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Why Christians Can't be good enviromentalists by Gerardo Lagunes

When "god" take away his believers, that will be a good day for ecologists,humanity and the planet.
While many organitations fight on a global scale to save the planet, to educate people about the threats facing the
enviroment and to defend the rights of humans and animals alike, the believers dedicate their entire lives to pray
and to decide who is going to fligh after death. Their goals are just die and go to heaven, their talking points and all
that matters to them are; abortion, sexuality, "sin" and the sexual preferences of others. The day when xst comes
and take aways his xtians believers that will be a good day because they will leave and will leave us alone and we
will have the time to do things that really matter and we will take care of our world.

Why xtians Can't be good enviromentalists?

Because they have the Syndrome of Negativity, the same of the countries where religions rule the lives of people
and religius infestacion in strong, they do not worry about making a better place to live, help the enviroment, make
really true friendship or do something to get a better future for their children and future generations. They hope that
"one day" within their lifetimes a god or gods will come and solve all of humanity's problems and will take them to
another place (paradise) where there are many animals, frut trees, and there is not hate, deseases or pain. Is the
same that Islamist tell the poor, hungry and ignorant people of africa,; that they should be happy because when
they die "god" will take them to paradise, meanwhile people are starving in life.
If you truly believe that if you sacrifise you and the happiness of your family for something that may not be true
and go to "paradise" let me tell you a couple of things:

If I were a god and had a place paradise-like, a planet, a virtual place or any other place like that and I really, for
some reason (ritch people don't invite other people to their places) I had to
take some people to my place I may not take Xtians with me because they might destroy my place the same way
they are doing to this planet, they may polute the water they drink, kill the animals and cut the trees. I might take
enviromentalist better. What makes you think that you might have a place for you in paradise if you don't want to
take care of this planet that you allready own? Like a movie of Charly Shenn says "If you can't take care of your
own planet, then you don't deserve to live here. The only thing you do is hide yourself in a church or temple, pray,
meddle in the lives of others, discriminate against them and hate those who don't agree with you.

Who was the one who told you that you don't live in paradise?
just think about it; this planet has clean water (still) clean air(barely) great diversity of plans and animals(will not
last if we don't take care of them) Even if you look in a million year light in the galaxy you will not find a place like
earth, I believe that there are other planets with life, but they are already taken, you will not find air like earth, a
beutiful sunrise and the sky blue like earth, This planet has all is needed to become a paradise and humans had
turned into a wasteland with their unhappiness. So I invite you to take your family to a park on sunday instead of
going to church and enjoy mother's nature gifts, take lunch under a tree, enjoy your kids and wife and stop worry
about what is going to happen after you die, Just this one time

We can make it;
Like Barack Obama said; Yes We Can
Like I said on the second Chapter, this planet has all is needed to become a paradise, we just have to stop thinking
about stupid things and work hard to make it better, we have to plant trees and flowers, respect and take care of
animals, respect each other like humans beings, hate and greed, and stop putting tags on people, forget about their
skin color, what they believe, what religion or gods they respect, the country where they come from, etc. and
respect the animals, plants and all living beings, and treat all of them as equal and respect their right to live on this
planet, then we can have a paradise.
Don't worry about what is going to happen in the future, you have to worry about leaving something for your kids
and community when you die, plant some trees that will flourish and give fruits in the future, educate your kids so
they will not feel they are better or worse than other humans, teach them about the beuty of this planet, and teach
them to enjoy it and take care of it. Maybe when you die the electric current of your brain just shut down and you
don't know anything else and alt the time you wasted in religion will not be useful, sacrifice yourself to get a place
in a place that might not exist is stupid, is wasted time and people will not remember you. You have to do
something to make humanity remember you, Write a book, plant a tree, have kids and educate them to be etical
humans beings that stand up for things that matter, not dumb them and make the afraid telling them that if they sin
will burn and hell and oif they are good they will go to another place because that is not ethical.

Why are you so sure that your gods are the only true gods? all religions say the same and in the past humans had
infinity of gods and people who believe in them, Greek had hundreds of gods and did everything you are doing for
them, cult, fasting, praying, build temples and yet you discriminate against them as lies, What make your god more
real that zeus, jawee, jehova or mercury if you had not seen any of them maybe your god is a lie too and you are
waisting your time reading fable boos made by very imaginative people of the past.

Stop saying that your god is ovnipotent, allseen and allknowing because that is stupid and criminal
If you thing that your god sees averything and is interested in what kind of clothes a person uses,if he is circuncised
their sexual relations and what they do in their private homes, you will not stop medding in the lives of others. If
your god were ovnipotent he should be worry about take care of your home and enviroment, to end all wars, or at
least make a new world to give you after you finish with this one and not worry about the actions of indivuduals, If
s/he were ovnipotent he should avoild the hundred of thousand of inocent kids that were raped and keep being
raped by catholic pedrasta fathers and cristians pastors, but is its great world plans there is no room to save kids
from sexuals predatos that serve him.

Stop saying that your religion is the only religion and that the people who believe like you are the only that are
going to heaven because that is what makes you discriminate against other humans for the way they are,the way
they think or their religion, and don't let you value the people for what they are and respect their differences, lives
and beliefs. If you keep saying that your religion is the only true one and that all other people are going to bur in
hell you are a Religius-Racist Person who will never learn to respect and co-exist and live in a democracy.

Stop reading a single book and educate yourself, there are hundred of thousand of books about diverse themes, not
only about theology and religion but alos about science, history and facts, laws and theories, there al also good
books about sci-fi and those do not make you follow strange rules or have a distorded view about the world and
universe or make you change the way you think to win a price. Becareful of the people of a single book because
they might want to lie to you, make you dumb and ignorant, cheat on you make you think like them or steal your

Search for the truth, every story has to vertions, this is true in you personal life an relations with other humans and
in the past, never listen to only one vertion of the fats and listen to other opinions, maybe someone is lying to you
or want you to do something for them, search for the truth on all matters and don't take the cheap or easiest
version, its not good to take somebody else's ideas because some just say what is best for them.

Stop giving your opinion if you don't know the facts, opinions are valued everywhere, but if you are going to say
something stupid, is better to say nothing. Find the facts before making your opinion, and know that you don't
know everything and will never know everything, find information, investige and if everybody say you are wrong
maybe you are wrong, take other people's opinion and don't try to impose your will just because "god wants it that

Stop medding in things about tecnology and society, christians were not the ones who made the great breaktrought
in technology and science, its has been the rational and critical thinking. The religius people have been the ones
who fight against develoments of science, and has lost in all the battles throught the ages, we don't want to go back
to the middle ages and five centuries of darkness when people were burn just because they gave their critical
opinion about the world. That time was one of the worst for humanity and we don't want to go back, just ask
Galileo or Darwin.
Christians had a time to rule the world and they were ruthless, they impose their will on people trought genocide,
murder and terror. Any acusation was worth the death penality, people could'nt even use the numbers we use now
because they were Indo-Arabic and were "thing of the devil"
The doors don't open from inside the religion, humanity has advance because studborn people has risk even they
own lives to find the truth, have a critical mind, write about it and pass on their knowledge to others. We don't
forget that television was called "the box of devil" just for showing people inside there, computers were called "evil
machines" and video games were called " evil things that take young people away from the way of god" that retoric
is getting old, every time something new is invented is instanly condemn as evil, just because they are afraid of
everything new and unknown. If you hate science, technology and evolution you should stop using the good things
that are product of human inventive. Electricity, imprent, radio, televison and internet to spread out your lies about

Decimo Segundo:
Did god made humans to their imagen and resemblance or was man who made god to his imagen and resemblance,
because its seems to me that "god" has the same human desires in all of the bible, is just keep torturing his selected
people, and is so jaleus that he doen't even allow other gods and kill those who dare to make him angry( talk about
anger manangent), and so cruel that torture Job just to win a contest( and who was the one who listened to God
private convertations, one should ask. During 4 thousand years of judaism and Xtianity he didn't intervine to avoid
the massacres of xtians and those massacres commited in the name of religion, and he is so ovnipotent, what would
had happended if he were limb?

Decimo tercero
If its so easy for you to accept the theory that "something" or somebody made man "to his imagen and
resemblance" with mud and made woman cutting the leg of one man, and made the whole world too, just because
some "sacred text written for ignorant people from 4 thousand years ago, then it may be easier for you to accept
that life come out of chemical reactions in the primitive earth of 4 billions years ago, it might be easy to accept that
we are just a fluke, and we are product of natural selection and evolution, because that is what its says the most
inteligent humans of our time. It might be easier knowing that both theories are crazy and funny, but we don't take
ours as a definitive proof and we are still looking for cientific evidence and exprimentation and xtians stopped
asking for evidence long time ago, if you can proof that you creation theory is truth then you might be ahead of us.

Decimo cuarto.
Put Space ships and update the vible to make it more appealing, has been 1500 years with the same stuff and dont
change it, put new adventures, new actors, new stuffs, or even another gods to make it interesting.

Decimo Quinto
Here are the Laws or the Non-SuperNaturalist

You Shoudn't talk to any God, lets them show themselves to you first.
No dirigiras a ningun dios, que los hagan ellos primero.

You Should try to help those who are blinded for false Beliefs and miths.
Intentaras ayudar a los que estan ciegos por falsas creencias y mitos.
Yous hould think and help think those who have been lied too thrught the centuries
Pensaras y ayudaras a pensar a los que llevan siglos enganados.

You should educate yourself reading about many themes and should educate your family too.
Te educaras leyendo sobre muchos temas y educaras a tu familia tambien.

Search for the truth and knowledge everyday, Investigate and will consider other's opinions.
Deberas buscar la verdad y conocimiento constantemente. Investigaras y tomaras en cuanta otras opiniones.

You should educate your kids to take the right path and educate the kids of believer too
Educaras a tus hijos por el camino correcto y a los hijos de los creyentes tambien.

You will defend science, tecnology and rational thinking against any enemy and to any cost.
Defenderas la ciencia, la tecnologia y el pensamiento racional contra cualquier enemigo y a cualquier costo.

Yous should educate your fellows with the laws of science, truth and rational thinking.
Deberas educar al proximo con las leyes de la ciencia, la verdad y el pensamiento racional.

Is an hipocrite those who talk about science and use the product of science in their dayly lives.
Es un hipocrita aquellos que hablan en contra de la ciencia y usan los productos de esta en sus vidas diarias.

Colocaras textos religiosos en los estandartes de ciencia ficcion.

You will put religius texts in the rack of science fiction literature.

You will leave a place for the unknown and unexplained but will search for evidence.
Dejaras espacio para lo inexplicable y sobrenatural siempre y cuando se busquen pruevas de ello.

You should never forget the atrocities commited in the name of religion.
No olvidaras las atrocidades cometidas en el nombre de la religion.

You should leave something of value to future generations.

Deberas dejar atribuciones valiosas a futuras generaciones.

You should live in peace with your neighbors and will respect their beliefs, diferences and way of living if they
respect yours.

You should keep religions, dogmas and religius people out of your family.
Mantendras las religiones, dogmas y religiosos fuera de tu familia.

You shuld never be afraid of new things, extrange things and unexplained, you should always keep an open mind
and will use rational thinking.
No tendras miedo a lo nuevo, lo estrano o inexplicable, tendras tu mente abierta y usaras el pensamiento racional.

You should take into account other theories and way of thinking and will correct yourself if somebody proof you
are wrong.
Tomaras en cuenta otras teorias y forma de pensar y corregiras las tuyas si te demuestran que estas equivocado.

You should defend your point of view at any cost and against any person who don't offer proofs.
Defenderas tu forma de pensar a toda costa y contra cualquier adversario si estos no ofrecen pruevas.

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