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The Faith of a Foreign Woman

When things seem hopeless and life feels meaningless, God might just be getting ready to do some
of his best work.
In the iconic 1990s comedy Dumb and Dumber , one of the main characters, Lloyd Christmas, falls for a woman
named Mary. At a dramatic moment he finally asks her if there is any chance they will end up together. Here is
their brief dialogue:
Lloyd: What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
The music comes to an abrupt stop and there is an awkward pause
Lloyd: You mean not good like one in a hundred?
Mary: Id say more like one out of a million.
Another pause as Lloyd processes this information then he speaks with exuberance.
Lloyd: So youre telling me theres a chance yah!
What makes this so humorous is that everyone knows there is no chance in the world except Lloyd. He is a
hopeless optimist.
As we continue through The Story we encounter time after time when things seem hopeless and impossible.
From a Lower Story perspective we look and say, This is a one-in-a-million chance really no chance at all.
Then, beyond all reason, God speaks from the Upper Story and tells us there really is a chance!
Talk About It
Tell about a time God showed up and did something surprising and unexpected in a seemingly hopeless situation
that you (or someone you know) faced.
Video Teaching Notes
As you watch the video segment for session 9, use the following outline to record anything that stands out to you.
Ruths faithfulness to Naomi
[Your Notes]
Ruths hard work and noble character
[Your Notes]
Boaz: the kinsman-redeemer
[Your Notes]
Baby Obed: a reminder that God has been at work through the whole story
[Your Notes]
Video Discussion
1. As you read chapter 9 of The Story, what were some of the losses that Naomi and Ruth faced? How did each of
them respond to these painful experiences?
[Your Response]
2. Naomi was a person of faith, but she also questioned God and was deeply honest about her struggles (Ruth
1:19 21; The Story, p. 122). In what ways did Naomis losses impact how she viewed God and his work in her
[Your Response]
Tell about a time you were honest with God about your pain and hurt. As you look back on that episode, what
have you learned about Gods presence and faithfulness?
[Your Response]
3. Boaz was a man of amazing character and wisdom (Ruth 2 3; The Story, pp. 123 126). What can we learn
from Boazs interactions with his workers, including Ruth?
[Your Response]
4. Throughout chapter 9 of The Story we get glimpses into Ruths character as well. What are some of the
exemplary aspects of her heart, attitudes, and behavior? How might Ruth be a role model for people today?
[Your Response]
5. Near the end of chapter 9 of The Story (Ruth 4:1 10), Boaz offers another family member the opportunity to
pay for and redeem the land of Naomis dead husband and his two sons. When this other family member realizes
it will cost him a great deal and gain him nothing financially, he declines. At this point, Boaz pays for all the
property and allows the name of Elimelech (Naomis husband) to be remembered. Give examples of things God
calls Christians to do that cost us a great deal and do not pay off much (in this life or the eyes of the world).
[Your Response]
6. How did Jesus life model service and sacrifice for people who really had nothing with which to pay him back?
[Your Response]
What has Jesus given you that you could never truly pay back? How can we express gratitude for his amazing
[Your Response]
Jesus is the ultimate Kinsman-
7. When you think of how Naomis life went from Mara (bitter) to Naomi (beautiful), what were the ways God
extended grace to this faithful woman? Who needs you to come alongside of them to remind them that they are
loved (or beautiful) and what is one action you can take this week to extend Gods grace to this person?
[Your Response]
Right now your story might seem a little hopeless and
bitter to the taste.
But remember, if you love God and align your life to
his purposes you will discover that God is working it
all out for the good. Wait patiently and God will unfold
his good plan!
8. Read movement 4 of The Story in the Getting Started section. What is the big theme of this movement?
[Your Response]
Closing Prayer
As you take time to pray, here are some ideas to get you started:
Pray for the people you love and care about who are going through a hard time in life right now.
Thank God that he is in control of the Upper Story even when times seem hopeless. Ask him to give you
strength to remain faithful when times are tough. Praise God that he is behind the scenes leading and guiding
Ask God to help you be like Boaz and grow as a person who extends the gracious care of God to those who are
often forgotten.

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