycur Mind Otcr Cnangc. 8cccnc a Quic|-Cnangc Ar|is|. ul iighl
al lhal nonenl I vas oul of ny nind. I did nol nake a quick
change lo lhe nev ieaIily, and I vas vhal I caII a priscncr cf |nc
IiofessionaI Hunan eings undeisland lhis: You cieale youi
silualions and chaIIenges in Iife, and you can gel youiseIf oul of
lhen~change is an oppoilunily foi advancenenl. The opposile
is lhinking il is eveiylody eIses fauIl. This is a viclin nenlaIily. If
you lhink lhis vay, you aie sluck. You aie a viclin of a nenlaIily
lhal says, I didnl cieale lhis, so I canl uncieale il and cieale
sonelhing eIse. In heIpIess.
Life conslanlIy liings change, and youi ieaclions can eilhei
nake you lhe aichilecl oi lhe viclin. We aII encounlei lhis nany
lines eveiy day.
Whal do I nean ly going oul of ny nind. WeII, ny ini-
liaI ieaclion lo lhe "ighl canceIIalion aclivaled lhe !ghl-oi-"ighl
iesponse in ne. Iood shunled avay fion lhe piefionlaI coilex,
lhe CLO in lhe liain, vheie ve lhink, nake decisions, and pIan
piopeiIy. The lIood vas ieiouled lo ny ains and Iegs piepaiing
ne lo !ghl oi lo "ee lhe scene, oi, in lhis pailicuIai case, gel upsel
ovei ny canceIIed "ighl. Ive coveied lhis ie"ex eaiIiei. Ils sone-
lhing lhal can eiupl in an inslanl and spev negalivily nuIlipIe
lines day in and day oul.
Hov do I noinaIIy handIe silualions lhal can pioduce a sliess
iesponse` IdeaIIy I use lhe nodeI I inlioduced lack in Chaplei
Iive: Mcncn| Managcncn|. WeII, foi suie, In nol peifecl, lul I
liy lo use lhis nodeI as oflen as I can. Il heIps ne nake posilive,
effeclive choices inslead of danaging ones. In avaie lhal I canl
enjoy lhe piesenl unIess In heie.
Heies hov ve appIy lhe nodeI lo lhe silualion of ny "ighl
9?$ </$4$-"% *g G*4$-" G.-.6$4$-"
1. THL SITUATION. The acluaI exleinaI evenl oi ciicunslance
youie expeiiencing. In lhis case ny leing loId lhal lhe
"ighl vas canceIIed.
2. YOUR INTLRIRLTATION. Youi inleinaI evaIualion of lhe
evenl, hov you expIain lhe evenl lo youiseIf. In ny case, I
loId nyseIf I vas lhe viclin and lhey did lhis lo ne lo nake
ny Iife niseialIe.
3. YOUR RLSIONSL. Hov you choose lo ieacl, vhelhei in a
!l of angei oi vilh caInness. I vas nad, and ny lhoughls
veie !IIed vilh seIf-induIgenl conpIainls.
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 179
18O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Nov, lheie is a fouilh dinension lo Monenl Managenenl:
lhe physioIogicaI consequence of youi choice. The lody foIIovs
lhe nind. Youi iesponse is lased on lhe expIanalion you alliilule
lo lhe expeiience oi evenl piesenling ilseIf, in ny silualion lIood
"oved and ny lody legan lo feeI eniaged.
As fai as I an conceined, if you canl nanage lhe nonenl,
you canl nanage lhe liggei changes lhal Iife inevilalIy seives
up. We have lo nanage each nonenl, nonenl ly nonenl.
When lhe nonenl gives you an evenl lhal you do nol expecl,
can you cieale enough nind space lelveen vhal occuis and hov
you inleipiel il` Can you sIov dovn youi lhinking al lhe nonenl
in oidei lo iespond piopeiIy lo lhe silualion` InlenlionaIIy scc lhe
silualion in a vay lhal is lo youi advanlage`
Response is a choice! Il is nol ly chance. IniliaIIy, il is nol aulo-
nalic oi invoIunlaiy lo inleipiel lhe silualions in a vay lhal is
lene!ciaI lo you. ul, vilh piaclice and inlenl, you can scc lhen
lhal vay aulonalicaIIy and lhen youi iesponse viII foIIov youi
posilive oulIook.
Youi inleipielalion of any evenl can nake you, as il did vilh
ne al lhe aiipoil, a priscncr cf |nc ncncn|. Il aclivaled lhe syn-
palhelic neivous syslen in lhe diieclion of un-veIIness. Il pul
ne lenpoiaiiIy oul of ny nind. Al lhal nonenl in lhe aiipoil,
I vasnl ialionaI. The passengeis veie Iining up lo ie-look lheii
"ighl and I vas sliII sealed lhinking iiieIevanl, disease-pioducing
and iiialionaI lhoughls.
Laughlei ciealed ly ny vifes ienaik, Why donl you do
sonelhing you leach in youi cIass` lioughl ne lack in ny nind,
lack lo sanily. Iood slailed lo "ov lack lo lhe liain. Laughlei
is one of lhe easiesl vays lo iecovei fion any sliess. Il sleeied ne
lack lo leconing a sctcrcign ctcr |nc ncncn| and aclivaled lhe
heaIlhy paiasynpalhelic neivous syslen.
Renenleiing ny IIalinun slalus vilh Aneiican AiiIines, I
caIIed lhe IIalinun Desk. HeIIo, In sluck in NapIes and I need
lo gel lo Denvei. I expIained vhal happened and asked vhal
shouId I do.
The agenl asked, Hov fai is lhe diive fion NapIes lo Miani`
I found oul fion soneone in lhe Iine lhal il vas aloul lvo
Okay. We have a "ighl fion Miani lo Denvei Ieaving in foui
houis. If you ienl a cai iighl nov, you can gel lo Miani and nake
lhal "ighl. We viII nake lhe ieseivalion.
I nov had a ieseivalion and a pIan. Al lhal nonenl I feIl Iike
lhe nan in a lhousand-doIIai suil. Have you heaid lhis sloiy` A
"ighl had leen canceIIed and aII lhe passengeis veie angiy. A
veII-diessed genlIenan~Iooking as lhough he veie a nan of
inpoilance, veaiing a lhousand-doIIai suil~appioached lhe
agenl and asked, Do you knov vho I an`
She Iooked al hin and said, Sii, excuse ne foi one second,
okay` She puIIed lhe nike ovei and announced, Ladies and
genlIenen, can I have youi allenlion, pIease` Theies a genlIenan
heie vho doesnl knov vho he is.
Lveiyone Iaughed hysleiicaIIy. Lxcepl lhe nan vilh lhe lhou-
sand-doIIai suil. He jusl vaIked avay, angiy, and ied-faced vilh
enlaiiassnenl. A fev ninules eaiIiei lhal vas ne, I nusl con-
fess! I had leen in a siniIai nenlaI Iocalion: lenpoiaiy insanily!
As I vaIked ovei lo gel lhe ienlaI cai, I heaid an announce-
nenl ovei lhe Ioudspeakei, lhal Aneiican AiiIines viII have vans
vailing oul fionl. They veie going lo lake us aII lo Miani lo gel
oui conneclions. Ieifecl. The sliess had nov conpIeleIy disap-
peaied. I vas lack in conlioI and I vas happy. Il seens ve aie
happy lo lhe exlenl lhal ve feeI in conlioI of oui Iives.
As I said alove, ve aie in conlioI of oui inleipielalion and
lheiefoie oui iesponse.
!JT<8<:ID9B 7DL 8<!,JD!:5:F:9B :D 90< GJG<D9
Whal is lhe nain ieason ve lend lo go lenpoiaiiIy insane` The
ansvei I have cone up vilh is lhis: I an nol happy vhen sone-
lhing occuis lhal vasnl vhal I expecled, vhal I pIanned foi, oi
vhal I vanled lo lake pIace. In olhei voids, unexpecled change.
This foi ne is any expeiience lhal is nol on ny Iisl of piefeiied
expeclalions foi lhe day, veek, nonlh, yeai, oi Iife~oi nonenl!
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 181
182 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
My iesponse al lhe aiipoil shovs hov veiy easy il is nol lo
lake iesponsiliIily foi hov ve see vhalevei appeais lefoie us.
The queslion is, Is lhe silualion in oui conlioI oi nol` The
ansvei is lhal il is pIaced lefoie us. Il is una| is. I leIieve lhal fion
eaiIy chiIdhood ve Ieain lhal if ve donl Iike una| is ve lhiov a
lanliun. As lalies and young chiIdien, ve IikeIy lhiev oui shaie
of !ls and quickIy Ieained, if ve lhiov a !l, lhings nighl go oui
vay. We vouId gel vhal ve vanled. Mosl of us have caiiied lhis
ovei lo aduIlhood lhinking: Cel upsel, gel angiy, iaise ny voice,
and I nay gel vhal I vanl. The nind cIings lo una| | uan| |nc si|u-
a|icn |c oc inslead of una| is.
Is lhe lanliun-ievaid assunplion invaIid` AlsoIuleIy. AII of
lhis is ieaIIy a Iesson aloul iesponsiliIily. Renenlei: Responsi-
liIily is youi iesponse-aliIily, youi aliIily lo iespond appiopii-
aleIy lo lhe silualion, laking fuII iesponsiliIily foi aclion in lhe
nonenl. Mosl of us have a lendency lo idenlify ouiseIves as vic-
lins of oui ciicunslances ialhei lhan as aichilecls.
Thinking aloul lhis noie phiIosophicaIIy, if sonelhing is
deIiveied lo ny dooislep, if sonelhing ends up in fionl of ne, lhen
lhe Iavs of naluie aie pielly cIeai vhy il did so. We aie handed
sonelhing ve have co-ciealed. Il vouIdnl shov up unIess ve
veie pail of il. This is sonelines veiy dif!cuIl lo undeisland.
Lels go lack lo lhe lhiee-slage nonenl: silualion, inleipiela-
lion, and iesponse. In Iife, ve !nd ve cannol possilIy le iespon-
silIe foi lhe exleinaI, lul ve aie iesponsilIe foi lhe inleinaI.
Thal is, hov I inleipiel and hov I iespond aie in ny conlioI. An
Afiican pioveil is: When lheie is no eneny vilhin, lhe enenies
oulside cannol huil you. Ils aII aloul oui inleinaI fianing of lhe
silualion. Il is aloul oui ovn peispeclive of lhe silualion. Il is nol
aloul lhe silualion ilseIf, hovevei unconfoilalIe lhal silualion
nay le.
Mailin SeIignan, psychoIogisl and foinei piesidenl of lhe
Aneiican IsychoIogicaI Associalion, coined lhe lein Ieained
heIpIessness. Il appIies lo peopIe vho poiliay lhenseIves as vic-
lins, lIaning lhe exleinaI foi vhalevei is in fionl of lhen foi
vhich lhey viII nol lake iesponsiliIily noi iespond appiopiialeIy.
The nind/lody conneclion in lhis silualion is faiiIy inleiesling.
This viclin nenlaIily cieales a feeIing of leing oul of conlioI,
vhenevei ve feeI oul of conlioI oi heIpIess, oui sliess IeveI goes
up and svilches on lhe synpalhelic neivous syslen. You nay
have noliced lhal vhen peopIe aie going lhiough exliaoidinaiy
change, lhey nay faII iII and have a daik, gIoony slale of nind.
When ve face a chaIIenge, an unexpecled change, and !nd ve
aie nol in conlioI of changing lhe exleinaI evenl oi silualion, ve
need lo nake a nenlaI adjuslnenl. The fanous Aneiican econo-
nisl, }ohn CaIliailh, pul il exlieneIy veII ly saying, Iaced vilh
lhe choice lelveen changing ones nind and pioving lhal lheie is
no need lo do so, aInosl eveiyone gels lusy vilh lhe pioof.
Hovevei, lhe Iavs of physics, phiIosophy, and lusiness leII us:
Whal veie ieaping ve have lo have sovn. Lveiy aclion has an
equaI and opposile ieaclion. Whal goes aiound cones aiound.
So lhe change in ny nindsel~oi lhe change in peispeclive,
oi lhe change in inleipielalion, oi lhe change in evaIualion~is a
change in lhinking. In shoil, lhe chaIIenge ve have vilh change,
nonenl lo nonenl, is a lhinking piolIen.
To le suie, ils nol vhal cones lo us, il is hov ve cone lo il.
The silualion oi ciicunslance does nol nake lhe peison. Il ieveaIs
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Leained heIpIessness oi viclin nenlaIily cieales a feeIing
of leing oul of conlioI and incieases sliess IeveIs naikedIy.
IioIonged feeIings of heIpIessness nake lhe lody seciele
excessive IeveIs of lhe hoinone coilisoI, vhich inleifeies
vilh lhe innune syslens aliIily lo !ghl off infeclions and
sone foins of cancei. Il can aIso depIele lhe liains suppIy of
dopanine, a chenicaI lhal heIps !ghl depiession.
Iion |carncd Op|inisn. Hcu |c Cnangc Ycur Mind and Ycur |ifc
ly Mailin L.I. SeIignan, Ih.D.
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 183
184 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
us lo ouiseIves. Il is lhal conveisalion ve laIked aloul in lhe eai-
Iiei chapleis lhal ve aie caiiying on vilh ouiseIves. Hov aie ve
expIaining lhe voiId lo ouiseIves` When ve appIy lhe Monenl
Managenenl nodeI, il is cIeai lhal ve have lo change oui ninds,
vhich neans change oui lhinking.
This change of lhinking oi peispeclive has lo lake pIace vilhin
1/1Olh of a second aflei lhe occuiience of vhal is happening lo
us, vhal ve aie expeiiencing. We have lo expand lhal 1/1Olh of
a second lo 5 seconds, lhen lo 1O seconds, and in lhal 5 oi 1O sec-
onds, ve need lo legin lo laIk lo ouiseIves in a diffeienl vay.
TaIking lo ouiseIves in a diffeienl vay anounls lo changing lhe
vay ve ieIale lo ouiseIves as ve go lhiough an evenl oi silualion.
Ron and Maiy HuInick, Iiesidenl and Chief Acadenic Of!cei
of lhe Univeisily of Sanla Monica, couId nol have said il noie
cIeaiIy: The issue is nc| lhe issue. Hov you rc|a|c |c qcursc|f vhiIe
you go lhiough lhe issue is lhe issue.
GJG<D9 G7D7I<8!
Check oul lhe Iisl leIov of vhal I caII Monenl Manageis. I
appIy lhese queslions~pielly aulonalicaIIy nov~in silualions
lhal ciop up in ny Iife. I nay use one oi seveiaI al a line lo gel
ne lack in ny nind oi pievenl ne fion spinning oul in lhe !isl
pIace. IiofessionaI Hunan eings can go lenpoiaiiIy insane, Iike
anylody eIse, lul lhey knov hov lo iesloie equiIiliiun quile
When piesenled vilh an unveIcone silualion lhal is nol on
youi piefeiied Iisl of expeclalions foi lhe day, hov do you ieacl`
WiII you le soveieign ovei lhe nonenl oi ils piisonei`
Renenlei lhese queslions as you nanage youi ieaclion:
1. An I in conlioI of lhis silualion`
a. An I soveieign ovei lhis nonenl oi an I ils piisonei~
vhich do I choose lo le` I an a piisonei vhen I lIane
soneone foi lhe silualion lhal I !nd nyseIf in, and I an
soveieign vhen I iecognize ny ioIe in il.
l. Can I inleipiel lhis as a lesl` Is lhis Cod, Naluie, oi lhe
univeise lesling ne`
c. Whal aie ny unnel expeclalions` Whal vas il I vanled
lhal did nol happen` Whal nusl I Iel go of`
2. Can I change lhe silualion`
a. Whal can I do lo in"uence lhe silualion`
l. Whal is lhe nev ieaIily` Once I ieaIize lhis is vhal I did
nol expecl lo happen, I nusl enliace il lecause I canl
change il.
c. Do I undeisland lhe Iongei I lake, lhe Iongei I slay oul of
ny nind, lhe noie sliess I accunuIale, lhe noie nisei-
alIe I nake ny Iife, lhe noie pione lo iIIness I lecone,
and lhe faslei I age`
3. Do I have an effeclive soIulion`
a. Hov fasl can I ieaIign nyseIf vilh lhe nev ieaIily`
l. Whal do I need lo lhink and do lo acconpIish svifl aIign-
c. Hov can I nake lhis expeiience seive ne`
One look lhal I oflen ieconnend lo peopIe in ny voik-
shops is |cadcrsnip and Sc|f-Dcccp|icn. Gc||ing cu| cf |nc 8cx ly The
Ailingei Inslilule. This look is aloul seIf-iesponsiliIily in lhe
Iighl of lusiness. Il is an engaging sloiy lhal foIIovs an execu-
live lhiough his daiIy Iife al hone and al voik. Thiough hin, ve
see lhe sullIe psychoIogicaI piocesses lhal keep us liapped in lhe
lox of seIf-deceplion. The look shovs us a vay oul of lhe lox ly
posing lhe foIIoving queslions:
- Whal ioIe do I pIay in lhe olslacIes lhal confionl ne`
- Can I lake iesponsiliIily foi ny pail of lhe silualion`
- Can I see lhal I an pail of lhe piolIen`
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 185
186 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
- Can I see lhal lhe chaIIenge is nol lhe piolIen ilseIf, lul
ialhei hov I ieIale lo lhe piolIen`
- Hov do I lieal nyseIf, and olheis, as I an going lhiough
lhe piolIen`
RecenlIy, foi exanpIe, I heIped sone enpIoyees confionled
vilh an unveIcone silualion. This cIienl conpany had spenl $2.5
niIIion on a nev soflvaie piogian. Nol onIy did lean nenleis
giunlIe aloul lhe change lul lhey acluaIIy iesisled il foi up lo a
yeai. Wilh lhis iesislance in nind, I asked lhe lean al one session,
WiII lhe oiganizalion puichase anolhei soflvaie piogian`
The olvious ansvei vas, No. This one cosl loo nuch.
Then I asked, Since lhe soflvaie isnl going avay, vouIdnl
il le lellei lo ieaIign vilh lhe nev ieaIily nov` Leain hov lo use
il nov`
I ieceived ieIuclanl nods in ieluin. They legiudgingIy had
lo Iel go of lheii unnel expeclalion. They had lo Iel go of lheii
confoil zone lecause lhe nev ieaIily vas lhal lhe nev soflvaie
syslen vas heie il slay.
In ny ovn case, I Ieained lack in ny univeisily jol lhal phone
caIIs veie nol inleiiuplions of ny voik lul veie pail of ny voik.
I shifled ny nindsel and vas alIe lo seive lhose sludenls caIIing
ne jusl as I seived lhose coning inlo ny of!ce. My nev iesponse
seived ne and lellei seived aII of ny cusloneis.
Hovevei you feeI aloul youi conlioI ovei lhe exleinaI silua-
lion, ienenlei lhal you aie aIvays in ccn|rc| cf qcur rcac|icn.
I have aIvays leen fascinaled ly ieseaich on oIdei peopIe,
individuaIs vho have suivived lhe ups and dovns and chaIIenges
of Iife. I once iead a suivey of heaIlhy cenlenaiians (peopIe ovei a
hundied yeais of age) aloul vhal lhey leIieved heIped lhen Iive
Iong and heaIlhy Iives. SuipiisingIy, lhe nosl connon ansvei
vas nol a speciaI diel, ieguIai exeicise, noi avoidance of aIcohoI
oi lolacco, il vas lhe aliIily lo Iel go of silualions lhey veie nol
in conlioI of~and lhe "exiliIily lhal cones fion lhal Ielling go.
Thal "exiliIily and enliacing lhe unceilainly sIovs dovn lio-
IogicaI aging. This is a cIeai denonslialion of Ih Lav #5: 8cdq
fc||cus nind, lhe nind ieIeased ils iesislance, and lhe lody foI-
Ioved vilh heaIlh.
ConveiseIy, iesisling change, hoIding on lo oui ideas of hov
lhings shouId le vhen lhal ieaIily isnl nanifesling, causes sliess,
sliain, aging, and a disease-pioducing physioIogy.
MiciolioIogisls leII us lhal aInosl 1OO peicenl of oui alons
aie iepIaced vilhin a yeais line. The slonach Iining ienevs
eveiy !ve days. You spoil a nev suil of skin eveiy foui veeks.
Youi Iivei is ieconsliluled eveiy six veeks and youi skeIelon
eveiy lhiee nonlhs. Lven youi DNA has a nev geneialion of
alons eveiy lvo nonlhs. In olhei voids, you gel a nev veision
of youiseIf eveiy foui nonlhs! We have a conslanlIy changing
CeilainIy, lhe nind needs lo Ieain a Iesson fion lhe lody. The
lody is conpIeleIy confoilalIe vilh change vhiIe in nany cases
lhe nind viII iesisl il. The chaIIenge is lo gel lhe nind lo change
ioulineIy and snoolhIy as veII. Thals lhe lig piolIen and disci-
pIining youi nind lo le "exilIe is lhe ansvei.
My pioposilion is lhal having lhe ciealivily and oplinisn lo
cone up vilh innovalive ideas nakes us alIe lo nake any silu-
alion seive us. An oppoilunily aiises aInosl daiIy in lhe voik-
pIace. Managenenl is doing ils lesl lo neel lhe iequiienenls
of lhe nosl chaIIenging econony since lhe Depiession. RoIes,
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Oplinisls calch fevei infeclious diseases lhan pessinisls.
Oplinisls have lellei heaIlh halils lhan pessinisls. Oui
innune syslen nay voik lellei vhen ve aie oplinislic. A
sludy conducled duiing lhe 193Os on lhe Iives of Nolie Dane
nuns shoved lhal lhe oplinisn expiessed in lhe nuns diaiies
coiieIaled vilh lheii Iongevily.
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 187
188 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
piocesses, appioaches, syslens, pioducls, and nissions aie aII
shifling lenealh oui feel. We have a iesponsiliIily lo ouiseIves
and oui associales al voik lo nake lhe heaIlhiesl choices in lhe
face of change. Choices affecl eveiyone in oui enviionnenl!
I vouId Iike you lo iecaII vhal ve have discussed conceining
nanuaI nuscIe lesling in Iail I of lhis look. Using lhis lechnoIogy
oi inagining lhe use of lhis lechnoIogy, you nighl ieadiIy see
vhal kind of lhinking and seIf-laIk aie enalIing and enpoveiing
and vhal kind aie disao|ing and discnpcucring.
Whal kind of choices do you nake in lhe face of change in lhe
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
I an angiy and upsel ovei
lhis iecenl change. I viII
iesisl il! I nay even salo-
lage il!
I viII ieaIign lo lhe change
ve aie facing. I viII do ny
lesl lo adjusl.
I think management makes
changes just for the sake of
I believe that management
creates change which is
directed toward a goal which
represents a more desirable
outcome than we have now.
When dif culties occur from
changes, I see it as proof that
these changes are bad.
I realize that problems are a
natural side efect of change.
I think that supervisors and
managers enjoy withholding
information from us.
Managers dont always have
the right answers as the pro-
cess unfolds because change
is a discovery process.
!"J, 9?2-+2-6 ,?5 9?2-+2-6
Management keeps changing
its direction. It seems lost!
I understand that manage-
ment needs to be creative and
improvise as they go. Course
corrections are smart.
I assume that managers and
supervisors dont really care
about their direct reports.
I agree that being a supervi-
sor or a manager is not easy.
Tey must make unpopular
decisions and not everyone
will be pleased.
I cant make a diference any-
way from my position.
I will make a diference one
way or another. Why not
make it a positive diference?
I didnt create this plan any-
way, so let the managers and
supervisors complete it.
I realize that a plan has been
put in place and now its eve-
ryones job to make it work. If
I get a paycheck it is
my plan too.
I believe that management
doesnt know what its doing.
I agree that theres no such
thing as a mistake-free
project, especially a change
project. If I am tolerant of
managements mistakes, they
will be tolerant of mine.
I feel that change is not neces-
sary. It will go away in time.
I understand that change is
here to stay. I believe that
change can help us create a
better future.
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 189
19O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
This chail vas adapled and foinuIaled fion lhe conlenl of
a piesenlalion ly Iiice Iiilchell, lhe ienovned oiganizalionaI
change expeil. (Iiilchellnel.con.) His nain pienise is congiuenl
vilh lhe pioposilion of lhis look, lhal lhe oiganizalion can nevei
le vhal lhe peopIe aie nol.
78I>:DI 7DL :9! <''<E9!
ACs 20/20 piogian once aiied a segnenl caIIed lhe ick-
eiing CoupIes vhich dianalicaIIy denonslialed lhe effecl of oui
enolions and aclions on oui lodies~lhe nind/lody conneclion.
The segnenl fealuied an expeiinenl conducled ly psychialiisl
Redfoid WiIIians, M.D., diiecloi of lhe ehavioiaI Medicine
Reseaich Cenlei al Duke Univeisily, and knovn as lhe guiu of
angei nanagenenl. He hooked up a nunlei of coupIes in oidei
lo neasuie lIood piessuie and coilisoI IeveIs as lhey discusscd
louchy issues. As lenpeis and decileIs iose, so loo did lhe lIood
piessuie. Il skyiockeled and lhe coilisoI IeveIs iose signi!canlIy.
Such lehavioi is cIeaiIy unheaIlhy and can shoilen Iife span~oi
slop il aliuplIy, as in sliokes and heail allacks. Like a poIygiaph,
lhis expeiinenl vas a cIeai denonslialion of hov quickIy a psy-
choIogicaI nood couId affecl lhe physioIogicaI slale.
The expeiinenl ieninded ne of eaiIiei ieseaich shoving lhal
lhe vay ve appioach connunicalion, especiaIIy vhen ve aigue
vilh hosliIily, can do ieaI lodiIy hain~lhe innune syslen
veakens vhiIe lIood piessuie and sliess hoinones iise. Lno-
lionaI con"icl cieales a loxic enviionnenl vilhin oui lodies lhal
can pionole aileiiaI disease and, in geneiaI, nake il dif!cuIl lo
conlal iIIness.
In pail lvo of lhe expeiinenl aiied on 20/20, lhe coupIes liained
in connunicalion and con"icl-iesoIulion lechniques laughl ly
Di. WiIIians and his vife, Viiginia WiIIians, Ih.D., piesidenl of
WiIIians LifeSkiIIs, Inc. The lvo aie coaulhois of seninaI voiks
Angcr Ki||s and |ifcS|i||s lhal desciile lhe polenl effecls enolions
can exeil on lhe lody.
The WiIIians appioach, in nany cases, is lo cieale a space
lelveen lhe slinuIus~lhe sliessoi~lhal causes lhe upsel and lhe
inleipielalion one chooses lo nake. As I nenlioned eaiIiei, you
aie in conlioI of youi inleipielalion and iesponse lo any evenl.
So in lhal conlexl, lhis vouId nean Ieaining lo laIk lo ouiseIves
The WiIIians devised lhe foIIoving foui queslions (found on
lheii velsile: viIIiansIifeskiIIs.con) lo cieale lhe gap lelveen
lhe expeiience of lhe sliessoi and lhe iesponse lo il:
1. Is lhis nallei inpoilanl lo ne`
2. Is vhal I an feeIing and/oi lhinking appiopiiale lo lhe
facls of lhe silualion`
3. Is lhis silualion nodi!alIe in a posilive vay`
4. When I laIance lhe needs of olheis and nyseIf, is laking
aclion voilh il`
If aII youi ansveis aie yes, lhen you shouId have a conveisa-
lion on lhe lopic. If you gel one no, lhen il isnl voilh liinging
il up, diop il! Accoiding lo lhe WiIIians, using lhe queslions nol
onIy changes oui inleipielalion and peispeclive aloul lhe sul-
jecl al hand, lul aIso sIovs dovn lhe piocess. Anylhing ve can
do lo sIov dovn lhe piocess is heIpfuI. I caII il lhe piocess of
noving fion |ncugn||css rcac|icn lo |ncugn|fu| rcspcnding. The cou-
pIes Ieained lo lhink lefoie ieacling. They aIso Ieained a second
skiII~lo Iislen lefoie ieacling. Lislening has nany aspecls:
- Donl inleiiupl.
- Ask queslions.
- Repeal vhal you heaid in youi ovn voids lo lhal peison.
- Donl nove off lhe lopic unliI lhe speakei feeIs youi undei-
slanding is conpIele.
- And donl aigue aloul lhe soIulion lo lhe silualion~jusl
iepeal vhal you heaid.
In lhe second pail of lhe expeiinenl, lhe coupIes veie hooked
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 191
192 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
up again lo lhe sane neasuiing devices used pieviousIy vhiIe
lhey laIked aloul lheii hol issues. ul lhis line, lhey veie
insliucled lo use lhe foui queslions alove as veII as lo Iislen fuIIy
lefoie ieacling. Nov, vilh lhe use of lhe nev lechniques, lolh
lIood piessuie and coilisoI IeveIs acluaIIy diopped duiing lhe
session. The lakeavay vas lhal a change in appioach, a change in
lheii skiII of handIing lhe nonenl, iesuIled in posilive changes in
lhe lody.
E0JJ!< BJ>8 8<!,JD!<W 7 G:DLM5JLB '87G<)J8K
Theie aie liadilionaIIy foui appioaches lo connunicalion
vilh olheis. These appioaches aie pielly sinpIe lo undeisland,
lul vhal is nol appiecialed is lhe physioIogicaI oulcone of each
slyIe. Heie aie lhe slyIes and lhe vay peopIe acl vhen lhey use
lhal appioach in deaIing vilh olheis.
VO ,.%%2`$O You avoid con"icl, donl nake eye conlacl, iaieIy
expiess feeIings oi youi ovn opinions, sonelines Iack
con!dence, nay gel enlaiiassed easiIy, lul nevei con-
pIain. You usuaIIy aie conpIianl and nay le sulnissive
al lines.
YO ,.%%2`$&.66#$%%2`$O You avoid con"icl and iaieIy speak
up lul conpIain aloul lhe silualion lo lhe viong peison al
lhe viong line. You use siIence, guiIl liips, saicasn, and
gossip. You pIay lhe viclin oi lhe nailyi. You suppiess
oulvaid expiessions of aggiession lul channeI youi angei
inlo passive non-coopeialion and olsliucling lhe aclions
of olheis.
ZO 766#$%%2`$O You aie pione lo "y off lhe handIe, aie usu-
aIIy opinionaled, Ioud, laclIess, and sonelines !nish olhei
peopIes senlences. This lype of connunicalion slyIe is
aigunenlalive, ieleIIious, and sonelines iesislanl. You
appeai oveiIy con!denl, lul have Iov seIf-esleen.
[O 7%%$#"2`$O You expiess youi opinions and feeIings openIy
and honeslIy vilhoul denying lhe iighls and needs of
olheis. You aie usuaIIy !in vilhoul leing doninaling.
Connunicalion is caIn vilhoul an enolionaI edge oi
chaige on il. Il is diiecl lul non-confionlalionaI. Il is using
lacl vilh dipIonacy. Asseilion is leIIing soneone 'vheie
lo go in such a vay lhey acluaIIy Iook foivaid lo laking
lhe liip!! This slyIe can le desciiled as caIn-asseiliveness.
In lhe face of change, oi al voisl, a ciisis, peopIe oflen lend lo
iepealedIy faII lack on a pailicuIai slyIe. Think aloul lhe success
oi faiIuie in gelling youi desiied oulcone ly using one pailicuIai
appioach oi anolhei. Think aIso aloul youi slyIe in leins of lhe
nind/lody conneclion, as iepiesenled ly lhe chail leIov.
UnheaIlhy UnheaIlhy UnheaIlhy UnheaIlhy
Iassive Iassive-
Aggiessive Asseilive
nissive. You aie
acluaIIy aggiessive
lovaid youiseIf foi
nol speaking up,
foi nol defending
youiseIf and/oi
foi nol slanding up
foi youi iighls and
needs. You luin
on youiseIf psy-
choIogicaIIy and
Wiong peison,
viong line.
You "ee fion
diiecl confion-
lalion lul aie
and eno-
lion oi
Diiecl lul
non- con-
IIighl iesponse.
Youi lody ie-
sponds as if you
aie iunning avay
fion sonelhing.
You aclivale lhe
synpalhelic pail
of lhe aulononic
neivous syslen.
Iighl and "ighl
iesponse. You
aclivale noie
of lhe synpa-
lhelic pail of
lhe aulononic
neivous sys-
You acli-
vale nosl
of lhe syn-
pail of lhe
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 193
194 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
LvidenlIy, lhe !isl lhiee appioaches lo connunicalion aie
Iess heaIlhy foi us physioIogicaIIy lhan lhe fouilh calegoiy vheie
ve expiess ouiseIves openIy and honeslIy, vilhoul denying lhe
iighls of olheis oi oui ovn needs and iighls. Il is lhe aliIily lo say
no vhen appiopiiale. Il is lhe nosl laIanced iesponse and does
nol conliilule lo lhe aclivalion of lhe sliess iesponse in olheis~
nosl of lhe line. I an saying nosl of lhe line lecause nolhing
voiks aII of lhe line and, in sone cases, il nay le appiopiiale lo
use one of lhe foui olhei appioaches.
Nol onIy aie lhe !isl lhiee appioaches unheaIlhy, lul in lhe
end, lhey nay nol gel you vhal you vanl. Ioi inslance, if one of
youi covoikeis is doing sonelhing you donl Iike, one of youi
choices couId le lo conpIain lo soneone vho is nol diieclIy
invoIved in lhe silualion. The inpoilanl queslion is lhis: WouId
lhis ieaIIy soIve youi piolIen vilh lhe olhei peison` In nosl
cases, lhe ansvei is no! This is lhe passive-aggiessive choice.
A passive appioach nighl le lo say nolhing lo anyone,
incIuding lhe peison vho is causing youi upsel. Does lhis soIve
youi piolIen` Again, in nosl cases, lhis vouId nol soIve youi
You couId gel veiy aggiessive vilh lhe peison and liing a Iol
of enolion lo lhe lalIe, convey a Iol of negalive chaige, even iaise
youi voice denonslialing angei and hosliIily lovaid lhe peison.
This noinaIIy is nol a successfuI vay lo connunicale eilhei.
Whal occuis vhen soneone is aggiessive lovaid anolhei is lhal
he doesnl Iislen lo lhe conlenl of lhe speakeis nessage! The Iis-
lenei is oveivheIned ly lhe enolionaI oulluisl and uses lhis as
an excuse lo ialionaIize avay youi conlenl. The Iislenei doesnl
iespond lo aggiessiveness.
Asseiliveness neans you aie !in, cIeai and honesl, vilh lhe
peison vho is causing you disliess. You aie nol confionlalionaI,
lul diiecl, and addiess lhe lehavioi, nol lhe peison. This is lhe
asseilive choice. Of aII lhe iesponses, asseiliveness seens lo le
lhe nosl heaIlhy iesponse, lul foi nosl of us, in nosl cases, il can
le dif!cuIl lo puII off. Asseiliveness can iequiie exliaoidinaiy
palience and equaninily.
In sunnaiy, vhen ve aie faced vilh a silualion ve aie feeIing
upsel aloul, ve have foui choices, and in lhal nonenl lefoie
ve iespond, ve nake a decision aloul vhich slyIe lo use. So lhe
queslion is lhis: Which connunicalion appioach seives ne lesl
in lhe silualion` My vole in nosl cases is lo le asseilive.
EJGG>D:E79:JD 7,,8J7E0<!;07)7::7D !9BF<
Many of ny cIienls aie Iocaled in lhe leaulifuI slale of Havaii.
When I !isl venl lheie as a consuIlanl, I ieaIized lhal a Iaige pei-
cenlage of lhe peopIe have Asian ancesliy. ConsequenlIy, lhe cuI-
luie has a sliong Asian in"uence. Having voiked in }apan, Hong
Kong, India, Indonesia, and Singapoie, I had sone faniIiaiily
vilh Asian cuIluiaI vaIues. Theie aie a fev key phiases used lo
desciile peisonaI inleiaclion in sone quaileis of lhe Asian cuI-
luie: nc snanc, satc facc, !| in, and dcn| s|and cu|.
In Iighl of lhese sliong alliludes, as you can inagine, ils veiy
dif!cuIl lo connunicale diieclIy and even noie dif!cuIl lo give
and ieceive feedlack. Il is aIso exlieneIy dif!cuIl lo le asseilive.
ecause of lhese inhililois, asseilive lehavioi is sonelines seen
as aggiessive. I vas vondeiing hov ny undeislanding of lhe
Asian cuIluie vouId ieIale lo Havaii. And I pondeied hov lhe
pievious foui liadilionaI connunicalion appioaches vouId le
used lheie in chaIIenging silualions.
An expeiience in a HonoIuIu novie lhealei gave ne a good
lesl case. I had gone lo a novie vilh sone pailicipanls fion one
of ny Ieadeiship cIasses. We aII sal in one seclion of lhe lhealei.
On eilhei side of ne sal a vonan of }apanese descenl. SeveiaI
olhei peopIe occupied iovs in fionl of and lehind ne. Wilhin lhe
!isl fev ninules of lhe novie, a Iady a fev seals avay fion us
ansveied hei ceII phone and legan laIking in a faiiIy Ioud voice.
She vas lolaIIy ignoiing lhe eaiIiei, on-scieen ienindei lo luin
off ceII phones.
She conlinued laIking veII ovei a ninule. She vas saying
lhings Iike, No, In nol going lo go lo lhal ieslauianl, and WeII,
ve decided lo cone lo lhis novie, nol go lo lhal olhei one. Lve-
iyone in oui aiea couId heai hei cIeaiIy. Il vas disluiling and
iude. The lvo vonen sealed nexl lo ne slailed lo Iook in hei
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 195
196 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
diieclion and give hei vhal lhey caII in Havaii lhe slink eye~a
veiy haish slaie lhal you vouIdnl vanl coning in youi diieclion.
They said nolhing lul lhey veie visilIy loiIing inside. They jusl
heId in lheii enolions and kepl Iooking in lhe offendeis diiec-
Nov, in vhich calegoiy vouId you pIace lheii iesponse`
Iassive, of couise. I vanled lo say, Ycu |ncu, |adics, | dcn| |nin|
|nc s|in| cqc ucr|s in |nc dar|. The Iady on lhe phone conlinued
laIking. I vas cuiious lo see vhich appioach vouId le used.
Anolhei ninule of lhis passed and lhen a nan aloul lhiee iovs
up legan lhioving popcoin al lhe vonan. The popcoin luzzed
iighl ly hei head and a coupIe of pieces hil hei. She iesponded ly
luining lo lhe side and naking heiseIf inlo a lhinnei laigel. ul
she conlinued lo laIk.
In vhich calegoiy vouId you pul lhe nan lossing lhe popcoin
Yes, lhals iighl: he vas aggiessive. UnfoilunaleIy, he vasnl
gelling lhe iesuIl he vanled eilhei.
I conlinued olseiving and she conlinued lo laIk. I sav nosl
of lhe peopIe in ny aiea of lhe lhealei luining lo lhe peison iighl
nexl lo lhen and laIking lo lhal peison aloul lhe ceII phone Iady.
They veie passive-aggiessive lo lhe piolIen al hand.
Aflei aloul lhiee ninules of lhis I slood up and voined
ny vay pasl a fev seals and, Ieaning ovei, said lo lhe vonan,
Maan, vouId you pIease luin off youi phone nov` Youie dis-
luiling eveiylody.
She innedialeIy shul off hei phone iighl in lhe niddIe of a
senlence and sal lheie Iooking al lhe scieen as if she nevei had lhe
phone on.
When I gol lack lo ny seal, lhe lvo Iadies vho sal nexl lo
ne veie so enlaiiassed lhey lolh Iooked dovn and avay fion
ne. Il vas as if lhey veie saying, Lxcuse ne, lo lhe iesl of lhe
lhealei, veie nol vilh lhis Hac|c loy. (Whiles aie iefeiied lo as
Hac|c in Havaii.) They veie enlaiiassed lo le vilh ne.
The iesl of lhe novie venl vilhoul evenl. On lhe vay oul of
lhe lhealei I asked lhe Iadies hov lhey enjoyed lhe novie.
They iesponded, Cieal, ieaIIy enjoyed lhe novie!
I lhen asked, Whal did you lhink aloul lhe vonan vilh lhe
The Iadies said, Oh ny gosh, ve donl do lhal heie! Thals
jusl nol iighl!
Whal did I do` I asked.
WeII, you veie aggiessive vilh hei!
WeII, I vouId caII il sonelhing eIse, I iepIied.
Whal vouId you caII il` one vonan asked.
I vas leing asseilive! I vasnl aggiessive. I didnl iaise ny
voice. I didnl shov any angei. I didnl have any enolionaI chaige
aiound il, so I caII lhal asseilive.
One of lhe vonen said, No, no, no, no! To us lhal vas upsel-
ling lecause you veie aggiessive vilh hei.
I asked hei, Hov did you expecl hei lo knov lhal she vas
disluiling us and ve vanled hei lo luin lhe phone off` You veie
leing disluiled, iighl`
Yes, lhey said, lul you didnl have lo le Iike lhal!
May I shov you vhal leing aggiessive vouId have leen
I vouId have said sonelhing Iike, 'Maan, you luin lhal
phone off iighl nov, oi III shove il dovn youi lhioal! Nov lhals
One of lhe Iadies Iooked al ne and said, Thals nol aggies-
sive.lhals eviI!
I Iaughed good-naluiedIy lul inside I lhoughl il vas hiIaiious.
I had jusl Ieained a !flh connunicalion appioach~eviI! Add lhal
lo passive, passive-aggiessive, aggiessive, and asseilive.
Whal I ieaIIy Ieained~and Ive since found lhis lo le liue
vilh nosl leans I coach in Havaii~is lhal peopIe piefei lo save
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 197
198 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
face, lo nol shane anyone, and lo conlinue lo use vhal lhey caII
laIking slink aloul peopIe. In no sense is lhis appioach excIu-
siveIy Havaiian. On lhe nainIand ve caII il gossiping, laIking
lo lhe viong peison al lhe viong line and nol iesoIving piol-
Iens in lhe piocess. The conliasl seens giealei, lhough, in lhe
AIoha spiiil of a Ioving and caiing cuIluie.
Ils veiy easy lo nol iespond and keep oui lhoughls lo oui-
seIves, even if negalive. Ils veiy easy lo laIk aloul olhei peopIe
lehind lheii lacks and nol lo lhen. Ils veiy easy lo gel angiy,
Iose oui lenpei, and lecone hosliIe lovaid anolhei. Whal is nol
easy is lo nainlain an asseilive appioach, avoid lhe !ghl-oi-"ighl
iesponse, and slay caIn. HeaIlhy iesponses Iead lo a heaIlhy indi-
viduaI. HeaIlhy individuaIs conliilule lo a heaIlhy oiganizalion.
When choosing youi appioach, considei lhese lvo queslions:
Whals lhe heaIlhiesl iesponse foi ne` Whal viII gel ne vhal I
Renaining caIn and asseilive in lhe face of dif!cuIly aIso
aIIovs us lo le noie ciealive, as veII see in lhe nexl chaplei.
Once ve diveil oui lIood avay frcn lhe liain and |c olhei pails
of lhe lody~Iegs and ains~ly aclivaling lhe sliess iesponse, ve
sacii!ce oui ciealivily and lecone Iess capalIe of naking good
decisions and lhinking cIeaiIy.
This Iesson has leen aloul asking youiseIf lhe foIIoving ques-
lion: Do I go oul of ny nind oflen` If you do, youII !nd lhis
is one of lhe ieasons foi youi Iack of success in lhe voikpIace.
In addilion, il de!nileIy affecls youi peisonaI Iife, vhelhei youi
fiiends and faniIy viII leII you oi nol.
7!!<89:T<D<!!&7!!<!!G<D9 =><!9:JDD7:8<
Wheie do you lhink you faII on lhe passive/asseilive/aggies-
sive scaIe` I invile you lo lake lhis liief queslionnaiie, deveIoped
ly ny fiiend and coIIeague, Waiien Iank, Ih.D. I have nodi!ed
il sIighlIy ly adding lhe passive-aggiessive calegoiy. This assess-
nenl suivey neasuies asseiliveness, aggiession, and passivily.
Waiien deveIoped lhis lo heIp lean nenleis knov hov and
vhy lhey ieIale lo each olhei as lhey do. They veie alIe lo see
vhy lhey didnl gel aIong~lecause lhey had diffeienl connuni-
calion appioaches.
Nov lake oul a pen and papei and legin.
Hcu |ruc arc |nc fc||cuing s|a|cncn|s as dcscrip|icns cf qcur
ocnaticr? lri|c dcun |nc nunocr |na| rcprcscn|s qcur ansucr. P|casc
rcspcnd |c ctcrq s|a|cncn|.
Nevei Tiue Sonelines Tiue Oflen Tiue AIvays Tiue
1 2 3 4
1. I iespond vilh noie nodesly lhan I ieaIIy feeI vhen ny
voik is conpIinenled.
2. If peopIe aie iude, I viII le iude iighl lack.
3. Olhei peopIe !nd ne inleiesling.
4. I leII olheis hov soneones negalive lehavioi nade ne
feeI lul nol lhe nain offendei.
5. I !nd il dif!cuIl lo speak up in a gioup of sliangeis.
6. I donl nind using saicasn if il heIps ne nake a poinl.
7. I ask foi a iaise vhen I feeI I ieaIIy deseive il.
8. I have sonelhing lo say lul onIy aflei lhe facl.
9. If olheis inleiiupl ne vhen I an laIking, I suffei in siIence.
1O. If peopIe ciilicize ny voik, I !nd a vay lo nake lhen
lack dovn.
11. I can expiess piide in ny acconpIishnenls vilhoul leing
12. I fueI lhe iunoi niII.
13. IeopIe lake advanlage of ne.
14. I leII peopIe vhal lhey vanl lo heai if il heIps ne gel vhal
I vanl.
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 199
2OO econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
15. I !nd il easy lo ask foi heIp.
16. I leII peopIe hov I feeI lul ils nol lhe iighl peison oi lhe
iighl line.
17. I Iend lhings lo olheis even vhen I donl ieaIIy vanl lo.
18. I vin aigunenls ly doninaling lhe discussion.
19. I can expiess ny liue feeIings lo soneone I ieaIIy caie foi.
2O. I donl speak up duiing lines of con"icl lul Ialei conpIain
lo coIIeagues vho veienl diieclIy invoIved.
21. When I feeI angiy vilh olheis, I lollIe il up ialhei lhan
expiess il.
22. When I ciilicize soneone eIses voik, lhey gel nad.
23. I feeI con!denl in ny aliIily lo sland up foi ny iighls.
24. I giipe aloul lhings lul donl voice ny opinion al lhe
appiopiiale line oi pIace.
When youie !nished ansveiing lhe queslions, scoie lhen as
1. Sun up youi ansveis lo ilens 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21.
Lnlei youi scoie: _______ (Iassive)
2. Sun up youi ansveis lo ilens 4, 8, 12, 16, 2O, 24.
Lnlei youi scoie: _______ (Iassive Aggiessive)
3. Sun up youi ansveis lo ilens 2, 6, 1O, 14, 18, 22.
Lnlei youi scoie: _______ (Aggiessive)
4. Sun up youi ansveis lo ilens 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23.
Lnlei youi scoie: _______ (Asseilive)
Youi scoies viII ie"ecl vhal you Iean lovaid nosl of lhe line.
The goaI is lo le asseilive in youi connunicalion. Reiead ques-
lions 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, and 23, lhe queslions lhal addiess asseilive-
ness. Nov le avaie of lhese silualions in youi Iife. Youi chaIIenge
is lo inciease youi choice of asseilive connunicalion. SiniIaiIy,
Iook al lhe queslions in lhe olhei calegoiies and lake aclion sleps
lo nove you lovaids youi desiied goaI.
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. Couiage is vhal il lakes lo sland up and speak, couiage
is aIso vhal il lakes lo sil dovn and Iislen.
~ Sii Winslon ChuichiII, iilish piine ninislei
2. When you sniIe, youi faciaI nuscIes aclivale endoiphins
in youi liain! These aie feeI-good noIecuIes.
3. If you donl Iike sonelhing, change il. If you canl
change il, change youi allilude. Donl conpIain.
~ Maya AngeIou, Aneiican aulhoi and poel
4. Like lhe Iav of giavily, lhe Iav of cause and effecl, aclion
and ieaclion~as qcu scu sc sna|| qcu rcap~is a naluiaI
Iav. Undeislanding lhis Iav heIps you undeisland lhal
eveiylhing happens ly Iav, nol ly chance.
5. Whal you cannol change is una| is. Accepling una| is
ienoves youi suffeiing. See una| is as fiiend nol eneny.
Accepl una| is as if you had chosen il. ConpIaining is
non-acceplance of una| is.
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Read Zcrc |ini|s. Tnc Sccrc| Hauaiian Sqs|cn fcr lca||n,
Hca||n, Pcacc, and Mcrc ly }oe VilaIe and IhaIeakaIa Hev
Len, Ih.D. This look inlioduces lhe piofound Havaiian
piaclice of hooponopono, vhich in lhe nalive Havaiian
Ianguage neans naking lhings iighl. You viII Ieain
hov lo |vipej youi ninds sIale cIean and |slailj ovei
vilhoul pieconceived nolions, so you can Iive in a voiId
of daiIy vondei. Inagine if anylhing and eveiylhing veie
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 2O1
2O2 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
possilIe. In facl, eveiylhing is possilIe vhen you Iook al
lhe voiId fiee of nenlaI consliainls. This look is a key
lhal opens youi Iife lo a nev univeise of possiliIily and
acconpIishnenl~a univeise vilh Zcrc |ini|s!
2. Lel go of aIvays having lo le in conlioI of vhal happens
lo you.
3. Slop leing so suipiised vhen olslacIes aiise. Cel used lo
lhen. And change youi inleipielalion of lhen fion ioad-
lIocks lo slepping-slones.
4. Walch lhe novie Gc| Sncr|q. }ohn TiavoIlas chaiaclei,
ChiIi IaInei, inspiies asseiliveness.
5. Calch youiseIf lIaning and !nd youi pail in il. Refuse lo
lIane anyone foi anylhing. Ils nol good foi youi physi-
oIogy and ils a sign you donl vanl lo lake iesponsiliIily.
We aie al Ieasl pailiaIIy iesponsilIe foi eveiy oulcone
in oui Iives. Iane focuses on vhal cannol le undone oi
changed. Iane Iooks lackvaid. Accepling iesponsiliIily
Iooks foivaid!
90<8<j! DJ ,F7E< F:K< >!G
NeaI DonaId WaIsch, aulhoi of Ccntcrsa|icns ui|n Gcd, says
aloul lhe Univeisily of Sanla Monica, Theie is no pIace quile
Iike USM, if you havenl heaid aloul il you need lo. And I agiee.
Lesson Thiee is an exaninalion of accounlaliIily and iespon-
siliIily, and USM is lhe lesl pIace lo gain lhese poveifuI looIs
and quaIilies. In a lvo-yeai couise of sludy you viII cone avay
ained vilh lhe nosl piaclicaI skiIIs and slialegies lo liansfoin
lhe iesl of youi Iife.
Do you go oul of youi nind oflen` The cuiiicuIun al USM
is uniqueIy designed foi you lo Ieain lhe skiIIs of heaIing unie-
soIved issues. And vhal is an uniesoIved issue` Anylhing lhal
disluils youi peace. Inagine a lechnoIogy lhal iesuIls in noie
peacefuI peopIe~peopIe vho aie Ieaining hov lo enliace lhe
ieaIily lhal, !isl and foienosl, ve aie spiiiluaI leings having a
hunan expeiience.
USM squaieIy lackIes lhiee fundanenlaI queslions so nany of
us aie asking, naneIy:
1. Who an I`
2. Why an I heie on eailh oi, vhal is ny puipose in leing
3. Hov can I nake a noie neaningfuI conliilulion in ny
In suie NeaIe vouId agiee, lhal USM is lhe lesl in lhe voiId
al vhal il offeis, a Masleis Degiee in SpiiiluaI IsychoIogy. Al
USM youII have lhe oppoilunily lo expeiienliaIIy expIoie lhe
IaigeIy unexpIoied leiiiloiy of spiiiluaI ieaIily. And noie inpoi-
lanl, youII Ieain hov lo le in lhis voiId vhiIe aIso Ieaining hov
lo see lhiough souI-cenleied eyes~eyes lhal peiceive lhiough
lhe Iens of spiiiluaI ieaIily~and hov lo opeiale effecliveIy fion
vilhin lhal ieaIily.
III give you an exanpIe. In a souI-cenleied ieaIily, il is cIeai
lhal peace can nevei le found lhiough peopIe !ghling foi peace
no nallei hov veII inlenlioned lhey nay cIain lo le. The onIy
IogicaI vay peace can evei liuIy occui is as a iesuIl of Iaige nun-
leis of peopIe daiing lo liansfoin vilhin so lhal lhey expeiience
giealei IeveIs of innei peace. And hov does one !nd innei peace`
y Ieaining lhe piincipIes and piaclices of heaIing uniesoIved
Check oul lhe liansfoinalionaI nev look, |cqa||q Tc Ycur
Scu|. Tnc Hcar| cf Spiri|ua| Psqcnc|cgq ly lhe Iiesidenl and Chief
Acadenic Of!cei of USM, H. RonaId HuInick, Ih.D. and Maiy R.
HuInick, Ih.D. They aie aIso lhe designeis and senioi facuIly of
USMs SpiiiluaI IsychoIogy Iiogian. Ioi noie infoinalion visil
11 Lesson 3: Slop Coing Oul of Youi Mind 2O3
Chaplei 12
Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay
Dcn| |aoc| grcu|n as |rcuo|c and painfu| and s|anding s|i|| as safc.
aulhoi of Ccntcrsa|icns li|n Gcd seiies
s a young loy, I dieaned of lhe day vhen I vouId go lo
Nev Yoik lo see a shov on ioadvay. I gol ny vish vilh
Doug Hennings nusicaI, Mcr|in. The shov vas leing pioduced
ly a najoi sludio, CoIunlia Iicluies, and diiecled ly lhe veiy
successfuI Ivan Reilnan. Il vas lhe !isl of ils kind lo incoipo-
iale nagic inlo lhe pIol of a ioadvay nusicaI. The chance lo le
invoIved in lhe pioduclion piocess vas vay leyond vhal I had
dieaned of.
This shov fuI!IIed lhe diean of soneone eIse as veII.
Long lefoie lhe shov opened, Dougs vife Delly had a
diean. Hei desiie vas lo voik vilh hei husland. She and Doug
veie nevIy naiiied and she dieaded leing avay fion hin. She
knev lhe lesl vay lo spend line vilh hin vas lo gel a ioIe in lhe
pIay. ul, even vhiIe she vas sliongIy nolivaled lo le a pail of
Mcr|in, she ieaIized il vas a Iong shol.
Delly had done sone sunnei slock and connunily lhealei
lul nevei anylhing piofessionaI. If she vanled lo achieve hei
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 2O5
2O6 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
desiie, she vouId have lo appeai lefoie lhe nosl inlinidaling
and ciilicaI pIay-going audiences in lhe voiId. efoie audilioning
and casling foi lhe pioduclion legan, Delly slailed asking aloul
hov she couId possilIy gel a ioIe in lhe pIay. She aIso expiessed
doull and liepidalion al lhe sane line.
Sone line lefoie lhe audilioning legan, Doug and Delly
nade a liip lo Luiope lo see lheii spiiiluaI nenloi, Mahaiishi
Mahesh Yogi. Duiing a conveisalion vilh Mahaiishi, Delly
laIked of hei desiie lo le in lhe nusicaI. ul even as she expiessed
hei desiie, she decIaied hei doulls: ioadvay is so lig! I donl
knov if I can do lhal!
Mahaiishi chuckIed. ioadvay` ig`
And he legan spinning lhe lalIelop gIole he aIvays kepl
nexl lo hin. He slopped al lhal IillIe spol on lhe gIole caIIed
Manhallan. Sonevheie on lhal liny isIand vas a slieel caIIed
ioadvay. Mahaiishi poinled lo il, asking, ioadvay` ig`
He paused a nonenl lhen pionounced, You have lo lhink
lig. Thinking snaII viII nol gel you vhal you vanl. You have lo
slielch youi inaginalion so lhal ils lig enough lo see you lheie.
Anylhing is possilIe, and anylhing neans ANYTHINC, even
ioadvay. Youve gol lo scc qcursc|f cn 8rcaduaq.
Ained vilh lhis inspiialion and peispeclive, Delly ieluined
lo Nev Yoik. She vas on a nission! She convinced heiseIf lhal
lhe lhealei vas jusl one snaII Iocalion al one snaII spol on lhe
eailh. She viapped hei nind aiound lhe idea lhal she couId do
il and slailed piepaiing foi hei diean. She inneised heiseIf in
gelling ieady foi lhe audilion. She look Iessons in voice, dance,
and nine.
She vas sel on audilioning foi a najoi ioIe in lhe pIay~lhal
of lhe nagicaI unicoin~a cIose fiiend of MeiIin, vho vouId le
pIayed ly Doug. On lhe day lhal Delly audilioned, Doug and I
sal in lhe audience valching one piofessionaI acliess aflei anolhei
peifoin foi lhe pioduceis and diiecloi. IinaIIy, Dellys luin
cane. She sang Menoiies, fion lhe nusicaI Ca|s, vhich vas
pIaying on ioadvay al lhe line. She vas anazing! Doug and I
Iooked al each olhei. We lolh had leais iunning dovn oui faces.
Hei ieading, peifoined vilh fuII con!dence, slage piesence,
heail, and leauly, Iefl Doug and ne speechIess. Doug couId nol
have leen noie pioud.
RenaikalIy, Delly, lhe Iongshol, gol a ioIe in lhe pIay~nol
lhe ioIe of lhe unicoin, since lhe diiecloi and viileis changed
lhe ioIe of lhe unicoin lo one foi a laIIeiina~lul she gIadIy look
anolhei ioIe. She gol lhe ioIe nol lecause she vas Dougs vife,
lul on hei ovn neiils as a laIenled peifoinei. She had conpeled
againsl piofessionaI acliesses fion aII ovei lhe voiId and gol a
pail. Il vas a huge peisonaI vicloiy foi hei and an inspiialion lo
aII of us.
Il goes vilhoul saying: She vas a gieal success in lhe shov.
In facl, il vas lhe leginning of hei slage caieei vilh Doug. Aflei
Mcr|in, she ioulineIy appeaied as his on-slage assislanl foi leIevi-
sion shovs, louis, and slage shovs.
90:DK 5:I
Delly luined hei lhinking upside dovn. She slielched hei
inaginalion. She lhoughl lig enough lo viap hei nind aiound
lhe idea of gelling lhe pail. She couId see heiseIf lheie.
Youve ceilainIy heaid lhe phiase: I can see nyseIf doing
lhal. Oi lhe "ip side: I canl see nyseIf doing lhal. Dellys
sloiy veii!es lhe liulh of lolh sayings. If you can see youiseIf
doing sonelhing, you viII, if you canl see youiseIf doing sone-
lhing, you vonl. Heniy Ioid pul il lhis vay, If you lhink you
can do a lhing oi you lhink you cannol do a lhing, you aie iighl.
One of ny aII-line favoiile looks is Tnc lar cf Ar|. 8rca|
Tnrcugn |nc 8|cc|s and lin Ycur |nncr Crca|itc 8a|||cs, ly Sleven
Iiess!eId. This look addiesses lhe inleinaI olslacIes lo success
and heIps lo unIock lhe innei laiiieis lo ciealivily. See if lhese
queslions desciile you: Do you diean aloul viiling lhe Cieal
Aneiican NoveI` Do you iegiel nol !nishing youi painlings,
poens, oi scieenpIays` Wanl lo slail a lusiness oi chaiily` Wish
you couId slail dieling oi exeicising loday` Hope lo iun a naia-
lhon soneday`
The seeing is done ly oui innei eye of inaginalion. Youi
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 2O7
2O8 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
inaging povei Iies vilhin youi ovn nind. Il is as if you have lhe
aliIily lo diav pIans in youi nind and lhen, jusl Iike an aichi-
lecl, expand on lhose pIans unliI you acluaIIy cieale lhen. The
lhinking/vision nusl le cIeai, and on lhal lasis you can cieale
vhal you see.
So lheies gieal povei in envisioning: Theie is povei in oui
lhinking lig!
The liain is sel up so lhal, vhen you ieheaise nenlaIIy, lhe
sane neuions !ie in youi liain as if you veie doing lhe exacl
lhing physicaIIy, and yel you aie silling vilh youi eyes cIosed.
AlhIeles knov lhis piocess veiy veII. If you picluie youiseIf pei-
foining an aclion in gieal delaiI lhe sane neuions !ie in youi
liain. So, if you see il peifeclIy, you aie ieheaising il peifeclIy.
This is vhy ncn|a| rcncarsa| is used as a looI lo achieve goaIs. Ils a
poveifuI use of inaginalion!
Sages have pionounced, Whal you pul youi allenlion on
giovs, and if you vanl lo inciease lhe ieaIily of sonelhing in
youi Iife, conlinue lo lhink aloul il. If you vanl lo le ciealive and
a lellei piolIen soIvei, lhen you nusl !nd oul vhal can pul you
inlo lhal slale lo piepaie you foi aclivily.
As a hunoious sidelai, vhen I vas gioving up, I used lo
Iislen on lhe iadio lo peisonaIily deveIopnenl guiu, LaiI Nighlin-
gaIe. He vouId speak aloul vhal he caIIed The WoiIds Ciealesl
Seciel. Il vas You lecone vhal you lhink aloul nosl of lhe
line. Nol suipiisingIy, al lhal line, I vondeied, If lhals lhe
case, hov cone In nol a vonan`
Al voik, ve sonelines gel ciealive insighls ly gelling up
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
The chionic feeIing lhal il is inpossilIe lo inpiove a silualion
oi lo feeI lellei aloul youiseIf ieduces lhe ef!ciency of youi
innune syslen and lhe aliIily lo slave off disease.
and avay fion oui desks, laking a slioII, oi doing sone deep
liealhing. Medilalion is anolhei nelhod lhiough vhich ve can
expeiience lhe deep iesl lhal ieIeases ciealivily and inaginalion.
Olheis cIose lheii eyes and gel noie in louch vilh lhe lhinking
piocess. Ioi sone, lhe ciealive spaik cones vhiIe in lhe shovei
oi duiing exeicise. Ioi olheis, ils al nighl, vhiIe lhey aie in lhe
diean slale. I have knovn peopIe, vho, duiing sIeep, vake up
and viile ideas dovn. Ideas and insighls oflen cone vhen lhe
nind is caIn and ieIaxed. The chaIIenge is lo !nd oul vhen you
gel nosl of youi ciealive insighls. Anolhei chaIIenge is lo capluie
lhose insighls lefoie lhey sIip avay. I have nade a liny pad and
ninialuie pen ny conslanl conpanions.
90< 3>K<5J] F<!!JD
Duiing lhe 198Os, Doug Hennings pioduclion conpany vas
hiied ly WoiIds of Wondei, lhe ciealoi of lhe laIking leai Teddy
Ruxpin as veII as Lazei Tag. The foIks al WoW vanled Doug lo
inlioduce lheii nev loy Iine in a nagicaI vay al lhe Nev Yoik
Toy Iaii. The iIIusions veie luiIl, aII lhe pIanning conpIele, and
ieheaisaIs had laken pIace. Then lhe vhoIe lean venl lo Nev
Yoik Cily. Upon oui aiiivaI, Doug announced, Tonoiiov
noining veII ieheaise one Iasl line. The acluaI shov vas lhe
foIIoving day.
The ciev coIIecliveIy Iel oul a lig sigh. Nolody ieaIIy vanled
lo ieheaise again. Lveiyone vanled a day on lhe lovn lo have
fun~il vas Nev Yoik Cily aflei aII. Doug, leing lhe consunnale
piofessionaI, insisled, You can nevei ieheaise enough. Weve
gol lo ieheaise on lhe acluaI venues slage. He decided lhal lhe
ieheaisaI vouId lake pIace in lhe noining and lhen eveiyone
couId lake lhe afleinoon and evening off. Doug vas lhe slai of
lhe shov. So lhe ieheaisaI look pIace.
The !isl coupIe of iIIusions venl snoolhIy. No hilches. The
lhiid iIIusion vas luiIl aiound lhe nodeI of a Iaige jukelox. Doug
vas going lo pioduce seveiaI loys oul of a jukelox lhal, vhen
open, appeaied lo le enply. Aflei lhe pievious iIIusion, Doug
segued inlo lhe jukelox iIIusion, lhen he gave lhe signaI lo lhe
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 2O9
21O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
slage nanagei lo vheeI lhe jukelox onlo lhe slage. As lhe slage-
hand did so, ve aII Iel oul a gasp. The jukelox vas loo lig lo gel
lhiough lhe dooivay.
WoiIds of Wondei vas paying us as piofessionaIs. And pio-
fessionaIs ieheaise. Can you inagine if, duiing lhe acluaI peifoi-
nance, a siniIai gIilch had occuiied` In fionl of aII lhe execulives
fion WoiIds of Wondei, lheii luyeis, and lhe audience` Il vouId
have leen a disaslei!
Lesson Ieained: You cannol peifoin any lellei lhan youve
90< :G,J897DE< J' 8<0<78!7F
As I nenlioned lefoie, ve lhink 1,2OO voids a ninule, a lolaI
of ovei a niIIion a day. Mosl of lhese voids aie in oui ninds al a
sulconscious IeveI. We consciousIy use 2,OOO of lhe neuions in lhe
liain, lul ve use aloul 4 liIIion sulconsciousIy. This inpIies lhal
nosl of oui lhinking, oi ieheaising, is incessanlIy laking pIace al
lhe sulconscious IeveI, vilhoul any conscious diieclion.
Lveiyone has expeiienced lhis. I diive lo an inpoilanl neeling
and vhen I aiiive I ieaIize lhal duiing lhe diive ny liain vas
noslIy ieheaising lhe evenl ahead inslead of lhe ioad ahead.
Hov fasl did I go`
Did I slop al ied Iighls`
Theie vas IillIe iecoIIeclion of lhe diive. I vas Iosl in lhe liaf!c
of ny nind and lhe cai vas on aulonalic piIol. In nol suie lhal
such aclivily is pailicuIaiIy good vhen you diive, lul nenlaI
ieheaisaI in geneiaI is a dain good idea.
Il seives us aII lo gial lhe ieins and nake conscious use of
lhe conslanl challei in oui lhinking piocess. In suie youve done
lhis on diffeienl occasions. When I have a neeling coning up, III
liy lo ieheaise scenaiios in ny nind aIong lhese Iines: When he
says lhis, III say lhal. Then he nay gel upsel, so I viII iespond in
such and such a vay, el celeia, el celeia. Thals ieheaisaI. If you
ieheaise il, youie noie IikeIy lo have a silualion unfoId jusl as
you have ieheaised il. You cieale a lIuepiinl in youi nind as lo
hov lhal neeling shouId pioceed.
Scienli!caIIy speaking, vhen you ieheaise nenlaIIy Iike lhal,
you sliII !ie lhe sane neuions in lhe liain as if you veie acluaIIy
doing lhe aclivily. This nenlaI exeicise of ieheaisaI slienglhens
conneclions in lhe liain ciicuiliy and aIIovs foi a cIeai picluie
oi an inage of vhal ve vanl lo cieale, lheiefoie, a noie exacl
dupIicalion lecones possilIe.
As I said eaiIiei, alhIeles, especiaIIy eIile alhIeles, knov lhis
lechnique peihaps lellei lhan any olhei segnenl of sociely. This
is vhal ny psychoIogisl fiiend, Di. }ohn Andeison, leIIs ne.
He has heIped nany lop alhIeles inpiove lheii peifoinances
lhiough nenlaI ieheaisaI. Theii ioulines have leen pIayed oul
in lheii ninds noie lhan lhey have leen pIayed oul on lhe acluaI
pIaying !eId. }ohn once loId ne of a loxei vho vas peispiiing
piofuseIy duiing a nenlaI-ieheaisaI session and acluaIIy ended
up on lhe "ooi exhausled aflei lhe session.
Many laselaII pIayeis visuaIize successfuI peifoinances. al-
leis oflen nenlaIIy ieheaise eveiy pilchei lhey viII face, ievieving
hov a pailicuIai pilchei lhiev lo lhen in lhe pasl. And pilcheis
do lhe sane vilh opposing lalleis.
I once iead lhal Nancy Keiiigan, OIynpic nedaIisl in !guie
skaling, venl lhiough a line vhen she had lioulIe vilh hei pei-
foinance. She nevei piacliced peifeclIy, she vouId aIvays Ieave
oul sone pail vhenevei she piacliced hei sequence. Mayle a spin
oi a nove. She nevei nanaged lo skale lhiough an enliie pio-
gian. Aflei she legan voiking vilh a nev spoils psychoIogisl
consuIlanl, vho heIped hei voik lhiough hei issues of hoIding
lack, Keiiigan no Iongei Iel heiseIf skip anylhing in piaclice and
hei peifoinance inpioved dianalicaIIy.
Sone of you nay aIso ienenlei lhe sloiy of CoIoneI Ceoige
HaII, an Aneiican !ghlei piIol, shol dovn in Vielnan in 1965. The
"iei spenl seven yeais as a IOW in a Noilh Vielnanese piison,
nuch of lhe line in soIilaiy con!nenenl. He kepl his sanily ly
pacing lhe "ooi of his liny ceII and visuaIizing lhal he vas pIaying
a iound of goIf eveiy day.
efoie lhe vai, HaII had leen a 4-handicap goIfei~neaning
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 211
212 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
he shol aloul 76 on a 72 pai goIf couise. Duiing his inpiison-
nenl, he iepIayed eveiy goIf couise he had evei seen ovei and
ovei again using his visuaIizing capaliIily. He used his sense of
sighl, sound, sneII, louch, and lasle in as vivid inaginaiy delaiI
as he couId conjuie. One veek aflei his ieIease fion piison, and
lack in lhe Uniled Slales, lhe coIoneI pIayed a iound in lhe Nev
OiIeans Open goIf louinanenl. He hadnl pIayed in seven yeais.
He shol a 76, foui ovei pai!
Quile an anazing exanpIe of hov nenlaI aclivily acluaIIy
vas enough lo nainlain a high IeveI of skiII vilhoul evei having
lo pick up a cIul. I heaid lhis sloiy in 199O and il ienains a con-
vincing ienindei of hov poveifuI lhe nind acluaIIy is.
<DT:!:JD 90< '>9>8<
Ciealivily expeil, Chic Thonpson, in his look, lna| a Grca|
|dca! iefeis lo lhe ideas piesenled ly }oe McMoneagIe, a con-
suIlanl al lhe Slanfoid Reseaich Inslilule vho uses a lechnique
caIIed Lnvision lhe Iuluie.
McMoneagIe asseils lhal lheie is a diiecl Iink lelveen hov ve
see lhe fuluie and hov il viII in facl oc. Lnvisioning lhe fuluie is
a naluiaI aliIily~aII nen and vonen have al Ieasl sone capacily
lo do il. He conpaies lhis aliIily lo pIaying an insliunenl, vhich
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
To nake fuII use of youi nenlaI polenliaI, you nusl !isl lake
inlo accounl youi physioIogic iesponses. A conslanl sliess
node causes inleifeience vilh nuch of lhe opeialion of lhe
highei liain (ceieliaI coilex) vheie lhe inpuIses of ciealivily
oiiginale. Iood is iouled avay lo lhe skeIelaI nuscIes and
exlienilies, inhililing veilaI and piolIen-soIving aclivily as
veII as ciealivily. A caIn-slale physioIogy enhances lIood
"ov lo lhe highei liain and geneiales liain-vave synchiony
lhal liansIales inlo noie ciealive lhinking.
sone can naslei as a viiluoso and olheis can laieIy nake squeak.
The degiee of success is deleinined ly lhe openness lhal you
vanl lo appIy lo lhe piocess.
In envisioning lhe fuluie, McMoneagIe leIieves lhal ve do in
facl cieale oui ieaIilies |lhiough oui inlenlions, Thonpson cIaii-
!esj and lhe onIy Iinilalions on vhal lhe fuluie nighl le occuis
in oui ovn ninds~|nc oir|np|acc cf |ini|a|icns. Thonpson says,
If so, and even if nol IileiaIIy so, il lehooves lhe peison envi-
sioning lhe fuluie lo piojecl a posilive one and nol lo lIock lhe
viev vilh unnecessaiy assunplions.
Looking ahead, oi in lhis case inagining ancad, is anolhei gieal
nelhod foi achieving success.
Aflei allending Thonpsons seninais in ciealivily, nev-
pioducl-deveIopnenl nanageis al AppIe loId hin lhal his
envision-lhe-fuluie appioach lo idea-naking had voiked Iike a
They iecounled lhal, afleivaids in lheii ovn pIanning neel-
ings, lhey used lhe envision-lhe-fuluie appioach, lhey envisioned
vhal lhe indusliy vouId le Iike, vhal consuneis vouId le
denanding, vhal lhe conpelilion vouId le doing. This envi-
sioning cIeaied lhe palh foi lhen lo see lheii ioIe in lhe indusliys
fuluie. They veie lhen alIe lo voik lackvaids slep-ly-slep lo
acconpIish lheii goaIs.
Chic Thonpson sunnaiized, y iefianing lheii piolIen oi
goaI, lhe AppIe execs gained a peispeclive unIike any lhey vouId
noinaIIy have had.
CIeaiIy, lhis is a lechnique foi lusiness as veII as foi oui pei-
sonaI Iives.
!:GJD7 <DT:!:JD<L 90< '>9>8<
I !isl nel Sinona aciu in 2OO4 al lhe CIuj Chanlei of Con-
neice in Ronania, vheie I vas piesenling on hov lo lecone a
IiofessionaI Hunan eing. Aflei ny piesenlalion, seveiaI peopIe
cane up lo laIk vilh ne. Sinona vas one of lhen. She inlioduced
heiseIf lo ne, and aflei leIIing ne hov inspiied she vas ly ny
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 213
214 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
voikshop, handed ne sone squaie slickeis vilh lhe voids e
Happy. Then she legan exciledIy leIIing ne aloul vhal inspiies
hei~lhe Kindeigailen she had leen voiking on foi lhe pasl len
yeais. Il vas caIIed lhe Happy Kids Kindeigailen.
Sinonas ain vas lo change educalion in hei counliy, vhich
had leen Iiving undei Connunisl iegine foi noie lhan 5O yeais.
Hei sloiy legan in 1989 aflei lhe Ronanian RevoIulion.
Sinona, lhen a high-schooI lechnoIogy leachei, aIso desiied lo
liing happiness lo chiIdien. Al lhe line, lheie veie no sofl loys
in Ronania so she ciealed a leddy-leai conpany, vilh lhe inlen-
lion of using lhe noney lo open a kindeigailen. One yeai Ialei,
vilh hei pio!l of 1OO DLM (aloul $7O U.S.), she opened Happy
Kids Kindeigailen. She chose lhis nane lecause she leIieved
vhen chiIdien feeI Ioved and secuie, lhey aie happy, lhey Ieain
noie, and lhey lecone pioduclive nenleis of sociely. IniliaIIy,
lhe kindeigailen vas housed in one of lhe lvo ledioons in lhe
acius apailnenl and lecane pail of lhe faniIys eveiyday Iife.
Sinona ian lhe schooI heiseIf, she had 12 sludenls. As noie fani-
Iies heaid aloul lhis happy pIace, noie sludenls enioIIed in lhe
kindeigailen. Sinona hiied addilionaI slaff and noved Happy
Kids inlo a ienled apailnenl. Il vas oflen a sliuggIe lul she kepl
on vilh goaI of ciealing a Iegilnale schooI vilh a happy Ieaining
Sinona and hei husland, Di. Dan aciu, pushed lhiough
noie doois ly eslalIishing Happy Kids Ioundalion. Thiough
lhis foundalion, lhey veie alIe lo ieceive !nanciaI suppoil fion
individuaI sponsois and inslilulions alioad. y 1998, lhey had
accunuIaled enough noney lo slail consliuclion on lheii ovn
luiIding lo house Happy Kids~lhe veiy !isl kindeigailen luiIl
in Ronania aflei lhe RevoIulion.
Theii haid voik conlinued lo pay off in lhe nexl yeais, vhen
lhey acconpIished in 2OOO lheii vision of luiIding lhe Happy
Kids piinaiy schooI, and foui yeais Ialei lhe secondaiy schooIs.
This is vhen I nel Sinona al lhe CIuj Chanlei of Conneice.
}in, I vouId le honoied if you vouId cone visil ny schooI.
The chiIdien have nevei nel an Aneiican. IIease cone say 'heIIo
and say sone voids lo lhen in LngIish.
I venl lhe nexl day. Il vas gieal. The kids, aloul 1OO of lhen,
veie happy and veII lehaved. ul lhe schooI luiIding vas
snaII, jusl a fev ioons.
WhiIe I vas lheie, Sinona decIaied lhal she had acconpIished
hei diean of offeiing Ronanian chiIdien lhe ocs| schooI. Hov-
evei, she had loId ne lefoie lhal hei ain vas lo change lhe edu-
calion syslen in Ronania and, Iooking aiound, I lhoughl she
vouId have lo push fuilhei lhan lhese nodesl acconnodalions.
She nusl expand hei vision even noie. Iiisl of aII, she needed a
Iaigei luiIding: Youie dieaning loo snaII, I loId hei. Diean
Sinonas eyes giev Iaige. She Ialei expIained lo ne lhal she
had lhoughl of lhis pIace aIieady as huge. Hovevei, al lhe sane
line, she had leen lhinking aloul vhelhei lo go fuilhei oi slop
heie. She loId ne lhal ny voids foIIoved hei foi nany days.
Iasl-foivaid lo 2O1O al anolhei of ny CIuj voikshops. I
ieceived an e-naiI fion Sinona, asking ne lo cone see hei nev
schooI. So, lhe day aflei ny piesenlalion, I foIIoved hei and hei
son lo hei schooI. When ve aiiived, I sav a leaulifuI, expansive,
!ve-sloiy luiIding. We gol oul of lhe cai and I asked hei, Hov
nany ioons in lhis luiIding aie youis`
She luined lo ne and excIained, }in, lhis is ny nev schooI!
My jav diopped. Wail a ninule. Tnc unc|c oui|ding`
She sniIed, Yes. The vhoIe luiIding.
I vas dunlsliuck ly vhal she had leen alIe lo acconpIish.
The schooI luiIding vas nodein and veiy inpiessive. She lians-
Ialed vhal lhe lannei oulside lhe schooI piocIained: Inleina-
lionaI SchooI of CIuj, SchooI of lhe Yeai in Ronania. I slood
She Iooked al ne, Do you ienenlei leIIing ne lo diean lig
and daiing ne lo do noie` Thals vhal I did!
She shoved ne aiound lhe luiIding. The cIassioons veie
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 215
216 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
coIoifuIIy painled and veII equipped vilh conpuleis and nodein
lechnoIogy. The slaff of 42 incIuded Sinona and hei daughlei.
Theie veie aloul 3OO sludenls enioIIed, lolh Ronanians and
sludenls fion inleinalionaI faniIies. Sone of lhe Ronanian slu-
denls cane fion disadvanlaged lackgiounds oi veie oiphans,
lene!ling fion schoIaiships. I vas enlianced ly aII lhe liighl,
happy faces.
I congialuIaled Sinona on hei najoi acconpIishnenls~lhal
of lhe luiIding and of lhe avaid!
Sinona lhinks I inspiied hei, lul as aIvays in lhe end shes
lhe one vho inspiies ne! Shes iunning lhe scncc| cf |nc qcar in
Ronania and changing educalion in hei counliy. Whal an inspi-
58<7K FJJ!<;FJ5!9<8 !9BF<
Many peopIe Iike lo slay safe and secuie in lhe con!nes of
lheii assuned Iinilalions, even lhough, Iike a Iolsleis sheII, il can
pinch and huil and slop lhe giovlh piocess. Olheis, Iike Sinona,
aie noie vaIianl. They push againsl lhe sheIIs of Iife, even if il
huils lo lieak Ioose and even if lhey canl aIvays quile see cIeaiIy
leyond lhe sheII.
A Iolsleis sheII is in"exilIe and iigid. The Iolslei giovs lul
lhe sheII does nol. Theiefoie, lhe onIy vay foi a Iolslei lo deveIop
is lo lieak oul of ils sheII. Aflei shedding ils oulgiovn sheII lhe
Iolslei vails vuIneialIy, unpiolecled, foi ils nev, Iaigei sheII lo
giov. The Iolslei cannol allain ils fuII giovlh polenliaI vilhoul
laking iisks.
Do you see vheie In going vilh lhis` Aie qcu piepaied lo
shed youi oId, unconfoilalIe sheII` Aie you piepaied lo Iie vuI-
neialIy vailing foi youi nev sheII lo giov`
Il can acluaIIy huil lo lake a chance, lieak oul, and giov. The
Iolslei is piogianned lo do il. Naluie has piedeslined lhis ciusla-
cean. We aie nol piogianned lhal vay. Hunan leings aie given
lhe povei of choice. We nusl voIunlaiiIy lake a iisk and even
lecone vuIneialIe foi a vhiIe, unliI ve giov anolhei sheII and
lhe piocess slails aII ovei again. Does lhis sound Iike a piocess
ve iepeal nany lines lhioughoul oui Iives` Lach line ve have
lo choose lo go leyond oui loundaiies, oui Iinilalions. ieaking
oul and laking iisks aie ieaIIy pail of Iife. If ve didnl lake lhe iisk
of saying oi doing sonelhing viong, ciealivily vouId nol exisl.
I agiee vilh lhe Ielei Diuckei, vho viole, To liy lo eIininale
iisk in lusiness enleipiise is fuliIe . Lven lhe allenpl lo nini-
nize lhen . can onIy iesuIl in lhe giealesl iisk of aII: iigidily.
90< 908<< 8%W 8<F7]Q 8<0<78!<Q 8:!K
Risk-laking is lhe leginning of ieaI peisonaI giovlh. I had
leen a sludenl !nanciaI-aid advisoi al lhe Univeisily of Akion foi
jusl a fev nonlhs vhen ol Laison, ny loss and nenloi, asked
ne lo speak al coIIege nighls al IocaI high schooIs. Though I vas
jusl a 22-yeai-oId iookie and a fev veeks inlo ny jol, he sav
sone polenliaI in ne lo speak in fionl of naluie aduIls. I, hov-
evei, did nol yel see lhis polenliaI and, lhough il loosled ny ego,
I vas veiy neivous.
I nov had lo go oul lo speak lo aduIls~lo paienls! I had lo
piepaie a piesenlalion on !nanciaI aid and adnissions. So, lefoie
pioviding ny guidance, I venl ovei lo lhe adnissions of!ce lo
gel sone guidance nyseIf. I spoke vilh ny loss and seveiaI slaff
nenleis. I lecane lhoioughIy educaled aloul !nanciaI aid and
lhe adnissions piocess.
The !isl coIIege nighl vas heId al a high-schooI gyn. I opened
lhe dooi, sav vhal seened Iike !ve-hundied peopIe in lhe
lIeacheis~il nighl have leen one-hundied~vailing foi ne. I
spooked, shul lhe dooi, and highlaiIed il lack lo ny cai. I vas
shaking in ny lools. I lhoughl lo nyseIf, Tncsc arc adu||s, and |n
a |id. lna| arc |ncq gcing |c |carn frcn nc?
I had lo puII nyseIf logelhei. I psyched nyseIf up ly lhinking
of lhe !isl vaisily foollaII gane I pIayed in. Lined up on lhe !eId
vilh ny leannales, I vas lense and feIl veak. The iefeiee lIev
his vhislIe, lhe foollaII vas kicked, and lhen ny lullei"ies "ev
avay. Sonevhal foili!ed ly lhis nenoiy, I lecane noie ieIaxed,
I headed lack, vaIked lhiough lhe gyn dooi as con!denlIy as I
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 217
218 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
couId acl, and kicked off ny speaking. My knees veie sliII shaking
and I vas peispiiing as if I had leen pIaying lhal foollaII gane,
lul I kepl going.
Aflei ny lvenly-ninule spieI, il vas line lo lake queslions.
I quickIy ieaIized lhal I~lhe kid~knev noie lhan lhese aduIls
did aloul lhis one suljecl: !nanciaI aid. I lecane noie confoil-
alIe and con!denl slanding in fionl of lhen.
My confoil and con!dence luiIl vilh each and eveiy slinl. I
lecane Iess sliessed, and soon I legan enjoying lhose Wednesday
coIIege nighls. I didnl knov il al lhe line, lul lhis vas lhe Iaunch
of ny pulIic-speaking caieei. Mi. Laison had noliced lhal I had
lhe polenliaI lo le a good speakei, and lhis Ied ne lo see ny ovn
polenliaI as veII.
Those !isl piesenlalions I gave veie ny lieaking oul of ny
snaII Iolslei sheII. I conlinued lo giov as I vas asked lo speak lo
Iaigei audiences. LillIe did I knov lhen lhal one day I vouId le
inviled lo give a keynole speech. Civing ny !isl keynole addiess,
Iike lhe Iolslei, I vas iequiied lo lieak lhiough ny nexl caieei
I had lo ieaIIy slep up as a speakei. And I vas appiehensive.
LaiIy on, I slailed lo piepaie foi ny speaking appeaiances ly
uliIizing lhiee lechniques: ieIaxing, ieheaising, and iisk-laking.
I conlinued lo use lhis sane appioach nany yeais Ialei vhen I
piepaied nyseIf foi lhal !isl keynole addiess.
The selling vas an inleinalionaI confeience in HeideIleig,
Ceinany. I ienenlei gelling nyseIf in a ieIaxed nood and Iel-
ling lhe ideas "ov foi lhe conlenl of ny piesenlalion, and lhen
ieheaising, ieheaising, and ieheaising. I envisioned hov I vouId
inleiacl vilh lhe audience and hov lhe audience vouId ieacl lo
ne. Ieihaps Ieaining fion Doug Hennings jukelox expeiience,
I even venl inlo lhe neeling haII lefoie lhe session, I envisioned
enleiing lhe ioon, slanding in lhe fionl, vaIking up lhe aisIe
lovaid lhe lack of lhe haII a fev lines, hov I vouId gel ny sul-
jecls foi lhe nuscIe lesl, and hov lhe suljecls vouId access lhe
slage. I vained up lhe ioon vilh ny lhoughls Iong lefoie lhe
session evei opened. Which I sliII do loday!
My piesenlalion vas a gieal success, if I nay say so nyseIf!
Thal one laIk eained ne iepeal invilalions lack lo Ceinany, and
il advanced ny caieei lo lhe nexl IeveI of success. Since lhal line,
Ive done scoies of keynoles.
Lven lhough you nay have sone jilleis lhioughoul, I !nd
lhal il is inpoilanl lo !nd a vay lo ieIax youiseIf so lhe ciealive
juices "ov, and lhen ieheaise lhoioughIy lefoie you lake lhe iisk.
ReheaisaI piepaies you foi lhe loIdness necessaiy lo lake lhe iisk.
Iiaclice yieIds con!dence. Nol engaging in nenlaI ieheaisaI is lhe
equivaIenl, in alhIelic leins, of nol having a pie-gane vain-up.
You nusl vain up youi nind Iike a laselaII pilchei vains up
his ain, oi Iike a nusician vains up vilh an insliunenl lefoie
a peifoinance. MenlaI acuily is nol shaip vilhoul physicaI and
nenlaI exeicise. You have lo exeicise lhe nind, and you aIso nusl
exeicise lhe lody.
IeisonaIIy, I have found lhal lolh nenlaI and physicaI exei-
cise give ne a sense of seIf-esleen, slienglh, and a loIdness lo do
lhings I nay nol feeI capalIe of doing. III le laIking noie aloul
physicaI condilioning Ialei on, lecause lhis loo is pail of oveiaII
exceIIence and nusleiing lhe slanina and eneigy lo leconing a
I once iead a pielly slailIing slalislic: noie lhan 75 peicenl
of lhe popuIalion have a feai of pulIic speaking. Il is lhe Ieading
feai. Nunlei six on lhe Iisl vas dying. Doesnl il seen sliange
lhal noie peopIe vouId ialhei le dead lhan speak in pulIic` They
vouId ialhei le Iying in lhe cof!n lhan deIiveiing lhe euIogy!
If you have a feai of speaking, join Toaslnasleis! Theie is suie
lo le a IocaI chaplei in youi aiea. This nay le lhe singIe-nosl
inpoilanl ieconnendalion I give you in lhis look. I have donaled
ny line, and given laIks, on nany occasions foi lhis gieal oigan-
izalion lhal has chapleis aII ovei lhe voiId. Ive ieconnended
Toaslnasleis lo nany cIienls. Sone oiganizalions Ive voiked
vilh have even eslalIished lheii ovn Toaslnasleis cIuls, such as
lhe allIing iook CIul al lhe HonoIuIu oaid of Walei SuppIy.
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 219
22O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Toaslnasleis is one of lhe lesl Ieadeiship piogians in lhe
voiId. Il aIIovs you lo piaclice lhiee nain eIenenls in lhis Ih
Iesson: ieIax, ieheaise, and iisk-laking~lhe lhiee Rs. IeopIe in
lusiness and in nany olhei !eIds need lo le ciealive enough lo
ciafl lheii ovn speeches, le loId enough lo sland up and speak,
and need lo le open enough lo lake lhe iisk of ieceiving feedlack.
These aie essenliaI skiIIs foi a Ieadei, and Toaslnasleis is a supeil
oiganizalion foi honing lhen. You canl leal lhe vaIue~nenlei-
ship is aloul a hundied doIIais a yeai.
Il is a IialiIily nol lo le a good pulIic speakei, said Waiien
uffell, vho look lhe DaIe Cainegie IulIic Speaking Couise in
1951 and ciedils his Iaunch inlo lhe lusiness voiId aflei having
inpioved his skiIIs as a speakei.
Ihs aie possiliIily lhinkeis. They in"uence lheii success,
happiness, and even lheii heaIlh piofoundIy ly ieheaising
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
We lhink of iisks in leins of having a negalive effecl on heaIlh.
Ieihaps ve canl nake a lIankel slalenenl.
- A suivey of iilish psychoIogisls duiing lhe heighl of WoiId
Wai II, vhen lhe Ceinan Luflvaffe vas lonling LngIand,
concIuded lhal peopIe vilh nenlaI disluilances acluaIIy
shoved ienaikalIe inpiovenenl as a iesuIl of invoIvenenl in
dangeious lasks of !ie!ghling and iescue.
- Lxpeils leIieved lhal lhe heail-allack iale duiing lhe vai
vouId inciease lecause of physioIogicaI sliess. A sludy in
Iiance shoved lhal lhe iale acluaIIy decieased.
- Sludies have Iinked cases of sponlaneous ienission fion
cancei lo inslances vheie palienls slailed aclivilies lolaIIy
foieign lo lheii lenpeianenl lhal invoIved physicaI iisk such
as skydiving, scula diving, and nounlaineeiing. An aclive
innune syslen is essenliaI in iejecling cancei and infeclions
and il can le slinuIaled in lhis vay, (say ieseaicheis) ly iisky,
exhiIaialing lehavioi.
nenlaIIy. They piepaie lo lake iisks lhiough ieheaisaI and lhen
conpIele lhe lask ly foIIoving lhiough. AII lhiee eIenenls~
ieIaxing, ieheaising and iisk-laking~conliilule lo successfuI
caieeis and Iongevily.
LJ>I 97K<! 7 8:!K
In 1975, Doug Hennings nagic caieei vas aloul lo lake
off. The NC leIevision nelvoik needed highei ialings. Doug
needed a leIevision shov. He had done louis, ioadvay, and off-
ioadvay shovs, lul hadnl yel lioken lhiough inlo leIevision.
Nov, he and his lean veie given lhe oppoilunily lo piesenl a
pioposaI lo NC. Doug offeied sone pielly anazing iIIusions lo
lhen, such as vaIking lhiough a vaII, Ievilaling a vonan, and
liansfoining hinseIf inlo a shaik.
Aflei his pilch, one NC execulive said, AII of lhose iIIusions
sound good lul lo ne I lhink any nagician couId do lhen! Can
you leII ne sonelhing you can do lhal no olhei nagician can do`
Doug vas slunned and nonenlaiiIy siIenl. He Iooked oul lhe
vindov, paused, and lhen Iooked lhe execulive iighl in lhe eye
and slaled, III do Houdinis Walei-Toiluie Lscape. No one has
done lhal since Houdinis dealh. Doug vas, of couise, iefeiiing
lo Haiiy Houdini, peihaps lhe giealesl nagician and escapoIo-
gisl of aII line, vho passed avay in 1926.
The NC iepiesenlalive asked, Hov does lhal voik` Whal
do you do`
WeII, lhey handcuff ne, Doug legan. They hang ne ly ny
ankIes upside-dovn in slocks and pul ne in a lank vilh 2OO gaI-
Ions of valei. Iion lhis, I have lo escape vilhin a fev ninules.
The NC guy asked, Is lhal Iife lhiealening`
Whal do you lhink` Of couise! Doug excIained.
The NC execs Iiked lhe ieaI dangei eIenenl. Okay, if you do
aII lhe olhei iIIusions pIus lhis one, veve gol a deaI.
Aflei lhe neeling, eveiyone vaIked oul and gol on lhe eIe-
valoi. As soon as lhe dooi cIosed, one of Dougs lean nenleis
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 221
222 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
spoke up. I didnl knov you knev hov lo do Houdinis valei
loiluie escape.
I donl. Doug slaled.
Lveiyone vas shocked.
ul ve have six nonlhs lo !guie il oul, he added.
TaIk aloul a iisk. This vas lhe liggesl iisk of his caieei. Lven
lhough il vas an iIIusion, Doug sliII had lo Ieain hov lo hoId his
liealh hanging upside-dovn undei valei foi al Ieasl lvo nin-
ules. Ils no easy feal, I can assuie you. To nake a Iong sloiy shoil,
lhe TV speciaI vas a giand success, and Doug puIIed off lhe iIIu-
sion supeilIy. Il ceilainIy ciealed a lig iippIe of vondeinenl and
suipiise in lhe audience. They sav hin hanging upside dovn in
lhe lank fuII of valei. A scieen diopped ovei lhe lank. Aloul lvo
ninules Ialei Doug had niiacuIousIy escaped, slanding oulside
lhe lank in a hooded coslune, axe in hand, ieady lo snash lhe
lank of valei in vhich he vas Iasl seen inneised.
Dougs lig iisk Iaunched a leIevision caieei and a videIy
valched speciaI eveiy yeai aflei lhal foi lhe nexl seven yeais.
ody foIIovs nind is lhe essence of lhis Iesson. To expeiience
lhis on a physicaI IeveI, heie is an exeicise lhal I use in ny Iio-
fessionaI Hunan eing voikshops. IeopIe oflen have an aha
Have a fiiend iead lhe foIIoving aIoud as you peifoin lhe
aclions. Donl slail lhis exeicise unIess you have soneone eIse
iead il lo you. Resisl lhe lenplalion lo iead il and vail foi lhe
Whal peopIe usuaIIy expeiience is lhal lhey go a good fool
oi noie pasl lheii oiiginaI spol. I caII lhis lhe chiiopiaclic nove
lecause lhe lody is nol aIvays ieady lo luin lhal fai.
Whal peopIe usuaIIy expeiience is lhal lhey go a good fool
oi noie pasl lheii oiiginaI spol. I caII lhis lhe chiiopiaclic nove
lecause lhe lody is nol aIvays ieady lo luin lhal fai.
The Iesson: The lody foIIovs lhe nind. If you can see il, you
can achieve il. If you canl see il, you piolalIy vonl achieve il.
So, vhen you say, I canl see nyseIf doing il, aII lhe ceIIs of youi
lody aie eavesdiopping on lhal Ianguage and iesliicl lhenseIves
lo exaclIy vhal you leII lhen. ody foIIovs nind.
The lvo-line, OIynpic-poIe-vauIl goId nedaIisl, ol Rich-
aids, ieaIIy knev vhal he vas laIking aloul vhen he said, Inge-
nuily, pIus couiage, pIus voik, equaIs niiacIes.
Thals vhal lhis Iesson is aII aloul: ingenuily, vhich is caIn-
inspiied ciealivily, lhe couiage lo lake iisks, and haid voik
5*@A&'*//*H%&G2-@ <h$#X2%$
Sland a fev feel in fionl of a vaII, facing lhe vaII. Sland vilh
youi feel "al on lhe "ooi and aloul shouIdei-vidlh apail.
Make suie youi feel aie pIanled Iike iools gioving inlo lhe
"ooi. Raise youi iighl ain and poinl vilh youi index !ngei
lo lhe vaII in fionl of you. Nexl, vilh youi ain acling as a
conpass, sIovIy luin youi lody cIockvise so youi ain legins
lo nove lo youi iighl. Tvisl youi lody as fai as il viII go,
vilhoul noving youi feel. Youi !ngei viII nov le poinling lo
lhe opposile vaII. When you can go no fuilhei, naik lhal spol
nenlaIIy on lhe vaII.
Nov ieluin lo lhe slailing posilion, pul youi ain dovn and
iesl. CIose youi eyes. Wilh youi ninds eye, I vanl you lo see
lhe spol on lhe vaII lhal you veie capalIe of going lo. Nov
visuaIize a spol one-fool leyond lhal spol you veie capalIe of
ieaching on youi !isl liy. Nov open youi eyes, iaise youi iighl
ain, poinl youi index !ngei lo lhe vaII in fionl of you as you
did lefoie and sIovIy luin lo youi iighl again vilhoul noving
youi feel. Keep lhen !inIy pIanled as lefoie. Co lo youi nev
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 223
224 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lhiough piaclice. The iesuIl: You can soai highei lhan anylody,
Iike ol Richaids did.
Reheaising is lhe haid pail. You noliced fion lhis Iasl exei-
cise lhal vhen you nenlaIIy ieheaise, lhe lody foIIovs lhe nind.
Theie is a ieIalionship lelveen lhe nind and lody lhal is pIayed
oul line and line again. In each Iesson, veve seen lhal aII slales
of nind iepioduce lhenseIves in lhe physicaI.
IinaIIy, Ive Ieained fion Iife lhal in oidei lo le idea-pione
and idea-!IIed I have lo le a Ieainei. I iead oi Iislen lo, on aveiage,
a look a veek. I knov lhal Ieaining affecls lhe liain as veII as lhe
lody. Nol onIy does il piovide us vilh iesouices lo soIve piol-
Iens and lo pIan and nake decisions, lul il aIso has an in"uence
on oui vhoIe syslen.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
A }anuaiy 1993, USA Tcdaq ailicIe lilIed: iain Iovei: A case
of 'use il oi Iose il, ly MaiiIyn LIias, suggesls lhal lhe liain
is changed ly educalion and a slinuIaling aduIl Iife. Ils Iike a
nenlaI nuscIe lhal "exes lellei vilh voikouls. This physicaI
change pionoles an even giealei capacily lo Ieain, vhiIe lhose
vho Iead nenlaIIy inaclive Iives, shov signs of evei decieasing
aliIily, scienlisls say. Ils de!nileIy a case of usc i| cr |csc i|!
You have lo slay nenlaIIy aclive lo keep lhal analonicaI edge
you gel fion a coIIege educalion, says ol }acols of lhe UCLA
SchooI of Medicine vho neasuied lhe Ienglh of dendiiles in
lhe liains of 2O deceased aduIls.
Dendiiles aie iool-Iike pails of neuions lhal liing infoinalion
lo liain ceIIs and pionole sophislicaled piocessing. The Iongei
lhe dendiiles, lhe noie infoinalion lhe liain is leIieved capalIe
of ieceiving and undeislanding. Dendiile Ienglhs vaiied up
lo 4O peicenl. Longesl: coIIege educaled peopIe vho veie
nenlaIIy aclive aII lheii Iives al hone and al voik. Shoilesl:
high schooI diopouls, vho veie nenlaIIy unchaIIenged on
and off lhe jol. In lelveen: coIIege educaled vho Ied nenlaIIy
inaclive Iives and Iess educaled vho puisued noie chaIIenges.
OveiaII, lhe dendiiles shiank vilh age, lul a vigoious nenlaI
Iife nininized lhe deciease.
In sunnaiy, I leIieve lhal ve acl on vhal ve lhink aloul. Oui
looIs of ciealion aie lhoughls, voids, and aclions. AII of oui slales
of nind iepioduce lhenseIves in lhe physicaI, !isl ly ciealing
noIecuIes lhal can eilhei le disease- oi heaIlh-pioducing.
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. Life legins al lhe end of youi confoil zone.
~ NeaIe DonaId WaIsch, aulhoi of Ccntcrsa|icns ui|n Gcd
2. Ioilune sides vilh hin vho daies.
~ ViigiI, cIassicaI Ronan poel
3. Oppoilunily dances vilh lhose aIieady on lhe dance
~ H. }ackson iovn, }i., aulhoi of |ifcs |i|||c |ns|ruc|icn
4. AII oui dieans can cone liue, if ve have lhe couiage lo
puisue lhen.
~ WaIl Disney, Aneiican enliepieneui
5. The noie you lhink aloul sonelhing, lhe noie you
alliacl il inlo youi Iife.
6. Iiogiess aIvays invoIves iisk, you canl sleaI second
lase and keep youi fool on !isl.
~ Iiedeiick WiIcox, LngIish foollaII pIayei
7. If anyone eIse is acconpIishing vhal I vanl lo accon-
pIish and I an nol, lhen lhe consliainls aie inleinaI,
nol exleinaI. Ils nol vhals happening oulside you, ils
vhals happening insidc you. A nan caiiies his success
oi faiIuie vilh hin: il is nol dependenl on oulside condi-
~ RaIph WaIdo Tiine, aulhoi of |n Tunc li|n |nc |n!ni|c
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 225
226 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Read lhiee good, ieconnended looks on any lopic. You
viII knov noie aloul lhal lopic lhan nosl of lhe popu-
Ialion, youII lecone pail of lhe ciealive ninoiily. To
lecone conpelilive, lecone addicled lo Ieaining. The Iess
you knov aloul any given lopic, lhe noie feaifuI you aie
of laking lhe iisk of slepping inlo youi disconfoil zone.
Leaining ieduces feai.
2. Menoiize poens, jokes, oi quoles. The exeicise of ienen-
leiing lhen does youi liain good. Reseaicheis have found
lhal nenoiy Ioss is ieveisilIe. A gioup of oIdei sludy pai-
licipanls signi!canlIy incieased lheii iecaII aflei liaining
and piaclice. You can aIso pIay void ganes. We can vain
up oui liains jusl as if ve veie a pilchei vaining up his
ain oi a nusician vaining up lefoie a gig.
3. Walch lhe novie S|and and Dc|itcr, slaiiing Ldvaid }anes
OInos. Il is lhe liue sloiy of |nc pcucr cf cxpcc|a|icn. Veiy
inspiiing. This !In is a nusl-see foi aII leacheis, coaches,
paienls, and nanageis.
4. Lal foods conlaining choIine, vhich loosls lhe liains
eneigy and nenoiy funclions. Such foods aie soy, egg
yoIks, and cooked Iivei.
5. Read 8ui|ding Ycur |ic|d cf Drcans ly Maiy Manin Moi-
iissey. In il she suggesls you ask youiseIf !ve queslions
lo deleinine if youi diean~youi goaI~is lig enough:
Does lhis diean enIiven ne` Does lhis diean aIign vilh
ny coie vaIues` Do I need heIp fion a highei souice lo
nake lhis diean cone liue` WiII lhis diean iequiie ne lo
giov inlo noie of ny liue seIf` WiII lhis diean uIlinaleIy
lIess olheis`
,<98>9k EJD=><8! 0:! '<78!
Meel ny Ronanian fiiend, Ieliulz Iacuiaiu. Ieliu is lased in
uchaiesl and is ny agenl foi Laslein Luiope. Ive knovn Ieliu
foi len yeais nov. And Iasl yeai I vas one of lhe lesl nen in
his vedding, in vhich I vas honoied vilh lhe lilIe of Codfalhei.
Ieliu is a poveifuIIy luiIl, Iaige-fianed alhIele, vho is dealhIy
afiaid of heighls and pulIic speaking. When he !isl inlioduced
ne al piogians, he vas so neivous I couId laieIy heai lhis leai
of a nan, his head vas Ioveied as he iead fion his noles, iaieIy
Iooking up al lhe audience.
Ieliu has laken seveiaI sleps lo face his feai of pulIic speaking.
He eained an advanced degiee in piojecl nanagenenl, vheie he
vas iequiied lo do a Iol of speaking in fionl of a gioup, and he
look pail in Aspen Inslilule Ieadeiship piogians, vheie he had
lo give nany foinaI piesenlalions. The change Ive vilnessed in
Ieliu is ienaikalIe. Nov, vhen he inlioduces ne, he Iooks oul
inlo lhe audience and speaks fieeIy vilhoul noles. }usl iecenlIy,
his lexl lo ne iead: Wish ne Iuck. I an going on a leIevision pio-
gian lo laIk aloul Ieadeiship and oui voikshops in Ronania.
In addilion, he faced his feai of heighls, a feai lhal legan in
chiIdhood. Ieliu couIdnl even sland neai a vindov al eIevalions
highei lhan lhe !isl "ooi. Sone line ago, I asked hin vhen he
vas going lo cone visil ne in lhe Uniled Slales. He, of couise,
doesnl "y. He senl a nessage lhal iead, I viII !x lhe piolIen.
One nonlh Ialei I ieceived an e-naiI fion hin vilh a video of
lvo singIe-engine pIanes in "ighl. One pIane vas video laping lhe
olhei pIane~vhich vas leing "ovn ly Ieliu! Whal an accon-
Hovevei, lhis vasnl vilhoul sliuggIe, Ieliu loId ne Ialei
lhal il vas a hoiiilIe expeiience. In lhe leginning, il vas lhe
voisl len ninules of ny Iife. I had lhe huge feai of dealh and feIl
lhe inninence of leing ciushed!
My couiageous fiiend discoveied lhal il is anazing lo face
youi feai and piove lo youiseIf lhal you can leal youi feaifuI
12 Lesson 4: See YouiseIf on ioadvay 227
228 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
side. Il is Iike a diug, and I have done il vilh nosl of lhe lhings
lhal had a feaifuI inpacl on ne. I have von lhis lallIe.
CongialuIalions lo ny godson, Ieliulz. He is so pioud of his
enoinous feal and deseives lo le.
Chaplei 13
Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal
You VaIue Mosl
| sc dcsirc |c ccnduc| |nc affairs cf |nis adninis|ra|icn |na|,
if a| |nc cnd, uncn | ccnc |c |aq dcun |nc rcins cf pcucr,
| natc |cs| ctcrq c|ncr fricnd cn car|n,
| sna|| natc a| |cas| cnc fricnd |cf|,
and |na| fricnd sna|| oc dcun insidc cf nc.
16lh U.S. Iiesidenl
e veie al lhe Ld SuIIivan Thealei in Nev Yoik Cily and
Doug Henning vas in lhe niddIe of peifoining. His six
nonlhs of pIanning and 16 houis of laping lefoie a Iive audience
veie leing condensed inlo a one-houi TV speciaI, lhe Iasl of his
seiies of eighl foi NC.
Aflei six inlense houis of lhe !isl day of !Ining, Doug vas
conpIeleIy exhausled. He needed iesl, and he decided he vanled
lo lake a lieak lo nedilale. I caulioned hin lhal his decision couId
le a piolIen lecause so nany peopIe voiked vilh us on lhe pio-
duclion, and I ieninded hin lhal eveiy nonenl of lhe day vas
cosling hin noney.
I need lo do il, }in, he said. In no good Iike lhis. You knov
hov nuch lellei III peifoin vilh a coupIe houis of nedilalion
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 229
23O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
and iesl. If I do il, I knov lhe ienaindei of lhe !Ining viII le
supei and I vanl lo le al ny lesl foi ny audience.
As a nedilaloi nyseIf, I undeislood peifeclIy vhal he neanl,
and I venl innedialeIy lo lhe pioducei vho oveisav pioduclion
cosls. He lecane quile sliessed al lhe piospecl of shulling dovn
lhe opeialion and idIing ovei a hundied voikeis. A coupIe of
!nance guys cane ovei and ian sone nunleis and cane up vilh
$25,OOO. I vas shocked! Il vouId peisonaIIy cosl Doug lhal nuch
foi his lieak!
I haled having lo lake lhal lad nevs lo Doug.
His eyes giev vide vhen I loId hin lhe !guie. He paused
foi jusl a fev nonenls lo veigh lhe cosls. He look a liealh and
agieed lhal he vouId le happy lo pay lhal anounl. The cosl on
hinseIf vouId le giealei vilhoul lhe iesl.
To Doug, nolhing vas voilh nissing his nedilalion lecause
he feIl lhal il vas lhe lasis of his success. The !nance guy vas
lolaIIy aslounded.
A IillIe vhiIe Ialei, lhe pioducei cane iunning up and excil-
edIy knocked on lhe diessing ioon dooi. I have lo leII you~
sonelhing niiacuIous jusl happened! When ve loId eveiyone
you needed lo iesl and nedilale and il vouId lake aloul lvo
houis, and you had agieed lo pay lhen foi lhe lieak oul of youi
ovn pockel, lhey had a neeling and decided lo lake a lvo-houi
lieak aIso. Wilhoul pay! Can you leIieve il` They said lhey donl
knov vhal lhis TM lhing is, lul since Doug is lhal connilled lo
il, lhey viII lake a lieak vilhoul pay. They lhink lhal if lhe nedi-
lalion and iesl aie so inpoilanl foi you lhal you aie viIIing lo pay
lhen foi il, lhey aie viIIing lo suppoil you.
When Doug vaIued sonelhing, he did nol conpionise. And
peopIe iespecled hin foi il.
Ils leen noie lhan lvenly yeais since lhen and III nevei
foigel Dougs decision. I Ieained hov inpoilanl il is lo sland foi
vhal you vaIue~and Doug highIy vaIued his peifoinance and
his nedilalion line. He vaIued keeping his nind/lody lalleiy
Donl conpionise youi vaIues, even if il cosls you noney.
)079 LJ BJ> T7F><R
Those eIenenls of Iife ve vaIue nosl lecone oui vaIues.
Whal ve cheiish deleinines vhal ve lhink is iighl oi viong, and
vhal ve do oi donl do. VaIues seive as slandaids foi peisonaI
lehavioi and exanpIes foi lhose vhon ve Iead. They iepiesenl
oui peisonaI lollon Iine. Deciding vhal ve sland foi and nol
conpionising lhese vaIues enalIes us lo lecone lhe peison ve
vanl lo le. This neans hoIding oneseIf accounlalIe. Theiefoie, il
doesnl nallei vho knovs youi vaIues, vhal nalleis is lhal qcu
knov lhen and you iefuse lo conpionise lhen. And vhen you
do, il cieales unsloppalIe seIf-esleen and chaiaclei. Il foins youi
soIid coie. Decide vhal youi coie is and slick vilh il.
Theie is a scene in lhe novie Ci|q S|ic|crs lhal depicls lhe
essence of lhis Iesson peifeclIy. In il, Milch (pIayed ly iIIy
CiyslaI) and his fiiend Ld (pIayed ly iuno Kiily) aie having a
conveisalion in lhe niddIe of a callIe diive. A vonan~lhe onIy
vonan in lhe callIe diive~iides ly on a hoise and Ld nakes a
sexuaI ienaik lhal liiggeis a conveisalion on sex.
Ld poses lhe queslion lo Milch, Whal if you couId have sex
vilh soneone veiy alliaclive and youi vife nevei found oul`
Milch pauses. Ils a lig liap.
Ld conlinues, Look, Iels say a spaceship Iands and lhe nosl
leaulifuI vonan in lhe univeise gels oul and aII she vanls is lo
have sex vilh you, and lhe second ils ovei, she viII "y avay foi
eleinily, no one viII evei knov. Aie you leIIing ne you vouIdnl
do il`
Milch ansveis~and heies lhe lig poinl: No, il vouIdnl
nake il aII iighl if ny vife oi anyone eIse didnl knov. | ucu|d
|ncu i| and | ucu|dn| |i|c nqsc|f.
Renenlei youi Ih Lav #2: Tnc ncs| inpcr|an| rc|a|icnsnip is
|nc cnc qcu natc ui|n qcursc|f.
AcluaIizing lhe seIf, as Aliahan MasIov puls il, is a pio-
cess vhich infuses seIf-esleen vilh indesliucliliIily. And seIf-
esleen, lhe uncondilionaI acceplance in Iiking oi Ioving oneseIf,
is fundanenlaI lo good heaIlh. In shoil, conpionising oui vaIues
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 231
232 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
conpionises oui Iove of seIf. Lov seIf-esleen can cause psy-
choIogicaI and innune-syslen depiession, as veII as diseased
aileiies. Thus, ly conpionising vhal you leIieve in, you nake
youiseIf sick. Ils seIf-salolage and cieales disease in oui ovn
lodies. Moieovei, psychoIogisls say if you do nol Iike youiseIf
you cannol Iike anyone.
Milchs ansvei is a nind/lody vinnei.
If you say you vaIue youi faniIy nosl lul aIvays voik on
veekends, il is nol jusl youi faniIy lhal suffeis. In conpionising
youi vaIues you aie aIso undeinining youiseIf. If you say you
vaIue honesly ovei eveiylhing, yel you Iie aloul piaclicing vhal
you vaIue~you vonl Iike youiseIf.
!97DL >, 'J8 T7F><!
Theie aie a Iol of conpanies luiIl on lhe idea of sociaIIy
iesponsilIe invesling, vheie lolh lhe conpany and lhe giealei
good lene!l.
Ialiicia Aluidene, aulhoi and speakei on piediclions of
hov vaIues and consciousness liansfoin lusiness, indicales in
hei look, Mcga|rcnds 2010, a liend lovaid sociaIIy iesponsilIe
inveslnenls. The foIIoving coipoiale sloiy exenpIi!es a sociaIIy
iesponsilIe conpany.
Ioinei chaiipeison of }ohnson & }ohnson, Roleil Wood
}ohnson, in 1943, penned lhe ciedo vhich lhe conpany sliII uses
lo guide lhen. The ciedo enphasizes lhe iesponsiliIilies lhe
conpany feeIs lovaids vaiious gioups: heaIlh-caie voikeis and
palienls, lheii enpIoyees, lhe connunily, and lhe slockhoIdeis.
ul do lhey Iive lheii ciedo`
The Haivaid usiness SchooI used an enliie case sludy lo
denonsliale hov }&} liansIaled lhis ciedo inlo aclion. They
didnl conpionise vhal lhey vaIued nosl. Theii ciedo vas lhe
lIuepiinl foi lheii iesponse lo lhe liagedy lhal occuiied in 1982.
Seven peopIe died in lhe Chicago aiea aflei laking }&}s
Lxlia Slienglh TyIenoI. The pioducl had leen lanpeied vilh
and vas found lo le Iaced vilh cyanide poison. }&} look svifl
aclion ly innedialeIy ienoving aII TyIenoI capsuIes fion sloies
lhioughoul lhe enliie U.S.~lhe !isl-evei iecaII~al a Ioss of ovei
$1OO niIIion. The conpany alsoiled lhe enliie cosl. This vas
done even lhough lhe dealhs had occuiied onIy in lhe Chicago
aiea. Iuilheinoie, }&} Iaunched a 2,5OO-peison lean lo aIeil lhe
Soon afleivaids, lhe conpany cane oul vilh TyIenoI CeI-
caps, lhe !isl inheienlIy lanpei-pioof capsuIe, and iecapluied
lhe 92 peicenl of capsuIe-segnenl saIes Iosl lo pioducl lanpeiing.
InpIenenling lheii ciedo vas ciilicaI in saving TyIenoI. And ly
ienaining liue lo lheii vaIues }&} nay have aIso ensuied lhe
fuluie of lhe enliie conpany.
}&}s ieaclion had leen guided ly lhe conpanys ciedo. The
lasning|cn Pcs| viole, }&} has succeeded in poiliaying ilseIf lo
lhe pulIic as a conpany viIIing lo do vhals iighl, iegaidIess of
cosl. ul lhe ieaIily is lhal vhal al !isl seened a coslIy defense
of ils vaIues luined oul in lhe end lo le a vise inveslnenl in lhe
fuluie of lhe conpany. AIliuisn can le lhe heaIlhiesl foin of seIf-
)079j! BJ>8 E8<LJR
Doug Henning pul his noney vheie his noulh vas ly naking
nedilalion his highesl piioiily. Milch, fion Ci|q S|ic|crs, nade his
ovn inlegiily his highesl vaIue. And lhe }&} ciedo sel lhe con-
panys conpass. Whal do you vaIue` Whal is nosl inpoilanl lo
you` Whal do you sland foi` Do you have a ciedo`
A ciedo can le youi guiding foice. To heIp you gel cIosei lo
cIaiifying and luiIding youi ciedo, considei and seIecl lhe vaIues
of giealesl inpoilance lo you fion lhe VaIues Chail leIov. Then
piioiilize lhen. YouII legin lo see youi piinaiy focus.
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 233
234 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Advenluie Iane LoyaIly Secuiily
Appiecialion IaniIy line IeopIe Seivice
ChaIIenge Iood IeisonaI
Chaiily IiiendIiness IhysicaI
CIeanIiness Inlegiily Iovei/
Independence Iioduclivily Iuipose
Ciealivily Innei hainony Honesly TiaveI
Lducalion Respecl Recognilion WeaIlh
LnIighlennenl SinpIicily HeaIlh Wisdon
Iailh/ReIigion Love Salisfying jol WoiId peace
Idenlifying youi vaIues and nol conpionising lhen liings
unsloppalIe seIf-esleen. This is a soIid foundalion~lhe coie cii-
leiion~foi good nenlaI and physicaI heaIlh. Whal you viII gIean
fion lhis Iesson is lhal vhen you conpionise vhal you leIieve
in you viII nol Iike youiseIf. You viII legin lo luin againsl youi-
seIf and lhe innune syslen viII legin lo spullei, naking you
vuIneialIe lo lhings you aie nuch lellei off vilhoul.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
The chionic feeIing lhal il is inpossilIe lo inpiove a silualion
oi lo feeI lellei aloul youiseIf ieduces lhe ef!ciency of youi
innune syslen and lhe aliIily lo slave off disease.
!7G><F !9JD<j! E8<LJ
You nighl nol knov youi ciedo and you nighl nol knov
olheis ciedos, lul you can !guie lhen oul fion vhal lhey do.
Since In fion Canlon, lvo of ny fiiends, Maigie Diaz Kinlz
(a feIIov Canlonian you nel lefoie) and iad Iieggei, iecenlIy
senl ne ailicIes aloul a Iegendaiy Canlonian. NoinaIIy, vhal I
heai aloul ny honelovn ieIales lo lhe Iio IoollaII HaII of Iane,
vhich is Iocaled lheie. Hovevei, lhe ailicIe ny fiiends senl ne
vas aloul lhe ceIelialion of a IocaI nan naned . Viidol.
The ceIelialion lioughl 4OO iesidenls logelhei lo laIk aloul
a Mi. Viidol, vho 75 yeais ago viole an ad in lhe Can|cn
Rcpcsi|crq, Canlons nevspapei, duiing lhe hoIidays offeiing heIp
foi faniIies in need. This vas iighl snack in lhe niddIe of lhe
Depiession and faniIies veie de!nileIy in need. Mi. . Viidol
offeied nodesl cash gifls if lhe faniIy vouId do one lhing: viile
a Iellei desciiling lhe chaIIenges lhey veie having and hov lhey
vouId spend lhe gifl of noney. He pionised nol lo divuIge lhe
Iellei-viileis nanes. Hundieds of iesidenls of Canlon ieceived
checks of $5 and $1O lhal Chiislnas.
Hov vas lhis Iegend uncoveied` }ouinaIisl Ted Cup ieceived
an oId suilcase fion his 8O-yeai-oId nolhei. The suilcase had
leIonged lo Teds giandfalhei, SanueI }. Slone. When Ted opened
lhe suilcase, vhich had leen sloied foi sone line, he found lhal
il conlained hundieds of Ielleis and canceIIed checks. Il luins oul
lhal . Viidol vas ieaIIy SanueI }. Slone. Mi. Slone had opened
a speciaI accounl undei lhe nane of . Viidol. He had senl lhe
gifls oul fion lhal accounl, nainlaining his anonynily so lhal no
faniIy vouId feeI shane in asking foi heIp. SanueI Slone vas
}evish and cane fion Ronania, vheie he had sliuggIed vilh
poveily and peiseculion. Aflei coning lo lhe U.S., he opened a
chain of cIolhing sloies and lecane a successfuI lusinessnan.
Tine lo go lack lo lhe ceIelialion. The 4OO peopIe vho
allended veie ieIalives of lhose vho had ieceived lhe checks
aIong vilh lhe onIy ienaining diiecl iecipienl, 9O-yeai-oId HeIen
IaIn. Nol suipiisingIy, eveiyone spoke gIovingIy of SanueI
Slone and his geneiosily. And lhe hope lhal he geneialed in lhe
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 235
236 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
connunily al a line in 1933 vhen il seened lhal lheie vas IillIe
hope. Mi. Slone ciealed such vainlh, gialilude, happiness, and
hope vilhoul anyone even knoving vho had ciealed il.
You can iead nany heailvaining sloiies aloul SanueI Slone
in Ted Cups look, A Sccrc| Gif|. The look incIudes inleivievs
vilh ovei 5OO faniIy nenleis of lhe nany iecipienls of geneious
gifls fion . Viidol.
CoincidenlaIIy, I have a fiiend lack hone in Canlon, vho is
lhe nodein-day veision of Mi. . Viidol. My fiiend~vho I viII
aIso caII Mi. .~has leen an anonynous donoi lo nany peopIe,
foundalions, and causes foi nany yeais and ienains unknovn lo
nany of lhe iecipienls. He spieads gieal piogiess and fuI!IInenl
in lhe connunily Iike Mi. Slone. Though veaIlhy, he conlinued
lo voik foi nany yeais, I once asked hin vhy and his iesponse
vas, I nake noney so lhal I can give il avay! And give il avay
he did! When he soId his conpany, Mi. . unIike nany ovneis,
gave eveiy enpIoyee a geneious lonus. Lven I gol a geneious
check and I vas nol a fuII-line enpIoyee, lul I had seived as a
consuIlanl lo his conpany foi nany yeais.
I an honoied lo heai aloul Mi. Slone and lo counl Mi. as
one of ny deai fiiends.
I have gained nany Iessons aloul vaIues fion lhese lvo gen-
lIenen lul I viII shaie lhe nosl inpoilanl one: Oui ieIalionship
vilh ouiseIves is indeed lhe nosl inpoilanl one ve have. OnIy
lhe nen lhenseIves knev of lheii aclions. They feIl good aloul
lhenseIves and lheii conliilulions vilhoul anyone eIses knovI-
edge. No one had lo knov.
Mi. Slones geneiosily vas an oulslanding vaIue lhal he Iived.
We nay nevei knov lhe exacl ieasons vhy he did vhal he did,
lul ve can deduce vhich vaIues he heId deai. Look lack al lhe
VaIues Chail alove and decide foi youiseIf vhich vaIues guided
his aclions.
90< 7FF&<DEJG,7!!:DI T7F><W 90< 7FJ07 !,:8:9
Have you leen lo Havaii` Il is heaven on eailh! Nol jusl visu-
aIIy lul aIso in ils essence. AIoha is ils essence. AIoha is vhal
nakes lhe deslinalion of Havaii unique. In lhe AIoha slale, AIoha
spiiil is aInosl a slale Iav. Lav nay sound haish, sliong guide-
Iine vouId le cIosei lo lhe liulh. Nalive Havaiians viII leII you
lhal AIoha neans Iove, iespecl, heIIo, goodlye, affeclion,
kindness, neicy, spiiil, sending and ieceiving posilive eneigy,
and Iiving in hainony~so nany posilive vaIues!
AIoha ieninds ne of lhe Indian gieeling, Nanasle, vhich
neans I honoi lhe Gcd lhal is ui|nin qcu. SiniIaiIy, AIoha
is nade up of aIo (neaning in lhe piesence of) and ha
(neaning divine liealh). This Havaiian gieeling ieninds us
lhal ve aie in |nc prcscncc of lhe Ditinc. Do you see vhy Havaii is
ncatcn on car|n`
Once, aflei I piesenled ny IiofessionaI Hunan eing voik-
shop, a genlIenan of Nalive Havaiian descenl cane up lo ne
and handed ne a caid. I vas so inpiessed vilh il lhal Id Iike lo
shaie il vilh you. One side desciiled lhe AIoha spiiil al voik and
lhe olhei, lhe alsence of lhal spiiil. Il shovs a cIeai sequence of
lhinking leing lhe lasis of aclion, aclion leing lhe lasis of halil,
halil lhe lasis of vaIues, vaIues lhe lasis of chaiaclei, and !naIIy,
chaiaclei lhe lasis of desliny.
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 237
238 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
On lhe lack of lhe caid vas a desciiplion of lhe desliny lhal
couId le ciealed ly lhe alsence of vaIue-lased aclion.
Whal a cIeaiIy Iaid oul denonslialion of hov a Iack of vaIue-
lased aclion couId cause unhappiness in ones Iife and, in lhis
case, unhappiness in Havaiis voikpIace! This genlIenan chose
lo lake on lhe nission of ieninding peopIe of lhe consequences of
Iiving oi nol Iiving AIoha.
I an ieninding us lo Iive vilh lhe AIoha spiiil oulside of lhe
slale of Havaii. Spieading AIoha in oui enviionnenl is spieading
vaIue-lased Iiving, oi vhal Ialiicia Aluidene desciiles as sociaI
As I iead lhe caid, I an ieninded of Mahalna Candhis
Kccp qcur |ncugn|s pcsi|itc occausc qcur |ncugn|s occcnc qcur ucrds.
Kccp qcur ucrds pcsi|itc occausc qcur ucrds occcnc qcur ocnaticrs.
Kccp qcur ocnaticrs pcsi|itc occausc qcur ocnaticrs occcnc qcur naoi|s.
Kccp qcur naoi|s pcsi|itc occausc qcur naoi|s occcnc qcur ta|ucs.
Kccp qcur ta|ucs pcsi|itc occausc qcur ta|ucs occcnc qcur dcs|inq.
This is a cIeai desciiplion of hov vaIues nol onIy in"uence oui
Iives lul uIlinaleIy cieale oui Iives.
0J) T7F><! 78< F:T<L :D 07)7::
My voik lakes ne aII ovei lhe voiId and I feeI piiviIeged lo
voik vilh so nany diffeienl peopIes and cuIluies.
Duiing a voikshop al lhe Iaci!c Leadeiship Acadeny in
HonoIuIu one Iiiday afleinoon, I vas unconsciousIy iulling lhe
side of ny jav.
Soneone asked, }in, do you have a piolIen vilh youi jav`
I apoIogized and said, Yes, I do. Tonoiiov In going lo gel
a iool canaI! Anolhei pailicipanl vanled lo knov vhy I didnl
lake a pain nedicalion, and I adnilled, I vouId nol le alIe lo
speak lo you coheienlIy. In veiy sensilive lo any nedicalion and
usuaIIy gel diovsy, especiaIIy fion painkiIIeis, so In going lo
have lo enduie lhis foi lhe iesl of lhe day.
My loolh had slailed huiling lhe pievious day. I caIIed ny
denlisl, Di. Richaid HIisla, lack in Auslin, vhon Id seen eaiIiei
aloul lhe loolh. Di. HIisla con!ined lhal I vas going lo need lhal
iool canaI soonei lhan ve lhoughl.
Wheie aie you` he asked ne.
HonoIuIu I said.
He vas siIenl foi a vhiIe, lhen conlinued, Okay. Ive gol a
luddy neai lheie in Aiea. Hes a iool-canaI speciaIisl. We seived
in lhe niIilaiy logelhei as denlisls and lecane good fiiends. III
give hin a caII.
Whal Iuck lhal Di. HIisla had a denlisl fiiend in Aiea, lhe onIy
cily in lhe Uniled Slales speIIed vilh aII voveIs~il is a veiy snaII
lovn cIose lo HonoIuIu. Di. HIisla caIIed lack and gave ne his
fiiends nane~Di. CIen iven vho vas sliII voiking fuII line
al lhe age of 72. I caIIed Di. iven and sel up an appoinlnenl.
He voiked aiound ny scheduIe and agieed lo see ne on his day
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 239
24O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
off, Saluiday. Thals vheie lhe AIoha legan! Di. iven vas a
veiy nice nan, a gieal denlisl, and he did a fanlaslic jol. He gave
ne anolhei good dose of AIoha vilh his kind sniIe, his caIning
appioach, and his niIilaiy sloiies duiing his line vilh Di. HIisla.
Thal nighl, Saluiday nighl, I vas spending a quiel evening in
ny holeI ioon, Iying in led, valching a novie, iecoveiing fion
lhe iool canaI. I vas neaiIy pain fiee lul nov kind of sloned fion
lhe painkiIIei. SuddenIy I heaid a knock on ny dooi. Il vas unex-
pecled lecause I had lhe Do Nol Disluil sign hung oulside. I
vondeied vho vas knocking on ny dooi al lhis line on a Sal-
uiday nighl. Thiough lhe peephoIe I sav ioon seivice slanding
lheie vilh a cail of food. I opened lhe dooi.
Sii, I have youi neaI!
I vas confused. My neaI` ul I didnl oidei one. In facl, I
canl chev a lhing lecause I jusl gol a iool canaI.
The vailei insisled, WeII, you oideied lhis neaI.
In soiiy, I did nol oidei lhis neaI.
He asked lo use lhe ioon phone. When he gol off he said,
Oh, ils a gifl.
A gifl`
He look lhe Iid off and I vas gieeled ly lhe aiona of spices.
My noulh legan lo valei. I Iooked al lhe sofl lofu and lendei
vegelalIes in lhe soup and lhoughl, Wov, vhal a lieal! I can aclu-
aIIy eal lhis!
The vailei said il vas an anonynous gifl.
My innediale lhoughl vas lhal il vas fion soneone in ny
Iiiday cIass since onIy lhey knev aloul ny loolh. I ian lhiough
lhe Iisl of allendees in ny head and innedialeIy knev il vas }an
Kenp, vhon Id knovn foi a Iong line. I caIIed hei ceII phone
and Iefl a nessage, Did you ly any chance jusl oidei ny dinnei`
She ieluined ny caII on Monday. Yes, she vas ny lenefacloi.
olh Di. iven and }an Kenp denonslialed lhe AIoha spiiil.
Whal can ve Ieain fion }an Kenp` She shoved ne lhal
you donl need a lig, denonslialive, feslive appioach lo nake a
diffeience in peopIes Iives. Ils Iiving vaIues and liealing peopIe
vilh vaIue-lased aclion lhal cieales AIoha. Ils lhe IillIe lhings
lhal nake a lig diffeience~as IillIe as niso soup.
LJ BJ>8 7!!JE:79<! FJT< BJ> 79 )J8KR
Lel ne leII you aloul }an Kenp and hei faniIy. }an vas lhe
Depuly Diiecloi foi lhe Slale of Havaiis Depailnenl of Hunan
Resouices DeveIopnenl vhen I nel hei, and nov she is lhe Chief
Hunan Resouices Of!cei al HonoIuIu oaid of Walei SuppIy.
Hei husland Caiiy is a successfuI and veII-Iiked nanagei in
lhe Alloiney CeneiaIs of!ce. They aie lolh veiy pioud of lheii
daughlei Kanani. }an is liuIy one of lhe nosl exliaoidinaiy
vonen Ive nel.
IeopIe oflen ask ne vho lhe lesl Ieadeis aie in Havaii, since
I have coached nany of lhen, and I aIvays incIude }an in lhe lop
!ve. She is a Iavyei, highIy inleIIigenl, conpIeleIy conpelenl, an
exlieneIy caiing nanagei, and one of lhe nosl hunlIe peopIe
Ive nel. Once, vhiIe consuIling vilh lhe Depailnenl of Hunan
Resouices DeveIopnenl, I adninisleied a feedlack suivey
aIIoving }ans diiecl iepoils lo anonynousIy evaIuale hei as a
nanagei and }ans iesuIls veie fanlaslic. }ans associales Iove hei.
This ieninds ne of lhe novie, A Knign|s Ta|c. In il a peasanl
squiie, WiIIian, pIayed ly Healh Ledgei, nasqueiades as a
knighl so he couId jousl vilh olhei knighls as il vas iIIegaI foi
peasanls lo jousl. He vas an exceIIenl jouslei and von seveiaI
louinanenls. He once conpeled againsl a knighl lo vhon he
deaIl a ciippIing lIov, lul agieed lo a diav ialhei lhan !nish hin
off and dishonoi hin. No one knev lhal lhis nan, vhon he couId
have defealed, vas ieaIIy lhe Iiince of WaIes in disguise. Iasl-
foivaid lo lhe end of lhe novie. Iound oul lo le a neie peasanl,
WiIIian vas inpiisoned in slocks and vas leing iidicuIed ly a
nol. Oul fion lhe nol appeais lhe Iiince of WaIes. He siIences
lhe ciovd and says lo WiIIian, Youi nen Iove you! If I knev
nolhing eIse aloul you, lhal vouId le enough. Lel ne iepay lhe
kindness you once shoved ne. He lhen diavs his svoid and
knighls WiIIian, piocIaining hin Sii WiIIian.
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 241
242 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
WiIIian dianalizes lhe liulh of liue-Iife sloiies lhal shov
us hov conpelenl and caiing Ieadeis Iike }an lhiough hei seIf-
Iess seivice and devolion lo olheis cieales Iove and IoyaIly in lhe
heails of lhose she seives. If I knev nolhing eIse aloul }an Kenp
excepl hov nuch hei peopIe Iove and appieciale hei as a peison
and a nanagei lhal vouId le enough foi ne lo avaid hei a Ih.
0J) T7F><! 78< F:T<L :D :DL:7
I nenlioned lhe use of lhe Hindu gieeling, Nanasle. This
iepiesenls one of lhe cuIluiaI vaIues lhal exisl in India, jusl as
AIoha exisls in Havaii. Nanasle, as I expIained lefoie, neans
honoiing lhal vhich is Cod vilhin you. This gieeling ieninds
Indians of one of lheii uIlinale vaIues as pailicipanls in one of lhe
voiIds oIdesl cuIluies: Honoi olheis as divine leings. Indians
pul lheii hands logelhei as if in a piayei posilion in honoi of lhe
peison lhey aie gieeling. Hov does lhis iespecl and honoi lians-
Iale inlo aclion in eveiyday Indian Iife`
Ive expeiienced lhese vaIues peisonaIIy. Ioi 4O yeais, I have
voiked vilh ny fiiend Cuplaji, vhos fion Haiidvai, India. His
ieaI nane is Chanshyan Das Cupla lul I caII hin Cuplaji as a
sign of iespecl. I considei hin one of ny lesl fiiends aIong vilh
his vife Iien, his son VipuI, and daughlei Nidhi. As eaiIy as lhe
Iale 197Os, I vouId "y lo India foi lusiness oi nedilalion couises,
and he and his vife vouId unfaiIingIy nake an inciedilIe !ve- lo
six-houi liip fion lheii hone in Haiidvai lo lhe aiipoil in DeIhi
lo neel and gieel ne. Al !isl lhey liaveIed ly, leIieve il oi nol,
scoolei, and Ialei lhey cane ly cai.
Lach line, lhey vouId neel ne in lhe vee houis of lhe
noining and Iien vouId le caiiying a slainIess-sleeI canislei in
hand vilh a fieshIy cooked neaI inside. They vouId acconpany
ne lo lhe holeI, laIk lo ne vhiIe I ale, and in sone cases luin
iighl aiound and head lack lo Haiidvai. TaIk aloul a liadilion of
iespecl and honoi~I couIdnl ask foi lellei fiiendship!
On one occasion vhiIe piepaiing lo liaveI lo India on lusi-
ness, I decided lhal I vouId nol Iel lhe Cuplas knov vhen I vas
coning lecause I didnl vanl lo pul lhen oul yel again, I vouId
inslead caII lhen aflei ny aiiivaI. I vas heading foi DeIhi lo voik
on a piojecl vilh ny enpIoyei, vho vas al lhal line Doug Hen-
ning. I didnl even leII Doug ny exacl aiiivaI line.
I aiiived in DeIhi al 4:3O a.n., exlieneIy exhausled and slun-
lIed haIf-asIeep lhiough lhe aiipoil. I appioached lhe aiiivaIs haII
and headed lo lhe laggage caiouseI. I suddenIy heaid soneone
caIIing oul, }inny! I Iooked up and lheie lhey veie! The
Cuplas! Iien donned in hei saii and caiiying hei slainIess-sleeI
food canislei and Cuplaji vilh an incieduIous Iook on his face.
I lIuiled oul, Hov in lhe voiId did you !nd oul I vas coning
and vhal "ighl I vas on`
Cuplaji excIained, I vas iiiilaled and angiy unliI jusl lhis
nonenl vhen ve sav you! He venl on lo desciile lhe pievious
nighl: Iien voke ne fion a deep sIeep and announced, '}in-
nys coning. Hov do you knov lhal` 'I jusl knov, she said.
I loId hei lo go lack lo sIeep. He vouId have caIIed us, hes nol
coning! She insisled, 'No, In going lo cook. So she cooked and
lhe iesl, as lhey say, is hisloiy. I didnl ieaIIy leIieve hei. ul I
shouId lecause she does lhis a Iol. She viII vain ne nol lo do
lusiness vilh lhis oi lhal peison oi sonelhings viong. If I donl
Iislen, lheie is aIvays a piolIen, jusl as she piedicls. Ils aloul
line I slailed Iislening, }inny! She has gieal inluilion. OlviousIy!
You aie heie!
This is a lasle of lhe nagic of India!
Six nonlhs Ialei on anolhei liip lo India, I visiled lhe Cuplas
hone. To acconnodale ne, lhey noved oul of lheii nain led-
ioon and inlo a snaII ioon, giving ne lheii ioon. I piolesled,
No, no, no, lhis is nol good! I canl do lhal!
They iesponded, You nusl. Il vouId le an insuIl nol lo slay
in oui ioon.
Theie I vas in lheii ioon and lhey veie cianned inlo lhe
snaII ioon. TaIk aloul feeIing avkvaid. The nexl noining, I
expiessed lhal I feIl unconfoilalIe and lhal I vouId feeI lellei if
lhey noved lack inlo lheii ioon.
They expIained, In India, ve lieal oui guesls, oui paienls,
and oui leacheis Iike Cod. If you donl Iel us do lhal, ve vouId
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 243
244 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
nol le foIIoving oui Hindu liadilion. We vouId nol le happy.
The Cuplas aie gieal exanpIes of iespecl, Iove, fiiendship,
honoi, and cuIluiaI inlegiily. They have laughl ne hov lo Iive
accoiding lo lhese vaIues. Theii hospilaIily lovaids ne conlinued
even aflei lhey noved lo lhe Uniled Slales. They nov ovn lvo
ieslauianls in a snaII lovn in Iova, and do you lhink lhey evei
aIIov ne lo pay foi ny neaIs vhen In in lovn` No such Iuck!
They lieal ne as a faniIy nenlei.
I lhink ve in lhe Uniled Slales couId Ieain lhese vaIue Iessons
vhen il cones lo oui guesls, oui eIdeis, and oui leacheis. The
essence of Nanasle has "oved inlo hov lhe Cuplas iaised lheii
chiIdien, vho conlinue lo caiiy on sliong vaIues. I Iike lhis Indian
pioveil: The voiId is ny faniIy. And ny Indian fiiends den-
onsliale hov lo cieale lhal ieaIily. The Cuplas and I aie Iifeline
:9 :! J>8 L>9B
In lhe Iale 199Os, I vas voiking in }eddah, Saudi Aialia, an
ancienl coaslaI cily on lhe Red Sea, knovn as lhe galevay lo
Mecca. I had leen hiied ly lhe Iiesidency of CiviI Avialion/
Aiivays Lngineeiing lo conducl a !ve-day Ieadeiship couise
foi lianch nanageis vho ian lhe aiipoils. Lveiy evening, I con-
lined ny daiIy vaIk vilh expIoiing lhe sighls and sounds of lhis
ancienl pIace. On lhe fouilh evening I venl loo fai. The sun vas
selling and I suddenIy ieaIized I vas Iosl!
I legan Iooking foi a laxi lul none vas aiound. I vas deIil-
eialing vhal lo do vhen a cai slopped. The Saudi diivei ioIIed
dovn his vindov and asked in LngIish if I vas Iosl.
I hesilanlIy adnilled, Yes I an.
Wheie aie you going`
The Sheialon }eddah.
IIease gel in, he insliucled, III lake you.
I hesilaled. I vas in a foieign counliy, I vas conpIeleIy Iosl,
and I didnl knov vho lhis vas. We had aIso leen loId lo le veiy
caulious aloul inleiacling vilh sliangeis. I sunnoned aII ny
inluilion lo feeI vhelhei oi nol lo gel in lhe cai. The nan seened
fiiendIy. I gol in lhe cai and ve sped off.
I used lhis chance lo ask lhe nan aloul hinseIf and lhe pIace.
I aIso loId hin hov gialefuI I vas foi lhe iide.
He ansveied sinpIy, You appeaied Iosl.
I had lo Iaugh. I asked vhelhei oi nol lhe holeI vas on lhe
vay lo vheie he vas going.
He iesponded, No, nol ieaIIy, lul III lake you anyvay.
I vas laken alack, Il is so nice of you lo do lhis!
He Iooked ne diieclIy in lhe eye, Ils ny duly! AIIah has pul
you in ny palh so I nusl heIp. Il is ny duly!
I vas inpiessed ly his dedicalion lo his failh. Thank you.
I hope I can iepay lhis good deed soneday foi soneone eIse, I
Thal is youi duly, he insliucled. Then he loId ne a fanous
quole fion Inan AIi: If you see a nan, he is eilhei youi liolhei
in ieIigion oi he is youi liolhei in hunanily.
This nan pul his vaIues inlo piaclice.
7DE:<D9 E:9:<! 9:G<F<!! T7F><!
I lecane aculeIy avaie of lhe conpIexily of lhe IsiaeIi/IaI-
eslinian con"icl vhiIe voiking in }eiusaIen foi an engaging lvo
nonlhs. Lel ne say lhal lhe Iand vhich nakes up IsiaeI and lhe
IaIeslinian Teiiiloiies is nol onIy consideied sacied ly lhiee gieal
ieIigions lul il is aIso one of lhe nosl leaulifuI pieces of ieaI eslale
I have visiled gIolaIIy.
Theie aie foui quaileis in vhal is caIIed oId oi Lasl }eiusaIen,
lhe MosIen, }evish, Chiislian and Ainenian quaileis. I slayed in
a IaIeslinian ovned holeI in lhe MusIin quailei aInosl lhe enliie
lvo nonlhs. I, of couise, nade seveiaI MusIin fiiends lheie.
Hovevei, I aIso vas lheie voiking vilh an IsiaeIi oiganizalion
and had nany }evish fiiends. I Iecluied on lehaIf of lhe IsiaeIi
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 245
246 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lased oiganizalion lo Chiislian IaIeslinians. I aIso lefiiended an
Ainenian faniIy Iiving in lhe Ainenian quailei of }eiusaIen and
vas pIeased lo have seveiaI neaIs al lheii hone. I aIso lecane
acquainled vilh a Coplic piiesl fion Llhiopia. In ny conveisa-
lions vilh aII of ny nev fiiends conceining lhe con"icl I found
lhal each peispeclive vas iionicaIIy lolh conliadicloiy and sinuI-
laneousIy nade peifecl, IogicaI sense. I feIl conpIeleIy confused
and disnayed. Il vas heail-lieaking olseiving !islhand lhe feai
and suffeiing lheie.
Anidsl lhe chaos, confusion and lension, lhough, I found
Ihs lheie jusl as I have in eveiy coinei of lhe voiId. They gave
ne lienendous hope foi lhe iegion.
AIIov ne lo inlioduce IsnaiI Khalil. He and his faniIy Iived
in lhe }enin, one of lhe noie lhan 5O IaIeslinian iefugee canps
spiead lhiough seveiaI loideiing counliies. His faniIy Iived in
lhe canp vilh aloul 12,OOO IaIeslinians oulside lhe cily of }enin.
He had a 13-yeai-oId son naned Ahned. One afleinoon Ahned
asked lo go luy a lie foi lhe ceIelialion of an IsIanic hoIiday lhal
vas pIanned in schooI foi lhe foIIoving day. Ahneds falhei gave
hin peinission lo go. Aflei shopping Ahned ian inlo his fiiends
vho veie pIaying vilh ieaIislicaIIy Iooking, pIaslic guns. He
decided lo pIay vilh lhen.
}enin is Iocaled on lhe loidei of IsiaeI vheie IsiaeIi palioIs aie
lhe noin. The kids veie pIaying vilh lhe loy guns and a palioI
of IsiaeIi soIdieis cane upon lhen. Iion a dislance, lhe soIdieis
sav vhal appeaied lo le a gun. Ahned vas shol. Il vas a hoi-
iilIe nislake. He vas iushed lo Ranlan HospilaI in Haifa, IsiaeI
vheie he died lvenly-foui houis Ialei. His falhei, IsnaiI, in lhe
face of inconpiehensilIe giief and angei decided lhal he had lo
do sonelhing olhei lhan sliike lack in ievenge and conlinue lhe
He decided lhal he couId do sonelhing in lhe diieclion of
peace. The kiIIing had lo slop. He decided lo donale his sons
oigans lo IsiaeIi chiIdien as a peace offeiing. He spoke lo his
faniIy and his Inan aloul his inlenl. He even venl lo lhe ii-
gade of Mailyis, a supposed leiioiisl oiganizalion in }enin, and
aII agieed il vouId le a good gesluie lovaids peace.
Ahneds falhei and nolhei donaled lheii sons oigans and
saved 5 IsiaeIi chiIdien fion lhe age of 7 lhiough 14 and an IsiaeIi
vonan 58 yeais of age.
IsnaiI and his vife nel vilh lhe paienls of lhe chiIdien vhose
Iives veie saved ly lianspIanl opeialions using Ahneds oigans.
As you nighl inagine il vas an exlieneIy enolionaI neeling.
Men, vonen, doclois, nuises and visilois al lhe Schneidei ChiI-
diens MedicaI Cenlei solled. They nel lhe paienls of 12-yeai-
oId Sanah, an IsiaeIi Diuze giiI vho ieceived Ahneds heail.
Iaiiouz Caloua, vhose 5-yeai-oId son Mohannad ieceived one
of Ahneds kidneys. Tovah Levinson of }eiusaIen, lhe nolhei of
3-yeai-oId Menouha vho ieceived Ahneds second kidney.
This anazing faniIy gave Sanah a nev Iife. Yousa, Sanahs
nolhei said, Il is dif!cuIl lo expiess in voids vhals in ny
heail. Tovah Levinson said, We aie ieaIIy gialefuI lo you foi
saving oui daughleis Iife. Cod viII pay you lack foi lhis good
deed. Ahneds paienls iesponded ly saying, ve hope hei
vounds viII heaI soon. We hope lhal she viII voik lo pionole
peace once she giovs up. Ahneds falhei addiessed lhe IsiaeIi
pulIic lhiough a Iellei lhal caIIed on lolh IsiaeIi and IaIeslinians
lo insliII a nev cuIluie in youi chiIdiens ninds.
Theie couId le no giealei sacii!ce foi anyone! This nan is
one of ny heioes. I an nol suie I vouId have leen alIe lo do
vhal he did. He is liuIy a piofessionaI hunan leing. The void
IsIan neans peace and lhey denonslialed lhal fuIIy. I see lhe
ieaI face of IsIan in lhe face of IsnaiI and his vife. IsnaiI said, I
vanl lo cieale a liidge of peace lo IsiaeI. IsnaiI is iighl! UnIess
lhe vaIues of peace, acceplance and loIeiance aie laughl lo lhe
chiIdien of IaIeslinians and IsiaeIis aIike, hov viII lhe hale end`
I aIso vanl lo honoi lvo IsiaeIi doclois I nel. They iepiesenl
lhe ieaI face of }udaisn. They iisk lheii Iives vhiIe voIunleeiing
lheii line. They aie nenleis of an oiganizalion caIIed Ihysicians
foi Hunan Righls-IsiaeI. These lvo doclois, as veII as olhei doc-
lois, nuises and phainacisls iisk lheii Iives eveiy veek. They
enlei lhe IaIeslinian iefugee canps, dangeious foi IsiaeIis, lo
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 247
248 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
seive lhe pooi vho have IillIe oi no nedicaI assislance.
Since lhe 8Os lhe oiganizalion has incIuded lhe MoliIe CIinic
piojecl, consisling of lolh IsiaeIi and IaIeslinian heaIlh piofes-
sionaIs. This piojecls nission is as foIIovs: Thiough consislenl
coIIaloialive voik, lhe noliIe cIinic ains lo seive as a gesluie of
liusl and soIidaiily vilh IaIeslinian palienls and nedicaI piofes-
sionaIs and heIp lo foslei giealei iecognilion foi hunan iighls
vaIues anong lhe IsiaeIi nedicaI connunily vhiIe sensilizing
lhe IsiaeIi pulIic lo lhe need foi IsiaeIi poIicy change vis-a-vis
lhe occupied IaIeslinian leiiiloiy. When lhey enlei lhe occu-
pied leiiiloiies lhe ieaIily is lhal lhey do iisk lheii Iives. Theii
seivice lhough is lheii liidge of peace. Theie is no queslion in ny
nind lhal lhese liave IsiaeIi and IaIeslinian heaIlh caie piofes-
sionaIs aie aIso, aIong vilh lhe Khalils, peifecl exanpIes of vhal
il neans lo le a Ih.
Whal lhey leach us il lhal lhe eneny is nol lhe IsiaeIis oi lhe
IaIeslinians, lhe olslacIe lo peace is conlinuing lhe con"icl ly
insliIIing hale in lhe nexl geneialion lovaids lhe olhei. AcluaIIy,
lhe peopIe vho slailed lhis con"icl died Iong ago. Ioi peace lo
davn lhe idea of peace nusl suppIanl vhal occuiied cenluiies
ago. Nev vaIues nusl le nodeIed foi lhe geneialions lo cone.
The chiIdien nusl le laughl a nev vay of coexisling. Today lhis
is leginning lo occui in sone faniIies and schooIs, lul nol aII.
IsnaiI and lhese IsiaeIi and IaIeslinian heaIlh caie voIunleeis aie
loId pioneeis of lhal change.
To ne lhe vay lo cieale change seens cIeai~il nusl lake
iool in lhe heails and ninds of lhe peopIe. These lvo exanpIes
aie exliaoidinaiy dispIays of foigiveness and conpassion. ul
peihaps il aII legins vilh sinpIe huniIily. When lolh sides aie
ceilain lhey aie alsoIuleIy iighl and lhe olhei side is conpIeleIy
viong, vhal ioon is lheie foi change`
0>G:F:9BW 90< LJG7:D J' K:DI!
On lhe loidei of IsiaeI is lhe Hashenile Kingdon of }oidan.
Il vas aIso lhe hone of a ienaikalIe nan, lhe foinei }oidanian
king, King Hussein I. He passed avay a fev yeais ago lul ienains
a Ih foi ne lo lhis day. His son, lhe cuiienl king, has lig shoes
lo !II.
Duiing his ieign King Hussein vas knovn as lhe falhei of
nodein }oidan. He ciealed an oasis of peace and nodeialion in lhe
MiddIe Lasl. Duiing his 47-yeai ieign he upgiaded lhe slandaid
of Iiving foi his peopIe and pul lhen on lhe palh lovaids deno-
cialic goveinnenl. He vas knovn as a gieal nedialoi of peace
in lhe MiddIe Lasl. He iecognized IsiaeI as a Slale in 1994, }oidan
lecane leconing onIy lhe second Aial slale lo do so. Duiing his
Iong ieign, vhal nade an indeIilIe naik on ne vas nol any of
his giand, poIilicaI achievenenls lul one, sinpIe, peisonaI acl of
On lhe }oidanian-IsiaeIi loidei a liagedy occuiied. A iogue
}oidanian soIdiei shol and kiIIed seven 11yeai oId IsiaeIi giiIs
and injuied nany olheis. They veie on a schooI ouling vilh 4O
olhei sludenls on a scenic oulIook on lhe loidei. IionicaIIy lhe
pIace vheie lhis occuiied is caIIed lhe IsIand of Ieace, a paik,
vhich vas eslalIished as a louiisl pionolion aiea in lhe IsiaeIi-
}oidanian liealy. The king vas so disliaughl lhal he venl lo IsiaeI
lo visil lhe giieving faniIies. In a couiageous acl he kneIl lefoie
lhen and asked foi foigiveness. One of lhe vonen said, I Iooked
in his eyes, he vas aulhenlic, he vas honesl and he vas huil,
vhich heIped ne.
Al lhe line of King Husseins dealh Iiine Minislei Nelan-
yahu had lhis lo say aloul hin and lhis one acl of huniIily. On
lhe peisonaI IeveI lheie vas no one noie giacious, consideiale
and kind, no one noie hospilalIe and geneious, no one noie
capalIe of undeislanding and enpalhy. The peopIe of IsiaeI viII
nevei foigel his visil lo lhe leieaved faniIies of eil Shenesh.
Coning lo ask foigiveness foi a heinous acl of leiioi, he kneIl
lefoie paienls nouining lheii sIain young daughleis, leais in his
eyes, voids of confoil and condoIence on his Iips. Il vas an acl of
giealness of a gieal nan, a nan vho knev vai and giev lo hale
il, a nan vho lasled vioIence and voved lo lanish il. He vas an
aposlIe of good viII, a visionaiy vilh a heaIlhy giasp of lhe ieaI, a
dieanei vilh a lhoiough undeislanding of lhe possilIe, a nan of
in!nile couiage vho ciaved peace vilh aII his souI.
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 249
25O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
HuniIily vas lhe donain of lhis king. I an aslounded ly lhe
in"uence lhis one nan has had on his peopIe, lhe IsiaeIis, lhe
MiddIe Lasl and ne. The vaIues of foigiveness, conpassion and
huniIily have lhe polenliaI lo end ancienl con"icls lul onIy if
each individuaI nakes a decision lo ovn lhen. We have lhe King,
lhe Khalils and Ihysicians foi Hunan Righls-IsiaeI lo leach us.
G<D )0J F:T< 90<:8 T7F><!
Lveiyone knovs lhe nane NeIson MandeIa, lhe anli-apail-
heid aclivisl vho vouId nol conpionise his vaIues and spenl
27 yeais in piison foi his leIiefs. He lecane lhe !isl denociali-
caIIy eIecled piesidenl of Soulh Afiica. MandeIa is an exanpIe
of soneone vho slands up foi vhal he vaIues. SuieIy he ianks
anong lhe nosl inspiiing fieedon !ghleis of nodein lines. To
lhis day, in his 9Os, he conlinues lo liaveI lhe voiId lo inspiie jus-
lice and equaIily.
Mi. MandeIa ieceived nany honois, incIuding lhe NoleI
Ieace Iiize in 1993. His Iife is an inspiialion, one of non-conpio-
nise foi vhal he vaIues nosl: fieedon foi his peopIe. He liuIy
!ls ny desciiplion of a Ih. As piesidenl, he vas IileiaIIy lhe pii-
naiy lene!ciaiy of his voik of liying lo liing fieedon lo Soulh
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Loving oneseIf is fundanenlaI lo good heaIlh. If ve
conpionise vhal ve considei lo le oui vaIues, ve end up nol
Iiking ouiseIves. Oui innune syslen is veakened vhen ve
acl counlei lo oui deepei vaIues and conscience. ChiIdie and
Ciyei, |rcn Cnacs |c Ccncrcncc.
The iisk of Iov seIf-esleen is depiession of lhe innune syslen
and vuIneialiIily lo aileiiaI disease. You can iead noie aloul
lhis in Haiiiel iaikeis look, |c|na| |ctcrs and Pciscncus Pccp|c.
Hcu |c Prc|cc| Ycur Hca||n frcn Rc|a|icnsnips Tna| Ma|c Ycu Sic|.
Afiican peopIe. He peisoni!ed Ih Lav #1: | an |nc !rs| ocnc!-
ciarq cf ctcrq|ning | |nin|, dc, and saq.
y Iiving his vaIues, NeIson MandeIa vas alIe lo inspiie one
of ny lesl luddies in coIIege, Laiiy }enkins, nol lo nenlion lhe
nany olheis he has inspiied. Laiiy }enkins, ny luddy fion lhe
Univeisily of Akion, heId NeIson MandeIa in such high iegaid
lhal he IegaIIy changed his nane lo L. MandeIa }enkins. The nane
MandeIa is on his Iicense pIales. He has aIso asked his son lo give
lhe nane lo his nexl giandson so lhal lhe MandeIa spiiil Iives on.
Il is poveifuI lo see hov a nan can inspiie anolhei nan fion
anolhei conlinenl, acioss lhe ocean, and fion anolhei line.
Al coIIege, Laiiy and I Iived in lhe sane doiniloiy and
pIayed inlianuiaI laskellaII logelhei. I vasnl quile in his Ieague
lhough. He Ialei joined lhe vaisily laskellaII lean and vas one
of lhe schooIs aII-line Ieading scoieis. When his laskellaII jeisey
nunlei vas ieliied, he caIIed ne up lo cone and le vilh hin
duiing lhal honoi. My luddy, L. MandeIa, is a haidvoiking nan
of piincipIe and ly lhe vay, L. MandeIa }enkins vas an AII-Anei-
ican laskellaII pIayei.
}eff, an acquainlance of nine, had a Iong, lhiiving, enjoyalIe
caieei al IM and Iefl lo slail his ovn voodvoiking conpany. As
he Iefl IM, soneone asked hin, Whal aie you going lo luiId`
His iesponse: In going lo luiId a good Iife! Today he is a happy,
successfuI lusiness ovnei enjoying a good Iife. Make decisions
lased on youi vaIues and you viII vaIue youi decisions. - }eff
MilzeI, Ovnei, CieenAvaid Cuslon Woodvoiking, Auslin,
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. Do youi lesl each and eveiy gane and each and eveiy
day. On lhe !eId and off.
~ Doninic agnoIa, ny dad
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 251
252 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
2. The voiId is fuII of peopIe lhal have slopped Iislening
lo lhenseIves oi have Iislened onIy lo lheii neighlois lo
Ieain vhal lhey oughl lo do, hov lhey oughl lo lehave,
and vhal lhe vaIues aie lhey shouId le Iiving foi.
~ }oseph CanpleII, Aneiican nylhoIogisl
3. VaIues piovide peispeclive in lhe lesl of lines and lhe
~ ChaiIes Cai!eId, aulhoi of lhe Pca| Pcrfcrnancc |ri|cgq
4. UnliI you vaIue youiseIf, you vonl vaIue youi line.
UnliI you vaIue youi line, you viII nol do anylhing vilh
~ M. Scoll Ieck, aulhoi of Tnc Rcad |css Tratc|cd
5. As soflvaie diives haidvaie, oui lhoughls diive oui
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Read and incoipoiale Tnc |cur Agrccncn|s ly MigueI Ruiz.
In his look, don MigueI Ruiz heIps uncovei lhose seIf-Iin-
iling leIiefs lhal iol you of happiness and cieale unneces-
saiy suffeiing. ased on ancienl ToIlec visdon, Tnc |cur
Agrccncn|s offeis foui iuIes lo Iive ly lhal can nake youi
Iife iichei.
1) e inpeccalIe vilh youi void.
2) Donl lake anylhing peisonaIIy.
3) Donl nake assunplions.
4) AIvays do youi lesl.
2. Walch lhe novie Rco Rcq, slaiiing Lian Neeson. Il is a
sloiy of inlegiily, honoi, and vaIues. VaIues aie a gifl lo
3. Ioigive youiseIf foi aII nislakes. Ioigive soneone vho did
sonelhing lo you. Ils lhe lesl lhing foi youi physioIogy
and youi ninds capacily. You viII no Iongei have lo caiiy
il in youi nind oi lody.
4. e iesouicefuI. Iiguie oul vhal lo do, hov lo do il, vhal
noie you need lo Ieain lo do, and do il~lefoie leing
asked oi loId.
5. To have naxinun use of youi nind, nake peace of nind
youi highesl piioiily.
My dad, Doninic agnoIa, is a kind and genlIe guy. Ioi
exanpIe, Ive nevei, evei heaid ny falhei use a cuise void. He
is aIso a fanlaslic alhIele and is sliII pIaying siIvei Ieague lase-
laII. Dad luins 85 lhis yeai. He vas an aII-iound, naluiaI alhIele,
a con!denl, laIenled, and veiy conpelilive pIayei. His giealesl
Ioves (lesides ny non) veie laselaII and sofllaII. Off lhe !eId,
he is lashfuI and sofl-spoken. On lhe !eId, he cones aIive.
Dad legan pIaying laII al age lhiileen and he has leen pIaying
nonslop foi 72 yeais. He vas laIenled enough lo pIay piofessionaI
laselaII lul lhe Second WoiId Wai diev hin oul of high schooI
lefoie giadualion al age eighleen. He vas diafled inlo lhe Ainy
and venl lo lhe IhiIippines and }apan in lhe Asia-Iaci!c Thealei
foi lveIve nonlhs.
WhiIe in Asia, aflei lhe }apanese suiiendeied, Dad pIayed
on lhe Ained Ioices aselaII lean foi Ainy. The Ainy had
luIIdozed aieas lo nake !eIds and had pul Iighls up. When he
ieceived his dischaige fion lhe niIilaiy, he vas asked ly an Ainy
coIoneI lo pIay lhiid lase in lhe MiIilaiy WoiId Seiies vhich vas
going lo le heId in Tokyo. He decIined, he decided he vanled lo
go lack lo lhe hone he nissed in Canlon.
Dad vas a conpelenl defensive pIayei and a supeiioi hillei on
offense, allaining a lalling aveiage in lhe nid- lo high-.3OO iange
duiing his enliie caieei. He has leen pIaying in lhe Akion SiIvei
League since he ieliied fion DieloId Safe and Lock Conpany al
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 253
254 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
age 65. In 1984, he vas inducled inlo lhe Analeui Spoils HaII
of Iane in Canlon, Ohio, foi sofllaII, ly lhen he aIieady had 4O
Ieague chanpionships undei his leIl. Dad pIayed in !ve SiIvei
League WoiId Seiies and vas a nenlei of lhe vinning WoiId
Seiies lean in 2OOO.
The highIighl of Dads laselaII caieei cane on ApiiI 6, 2OO2.
On lhis unusuaIIy coId and vindy spiing day in Canlon, ve diove
ny dad lo a liand-nev laselaII !eId lehind Sl. Thonas Aquinas
High SchooI. My dad had no idea vhal vas up. A gioup of fans,
fiiends, and faniIy availed us. We Ied ny dad onlo lhe !eId and
diiecled hin lo Iook lovaids lhe fence. We valched as seveiaI
nen Iifled lhe sign up. Il iead, Doninic A. agnoIa IieId. Teais
cane lo Dads eyes. He vas noved lhal so nany peopIe cane oul
foi hin on such a coId day. (Il vas acluaIIy snoving and eveiyone
had leen caIIed and discouiaged fion allending.) Moie lhan sixly
yeais of pIaying giacefuIIy, conpelenlIy, and hunlIy vas iecog-
nized and honoied.
I had lhe honoi of giving a speech aloul ny dad. Il vas coId
so ny speech vas shoil! I legan ly asking lhe ciovd if lhey
ienenleied lhe HaII of Iane foollaII pIayei vho vas nicknaned
Sveelness lecause of his sveel and giacefuI noves on lhe fool-
laII !eId and lhe quaIilies of giace and dignily off lhe !eId, vhich
he nevei Iosl.
Many yeIIed oul, WaIlei Iaylon!
I yeIIed lack, Thal is coiiecl! I considei ny falhei lhe Sveel-
ness of lhe sofllaII dianond. He is giacefuI and digni!ed on lhe
!eId and hunlIe and unassuning off lhe !eId. Tvo leIiefs Iead
his Iife. The !isl and foienosl is |f qcu arc gcing |c dc anq|ning, dc
i| rign|, una|ctcr i| is. Sonelhing ny liolhei Dean ieninds ne of
aInosl eveiy line ve laIk. And second, Kccp cxcrcising and p|aqing
and qcu ucn| rus| cu|. My dad has Iived lhis: He has done vhal is
iighl, pIayed, and hasnl iusled oul! CongialuIalions, Dad, fion
aII of us!
Lalei lhal nighl, Dads leannales, fiiends, faniIy, fans, and
veII-visheis shoved up al Sl. Thonas High SchooI foi lhe lan-
quel lo honoi ny dad. Dad asked ne lo speak on his lehaIf. To
piepaie foi lhis I asked ny dad vhal his guiding piincipIes veie.
Like nany of you nay le, ny falhei is nol a nan vho vouId sil
and viile in seIf-ie"eclion, lul heie vas an occasion foi hin lo
ailicuIale his leIiefs.
We discussed his success phiIosophy. As he desciiled vhal
vas inpoilanl lo hin, ny liolheis, ny sislei, and I veie laken
lack lo nonenls in oui chiIdhood vheie ve sav oui dad Iive oul
lhese leIiefs.
L.@j% E*-%"2"C"2*-W
L*42-2X 5.6-*/.j% ,#2-X21/$% g*#
7"?/$"2X .-@ F2g$ !CXX$%%
- Theie is no need lo laIk lig, jusl pIay lig.
- Donl lecone depiessed vilh youiseIf vhen you donl
peifoin veII.
- Donl lecone loo inpiessed vilh youiseIf vhen you do
peifoin veII.
- Theie is no piolIen vilh pIaying youi haidesl and lesl
and Iosing. Theie viII aIvays le anolhei gane and anolhei
- Il is aIvays good lo pIay lo vin, lul nevei foigel lo honoi
youi opponenl.
- AIvays do youi lesl. Nevei give up.
- Iiaclice is as inpoilanl as lhe gane ilseIf. e piepaied lo
pIay. Iiaclice is ieheaisaI.
- Renenlei lo nake youi leannales Iook good. Make a Iol
of fanfaie ovei lheii successes and donl nake any ovei
youi ovn.
- AlhIeles donl have lo snoke, diink, use diugs, lake
peifoinance enhanceis, oi use piofanily lo !l in oi achieve
- Renenlei lo liansfei aII of lhe alove lo eveiyday Iife.
Spoils aie a ieheaisaI foi vhoIesone Iiving.
13 Lesson 5: Sland up foi Whal You VaIue Mosl 255
256 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
You ieaIIy nusl sland foi sonelhing oi you viII faII foi any-
lhing! You have a sel of vaIues lhal have fianed youi Iife lhus fai
and have lioughl you lo lhis poinl in youi Iife. Whal aie lhose
vaIues` Iiane youi ovn conslilulion.
Chaplei 14
Lesson 6: If You Donl Knov Wheie
Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp
Hcu can | gc fcruard uncn | dcn| |ncu unicn uaq |n facing?
fion lhe song Hov
oug Hennings signaluie vas his aliIily lo cieale vondei and
enleilain peopIe. Il look Doug sone line lo ieaIize lhal aII
lhe passion he feIl and aII lhe fun he vas having neanl lhal lhis
vas his caIIing. Whal is enleilainnenl` vas lhe queslion Doug
posed lo Mahaiishi Mahesh Yogi as lhey sal logelhei in India, dis-
cussing Iifes gieal queslions. The vise sage iesponded lhal enlei-
lainnenl aIIoved peopIe lo enlei inlo lhe SeIf, lo go leyond lheii
lusy, nundane, lhinking nind. He said lhal you lianscend vhen
a conedian nakes you Iaugh, and you lianscend al lhe heighl
of a nagicaI iIIusion vhen vondei is ciealed. Doug ieaIized lhal
his ieaI nagic vas lhal he liansfoined peopIe, aIIoving lhen lo
expeiience lheii innei seIves, and pulling lhen on lhe palh of seIf-
When Doug vouId nake soneone Ievilale, hed pioduce a
valeifaII spouling fion lhe slage and Iay lhe peison hoiizonlaIIy
on lhe valeifaII. Then hed iaise hei lody up, and lhe valei vouId
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 257
258 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
iise vilh hei. The ninds of lhe vieveis in lhe audience vouId go
inlo high geai liying lo !guie oul lhe angIes. They vouId seaich
foi cIues lo lhe iIIusion. SuieIy sonelhing vas lehind lhe valei-
faII hoIding hei up`
Nexl, Doug vouId slop lhe valei, Ieaving lhe peison "oaling
in nidaii. The inleIIecl venl lo voik again. Theie nusl le iopes
hoIding hei up!
Then Doug vouId lake a hoop, Iighl il on !ie, and pass lhe
hoop conpIeleIy aiound lhe "oaling lody. Righl al lhal nonenl,
vhen lhe hoop venl conpIeleIy aiound lhe lody, lheie vas
novheie eIse foi lhe inleIIecl lo go. Thals lhe nonenl vhen lhe
vievei lianscended and feIl vondei.
Wilh each iIIusion, peopIe lianscended. If you Iooked al lhe
audience, as I oflen did, nany peopIe veie sniIing, in ave, excepl
of couise foi lhose haidcoie skeplics vho iefused lo le enlei-
lained and veie sliII lusy liying lo !guie oul lhe iIIusion.
Doug vouId sonelines say al lhe leginning of lhe peifoi-
nance, These aie iIIusions vilhoul lhe use of liick phologiaphy.
}usl enjoy. His nission vas lo cieale a sense of vondei in lhe
I used lo vail in lhe Iolly lefoie sone of lhe peifoinances
and valch peopIe slieaning in liied fion lheii Iong veek. Then
Id valch lhen Ieave lhe shov, and lheyd le leaning, lheii faces
gIoving. They Iefl having had lhe expeiience of enleilainnenl,
of vondei, of lianscendence, of anq|ning is pcssio|c, and of ave.
Ciealing lhal joy and vondei vas Dougs signaluie. He spenl his
vhoIe Iife focused on lhal goaI.
)0B LJ IJ7F! 7DL L<!9:D79:JD! G799<8R
A iilish fiiend of nine, Dexlei, once ieIaled an expeiience lo
ne lhal viII ansvei lhis queslion. He said, When In spending
line al ny vacalion hone in Counly CIaie, IieIand, I oflen sel
lhal addiess as 'hone on lhe CIS (CIolaI Iosilioning Syslen).
Nol onIy does lhis nake il sinpIei lo navigale lack lo lhe house,
il aIso piovides a sense of cIosuie and sulconsciousIy ieinfoices a
'sense of hone in an unfaniIiai aiea.
Once, lack hone in LngIand, I look sone ieIalives lo lheii
holeI aloul an houi avay. I cIicked Gc Hcnc on ny CIS and
slailed on lhe ioule. Aloul a niIe dovn lhe ioad, I gIanced dovn
al lhe CIS and knev sonelhing vas viong, il vas eslinaling lhe
line lo hone as seveiaI houis. I ieaIized lhen lhal lhe CIS vas
diiecling ne nol lo ny hone in LngIand lul lo ny vacalion hone
in IieIand~via feiiy acioss lhe Iiish Sea! IoilunaleIy foi ne, I Iosl
Iess lhan 5 ninules in lhis deloui.
Selling lhe viong deslinalion oi having no deslinalion al aII
can le coslIy. On lhe CIS, once you sel a deslinalion, lhe saleI-
Iile syslen viII give you feedlack vhen you go off couise. Il, oi
I shouId say snc (lhe voice on ny CIS), says, RecaIcuIaling!
Hovevei, vilhoul a deslinalion she canl leII you vhelhei oi nol
youie going on lhe iighl couise.
In oui Iives, ve sel goaIs and lhen ve eilhei iecognize vhen
ve aie off couise oi lhe unseen foices of Naluie say rcca|cu|a|c
so ve can couise-coiiecl. Wilhoul a goaI lhen, hov couId ve gel
an indicalion lo iecaIcuIale oi couise-coiiecl` We couIdnl even
Ieave oui diivevay vilhoul a deslinalion!
I oflen Iecluie lo AILSLC (Associalion InleinalionaIe des Llu-
dianls en Sciences Lcononiques el ConneiciaIes), a Iaige inlei-
nalionaI sludenl-diiven oiganizalion. The sludenls fiequenlIy
ask ne, Whal if I donl knov vhal I vanl lo do` I donl knov
vhal couises lo lake. My advice aIvays is lo pick lhe lesl goaI
you can iighl nov and slail noving in lhal diieclion. Il nay nol
le lhe uIlinale goaI foi you. No voiiies. You viII !nd sonelhing
noie suilalIe aIong lhe vay ly having a shoil-lein goaI. If you
aie nol noving, you canl !nd sonelhing lellei. CoaIs and desli-
nalions aie inpoilanl. They sel diieclion, a lasis foi feedlack oi
rcca|cu|a|icn, and peifoin lhe lask of lhe loals iuddei.
Yeais ago duiing a visil lo one of lhe of!ces of Canon, Inc., I
Ieained lhe inpoilance of selling up a pIanned slialegy and des-
linalion in lhe lusiness selling. usinesses have vhal is caIIed
slialegic inlenl. This neans lhey nake a slalenenl of inlenlion
foi lheii lusiness. They nay use il foi one oi lvo yeais. Al lhe
Canon of!ce, I sav lhe conpanys slialegic inlenl posled on lhe
vaIIs. Il vas a nission lhal peivaded lhe coipoiale cIinale. When
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 259
26O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lhey slailed a neeling, lhey vouId pul lhis slialegic inlenl al lhe
lop of lhe "ip chail: eal Xeiox. This vas lheii guiding puipose
al lhal line.
Ive pIayed spoils and Ive leen aiound lusiness foi a Iol of
yeais. I undeisland vhal is lehind lhal focus. ul I leIieve lhal
lusinesses, as veII as lhe peopIe vho voik foi lhen, have lo have
sonelhing giealei lo sleei lhen.
Of couise, if you donl knov vhal youi puipose is, no one can
leII you. You have lo !guie il oul youiseIf. I knov nine lecause
Iong ago I !guied oul vhal ny nagic is, hov I can use il in lhe
seivice of olheis lo nake a diffeience in lheii Iives and nine, and
hov I can nake a Iiving fion il.
Lveiyone cones vilh a puipose. Lveiyone cones vilh a nis-
sion. Il is in oui DNA. When you !guie il oul, and lhen fuI!II il,
you feeI good aloul youiseIf. Il nakes you heaIlhy. You voik
lovaid youi deslinalion vilh connilnenl, zesl, and posilivily.
}usl as a iuddei on a ship, ve can diiecl oui eneigies lovaid
success ly eslalIishing oui cuiienl oljeclives (vhich nay change
ovei line and ciicunslances), visions, and peisonaI vaIues as
oui daiIy opeialionaI guide. Keeping lhis Iaigei goaI in nind
pionoles inspiialion and seIf-nolivalion, vhich in luin liings
psychoIogicaI happiness and a sense of veII-leing. This feeIing
pioduces lhe noIecuIes of heaIlh.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Noinan Cousins viole: Hope, puipose, and deleininalion
aie nol neieIy nenlaI slales. They have eIecliochenicaI
conneclions lhal pIay a Iaige pail in lhe voikings of lhe innune
syslen and indeed, in lhe enliie econony of lhe lolaI hunan
oiganisn. In shoil, I Ieained lhal il is nol unscienli!c lo laIk
aloul a lioIogy of hope~oi of any of lhe posilive enolions.
Having a slialegy is lhe conpass lhal guides you lhiough Iife.
IeisonaIIy, I vanl lo inspiie peopIe lo luin vilhin and lecone
IiofessionaI Hunan eings vho aie avakened lo lhe ieaIily of
lheii ovn giealness.
Inagine hov nany ships in ancienl lines veie Iosl al sea
vilhoul a conpass. We need an innei conpass as veII, sonelhing
lo seive as a guide lo caiiy us foi lhe Iong hauI lhal incIudes inevi-
lalIe iough seas.
BJ>8 :DD<8 EJG,7!! I>:L<! BJ>
Shannon Lucid had lhal innei guidance. She knev al a veiy
young age vhal she vanled lo le. In giade schooI in lhe nid-
195Os, she had viillen an essay aloul vanling lo lecone a iockel
scienlisl. Hei leachei loId hei lhal lheie vas no such posilion
noi vouId lheie evei le such a posilion and, if lheie veie such
a lhing, a vonan vouId nol le given lhal kind of a jol anyvay.
Shannon vas undeleiied.
Iasl-foivaid lo 1996. I vas valching a leIevision piogian
vheie an aslionaul vas leing honoied. Il vas Shannon Lucid, lhe
!isl vonan lo ieceive lhe CongiessionaI Space MedaI of Honoi.
OnIy len olheis have ieceived lhis honoi. She had "ovn in space
!ve lines, and heId lhe iecoid foi lhe Iongesl slay in space ly a
vonan. One of hei nissions vas a pioIonged visil aloaid lhe
Russian ieseaich space slalion Mii.
When I luned in, Shannon vas lhanking hei eighlh-giade
leachei. Hei leacheis opinion had onIy nade hei noie delei-
nined. And piove hei leachei viong, she did. She eained a Ih.D.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Cynicisn occuis vhen nission and a sense of puipose
aie nissing. This liiggeis anxiely, Ioss of seIf-esleen, and
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 261
262 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
in liochenisliy and vas seIecled in 1978 lo NASAs aslionaul
coips. Inagine Shannons lhoughl piocess and hov poveifuI hei
focus vas.
Whal do you focus on` Whal do you vanl lo cieale` Hov
vouId you Iike lo seive` Whal lype of nission have you decided
lo le on, heie on Lailh oi nayle~a Ia Shannon~oul in space`
Whal vouId you Iike lo acconpIish` Hov do you vanl lo le
F<< :7EEJE7j! EJG,7!!
WhiIe voiking vilh Doug Henning I had nany vondeifuI
advenluies. One invoIved a TV conneiciaI Doug did foi ChiysIei,
in conneclion vilh lhe conpanys inlioduclion of ils !isl nin-
ivan, lhe Dodge Caiavan. The cai acquiied lhe nicknane of lhe
Magic lagcn lecause Doug inlioduced lhe van in a nagicaI vay.
The ieaI nagic foi ne, hovevei, vas gelling lo knov lhe hisloiy
lehind lhe nagician of ChiysIei~Lee Iacocca, ils lhen CLO.
Iacocca leIIs lhe sloiy aloul hov he Ioved cais fion lhe legin-
ning and vas suie aloul his fuluie in lhe cai lusiness. When he
vas 19 and allending Lehigh Univeisily, he loId his fialeinily
liolheis lhal, ly lhe line he vas 35, he vouId lecone lhe vice
piesidenl of Ioid Moloi Conpany. They asked hin if he lhoughl
he vouId evei le ils piesidenl. IiolalIy nol, he said, lecause a
Ioid faniIy nenlei vouId aIvays iun lhe conpany.
Al 35, Iacocca indeed lecane a veiy successfuI VI al Ioid. y
4O, he lecane piesidenl of lhe Ioid Division, and Ialei lecane
piesidenl of Ioid Moloi Conpany. He vas iighl, lhough, aloul a
Ioid aIvays iunning lhe conpany. In 1978, despile having posled
a $2 liIIion pio!l, Heniy Ioid II and Lee Iacocca decided lhal
Iacocca shouId iesign. The lvo didnl see eye-lo-eye.
Iacocca napped oul his caieei vilh lhe Ioid Conpany dovn
lo lhe delaiI of even nol iunning lhe Ioid Conpany in lhe end.
Iacocca said lhal Ieaving Ioid vas lhe voisl and lhe lesl lhing
lhal evei happened lo hin. Woisl, lecause he had lo Ieave. esl,
lecause il gave hin lhe chance lo nove ovei lo ChiysIei, and
iaise il fion lhe ashes of neai lankiuplcy lo a iolusl conpany.
He inlioduced a Iine of conpacl cais as an ansvei lo lhe oiI ciisis
of lhe 197Os.
He Ialei venl on lo viile leslseIIing looks and slail olhei
lusinesses, incIuding lhe deveIopnenl of lhe L ike, an eIecliic
licycIe lhal you chaige ly pIugging inlo any vaII sockel. The
pio!ls have gone lo dialeles ieseaich. He has aIso leen acliveIy
invoIved in fundiaising lo iefuilish lhe Slalue of Lileily and lo
feed inpoveiished chiIdien aiound lhe voiId.
One of his looks piaises lhe innovalion, eneigy, couiage, and
ciealivily of Aneiicans~peisonaI quaIilies lhal ceilainIy chaiac-
leiized his Iife, inside and oulside of lusiness.
In 2OO7, he Iaunched a velsile inlended lo encouiage open
diaIogue aloul lhe chaIIenges of oui line, such as soaiing heaIlh-
caie cosls and vhy lhe U.S. Iags so fai lehind in deveIoping aIlei-
nalive eneigy souices and hyliid vehicIes. The sile aIso fealuies
Iacoccas look, lncrc Hatc A|| |nc |cadcrs Gcnc?, and aIIovs useis
lo iale piesidenliaI candidales ly lhe quaIilies Iacocca feeIs eveiy
liue Ieadei shouId possess: connon sense, connunicalion, ciea-
livily, conviclion, conpelence, couiage, chaiaclei, chaiisna, cuii-
On his velsile, he nakes lhis insighlfuI connenl: Whal have
I Ieained fion phiIanlhiopy` Thal ils no diffeienl fion lusiness.
To le successfuI you have lo le focused, lo have a pIan and slick
lo il, vilh lhe heIp of a gieal lean.
Lee Iacocca nanned a sliong iuddei lo guide his ship lhiough
Iife. He has Iefl a poveifuI signaluie.
I shaied lhis sloiy aloul Lee Iacocca vilh ny nolhei and
vondeied aIoud, Why didnl I do sonelhing Iike lhal`
She Iaughed and venl dovn inlo lhe lasenenl and ieluined
vilh a snaII lox. Aflei ieninding ne lhal ny favoiile suljecl
in giade schooI vas geogiaphy, she pioceeded lo puII oul sone
naps vhich I had nelicuIousIy diavn vhen I vas in fouilh
giade. Maps of nany, nany counliies. As ve ieninisced on lhese
oId diavings, I ieaIized lhal I did knov vheie I vas going. I had
diavn lhe lIuepiinl and lhen legan lo luiId unknovingIy. I have
nov visiled ovei 8O counliies.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 263
264 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
G70<7F7D: EB,0<8j! EJG,7!!
MaheaIani Cyphei (Denise DeCosla) is one of lhe guaidians
of lhe Nalive Havaiian cuIluie and Iands. MaheaIanis conpass
is noie of a divining iod~Ieading hei lovaids piolecling lhe
AIlhough of nixed ancesliy, she has Nalive Havaiian lIood~
vhich is a iaiily. The nunlei of Nalive Havaiians is eslinaled al
2OO,OOO. And lhe nunlei of Iuie Havaiians is aloul 8,OOO. When
you neel MaheaIani, you viII knov iighl avay lhal she is a pas-
sionale Havaiian and pioud of il. She is lhe cuiienl piesidenl
of lhe 26-nenlei Oahu CounciI of lhe Associalion of Havaiian
Civic CIuls.
My inlioduclion lo MaheaIani vas vhen I sav hei on leI-
evision vhen she vas lhe spokespeison foi lhe oaid of Walei
SuppIy in HonoIuIu. She occupied lhal posilion foi nany yeais
unliI she liansilioned inlo lhe poveifuI posilion of cily cIeik foi
lhe cily of HonoIuIu. Nov ieliied fion fuII-line voik, she pei-
foins hei ieaI, peisonaI nission: pieseiving Havaiian cuIluie,
liadilionaI Havaiian vaIues, and lhe Iand ilseIf. Il isnl as lhough
she jusl iecenlIy slailed lhis nission, she has leen doing lhis hei
enliie Iife. A singIe nolhei vho iaised hei ovn chiIdien as veII as
hei giandchiIdien, vhiIe peifoining as a poveifuI nanagei and
Ieadei in lhe cily and counly as cily cIeik, MaheaIani has leen an
advocale foi pionoling, pieseiving, and peipelualing lhe liadi-
lionaI vaIues lhal dignify, honoi, and iespecl aII Iife, aII of vhich
aie ie"eclive of Nalive Havaiian vaIues. She is !eiceIy IoyaI lo
lhis nission and Ioves hei voik uncondilionaIIy.
Hei fiiend and pailnei in lhis effoil, Rocky KaIuhiva, con-
nenled, We aie nol aclivisls, ve aie advocales. We advocale foi
a sliong, heaIlhy Nalive Havaii. Rocky desciiled MaheaIani as
a peison vho is ieIenlIess in hei puisuil of pieseiving Havaii
and is an aII-incIusive Ieadei vho isnl afiaid lo leII il Iike il is. She
is feaiIess. She doesnl puII any punches. She can le lough vhen
il is iequiied and shovs gieal conpassion vhen needed.
As Rocky desciiled hei lo ne, I vas ieninded of ny voik in
IsiaeI and iecaIIed lhal an IsiaeIi is iefeiied lo as a Salia, oiiginaIIy
in iefeience lo lhe salia fiuil (lhe piickIy peai), vhich is lough on
lhe oulside lul sveel and deIicale on lhe inside. This is a peifecl
desciiplion of MaheaIani.
This loughness and conpassion has seived lhe peopIe veII as
MaheaIani !ghls lo pieseive lhe Iand, ciops, and valei of Havaii.
Rocky iecounled MaheaIanis Ieadeiship in deaIing vilh a
conlioveisy ovei a cilizens pelilion lo oppose lhe luiIding of a
iaiI liansil syslen in HonoIuIu. MaheaIani shoved unshakalIe
peisislence aII lhe vay lo lhe Slale Supiene Couil, vhich agieed
vilh lhe AppeIIale Couil lhal hei inleipielalion of Iav iegaiding
lhe pelilion vas coiiecl.
MaheaIani has peiseveied lhe Iongesl in hei opposilion lo a
najoi highvay piojecl lhal lhiealened lhe iuiaI connunilies on
Windvaid Oahu, on vhich she spenl ovei 3O yeais. She is nov
consideied soneone lo consuIl vilh lefoie nev lianspoilalion
inilialives aie consideied.
Hei Ialesl successfuI venluie vas Ieading lhe effoil lo iesloie
velIands foi lhe pIanling of laio, lhe liadilionaI Havaiian iool
ciop lhal is consideied ly Nalive Havaiians as lhe slaff of Iife.
She has leen con!ined as lhe nevesl nenlei of lhe oaid of
Walei SuppIy ly lhe cily counciI. She voiks lo pieseive anolhei
piecious gifl of Havaii: valei.
MaheaIani is quick lo say lhal she has done nolhing aIone lul
lhal is vhal nakes a good Ieadei. She pailneis vilh olheis and
Ieads veiy effecliveIy.
I adniie hei puiposefuI effoils lo pieseive lhe enviionnenl,
lhe liadilions, lhe peopIe, and lhe AIoha spiiil. She is veiy sliong
vonan vilh a gieal heail and a Iove foi lhe isIand and ils Nalives
lhal is unsuipassed. Hei Iove foi lhis voik is langilIe and inne-
dialeIy appaienl.
I considei hei as one of lhe lop !ve Ieadeis lhal I have voiked
vilh in Havaii. MaheaIani is a Ieainei and a doei. Ovei a len-
yeai peiiod she pailicipaled in jusl aloul aII of lhe Ieadeiship
and nanagenenl couises I Ied. She aIso senl aII of hei nanageis
lhiough lhe liainings.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 265
266 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
When she lecane lhe cily cIeik, she hiied ne lo do a seiies of
voikshops foi hei slaff. WhiIe aII of hei slaff allended lhese ses-
sions, MaheaIani look on lhe ioIes of ieceplionisl, of!ce nanagei,
gieelei, and viiluaIIy ian lhe enliie of!ce. She oideied us Iunch
and, vhen il aiiived, she seived il. She is a gieal exanpIe of a
seivanl Ieadei, vhiIe she is pieseiving lhe spiiil of AIoha
As a Ih heiseIf, she honoied ny IiofessionaI Hunan eing
voikshop ly saying lhe foIIoving al lhe end of lhe couise.
econing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing is oui Iifes jouiney
lovaid pono, lhe Nalive Havaiian lein neaning 'Thal peifecl
laIance vilhin ouiseIves and lelveen each olhei and aII aiound
BJ>8 <GJ9:JD7F !:ID79>8<
A fev yeais ago I venl vilh ny vife Sais lo Tiinidad lo allend
a faniIy ieunion. Tiinidad and Tolago is a Caiillean isIand
nalion jusl off lhe coasl of VenezueIa. This is vheie caIypso, lhe
Iinlo, and sleeI-pan nusic oiiginaled. Tiinidad, lhe liggei isIand,
feeIs Iike India lo ne lecause so nany Indians Iive lheie, and lhe
sighls, sounds, and sneIIs have a ieaI Indian "avoi. ul lhe lack-
giound of ihylhn, lhe Iush foIiage, and lhe nosaic of peopIe aie
dislinclIy Caiillean.
The ieunion vas an aII-day ceIelialion. Many cane alliied in
liadilionaI Indian cIolhes~nen in kuilas and vonen in saiis. The
day vas veII oiganized and as guesls aiiived lhey veie handed a
liochuie. Iiinled al lhe lop of lhe piogian vas lhe Sanskiil void,
dnarcnar, vhich iepiesenled lhe lhene of lhe ieunion. Appeaiing
undei lhal vas ils LngIish liansIalion, |cgacq. The funclion vas
aloul honoiing lhe Iegacy of ny vifes anceslois.
The day legan eaiIy in lhe noining vilh a ieIigious ceienony
honoiing faniIy anceslois. In lhe afleinoon ve galheied al lhe
viIIage lenpIe. The ceIelialion conlinued vilh liadilionaI Indian
dance, piayei and song, a ieviev of lhe faniIy liee oiiginaling
fion lhe !isl lhiee innigianls, gaiIanding of lhe eIdeis of lhe
faniIy, and !naIIy a guesl speakei.
Raviji, a veII-iespecled sociaI aclivisl and good fiiend of lhe
faniIy, vas lhe speakei. He legan his laIk vilh seveiaI de!ni-
lions and expIanalions of lhe Sanskiil lein dnarcnar. The de!ni-
lion lhal inliigued ne nosl vas signa|urc. Il ciyslaIIized lhe liue
neaning of lhe days ceIelialion lul aIso gave ne insighl inlo lhe
ieaI neaning of |cgacq.
IoIIoving Ravijis enIighlening ienaiks ve aII oui nade oui
vay lo lhe Iong lalIes sel up foi oui Tiinidadian lanquel. Whal a
deIighl foi lhe senses! efoie us veie lanana Ieaves heaped vilh
poilions of iice, dhaI, vaiious cuiiied vegelalIes, sanosas, ioli,
chulneys, and desseils. WhiIe ve ale ve veie alIe lo spend sev-
eiaI houis visiling vilh ieIalives and cIose fiiends.
As Sais and I diove hone and pondeied on lhe signi!cance of
lhe day, I found lhal vhal Iingeied in ny nind vas lhe idea of
Iegacy. Whal vas ny Iegacy` Did I have one` Of couise I had one,
lul vas I consciousIy ciealing il`
A peisons Iegacy is his oi hei signaluie, lhe rca| signaluie~
lhe signaluie inpiessed on lhe feeIing IeveI of lhose Iefl lehind.
I caII il lhe cnc|icna| signa|urc, an inpiinl of you Iefl on lhose you
We aII aie in lhe piocess of ciealing a signaluie lhal viII Iasl
aflei ve aie gone, Iike a signaluie on an inpoilanl docunenl lhal
has leen pieseived!
When }ohn Hancock signed lhe DecIaialion of Independence
in 1776, he had no idea lhal his vouId lecone lhe nosl fanous
signaluie. Lven loday, vhen ve vanl soneone lo sign a docu-
nenl, ve say, Iul youi }ohn Hancock on lhis. ul lhis is a
physicaI signaluie. Whal has noie signi!cance is youi enolionaI
signaluie. This is youi Iegacy. A signaluie oi Iegacy is lhe seIf-
de!nilion you viile, oi seIf-poiliail you painl in Iife, lhal you viII
le ienenleied ly. Ils Iike a luiIding lhal slands Iong aflei you
have gone. }usl Iike }ohn Hancock, you aie handviiling youi sig-
naluie on inpoilanl docunenls. Those docunenls aie etcrqcnc
in qcur |ifc!
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 267
268 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
!:ID79>8<! 9079 :D!,:8<
My Iife is ny nessage. These aie lhe veII-knovn voids of
Mahalna Candhi. Whal did Candhi sland foi` Whal signaluie
did he Ieave lehind` We can lhink of seveiaI dinensions of his
Iife~fieedon, Ieadeiship, ievoIulion, inlegiily, couiage, and
peiseveiance. Hovevei, his fundanenlaI Iegacy is non-vioIence.
Though Candhi nevei heId an eIecled of!ce and nevei had any
foinaI aulhoiily, he vas alIe lo use his in"uence and Ieadeiship
lo nanifesl his vision of a fiee India, slanped vilh his signaluie
of fieedon lhiough non-vioIence.
Candhi acconpIished nuch vilh fev possessions and IillIe
noney in his Iife. y conliasl, Andiev Cainegie effecled gieal
advancenenl of sociely lhiough his veaIlh. He enigialed lo lhe
U.S. fion ScolIand vilh an inpoveiished faniIy al age lveIve
and venl on lo lecone lhe eias giealesl indusliiaIisl. Al age 65,
in 19O1, he soId Cainegie SleeI Conpany foi $5OO niIIion lo }. I.
Moigan, vho Ialei foined U.S. SleeI. Cainegie lhen lecane a phi-
Ianlhiopisl, eslalIishing najoi liusls lhal disliiluled noie lhan
$35O niIIion doIIais voilh of his peisonaI foilune. The luIk of il
venl lo coIIeges, univeisilies, and Iiliaiies.
In Cainegies fanous ailicIe, The CospeI of WeaIlh, he
expounds on lhis phiIosophy and piesenls il in lvo conponenls.
The !isl is lo lecone exceplionaI ly using youi naluiaI laIenls
and eneigies foi lhe advancenenl of sociely, lhe second is, having
accunuIaled veaIlh, use lhe suipIus foi lhe inpiovenenl of
nankind in phiIanlhiopic causes. A nan vho dies iich dies dis-
giaced, he leIieved. Cainegie Iived oul his phiIosophy.
Today, his nane is as synonynous vilh indusliiousness and
sociaI iesponsiliIily as non-vioIence is vilh Candhi. These aie lhe
signaluies of lvo gieal nen.
Who has lhe aliIily lo Ieave a Iasling naik` Lveiy nenlei of
an oiganizalion, eveiy faniIy nenlei and eveiy cilizen of eveiy
counliy. You can and viII Ieave a Iegacy.
Who can Ieave a Iegacy~an enolionaI signaluie` Lveiyone
can and does. Why nol nake youis a posilive Iegacy` Why nol
nake il a nenoialIe, inspiiing enolionaI signaluie`
You nay le inspiied ly a nan vho has foi his enliie caieei
focused on lhe posilive Iegacy he vanled lo Ieave.
Ioinei chaiinan of Heinan MiIIei, Inc., a fuiniluie nanu-
facluiing conpany, and aulhoi of seveiaI looks, Max De Iiee,
opeialed vilh a speci!c vision al his conpany lo cieale a voik-
pIace knoving lhal lheie vas a connon good lhal ve veie aII
connecled lo and had a iighl lo.
He acknovIedged lhal eveiyone has diffeienl gifls, and cie-
aled a connunily in vhich ve veie alIe lo soil oul lheii gifls
and assign lasks accoiding lo lhose gifls. His diean vas lo
cieale iesuIls lhal veie quile iich.
Max De Iiee diffeienlialed lelveen slialegic inlenl and lhe
concepl of Iegacy. He de!ned a slialegic pIan as undeislanding
lhe vaIue you piovide lo cusloneis, youi conpelilive slienglhs.
He expIained lhal vhiIe lhis is necessaiy il does nol enconpass
aII lhal is needed lo le a Ieadei, vhals nissing is youi Iegacy.
Leaving a Iegacy is ailicuIaling and liinging lo Iife lhe kind of
oiganizalion oi connunily lhal you vanl lo le a pail of |vhichj
is veiy diffeienl. And is eveiy lil as inpoilanl.
De Iiee cIeaiIy iaised lhe lai foi conpany Iegacies. In a 1997
inleiviev vilh Iiances HesseIlein of |cadcr |c |cadcr ]curna|, he
ailicuIaled his vievs aloul lhe inpoilance of Ieadeiship, foIIov-
eiship, and Iegacy. Heie aie a fev of his key ideas lo considei as
you conlenpIale youi Iegacy:
1. Whal nalleis` Nol jusl iichness as neasuied ly accounl-
anls. Whals noie vaIualIe is lhe connunily: vhal kind
of pIace ve voik in, vhal kind of ieIalionships ve have
vilhin lhe voikpIace, vhal effecl voik has on oui faniIies
ve go hone lo, and vhal effecl lhe faniIy has on lhe voik
ve do.
2. Whal ioIe do olheis pIay` Recognize lhal you need lhe
peopIe in youi Iife and in youi voikpIace. So Iong as a
peison is in youi voik connunily, is a Iegilinale pail of
lhal connunily, shes indispensalIe lo lhe gioup. Then
you have lo voik in such a vay lhal youi ieIalionships
ie"ecl lhal leIief.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 269
27O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
3. Whals lhe poinl` De Iiee aIvays feIl a sense of noiaI
iesponsiliIily lo olheis and liansfeiied lhal sense lo his
conpany. He iefeiied lo lhis as a ied lhiead lhal ian
lhiough eveiylhing lhey veie liying lo do. Il vas a
lhiead of noiaI puipose. In addilion lo eslalIishing and
nuiluiing good ieIalionships, ve liied lo do lhe iighl lhing
in lhe vay ve ieseaiched and deveIoped pioducls.
As ve exanine lhe najoi lenels of his leIief syslen, lhiee
nain lhenes eneige: vaIue lo lhe cuslonei, vaIue of his peopIe,
and lhe conpanys ieIalionship lo lhe giealei good. De Iiee pio-
neeied pio!l shaiing, gain shaiing, voik leans, and olhei pai-
licipaloiy nanagenenl piaclices al Heinan MiIIei. He undei-
slood lhe nechanics of Ieadeiship and ils ieIalionship lo Iegacy.
Leading is lased on foIIoving, foIIoving is lased on ieIalionship,
and ieIalionship is lased on liusl. He lusled lhe nylh lhal highei
nanagenenl is aII-inpoilanl. Inslead he pul lhe focus and allen-
lion lack on vho aie ieaIIy lhe inpoilanl ones: lhe foIIoveis.
In 1997, De Iiee vas honoied vilh lhe Lifeline Achievenenl
Avaid ly lhe usiness Lnleipiise Tiusl in iecognilion of his
effoils lo cieale a lhiiving voik enviionnenl cenleied aiound a
genuine iespecl foi lhe skiIIs and conliilulion of eveiy enpIoyee
al Heinan MiIIei. The avaid acknovIedged his dislincl effoils
lo seive his voikeis and his cusloneis in ciealive and noiaIIy
lhoughlfuI vays.
Il is anazing lo ne hov oflen I heai a success foinuIa iepealed.
In his 1997 look 8usincss|i|c Gctcrnncn|. |csscns |carncd frcn
Ancricas 8cs| Ccnpanics, Vice Iiesidenl AI Coie consuIled vilh
noie lhan 2OO fedeiaI enpIoyees and sone of lhe lop lusiness
Ieadeis. The advice gIeaned fion lhese neelings on hov lo luin
lhe goveinnenl inlo a successfuI lusiness-Iike goveinnenl vas
sunned up in lvo piincipIes: Iocus on cusloneis and Iislen lo
Do you lhink lhe ansvei has leen appIied` Do you lhink lhe
goveinnenl is focused on lhe cuslonei` Whal do you lhink aloul
lhe Iegacy of pasl and piesenl goveinnenls`
I once sav a docunenlaiy on Cavin and }oe MaIoof, lhe
niIIionaiie liolheis and lusinessnen vho ovn lhe Sacianenlo
Kings laskellaII lean and olhei spoils fianchises. When asked
aloul lheii success, lhey said lhal lheii foinuIa cane fion lheii
falhei, vho laughl lhen lo calei lo lheii cusloneis and lake caie
of lheii enpIoyees. Does lhis sound faniIiai`
Mahalna Candhi, Andiev Cainegie, Max De Iiee, and Cavin
and }oe MaIoof aie anong counlIess individuaIs vhose signaluies
viII in"uence us foi nany, nany Iifelines lo acl al lhe highesl
Heie aie a fev noie:
Mailin Lulhei King ~ Vision and LquaIily
}in Thoipe ~ LxceIIence and Dignily
Haiiy Tiunan ~ I An ResponsilIe
Molhei Teiesa ~ }oy in Seivice
Cesai Chvez ~ Sland foi Whal Is Righl
IIoience NighlingaIe ~ Molhei of HeaIing
NeIson MandeIa ~ Nevei Cive Up
ol Hope ~ Laughing Is Life
Rosa Iaiks ~ oIdness
Oui acls aie Iike liush sliokes on lhe canvas of oui ovn seIf-
poiliail. Oui signaluies~oui Iegacies~aie Iike Iighls lhal ve
shine inlo lhe fuluie. Hov liighl vouId you Iike youi Iighl lo le`
Ils cIeai lhal lhe noie ve seive oui feIIov nen and vonen, lhe
noie liiIIianl oui Iighl. The noie spiiiluaI- oi piincipIe-cenleied
ve aie, lhe liighlei lhe Iighl. IiofessionaI Hunans eings liing
noie Iighl inlo lhe voiId.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 271
272 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
5F><,8:D9 'J8 L<!:ID:DI BJ>8 J)D !:ID79>8<
Leain aII you can aloul lhe signaluies of olheis. Take in lhe
liulh of a peison as seen in lheii good voiks. Renenlei, sone
signaluies leach us hov nol lo acl. Leain fion lhese as veII.
Youi assignnenl nov is lo legin lo lhink aloul and piaclice
deveIoping youi unique enolionaI signaluie. Why` If you have
leen inspiied lo Iive youi highesl and lesl seIf ly lhe signaluies
of lhose vho have cone lefoie you, you nay vanl lo lhink aloul
ciealing lhe kind of signaluie you vanl lo pass on lo posleiily. In
choosing an upIifling signaluie you viII aIso cieale a posilive dif-
feience nov in naking youi Iife noie enjoyalIe, passionale, and
fuI!IIing. Choosing nov lo have lhe signaluie of a IiofessionaI
Hunan eing can le youi !isl slep in ciealing a lellei Iife foi
youiseIf, youi faniIy and youi voiId.
We de!ne ouiseIves nonenl-ly-nonenl, ninule-ly-ninule,
and houi-ly-houi. In each nonenl ve nake choices lhal cieale
oui day. Duiing each day ve nake choices lhal cieale oui nonlh.
Lach nonlh ve cieale oui yeai, oui yeais cieale oui Iife, and lhe
Iife ve Iead cieales oui signaluie. The queslion lo ask youiseIf,
lhen, is lhis: An I ciealing lhe highesl veision of vho I vanl lo
Whal insignia do you vanl lo Ieave inpiinled on lhe peopIe
vhose Iives you have louched and viII have louched` This is youi
Iegacy. ConlioIIing lhe Iegacy you Ieave denands lhal you nake
a conscious effoil.
In going lo shaie vilh you a sinpIe looI you can use lo legin
ciafling youi signaluie/Iegacy al ils highesl vaIue. Il has seveiaI
eIenenls lecause youi signaluie shouId expiess seveiaI aspecls
of you.
Youve heaid lhen aII lefoie lul Iels give lhen a IillIe lvisl
lo seive lhis exeicise. Considei lhese queslions:
L LOVL: Whal do you Iove` Whal is nuinuiing in youi heail`
Whal do you vanl lo le` Who do you vanl lo le` Whal do
you enjoy doing` Whal do you diean foi youiseIf` Whal is
lhe lesl you can le`
L LMOTIONS: Hov do you vanl lo feeI aloul youiseIf` Hov
do you vanl olheis lo feeI aloul you` Whal do you vanl fion
youiseIf` Whal vouId nake you pioud of youiseIf`
C COAL: Whal is youi goaI` Whal is youi nission` Whal do
you vaIue nosl in Iife` Whal vaIues and piincipIes do you
sland foi` Whal vaIues did you choose in Lesson Iive` Whal
is inpoilanl lo you` Whal do you vanl youi fuluie lo Iook
Iike` Whal viII you cieale foi youiseIf` See lhe highesl in
youiseIf~slielch youiseIf. Use youi inaginalion. You can
change il if you donl Iike il. You can change il unliI you feeI
A ACTIONS: Whal key aclions shouId you lake lo cieale youi
vision and achieve youi nission` Lisl lvo oi lhiee najoi
aclions lhal vouId have lhe liggesl inpacl on youi Iife. Whal
is youi nexl slep`
C CALLINC: Whal is youi souI vhispeiing lo you` Wheie have
you aIvays feIl you vouId end up` Having a slialegic inlenl
fueIs, guides, and inspiies youi lhoughls, speech, and aclion
duiing each day. Whal is insciiled in you, lheie fion lhe
leginning` Like a nission, lhis is youi puipose foi leing heie.
Whal veie you engineeied lo do`
Y YOU: Re!ne il. oiI il dovn. Reduce youiseIf lo lhe !nesl you.
Whal void oi phiase is synonynous vilh lhe highesl veision
of you lhal you vanl lo cieale`
Ansveiing aII lhese queslions couId lake eighl houis, eighl
days, oi eighl yeais. Whalevei lhe line, ils voilh il. Ils an invesl-
nenl in you. Moieovei, lhis is a dynanic nol slalic piocess. Take
quiel line lo slail. Youi ansveis iepiesenl a diieclion, nol a des-
linalion. You nusl slail sonevheie and legin lo cieale. You
nay !nd lellei aIleinalives aIong lhe vay. No piolIen. Change
couise vhen appiopiiale. RecaIcuIale. Life is aII aloul Ieaining
and expeiiencing. I Ieained Iong ago fion one of ny nenlois
lhal ve nusl choose sonelhing and slail naking oui vay in lhal
diieclion. On lhe vay, you nay !nd sonelhing lellei. If you aie
going novheie, you vonl !nd anylhing.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 273
274 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Shaking aII lhe puzzIe pieces and pulling lhen logelhei lo
foin lhe picluie of you lhal you vanl lo piesenl can le lhe nosl
dif!cuIl lask. Lel il eneige Iasl.
esl fiiends aie a good souice of feedlack vhen you gel sluck.
Lel ne shaie ny ansveis lo lhis exeicise as an exanpIe. These
aie lhe expiessions of ny signaluie, and nay heIp you foin youi
L LOVL: I Iove lo leach peopIe and I nuiluie lhe peopIe in ny
Iife, vho aie ny giealesl assels. I enjoy and cieale lhis adven-
luie caIIed Iife. I choose lo le happy. I enleilain posilivily ly
choice. I enjoy lhinking, aIvays lheie is a vay. I nay nol le
alIe lo lhink aII possiliIilies in any one nonenl, lul I can
aIvays lhink of nev possiliIilies in lhe nexl.
L LMOTIONS: I feeI ievaided vhen I inspiie olheis lo go vilhin,
luin lheii lhinking upside dovn, and lecone avakened lo
lhe ieaIily of lheii ovn giealness. I vanl olheis lo feeI liusl in
ne, I liy lo speak lhe liulh and give honesl feedlack, I adniie
nyseIf vhen ny voids nalch ieaIily. I an pioud vhen I an
!nanciaIIy seIf-suf!cienl lecause noney is lhe eneigy souice
used lo evoIve.
C COAL: My nission is lo lecone a IiofessionaI Hunan eing,
an exanpIe of exceIIence. My Iife is ny nessage and I viII
le vhal I leach. I keep lhe pionises I nake lo nyseIf and lo
olheis, I vaIk ny laIk lul I an palienl vilh nyseIf vhen I faII
shoil. I conlinuousIy Ieain so lhal ny voik ie"ecls lhe highesl
knovIedge avaiIalIe.
A ACTIONS: My piesenl goaIs aie lo speak once a veek on lhe
nind/lody conneclion, viile lvo looks (lhis is lhe !isl one,
lhe second is lilIed Leading is Lveiylodys usiness), coach
one nev cIienl pei nonlh, and geneiale lhiee sliong, nev coi-
poiale cIienls pei yeai. I viII conlinue lo nedilale ieguIaiIy, I
an successfuI lhiough nedilalion. I an vigiIanl aloul vhal I
eal, ny iesl, and ny exeicise, I viII le heaIlhy.
C CALLINC: My nission is lo le a leachei and coach. To ny
cusloneis I inpail Iife-changing knovIedge lhal noves lhen
lovaid lhe deveIopnenl of lheii highesl SeIf in lheii peisonaI
and piofessionaI Iives. My caIIing is lo nolivale, inspiie, and
leach olheis lo lap inlo lhe unique quaIilies vilhin lhenseIves.
Y YOU: I an a luiIdei of IiofessionaI Hunan eings. I an
cuiious, puie in heail and nind, posilive.
98>< DJ890
You nighl le suipiised vheie and vhen you gel cIues fion
Molhei Naluie aloul youi peisonaI nission.
Regaining lhe sense of vondei lhal you had vhen you veie
a chiId. This vas a phiase lhal Doug vas fond of saying on slage
and duiing inleivievs lo expIain his puipose. I had aIvays leen
quile cuiious aloul lhis and on one vain day in Los AngeIes, as
he and I veie hiking aIong a diy cieek led, I asked hin. He legan
lo expIain.
Once vhiIe he vas liaveIing vilh lhe CC (Canadian ioad-
casling Coipoialion) and peifoining al Ainy lases, he vas
asked lo peifoin foi lhe Inuils. Doug lhoughl il sounded Iike a
gieal idea.
LillIe did he knov lhal he vouId le peifoining in a snaII
shed, in lhe niddIe of a vinlei vondeiIand, so coId you couId
see youi liealh. A snaII gioup of Inuils had leen assenlIed foi
lhe shov. Doug said he peifoined cIose-up nagic vilh caids and
vilh cups and laIIs. He loie and nagicaIIy iesloied a nevspapei.
He pioduced a iallil fion a lox, doves fion lhin aii, and pei-
foined vhal is caIIed lhe "oaling zonlie laII, vhich is gelling
a siIvei laII, lo "oal in nid aii, lhiough a hoop, and aiound lhe
ioon vilhoul anylhing allached lo il. He said he lhoughl he vas
doing veiy veII lul lhe Inuils veienl ieacling al aII. No sniIing,
no Iaughing, and no aslonished Iooks fion lhe audience~nol lhe
usuaI ieaclion Doug vas used lo.
Aflei seveiaI noie iIIusions, lhe shov ended lo no appIause.
Disheailened, Doug lhoughl lhey didnl Iike his peifoinance.
Since lhe Inuils spoke onIy Inuklilul, Doug asked one of lhe
nenleis vho knev LngIish vhelhei oi nol lhey had enjoyed
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 275
276 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lhe nagic. The LngIish-speaking Inuil asked lhe gioup, and lhey
legan lo laIk anong lhenseIves. They said lhey had enjoyed il
lul il vasnl rca| nagic. They said ieaI nagic vas lhe nagic lhey
vilnessed in lhe voiId.
Doug said, Whal aloul lhe iallils and lhe doves I pio-
They sniIed al Dougs naivele and said lhal ieaI nagic is
vhen lhe vaIiuses, seaIs, and vhaIes appeai oul of lhe deplhs of
novheie so lhal lhey couId hunl foi food.
SliII peipIexed, Doug asked aloul lhe "oaling siIvei laII. He
lhoughl lhal iIIusion vas pielly nagicaI.
They iesponded, Lveiy day ve see a !eiy laII appeai in
lhe sky lo Iighl lhe day and liing vainlh. The laII cones fion
novheie. Lveiy nighl ve valch as a vhile laII deveIops fion
a sIivei inlo a lig vhile laII lhal "oals in lhe sky and Iighls lhe
nighl. Il is nuch liggei lhan lhe laII you used. The noon is
nagicaI. Lveiylhing in lhe voiId is nagicaI. Think of snov"akes
faIIing fion lhe sky and !sh svinning undei valei. Whal you
did vas enleilaining, lul nol nagic. They asked hin vhy he did
lhese iIIusions.
Doug feIl al a Ioss. He couIdnl expIain il olhei lhan lo say he
vas enleilaining his audience.
Once again lhe gioup spoke in lheii nalive longue lo one
anolhei. They legan lo Iaugh and nod lheii heads as if lhey
undeislood. IinaIIy lhe LngIish-speaking inleipielei said, Nov
lhey ieaIize vhy you do lhis. Il is lecause qcur pccp|c natc fcrgc||cn
una| rca| nagic is and qcu arc rcninding |ncn. Il is veiy good lhal
you aie ieninding lhen!
Doug said lhis vas a piofound nonenl foi hin. He lhoughl
he vas liinging lhen sonelhing vhen in facl lhey had a nes-
sage foi hin. He vas so oveicone lhal he vepl. Il vas as if he
had cone lo lhese vondeifuI, innocenl peopIe lo !nd oul vhal
his nission in doing nagic ieaIIy vas. Whal ieaI nagic vas aII
aloul. He discoveied his peifoinance vas lo heIp his audiences
rcgain |nc scnsc cf ucndcr |na| nad occn |cs|. His slialegic inlenl oi
nission vas sel foi an enliie caieei on lhis coId nighl and acled as
his iuddei foi lhe nexl lhiily yeais.
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. As I giov oIdei, I pay Iess allenlion lo vhal nen say. I
jusl valch vhal lhey do.
~ Andiev Cainegie, Aneiican indusliiaIisl and phiIan-
2. As a nan lhinkelh in his heail, so is he.
~ Iioveils 23:7
3. If you donl knov vheie youie going, any ioad viII
lake you lheie.
~fion lhe song Any Road ly Ceoige Haiiison, foinei
4. UnIess ve change diieclion, ve aie IikeIy lo end up
vheie ve aie going.
~ Chinese pioveil
5. To paiaphiase Aneiican educalion iefoinei Hoiace
Mann, ve shouId le ashaned lo die vilhoul having
nade a sulslanliaI conliilulion lo nankind.
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Ioi inspiialion, iead an auloliogiaphy oi liogiaphy of a
fanous oi successfuI peison.
2. Walch lhe novie Grcundncg Daq, slaiiing iII Muiiay and
Andie MacDoveII. Andie nodeIs vhal I caII a Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing and in"uences iII lo lecone one.
3. Walch lhe novie 8ratcncar|, slaiiing MeI Cilson, lo expe-
iience aulhenlic Ieadeiship. IeopIe donl foIIov lilIes~
lhey foIIov couiage.
~ Sii WiIIian WaIIace
4. Walch lhe novie Mr. Hc||ands Opus, slaiiing Richaid
Dieyfuss. This exenpIi!es lhe povei of ieIalionship
luiIding and lhe pIalinun iuIe: Do unlo olheis as
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 277
278 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lheyd Iike done unlo lhen.
5. Of 1,2OO cenlenaiians suiveyed ly Slanfoid geionloIogisl
WaIlei oilz, M.D., on seciels of Iong Iife, 9O peicenl ciled
lhe inpoilance of oidei. IIan youi Iife vilh daiIy lo-do
Iisls and a Iong-lein nission slalenenl.
I !isl nel IIoyd HoeIling in 1977 al Weslein IIIinois Univei-
sily, vheie he inleivieved ne and offeied ne a jol. We londed
ovei oui shaied Iove foi laselaII. I considei IIoyd one of lhe lesl
educalois, Ieadeis, and IiofessionaI Hunan eings I have evei
nel. If you have lhe oppoilunily lo neel hin you viII ceilainIy
le alliacled lo his iaie zesl foi Iife.
He is cuiienlIy lhe Lxeculive Diiecloi of lhe Division of
Housing and Iood Seivices (DHIS) al The Univeisily of Texas al
Auslin. He ciedils nany nenlois foi in"uencing hin, he says lhe
nev luiId on lhe oId. IIoyd is inspiied nol onIy ly lhe ienovned
!guies Candhi, Molhei Teiesa, and Mailin Lulhei King, lul aIso
ly lhe peopIe aiound hin: neighloiing faineis and iancheis, slu-
denls and slaff he voiks vilh, }ohn Well, his !isl dean of slu-
denls, of!ceis and piIols, and ly so nany olhei peopIe.
He is a nan of sliong vaIues and piincipIes, vhich have
diiven hin lhioughoul his Iife. These piincipIes aIso guide hin as
a Ieadei and foin lhe lasis of his Code of lhe Road. Al lhe slail of
eveiy yeai, he deIiveis his Code of lhe Road speech and incIudes
il in lhe handlook foi each of his 12OO slaff.
Aflei ieading and digesling il, you nay le inspiied lo cook up
one of youi ovn.
'FJBLj! EJL< J' 90< 8J7L
,.#" VW 0*H "* !".A *- "?$ 826?" 9#.X+ ." L0'!
1. Cuslonei Salisfaclion: Renenlei vho pays youi saIaiy.
They aie nol aIvays iighl, lul lhey aIvays have lhe iighl
lo le heaid. Tiealing oui cusloneis vilh iespecl viII go
a Iong vay lovaid gaining acceplance of an unpopuIai
2. CiediliIily: If you leII soneone vhal you aie going lo do
oi say, lhen lhals vhal you aie expecled lo do and lo say.
3. Honesly: Donl iepoil vhal you lhink youi supeivisoi
vanls lo heai. TeII lhe exacl sloiy.
4. Llhics: Ask youiseIf hov vhalevei you aie doing vouId
nake you Iook if eveiyone knev aloul il. Nevei nake
slaff feeI lhey shouId do as you say, nol as you do. Theie is
no iighl vay lo do lhe viong lhing.
5. Con!denliaIily: If you have con!denliaI infoinalion, you
shouId keep il con!denliaI. Hovevei, you aie iequiied ly
Iav lo discIose ceilain infoinalion, such as haiassnenl.
You shouId infoin slaff of lhis iesponsiliIily lefoie lhey
give you con!denliaI infoinalion.
6. Connunicalion: Wilh good infoinalion, peopIe can nake
good decisions. Keep slaff and sludenls infoined and in
lhe knov. CIose lhe Ioop on aII connunicalion.
7. DeIegalion: You viII deIegale nany lasks and decisions. In
ieluin, you nusl lake iesponsiliIily and keep youi supei-
visoi infoined. A iuIe-of-lhunl is lhal, if lheie is any-
lhing youi loss couId heai aloul fion anolhei souice, he/
she shouId heai il fion you !isl.
8. No Upvaid DeIegalion: Donl ask youi supeivisoi lo do
lhings lhal you shouId do youiseIf.
9. Lel Manageis Manage and Lel Supeivisois Supeivise:
Donl gel loo invoIved in lhe day-lo-day opeialions. Lel
supeivisois and slaff do lhe jol ve hiied lhen lo do.
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 279
28O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
1O. Adnil Mislakes: AIong vilh deIegalion viII cone sone
nislakes. Adnil nislakes and Ieain fion lhen. Donl
veai youi feeIings on youi sIeeve. You viII le offeied con-
sliuclive advice. Leain lo nake lhe nosl of il and nove on.
11. Take Chances: Donl Iel lhe feai of naking nislakes ieduce
youi aliIily lo lake chances and nake changes. If you
aIvays do vhal you aIvays did, you viII aIvays le vheie
you have aIvays leen.
12. Agiee lo Disagiee: We viII nol aIvays agiee, and you viII
nol aIvays agiee vilh youi peeis, slaff, oi supeivisoi.
Disagieenenl is heaIlhy in lhe piopei selling. Nevei leII
slaff/sludenls lhal you aie doing sonelhing lhal I donl
agiee vilh, lul ny supeivisoi said lo do il.
13. TineIy Response: You aie expecled lo neel deadIines and
iespond lo issues as fasl as possilIe. If you aie going lo
need sonelhing ly a ceilain line oi dale, infoin olheis
vilh speci!cs ahead of line.
,.#" YW 9?2-6% B*C D$$@ "* K-*H
1. The cenleipiece of oui nission is conslanl inpiovenenl.
You aie expecled lo le a pioaclive agenl of lhis piocess.
2. You aie expecled lo le an agenl of oiganizalionaI divei-
sily. This incIudes using youi posilion and in"uence lo
confionl, leach, and Ieain aloul issues of diveisily.
3. Donl invoIve youiseIf in gossip vhiIe al voik. If you have
issues vilh anolhei slaff peison, laIk vilh lhal peison. Do
nol laIk aloul lhal peison lo soneone eIse.
4. Lislen, Ieain, and anlicipale. See vhal needs lo le accon-
pIished lefoie soneone leIIs you lo do il.
5. You aie expecled lo le a lean pIayei ly suppoiling
and assisling effoils of covoikeis as you/lhey voik.
Renenlei, We vin and Iose as a lean.
6. You aie expecled lo connunicale acioss unil Iines
pionoling a fiiendIy connunily selling vilhin lhe
Division. Anyone al any IeveI is veIcone and expecled lo
laIk vilh any one al any IeveI.
7. Knov lhal youi voik in lhis oiganizalion, iegaidIess of
vhal you do, heIps and enalIes oui sludenls lo le suc-
cessfuI al The Univeisily of Texas al Auslin.
8. When unsuie aloul sonelhing, you aie expecled lo lake
lhe Iead, ask queslions and lhen lake lhe inilialive in delei-
nining and ieaching a soIulion.
9. The Diiecloi of lhe DHIS piefeis lo le caIIed IIoyd on
aII occasions. Donl iefei lo nanageis/supeivisois as lhe
losses. Refei lo lhen as leannales oi slaff-nales.
1O. Nevei le Iale foi a DHIS neeling. eing Iale is a seI!sh
11. Whining and negalivisn is nol accepled, ialhei you aie
expecled lo sludy silualions and piesenl doalIe oplions/
12. Donl le aIained ly DHIS supeivisois and nanageis
laIking vilh cusloneis and slaff in youi aiea. Manageis
aie expecled lo le physicaIIy in and aiound lheii aieas
olseiving and gelling feedlack lo inpiove lhe oiganiza-
13. Residence HaIIs aie caIIed iesidence haIIs and nol doi-
14. WeIIness IifeslyIes and piogians aie sliongIy encouiaged
foi aII slaff.
15. Renenlei, sludenls Iive and eal heie. Keep youi aiea
alliaclive and inviling and donl vail foi soneone eIse lo
pick up liash.
IIoyd Iels his slaff knov lhal he has leininaled slaff foi
guideIine infiaclions and lhal he viII do so again. He nenlions
his unconpionising sland on gossip: If lhis is lhe kind of slaff
you aie, lhen vhy donl you jusl diav youi pay and nove on
14 If You Donl Knov Wheie Youie Coing, Speeding Up Wonl HeIp 281
282 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
dovn lhe ioad.
Does lhis Iisl nake you feeI enpoveied` IIoyd says lhal, vhen
he piesenls lhis code lo nev slaff, he gives il vilh such sinceiily
and inlensily lhal lhey aie al !isl laken alack. ul lhey appie-
ciale knoving exaclIy vhal is expecled of lhen and knoving lhey
vonl le voiking in an unceilain silualion, vondeiing vhal is
expecled and vheie lhey sland. They uIlinaleIy suppoil il. And
enpIoyees have loId hin lhey vouId nevei foigel his code. They
undeisland his undeiIying ieason foi lhe code. Il is lecause he
caies foi lhe cuslonei (lhe sludenls) and foi his enpIoyees. When
I asked IIoyd aloul his Iegacy, he said lhal he vouId Iike his
giaveslone lo say, He caied enough lo vanl lo nake a diffeience
in peopIes Iives. This is his Iegacy.
Whal vouId you Iike viillen on youi giaveslone` Whal is
youi Iegacy`
Chaplei 15
Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody
alleiey Chaiged
||s nc| nunan|q pcssio|c |c dc ctcrq|ning rign| ctcrq daq, ncuctcr,
uc can inprctc cur nca||n drana|ica||q oq drcpping jus|
cnc unnca||nq naoi| and adding a nca||nq cnc.
nce, vhen I lioughl up lhe inpoilance of iesl duiing one
of ny sliess-nanagenenl voikshops, a vonan slood up in
fiuslialion and veilaIized lhe feeIings nany in lhe audience, pai-
licuIaiIy vonen, shaied. She chionicIed lhe nuneious aclivilies
going on in hei Iife and in lhe Iives of hei husland and chiIdien~
aII of vhich she vas iesponsilIe foi. Hov couId she !nd line foi
heiseIf in hei lusy day`
This is lypicaI of nolheis, lhey donl nake line lo lake caie
of lhenseIves. Il doesnl even occui lo lhen. My non is Iike lhal.
They lake caie of eveiylody eIse, lul lheyie Iasl on lhe Iisl.
Sone nen, of couise, feeI lhis vay as veII.
So vhal can I leII you lo inspiie you lo slail laking caie of
I can ienind you of vhal aiiIine "ighl allendanls leII you jusl
lefoie lakeoff aloul using oxygen nasks. They say pul qcur nas|
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 283
284 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
cn !rs| and lhen heIp olheis.
Thals lhe foinuIa. You nusl pul youi nask on !isl and lhen
heIp olheis, lecause if you donl lake caie of youiseIf, you canl
possilIy lake caie of anylody eIse. Nol onIy in lhe diclionaiy does
I cone lefoie you.
Renenlei Ih Lav #2: Tnc ncs| inpcr|an| rc|a|icnsnip qcu natc
is |nc cnc ui|n qcursc|f. Keeping youi nind/lody lalleiy chaiged
is piinaiy.
You have lo lake good caie of youiseIf !isl so you can lake
caie of olheis. You have lo lake caie of youiseIf so you can nol
go oul of youi nind, and can use youi nagic, seive olheis, le
ciealive, nol conpionise vhal you vaIue nosl, and de!ne youi
So do you have vhal il lakes` Do you have lhe hoisepovei
and enduiance lo achieve vhal you have envisioned foi youiseIf`
Aie you aIvays liied` If you aie lhen you vonl evei nake lhe
giade. You have lo lhink in leins of an alhIele vho condilions his
nind and lody foi exceIIence. Think in leins of leing a nind/
lody vaiiioi.
Aie you piepaied foi lhe fuluie of voik/Iife chaIIenges`
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
The WoiId HeaIlh Oiganizalion foiesees noie unheaIlhy
voikeis, piedicling lhal dialeles dealhs viII iise 5O peicenl in
lhe nexl decade and lhal gIolaI olesily IeveIs viII skyiockel.
Sludies shov lhal voiking noie lhan 55 houis a veek,
conpaied lo lhe slandaid 4O-houi veek, can cause sliess
and veaken nenlaI skiIIs, a suie lhieal lo lhe pioduclivily of
conpanies lhal denand Iong houis fion voikeis.
Read noie aloul lhis in Tnc |u|urc cf lcr| ly Richaid Donkin.
90< 5799<8B 9079 ,J)<8! BJ>8 G:DL 7DL 5JLB
This !naI Iesson is aloul lhe lalleiy lhal poveis youi nind
and lody~youi peisonaI capacily~and hov lo keep il fuIIy
chaiged and even inciease ils polenliaI lo neel lhe chaIIenges
ahead. A chaiged nind/lody lalleiy fueIs youi iesoIve, eneigy,
and focus and enalIes you lo liansfoin youi lhoughls and aclions
fion SlOI lo Ih.
Regaid lhis Iesson as a foundalion foi aII pievious Iessons and
liy lo appIy as nany of lhe IifeslyIe consideialions ieconnended
in lhe foIIoving pages. Nol onIy viII lhey loosl youi aliIily lo
lecone a Ih, lul lhey can aIso nake a huge diffeience in youi
sliess IeveI, youi heaIlh, and youi Iongevily.
The queslion I posed lo you al lhe leginning of lhis look is
hov Iong you vanl lo Iive. Renenlei, I pioposed !ve fundanen-
laIs lhal affecl lhe quaIily and Iongevily of youi Iife. I have laIked
aloul lhe piinaiy one~lhinking~lhioughoul lhis look. Nov
in lhis Iesson, III eIaloiale on lhe olhei faclois: iesl, diel, exei-
cise, and nodeialion. In addilion, I viII laIk aloul noie lasics,
incIuding Iaughlei, youi Iung heaIlh, and conneclion vilh lhe
eailh. They aie aII equaIIy inpoilanl.
90< T7F>< J' 8<!9
In lhe aninaI voiId, ciealuies funclion on lvo cycIes: iesl and
aclivily. Thals hov naluie designed lhings. Hovevei, ve hunan
aninaIs, and pailicuIaiIy lhose of us in lhe nodein indusliiaI-
ized Wesl, lend lo accenluale lhe aclivily and nininize lhe iesl.
Theies aIvays loo nuch lo do: loo nuch TV lo valch, loo nany
video ganes lo pIay, loo nuch lhis, and loo nuch lhal. And vhen
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 285
286 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
ve Iay oui heads dovn on lhe piIIov, sIeep oflen lakes a Iong
line lo cone. Thals unfoilunale lecause il is duiing iesl lhal lhe
lody gels lo voik, doing nainlenance and iepaii. This aIIovs us
lo iechaige lhe lalleiy so ve can chaige oul lhe nexl noining foi
anolhei iound of aclivily.
Hov inpoilanl is iesl` I Iike lo give lhe exanpIe of Vince
Lonlaidi, lhe Iale and gieal coach of lhe Cieen ay Iackeis fool-
laII lean. Lonlaidis liaining-canp iuIe vas lhal his pIayeis had
lo le in led~hoiizonlaIIy~ly 11:OO p.n. His son leIIs lhe sloiy
lhal, one evening, fuluie HaII of Iane defensive lack, LnIen
TunneII, vaIked inlo lhe liaining canp doiniloiy al 1O:59 p.n.
He vas nel ly Lonlaidi, vho pionplIy !ned hin $5O. When
TunneII oljecled lhal il vasnl yel 11:OO, Lonlaidi loId hin lheie
vas no vay he couId change cIolhes and le in led ly 11:OO. The
!ne sluck.
Lonlaidi consideied iesl alsoIuleIy vilaI foi his alhIeles. In
Han|c|, Shakespeaie viole, Conscience dolh nake covaids of
us aII. Lonlaidi aIleied lhis quole lo !l his spoil, Ialigue dolh
nake covaids of us aII.
Long lefoie lhe age of foollaII, vise nen pul gieal vaIue on
iesl as a laIance lo aclivily. In Chinese nedicine, foi exanpIe,
ve have lhe yin and yang concepl in vhich iesl, iecoveiy, and
nuliilion aie yin, vhiIe conpelilion and aclivily aie yang. In lhe
Nci ]ing (3OO .C.), lhe !isl knovn Chinese nedicaI look, il is
viillen: IhysicaI aclivily is necessaiy lo hainonize lhe "ov of
vilaI eneigy and lIood lo deveIop slienglh. Lxcessive Ialoi, hov-
evei, can sliain lhe aliIily of lhe spIeen lo pioduce eneigy, and
lhis causes de!ciencies. The lody nusl iesl.
8<!9W !F<<,
Do you sIeep enough al nighl` If you do nol, you viII le Iess
effeclive al voik. Oflen ignoied, lul alsoIuleIy ciilicaI lo sliess
nanagenenl is deep, ieslfuI sIeep. Ils nol jusl iesl, ils sIeep! Mosl
aduIls need six lo eighl houis of sIeep. Ieiiod. LxcIanalion poinl!
If you iol lhe sIeep lank, you viII pay foi youi ciine ly iun-
ning oul of eneigy and pulling youiseIf in an unenvialIe de!cil
caIIed sIeep depiivalion. Many iIInesses and voikpIace inef!cien-
cies can le liaced lo Iack of sIeep oi iiieguIai sIeep palleins.
The lody ieaches ils deepesl poinl of sIeep, as neasuied ly
oxygen consunplion, aflei six houis and lhen lhe nelaloIisn
giaduaIIy kicks in lo ieluin us lo a noinaI vaking slale. Reseaich
aIso indicales lhal sIeep lelveen 1O:OO p.n. and nidnighl iesls
pails of lhe liain nol iesled al any olhei line of lhe sIeep cycIe.
So sound uninleiiupled sIeep foi al Ieasl six houis, vilh a chunk
lefoie nidnighl, is lhe lasis foi dynanic peifoinance.
L#*H%A 74$#2X.
Aie you a diovsy Aneiican` If so, youie nol aIone. A 199O
Tinc nagazine covei ailicIe found lhal niIIions of Aneiicans aie
sIeep-depiived, liying lo gel ly on six houis oi Iess, and a lhiid
of us have lioulIe faIIing asIeep oi slaying asIeep. The ailicIe aIso
ieveaIed sone of lhe dangeis of sIeep depiivalion:
- Hunan eiioi, in vhich Iack of sIeep is a najoi facloi,
causes lelveen 6O and 9O peicenl of voikpIace accidenls.
- The U.S. Depailnenl of Tianspoilalion iepoils lhal up lo
2OO,OOO liaf!c accidenls a yeai nay le sIeep ieIaled.
The slalus of sIeep-depiived Aneiicans hasnl gollen any
lellei since lhe 199O ailicIe.
And a sIeepy Aneiica is coslIy.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
NalionaI SIeep Ioundalion ieseaich indicales lhal sIeep Ioss
cosls U.S. enpIoyeis $18 liIIion each yeai in Iosl pioduclivily.
And, accoiding lo ailicIes on The NalionaI Inslilule of HeaIlh
velsile, lhe appioxinale annuaI cosl of insonnia is $1OO
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 287
288 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
The Ncu Ycr| Tincs Magazine, in a 1997 iepoil, infoined
ieadeis lhal nany sIeep ieseaicheis leIieve sIeep depiivalion is
ieaching ciisis piopoilions.
This is a piolIen invoIving nol jusl seiious insonniacs, lul
lhe popuIalion al Iaige, lhe ailicIe said, and added: IeopIe donl
neieIy leIieve lheyie sIeeping Iess, lhey arc in fac| sIeeping Iess~
peihaps as nuch as one and a haIf houis Iess each nighl lhan
hunans did al lhe leginning of lhe cenluiy~oflen lecause lhey
choose lo do so.
8$.%*-% g*# !/$$1 L$1#2`."2*-
This Iasl facl~lhal lhey choose lo sIeep Iess~cane acioss
Ioud and cIeai in a 2OO7 suivey ly lhe NalionaI SIeep Ioundalion
of a lhousand vonen, ages 18-64. The iesuIls suggesl Aneiican
vonen aie seiiousIy sIeepy.
Sixly peicenl said lhey gel a good nighls sIeep onIy a fev
nighls a veek. Sixly-seven peicenl say lhey fiequenlIy expeiience
a sIeep piolIen. And 43 peicenl say dayline sIeepiness inleifeies
vilh lheii daiIy aclivilies. The iespondenls lIaned lheii sIeep
piolIens on lhings such as hoinones, housevoik, and caiing foi
faniIy nenleis. Woik-ieIaled issues veie aIso invoIved since 48
peicenl of aduIl vonen aie in lhe voikfoice.
The poII aIso shoved, and lhis is fascinaling, lhal lhe choices
vonen nake have an inpacl on lheii sIeep. Ioi exanpIe, inslead
of gelling noie sIeep, vonen spend line on lhe foIIoving aclivi-
- 87 peicenl of vonen valch leIevision in lhe houi lefoie
- 36 peicenl aie on lhe Inleinel
- 21 peicenl do jol-ieIaled voik al Ieasl a fev nighls a veek
8$%C/"% *g !/$$1 L$1#2`."2*-
Mosl Aneiicans no Iongei even knov vhal il feeIs Iike lo
le fuIIy aIeil. I lhink lhis is lecause ve aie used lo feeIing liied
and lhink ils noinaI. Theie is a geneiaI faiIuie lo iecognize lhe
inpoilance of sIeep acioss sociely, lhe NalionaI SIeep Iounda-
lion says. Mosl vonen (8O peicenl) say lhal vhen lhey expeii-
ence sIeepiness duiing lhe day lhey jusl accepl il and keep going.
Hovevei, in oidei lo keep going, 65 peicenl aie IikeIy lo use
caffeinaled leveiages, vilh 37 peicenl of aII vonen consuning
lhiee oi noie caffeinaled leveiages pei day.
CoineII Univeisily sIeep expeil, Di. }anes Maas, lhe aulhoi of
Pcucr S|ccp. Tnc Rctc|u|icnarq Prcgran Tna| Prcparcs Ycur Mind fcr
Pca| Pcrfcrnancc, says, |Ojflen ve |as Aneiicansj aie lolaIIy una-
vaie of oui ovn ieduced capaliIilies lecause ve lecone halilu-
aled lo Iov IeveIs of aIeilness. Many of us have leen sIeepy foi
such a Iong line lhal ve donl knov vhal il is Iike lo feeI vide
avake. Lel ne sliess lhal Iasl pail: You have leen sIeep depiived
foi so Iong qcu dcn| |ncu una| i| is |i|c |c fcc| uidc aua|c.
So vhal happens lo you vhen you aie sIeep depiived` Check
oul lhis Iaundiy Iisl: Iack of eneigy, lad noods, lioulIe handIing
sliess, ieduced aliIily lo ienenlei, concenliale, lhink IogicaIIy,
and handIe conpIex lasks, aIong vilh ieduced aliIily lo assini-
Iale and anaIyze nev infoinalion, nake decisions, connunicale,
and cieale. Moloi and peicepluaI skiIIs, and cooidinalion aie aII
affecled. Ka-loon! Thals a huge hil on voik peifoinance. If youi
lody veie a lusiness, couId you affoid lo Iose aII lhese assels`
Ialigue is one of lhe piine ieasons foi feai of change and feai
of iisk.
Resl spavns nolivalion and vide-avake aIeilness. Coping
skiIIs and innunily lo disease aie al high IeveIs vhen ve gel lhe
piopei anounl of sIeep.
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 289
29O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
9?$ !/$$1 5*""*4 F2-$;g*# B*C .-@ "?$ E*#1*#."2*-
Maigaiel Thalchei, Luiopes !isl fenaIe piine ninislei,
cIained she couId gel ly on !ve houis and joked, SIeep is foi
vinps. The Iion Lady, as she vas caIIed, exenpIi!es lhe pie-
vaiIing 'nacho allilude lovaid sIeep. SIeep is a seIf-induIgenl
exliavagance foi lhe veak.
ChaiIes CzeisIei, M.D., Iiofessoi of SIeep Medicine al Hai-
vaid MedicaI SchooI, disagiees vilh Thalcheis vievpoinl and
goes as fai as chaslising lhose vho pionole such halils. In an
ailicIe in Hartard 8usincss Rcticu lilIed SIeep De!cil: The Ieifoi-
nance KiIIei, he caIIs il a cuIluie of sIeepIess nachisno and
vains of lhe dangeis of Iack of sIeep.
Di. CzeisIei olseives lhal lop execulives have a ciilicaI iespon-
siliIily lo lake sIeepIessness seiiousIy. He encouiages conpanies
lo cieale a sIeep poIicy and nol peinil anyone lo lake an ovei-
nighl "ighl and lhen diive lo a lusiness neeling sonevheie. He
says sIeep depiivalion is nol jusl an individuaI heaIlh hazaid, il is
a pulIic one, endangeiing eveiyone aiound us.
If you liaveI a good deaI foi lusiness, I suggesl you iead Hc|c|
Sccrc|s frcn |nc Tratc| Dc|cc|itc, ly Ielei Cieenleig. In his look,
he viiles aloul a sludy of voIunleei lusiness liaveIeis connis-
sioned ly HiIlon HoleIs and Resoils. The !ndings veie exlieneIy
signi!canl. Moniloiing seven days aiound a lusiness liip, lhe
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Many acule and degeneialive iIInesses aie Iinked lo sIeep
disoideis. Accoiding lo The WaII Slieel }ouinaI 2OO9 ailicIe,
When SIeep Leaves You Tiied, Chionic, inadequale sIeep
iaises lhe iisk of caidiovascuIai disease, depiession, dialeles,
and olesily. Il inpaiis cognilive funclion, nenoiy, and lhe
innune syslen and causes noie lhan 1OO,OOO noloi vehicIe
accidenls a yeai. SIeep depiivalion aIso changes lhe lody
nelaloIisn, naking peopIe eal noie and feeI Iess salis!ed.
sludy found lhal lhe pailicipanls had lhe Iovesl anounl of sIeep
(!ve houis) on lhe nighl lefoie lhe liip. LssenliaIIy, liaveIeis aie
al a decieased pioduclivily IeveI lefoie lhey even vaIk oul lheii
dooi, said Maik Rosekind, a foinei diiecloi of NASAs Ialigue
Counleineasuies Iiogian. y lhe line lhey ieluined hone, pai-
licipanls had Iogged a lolaI sIeep Ioss of aInosl eighl houis, lhe
equivaIenl of one fuII nighls sIeep. Such de!cils, lhe sludy con-
cIuded, have even lioadei inpIicalions lhan jusl peifoinance.
iII Cales, foundei of Miciosofl, has said he gels seven houis
of sIeep a nighl lecause lhals vhal I need lo slay shaip and ciea-
live and upleal.
Maic Andieesen, co-foundei of Nelscape, aIso vaIues a good
nighls iesl: I can gel ly vilh 7 |houisj vilhoul loo nuch
lioulIe. Seven and I slail lo degiade. Six is suloplinaI. Iive is a
lig piolIen. Ioui neans I an a zonlie. And he Iikes lo gel exlia
sIeep on lhe veekends~ovei lveIve houis sonelines.
}eff ezos, CLO of Anazon.con, laIked lo Tnc la|| S|rcc|
]curna| aloul his fuII nighls sIeep. In noie aIeil and I lhink
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Aflei anaIyzing 16 sludies invoIving 1.3 niIIion peopIe, a
lean of ieseaicheis fion lhe Univeisily of Waivick, U.K., and
Iedeiico II Univeisily MedicaI SchooI, NapIes, IlaIy, found
lhal peopIe vho sIeep Iess lhan six houis pei nighl aie 12
peicenl noie IikeIy lo die lefoie age 65. The May 2O1O sludy
aIso found lhal sIeeping Iongei lhan 9 houis is an indicaloi of
seiious iIIness.
Accoiding lo Iiofessoi Iiancesco Cappuccio, Ieadei of lhe
SIeep, HeaIlh and Sociely Iiogianne al lhe Univeisily of
Waivick, vhiIsl shoil sIeep nay iepiesenl a cause of iII-
heaIlh, Iong sIeep is leIieved lo iepiesenl noie an indicaloi of
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 291
292 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
noie cIeaiIy. I jusl feeI so nuch lellei aII day Iong if Ive had eighl
houis, he said.
0*H "* I$" . I**@ D26?"j% !/$$1
Iiisl, nedicalion is nol lhe lesl vay lo pul youiseIf lo sIeep.
The phainaceulicaI indusliy pushes ils sIeep pioducls in ads and
TV conneiciaIs and, vhiIe effeclive, such aids aie addiclive and
polenliaIIy deadIy (lhe dealhs of enleilainnenl gieals }udy Cai-
Iand and MaiiIyn Monioe veie lolh iepoiledIy Iinked lo sIeeping
piIIs). In his e-look, Tnc Dar| Sidc cf S|ccping Pi||s, DanieI I. Kiipke,
piofessoi of psychialiy al lhe Univeisily of CaIifoinia, San Diego,
vho has leen sludying sIeep disoideis since 1973, iepoils lhal lhe
use of sIeeping piIIs shoilens Iives ly incieasing lhe iisk of suicide
and olhei causes of dealh. They aie unsafe in any anounl, he
Heie aie sone nuch safei oplions:
- Donl nap duiing lhe day if you have lioulIe sIeeping al
- Avoid caffeine and aIcohoI Iale in lhe evening.
Ioi sone, even aflei Iunch is loo Iale. Caffeine is a niId
slinuIanl lhal foices youi liain lo le noie aIeil vhen il
doesnl pailicuIaiIy vanl lo le so aIeil. Caffeine has a haIf-
Iife of 6 houis. So haIf of lhe caffeine in youi coffee al dinnei
is sliII lheie al nidnighl. AIcohoI causes fiagnenled sIeep
and voisens lhe synplons of sIeep depiivalion.
- Lal onIy Iighl snacks aflei 7:3O p.n., lul no sveels.
A heavy neaI lefoie sIeep can nake il dif!cuIl lo faII
asIeep and nay even cause indigeslion. Have youi liggesl
neaI al Iunch. Re!ned sugai lefoie sIeep can keep you up
ly causing youi lIood sugai lo iise and lhen diop.
- Have a gIass of vain niIk spiced vilh a lil of caidanon
oi nulneg.
This nay heIp caIn youi lody foi sIeep. iing lhe niIk
lo a loiI and Iel il cooI dovn a lil. MiIk conlains liyplo-
phan, an anino acid used ly lhe lody lo nake lhe neu-
ioliansnillei seiolonin and lhe hoinone neIalonin, lolh
of vhich aie invoIved in lellei sIeep. AIso, niIk conlains
caIciun vhich heIps lhe liain use liyplophan.
- Tiy sone heilaI leas.
Heils and heilaI leas can heIp you faII asIeep. They cone
singIy, such as vaIeiian iool and chanoniIe, oi in con-
linalions. The velsile, napi.con, offeis a pioducl caIIed
IissfuI SIeep lhal voiks veiy veII foi ne on lhe ioad.
- Tiy nuliilionaI suppIenenls vilh sIeep-inducing piopei-
MeIalonin, aIso exceIIenl foi conlaling jel Iag, is lhe hoi-
none lhals lhe key lo deep, ieslfuI sIeep. Youi neIalonin
IeveI iises vilh daikness and decIines al davn. SuppIe-
nenlaI neIalonin voiks veII foi nany peopIe, lul nol
aII. Magnesiun is a gieal nuscIe ieIaxanl. The foins lhal
alsoil lhe lesl aie nagnesiun ciliale, gIycinale, oi oio-
lale. 5-HTI, an anino acid, is a piecuisoi lo lhe neuio-
liansnillei seiolonin vhich heIps ieguIale nood and
sIeep. You can !nd nosl of lhese pioducls in heaIlh food
sloies. YouII have lo expeiinenl lo see vhich one voiks
lesl foi you.
- Lxeicise ieguIaiIy, lul nol vilhin lvo houis of ledline.
Think of sIeep Iike paiking youi cai. You have lo sIov
dovn lo do il. IhysicaI aclivily loo cIose lo ledline Ieaves
youi noloi iunning in high geai.
- Iiaclice a sinpIe sel of yoga posluies.
Yoga can caIn lhe lody dovn iighl lefoie sIeep.
- Donl valch lhe nevs oi a spoils evenl on TV lefoie led-
The nevs is fuII of negalivily lhal can cause sliess. Spoils
evenls iev up lhe excilalion IeveI of youi nind. Con-
neclicul caidioIogisl, Slephen Sinalia, leIIs aloul one of
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 293
294 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
his heail palienls vho suffeied an angina allack and a
sIeepIess nighl aflei valching a seesav laskellaII gane
invoIving his leIoved Univeisily of Conneclicul Huskies.
- LslalIish a ieIaxing ledline iouline.
Ieihaps incoipoiale sone nedilalion, piayei, Iighl
ieading, sofl nusic, oi sone aionalheiapy~Iavendei is a
good scenl lo heIp you faII asIeep.
- Keep youi ledioon cooI and daik.
Daikness leIIs youi lody lo nake neIalonin.
- Donl use youi led foi anylhing olhei lhan sIeep oi sex.
In olhei voids, donl voik in youi led oi do olhei aclivi-
lies lhal keep youi nind aclive.
- Co lo led al lhe sane line each nighl, ideaIIy lefoie 1O
This puls you in Iine vilh youi lodys naluiaI sIeep/vake
cycIe. Ioi piaclicaIIy aII of pasl hunan exislence, ve venl
lo sIeep eaiIy and aiose eaiIy.
Ioi noie infoinalion on sIeep and sIeep disoideis, check oul
lhe foIIoving velsiles: sIeepnel.con and sIeepfoundalion.oig.
8<!9W G<L:979:JD
Aflei giadualing fion coIIege I enlaiked on an exciling lul
dif!cuIl advenluie. My fuII-line jol al The Univeisily of Akion
coupIed vilh leginning giaduale schooI vas a heavy Ioad lo leai.
I legan lo feeI a Iol of anxiely and sliess in allenpling lo handIe
lolh, I even lhoughl I vas deveIoping synplons of an uIcei. So
I venl in foi a checkup al lhe univeisily cIinic, diank lhe laiiun,
and had an x-iay laken of ny slonach.
The docloi found I had an iiiilaled duodenaI cap, and expIained
lhal, if I didnl lake caie of il, lhe piolIen couId uIceiale. She pie-
sciiled phenolaililaI, a connon sedalive diug, lo heIp ne ieIax.
She aIso loId ne lo lake lhe anlacid MaaIox lefoie and aflei each
neaI and lo eal a sliicl, lIand diel. I look lhe phenolaililaI foi
lvo days. Did il voik foi ne` Oh yes! In facl, il voiked loo veII. I
vas so ieIaxed lhal aII I couId do vas sniIe. I did nolhing al voik
foi lhose lvo days. I couId nol funclion. I venl lack lo lhe docloi
and loId hei I couIdnl handIe lhe diug. She acluaIIy suggesled I
liy TianscendenlaI Medilalion (TM).
I didnl knov vheie lo Ieain aloul TM. ul one day, aflei lhe
sliess lecane oveivheIning, I vaIked oul of cIass, Iooking foi a
sign, I ciossed lhe quad and vandeied lo lhe audiloiiun. Oulside
lhe dooi vas lhe sign: TianscendenlaI Medilalion. I vaIked in
and heaid a nan Iecluiing vilh an LngIish accenl. I sal dovn
and Iislened lo ny !isl Iecluie on TM. A veek Ialei, I liaveIed 1O
niIes lo Kenl Slale Univeisily lo Ieain lhe lechnique. This day vas
a luining poinl in ny Iife. Iion lhen on, I legan piaclicing TM
ieguIaiIy. Nol onIy vas I feeIing noie iesled and fiesh, ny nind
vas cIeaiei. I vas ieIaxed, lul nol oveiIy ieIaxed. I feIl nuch Iess
lension. I expeiienced a veiy naluiaI slale of physicaI iesl, and
lhal ieIeased a Iol of lhe accunuIaled deep sliess and faligue~I
feIl ievilaIized aInosl innedialeIy. Wilhin lhiee nonlhs of piac-
licing TM vilh no phenolaililaI, ny synplons disappeaied.
I venl lack lo lhe docloi and loId hei I had slailed lhe nedila-
lion piaclice and I feIl lellei.
She said, WeII, Iels lake anolhei x-iay lo see vhals hap-
pening. So I diank lhe laiiun again. She vas anazed al lhe
iesuIls of lhe x-iay: Theie vas no sign of an iiiilaled duodenaI
cap. WhiIe she had ieconnended lhis lechnique lo seveiaI of hei
palienls, I vas lhe onIy one lo liy il. We veie lolh lhiiIIed vilh
lhe iesuIl.
Thal vas foily yeais ago and, lo lhis day, vhal I Iook foi-
vaid lo nosl is lhe line I spend in nedilalion. My expeiience
has encouiaged ne lo ieconnend lhis lechnique lo nany olheis,
incIuding voikshop pailicipanls, coIIeagues, and fiiends. Ive
ieceived nolhing lul gieal feedlack.
Il nay seen as lhough I an seIIing TM. I an. Il is lhe lesl
pail of ny day, and il ieinvigoiales ne especiaIIy aflei a Iong,
exhausling day. Aflei 2O ninules of nedilalion, I feeI as lhough I
have jusl gollen up fion a fuII nighls sIeep.
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 295
296 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
AIlhough il is easy lo pul off a heaIlh iouline, I Ieained fion
Doug Henning lhal keeping lhe nind/lody lalleiy chaiged is
ciilicaI~in facl, piinaiy~foi success. This is lhe Iaunch pad foi
aII aclivilies and endeavois.
Ialiicia Aluidene, in hei look Mcga|rcnds 2010. Tnc Risc cf
Ccnscicus Capi|a|isn, piojecls seven supei liends foi lhe fuluie.
One of lhen is vhal she caIIs lhe vave of conscious soIulions
in lusiness. This can le ieadiIy allained lhiough nedilalion as a
lusiness slandaid opeialing pioceduie. usinesses can pionole
nedilalion piaclice and aIIov line and space foi lhe piaclice.
)?." :% 9GR
TM is a nedilalion lechnique, inlioduced lo lhe Weslein
WoiId ly Mahaiishi Mahesh Yogi aiound 1959, lhal aIIovs lhe
piaclilionei lo gain a unique slale of ieslfuI aIeilness. Mahaiishi
desciiles lhe TM lechnique as a naluiaI pioceduie, |lhiough
vhichj ly ilseIf lhe nind sellIes dovn. TM is piacliced foi 2O
ninules noining and evening vhiIe silling confoilalIy vilh
youi eyes cIosed. Those vho piaclice il viII leII you lhal il is easy
lo Ieain, effoilIess, and does nol iequiie speci!c leIiefs, lehav-
iois, oi IifeslyIe-changes. Aiound lhe voiId, noie lhan !ve niI-
Iion peopIe of aII ages, cuIluies, ieIigions, and educalionaI lack-
giounds piaclice lhe lechnique.
Mahaiishi Mahesh Yogi lioughl TM oul of India and shoved
lhal il is a poveifuI lechnique lhal eIininales suffeiing and sliess,
Ioveis lIood piessuie, inpioves heail heaIlh, and nakes you
happiei, noie ciealive, pioduclive, and even noie inleIIigenl.
9?$ 9G 9$X?-2lC$W 9*"./ 5#.2- 'C-X"2*-2-6
The unique slale of iesl caIIed ieslfuI aIeilness expeiienced
duiing TM is acluaIIy a fouilh slale of consciousness, sepaiale
fion vaking, dieaning, and sIeeping. This is a naluiaI slale ve
aII can access, one vhich sponlaneousIy dissoIves physicaI sliess
and ieoiganizes nenlaI cIullei. We jusl need lhe piopei lechnique.
Once you gel lhiough, ils Iike discoveiing a hidden goId nine.
Heie you !nd youi iiches. Duiing TM, lhe lody gains a unique
slale of deep iesl aIong vilh heighlened avaieness lhal dissoIves
accunuIaled sliess and ievilaIizes lhe neivous syslen, as veII
as, enIivening noie coheienl liain funclioning and inpioving
LIeclioencephaIogiaphic (LLC) sludies have acluaIIy shovn,
using suljecls !lled vilh eIecliodes viied up lo neasuiing
devices, lhal, duiing TM, lhe diffeienl pails of youi liain voik
in conceil. The noie synchionized youi liain, lhe noie of youi
nenlaI polenliaI lecones avaiIalIe lo you. Thiough lhe deveIop-
nenl of lhe nind and lody iesuIling fion lhe expeiience of lhis
fouilh slale of consciousness, you enjoy incieasing salisfaclion in
Iife and in voik. TM iechaiges youi lalleiy. ul noie accuialeIy
ve shouId say lhal il ieviies il and incieases youi physicaI and
nenlaI capacily, enIivening and enalIing lolaI liain funclioning.
This is expeiienced as lIiss and hainony. This is vhal you can
expecl fion invesling in piaclicing TM lvice a day foi 2O nin-
ules. You can Ieain noie aloul lhe TM lechnique al vvv.ln.oig
oi lnvonenpiofessionaIs.oig
9Gj% <gg$X"2`$-$%%
Anong aII lhe lechnoIogies lhal I have ieconnended ovei ny
25 yeais of coaching execulives, TM is lhe nosl conpiehensive
and hoIislic lechnique foi seIf- deveIopnenl.
Ielei Diuckei, lhe falhei of lhe discipIine of nanagenenl,
said, The nanagei nusl acquiie loday lhe skiIIs lhal viII le
effeclive lonoiiov. He aIso needs an oppoilunily lo ie"ecl on
lhe neaning of his ovn expeiience and~alove aII~he needs an
oppoilunily lo ie"ecl on hinseIf and Ieain lo nake his slienglhs
counl. And lhen he needs dctc|cpncn| as a pcrscn even noie lhan
he needs deveIopnenl as a nanagei. Diuckei devoled lhiee
chapleis lo seIf-deveIopnenl in his Iegendaiy, gioundlieaking
look, Managcncn|, Tas|s, Rcspcnsioi|i|ics, Prac|iccs.
Di. Mehnel Oz, veII-knovn suigeon and aulhoi, aIso iecon-
nends and piaclices TM. His daiIy iouline vas noled in a covei
sloiy in lhe May/}une 2O1O issue of AARP Tnc Magazinc lilIed
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 297
298 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Di. Oz: Aneiicas Haidesl-Woiking Docloi:
The docloi foIIovs his ovn oideis foi heaIlhy Iiving, and il
shovs, lolh in lhe sIendei fiane he ieveaIs in cIose-!lling
suigicaI sciuls and in his seeningIy loundIess eneigy~
eIecliifying vilaIily, as Diane Savyei puls il. His diel
fealuies fiuils and veggies, giains, and Iean piolein. (Rav
nuls soaked in valei, in lhe Tuikish slyIe, aie a slapIe.)
He does lianscendenlaI nedilalion ieguIaiIy and says his
2O-yeai halil of daiIy yoga is lhe nosl inpoilanl heaIlh
piaclice I have adopled.
In }ay Maicus look Succcss |rcn li|nin. Discctcring |nc |nncr
S|a|c |na| Crca|cs Pcrscna| |u|!||ncn| and 8usincss Succcss, Monly
CuiId, lhe Los AngeIes inveslnenl nanagei, acknovIedges hov
ciilicaI lo success lhe lechnique ieaIIy is. He says, Theie is an ad I
oflen see foi Tnc la|| S|rcc| ]curna|. Il says lhal 'you need Tnc la||
S|rcc| ]curna| lo le faslei, loughei, and snailei and lo effecliveIy
conpele in lodays lusiness voiId. Whal I vouId say is lhal you
canl effecliveIy conpele in lodays lusiness voiId vilhoul TM.
The look aIso quoles WaIlei Lisenleig, vice piesidenl in
chaige of pioduclion al an Lasl Coasl vhoIesaIei/ielaiIei, vho
sav a sulslanliaI diffeience in his enpIoyees alliludes lovaid
lheii jols. He found lhal peopIe vho piaclice TM enjoy Iife noie
and have a naiked diffeience in lheii allilude lovaids Iife and
voik. Il is veiy haid lo conveil il lo doIIais and cenls diieclIy,
lul youi lusiness is nade up of peopIe and, if youi peopIe func-
lion lellei and pioduce lellei, lhe lusiness is vay ahead.
Moie and noie, successfuI conpanies aie paying foi lheii
enpIoyees lo nedilale. High-lech conpanies such as AppIe,
CoogIe, and Yahoo! aie anong lhen. So aie nainsliean !ins
Iike Hughes Aiiciafl and lhe inleinalionaI nanagenenl con-
suIling !in of McKinsey. The gianl diug nakei, AsliaZeneca,
gives nedilalion couises designed lo eneigize lhe conpanys
!ve-lhousand voikeis. I guess lhey havenl found a phainaceu-
licaI equivaIenl! CaIifoinia-lased CIaiily Seninais has offeied
nedilalion/sliess-nanagenenl couises lo noie lhan nine- lhou-
sand peopIe al a hundied diffeienl voikpIaces, incIuding IM,
3COM, Cisco, SoIeclion, Sun Miciosyslens, and lhe Iaci!c Slock
The Iogic lehind lhe coipoiale nedilalion liend is cIeai, says
Aluidene. Medilalion !ies up aIpha and lhela liain vaves and
incieases concenlialion, inluilion, ciealivily, and oiganizalionaI
skiIIs, vhiIe al lhe sane line dissoIving sliess and faligue.
SeveiaI conpanies I have voiked vilh, incIuding Doug Hen-
ning Magic, had nany of lheii enpIoyees nedilaling. Anolhei
vas }akes Ciane & Rigging InleinalionaI, a faniIy-ovned !in
lhal has piovided nuch of lhe heavy consliuclion equipnenl
used in lhe luiIding of Las Vegas. Many enpIoyees, as veII as
lhe piesidenl of lhe conpany, ol DieIenan, piacliced lhe TM
lechnique. I have aIso voiked vilh Monlague CuiId, CLO of
CuiId Inveslnenl Managenenl, in Los AngeIes, vheie aInosl
aII enpIoyees nedilale. efoie il vas soId, M Opeialing, an oiI
conpany lased in ny honelovn of Canlon, offeied TM lo eveiy
enpIoyee vho vanled lo Ieain il.
!X2$-X$&5.%$@ ,#*6#.4
I focus ny enphasis on lhe TM lechnique, nol onIy lecause il
is lhe lesl nedilalion lechnique on lhe naikel loday, lul lecause
il is lhe lechnique I have peisonaI expeiience vilh and vhich is
lhe nosl lhoioughIy vaIidaled ly science. Il is a science-lased
Since lhe 197Os, lheie have leen 357 pulIished ieseaich
sludies. The ieseaich has appeaied in nany jouinaIs: Hqpcr|cn-
sicn, Tnc Ancrican ]curna| cf Cardic|cgq, Anxic|q, S|rcss and Ccping,
Sccia| 8cnaticr and Pcrscna|i|q, Ancrican ]curna| cf Hca||n Prcnc-
|icn, ]curna| cf C|inica| Psqcnc|cgq, and Ancrican Psqcnc|cgis|.
Roleil Rolh, aulhoi of TM. Transccndcn|a| Mcdi|a|icn, says,
Tens of lhousands of lusiness piofessionaIs and hundieds of
conpanies have legun lhe piaclice of TM. In lhe look he ciles
a Ioilune 1OO conpany lhal found~lhiough suiveys of lheii
enpIoyees~Iess anxiely, lension, insonnia and faligue, ieduced
use of haid Iiquoi and lolacco, giealei effecliveness in jol
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged299
3OO econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
salisfaclion, and inpioved heaIlh and fevei heaIlh conpIainls.
This, aflei onIy lhiee nonlhs. Ioi suie, no phainaceulicaI can do
Ialiicia Aluidene (Mcga|rcnds 2010) ciles R.W. uck
Monlgoneiy, vho inlioduced TM in 1983 lo his Delioil
chenicaI-nanufacluiing conpany, H.A. Monlgoneiy. ResuIls
veie dianalic, he said. Iifly-lvo of lhe conpanys 7O voikeis
nedilaled al hone lefoie voik, and lhen again in lhe afleinoon
on conpany line al lhe pIanl~2O ninules each line. The iesuIls
veie aslounding: Alsenleeisn feII 85, injuiies feII 7O, sick
days diopped 76, pioduclivily soaied 12O, quaIily conlioI iose
24O, and pio!ls skyiockeled an anazing 52O! AdnilledIy,
Ialiicia added, lhis is an oId sludy, lul I iepoil lhese !ndings
ialhei lhan disniss lhen lecause, as anazing as lhese nunleis
sound, lheyie consislenl vilh lhe iesuIls nedilalion piaclilioneis
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
A ieviev of 32 physioIogicaI sludies found lhal lhe TM
lechnique pioduces deepei iesl lhan oidinaiy ieIaxalion, and
aIso shovs lhal nedilalois have Iovei laseIine IeveIs of sliess.
Anolhei ieviev of 146 independenl sludy oulcones found lhal
lhe TM lechnique pioduces giealei ieduclions in anxiely lhan
olhei ieIaxalion and nedilalion lechniques.
A ieviev of 42 sludies found lhal lhe TM lechnique pioduces
giealei seIf acluaIizalion~deveIoping ones polenliaI~lhan
olhei nedilalion and ieIaxalion lechniques. The ieguIai
piaclice of TM effecliveIy ieduces lIood piessuie. Accoiding
lo sludies funded ly lhe NalionaI Inslilules of HeaIlh, one
ieviev indicaled a ieduclion of 4.7 nn Hg in sysloIic, and 3.2
nn Hg diasloIic lIood piessuie, cIinicaIIy neaningfuI changes
lhal can ieduce caidiovascuIai disease iisk.
9G .-@ 5C%2-$%%
Such gIoving asseilions, lacked up ly sone inleiesling voik-
pIace ieseaich, have najoi inpIicalions foi pioduclivily, voikei
salisfaclion, and heaIlh caie. They aie sunnaiized as foIIovs:
- Reseaicheis al lhe NalionaI Inslilule of IndusliiaI HeaIlh
of lhe }apanese Minisliy of Laloi conpaied 447 indusliiaI
voikeis vho veie laughl lhe TM lechnique vilh 321
voikeis vho did nol Ieain lhe piaclice. Accoiding lo lhe
!ndings ciled in }apanese }ouinaI of IndusliiaI HeaIlh,
lhe nedilalois shoved signi!canlIy decieased physicaI
conpIainls, inpuIsiveness, enolionaI inslaliIily, anxiely,
and aIso insonnia. The sludy vas done al a Sunilono
Heavy Indusliies, a diveise inleinalionaI conpany lhal
deveIops heavy nachineiy foi science and indusliy. As
pail of lheii seIf-inpiovenenl piogian, Sunilono aIso
inlioduced lhe piogian lo ils execulives and nanageis
al lheii head of!ce in Tokyo. Moie lhan 6OO nanageis,
incIuding lhe conpanys chaiinan, Ieained TM. Since lhen
lhe heaIlh insuiance division of lhe conpany ieconnends
TM lo voikeis as a neans of disease pievenlion and
conlioI, and foi ciealing a hainonious voik enviionnenl.
IiesenlIy noie lhan a hundied }apanese conpanies have
inpIenenled TM piogians foi nanageis and execulives.
- Tvo sludies found lhal enpIoyees piaclicing lhe TM
piogians on an aveiage of 11 nonlhs shoved signi!canl
inpiovenenls al voik, conpaied vilh a gioup of non-
nedilalois. ReIalionships vilh covoikeis and supeivisois
inpioved, as did jol peifoinance and salisfaclion, vhiIe
lhe desiie lo change jols decieased.
- One sludy anaIyzed heaIlh insuiance usage foi noie lhan
lvo- lhousand peopIe piaclicing TM ovei a !ve-yeai
peiiod. Il vas found lhal lhe nedilalois had Iess lhan
haIf lhe docloi visils and hospilaIizalion, and Iess nedicaI
liealnenl in sevenleen disease calegoiies, conpaied lo
olhei gioups of conpaialIe age, gendei, and piofession.
Anolhei sludy shoved decieased hospilaI adnission in aII
calegoiies of disease.
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 3O1
3O2 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I viole eaiIiei aloul liain capacily. Inslead of puisuing lhe
usuaI slialegy of educalion ly jusl !IIing up lhe liain, lhe con-
lainei-of-knovIedge, vilh infoinalion, ve need lo expand il! The
queslion is lhen, hov does TM heIp lo expand capacily` We need
lo knov, lased on vhal Aiie De Ceus of RoyaI Dulch SheII said,
The aliIily lo Ieain faslei lhan oui conpelilois nay le lhe onIy
suslainalIe conpelilive advanlage.
TM signi!canlIy pioduces incieased "uency of veilaI ciea-
livily, ef!ciency of Ieaining nev concepls, noie piincipIed noiaI
ieasoning, highei veilaI IQ, and decieased neuiolicisn. In addi-
lion, lhe lechnique acluaIIy incieases IQ, accoiding lo a sludy,
vhich found lhal ovei a 2-yeai peiiod, lhose vho ieguIaiIy piac-
liced TM incieased signi!canlIy in inleIIigence and lhe aliIily lo
nake iapid choice decisions conpaied lo lhe conlioI suljecls.
olh indicale an inciease of nenlaI capacily.
An anaIogy Mahaiishi vas fond of using is lhal nedilalion is
Iike diaving lack on a lov sliing lo give an aiiov a poveifuI
Iaunch foivaid. The deep iesl piovided ly nedilalion aIIovs
piaclilioneis lo Iaunch lhenseIves vilh giealei povei, dyna-
nisn, and cIaiily inlo aclivily.
Scienli!c ieseaich has denonslialed lhe deliinenlaI effecls
of lhe aging piocess can le sIoved dovn oi neuliaIized lhiough
nedilalion, as lhe chail leIov indicales.
Wilh Aging Thiough Iiaclice
of TM
CaidiovascuIai ef!-
Decieases Incieases
CeieliaI lIood "ov Decieases Incieases
VilaI capacily Decieases Incieases
NeuionuscuIai cooidi-
Decieases Incieases
IIuid inleIIigence Decieases Incieases
Wilh Aging Thiough Iiaclice
of TM
Ciealivily Decieases Incieases
Leaining aliIily Decieases Incieases
Menoiy Decieases Incieases
Oiganizalion of nenoiy Decieases Incieases
SeIf evaIualion of
Decieases Incieases
Insonnia Incieases Decieases
SuscepliliIily lo sliess Incieases Decieases
Depiession Incieases Decieases
In 2O11 lhe nunlei of peopIe Ieaining lhe TianscendenlaI
Medilalion is again on lhe iise in lhe Uniled Slales due lo a lesl
seIIing look, Transccndcncc. Hca|ing and Transfcrna|icn Tnrcugn
Transccndcn|a| Mcdi|a|icn, ly ienovned psychialiisl and nedicaI
ieseaichei, Di. Noinan RosenlhaI. He says lhal lhe expeiience
duiing nedilalion of lianscendence, is a poveifuI anlidole, he
leIieves, foi nany of oui nodein voes, a vay lo heIp oveicone
sliess and sliess-ieIaled disoideis vhiIe opening a nev vindov
lo lhe polenliaIilies of lhe hunan liain.
The look expIoies lhe scienli!c docunenlalion of heaIing and
liansfoinalion lhiough lhe TM piaclice and aIso fealuies case
sludies and inleivievs vilh nedilalois incIuding IauI McCa-
ilney, RusseII iand, Mailin Scoisese, Moly, Lauia Dein and
David Lynch.
Di. RosenlhaI says, If TM veie a nev piesciiplion diug,
confeiiing lhis nany lene!ls, il vouId le a liIIion-doIIai lIock-
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 3O3
3O4 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
So fai in lhis Iesson, Ive coveied lhe inpoilance of sIeep and
nedilalion, lvo spiingloaids foi lellei heaIlh, eneigy, and pei-
Lels junp inlo six noie lasic aieas of IifeslyIe lhal conliilule
as veII lo oui heaIlh, eneigy, and peifoinance, and vhich nany
peopIe oflen lend lo lieal lhoughlIessIy.
)."$#;9?$ !2/`$# G$@2X2-$
Lels slail vilh hov nuch valei you shouId diink. One cui-
ienl eslinale is lased on lody veighl. Divide youi veighl in haIf
and lhal is on aveiage lhe nunlei of ounces you shouId diink in
a day. Of couise, if you aie an alhIele and sveal a Iol, you need
noie valei lo conpensale.
Why shouId ve diink pIenly of valei` SinpIy pul, you canl
le eneigelic vilhoul il. Lack of valei is a piinaiy cause of day-
line faligue. e nodeiale, hovevei. Diinking loo nuch valei is
aIso nol heaIlhy.
We aII knov lhal valei is essenliaI foi Iife, yel, vhen peopIe
aie lhiisly oi liied, lhey aie so piogianned ly adveilising lhey
oflen ieach inslead foi a soda, leei, juice, cup of coffee, oi a candy
lai. This nakes no sense. Such pioducls conlain loo nuch sugai,
aIcohoI, oi aili!ciaI lhis-and-lhal. Moieovei, aIcohoI and caffeine
acluaIIy dehydiale youi lody. You end up needing ncrc valei.
When you ask peopIe if lhey aie diinking enough, lhey usu-
aIIy say lhey aie, lul lhals onIy lecause lhey incIude aII lhal olhei
sluff, nol lhe lasic "uid lhal lhe hunan lody evoIved on. Sludies
indicale lhal peihaps lhiee-quaileis of Aneiicans aie chioni-
caIIy dehydialed. Youi lody needs valei~good, cIean valei, as
naluie nade il.
We canl go noie lhan a fev days vilhoul il. IhysioIogicaIIy,
valei pIays a lig ioIe in nainlaining heaIlh. To knov jusl hov
nuch, you shouId iead Ycur 8cdqs Manq Crics |cr la|cr. Ycu
Arc Nc| Sic|, Ycu Arc Tnirs|q! Dcn| Trca| Tnirs| ui|n Mcdica|icns!
This eye-opening look, ly an Iianian-Aneiican naned I.
alnangheIidj, M.D., is lhe onIy one I knov viillen speci!caIIy
aloul heaIlh and valei. Di. alnan, as he is geneiaIIy caIIed foi
olvious ieasons, did exlensive cIinicaI and scienli!c ieseaich
shoving hov lhe lody naluiaIIy geneiales diffeienl lhiisl signaIs
lhal can le nislaken foi synplons and signs of iIIness. Recognizing
lhen foi vhal lhey ieaIIy aie, you can avoid coslIy nislakes, he
said: Hunans seen lo Iose lheii lhiisl sensalion and lhe ciilicaI
peiceplion of needing valei. Nol iecognizing lheii valei need,
lhey lecone giaduaIIy, incieasingIy, and chionicaIIy dehydialed
vilh piogiess in age. He conlinues, Chionic dehydialion causes
synplons lhal equaI disease vhen lhe vaiiely of eneigency
signaIs of dehydialion aie nol undeislood~as lhey aie unliI nov
nol undeislood.
Do you have a gIass of valei nexl lo you` If nol, go gel one.
III vail!
}anes Mailung, a Docloi of Chinese nedicine vho Iived
on lhe isIand of Tiinidad, had palienls fion aII ovei lhe voiId
incIuding ne unliI he died al age 1OO pIus. He ieconnended hol
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
When peopIe lecone sick oi vuIneialIe lo iIIness, ils oflen due
lo dehydialed ceII nenlianes, inhililing lhe aliIily lo piopeiIy
lake in nuliienls and expeI vasles. Youi liain cannol funclion
vilhoul valei. Reseaich says a neie 2 peicenl diop in lody
valei can liiggei fuzzy shoil-lein nenoiy, lioulIe vilh lasic
nalh, and dif!cuIly focusing on a conpulei scieen oi piinled
page. Diinking !ve gIasses of valei daiIy decieases lhe iisk of
coIon cancei ly 45 peicenl, lieasl cancei ly 79 peicenl, and
lIaddei cancei ly 5O peicenl.
Accoiding lo lhe jouinaI, Canccr |pidcnic|cgq, 8icnar|crs c
Prctcn|icn, Walei inlake aIone.vas signi!canlIy associaled
vilh a ieduced iisk of coIon cancei anong vonen.
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 3O5
3O6 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
valei in landen vilh Chinese heils lo heaI lhe lody and lo acli-
vale lhe inleIIigence of lhe heils he piesciiled. He loId ne lhal il
kepl lIood piessuie noinaI, cIeansed lhe syslen, and heIped lhe
lody lo assiniIale nuliienls fion foods and heils.
His seciel vas lo !II up a lheinos in lhe noining so lhal youi
valei is vilh you aII day. When you aie lhiisly ieach and diink.
If you donl have il, you vonl diink il. Di. Mailung advised lhal
hol valei, vain valei, oi valei al ioon lenpeialuie aie nuch
lellei lhan coId. CoId valei danpens digeslive !ie and danpens
lhe funclioning of lhe inleinaI syslens. You nay vanl lo heed his
advice, he vas heaIlhy unliI age 1OO pIus.
Di. Mailungs slai pupiI and piolege, Di. David Lee Sheng Tin
(psychedonIife.nel) is one of lhe lesl hoIislic heaIlh coaches. He
dulled valei lhe siIvei nedicine, eIevaling valei lo ils iighlfuI
slalus in lhe ieaIn of heaIlh caie. Walei is alsoIuleIy necessaiy lo
heaI lhe lody.
Iiioi lo lhe inpIenenlalion of nev aiipoil iesliiclions, I loiIed
ny ovn valei and caiiied lvo Theinos-fuIs on pIanes. Nov
I caiiy enply "asks inlo lhe aiipoil and, aflei passing lhiough
secuiily, I !II lhen up vilh hol valei al lhe aiiIine cIulioons.
I piefei hol valei lo coId valei, ny lody nelaloIizes il lellei.
And I use Theinoses so I knov vhal anounl In diinking. I
ieconnend you !nd a vay lo neasuie youi inlake so you neel
a nininun.
Have you evei expeiienced dehydialion` I have, as a iesuIl
of laking Iong "ighls and nol pulling enough valei in ny lody
lefoie and duiing lhe "ighl. You Iose one cup of valei pei houi
on a pIane, lo slay even, you need lo diink one cup pei houi.
Headaches aie one najoi sign of dehydialion foi ne. As an
inleinalionaI piofessionaI speakei, I ieaIIy need ny daiIy suppIy
of valei. I nevei "y inlo a cily on lhe day In scheduIed lo speak,
lul I usuaIIy speak lhe veiy nexl day. Il is inpoilanl I have a good
"ighl~I donl need a headache. I need lo le cIeai and eneigelic.
Ive Ieained lo diink pIenly of valei on "ighls.
Tiy lhis expeiinenl: Duiing youi nexl afleinoon al voik, as
soon as faligue hils, diink a gIass of valei and lhen anolhei one
ovei lhe nexl haIf-houi. Moniloi youi eneigy IeveI.
Ycud oc||cr |a|c carc cf qcursc|f occausc scicncc
ui|| |ccp qcu a|itc.
~ Conedian Dana Caivey
|f | nad |ncun | uas gcing |c |itc |nis |cng, | ucu|d natc
|a|cn oc||cr carc cf nqsc|f.
~ The Iale laselaII gieal, Mickey ManlIe
I**@ <."2-6
In nol going lo nag you aloul ealing veII. Youve heaid il aII
a niIIion lines and youie snail enough lo knov vhal lo eal and
vhal nol lo eal.
Di. Slephen Sinalia, a nelaloIic caidioIogisl vho piaclices
inlegialive nedicine using lhe lesl of lolh convenlionaI and
aIleinalive appioaches, has a faluIous nonlhIy nevsIellei lhal
opens youi undeislanding of hov caidiovascuIai disease can le
pievenled, nininized, and liealed vilh nuliilion, suppIenenls,
and sliess-ieduclion lechniques. If you aie inleiesled in lapping
inlo lhis iefieshing souice of infoinalion, go lo disinalia.con.
Di. Sinalia says, as youi ovn docloi vouId leII you, a good
diel is essenliaI lo caidiovascuIai heaIlh.
He ieconnends a diel lhal avoids sugai, sodas, sveels,
ie!ned cailohydiales, and lians fals. They aie, vilhoul a doull,
lhe liggesl enenies of a heaIlhy caidiovascuIai syslen lecause
lhey ianp up lhe IeveI of in"annalion in youi lody.
Linil leef and daiiy and eIininale piocessed foods. Inslead,
eal a vaiied diel !IIed vilh fiesh vegelalIes, vhoIe giains, fiuils,
!sh (viId, nol fain-iaised), nuls and seeds, and heaIlhy oiIs such
as oIive, vaInul, and aInond. A suivey of Chinese cenlenaiians
in lhe eaiIy 198Os found lhal leans and gieen vegelalIes foin a
najoi pail of lheii diels. The iilish MedicaI Associalion iefeis lo
ieseaich lhal vegelaiians Iive Iongei lhan neal-ealeis. Vegelaiians
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 3O7
3O8 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
have a 28 peicenl Iovei iisk of heail disease and a 39 peicenl
ieduced chance fion dying of cancei.
Whal you aIso canl do vilhoul is exeicise. Youve gol lo nove.
Sone of you, I an suie, aie exeicise devolees. ul nosl of us aie
sIackeis. Moie lhan 75 peicenl of Aneiican aduIls aie sedenlaiy.
ul lheie is hope foi sIackeis, as I Ieained in lhe look Mctc
Ycursc|f, viillen ly lvo expeils fion lhe Coopei CIinic in DaIIas,
Texas, lhe Ieading !lness ieseaich cenlei in lhe voiId. Yes, ve aII
knov ve shouId exeicise nodeialeIy al Ieasl lhiily ninules a day
on !ve oi noie days a veek. Thal viII ieduce youi iisk of nany
connon diseases.
Hovevei, accoiding lo Tedd MilcheII, M.D., and Tin Chuich,
M.D., Ih.D., lhe aulhois, you can do nuch Iess lhan lhal and
sliII nake a lig inpacl on youi heaIlh. Sonelhing is lellei lhan
nolhing, lhey say. ased on culling-edge ieseaich and iesuIls
fion 85,OOO palienls al lhe cIinic, lhey have found anazing Iife-
changing lene!ls fion Iov-dose physicaI aclivily. }usl a fev nin-
ules each day, nuch Iess lhan is geneiaIIy ieconnended, inne-
dialeIy geneiales najoi heaIlh and quaIily-of-Iife inpiovenenls,
incIuding noie eneigy, lellei nood, nenoiy, sIeep, and sex Iife.
This ilseIf shouId nolivale you iighl nov lo go lake lhal !ve-
ninule vaIk.
The look piovides gieal ideas foi sedenlaiy foIks and even
gives you a pIan foi incoipoialing physicaI aclivily inlo youi
voikday, incIuding hov lo use a slep counlei, a leiii!c gadgel
foi gelling you off lhe dine and slaying vilh il.
Hov aloul laking a liisk, lvo-ninule vaIk !ve-lo-len lines
a day, even in youi of!ce luiIding, oi a len-ninule vaIk lhiee
lines a day aflei neaIs` Il voiks, say doclois.
You can aIso lake a liisk noining vaIk. Ayuiveda, lhe oIdesl
foin of nedicaI science, piesciiles a noining vaIk lo eIininale
depiession. Suniise is lhe lesl line foi a vaIk. Recenl sludies sug-
gesl lhal exeicise inpioves noie lhan jusl youi physicaI heaIlh, il
aIso inpioves youi nenlaI oulIook.
Cel noving. Lxeicise nainlains and incieases youi nenlaI
acuily. MenlaI acuily is nol shaip vilhoul physicaI and nenlaI
exeicise. You have lo exeicise lhe nind and you have lo exeicise
lhe lody. Ioi ne, laking a vaIk lefoie a piesenlalion is an exceI-
Ienl vay lo keep ny nind shaip. efoie sone of ny lesl laIks
I have gone foi a liisk vaIk. I iecenlIy did lhis in San Maicos,
Texas, vheie I piesenled foi lhe Depailnenl of Aging and Disa-
liIily. They veie iunning lehind scheduIe, so I venl oulside and
vaIked aiound lhe luiIding seveiaI lines. Like a loxei hopping
in pIace lefoie lhe leII dings, I had a Iol of eneigy lhal I had lo
keep punped up. When I slailed lhe Iecluie, I vas anazed al ny
cIaiily and eneigy IeveI.
olh physicaI and nenlaI exeicise gives ne a sense of seIf-
esleen, slienglh, and a loIdness lo do lhings lhal I nay nol feeI
capalIe of doing.
This look viII eIevale you pasl excuses and Iifl you lo a nev
IeveI of vilaIily.
!"#$"X?2-6 .-@ B*6.
Move YouiseIf aIso leaches sone sinpIe slielching exeicises
you can do in a fev ninules. Of couise, yoga is vondeifuI foi lhal
as veII, and a piaclice I do eveiy day. Anong lheii nany lene!ls,
slielching and yoga inciease ciicuIalion, slinuIale lhe novenenl
of ceieliaI "uid in lhe spine, and aclivale aII of lhe gIands in lhe
If youie nol aIieady doing yoga, I ieconnend you liy il. If
you aie aIieady piaclicing il, I encouiage you lo do il ieguIaiIy.
Yoga nainlains nuscIe lone and "exiliIily despile youi age and is
exceIIenl foi lhe neivous syslen and lhe liain. Il aIIovs foi lellei
ciicuIalion lo lhe enliie lody, especiaIIy lo lhe liain. The Cenlei
of Inlegialive Medicine al Thonas }effeison Univeisily iecenlIy
discoveied lhal, aflei a singIe session of yoga, IeveIs of lhe sliess
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 3O9
31O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
hoinone coilisoI diopped, even in !isl-line pailicipanls.
IinaIIy, nodeialion. The diclionaiy leIIs us lhal nodeia-
lion neans iesliainl, lenpeiance, and lhe avoidance of exlienes
oi excesses. A sinpIe inlenlion nighl le lo neel lhe nidpoinl
lelveen excess and de!ciency in youi appioach lo Iife. Al lhe
slail of lhis look I iefeiied lo iII Coslys look | An lna| | A|c
and |n |rign|cncd. I nenlioned lhal he Iefl his chaplei on nodeia-
lion lIank. I viII aIso say veiy IillIe aloul nodeialion. Inslead I
viII Ieave you vilh lhese lvo quoles:
|f |a|cn in cxccss, ctcn ncc|ar (anri|a) is pciscn.
~Hindi pioveil
|ncugn is as gccd as a fcas|.
~LngIish pioveil
GJ8< 57!:E!
B*C# FC-6 0$./"?
Snoking is a najoi iisk facloi foi AIzheineis, heail disease,
and cancei, anong olhei seiious iIInesses. Cigaielles cause al
Ieasl 3O peicenl of aII cancei dealhs and conliilule lo lunois of
lhe Iungs, Iaiynx, noulh, lhioal, esophagus, lIaddei, Iivei, and
pancieas. Snoking is lad foi you. Need I say noie`
Lven if, Iike ne, you donl snoke, lheie aie sliII hazaids. I
used lo le loIeianl of fiiends and cIienls vho snoke especiaIIy
in Luiope lul nov, aflei ieading seveiaI sludies on lhe dangeis
of secondhand snoke, I an Ieaving ny loIeiance lehind and
avoiding snoke al aII cosls.
The NalionaI Cancei Inslilule, one of lhe 27 inslilules lhal
nake up lhe NalionaI Inslilules of HeaIlh (NIH) in lhe U.S., sun-
naiizes, You donl have lo le a snokei foi snoking lo hain
you. You can aIso have heaIlh piolIens fion liealhing in olhei
peopIes snoke. Secondhand snoke is lhe conlinalion of snoke
lhal cones fion lhe luining end of a cigaielle, cigai, oi pipe and
lhe snoke exhaIed ly lhe snokei. Secondhand snoke conlains
noie lhan 5O sulslances lhal can cause cancei. HeaIlh effecls of
exposuie lo secondhand snoke incIude Iung cancei, nasaI sinus
cancei, iespiialoiy liacl infeclions, and heail disease. Theie is no
safe anounl of secondhand snoke.
As of }anuaiy 2O11, accoiding lo lhe Aneiican Nonsnokeis
Righls Ioundalion, 35 slales in lhe U.S. have Iavs iequiiing 1OO
peicenl snoke-fiee voikpIaces and/oi ieslauianls and/oi lais.
This is inpoilanl lecause, accoiding lo Tolacco Snoke IoIIulion
in OkIahona WoikpIaces, lhe Ieliuaiy 2O1O iepoil ly OkIahona
Tolacco Reseaich Cenlei (OTRC), The exhausl iequiied ly slal-
ules foi snoking ioons is inlended lo heIp speed cIeaiance of
snoke.lul concenlialions of snokeis in lhe con!nes of lhese
snoking ioons pioduce veiy unheaIlhy IeveIs of loxic snoke.
And non-snoking dining aieas in ieslauianls vilh snoking
ioons had lhiee lines as nuch |of lhe loxic sulslancej as ieslau-
ianls lhal veie enliieIy snoke fiee. Theie is no safe anounl of
snoke and, if youie in a snoking eslalIishnenl, you canl gel
avay fion il!
!2#Q F.C6? . F*"
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
The Aneiican }ouinaI of Medicine leIIs us lhal Iaughlei
incieases lhe secielion of calechoIenines and endoiphins,
sulsequenlIy incieasing lhe oxygenalion of lhe lIood, ieIaxing
lhe aileiies, speeding up lhe heail and decieasing lIood
piessuie (vhich has a posilive effecl on aII caidiovascuIai and
iespiialoiy aiInenls) as veII as oveiaII incieasing lhe innune
syslen iesponse.
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 311
312 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Laughlei is seiious sluff. Laugh as nuch as you can. Sludies
shov Iaughlei heIps keep lIood vesseIs diIaled, piolecls againsl
heail allacks, slienglhens lhe innune syslen, Ioveis sliess hoi-
nones, and Iifls youi nood!
In Noinan Cousins 1979 leslseIIei, Ana|cnq cf an |||ncss, lhe
fanous Iileiaiy ediloi desciiled hov he heaIed hinseIf fion a
deliIilaling disease vilh negadoses of Candid Cancra and oId
Maix iolheis !Ins. Cousins iegaided Iaughlei as a foin of jog-
ging foi lhe innaids.
In lhe nid-198Os, he inspiied Lee eik, a young ieseaichei, lo
expIoie lhe physioIogy of Iaughlei. Al lhe line eik vas inves-
ligaling hov exeicise pioduces endoiphins. He vas lhe !isl
ieseaichei lo denonsliale hov exeicise-induced endoiphins
ieIale lo runncrs nign and lhal exeicise couId lene!l lhe innune
eiks sulsequenl ieseaich shoved lhal Iaughlei, siniIai lo
exeicise, pioduces a high lide of endoiphins, in addilion lo Iov-
eiing sliess hoinones.
Cousins feIl sliongIy lhal Iaughlei acled as a nelaphoi and
noliIizalion of ones fuII iange of spiiiluaI, enolionaI, and phys-
icaI iesouices in lhe sliiving foi veIIness and lhe lallIe againsl
iIIness. eiks voik vaIidaled Cousins on lhis poinl as veII. In
nuneious expeiinenls he pioved Iaughlei inpacls lhe physi-
oIogy in speci!c vays lo loIslei lhe heaIing polenliaI of nind,
lody, and spiiil. DeliinenlaI sliess hoinones deciease. ene!ciaI
hoinones inciease.
Theii voik niiioied lhal sinpIe Iine in lhe ilIe: A neiiy
heail doelh good Iike a nedicine.
So go see a funny novie, valch Conedy CenliaI, leII a joke,
shaie sone Iaughs. I once iead lhal chiIdien Iaugh 4OO lines a day
and aduIls onIy 15-2O lines. So gel vilh il! He vho Iaughs, said
Maiy Iellilone IooIe, Iasls.
<.#"?2-6W 7 D."C#./ !"#$%%&5C%"$#
One of lhe nosl fascinaling, and naluiaI, foins of sliess lusling
Ive cone acioss vas inlioduced lo ne ly ny good fiiend and
heaIlh viilei Mailin Zuckei. His look, |ar|ning. Tnc Mcs| |npcr-
|an| Hca||n Discctcrq |tcr? CIinl Olei, Slephen Sinalia, M.D., and
Mailin Zuckei, desciiles lhe discoveiy of signi!canl heaIlh lene-
!ls iesuIling fion conlacl vilh lhe pIanels genlIe eIecliic eneigy.
Lailhing invoIves naking diiecl conlacl vilh lhe eailh vhiIe you
sIeep and even vhiIe you voik.
You can, of couise, nake conlacl ly going laiefool oulside,
and nany of you ieading lhis look nay ienenlei a line vhen
you vaIked on a sandy leach oi dev-noislened giass and feIl
sone sullIe vainlh oi lingIing in youi feel and Iegs. This is lhe
eailhs eIecliicaI eneigy you veie feeIing.
Hovevei, nosl peopIe vonl oi canl go laiefool Iong enough
lo expeiience lhe lene!ls lhal lhe eailhs suiface piovides. In his
look, Zuckei, and his co-aulhois, one a caidioIogisl and lhe olhei
a fascinaling genlIenan vho !isl nade lhe discoveiy, desciile
hov peopIe can sIeep oi voik indoois on speciaIIy conduclive
sheels and nals connecled via a viie lo a giound iod oulside lhe
vindov oi lo a piopeiIy giounded vaII sockel in lheii ledioon
oi of!ce. The look chionicIes lhe scienli!c ieseaich, aIong vilh
nany leslinoniaIs, shoving najoi lene!ls such as inpioved
sIeep, noie eneigy, ieduced in"annalion and pain, acceIeialed
heaIing fion injuiy oi suigeiy, and a shifl in lhe neivous syslen
avay fion a sliessed (synpalhelic) node lo a noie caIning (pai-
asynpalhelic) node. IeisonaIIy, I have found Lailhing exlieneIy
piaclicaI and lene!ciaI in ny lusy Iife of liaveIing and speaking
aII ovei lhe voiId. Il eIininales jel Iag, heIps ieIieve liaveI faligue,
and conliilules lo cIeai lhinking.
Thioughoul hisloiy, hunans vaIked laiefool and sIepl on lhe
giound, IaigeIy olIivious lo lhe facl lhal lhe suiface of lhe eailh
conlains lhis IinilIess heaIing eneigy. Science has nov discov-
eied lhal lhis eneigy pionoles heaIlh, hainonizes and slaliIizes
lhe lodys lasic lioIogicaI ihylhns, and neuliaIizes in"anna-
lion. Modein IifeslyIe, incIuding lhe videspiead use of insuIaling
iullei- oi pIaslic-soIed shoes, has disconnecled us fion lhis
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 313
314 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
eneigy and, of couise, ve no Iongei sIeep on lhe giound as ve did
in lines pasl. Zuckeis look desciiles hov lhis physicaI discon-
necl fion lhe eailh cieales alnoinaI physioIogy and conliilules
lo in"annalion, pain, faligue, sliess, and pooi sIeep, and hov
ly ieconnecling lo lhe eailh synplons aie iapidIy ieIieved and
even eIininaled. IeopIe sIeep lellei. They aie noie eneigized.
And lhey have Iess sliess.
Lailhing is a poveifuI and anazing looI, easiIy incoipoialed
inlo lhe lusiesl of Iives. Aflei you iead lhis look you viII nevei
Iook al lhe giound lenealh youi feel lhe sane vay. Visil vvv.
eailhing.con foi noie infoinalion on hov you can nake a lig
diffeience in lhe quaIily of youi Iife.
0J) E7D BJ>8 J8I7D:k79:JD I<9 ):90 :9 7DL
7!!:!9 BJ> :D BJ>8 ,>8!>:9 J' 0<7F90R
If lhe oiganizalion viII foIIov sone of lhese sinpIe iecon-
nendalions, lhey viII le Iaughing lheii vay lo lhe lank vilh
heaIlh-caie savings.
Is youi oiganizalion piepaied foi lhe fuluie` The fuluie is
nov. Many conpanies aie laking on lhe sociaI iesponsiliIily of
ciealing a heaIlhy voikpIace foi lheii enpIoyees.
SeveiaI of ny cIienls have ienoved aII vending nachines lhal
do nol encouiage heaIlhy halils and have iepIaced lhen vilh
lhose lhal do. One exanpIe is in iepIacing soda vilh naluiaI juices.
G2-@M5*@A E*--$X"2*-
Conpanies can save niIIions ly pioacliveIy caiing foi voikeis.
iilish TeIecon Iaunched heaIlh inilialives in 2OO5, Ieading lo
a 33 peicenl decIine in voikeis using sick days, saving $48
niIIion annuaIIy. - fion Tnc |u|urc cf lcr| ly Richaid Donkin
A CLO in Ronania has his secuiily peopIe nake suie eve-
iyone is oul of lheii of!ce and lhe luiIding ly 6:OO p.n. He says if
you canl do youi jol in lhe aIIolled line, lhen he has you in lhe
viong jol.
TaIenl IIus, Inc., a conpany in Neliaska, has a kilchen and
a piofessionaI chef on loaid lo nake ils enpIoyees fiesh and
heaIlhy neaIs.
Ashlon Seivice Cioup neai Vancouvei, .C., Canada offeis
$1,OOO doIIais lo enpIoyees vho quil snoking. So fai, lhiee have
leen successfuI and have coIIecled on lhe offei. The conpany aIso
decIaied aII aieas of lhe conpany, incIuding liucks, non-snoking
aieas. In addilion, lhe oiganizalion aIIovs foi a ceilain nunlei
of paid houis pei veek lo lheii enpIoyees vho voIunleei in lhe
Anolhei conpany in LngIand encouiages enpIoyees lo veai
pedoneleis vhich naik lhe nunlei of sleps laken pei day. If
1O,OOO sleps aie laken, ievaids aie given. This conpany aIso
gives lonuses foi nol laking sick days, in olhei voids, foi slaying
David AIi, M.D., and Ialsy AIi, ovneis of CuIf Viev MedicaI
Cenlie, Lld., on lhe Caiillean isIand of Tiinidad, have luiIl and
equipped a leaulifuI, spacious gyn on lhe lop "ooi of lheii foui-
sloiy nedicaI cenlei. Iion heie lhey can enjoy lhe viev of lhe
CuIf of Iaiia as lhey exeicise. A !lness enlhusiasl hinseIf, Di.
AIi encouiages enpIoyees and slaff lo use lhe gyn daiIy. This is
piovided as a seivice lo lhe 1OO pIus enpIoyees and slaff and lheii
faniIies. Suiiounding neighlois aie aIso veIcone.
Many conpanies aie paying foi lheii enpIoyees lo nedilale
2O ninules lvice daiIy on conpany line, foIIoving nany }apa-
nese conpanies vho aie avaie of lhe pievenlion il offeis.
Nuliilionisl and exeicise guiu, Coveil aiIey, says in his look
|i| cr |a|, If I veie offeiing a piII lo deciease lhe lendency of lhe
lody lo nake fal, fal peopIe vouId le Iining up lo luy il. I an
offeiing such a piII, il lakes jusl 12 ninules a day lo svaIIov il!
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 315
316 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
9?*C6?" ,#*`*+$#%
1. Mosl nedicaI and scienli!c expeils agiee lhal heie aie
lhiee najoi kiIIeis in oui sociely loday: coionaiy disease,
cancei, and slioke. These condilions aie aII Iinked lo vhal
ve eal and diink.
2. Nolhing happens unliI sonelhing noves.
~ AIleil Linslein.
Whal heaIs lhe lody is nolion and novenenl. If you sil
aiound and donl nove, lhen heaIing doesnl lake pIace.
You gel oId.
3. Woik haidei on youiseIf lhan you do al youi jol.
Woiking haid on youi jol viII eain you a Iiving, lul
voiking haid on youiseIf viII eain you a foilune.
~}in Rohn, Aneiican aulhoi and speakei
4. Cod speaks lhiough siIence. Lveiylhing eIse is a pooi
5. Men do nol quil pIaying lecause lhey giov oId, lhey
giov oId lecause lhey quil pIaying.
~OIivei WendeII HoInes, Aneiican juiisl
7X"2*- :@$.%
1. Lal Iess~and gel used lo il! The Iongesl-Iived popuIalions
in lhe voiId have a coupIe of lhings in connon. One is
lhal lhey consune onIy one-haIf lo lvo-lhiids of vhal lhe
aveiage Aneiican does, a quailei of lhe fal and haIf of lhe
piolein. Theii cailohydiale inlake is aloul lhe sane, lul
il is unpiocessed. The Ialesl ieseaich says Ioveiing youi
caIoiic inlake Ieads lo fevei loxins and Iess sliess on lhe
digeslive syslen.
2. Read one of lhe nosl conpiehensive and up lo dale heaIlh
looks avaiIalIe loday: YOU The Ovneis ManuaI: An
Insideis Cuide lo lhe ody Thal WiII Make You HeaIlhiei
and Youngei ly MichaeI I. Roizen, M.D. and Mehnel
C. Oz, M.D. To denonsliale hov essenliaI exeicise is lo
heaIlh lhey piovided lhis Diel-Aclivily Ciil Sheel (page
344) in vhich lhey capluie lhe lasics.
Diel Aclivily IIan Ciil Sheel
WaIking 3O ninules eveiy day (oi olhei
geneiaI physicaI aclivily Iike
svinning, if you cannol vaIk)
Slanina liaining
(liking, svinning)
3 lines a veek, al a iale al vhich
you aie svealing foi 2O ninules oi
aie oul of liealh ly lhe end
Resislance liaining 3 lines a veek, 1O ninules a day
Slielching oi yoga Lveiy day, aflei a vaIk
Deep liealhing Take 1O deep liealhs eveiy noin-
ing and nighl (iefei lo Chaplei 5 of
lheii look lo Ieain hov)
SIeep IIan line foi 7 lo 8 houis daiIy.
3. If you canl go lo India, visil The Raj, a pieeninenl holeI and
heaIlh spa. The Raj HeaIlh Spa piogians have leen fealuied
on C8S, N8C, A8C, CNN, Ncusucc|, Tinc, Ncu Ycr| Tincs,
la|| S|rcc| ]curna|, |||c, |cs Angc|cs Tincs, Tcun c Ccun|rq,
8cdq+Scu|, and liaveI.nsn.con. Whal is Ayuiveda` Ayui-
veda is a heaIlh syslen lhal has leen successfuIIy used foi
pievenlion and heaIing foi ovei 5OOO yeais. vvv.lheiaj.con
4. Read lncn Tnc 8cdq Saqs Nc ly Caloi Male, M.D. The aulhoi
deIves inlo lhe cosl of hidden sliess and ils consequences on
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 317
318 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
lhe lody. He is a sliong leIievei in lhe nind/lody connec-
5. Read IaleIs on food pioducls lefoie luying. The noie
ingiedienls in a pioducl, lhe noie unnaluiaI il is. IdeaIIy, pui-
chase as nuch oiganic as possilIe.
90< IJL'790<8 J' ':9D<!!
Sone yeais ago, I vas piiviIeged lo neel }ack LaLanne in lhe
AdniiaIs CIul al lhe Los AngeIes aiipoil. I inlioduced nyseIf
and one of lhe !isl lhings I said lo hin vas, You knov }ack, you
aie one of ny heioes. Ive gol youi juicei!
He Iaughed. Then he nade a !sl, lensed his licep, heId il up,
and said, IeeI lhal, }in!
I squeezed his licep and il vas haid as iock. This guy is sliong!
Nexl he palled his als and insliucled ne, IeeI lhis.
His slonach nuscIes veie Iike lhe pioveiliaI vashloaid. I
leIieve lhal he vas aiound 93 yeais of age al lhal line. ReaIIy, he
Iooked 3O yeais youngei.
I aIso challed vilh his vife LIaine, vho vas a deIighlfuI
peison. }ack loId ne she vas lhe povei lenealh his nuscIe. We
aie pailneis and fiiends and Ioveis, eveiylhing. You couId even
see lhis on lheii leIevision piogian, vhich I vas a lig fan of.
LaLanne is knovn as lhe Codfalhei of Iilness and, lhough
gone nov, hes leen inspiiing us lo slay !l since 1936. We can
liansfoin oui Iives ly foIIoving his nandales: Lal fiesh fiuils
and vegelalIes. If nan nade il, avoid il. Lal vhoIe giains, Iean
neal, and !sh, avoid piocessed foods, no vhile "oui, no vhile
sugai, and no snacking. Cel off youi seal and onlo youi feel. Lxei-
cise haid foi 3O ninules a day, lhiee lo foui lines a veek. You
golla eal iighl, exeicise, and have goaIs and chaIIenges.
LaLannes nosl fanous nanlia vas, Lxeicise is king, nulii-
lion is queen. Iul 'en logelhei and youve gol a kingdon!
He vaIked his laIk. His day consisled of a lvo-houi voikoul
fion 6:OO lo 8:OO a.n., lieakfasl of a povei diink vilh 5O gians
of soy piolein and a vhoIe-giain ceieaI, Iunch of fiuil, foui egg
vhiles, and soup, and dinnei of a iav, len-vegelalIe saIad, soup,
vhoIe-vheal pila liead, lhiee lo foui ounces of !sh, and a gIass
oi lvo of vine. So lheie you have il, fion lhe Codfalhei of Iil-
LaLanne giev up veak and sickIy in eikeIey, CaIifoinia. He
!IIed up on cakes and pies and slayed inside his house. Il vas al
age 15 lhal he changed his Iife, and he ciedils lhis lo going lo a
Iecluie ly nuliilionisl IauI iagg, vho pounded up and dovn
lhe slage and laIked aloul nuliilion. LaLanne said, He had aII
lhis eneigy I vanled. He ienenleis iagg saying, If you oley
naluies Iavs, youII le loin again. iagg neanl ealing onIy nal-
uiaI unpiocessed foods, a nessage lhal feII on LaLannes young
eais and ciealed a IifeIong nission.
An enleipiising young nan, LaLanne had his ovn heaIlh-
food lakeiy ly age 18 and al age 21 slailed his ovn gyn in dovn-
lovn OakIand. Di. }ohn LIiol of Rice Univeisily, vho sludies lhe
psychoIogy of !lness and heaIlh, says, Whals ieaIIy fascinaling
is hov fai ahead of his line he ieaIIy vas. One peison vho has
foIIoved LaLannes caieei is ChaiIie McCaiI, vho legan voiking
oul al LaLannes gyn vhen il !isl opened and has leen his fiiend
evei since. McCaiI leIieves lhal LaLanne has nade a diffeience
in a Iol of peopIes Iives: He vasnl in il lo nake a Iol of noney,
he jusl vanled lo nake peopIe Iook lellei, feeI lellei, and slay
So Iel ne shine lhe spolIighl on }ack LaLanne, Aneiicas exei-
cise guiu. I sliII Iove lo valch ieiuns on LSIN CIassic of oId epi-
sodes of The }ack LaLanne Shov, lhey inlioduce nev geneialions
lo LaLannes !lness iegine and high eneigy.
}ack LaLanne is soneone I vouId Iike lo le Iike. He had aII
lhe eneigy and vilaIily I vouId Iike lo have nov and inlo ny 9Os.
This Iesson conlains vilhin il lhe fundanenlaIs of heaIlh. I
!nd lhal, if ve lecone enanoied vilh conpIicaled slialegies, ve
Iose sighl of fundanenlaIs and no slialegy viII voik. I leIieve
lhal lhe Ih does lhe fundanenlaIs veII and uses lhen as lhe
15 Lesson 7: Keep Youi Mind/ody alleiey Chaiged 319
32O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
foundalion foi successfuI Iiving. Woik al Iiving, nol dying, have
goaIs and chaIIenges lhal nake you gel up in lhe noining. }ack
LaLanne vas an inciedilIe inspiialion foi lhese veiy ideaIs.
Chaplei 16
ConcIusion: Requiienenls foi Ciadualion
Scnc|incs cur |ign| gccs cu| ou| i|s o|cun again in|c "anc
oq an cnccun|cr ui|n anc|ncr nunan ocing. |acn cf us cucs
|nc dccpcs| |nan|s |c |ncsc unc natc rc|ind|cd |nis inncr |ign|.
ichaeI }oidan vas once asked ly an inleivievei, Whals il
Iike lo le caIIed lhe lesl laskellaII pIayei evei` MichaeI ie-
pIied, Donl leIieve eveiylhing you iead, especiaIIy aloul youi-
seIf. I viII nevei le lhe lesl evei, lul I viII nevei slop ucr|ing
|cuard leing lhe lesl evei.
econing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing is a vay of Iiving ialhei
lhan a deslinalion. One doesnl go lo lhe synphony lo Iislen lo
lhe appIause al lhe end. One enjoys lhe exquisileIy pIayed nusic
lhioughoul lhe vhoIe piece. Il is lhe piocess lhal nalleis.
A IiofessionaI Hunan eing is nuch Iike a Ih.D. Once you
ieceive a Ih.D., you do nol inslanlIy knov eveiylhing on lhe
lopic. Inslead, having a Ih.D. opens you up lo a !eId of invesliga-
lion lhal is IifeIong. The noie you knov, lhe noie you knov you
donl knov. You lecone aculeIy avaie of lhe innense anounl
16 ConcIusion 323
324 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
of knovIedge lhal Iies ahead. econing a Ih is aIso a voik-in-
Celling youi Ih neans ieconnilling lo Iiving one day al a
line. Nol aII days viII go as snoolhIy as pIanned. SliII, lheie is
peifeclion vilhin lhe seeningIy inpeifecl~and lhis is one of lhe
joys of leing hunan. We nay gel off-laIance al lines, lul nov
ve have Ieained vays lo iecovei and nove foivaid.
Re"ecl on lhese queslions and lhoughlfuI quoles as ve ieviev
lhe seven Iessons of leconing a Ih:
,$#g*#4 B*C# G.62X
Tncrc arc cn|q |uc uaqs |c |itc qcur |ifc. Onc is as |ncugn
nc|ning is a nirac|c. Tnc c|ncr is as |ncugn ctcrq|ning is a
~ AIleil Linslein
Whal do you vanl lo cieale lhiough youi nagic, lhiough
youi speci!c and unique aliIilies`
'#*4 0$#$ : 74 "* 9?$#$ B*C 7#$
|tc |carncd |na| pccp|c ui|| fcrgc| una| qcu said, pccp|c ui||
fcrgc| una| qcu did, ou| pccp|c ui|| nctcr fcrgc| ncu qcu nadc
|ncn fcc|.
~ Maya AngeIou
A Ih de!nes heiseIf ly lhe diffeience she nakes in olhei
peopIes Iives. She cheiishes hei aliIily lo le of such high seivice
lo hei feIIov nen and vonen lhal lheie is joy, even ecslasy in
lhal expeiience of giving.
Whal heIps you nake a diffeience in youi Iife as veII as in lhe
Iives of olheis`
!"*1 I*2-6 JC" *g B*C# G2-@
|ifc can ci|ncr oc acccp|cd cr cnangcd. |f i| is nc| acccp|cd, i| nus|
oc cnangcd. |f i| cannc| oc cnangcd, |ncn i| nus| oc acccp|cd.
~ Anonynous
A Ih lakes iesponsiliIily foi hei Iife, leconing lhe naslei of
hei ovn desliny~lo lhe giealesl degiee possilIe. She is soveieign
of hei voiId and is nol found pIaying lhe ioIe of viclin. She is
in conlioI of hei iesponses lo even lhe nosl undesiialIe ciicun-
slances given lo hei ly Iife - as veII as lo lhe nosl desiialIe. Hov
ve iespond lo success is jusl as ciuciaI lo oui heaIlh and veII
leing and fuluie success as faiIuie.
Hov do you choose lo nove lhiough lhe changes lhal you
viII face and nol go oul of youi nind`
!$$ B*C#%$/g *- 5#*.@H.A
|nagina|icn is ncrc inpcr|an| |nan |ncu|cdgc. Kncu|cdgc is
|ini|cd. |nagina|icn cncirc|cs |nc ucr|d.
~ AIleil Linslein
A Ih is liinning vilh a ciealive foice. He sees possiliIilies
vheie olheis see piolIens. He envisions vhal he desiies foi his
Iife vilh a ie!ned inaginalion. He doesnl nisuse his inaginalive
povei vilh loxic lhinking.
Hov do you slay in lhal caIn space of ciealivily so lhal youi
piolIen-soIving and idealion capaliIily giovs`
!".-@ >1 g*# )?." B*C T./C$ G*%"
Cnarac|cr isn| scnc|ning qcu ucrc ocrn ui|n and can|
cnangc, |i|c qcur !ngcrprin|s. ||s scnc|ning qcu ucrcn| ocrn
ui|n and nus| |a|c rcspcnsioi|i|q fcr fcrning.
~ }in Rohn
16 ConcIusion 325
326 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
A Ih is one vho knovs vhal she vaIues nosl and Iives lhose
vaIues. She doesnl !ghl vilh heiseIf ly conpionising vhal she
leIieves in.
Whal do you vaIue lhe nosl`
:g B*C L*-j" K-*H )?$#$ B*Cj#$ I*2-6Q !1$$@2-6 >1 )*-j"
Oncc qcu na|c a dccisicn, |nc unitcrsc ccnspircs |c na|c i|
~ RaIph WaIdo Lneison
A Ih is invigoialed ly focus, diieclion, nission, and pui-
Whal is il lhal you vanl lo cieale` Whal is lhe fuluie you envi-
K$$1 B*C# G2-@M5*@A 5.""$#A E?.#6$@
Tnc ocs| six dcc|crs anquncrc,
And nc cnc can dcnq i|
Arc Sunsninc, la|cr, Rcs|, and Air,
|xcrcisc and Dic|.
Tncsc six ui|| g|ad|q qcu a||cnd
|f cn|q qcu arc ui||ing,
Ycur nind |ncq|| cnccr, qcur i||s |ncq|| ncnd,
And cnargc qcu nc| cnc sni||ing.
~ An oId ihyne
A Ih has high voIlage-eneigy iunning lhiough his syslen,
nol onIy punping hin vilh good vilaIily foi a lellei Iife, lul
giving hin eneigy ovei"ov, vhich can le given oul and shaied
vilh lhe voiId.
Do you feeI ieady lo lake on lhe voiId`
Meel soneone vho is doing jusl lhal.
16 ConcIusion 327
Chaplei 17
VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia
Ncocdq carcs if qcu can| dancc uc||. ]us| gc| up and dancc.
Grca| danccrs arc nc| grca| occausc cf |ncir |ccnniquc,
|ncq arc grca| occausc cf |ncir passicn.
leachei and choieogiaphei of nodein dance
alhei CaliieI Meja is a nan vho is saving Iives, one van-fuII
al a line. In lhe inlioduclion of lhis look I inlioduced you lo
Leioy Cianl, lhe Iealhei lechnician, and nov I vanl lo end lhe
look ly inlioducing you lo soneone eIse I an honoied lo caII
fiiend and soneone I adniie innenseIy, Ialhei CaliieI.
I !isl heaid aloul Ialhei CaliieI, Ih fion ny niece AngeIa
vhiIe she vas a sludenl al Mahaiishi SchooI in Iaii!eId, Iova.
Ialhei visiled hei cIass and spoke lo lhen aloul his piogians.
AngeIa gushed aloul hov kind, Ioving, and sveel lhe piiesl vas.
She vas inspiied ly hin. As an I~and as you viII le!
Ialhei CaliieI Iives in CoIonlia. He vas loin in leaulifuI CaIi,
a cily Ive had lhe pIeasuie of visiling iecenlIy vhen I piesenled al
Ionli!cia Univeisidad }aveiiana, lhe piesligious }esuil Univeisily.
Ialhei~hinseIf a piaclilionei of TianscendenlaI Medilalion foi
lhe deep iesl, sliess ieIief, aIeilness, and expansion of avaieness
17 VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia 329
33O econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
il offeis~vas al lhe Mahaiishi SchooI lo Ieain noie aloul lhe
lechniques appIicalions in educalion and chiId deveIopnenl.
Ialhei CaliieI is fion a connunily of Ronan CalhoIic piiesls
and liolheis founded in 1849 ly Sainl Anlhony Maiy CIaiel caIIed
lhe CIaielian Oidei. Theii ain is lo see Iife lhiough lhe eyes of lhe
pooi and iespond lo lheii giealesl need. Ioi Ialhei CaliieI, lhal
liansIales inlo saving lhe slieel chiIdien of CoIonlia~chiIdien
diopped off in Iaige cilies lo fend foi lhenseIves, ly lheii pooi,
despeiale faniIies no Iongei alIe lo suppoil lhen. Many of lhese
slieel chiIdien luin lo snif!ng gIue and laking olhei sulslances lo
escape lheii pain. They oflen end up luining lo lhefl and piosli-
lulion jusl lo suivive. Il nakes ne sad even lo lype lhese voids.
These pooi chiIdien aie al iisk of diug addiclion, slaivalion, and
eaiIy dealh.
Ialhei CaliieI eslalIished Cenleis lo heIp lhese chiIdien.
Scouiing lhe cily, he and his slaff diive vans seaiching lhe slieels
ieIenlIessIy foi lhen. The chiIdien viIIing lo accepl heIp aie
picked up and laken lo one of lhe Cenleis.
Aloul lhe honeIess Ialhei says, vhen ve liing lhen fion
lhe slieel, nany have no noney in lheii pockels. We piovide lhen
vilh hol valei, soap, shanpoo, a shovei, ve give lhen a loveI
and nev cIolhes. We give lhen lieakfasl. The chiId eals eggs foi
lhe !isl line in a Iong line. The educaloi lhen asks. Why donl
you slay heie and gel heIp` If lhe ansvei is yes, lhe liansfoina-
lion legins. Il is haid voik! One of Ialheis favoiile sayings is
lheie is no such lhing as a fiee Iunch.
In facl, May 2O11 naiked lhe 27-yeai anniveisaiy of vhen
Ialhei legan iesponding lo lhese liagedies in his honeIand. He
nov has 54 piogians vilh a slaff of noie lhan 7OO opeialing
aiound CoIonlia and lhe iesl of Soulh Aneiica. To dale, Ialhei
and his slaff have seived noie lhan 43,OOO young aduIls. Whal a
conliilulion! Inagine saving lhal nany Iives. And, as he expIained
lo ne, he does il aII using his CalhoIic failh, TianscendenlaI Medi-
lalion, yoga, gioup counseIing, lhe oys and CiiI Scouls concepls
and piaclices and alove aII, Iove. Ialhei hinseIf vas a oy Scoul
and nov vanls lhe chiIdien lo Ieain vhal he Ieained fion lhe
Scoul expeiience. Theie aie canpouls and veiy piaclicaI Iessons
lo le Ieained fion scouling.
The lasic lheiapy he uses is Iove. He desciiles Iove as lhe
inpeiiaI nedicine foi any iIIness oi disoidei. Ialhei cIaii!es,
The heail doesnl have any Ianguage. We hug oui chiIdien. We
Iook al lhen vilh Iove. We heaI lhen vilh Iove. When I spoke
vilh hin on lhe phone iecenlIy, he loId ne lhe sloiy of lhal noin-
ings Mass, vhen he iead fion lhe ook of Mallhev, leIIing lhe
chiIdien of hov }esus heaIed lvo lIind nen lhiough louch. The
lIind nen cane lo }esus, ciying foi heIp. He louched lheii eyes
and lioughl lhen sighl. }esus heaIed lhen lhiough louch. Ialhei
CaliieI and his slaff use Iove lo louch and heaI lhe heails of lhe
Ialhei legins his day vilh a lhiee-houi peisonaI piogian
vhich incIudes an houi of exeicise, an ayuivedic heaIlh nassage
and his piaclice of TianscendenlaI Medilalion. He conpIeles his
session ly saying Mass. He lakes caie of nind, lody, and spiiil.
He loId ne lhal he gives lhiee houis lo hinseIf and 21 lo olheis.
I visiled Ialhei Mejia and his foundalion and voIunleeied ny
line foi one veek ly speaking al seveiaI of his piogian Iocalions
in ucaiananga and MedeIIin. I valched hin in aclion vilh lhe
chiIdien, I sav lhe joy on his face. I sav lhe piofound dedicalion
lo and affeclion foi lhe chiIdien fion Ialhei, of couise, lul aIso
equaIIy fion lhe slaff. I sav a Iol of hugging and genuine Iove
lheie. I did a Iol of hugging and feII in Iove vilh Ialhei and lhe
chiIdien nyseIf.
AII chiIdien have lhe oppoilunily lo Ieain TianscendenlaI
Medilalion vhiIe in his piogians. AcluaIIy, his !ve fuII-line TM
leacheis have laughl ovei 7,OOO chiIdien lo nedilale. Ialhei says
lhal TM lakes avay lhe sliess in lhe chiIdiens Iives and, vhen
lhe chiIdien legin lo nedilale, lhey open lhenseIves up lo lhe
in!nile. The voiId opens up foi lhe chiId. The chiId discoveis his
innei naluie, vhich is Iove. He said lhal eveiy line he Iooks inlo
lhe eyes of a chiId he is inspiied lo heIp. Whenevei a chiId in need
is slanding in fionl of you lheie exisls an oppoilunily lo heIp. His
phiIosophy is lhal lhe chiId is nol a piolIen, she is an oppoilu-
nily. She has in!nile polenliaI.
Like nany gieal Ieadeis, Ialhei CaliieI couId nol do lhis
17 VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia 331
332 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
voik aIone. When I asked hin vhal nakes hin successfuI, he
iesponded, The peopIe I voik vilh. My 7OO slaff aIong vilh
anolhei 7OO voIunleeis inspiies ne as lhey voik vilh lhe kids
eveiy day. They Iislen, lhey Iove, and lhey have a piofound
feeIing of conpassion foi lhe kids. This inspiies ne eveiy day.
This nakes ne successfuI.
Ialheis success is inneasuialIe, lul I vas especiaIIy
inpiessed ly lhe facl lhal aloul 35 peicenl of his slaff had aclu-
aIIy cone fion lhe slieels, gone lhiough his piogian and nov aie
lhe nosl devoled of his slaff nenleis. Sone have even gone on
lo lecone his lesl, nosl conpassionale diieclois.
One of lhe vondeifuI, dedicaled voIunleeis of Ialhei Calii-
eIs oiganizalion is Sonia Veia. I nel Sonia al Mahaiishi Univei-
sily of Managenenl, vheie I vas conpIeling a nasleis piogian.
She inlioduced ne lo Ialhei and acquainled ne vilh his voik
and foundalion. Wilh leais in hei eyes Sonia loId ne aloul }uan
CaniIo Lsliada-Iaiia. }uan is jusl one exanpIe of lhe nany suc-
cesses of Ialheis piogians.
oin in MedeIIin, CoIonlia, his lioIogicaI paienls nevei
iaised }uan, his godpaienls look hin in. His godpaienls, hov-
evei, lhiev hin oul of lheii hone vhen he vas 14 lecause he
vas nol allending schooI and vas laking diugs. He ended up
Iiving on lhe slieels, feeIing conpIeleIy Iosl. He vas inlioduced
lo Ialhei CaliieI and his Cenlei. He had neaIs lheie off and on
lul didnl nove in iighl avay. When he vouId visil lhe Cenlei
he legan lo feeI al hone foi lhe !isl line in his Iife. Aflei }uan
nade lhe decision lo slop using diugs, he vas pIaced in Lileilad,
lhe Cenlei foi loys ages 14 lhiough 18.
Duiing his line al lhis Cenlei, he !nished high schooI and
lhen decided lhal he vanled lo join lhe slaff and lecone an edu-
caloi~lo heIp lhe nev aiiivaIs in lhe sane vay lhal he had leen
heIped. This posilion caies foi lhe chiIdien enleiing lhe piogian.
Like }uan, aloul one lhiid of lhe educalois in Ialhei CaliieIs
piogian veie once on lhe slieels and addicled lo diugs and aie
nov assisling olheis lo lecone diug-fiee and gel on liack lo a
successfuI Iife. Ialhei says he consideis voiking vilh lhe educa-
lois one of his iichesl expeiiences. They aie so conpassionale!
In oidei lo quaIify as an educaloi, }uan had lo pailicipale in
a one-and-a-haIf-yeai liaining piogian. He ieceived a ceili!cale
fion La Iedeiacin Lalinoaneiicana de Conunidades Teiapeu-
licas (Iedeialion of Lalin Aneiican Theiapeulic Connunilies),
vhich is an excIusive piogian sponsoied ly lhe Uniled Nalions.
Today }uan is 2O yeais oId and is allending Mahaiishi Univei-
sily of Managenenl. He is laking cIasses in LngIish as a second
Ianguage vhiIe puisuing a degiee in IhysioIogy and HeaIlh. Wilh
lhis speciaIized knovIedge, his goaI is lo ieluin lo lhe Cenlei and
eslalIish noie naluiaI Ayuivedic-lased delox piogians. }uan
loId ne lhal he leIieves he vas loin lo heIp lhese kids in need.
YouII le happy lo knov lhal }uan has leen ieuniled vilh his
godpaienls vho aie pioud of his acadenic puisuils.
Ialhei CaliieIs oveiaII nission is ieveaIed vhen he says,
We aie aII connilled lo liansfoining lhe voiId ve aie Iiving
in. We shouId Ieave lhe voiId a lellei pIace lhan ve have found
il. His phiIosophy lo neel lhe nany chaIIenges and iesislance
he faces is lhal, Diop ly diop, valei can lieak a slone. He has
lioken nany slones!
Ialhei CaliieIs inpoilanl voik has leen iecognized voiId-
vide, incIuding ly an avaid fion lhe WoiId Iedeialion of Theia-
peulic Connunilies, an avaid fion lhe Queen of Spain foi his
hunanilaiian voik, and ly lhe CalhoIic Men of Ausliia Iounda-
lion in SaIzluig. He has seived as piesidenl of lhe Lalin Aneiican
Iedeialion of Theiapeulic Connunilies. In 2OO9, lhe pinnacIe of
iecognilion occuiied vhen Ialhei CaliieI vas noninaled foi lhe
NoleI Ieace Iiize~vhich, in ny opinion, he shouId have von!
To see hin inleiacling vilh lhe chiIdien, seaich onIine foi
Sating |nc Dispcsao|c Oncs, a docunenlaiy aloul Ialhei CaliieI
nade ly lhe David Lynch Ioundalion. You can suppoil Ialhei
CaliieIs exliaoidinaiy voik ly puichasing lhe docunenlaiy.
Visil Ialhei CaliieIs sile al foundalioncIaiel.oig lo !nd oul hov
you can heIp.
Thousands of chiIdien vho have passed lhiough lhe doois
of Ialhei CaliieIs Cenleis aie dianalicaIIy liansfoined lhiough
Iove, caiing, and nedilalion. He says lhal lhe chiIdien in his caie
Ieave as piofessionaIs.
17 VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia 333
334 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
I Iove lhal one IiofessionaI Hunan eing is liansfoining
olheis inlo IiofessionaI Hunan eings!
To caII Ialhei CaliieI a IiofessionaI Hunan eing nay even
le liiviaIizing his slalus lecause he has leen iefeiied lo as lhe
Sainl of CoIonlia, lul vilh peinission I viII add yel anolhei
lilIe lo lhis vondeifuI hunan leing. I vouId Iike lo foIIov his
exanpIe ly changing and saving one Iife, as he is saving nany.
WhiIe leing vilh hin, I feeI his exliaoidinaiy Iove and conpas-
sion. I expeiience a conlacl high. I vaIk avay vanling lo do
onIy iighl in lhe voiId. I feeI lhe ieaIily lhal ve can ieaIIy change
Iives. When I ie"ecl on lhe line I spenl vilh Ialhei CaliieI and
his chiIdien I cannol ienenlei fuIIy lhe conliilulion I nay have
nade lul I can leII you lhal lhe visil liansfoined ne in a dianalic
vay. Il conliiluled lo ny giovlh in a dianalic vay ly having
diiecl conlacl vilh a nan and a nission lhal iepiesenl puiily and
Hov does Ialhei CaliieI peisonify lhe quaIilies of a Iiofes-
sionaI Hunan eing`
Lesson 1 Do you lhink he peifoins his nagic`
Lesson 2 Has Ialhei CaliieI heIped nake a diffeience in his
ovn Iife and in lhe Iives of olheis`
Lesson 3 WouId you considei Ialhei CaliieI a soveieign oi
piisonei of his Iife`
Lesson 4 Does he see possiliIilies in his Iife inslead of
seeing piolIens`
Lesson 5 Does he knov vhal he vaIues and Iive ly lhose
Lesson 6 Does he have a cIeai viev of vheie hes going`
Lesson 7 Does he keep his nind/lody lalleiy chaiged`
Il is a IaudalIe goaI foi us aII as ve sliive lo lecone Ihs
lo have lhe kind of in"uence Ialhei CaliieI has in lhe voiId~
vhelhei ve aie piiesls, leacheis, nuises, pIunleis, nolheis, lus
diiveis, sludenls, nagicians, poIilicians, oi Iealhei lechnicians.
In lhe sloiies in lhis look, ve have seen peopIe naking lhe
choices lhal lioughl lhen heaIlh and happiness, choices lhal
acluaIized lheii polenliaI and enalIed lhen lo spiead lheii nagic
in lhe voiId.
econing a IiofessionaI Hunan eing is nol a deslinalion,
ils a jouiney. Il is a unique expeiience. Connilling lo Iiving as a
IiofessionaI Hunan eing on a daiIy lasis is lhe goaI.
And nov, ny fiiends, you aie ieady.
17 VaIedicloiian: The Sainl of CoIonlia 335
s can le expecled, I couId nol do lhis ly nyseIf. I an veiy giale-
fuI lo aII of you vhove conliiluled in any vay lo lhe ciealion
of lhis look. The nanes aie nany.
ol Laison: You ieciuiled ne lo allend The Univeisily of
Akion in 1967, veie insliunenlaI in gelling ne a schoIaiship,
gave ne ny !isl piofessionaI jol in 1971, leIieved in ne enough
lo send ne oul lo speak foi lhe univeisily, and loId ne al lhe
end of oui voik logelhei lhal ny lvo giealesl slienglhs veie
ny aliIily lo speak and lo viile. I have nade a piofession oul of
speaking, and nov I an viiling. Thank you foi poinling oul vhal
vas possilIe and vaIking vilh ne dovn lhis palh. I an deepIy
indelled lo you.
Maici Shinoff: You heIped ne lo oulIine ny !isl piesenlalion
on lhis lopic in 1985, oiganized ny !isl pulIic speech, and oul-
Iined lhis look, vhich you lhoughl shouId le viillen. You inspiie
ne vilh youi lesl-seIIing looks and ly leing vho you aie.
Di. Waiien Iank: Thank you foi inlioducing ne lo ny pio-
fession and foi youi encouiagenenl lo viile lhis look. You did
lhe !isl ieading and, vhen you Iiked il, inspiied ne lo conlinue.
You have aIvays leen lhe lesl of pailneis in lusiness and on lhe
palh lo enIighlennenl.
Aaion iovn: As ny !isl agenl, you gave ne a chance vilh
lhis lopic in a veiy conseivalive venue aInosl lvenly yeais ago.
You aIso gave ne gieal guidance on lhe deveIopnenl of lhis look,
vhich vas foined duiing lhal 18-yeai iun al lhe Weslein Man-
agenenl DeveIopnenl Cenlei. Youi encouiagenenl and al lines
piodding lo viile veie essenliaI.
AcknovIedgenenls 337
338 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Maily Zuckei: Whal can I say lo lhank you` You spenl nonlhs
vilh ne sliucluiing and viiling oui look pioposaI, vhich in luin
vas lhe lIuepiinl foi lhis look. You lhen, as lhe gieal voidsnilh
you aie, did a lhoiough edil of ny viiling and gol iid of a Iol of
lhe fal in ny !isl allenpl al look viiling. You have piovided a
Iol of guidance and knovIedge lo ie!ne lhis lexl. You aIso added
youi enoinous expeiience as a nedicaI viilei. Moie lhan lhal,
you and Rosila aie deai fiiends of nine fion India lo CaIifoinia
and I cheiish oui fiiendship. AIso, I send a speciaI lhanks lo oui
Iileiaiy agenl, }ack ScoviI, foi leIieving in lhe piojecl vhen lheie
aie innuneialIe piojecls lo considei.
Di. Kin Iaylon and VaIeiie Iaylon: I appieciale youi fiiend-
ship and diIigenl voik on lhe assessnenl lhal viII le a conpanion
lo lhis look. AIso, Kin, lhank you foi youi suppoil in gelling lhe
piesenlalion of lhis naleiiaI lo oui cIienls in Havaii.
}ohn agnoIa: Youi videos veie lhe essence of lhis looks
nanifeslalion. Capluiing ny piesenlalions foi lhe pasl 2O yeais
piovided lhe foundalion foi lhis look. Thanks foi leing a good
lusiness pailnei and a fanlaslic liolhei.
Sleve Kalz: Ioi leing a gieal fiiend and foi capluiing ny pies-
enlalions of Ih on video in Havaii. These veie Ialei liansciiled
lo nake up pail of lhis look.
}udy Kev: Youi haid voik doing lhe veiy !isl liansciiplion of
lhe videos and audios shaped lhis look. Youi ideas and visdon
have nade lheii vay inlo ny look and ny voiId.
Naoni and Ryan Ale: Youie speedy, accuiale, and lhoiough
liansciiplions ciealed ny Masleis lhesis of lhis lopic and lhen
evoIved inlo lhis look. In indelled lo lhe Havaii Iiince HoleI
foi aIIoving ne lo loiiov youi laIenls.
Maiy Malhev: Lveiy sloiy in lhis look cones aIive vilh youi
vivid ciealivily and anazing connand of lhe LngIish Ianguage.
Youi allenlion lo delaiI has enhanced lhe enliie look. You have
an anazingIy shaip ediling eye, vhich has !ne-luned lhe enliie
look. Thank you foi youi assislance and cIeveiness on lhis and
nany olhei piojecls ovei lhe yeais.
}eanelle DeInai: The Iasl len yaids aie lhe haidesl lo covei.
Wilhoul you, ny deai, I vouId nol have liaveised lhese len yaids
and scoied. You aie liieIess in youi suppoil, unseI!sh vilh youi
skiII in viiling, loundIess vilh palience, and geneious vilh youi
enIighlened vision. You have given ne youi sleady sliean of con-
sciousness lhal has nade lhe look coheienl and speciaI, jusl Iike
Di. Veionica ulIei: You geneiousIy and liiIIianlIy viole lhe
inlioduclion lo lhis look. Thanks foi laking lhe line. I an veiy
gialefuI lo you.
To aII of you I have quoled and consuIled fion ieseaich, !nd-
ings, and slalislics of hundieds of peopIe voiking in lhe !eIds of
heaIlh, nanagenenl, and lhe voikpIace enviionnenl: You have
nade lhe look vhal il is. I lhank you aII.
To aII of you vho aIIoved ne lo use youi peisonaI sloiies,
lhank you veiy nuch!
To lhe lhousands of voikshop pailicipanls ovei lhe Iasl 25
yeais, lhank you so nuch foi aII lhe visdon you have lioughl lo
ne aloul lhis lopic and Iife.
SpeciaI lhanks lo aII lhose vho gave geneiousIy of lheii line
lo iead lhis look and give ne vaIualIe feedlack: }an SickIei, Lee
Moczygenla, ailaia IoIey, iad Iieggei, Candace adgell,
Lindsay OIivei, and Di. Iied Tiavis.
To aII lhose olheis vho gave ne lhe oppoilunily lo deveIop
and piesenl lhe conlenl of lhis look ovei lhe Iasl lvenly yeais~
lhank you: Mike Duilin, }ohn HaIe, Rich LielI, }inie Raniiez,
iigadiei CeneiaI MichaeI L. Cunniff, Ll. CoI. Sleven Rolhslein,
Linesl Noile, Lina Savkai, Shaion SenecaI, }oe RiddIe, Andy
}aidine, IhyIIis OMeaia, Tonie Canpa, Roleil Slevens, ol
Zincke, ainey Asalo, Sleve Kanauia, }ane Uyelake, Davis Yogi,
MaheaIani Cyphei (Denise DeCosla), als McCuf!n, Lee Moc-
zygenla, Ieliu Iacuiaiu, Ovidiu ujoiean, MaishaI eIden, en
Thonas, }an Kenp, Kalhy Malayoshi, iooks Yuen, Ieggy Hong,
Ial Hananolo, Wynelle Nagai, Manny Nevis, Chiislian DougIas,
Caiiy Ioslei, Susan ODonneII, iII Lnnis, and Iieda Sunshine
oiden-LaIy. Thanks foi youi conlinuing suppoil.
And lo you, ny deai Saisnalie, lhanks foi leing ny liue
AcknovIedgenenls 339
Aloul }in agnoIa
in agnoIa is an inleinalionaI speakei, an execulive coach, and a
coipoiale educaloi. He is an expeil in lhe !eId of Ieadeiship and
nind-lody nanagenenl, focusing on lhe in"uence of lhinking pal-
leins on heaIlh, happiness, success and lhe capacily lo Iead.
Ioi ovei lvenly-!ve yeais, he has leen speaking and edu-
caling voiIdvide on lhe lopics of Leadeiship, Sliess Manage-
nenl, Cuslonei Seivice, Coaching and Change~aII in ieIalion lo
Tnc Sccrc|s cf |nc Mind-8cdq Ccnncc|icn. His focus is on luiIding
Prcfcssicna| Hunan 8cings.
His educalionaI lackgiound is in IoIilicaI Science al lhe Uni-
veisily of Akion, Vedic Science (Hunan DeveIopnenl) al lhe
Luiopean Reseaich Univeisily in SvilzeiIand and Mahaiishi
Univeisily of Managenenl and SpiiiluaI IsychoIogy al lhe Uni-
veisily of Sanla Monica. A ceili!ed sliess-nanagenenl insliucloi
since 1975, he is aIso an execulive coach lo Ioilune 5OO conpany
Ieadeis. }in has had vaiious piofessions. He has heId coipoiale
VI posilions, seived as Assislanl Diiecloi of IinanciaI Aids al lhe
Univeisily of Akion, Diiecloi of Confeiences al lhe Weslein IIIi-
nois Univeisily, and in HoIIyvood, voiked as lusiness nanagei
foi lhe voiId-fanous nagician Doug Henning.
A fev yeais ago, }in vas avaided lhe designalion of CSI,
Ceili!ed Speaking IiofessionaI, a iecognilion confeiied ly lhe
NalionaI Speakeis Associalion and lhe InleinalionaI Iedeia-
lion foi IiofessionaI Speakeis. This designalion has onIy leen
avaided lo aloul six hundied piofessionaI speakeis voiIdvide.
This quaIi!es hin as one of Noilh Aneiicas lop-ialed speakeis.
342 econing A IiofessionaI Hunan eing
Leadeiship Cuius InleinalionaI Iisled hin anong lhe WoiIds
Top 3O Leadeiship IiofessionaIs. This honoi is given lo seIecl
piofessionaIs vho have dislinguished lhenseIves foi lheii oiigi-
naIily, piaclicaIily of ideas, piesenlalion slyIe, and pioven aliIily
lo assisl oiganizalions lo achieve supeiioi iesuIls.
He is lhe Iiesidenl of The Leadeiship Cioup InleinalionaI, a
visiling facuIly nenlei of Weslein Managenenl DeveIopnenl
Cenlei in Denvei, lhe Chaiinan of lhe oaid of Leadeis Ronania
and a nenlei of lhe oaid of Tiuslees of OIive ianch Iounda-
lion in Ohio. He aIso gives nuch of his line as a fiequenl Iecluiei
foi AILSLC, an inleinalionaI sludenl oiganizalion lhal enalIes
young peopIe lo expIoie and deveIop lheii Ieadeiship polenliaI
vilh lhe inlenlion foi lhen lo have a posilive inpacl on sociely.
}in vaIues his on-going oppoilunily of in"uencing and inlei-
acling neaningfuIIy vilh lolh piivale and pulIic secloi oiganiza-
lions. This incIudes: SheII OiI Conpany, The Kiogei Conpany,
US Seciel Seivice, US Depailnenl of Slale, Depailnenl of lhe
Aii Ioice, The Uniled Nalions DeveIopnenl Iiogian, Maiiioll
HoleIs, Sienens, MoloioIa, Scolialank (Canada), McLeainey
AIslons Lld. (Tiinidad), I.T. ISIAT (Indonesia), HeIIa, LcoIal
(Ronania), CaslIe&Cooke (Havaii), The Univeisily of Texas,
ConlinenlaI AiiIines, Aii Iiance, TaIenl IIus, Inc., Ionli!cia Uni-
veisidad }aveiiana (CoIonlia) and Radisson HoleIs.
oin and iaised in Canlon, Ohio }in is an aidenl spoils fan,
heaIlh enlhusiasl, voiId liaveIei and an avid ieadei. When he
isnl liaveIing, }in is al hone in Auslin, Texas.
You can conlacl }in al IeadeishipeailhIink.nel, al his vel-
sile vvv.jinlagnoIa.con oi al 512-288-9537. His velsile con-
lains infoinalion aloul keynole addiesses, peisonaI coaching as
veII as coipoiale and oiganizalionaI voikshops.

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