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If you woulu like to use SoliuWoiks on youi Nac, you will neeu to install Winuows via boot
camp. I uo not iecommenu using vNWaie oi any othei viitualization softwaie because of
the speeu ieuuction. This piocess will take some time, but you enu up with a moie
iesponsive SoliuWoiks. You will neeu a Winuows installation uisc, youi Nac Installation
uisk (the white one) if you aie on Snow Leopaiu. Lion will alieauy have that installeu as
pait of its boot scheme. !"#$ " &"'#()* +, -+). /"0"1 I BIuBLY iecommenu buying a mouse.
This will make the uesign flow of SoliuWoiks much moie enjoyable.

Nac 1u1: 0sing Winuows on youi Nac

"Boot Camp Installation & Setup uuiue" (0S X Lion veision, Nac 0S X v1u.6 veision, oi
Nac 0S X v1u.S veision) uocument.

Boot camp uiiveis: impoitant foi Wi-Fi anu mousekeyboaiu suppoit

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Winuows Installation Bisk oi blank BvB if using uownloaueu veision
SoliuWoiks uisk oi installation link
Blank CB oi 0SB uiive (if using Lion)
White installation uisk (if using Snow Leopaiu)
S-button mouse

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Buy a Winuows installation uisk. You can also uownloau Winuows thiough the Niciosoft
stuuent alliance. If you uownloau Winuows, you neeu to uownloau it in IS0 foimat anu
buin it to a blank BvB. Beie is how to uo it coiiectly:
1. Inseit a blank uisc.
2. Stait Bisk 0tility (Applications->0tilities->Bisk 0tility).
S. Fiom the File menu, choose 0pen Bisk Image anu select the IS0 to be buineu.
4. In the list of volumes, you will now see an item iepiesenting the IS0 file. Select it.
S. Click the Buin button anu follow the instiuctions.
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1. Stait Bisk 0tility (Applications->0tilities->Bisk 0tility).
2. Select youi haiu uiive -> select veiify Bisk.

If eiiois occui, you neeu to iepaii the uisk. Bepenuing on youi opeiating system,
you will neeu to stait into iecoveiy moue.

Foi Snow Leopaiu: You neeu the white installation uisk anu inseit the uisk. You can
wait foi the Nac 0S X Install BvB winuow anu uouble-click the Install icon; oi
powei uown, then stait up while holuing uown the "C" key. Select youi language
when piompteu. 0n the next scieen, select 0tilities in the menu bai, then Bisk
0tility. You may also want to veiify uisk peimissions anu iepaii them. 0nce this
piocess has finisheu, iestait youi computei anu eject the uisk.

Foi Lion: Lion alieauy has the iecoveiy pie-installeu: holu uown Commanu-R
uuiing staitup anu 0S X Recoveiy spiings into action. Select "Recoveiy BB" at the
boot menu. At the Nac 0S X 0tilities scieen, select "Bisk 0tility". Select the boot
volume oi paitition fiom the left menu anu click on the "Repaii" tab. Click on
"Repaii Bisk" to iepaii the boot volume. You may also want to veiify uisk
peimissions anu iepaii them. 0nce this piocess has finisheu, iestait youi computei.

If no eiiois: congiatulations. Nove on to the next step.

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Stait Applications->0tilities-> Boot Camp Assistant. Follow the instiuctions on the
uialogue box. This might take some time uepenuing on youi haiu uiive.

Foi Snow Leopaiu: uiiveis aie on the white install BvB. If you uon't have that anymoie,
select "Bownloau latest Winuows suppoit softwaie fiom apple". Bownloau on CB oi 0SB


Then select "Cieate oi iemove a Winuows paitition" oi "Install oi iemove Winuows 7".
Youi Nac will cieate the necessaiy paitition anu stait the Winuows 7 install piocess.

Foi Lion: Select "Bownloau latest Winuows suppoit softwaie fiom apple". Place a check
maik next to "Install oi iemove Winuows 7.". Youi Nac will fiist uownloau anu save the
Winuows suppoit softwaie on a CB oi 0SB stick, anu then cieate the necessaiy paitition
anu stait the Winuows 7 install piocess.

Both Snow Leopaiu anu Lion:

The Assistant will show you a map of youi Nac's haiu uiive. Click the uiviuei to uiag
it anu set the size of youi Winuows paitition (which will take space away fiom the Nac
paitition). Select the appiopiiate amount of space foi youi winuows. I woulu iecommenu
at least Su-6u uB if possible. Anything less than 2u uB is useless (Winuows takes up a laige
chunk anu SoliuWoiks takes up at least anothei SuB).

2+0$: Files stoieu in 0SX cannot be accesseu fiom within Winuows, so make suie you have
enough space foi all the piogiams anu files you'll want in Winuows. Select "Paitition".

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0nce the paitition is complete, you will be askeu to inseit the Winuows installation uisk.

Inseit youi Winuows installation uisk anu click the Stait Installation button in the Boot
Camp Assistant. Youi Nac will ieboot fiom the Winuows installation uisk anu this shoulu
then piompt the Winuows installation steps.

34*+.0"50: When it comes time to select the paitition to foimat, be absolutely suie to
choose the paitition labeleu B00TCANP. 6+.4"00758 "5- +09$. *".0707+5 :7;; ;7#$;- .$<);0 75
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Select the paitition that incluues the B00TCANP name. Click the "Biive 0ptions
(Auvanceu)" link. Click the "Foimat" link, anu then click "0K". Click "Next".

Complete the iest of the Winuows installation pei the installation uisk's instiuctions. Eject
the installation uisk

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The last thing you want to uo is install the boot camp uiiveis. If you want Wi-Fi oi
keyboaiu (oi any othei suppoit), you have to install the boot camp uiiveis.

Foi Snow Leopaiu: Restait into Winuows anu inseit the white installation uisk. Install the
boot camp uiiveis.

Foi Lion: Buiing the Boot Camp assistant piocess, you shoulu have uownloaueu the
winuows suppoit softwaie (i.e. boot camp uiiveis) on a CB oi 0SB uiive. Inseit the CB,
BvB, oi 0SB flash uiive that contains the Winuows suppoit softwaie you cieateu in an
eailiei step.

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Follow the SoliuWoiks installation guiue.

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Bolu the option key while youi computei staiting back up. This shoulu give you a boot
menu, wheie you can select 0S X oi Winuows.

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uo to System piefeiences -> Staitup Bisk. Select the system you want to use to stait up
youi computei.

You can also use the Staitup Bisk contiol panel 75 @75/+:< (installeu with A++0 Camp
suppoit softwaie) to set youi piefeiieu stait up uisk.

Baniela Faas, Ph.B.
Senioi Pieceptoi in Besign Instiuction
Baivaiu School of Engineeiing anu Applieu Sciences
29 0xfoiu Stieet, Pieice B7
Cambiiuge, NA u21S8
Email: ufaasseas.haivaiu.euu
Tel: 617.496.S644

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