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Viva Zapata!
Viva Zapata!
Rtulo del ttulo en el reclamo de la pelcula.
Ttulo Viva Zapata!
Ficha tcnica
Elia Kazan
roduccin Darryl F. Zanuck
John Steinbeck.
Basado en la novela de Edgcomb Pinchon Zapata the Unconquerable
"#sica %le& 'orth
Foto$ra%a Jose(h )acDonald
"onta&e Barbara )c*ean
)arlon Brando
Jean Peters
%nthony +uinn
Jose(h ,iseman
%lan -eed
Fay -oo(
%rnold )oss
.arold /ordon
*ou /ilbert
Frank Silvera
Florenz %mes
-ichard /arrick
Fay -oo(e
)ildred Dunnock
0er todos los cr1ditos 2)Db$
Datos ' ci%ras
as(es) Estados 3nidos
*o !"45
!nero Biogr67co8 hist9rico8 drama
Duracin !:" minutos
roductora 5:th <entury Fo&
Distri-ucin 5:th <entury Fo&
Ficha en 2)Db
Ficha en Film%=nity
Viva Zapata! es una (el>cula estadounidense de 1952 dirigida (or Elia Kazan8 con Marlon
Brando en el (a(el (rinci(al. 'arra la vida del dirigente revolucionario mexicano Emiliano
Zapata8 seg?n la ada(taci9n @ue hizo John Steinbec de la novela de Edgcomb Pinchon Zapata
the Unconquerable !"#!$8 dato @ue no 7gura en los cr1ditos de la (el>cula. Es un relato de
7cci9n @ue (arte narrando los or>genes cam(esinos de Za(ata8 contin?a con su llegada al
(oder al inicio de !":: y sigue hasta su muerte.
1 !r"umento
2 #eparto
$ %omentarios
& 'remios
5 Enlaces externos
Emiliano Za(ata Marlon Brando$ Aorma (arte de una delegaci9n @ue se entrevista con el
(residente 'or(irio )*az Fay -oo(e$ (ara (rotestar (or el trato inBusto @ue su gobierno da a los
cam(esinos8 Aavoreciendo a los terratenientes @ue les hab>an arrebatado sus tierras. El
(residente los trata con dis(licencia y los des(ide. %nte esta actitud8 Emiliano decide iniciar
una rebeli9n abierta en el sur de )1&ico. %l mismo tiem(o8 'ancho +illa !lan #eed$ hace lo
mismo Bunto al dirigente reAormista ,rancisco -. Madero .arold /ordon$.
*a rebeli9n triunAa y Por7rio D>az es derrocado. Es reem(lazado (or Francisco )adero8 y el
nuevo gobierno (ronto sigue el mismo camino corru(to y ego>sta del anterior. El hermano
mayor de Emiliano8 Eu(emio8 !nthon/ 0uinn$8 se muestra como un dictadorzuelo @ue toma
(ara s> lo @ue le a(etece8 sin ning?n res(eto (or la ley. El (residente )adero8 ingenuamente8 le
entrega su cuota de (oder al general +ictoriano 1uerta Frank Silvera$8 @uien (ronto lo derroca
y lo hace eBecutar. % su vez8 .uerta (ronto es derrocado y se e&ilia. 3n nuevo dirigente8
+enustiano %arranza8 asume la (residencia y derrota a Pancho 0illa. Za(ata seguir6 sus (asos
hasta ser muerto en una emboscada.
/ean eters ' "arlon 0rando en un (oto"rama del reclamo de la pelcula.
Marlon BrandoC Emiliano Zapata
Jean 'etersC JoseAa Za(ata8 su es(osa
!nthon/ 0uinnC Eu(emio Zapata
Joseph 2isemanC Fernando %guirre
%rnold )ossC Don 'acho
!lan #eedC 'ancho +illa
Mar"oC Soldadera
.arold /ordonC ,rancisco -. Madero
*ou /ilbertC Pablo
Frank SilveraC +ictoriano 1uerta
Florenz %mesC Se;or Es(eBo
-ichard /arrickC /eneral anciano
Fay -oo(eC 'or(irio )*az
Mildred )unnocC Se;ora Es(eBo
!nthon/ 0uinn ' "arlon 0rando
en otro %oto$rama del reclamo.
En Viva Zapata!8 Elia Kazan sigue con la tem6tica (reAeridaC la de (ersonaBes @ue luchan (or
cambiar su entorno8 a menudo inmovilista y corru(to8 en (os de una sociedad id>lica y ut9(ica.
Dodo ello envuelto en un cine de com(romiso8 @ue tantos (roblemas le acarrear>a en el Auturo.
En esta (el>cula8 se analiza el lado m6s humano8 heroico y terrenal del revolucionario Emiliano
Para dar una a(ariencia aut1ntica8 Zanuck y Kazan estudiaron las numerosas AotograA>as @ue se
tomaron en los a;os de la -evoluci9n8 entre !":" y !"!"8 en @ue Za(ata lider9 la lucha (or la
restituci9n de las tierras @ue hab>an sido arrebatadas durante la dictadura de 'or(irio )*az.
Kazan @ued9 im(resionado es(ecialmente con la colecci9n Aotogr67ca de !"ust*n %asasola e
intent9 du(licar su estilo visual en el 7lme.
En esta (el>cula8 Elia Kazan retrata el )1&ico rural de (rinci(ios del siglo EE8 Es una obra l>rica
tanto en su as(ecto argumental como en el est1tico.
'remio 3scar !"4FC al meBor actor secundario %nthony +uinn$. %dem6s8 tuvo tres
candidaturas m6s en los a(artados de meBor actor )arlon Brando$8 meBor direcci9n
art>stica en blanco y negro8 meBor AotograA>a en blanco y negro y meBor guion ada(tado
John Steinbeck$.
Premio a la meBor actuaci9n en el ,estival -nternacional de %ine de %annes !"45 )arlon
'remio B!,4! !"4FC al meBor actor e&tranBero )arlon Brando$.
Viva Zapata !
Pour les articles homonymes8 voir Zapata.
Viva Zapata !
Donn1es cl1s
Ralisation Elia Kazan
1cnario John Steinbeck
)arlon Brando
Jean Peters
%nthony +uinn
a's d3ori$ine GtatsH3nis
1ortie !"45
Dure !!F minutes
Pour (lus de d1tails8 voir Fiche technique et Distribution
Viva Zapata ! est un (ilm am5ricain r1alis1 (ar Elia Kazan8 sorti en 1952.
Gcrit (ar John Steinbec et (roduit (ar )arr/l ,. Zanuc8 le 7lm relate de AaIon romanc1e les di&
derniJres ann1es de la vie dKEmiliano Zapata.
Marlon Brando8 a(rJs avoir connu le succJs dans Un tramway nomm Dsir8 (rLte ses traits au
r1volutionnaire me&icain. !nthon/ 0uinn8 3scar du meilleur second r6le (our ce 7lm8 Bouant le
ArJre de Za(ata. Viva Zapata ! (ermettra M Brando dKobtenir le prix d7interpr5tation M %annes.
Za(ata est ici d1(eint comme un cheA rebelle incorru(tible8 guid1 (ar son seul et constant d1sir
de rendre leur terre au& (aysans s(oli1s8 oubliant son int1rLt (ersonnel. Steinbec8 Nscar du
meilleur sc1nario8 mJne une r1Oe&ion sur le (ouvoir (oliti@ue8 militaire$ @ui corrom(t les
hommes8 Za(ata e&ce(t1.
1 S/nopsis
2 ,iche techni8ue
$ )istribution
& 9alerie
5 %itations
: 'roduction
:.1 4ourna"e
; <iens externes
!":". 'or(irio )*az est M la tLte du )e&i@ue de(uis F# ans. 3n grou(e de (aysans du Morelos
est s(oli1 de ses terres (ar des (ro(ri1taires terriens8 e&(loitants de canne M sucre. Devant la
condescendance du dictateur et son reAus dKintervenir8 Emiliano Za(ata8 aid1 de son ami
'ancho +illa %lan -eed$ et de son ArJre EuAemio %nthony +uinn$8 d1cide de (rendre la tLte de
la r1volte et de Aaire triom(her le bon droit des (aysans.
Fiche techni4ue
Ditre original C Viva Zapata!
Ditre AranIais C Viva Zapata !
-1alisation C Elia Kazan
Sc1narioC John Steinbec P Ed"ecumb 'inchon non cr1dit1$
<ostumes C 4ravilla
2mage C Joseph Mac)onald
)ontage C Barbara Mc<ean
)usi@ue C !lex =orth
Production C )arr/l ,. Zanuc
Soci1t1 de (roduction C 2>th %entur/ ,ox
Distribution C 4?entieth %entur/ ,ox
Pays dKorigine C @tatsABnis
*angue C an"lais8 espa"nol
Format C
Dur1e C !!F minutes
Dates de sortie C @tatsABnis ; (5vrier 1952
Marlon Brando 0F C Jean Martinelli$ C Emiliano Zapata
Jean 'eters 0F C %laire 9uibert$ C JoseAa Za(ata
!nthon/ 0uinn 0F C Jac8ues Er?in$ C EuAemio Za(ata
Joseph 2iseman C Fernando %guirre
!rnold Moss C Don 'acio
!lan #eed C 'ancho +illa
Mar"o C Soldadera
1arold 9ordon C ,rancisco Madero
<ou 9ilbert C Pablo
,ran Silvera C +ictoriano 1uerta
,lorenz !mes C Se;or Es(eBo
#ichard 9arric C *e vieu& g1n1ral
,a/ #oope C *e (r1sident 'or(irio )*az
Mildred )unnoc C Se;ora Es(eBo
=estor 'aiva nonHcr1dit1$ C *e nouveau g1n1ral
1enr/ Silva C .ernandez

Cliquez sur une vignette pour

Za(ata )arlon Brando$ C Q 0ous voulez des cheAs sans d1Aauts8 Ia nKe&iste (as. 3n cheA
est comme tout le monde. 2l changeR 2l abandonneR 2l meurtR 2l nKy a (as de cheAs en
dehors de vous. 3n (eu(le Aort est la seule Aorce durable. S
5ote 6 <ette citation nKest (as dKEmiliano Za(ata mais a 1t1 1crite (our les besoins du 7lm.
<ette section est vide8 insu=samment d1taill1e ou incom(lJte. +otre aide est la bienvenue R
<ette section est vide8 insu=samment d1taill1e ou incom(lJte. +otre aide est la bienvenue R
*ors du tournage8 Brando ne com(rit (as (our@uoi !nthon/ 0uinn 1tait distant avec lui. 2l
sKavJre @ue le r1alisateur8 Elia Kazan8 avait laiss1 entendre M %nthony +uinn @ue Brando tenait
des (ro(os malveillants M son suBet. *e metteur en scJne semble avoir consid1r1 @ue cr1er un
conOit entre les deu& acteurs Aerait mieu& a((araTtre M lK1cran la rivalit1 entre les ArJres
Za(ata. 2l a touteAois oubli1 de r1tablir la v1rit1 M la 7n du tournage et les deu& hommes
restJrent en Aroid @uel@ues ann1es durant.Cr5(. n5cessaireD
Viva Zapata!
From ,iki(edia8 the Aree encyclo(edia
For the U Vear Bitch album8 see E+iva ZapataF.
Viva Zapata!
Dheatrical release (oster
Directed -' Elia Kazan
roduced -' Darryl F. Zanuck
7ritten -' John Steinbeck
)arlon Brando
Jean Peters
%nthony +uinn
"usic -' %le& 'orth
Jose(h )acDonald
Edited -' Barbara )c*ean
Distri-uted -' DWentieth <entury Fo& Film <or(oration
Release date(s)
February U8 !"45 3nited States$
Runnin$ time !!F minutes
,ountr' 3nited States
0ud$et X!.Y millionZ![
0o2 o9ce X!8"::8::: 3S rentals$Z5[
Viva Zapata! is a !"45 biogra(hical 7lm starring Marlon Brando and directed by Elia Kazan.
Dhe screen(lay Was Written by John Steinbec8 using as a guide Edgcomb PinchonKs book8
Zapata the Unconquerable8 a Aact that is not credited in the titles oA the 7lm.
Dhe cast includes Jean 'eters and8 in an !cadem/ !?ardHWinning (erAormance8 !nthon/ 0uinn.
Dhe movie is a 7ctionalized account oA the liAe oA Mexican #evolutionar/ Emiliano Zapata Arom
his peasant u(bringing8 through his rise to (oWer in the early !"::s8 to his death.
Do give the 7lm as authentic a Aeel as (ossible8 Kazan and (roducer )arr/l ,. Zanuc studied
the numerous (hotogra(hs that Were taken during the revolutionary years8 the (eriod betWeen
!":" and !"!" When Za(ata led the 7ght to restore land taken Arom the (eo(le during the
dictatorshi( oA Por7rio D>az.
Kazan Was es(ecially im(ressed With the !"ustin %asasola collection oA (hotogra(hs and he
attem(ted to du(licate their visual style in the 7lm. Kazan also acknoWledged the inOuence oA
#oberto #osselliniKs "aisan.C$D
1 'lot
2 %ast
$ !?ards
$.1 !cadem/ !?ards
$.2 B!,4! !?ards
$.$ %annes ,ilm ,estival
$.& )irectors 9uild o( !merica
$.5 9olden 9lobe !?ard
& 'roduction
&.1 ,ilmin" and castin"
5 #elease
5.1 %ritical reception
: #e(erences
; External lins
Za(ata Marlon Brando$ is (art oA a delegation sent to com(lain about inBustices to corru(t
longtime President 'or(irio )*az ,a/ #oope$8 but D>az condescendingly dismisses their
concerns. %s a result8 Za(ata is driven to o(en rebellion8 along With his brother Eu(emio
!nthon/ 0uinn$. .e in the south and 'ancho +illa !lan #eed$ in the north unite under the
leadershi( oA naive reAormer ,rancisco Madero 1arold 9ordon$.
D>az is 7nally to((led and )adero takes his (lace8 but Za(ata is dismayed to 7nd that nothing
is changed. Dhe neW regime is no less corru(t and selAHserving than the one it re(laced. .is
oWn brother sets himselA u( as a (etty dictator8 taking What he Wants Without regard Aor the
laW. Dhe ine\ectual but WellHmeaning )adero (uts his trust in treacherous /eneral +ictoriano
1uerta ,ran Silvera$. .uerta 7rst takes )adero ca(tive and then has him murdered. Za(ata
himselA is lured into an ambush and killed.
Za(ata is de(icted in the 7lm as an incorru(tible rebel leader. .e is guided by his desire to
return the land to the (easants8 Who have been robbed8 While Aorsaking his (ersonal interest.
Steinbeck meditates in the 7lm on (oWer8 military and (olitical8 Which corru(ts men.
Marlon Brando as Emiliano Zapata
Jean 'eters as JoseAa Za(ata8 his WiAe
!nthon/ 0uinn as Eu(emio Zapata
Joseph 2iseman as Fernando %guirre
!rnold Moss as Don 'acio
!lan #eed as 'ancho +illa
Mar"o as Soldadera
.arold /ordon as ,rancisco -ndalecio Madero
*ou /ilbert as Pablo
,ran Silvera as +ictoriano 1uerta
Florenz %mes as Se;or Es(eBo
#ichard 9arric as Nld /eneral
,a/ #oope as 'or(irio )*az
Mildred )unnoc as Se;ora Es(eBo
*cadem' *:ards
%nthony +uinn Won the !"45 !cadem/ !?ard (or Best Supportin" !ctor.C&D
Dhe 7lm Was also nominated AorC
Best !ctor in a <eadin" #ole H )arlon Brando
Best 2ritin"G Stor/ and Screenpla/ H John Steinbeck
Best !rt )irectionASet )ecorationG BlacAandA2hite H </le #. 2heeler8 <eland ,uller8
4homas <ittle8 %laude E. %arpenter
Best MusicG Scorin" o( a )ramatic or %omed/ 'icture H %le& 'orth
0*FT* *:ards
)arlon Brando Won the !"4F B!,4! !?ard Aor Best Foreign %ctor. Dhe 7lm Was also nominated
Aor Best Film Arom any Source.
,annes Film Festival
%t the 1952 %annes ,ilm ,estival8 Brando Won Aor Best !ctor8 While Elia Kazan Was nominated
Aor the 9rand 'rix du ,estival -nternational du ,ilm.C5D
Directors !uild o% *merica
Elia Kazan Was nominated Aor a )9! !?ard Aor Nutstanding Directorial %chievement in )otion
Pictures in !"4F.
!olden !lo-e *:ard
)ildred Dunnock Was nominated Aor Best Su((orting %ctress in !"4F.
)arlon Brando screenshot as Za(ata
Filmin$ and castin$
Filming took (lace in various locations8 including )uran"oG %oloradoP #omaG 4exasP and =e?
Dhe 7lm tends to romanticize Za(ata and in doing so distorts the true nature oA the )e&ican
-evolution. Za(ata Aought to Aree the land Aor the (easants oA Morelos and the other southern
)e&ican states. %dditionally8 the movie inaccurately (ortrays Za(ata as illiterate. 2n reality8 he
greW u( in a Aamily With some land and money and received an education. John Steinbeck
Wrote a book titled Zapata. Dhe original screen(lay Was Written by the author and the book
contains a neWly Aound introduction by Steinbeck8 the original (ro(osed screen(lay8 and the
o=cial movie scri(t.
Barbara *eaming Writes in her biogra(hy oA Maril/n Monroe that the actress tried and Aailed to
obtain a (art in this (icture8 (resumably due to Darryl F. ZanuckKs lack oA Aaith in her ability8
both as an actress and as a bo& o=ce draW.

,ritical reception
Viva Zapata! received mi&ed revieWs Arom critics. -evieW aggregator #otten 4omatoes re(orts
that ]U^ critics have given the 7lm a (ositive revieW8 With a rating average oA ].F_!:. Bosle/
%ro?ther oA #he $ew %or& #imes gave a highly Aavorable revieW and noted that the 7lm `throbs
With a rare vitality8 and a masterAul (icture oA a nation in revolutionary torment has been got by
Director Elia Kazan.`C:D Variety8 on the other hand8 criticized the direction and scri(tC `Elia
KazanKs direction strives Aor a (ersonal intimacy but neither he nor the John Steinbeck scri(ting
achieves in enough measure.`
V+V* Z**T*


Z%P%D%C )arlon Brando
.3E-D%C Frank Silvera
E3F%)2N Za(ataKs brother$C %nthony +uinn
D2%ZC Fay -oo(e
FE-'%'DNC Jose ,iseman
JNSEF%C Jean Peters
-unning DimeC ! hour 4# minutes

,ritten byC JN.' SDE2'BE<K
Directed byC E*2% K%Z%'

*-out the Film. Viva Zapata Was made by one oA the most res(ected directors oA the
!"4:Ks8 Elia Kazan. Kazan ada(ted Works oA the renoWned author8 John Steinbeck8 on more
than one occasion. .e also directed James Dean in his 7rst and most enduring 7lm (ortrayal8
that oA <al in SteinbeckKs novel 'ast o( '!en. 2n Viva Zapata he directs a young )arlon
Brando. Brando (lays the title role in this story oA the Aamous revolutionary leader oA the
)e&ican revolution that took (lace during the second decade oA the tWentieth century. Dhe
revolution Was a (easant u(rising in the name oA democracy. Pancho 0illa8 a revolutionary
leader even more Well knoWn than Za(ata in the 3nited States is also (ortrayed in this 7lm.

)ore than about revolutionary leaders8 hoWever8 the 7lm uses the )e&ican revolution to
document the Aate oA revolutionary movements generally. )ost im(ortantly8 it shoWs hoW the
use oA Aorce as a means to (roduce change corru(ts some oA the revolutionaries and hoW the
attainment oA (oWer corru(ts others so that When they are successAul and seize control oA the
government8 they become only su(er7cially di\erent Arom the enemies that they dis(laced.
Za(ata is interesting because he realizes his corru(tion8 corrects it8 and8 in the (rocess8 su\ers
a Aate and a Aame that is e&ce(tional in the annals oA the history oA revolutions. % second maBor
theme oA the 7lm is the contrast betWeen the intellectual revolutionary and the `human`
revolutionary and hoW Za(ata is torn betWeen ideological goals oA revolution as re(resented by
his intellectual advisor and the human goals oA `kindness and land` as re(resented by his best
Ariend8 the one he later orders to be e&ecuted.

The 1tor' in Viva Zapata. Dhe 7rst several scenes in the 7lm shoW hoW Za(ata became a
revolutionary leader. Nne oA a grou( oA Aarmers Who come to President DiazKs (alace to
com(lain that large landoWners had seized their land and Aenced it o\ (osting guards to drive
o\ its Aormer oWners8 Za(ata e&(resses dissatisAaction With the PresidentKs res(onse. Diaz
does encourage them to identiAy the markers that identiAy their landP to do so they have to
break through the Aences and risk being Aound and attacked by the landoWnersK guards. Dhey
do so8 are attacked8 7ght back8 and8 in the (rocess8 Za(ata becomes an outlaW Aorced to Oee to
the hills to hide. .is leadershi( (otential induces the revolutionary )adero to send his
re(resentative to Za(ata in order to recruit him Aor the revolution.

Za(ata is torn betWeen his desire to 7ght the inBustice oA his government as (art oA the
revolution and his love Aor JoseAa Whose Aather8 a bourgeois o((ortunist8 Would never (ermit his
daughter to marry a (enniless outlaW. .is love oA8 and great skill With8 horses (rovides him
With an o((ortunity to get a good Bob Working Aor a res(ected `(atron` and a (ardon Arom Diaz.
.e deAends a hungry child Who has been caught eating Arom the Aeed oA his (atronKs (am(ered
horses. .is (atron (rotests against his aggressive deAense oA the childC `%re you res(onsible
Aor everybody`P `you canKt be the conscience oA the World. 2n the World oA business AeW (eo(le
like each other8 but they have to get along or else there WouldnKt be any business.` Za(ata
a(ologizes to the Aoreman he caught beating the child and later tells )aderoKs re(resentativeC
`...tell him to get another man. 2 donKt Want to be the conscience oA the WorldP 2 donKt Want to
be the conscience oA anybody.` 'evertheless8 he tries to deAend a Aarmer being led to `Bustice`
Walking With a ro(e around his neck dragged by horsemen. ,hen Za(ata tries to (rotest8 the
horsemen gallo( o\ killing the (easant by dragging him in the dirt.

Delling Za(ata that While all humans are e@ual in the sense that We are all made oA clay8 `a
Bug is not a vase8` JoseAaKs Aather reBects him as a suitable husband Aor his daughter. %rrested
as he is leaving JoseAaKs house8 he is (ut in the same (osition as the (easant he had deAendedC
led o\ by horsemen With a ro(e around his neck. Dhe entourage 7nds itselA surrounded by
(easants Who Boin singly and in grou(s until there are literally hundreds hemming in the troo(sP
When it 7nally runs AaceHtoHAace into revolutionaries led by )aderoKs re(resentative and
Za(ataKs brother8 the intimidated ca(tors release Za(ata to them and de(art. Do (revent them
Arom contacting reinAorcements8 )aderoKs re(resentative instructs the men to cut the telegra(h
line. Dhe <a(tain oA the troo(s Warns them not toC `DonKt touch thatP this is rebellionR` Za(ata
res(ondsC `<ut itR`

Za(ata Boins the revolution and becomes one oA its leading and most successAul generals
along With Pancho 0illa. %s the revolution (ros(ers and )adero groWs in (oWer and (restige8
JoseAaKs Aather is onlyHtooHha((y to alloW him to court his daughter and ask Aor her hand in
marriage. Dhe courting scene e&(resses the e&treme Aormality oA the traditional Wealthy
)e&ican Aamily. Za(ata meets With JoseAa but only With cha(erons. JoseAaKs conversation is in
(roverbs8 but Za(ata is clever enough to ansWer With his oWnC JoseAa says8 `)an WellHdressed is
man Well thought oA.` Za(ata re(liesC `)onkey in silk is still a monkey`P and later8 `2 believe
that love cannot be bought e&ce(t by love and he Who has a good WiAe has heaven in his hat.`
,ord suddenly arrives that Diaz has OedP the revolution is successAul. Francesco )adero is
inaugurated as the neW President8 and Za(ata and JoseAa are married With the blessing oA her

Summoned to the Presidential (alace by )adero8 Za(ata is o\ered a 7ne ranch to retire to
aAter disbanding his troo(s. 2nsulted by the im(lication that he Aought only Aor a reWard8 he
leaves Aor his home in )orales saying he Will hold on to his troo(s until )adero kee(s his
(romise to redistribute the land. Dhings take timeP this is a constitutional government8 argues
)adero. .is revolutionary adviser obBects8 `*aWs do not governP men do` and characterizes his
attitude and loyalty by observing8 `2 am a Ariend to no one e&ce(t logic.` Dhe /eneral oA the
regular army8 .uerta8 advises )adero to kill Za(ata8 but )adero says he trusts him. Za(ataKs
(easant Ariend enters and asks )adero to go to )orales When Za(ata disbands the troo(s
saying8 `Vou need him and he needs you.` )adero agrees to go to )orales. /eneral .uerta
interBectsC `Nh8 the odor oA good men` and then observes to his subordinates that While both
Za(ata and )adero believe in What they Aought Aor8 Za(ataKs a tiger and dangerous and so he
must be killed While )aderoKs a mouse Who can be handled.

2n )orales Za(ataKs troo(s are gathering to disband and turn in their arms. Za(ata and
)adero are talking. Za(ataC `2Kve been 7ghting too long`. )aderoC `Peace is the hard thing. 2
Wonder hoW a man can stay honest under the (ressure oA (eace.` .uertaKs troo(s sWoo( in.
Za(ata and his men esca(e. )adero stays8 trusting .uerta and e&(ecting his (osition as
(resident Will be res(ected. .e is seized and (laced under house arrest and eventually
e&ecuted by order oA .uerta Who assumes control oA the country.

Za(ata and 0illa are Waging War on .uerta. Disci(line is harsh. Breaches oA security are
(unished by immediate e&ecution. Za(ataKs good Ariend has been seen talking With the enemy
trying to make (eace. Dhe revolutionary adviser tells himC `Vou deserted our cause.` `'o8` is
the re(ly8 `our cause is land and (eace8 not a dreamP kindness and a time Aor rest.` %nd then
Za(ataKs Ariend continuesC `<an a good thing come Arom a badP can (eace 7nally come Arom so
much violencea <an a man Whose thoughts are based in anger and hatred govern in (eacea`
Finally8 When it is clear that he Will be e&ecuted8 he tells Za(ataC `Emiliano8 not strangersP do it
yourselA.` Za(ata shoots him as8 outside the cell8 neWs arrives that .uerta has surrendered.

0illa and Za(ata meet to determine Who Will be neW (resident. 0illa decides to go homeC
`Nnly one man can lead. <an you reada` he asks Za(ata8 `then youKre the President. Dhere
isnKt anyone elseP do 2 look like a President. DhereKs no one else.`

Za(ata becomes President. % delegation comes Arom )orales to com(lain about Za(ataKs
brother. Za(ata says8 `2 Will look into it.` % young man8 very much like Za(ata in his youth
stays to (rotest as the other start to leave the roomC `Dhese men havenKt got timeR` Za(ata
goes aAter them to )oralesP the revolutionary adviser obBects. Za(ata leaves him describing
his characterC `'o 7elds8 no home8 no WiAe8 no Woman8 no Ariends8 no love8 you only destroyP
that is your love.`

2n )orales8 Za(ata sees the abuses oA his brother and gives the Aarmers the legacy oA his
Wisdom telling them they must (rotect themselvesC Dhis land is yours8 but you must (rotect it.
2t WonKt be yours long unless you (rotect it8 iA necessary8 With your lives and your children With
their lives. DonKt discount your enemiesP they Will be back. %nd iA your house is burned8 build
it againP iA the corn is destroyed8 reH(lant. 2A your children die8 bear more. 2A they drive you out
oA the valley8 live on the sides oA the mountain. But *20E. VouKve alWays looked Aor leaders8
strong men Without Aaults. Dhere arenKt any. DheyKre only men like yourselves. Dhey change.
Dhey desert. Dhey die. Dhere are no leaders but yourselves. % strong (eo(le is the only
lasting strength.` Shots ring out. Za(ataKs brother is killed. Za(ata tells the Aarmers8 `2Kll take
him home With me.`

% neW President in the (alace. .e orders the rebels Wi(ed out. But the soldiers say they
canKt. %n older general commentsC `Dhis is not a man WeKre destroying but an idea8 and its
s(reading`. Dhe revolutionary adviser saysC `<ut o\ the head oA the snake and the body Will
die.` Dhe old general re(liesC `2deas are harder to kill than snakes.` Dhey set the tra( Aor
Za(ata as the 7lm rushes to its dramatic and moving conclusion.

The ;istor' o% the "e2ican Revolution. Dhe revolutionary (eriod covered by Viva
Zapata stretches Arom !"!: the !::th anniversary oA )e&ican inde(endence$ to !"5: When
the revolutionary leaders Were all either eliminated or assassinated. /eneral Por7rio Diaz had
seized (oWer in !YU] and remained as President by means oA controlled and rigged elections.
For some reason8 still clouded in mystery8 Diaz (roclaimed in !":Y that he Would retire in !"!:
at the end oA his term and that the election oA a successor Would be Aree and o(en. Dhe
o((osition coalesced around Francesco )adero Who Was a Wealthy landoWner committed to
bringing about democracy. ,hen Diaz changed his mind and decided to run again8 he cracked
doWn on the o((osition. )adero Oed the country Aor the 3nited States and became the rallying
(oint Aor the revolutionary movement against Diaz. Dhe revolution began on 'ovember !Y8
!"!: When armed Aorces (roclaimed their su((ort Aor )adero and stood against the authorities
in Puebla. By s(ring Diaz had Oed and the (rovisional government scheduled elections Aor
Nctober. Practically uno((osed8 )adero Won handily and Was sWorn in as (resident on
'ovember ]. .e Was overthroWn in a military cou( led by /eneral .uerta in February !"!F.
%Ater that8 civil War broke out.

Dhe tWo states Where discontent continued Were )orales in the 'orth and <hihuahua in the
South. Emiliano Za(ata Was one oA the (rimary leaders oA the resistance8 and although his (lan
Aor the redistribution oA land Was eventually ado(ted in Nctober !"!# and (laced in the
<onstitution oA !"!U8 he himselA Was assassinated in !"!".
V+V* Z**T*! < 0lu<ra' revie:
b0iva Za(ataRc is one oA those 7lms that8 While it continues to have im(ressive as(ects8 Bust
doesndt hold u( as Well as it did When it Was 7rst made. Vou 7nd yourselA Wishing it Were in
Widescreen8 and that they had hired at least N'E *atino actor.
Prev 'e&t
Saturday8 )ay !!8 5:!F H !:CF4(m
=Viva Zapata!> is a tough 7lm to revieWealmost as tough as bSong oA the Southc Would be iA
Disney had the coBones to release that (ictureebecause Bust about all the )e&icans are (layed
by <aucasians Who s(eak a tossed salad version oA What each actor 7gures ethnic dialect Would
sound like. Dhough the acting runs very good to e&ce(tionale%nthony +uinn Won an Nscar Aor
Best Su((orting %ctor (laying Za(atads brother8 Eu(hemioeyoudre still stuck trying to believe
that all these White guys are really oA 'ahua and S(anish ancestry. % AeW oA them look as iA they
Went a little overboard on the broWnAace and a&le grease.
%lthough )arlon Brando Won Best %ctor at <annes and the B%FD%s8 his oWn (eculiar Way to
convey the (easantHtoHgeneral ethnicity oA Emiliano Za(ata Was to (lay him s@uinting or With
slightly crossed eyes. Even then8 a little Stanley KoWalski (okes through8 but Without the
boWling ball and chest scratching. Brando also earned an Nscar nomination8 but it had more to
do With his oWn intense8 s(ecial brand oA acting than his ability to bring a historical 7gure
convincingly to liAe.
Dhen too8 the Aocus on character comes With a (rice. 'o less a genius than John Steinbeck
Wrote the screen(lay8 Which e&cels in dialogue and (olitical intros(ection8 Aeaturing (oWerAul
scenes and a\ording director Elia Kazan and cinematogra(her Jose(h )acDonald (lenty oA
chances Aor artAul com(osition and Araming. %s a result8 the scenes themselves are
accom(lished. .oWever8 Steinbeck Aails to make sense oA the com(licated )e&ican -evolution
!":"H!"!"$ Aor vieWers8 o\ering conAusing Bum(s in time8 an overly reductive vieW oA the
(olitics involved8 clumsy segues8 and very little action Aor a 7lm thatds really about War.
2n other Words8 dondt look to this 7lm Aor a true and de7nitive account oA the )e&ican
-evolution8 or even oA Za(ata and his WiAe Jean Peters$ea (lot thread that seems Woven in
Bust to illustrate the di\erence betWeen Za(atads values and the values oA the landoWners heds
trying to re(resent along With the 2ndians.
b0iva Za(ataRc begins With a grou( oA (easants Arom the southern state oA )orelos going to
)e&ican President Por7rio Diaz Fay -oo(e$ to com(lain that rich noblemen have gobbled u(
their land and are killing those Who try to Aarm their ancestral (lots. 2tds suggested that Za(ata
is a meek and reluctantHtoHserve AelloW Who rises to (oWer because he lagged behind to
@uestion Diaz oneHonHone. 2n reality8 the community elected Za(ata to re(resent them8 and the
ambitious leader had already been involved in (olitics by o((osing a local candidate Aor
Dhe !"!: -evolution is a bit oA a blur in b0iva Za(ataRc BeAore you knoW it8 Diaz is unseated
and Francisco )adero8 the man Who asked Aor Za(atads hel( in the South8 is elevated to the
(residency. %ll this ha((ens Way too @uickly in the 7lm and Without any e&(lanation. Dhen8 Bust
as @uickly8 /eneral .uerta is set u( as the ne&t man oA ambition8 Who kills )adero in this 7lm8
a Aoolish straW man$ and tries to do the same With Za(ata. Dhen thereds a se@uence about
/eneral Za(ata in the South and /eneral Pancho 0illa in the 'orth Boining Aorces and 0illa
saying heds tired oA 7ghting and leaving the (residency to Za(ata8 Who Bust Walks aWay Arom it
and . . . it all gets a little Auzzy. Dhereds no mention oA 3.S. involvement8 Za(ata is romanticized8
and .uerta is demonizedethe latter8 rightly so8 but again8 historical Aacts and chronologies
have been heavily altered.
b0iva Za(ataRc is stylish8 though8 and Aar more authentic looking than it is its treatment oA Aacts
ein large (art because Kazan 7lmed some scenes in )e&ico and based his NscarHnominated
costume and set design on historical (hotogra(hs.
Black and White is a Aorgiving medium8 and While long shots With atmos(heric light tend to be
overe&(osed8 the bulk oA the 7lm s(orts strong black levels that make Aor rich contrasts.
Dhereds a 7ne layer oA 7lm grain throughout8 and the Aeature is (resented in !.FFC! as(ect ratio.
% year later .ollyWood Would gravitate toWard Widescreen movies8 and 2 Aound myselA thinking
that there Were @uite a AeW Arames that Aelt needlessly and ine\ectively cram(edescenes that
Would have been hel(ed by the Wider Aormat.
Dhe audio is an English DDSH.D )% 5.: )ono8 With additional audio o(tions in S(anish and
French8 and subtitles in English SD. and S(anish. Dhe %0<_)PE/H# transAer f5#)BPS$
(roduces a clean and cris( sound. /iven the age8 you Would e&(ect there to be more
im(erAections than there are. <learly8 the source materials Aor this 7lm Were Well (reservede
something Aor Which We can (robably thank the 7ve %cademy %Ward nominations the (icture
Dhe only bonus Aeatures are a (air oA theatrical trailers8 one in English and one in S(anish8 both
With subtitles. Dhere are no inserts8 either8 though this is the ]:th anniversary oA the 7lm.
0ottom line6
b0iva Za(ataRc is one oA those 7lms that8 While it continues to have im(ressive as(ects8 Bust
doesndt hold u( as Well as it did When it Was 7rst made. Vou 7nd yourselA Wishing it Were in
Widescreen8 and that they had hired at least N'E *atino actor.
Viva Zapata! (?@AB)
)arch !]8 5::" by Emanuel*evy *eave a <omment
Dhe success oA KazanKs b/entlemands %greementc and bPinkyc (roved that mature themes8
such as antiHSemitism and racism Were no longer taboo at the bo& o=ce. %s a result8 he Was
able to convince Fo& studio head Darryl F. Zanuck that there are both (olitical and commercial
values in 7lming the story oA the legendary )e&ican revolutionary Emiliano Za(ata With )arlon
Brando in the lead.

For Zanuck8 the story Was a thrilling s(iritual adventure8 Which could and should a((eal to
young boys as Well as mature and educated vieWers. But ultimately8 b0iva Za(ataRc is a
mediocre 7lm8 neither e&citing in its action se@uences nor entirely com(elling in its

For his screen(lay8 John Steinbeck used as guide Edgcomb Pinchonds book bZa(ata the
3ncon@uerable.c KazanKs goal Was to ca(ture a bloody era oA )e&ican history8 but in Aact8 his
tale is marred by (retentious brooding and re(lete With moralistic statements about the
corru(tive inOuence oA (oWer. Even BrandoKs interesting inter(retation cannot BustiAy the
liberties taken With Aacts.

Dhe real Emiliano Za(ata Was a short man With dark eyes8 a tenantHAarmer Who rose against the
tyrannical rule oA Por7rio Diaz8 as did Pancho 0illa in the 'orth8 and led an army to victory over
Diaz. Dhe civil Wars Arom !"!! to !"!" Were Waged not to con@uer )e&ico but to Aree the lands
Aor the (easants oA )orelos and other (rovinces. ,hereas the actual Za(ata Was a barbaric
Who e&ecuted his enemies en masse8 Kazan (resents a WhiteWashed version oA the leaderP

Zanuck Was unable to convince the )e&ican government oA his sincerity in dealing With
historical material. Dhe )e&icans have long obBected to .ollyWood de(ictions oA their country
and their (eo(le and the 7lm Was shot in De&as. Do give the 7lm greater authenticity8 Kazan
studied (hotogra(hs that Were taken during the revolutionary years8 When Za(ata led his
(eo(le to restore the land taken during the dictatorshi( oA President Por7rio Diaz. 2m(ressed
With <asasolaKs collection oA (hotogra(hs8 he tried to du(licate their visual style.

b0iva Za(ataRc re(resented a de(arture in style Arom Kazands (revious 7lms8 his 7rst attem(t at
a largeHscale action (icture. Kazan said he Was ins(ired by -ossellinids movies8 s(eci7cally

Brando conducted research on Za(ata and s(ent time With )e&icans in order to study their
mannerisms. Physically8 he strangely looks like 2ndian8 slanting his eyelids and thickening his
nose. .e (lays Za(ata as a sim(le8 @uiet8 unemotional man8 Who acce(ts his AateAul calling as
a leader8 e\ectively (roBecting the heroKs dedication and anguish.

Dhe saga begins With Za(atads e&(osure to (olitics8 When he leads a delegation oA (eons Arom
his village oA %yala to the (alace oA President Diaz in )e&ico <ity8 Where he makes knoWn their
(rotests over the stealing oA their lands by the Wealthy landoWners. %((roaching them
(aternally8 Diaz advises them to survey their boundaries beAore bringing legal action.

*ater8 When Za(ata and his brother EuAemio %nthony +uinn$ lead their villagers in a survey oA
their e&(ro(riated 7elds8 a s@uad oA mounted (olice attacks them8 shooting men8 Women and
children indiscriminately. Za(ataKs 7ght back labels an outlaW8 and he and entourage retreat to
a mountain hideout8 Where they are located by the neWs(a(erman Fernando %guirre Jose(h
,iseman$8 a (olitical agitator Who claims his ty(eWriter is the sWord oA the (eo(le.

%guirre tells oA Francisco )adero .arold /ordon$8 e&iled in De&as but intent on leading a
revolution to oust Diaz8 (rom(ting Za(ata to send his Ariend Pablo *ou /ilbert$ to intervieW

2n %yala8 Za(ata meets and courts to JoseAa Jean Peters$8 the daughter oA a (rominent citizen8
Who rebu\s him des(ite being attracted to him. She says he must im(rove his social (osition
beAore she considers his (ro(osal. Bent on reAorm8 Za(ata goes to his inOuential Ariend Don
'acio %rnold )oss$ and asks Aor his aid in dismissing the charges against him.

Pablo returns Arom De&as and re(orts that )adero is sincere and Wants Za(ata as a leader in his
revolution. .oWever8 intent on marrying JoseAa8 Za(ata declines. .e changes his mind later
When he Witnesses the Whi((ing oA children in the stables as (unishment Aor minor violations
and the brutal killing oA old Aarmer by the (olice. ,hen Senor Es(eBo Florenz %meo$ reAuses to
consider him as a suitor to his daughter8 Za(ata is arrested by the (olice and led aWay With
ro(e around his neck. %s the (olice Walk him8 they are Boined by masses oA ordinary citizens
Who march along. -ealizing the situation8 the (olice sto( and remove the ro(e Arom Za(ata.
Nnce again8 destiny has singled Za(ata out as a leader.

-evolution overtakes )e&ico8 and (olice and soldiers are ambushed8 armories are seized8
ammunition trains are Wrecked and looted. %Ater one (articular battle8 a young boy is cited Aor
his bravery in attacking a machine gun and saving the lives oA his AelloWs. %s a (rize8 the boy
chooses What Za(ata cherishes the most8 his magni7cent White horse8 and Za(ata abides by
his (romise.

Senor Es(eBo o\ers Za(ata the rank oA general8 making it im(ossible Aor him to reBect him as
sonHinHlaW. %Ater marrying JoseAa8 Za(ata conAesses that he is illiterate8 asking her to be his
tutor as Well as his WiAe.

,hen Diaz Oees )e&ico8 )adero is declared (resident. Za(ata urges the neW leader to give
back to the (eons the lost lands8 but )adero is hesitant8 trying to (lacate Za(ata With an
estate. 2t soon becomes clear that )adero is used as a (aWn by the venal advisors8 including
/eneral .uerta Frank Silvera$. Dhe (resident is unable to halt the groWing (oWer oA his
military aides8 Who seize leadershi( oA )e&ico aAter they assassinate him.

%gain rising to lead his (eo(le8 Za(ata Boins Aorces With Pancho 0illa8 the head oA the revolution
in the northern (rovinces. 0illa declares his lack oA interest in o=ce8 instead suggesting that
Za(ata become the (resident. *ater8 Za(ata deserts his o=ce and return home8 des(ite
FernandoKs Warning8 b2A you leave today8 your enemies Will be here tomorroW.c

2n %yala8 Za(ata re(rimands his brother8 noW a drunken8 sWaggering bully Who later dies in a
7ght over a Woman. %s e&(ected8 Fernando sWitches his allegiance to the military8 urging them
to get rid oA Za(ata. <olonel /uaBardo Frank De Kova$ o\ers a deal to turn over his men and
su((lies8 but Za(ata sus(ects a tra(. %t a semiHruined hacienda in <hinemeca8 the tWo men
meet8 and /uaBardo o\ers Za(ata a s(ecial giAt8 his old White horse. ,hile Za(ata buries his
Aace in the horseds mane8 the horse rears and snorts8 and Za(ata 7nds himselA alone in the
courtyard. Soldiers With riOes a((ear at every Wall and Za(ata is riddled With bullets.
Fernando orders to ca(ture the horse8 but according to legend he Was never ca(tured8 and
later seen in the mountains a reminder that Za(ataKs s(irit Was still alive.

b0iva Za(ataRc has been criticized on (olitical grounds as a (latAorm Aor %merican liberal
vieWs. Dhe 7lm (resents an idealized conce(t oA Za(ata8 Whom historians claim Was selAH
seeking and bloodier than de(icted by Steinbeck and Kazan.

For many critics8 BrandoKs Za(ata is too much oA a symbolic 7gure8 a kind oA Everyman oA
)e&ican revolution8 a titan arising Arom the masses at the command oA Aate.


Emiliano Za(ata )arlon Brando$
JoseAa Jean Peters$
EuAemio Za(ata %nthony +uinn$
Fernando Jose(h ,iseman$
Don 'acio %rnold )oss$
Pancho 0illa %lan -eed$
Soldadera )argo$
)adero .arold /ordon$
Pablo *ou /ilbert$
Senora Es(eBo )ildred Dunnock$
.uerta Frank Silvera$
%unt 'ina 0arela$
Senor Es(eBo Florenz %mes$
Za(atista Bernie /ozier$
<ol. /uaBardo Frank De Kova$
/eneral Fuentes Jose(h /ranby$
2nnocente Pedro -egas$
Nld /eneral -ichard /arrick$
Diaz Fay -oo(e$
Don /arcia .arry Kingston$
N=cer -oss Bagdasarian$
.usband *eonard /eorge$
*azaro ,ill Kuluva$
Fuenteds ,iAe Fernanda Eliscu$
<a(tain %bner Biberman$
<.N. Phil 0an Zandt$
/arciads ,iAe *isa Fusaro$
'aciods ,iAe Belle )itchell$


5:th <enturyHFo& Production.
Produced by Darryl F. Zanuck.
Directed by Elia Kazan.
Screen(lay by John Steinbeck.
Photogra(hed by Joe )acDonald.
%rt direction by *yle ,heeler and *eland Fuller.
Edited by Barbara )c*ean.
)usical score by %le& 'orth.

-unning timeC !!5 minutes.
020% Z%P%D%R !"45$
0iva Za(ataR is a .ollyWood biogra(hy oA the (assionate )e&ican revolutionist Emiliano Za(ata
)arlon Brando$.
During the early !"::ds8 Za(ata stood u( to the inBustices done to the (easant Aarmers and
indigenous (eo(le oA )e&ico8 Who Were slaughtered Whilst deAending their Aarm land against
the corru(ted President Diaz. .is F# year iron gri( rule ended aAter Za(ata and others rebelled
against him.
2n turn the leAtist liberator Francisco 2dalecio )edero .arold /ordon$ Was (laced in (oWer8 yet
his reign Was short lived8 thanks to the )achiavellian Fernando %guirre (layed brilliantly by
Jose(h ,iseman$8 Who (lanned to create a totalitarian system under his control8 unaWares to
Za(ata and his comrades.
,ith this Aascinating (iece oA (olitical history8 director Elia Kazan (laces an interesting and
honest s(otlight u(on (olitics8 Which (roves that leAt Wing liberators are Bust as dangerous as
the right Wing Aascists they have over(oWered8 and vice versa.
%lthough the maBority oA its actors are not oA *atino descent8 they see( into their characters
very Well Without resorting to caricature. Dhis is due to Kazands insistence u(on authenticity8
With the 7lms shooting locations oA )e&ico8 'eW )e&ico8 and De&as no doubt having e\ect on
his actors8 es(ecially method man )arlon Brando8 Who brings on all the necessary @ualities
needed to (lay the Aervent Za(ata8 and %nthony +uinn Who is sim(ly magnetic as Za(atads
brother Eu7mio.
%lthough 0iva Za(ataR Was a violent 7lm Aor its time8 its also contains a keen sense oA humour
Which does not diminish the 7lms serious tone8 but rather lends humanity during a time oA
never ending civil War and (olitical corru(tion. % scene Where Za(ata tries to Win the hand oA
his soon to be bride JoseAa Jean Peters$ is very Aunny8 as is Za(atads constant lamenting over
the loss oA his Aavourite horse Which he gave aWay to a brave young soul Who Aought Aor their
% very good yet Bust shy oA being great 7lm8 0iva Za(ataR may be a glossed u( version oA
)e&ican history8 yet is a good (lace to start Aor a layman on the subBect.
Be the 7rst to commentR
/reat acting e&ercise8 Dabascoed With Brando8 (e((ered With +uinn8 but otherWise
Kazan_Steinbeck reAried beans.
Kazan directs this e&citing biogra(hy oA the (easant Who rose to be a revolutionary leader and
President oA his country With great relish8 gra(hically ca(turing a bloody era oA )e&ican history8
and Brando gives an electriAying (erAormance. But the adventure lags8 marred by (retentious
brooding as the scri(t strains to moralize about the corru(tive inOuence oA (oWer.
'or can BrandoKs acting BustiAy the liberties taken. Dhe real Emiliano Za(ata Was a small man
With large8 dark eyes and delicate handsHHa tenantHAarmer Who 7nally rose u( against the
tyrannical rule oA Por7rio Diaz8 as did Pancho 0illa in the north8 and led an army to victory over
Diaz. .e Waged his civil Wars8 !"!!H!"8 not to con@uer )e&ico but to Aree the land Aor the
(easants oA )orelos and other southern (rovinces. Kazan (resents a WhiteWashed version oA
the great leaderP the historical Za(ata Was in reality barbaric and did not hesitate to e&ecute
his enemies en masse. +uinn is marvelous as the hardHriding8 hardHdrinking brother Willing to
die Aor (assion. Frank Silvera as .uerta8 -oo(e as Diaz8 and ,iseman as the intense WarH
mongering Bournalist are startling villains8 not Aar Arom their realHliAe counter(arts in (osture
and character. /ilbert8 Who acts as BrandoKs intellectual conscience8 is a bit too dramatic and
unbelievable in some scenes. /ordon as )adero gives a realistic (ro7le8 but Peters and )argo
are given little to do. Dhough he is on camera Aor only a AeW scenes8 -eed8 (laying Pancho 0illa8
ca(tures the brooding charisma oA the revolutionary leader. leave a comment
Revie:6 CViva
The stor' o% Emiliano ZapataD a lesser<Eno:n "e2ican revolutionar'D is a picture that
records a hardD cruelD curiousl' unemotional account o% "e2ican -anditr' and revolt
a$ainst oppressive $overnment. Elia FaGanHs direction strives %or a personal
intimac' -ut neither he nor the /ohn 1tein-ecE scriptin$ achieves in enou$h
Variet' 1taI
The stor' o% Emiliano ZapataD a lesser<Eno:n "e2ican revolutionar'D is a picture that
records a hardD cruelD curiousl' unemotional account o% "e2ican -anditr' and revolt
a$ainst oppressive $overnment. Elia FaGan3s direction strives %or a personal
intimac' -ut neither he nor the /ohn 1tein-ecE scriptin$ achieves in enou$h
<onvenient use is made oA historical Aact as the scri(t (lays ho(Hski(HandHBum( in s(anning the
nine years that Za(ata Was a controversial 7gure in )e&ican (olitical liAe Bust (rior to and
during the earlier (art oA ,orld ,ar 2.
)arlon Brando brings to the Za(ata character the same ty(e oA cold obBectivity noted in scri(t
and direction. Jean Peters is the girl Who becomes his bride and Aorsees his violent end.
Dhereds a stark @uality to the (hotogra(hy by Joe )acDonald that suggests the raW8 hot
atmos(here oA )e&ico.
!"45C Best Su((. %ctor %nthony +uinn$.
'ominationsC Best %ctor )arlon Brando$8 Story h Screen(lay8 %rt Direction8 Scoring oA a
Dramatic Picture
Viva Zapata
-evieWed by Ken .anke on 'ovember !48 5::]
"ovie +n%ormation
/enreC Biogra(hical Drama
DirectorC Elia Kazan
)arlon Brando8 Jean Peters8 %nthony +uinn8 Jose(h ,iseman8 %rnold
-atedC '-
Des(ite the Aact that Viva Zapata !"45$ hardly re(resents the best Work oA either Writer John
Steinbeck8 director Elia Kazan or actor )arlon Brando doesndt mean that itds not a Worthy
endeavor. 2A it isndt @uite an essential oA !"4:s %merican 7lm8 neither is it too Aar removed Arom
it. %s a biogra(hy oA Emiliano Za((ata8 itds both sketchy and at times oA dubious veracity Well8
What bio(ic isndta$. Dhe (oint oA the 7lm is clearly more Aocused on the (olitical vieWs oA Kazan
and Steinbeck e and (resumably Brando. Dhatds 7ne8 but it Would be better iA Steinbeck had
managed to (rovide dialogue that Wasndt @uite so Aull oA symbolism and 2m(ortance very much
With a ca(ital b2c$ e oAten to the (oint oA being unintentionally amusing. .oWever8 Kazands
a((roach to the material in a visual sense is e@ually symbolic the inOuence oA Sergei
Eisenstein is everyWhere a((arent$8 and rather than com(ounding the (roblem8 it actually
hel(s to make the 7lm Aeel very much oA a (iece. Dhe same cannot be said oA Brandods
(erAormance8 Which is interesting Without ever being @uite convincing. Playing Za(ata in his
then$ stock mumbling bmethodc style is more distancing than e\ective e something that
comes across even more When he (lays against %nthony +uinnds rela&ed naturalism.
But Aor all its shortcomings8 Zapata not only remains a vital Work8 but one that has a curious
resonance today in light oA Kazands subse@uent decision to bname namesc Aor the .ouse 3nH
%merican %ctivities <ommittee. Dhe vision oA Za(ata as a revolutionary Who is ultimately
disillusioned With the revolution heds 7ghting Aor e as Well as the (eo(le With Whom he must
7ght it e noW seems like a setHu( Aor Kazands selAHBusti7cation Aor his oWn actions. ,as this
consciousa Dhatds im(ossible to say8 but it makes Aor an intriguing lateHinHtheHday line oA
thought about the 7lmds actual meaning and intent.
revieWed by Ken .anke
Viva Zapata!
!!F minutes
Elia KazanKs !"45 a(ology to the radical establishment Aor s(illing the beans at the .3%<
hearings is largely a com(endium oA noble liberal sentiments8 the )e&ican revolution
WhiteWashed Aor eastHcoast intellectuals. John Steinbeck Wrote the screen(lay8 s@uare in the
'oble Peasant tradition. )arlon Brando makes a vaguely ridiculous Za(ata8 stern and s(iritual.
,ith Jean Peters8 %nthony +uinn8 and Jose(h ,iseman. By Dave Kehr

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