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formal method whereby people can effect changes in government policy

Some of these methods include frequent elections, an impartial judiciary (court)

system, the right to a free press, the right to petition for a hearing of grievances,
the right to introduce legislation by initiative, the right to ratify proposed
changes in state constitutions, and the right to oust corrupt officials by
impeachment or recall.

an important feature of the U.S. political system is the broadly based appeal of
the two political parties

Both the Democrats and Republicans include supporters from all sections of the
nation and from various social and ethnic backgrounds. Each contains leaders
and members whose political views range from conservative to moderate to
liberal. To gain control of the government, a political party needs the support of
a majority of the American voters, and thus must have broad appeal. The
Democrats have usually drawn support from labor and minority groups: the
Republicans, from businesspeople and wealthier farmers. Party differences have
been greater on domestic issues (e.g.. tax cuts and spending for social
programs) than on foreign policy.

Free elections are the key to true democracy in South Africa.

The cartoon refers to the first free elections in South Africa, which took place in
1994, when a new constitution provided equal rights to vote for all South
Africans. The shackle falling from the arm of the black voter symbolizes the

freedom that came with the right to vote.

underestimated economic growth from 1996—1999

In the graph of economic growth, the line for actual growth is much higher for
1996—1999, about 3.6%, than the forecast of about 24%.

generally been accurate on inflation

The lines for actual and forecast inflation nearly coincide, indicating the accuracy
of the economists’ forecasts

those in power are resistant to change

Such resistance is often expressed by denying the formal methods for peaceful
change. Failure to permit evolutionary change may result in revolution.

The gap between the fast-rising “desired demand” and the “potential supply,”
which levels off, is first noticeable on the graph at about 1990.

have serious economic problems if alternative sources of energy are not


Western European countries and Japan would lack fuel for their industries, and
production would drop, with resultant unemployment and depression.

The profit motive was a strong force in colonization.

The company’s charter gave it a monopoly over colonization and trade in an

area, with profits being shared by the shareholders and the King.

full employment

President Johnson mentioned full employment as the first of America’s unfinished

tasks and the first goal that must be achieved in the national interest.

must be broadened

President Johnson listed the widening of the benefits of prosperity as one of the
tasks that remained unfinished.

system of checks and balances

While the president is authorized to negotiate treaties, two-thirds of the Senate

must ratify any treaty he negotiates. This is the system of checks and balances.

by the Constitution

The role of the Senate is authorized in Section 3 of Article 1 of the Constitution.

Industrialized nations have lower birthrates and infant mortality rates than
developing nations.

A valid generalization from the chart is that industrialized nations have lower
birth rates and infant mortality rates than developing nations. The first six
nations of the chart are developing nations, whereas the last six are
industrialized nations. The average birth rate of the developing nations is four
times greater than that of the industrialized nations. The difference between
infant mortality rates is even greater. from Uganda’s, which is 12 times greater
than Italy’s, to Angola’s, which is 31 times greater than Japans.

Western Europe

According to the chart, the lowest birthrates are found mostly in Western Europe.
Four of the six industrialized nations with low birthrates are in Western Europe


Uganda, Somalia. Angola, and Ethiopia, four of the six countries with the highest
infant mortality, are in Africa.

The possible harm to the balance of nature is more important than a gain in

Oil spills have repeatedly ruined the recreational value of beaches and destroyed

fish and birdlife, causing both economic and ecological damage.


The definition states that topography deals with the surface features of a region

the return of young American soldiers from war

After WWII many young men returned to the United States as heroes. The
government encouraged the return to civilian life by giving some financial
incentives to get an education and a job. The large number of men that returned
to domestic living in the United States got married and started families.

representative democracy

The president of the United States is elected by people through representaiton

by electors from each state.


Since tribes and generals took turns, you can assume that there was not an
election. It was "government by a few."

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