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... through Bertha Dudde

Gods true representatives
are appointed by God Hise!" ....
#nyone $ho vo!untari!y o""ers to serve %e has a&hieved a &ertain
degree o" !ove $hi&h a!so provides the prere'uisite o" being
suitab!e "or servi&e in %y vineyard. #nd thus( a!! o" you $ho
genuine!y $ant to $or) "or %e and %y )ingdo &an a!so rest
assured that * a&&ept your servi&e. Ho$ever( any peop!e &!ai
to be Gods servants $ithout being so be&ause they !a&) these
very prere'uisites $hi&h guarantee &ooperation $ith %e ....
+et it is not a!$ays easy "or you huans to )no$ the di""eren&e,
it isnt a!$ays easy to re&ognise %y true servants sin&e the
others a!so use "ine $ords a!though they have no dire&t
instru&tion "ro %e, they present these!ves as %y servants yet
$ere not &a!!ed by %e to this servi&e. #nd on!y the right"u!
servant( having been appointed to his o""i&e by %yse!"( $i!!
re&ognise $ho spea)s in %y nae( $ho tru!y $or)s "or %e and
%y )ingdo.
For %y servants have to estab!ish a !iving &onne&tion bet$een
these!ves and %e( the God o" !ove has to be re&ognised as a
Father $ith Who the &hi!d &an enter into dire&t &onta&t ....
+et genera!!y peop!e( and even those $ho dee these!ves to be
!eaders o" peop!e( sti!! !oo) "or %e in the distan&e( they are sti!!
"ar a$ay "ro %e( they dont estab!ish intiate &onta&t(
&onse'uent!y( the one thing that &hara&terises a true servant
appointed by %e &annot ta)e p!a&e( nae!y( that he is taught by
%e dire&t!y( that he re&eives every instru&tion "ro %e dire&t!y(
that he desires to hear %y Word in heart"e!t unity $ith %e and
thus a!so re&eives the purest truth "ro %e ....
What no$adays sti!! e-ists in the $or!d as a spiritua! oveent(
e&&!esiasti&a! "un&tions and organisations( &an .ust be &onsidered
a she!! $hi&h !a&)s its )erne!/ the pure truth ....
0here $i!! be peop!e every$here $ho do estab!ish this intiate
re!ationship $ith %e and $ho &an be taught by %y Word dire&t!y
but they $i!! have no su&&ess $ith their "e!!o$ huan beings(
either be&ause they are bound to their spiritua! oveent and
!a&) the resistan&e to oppose it $hen they have re&ognised the
truth .... or they $i!! be perse&uted and prevented "ro $or)ing
"or %e and %y )ingdo .... For he $ho is %y adversary and
eney has great po$er( yet it $as granted to the adversary by
peop!e these!ves( be&ause they are a!! b!ind supporters $ho
thought!ess!y and $ithout reservation a&&epted everything they
$ere given and no !onger $ant to !et go o" it ....
#nd thus the nuber o" %y true representatives on earth is not
very !arge( yet they a!one !ive in truth and there"ore &an a!so
pass it on( i" on!y peop!e as)ed these!ves .ust "or on&e as to
$hether they rea!!y )no$ the truth and( in desire o" it( sin&ere!y
appea!ed to %e "or &!ari"i&ation( "or spiritua! en!ightenent ....
Ho$ever( as a ru!e they are indi""erent as to $hat they be!ieve(
they dont e-press their o$n opinion about the spiritua!
)no$!edge that is iparted to the .... #nd they dont rea!ise
the e""e&t o" this indi""eren&e on their sou!s $hi&h $i!! have to
bear the &onse'uen&es $hen they enter the )ingdo o" the
0here are on!y a "e$ $ho $or) "or %e in %y nae( but through
the * &onvey the pure truth to earth and a!so a)e it avai!ab!e
"or everyone $ho earnestly desires truth. Ho$ever( * do not
"or&e anyone to a&&ept it( .ust as * do not "or&ib!y deterine a
huan being to re&eive the pure truth "ro %e .... 1verything is
deterined by "ree $i!! $hi&h * do not in"ringe upon. #nd you
$ho as) $hy * have a!!o$ed su&h distortion o" truth to happen
&an "ind the e-p!anation "or it in this "ree $i!! ....
1very huan being &an )ind!e !ove in his heart and !et it "!are up
ever ore bright!y .... #nd !ove eanates !ight .... 2o i" he has
the will to !ive in truth he &an a!so re&ognise %y adversarys
"abri&ations( $ho a!$ays tries to underine the truth( and he $i!!
approa&h %e dire&t!y and desire &!ari"i&ation "ro Me( $hi&h *
$i!! sure!y send to hi .... #nd thus peop!e $ho are $i!!ing to !ive
a !i"e o" a&tive !ove $i!! "ee! repe!!ed by isguided tea&hings and
g!ad!y and eager!y a&&ept the truth ....
0he !oving person $i!! a!$ays &onsider %e "irst before a!!
e&&!esiasti&a! organisations( irrespe&tive o" $hi&h s&hoo! o"
thought they represent .... He $i!! a!$ays ta)e the path to Me
and thus .oin the &hur&h $hi&h * estab!ished on earth %yse!"(
$hi&h is bui!t on !iving "aith .... as a resu!t o" !ove. +ou huans
shou!d a!! be!ong to this &hur&h( this &hur&h is the on!y beati"ying
&hur&h( "or this &hur&h is a spiritua! &ounity o" be!ievers and
its ebers &an &oe "ro a!! s&hoo!s o" thought .... 0hey on!y
need to "u!"i! the &oandents $hi&h I gave on earth Myself/
0he &oandents o" !ove "or God and ones neighbour ....
0hen they $i!! gain a living "aith( they $i!! enab!e %y spirit to
$or) $ithin the( $hi&h is the &hara&teristi& o" the &hur&h *
"ounded on earth.
Be!ieve that * on!y .udge you in a&&ordan&e $ith your degree o"
!ove and be!ieve that !ove a!so guarantees you $isdo( the
rea!isation( the )no$!edge $hi&h &orresponds to the truth. #nd
$here this $or)ing o" the spirit &annot be "ound( %y true
representatives are not there( there are no servants $ho * have
&a!!ed %yse!" and appointed to their tea&hing inistry .... For
they have no tea&hing ateria! these!ves sin&e they &annot
re&eive it "ro %e dire&t!y and use $hat %y adversary has tie
and again interspersed $ith errors .... $hi&h &an no !onger be
&onsidered the pure truth.
Bear in ind that * %yse!" proised to 3guide you into truth ....
through %y spirit. #nd as) yourse!ves why * gave you this
proise sin&e * had( a"ter a!!( brought you the truth %yse!" $hen
* !ived on earth as 4esus the an .... Fro these $ords a!one
you &an dedu&t that * )ne$ that the truth $ou!d not reain pure
"or !ong aongst peop!e and that * $ou!d be unab!e to prevent
this i" * didnt $ant to render peop!es $i!! un"ree ....
But tie and again * ade sure that the pure truth $as
&onveyed to you )no$ing that on!y truth &an a)e you b!iss"u!!y
happy and be&ause * a!so )no$ the state o" those $ho enter the
)ingdo o" the beyond $ith isguided spiritua! )no$!edge. *n
order that you &an be b!iss"u!!y happy you ust be ab!e to
besto$ the truth upon those $ho "ind these!ves in spiritua!
dar)ness .... Hen&e you ust "irst possess the truth yourse!ves
and &op!ete!y "ree yourse!ves "ro $rong spiritua!
)no$!edge ....
For you $i!! sure!y understand that &onditions in the ateria!
$or!d $ou!d not be so &on"used i" peop!es heart $ere "i!!ed by
the !ight o" truth. #nd "ro the earth!y state around you( you &an
dra$ your &on&!usion as to peop!es !o$ spiritua! !eve!( the so!e
reason "or $hi&h rests in heart!essness and its resu!ting tota!
spiritua! b!indness. #nyone $ho wants to be&oe en!ightened
$i!! be i!!uinated .... and the $i!! o" anyone $ho $ants to
reain in dar)ness sha!! be respe&ted( yet his "ate one day $i!!
be a very pain"u! one ....
5ub!ished by "riends o" ne$ reve!ations o" God 6 *n"oration(
do$n!oad o" a!! trans!ated reve!ations( thee7boo)!ets at/


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