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JANUARY 8, 2014

Table of Contents
I. Project Content ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Java Files
II. Setup WorkSpace ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Create new Workspace
Insert project
Add support libraries
Rename project
Fixing Errors
III. Customize Project ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Quick Guide
Admin and URLs
Registration Form
Rate My APP
Action Bar
IV. Support .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Thank you for purchasing ZULUCODINGs App. If you
have any questions that are beyond the scope of this
help file, please feel free to email via my user page
contact. Thanks so much!
Do you have a mobile website, mobile application or a native web application? Do
you wish to have an android application for your project or your company? Now, it is
easy. Turn your mobile website, mobile application or mobile application to an Android
application in 5 minutes. EscapeVelocity WebView provides the best solution for your
mobile website to look like a native android application.
Project Content
1.1 - Java Sources

1.2 Resources > layout
Folder layout
activity_splashscreen.xml SplashScreen layout
activity_registration.xml Registration layout
activity_main.xml MainActivity layout

Appcontent.java This java holds all application constants.
DetectConnention.java This java is responsible for all network operations
MainActivity.java This activity is responsible for the WebView
Registration.java This activity is responsible for the registration form
Splashscreen.java This activity is responsible for the SplashScreen
Rateme.java This activity is responsible for the rate my app dialog


1.3 Resources > menu
Folder menu
main.xml contains main activity option menu items
registration.xml contains registration form activity action bar not used
splashscreen.xml contains splash screen activity action bar not used

1.4 Resources > values
Folder values
colores.xml all the colors used in the application
dimens.xml all dimensions of the application
strings.xml all text values of the application
styles.xml all styles of the application

1.5 Resources > Drawables
Folder Drawables
Bg.jpg Background for registration form
Bin.png Icon for clear cache option menu
close.png Icon for exit option menu
contact.png Icon for contact option menu
Home.png Icon for home option menu
Ic_launcher.png Icon of the application
Logo.png Logo of the application shows on Splash Screen
Refresh.png Icon for refresh option menu

Refresh_top.png Icon for refresh - top action bar
Share.png Icon for share option menu
Share_top.png Icon for share top action bar
Mybutton.xml Styling registration forms button
Txts.xml Styling registration forms text fields

Work space

2.1 Create new workspace
1- Open Android Eclipse
2- File > switch workspace > other > click browse (select a new empty folder)

Eclipse will restart.
2.2 Insert Project into your workspace
1- File > New project > under Android select insert project from existing code.
2- Click next then click browse and choose you projects folder.
3- Then select copy project into workspace.

2.3 Insert Project into your workspace
1- Right click on the project > Android tools > Add support library.
2.4 Rename project
1- Right click projects folder > refactor > rename ( rename)
2- Right click project package > refactor > rename
For example com.YourCompany.YouApp
Then select update sub packages
3- Go to AndroidMainfest.xml and rename the package.
2.5 Fixing Errors
Please visit Zulucoding.com/support
Customize project
To customize your project please go to Appcontent.java. Read comments and change
values. Please visit zulucoding.com/support for any question.
Appcontent.java variables references.
Variable name Function
Admin and URLS
admin_name Login with admin_name and registration form will always
show up.
App_url URL for your mobile website or native web app
Php_url URL for registrations form php file
Share_link Link will be share when the user click share button
Contact_rul URL for your contact page
Wlcm_msg Message shows only on the first use of the application
Error_msg Shows in connection errors

Share_msg Shows before the shared link
Age_error When age is not allowed
age_invalid When age is not real example 1 or 1002
Mobile_error When mobile number is invalid
Name_error When name is invalid.
Empty_error When empty fields exist
Loading_msg Shows on when loading
Registration Form
Global_target If yes No mobile number restriction. If no mobile
number is restricted
Reg_form Replace yes with no to cancel registration form
Nm_length Minimum number of characters allowed for username
Age_min Minimum age allowed to register
Mobile_char_length Mobile characters number in your country
Mobile_first_char First mobile character in your country

Rate My App Dialog
App_name Shows on rate me dialog
Pk_name Your application package name, very important
Lnc_num Number of uses before the dialog show
Rate_active Replace yes with no to cancel the dialog
AdmonId Your admob id
Admob_active Replace yes with no to cancel admob
Action Bar
Bar_active Replace yes with no to cancel action bar
Color_normal Color of action bar
Color_clicked Color of clicked icons on action bar

1. Splash Screen
To customize the Splash Screen for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the bg.jpg and logo.png files in folder drawable, drawable-mdpi with
your own splash image. note: you can add bg.jpg also to drawable-xhdpi,
drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi and drawable-ldpi for different resolutions.
Warning - large media files will crash your project.
2. Registration Form
Note: to cancel the Registration Form replace the value of reg_form in Appcontent.java
to "no".
1. Upload html_reg.zip or text_reg.zip in the folder php_reg to your host. (if you do
not have a host, use any free host provider).
2. Unzip the uploaded file and get the url of post.php
3. Replace the value of php_url in Appcontent.java with the url of post.php
4. If your application will target users from all countries, replace the value of
global_target in Appcontent.java to "yes".
5. If your application target one country,
A- Replace the value of global_target in Appcontent.java to "no".
B- Replace the value of mobile_char_length in Appcontent.java with number of
mobile characters in this country. note - this varaibles is used to insure right entries
before form submision
C- Replace the value of mobile_first_char in Appcontent.java with the first
mobile character in this country. note - this varaibles is used to insure right entries
before form submision
6. If your application has an age restrictions, replace the value min_age in
Appcontent.java with minimum age allowd to register.
3. WebView
To customize the WebView for your own application do the following:

1. Replace the value of app_url in Appcontent.java with your mobile website url.
4. Welcome Message
To customize the Welcome Message for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the value of wlcm_msg in Appcontent.java with your welcome
5. Share Message
To customize the Share Message for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the value of share_msg in Appcontent.java with your share message
6. Connection Error Message
To customize the Connection Error Message for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the value of error_msg in Appcontent.java with your error message
7. Admin Test
To customize the Admin Test for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the value of admin_name in Appcontet.java to your name.
8. Rate My App dialog
To customize the Rate My App Dialog for your own application do the following:
1. Replace the value of app_name in Appcontet.java to your application name.
2. Replace the value of pk_name in Appcontet.java to your package name.
3. Replace the value of lnc_num in Appcontet.java the number of launches
needed before the message shows.



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