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"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights

s and Rule of Law

Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

August 23
& 28
2001 Daughter Arika almost died 2X due to abuse by Perry King
This is the UN-PAID unequalizedPerry R King, Jr. - for the last 18 months he has been
defrauding my children out of their right to adequate support. This is the sound of the abuse
created when a person believes he has been empowered by the corruption in the court to do what
he pleases without repercussions.
Thats $12,334 in lawyer fees to get $31K in assets and $16K in debts split but never enforced
THEN $8500* trying to enforce enforce the order while IRS SEIZED ALL TAX DEBT FORM HER

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

This is the sound of what nearl y killed my daughter by inducing stress related pre-term
labor at 22/wks and again at 23/wks. This is the sound of the end of a RN career before it
had a chance to begin. This is the sound of in-chambers ex-parte abuses and court

PTSD, Complex or otherwise, is a psychiatric injury and nothing to do with personality disorders. Complex
PTSD can arise from any prolonged period of negative stress in which certain factors are present, which
may include any captivity, lack of means of escape, entrapment, repeated violation of boundaries, betrayal,
rejection, bewilderment, confusion, and - crucially - lack of control, loss of control and disempowerment.
It is the overwhelming nature of the events and the inability (helplessness, lack of knowledge, lack of
support etc) of the person trying to deal with those events that leads to the development of Complex
PTSD. Situations which might give rise to Complex PTSD include bullying, harassment, abuse, domestic vio-
lence, stalking, long-term caring for a disabled relative, unresolved grief, stress over a period of years,
mounting debt, contact experience, etc.
A key feature of Complex PTSD is the aspect of captivity. The individual experiencing trauma by degree is
unable to escape the situation. Abuse can be extremely difficult to get out of. In this case there are several rea-
sons, including financial vulnerability (especially if you're a single parent or main breadwinner), unavaila-
bility of jobs. http://www.bullyonline.org/stress/ptsd.htm#Causes of PTSD
Until recently, little (or no) attention was paid to the psychological harm caused by bullying and har-
assment. Misperceptions (usually as a result of the observer's lack of knowledge or lack of empathy) still
abound: "It's something you have to put up with" (like rape or repeated sexual abuse?) and "Bullying toughens
you up" (ditto).

Mapping the health effects of bullying onto PTSD and Complex PTSD
Repeated bullying, over a period of years, results in Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. How do the PTSD symp-
toms resulting from bullying meet the criteria in DSM-IV ?
A. The prolonged (chronic) negative stress resulting from bullying has lead to threat of loss of job, career,
health, livelihood, often also resulting in threat to marriage and family life. The family are the unseen victims
of bullying.
A.1.One of the key symptoms of prolonged negative stress is reactive depression; this causes the balance of the
mind to be disturbed, leading first to thoughts of, then attempts at, and ultimately, suicide.
A.2.The target of bullying may be unaware that they are being bullied, and even when they do realize (there's usually
a moment of enlightenment as the person realizes that the criticisms and tactics of control etc are invalid),
they often cannot bring themselves to believe they are dealing with adisordered personality who lacks a con-
science and does not share the same moral values as themselves. Naivety is the great enemy. The target of bul-
lying is bewildered, confused, frightened, angry - and after enlightenment, very angry. They search for an
answer to the question Why me?
B.1. The target of bullying experiences regular intrusive violent visualisations and replays of events and conversations;
often, the endings of these replays are altered in favor of the target.
B.2. Sleeplessness, nightmares and replays are a common feature of being bullied.
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

B.3. The events are constantly relived; night-time and sleep do not bring relief as it becomes impossible to switch the
brain off. Such sleep as is achieved is non-restorative and people wake up as tired, and often more tired, than
when they went to bed.
B.4. Fear, horror, chronic anxiety, and panic attacks are triggered by any reminder of the experience, eg receiving
threatening letters from the bully, the employer, or personnel about disciplinary hearings etc.
B.5. Panic attacks, palpitations, sweating, trembling, ditto.
Criteria B4 and B5 manifest themselves as immediate physical and mental paralysis in response to any reminder
of the bullying or prospect of having to take action against the bully.
C. Physical numbness (toes, fingertips, lips) is common, as is emotional numbness (especially inability to feel joy).
Sufferers report that their spark has gone out and, even years later, find they just cannot get motivated about any-
C.1. The target of bullying tries harder and harder to avoid saying or doing anything which reminds them of the horror
of the bullying.
C.2. Work, especially in the person's chosen field becomes difficult, often impossible, to undertake; the place of work
holds such horrific memories that it becomes impossible to set foot on the premises; many targets of bullying
avoid the street where the workplace is located.
C.3. Almost all callers to the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line report impaired memory; this may be part-
ly due to suppressing horrific memories, and partly due to damage to the hippocampus, an area of the brain
linked to learning and memory (see J ohn O'Brien's paper below)
C.4. the person becomes obsessed with resolving the bullying experience which takes over their life, eclipsing and ex-
cluding almost every other interest.
C.5. Feelings of withdrawal and isolation are common; the person just wants to be on their own and solitude is sought.
C.6. Emotional numbness, including inability to feel joy (anhedonia) and deadening of loving feelings towards others
are commonly reported. One fears never being able to feel love again.
C.7. The target of bullying becomes very gloomy and senses a foreshortened career - usually with justification. Many
targets of bullying ultimately give up their career; in the professions, severe psychiatric injury, severely impaired
health, refusal by the bully and the employer to give a satisfactory reference, and many other reasons, conspire to
bar the person from continuance in their chosen career.
D.1. Sleep becomes almost impossible, despite the constant fatigue; such sleep as is obtained tends to be unsatisfying,
unrefreshing and non-restorative. On waking, the person often feels more tired than when they went to bed. De-
pressive feelings are worst early in the morning. Feelings of vulnerability may be heightened overnight.
D.2. The person has an extremely short fuse and is often permanently irritated, especially by small insignificant events.
The person frequently visualises a violent solution, eg arranging an accident for, or murdering the bully; the re-
sultant feelings of guilt tend to hinder progress in recovery.
D.3. Concentration is impaired to the point of precluding preparation for legal action, study, work, or search for work.
D.4. The person is on constant alert because their fight or flight mechanism has become permanently activated.
D.5. The person has become hypersensitized and now unwittingly and inappropriately perceives almost any remark as
E. Recovery from a bullying experience is measured in years. Some people never fully recover.
F. For many, social life ceases and work becomes impossible; the overwhelming need to earn a living combined with
the inability to work deepens the trauma.
5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

Common symptoms of PTSD and Complex PTSD that sufferers report experiencing
hypervigilance (may feel like paranoia, but see HERE for key differences between paranoia and
exaggerated startle response
sudden angry or violent outbursts
sleep disturbance
exhaustion and chronic fatigue
reactive depression
feelings of detachment
avoidance behaviours
irrational or impulsive behaviour
loss of interest
loss of ambition
anhedonia (inability to feel joy and pleasure)
poor concentration
impaired memory
emotional numbness
low self-esteem
an overwhelming sense of injustice and a strong de After establishing a fraudulent support order in August
2011, Perry R King Jr. threatened to use his God Sister at DCPS/CPS to interfere with my
case on Sept 09,2011. This was because I was giving Dianne the information regarding his
Breach of Fiduciary Duty during their marital dissolution in 2000 that resulted in the 3yrs of abuse
by ProTem Judge Grainne Ward and the late J udge Dainel T Brice through multiple illegal ex-
parte in-chambers contact. This resulted in the multiple Title 18 241 and 242 conspired acts
to violate civil rights under the color of authority.

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

and caused Stressed Induced Pre-term Labor

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

sire to do something about it

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

To: Jeff Stark
20355 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance Ca. 90503

Fr: Dianne Romo & Kevin Powell
Re: Letter Dated March 1 , 2002
Dear Jeff :
I'm sorry there has been some misunderstanding or at least interpretations of our last letter. What
was expressed was some concerns regarding the way thing happened at our last court date. Our
intentions were not put you down or imply that you are not a good attorney. By your success you
obviously are doing something right. If you took it that way, I personally apologize as we do really like
you. The final outcome was at least acceptable and we had no major issues regarding this. What we
were trying to do was address the future so that the grey areas could be dealt with.
I do not want to be Dianne's lawyer my only issue is to protect her best interest to the best of
my ability. I stayed out of her situation before and watched her get screwed. I am not implying
that your intentions are to screw her. The lawyer's addressed in the letter were both of her
previous lawyer's and the information was given not to "regurgitate" dead issues but to give you
some understanding as to her history of blindly following attorneys and what the continual cost
has been for her doing this. I had no intentions offending you and I hope that, as you have repeatedly
asked for us to step away from the emotional aspects of this case, you too can close the emotions off
and try to look at it from your client's side. What was stated was not intended as a personal attack. We
thanked you before and will repeat our appreciation of the personal time spent with you and your
I have never asked you to call Ms.Ward a "Fucking Bitch". You are the attorney and I would not
want or expect you to. However.. if Ms. Ward caused your wife so much stress that it put her into
the hospital with pre-term labor and almost caused you child to DIE or be born 3mo pre-
mature, cost you $1800 in medical bills, came to court and lied to your attorney and the judge
and stated that you threatened her just because, she likes being a "Fucking Bitch",
I believe you might have some strong feelings and believe as we do that that is a overly kind
statement of what she really is. If you are addressing the private communications between Perry and
I or Dianne and Perry this was not personally addressed to Ms. Ward and were given to you only to
clarify a motive that she would have to make up a such a malicious lie. We can prove that this has not
happened if it comes to that as, all phone records can be subpoenaed by the courts as long as she pays
for all cost of her apparent lies.
As to the Income-tax thing, we had asked you about that in your office and you did not inform us at
that time, that it would have to be addressed separately. So we would understandably be a little
disappointed that it was not addressed as we need the money to be released to cover her current
expenses including attorney expenses.
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

As far as my tactics...., I am confused as to what you mean. We have presented you with her
Social Security information to what her income is. We have watched his lawyer play games time
and time again and have presented you with this and warned you of what they would do, and then
watch them do it anyway. His lawyer has lied to you and the judge. We have only asked for what the
dissomaster really says and for him to pay the cost of what it has cost her to get what is fair.
What lack of ethics have we requested from you or shown to you ? My strategy has been to hire a
lawyer, prepare him with as much information as possible, let the judge see the truth of this situation
by having the lawyer show him... true documentation, past history of tactics, lack of interest in
the well being of the children, a history of avoiding responsibility, slanderous remarks,
obsession with firearms he has been compensated for, lies to the court, refusal to provide her
with the documentation that not only is she entitled to but he is court ordered to provide,
history of not paying support, and an audio of the way he continues treats her years after their
How ethical is it for a lawyer to refuse a continuance when she receives a doctors excuse or to
come to court and lie about a threat that has never happened ?
Do you really feel sorry for Perry or are you just upset at me ? Remember Dianne has been
paying for the debt that Perry created while they were married and sent the IRS bills to a P.O.
Box. Dianne has spent a fortune on attorney fees. Dianne takes shared responsibility as she allowed
Perry to control their financials. This led to bankruptcy on her credit and years of financial burden.
Perry lives in expensive Mission Viejo in a home. Dianne lives here in Torrance in a nice place only
because I own my townhome. She drives a salvage title car with 90,000 miles on it because it's what
she can afford with all of her expenses. Perry drives a 2 yr old fully loaded Camry. She can't get her
$6000 in earned money back from the I.R.S. because he hasn't lived up to the agreement, yet he
recently bought a 65 inch big screen T.V. and a Playstation2 and new furniture and goes golfing
on courses with $100 green fees. She can't afford to FINISH school, advance her career, her
resources are getting eaten up by LAWYERS AND PERRY.
Child support is given so that both children are to live in as close to same standard of living afforded if
the parents were together. The only reason that is happening is because I provide it and that is not my
responsibility. And the only reason they are in court is because he changed jobs and refused to
give her court ordered information. I cannot understand how you can believe that he is being
Tar and Feathered by being asked to live up to his responsibilities and pay for it when he
doesn't. Is his lawyer that good that she has manipulated Dianne's own lawyer to feel sorry for
him. What exactly is his suffering ?
Finally to address Dianne's financial. This is what I was trying to address in the letter about the
attorney being on the same page with his client. It is important that you lawyer understands and
listens to what you say so that they can protect you.
You are Dianne's lawyer and you appear to believe what their lawyer says without verifying
with your client what the facts are. You were given her Social Security statements which shows
exactly what her income was for the last 5 years or so yet you didn't submit it to the court. You
5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

will see that she has made between 21,000 -24,500 /yr since her divorce. When she was married she
worked a full time job however she worked nights. Nighttime is a $2/hr shift differential or $28/
day or $84/ wk or $4200/ yr. "For the umpteenth time...." we picked a paystub and inputted that
amount from an average paystub and accept that error. That is a honest mistake not perjury.
However she works at a temp agency. She gets cancelled occasionally, she gets scheduled for 2
days sometimes, and misses days of work due to going back and forth to court, and using math and
calculator with her Final income for the last 3 years it averages about $2000/ mo. Neither you, me,
Perry, Ms. Ward or even the judge can argue with this.
DISCUSSED THIS IN YOUR OFFICE. She works FULL-TIME 3x 12hr shifts, like some Police and a
large percentage of nurses and C.N.A.'s and other people.
Working Time Analysts - Publications - 45 FOUR TEAM, TWO (12HR) ...
Employment @ Carle
"... Technologist, AS NEEDED, VARIABLE, to fill in as needed. OB SERVICES, Surgical
Technologist, FULL TIME, DAY/NIGHT, 3 12hr shifts, eve or wknd, on-call, holidays.
Lifespan (Rhode Island) Job Openings
"... 24 Department: Patient Services Unit: Shift: Rotating Work Hours/Schedule: 12hr
shifts,evenings/nights Requirements: Current RI license. Masters in Nursing or ...
More Results From: www.lifespan.org </bin/query1?p=12hr+shifts&hq=site:www.lifespan.org>
VTFire, Messages
"... from the BBQ pit. While local law enforcement officers WORK their 8 or 12hr shifts and go
home; firefighters are perating 2nd business ventures out of the
The first 8 hrs are regular pay and next 4 are 1.5X her reg pay. This means she works 36 hrs and
gets paid for 42hrs. This allows her to be home with the kids for 2 more full days than working 5 x
8 hr days and she receives 2 more hrs of pay than in a 40 hr work week.
So how did this PRO TEM JUDGE/Attorney convince you and the Judge... both the seasoned Family
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

Law Experts that we are the problem and take the 42 hr pay check and divide it by 36hrs to make a
blended rate almost 20% higher than her actual pay rate and multiply it by 40hrs although she
only works 36.. Because she is lazy and avoiding work and income by being enrolled in LVN-RN
If the judge was explained this.... by the attorney we pay $300/hr to listen, understand, and
represent us and not to listen to or care what Ms. Ward is saying about Dianne avoiding work to
make Perry pay more, he would understand and would have nothing else to say about this accept
maybe, as has been in the case in all the decisions Dianne has made, that this decision is in the best
interest of the children and Dianne.
As to the Worldwide Nursing Shortage... Dianne is a LVN as you were also told, not an RN. There
is a worldwide shortage on RN's.
American Nurses Assoc. Addresses Nursing Shortage at Senate Subcommittee Hearing
Washington, DC -- "America is experiencing a crisis in nurse staffing," along with "an unprecedented
nursing shortage," Kathy Hall, MS, RN, executive director of the Maryland Nurses Association, told
participants at a packed Senate subcommittee hearing today. on behalf of the American Nurses
Association before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Aging, Hall
noted,"Employers are having difficulty finding "experienced "RN's" who are willing to work in
health care facilities" Areas hardest hit include emergency room, critical care, labor and delivery, and
long-term care units. Testifying </gova/federal/legis/testimon/2001/shortage.htm>
Dianne had started the LVN to RN program that Perry would not let her go to when they were
married because he was afraid she would make more money than he did at the time and he was a
control freak. However she has had to stop because she has run out of money because she has had to
keep spending it on lawyers. She would have been done 1 yr ago and would be making between
$29.00/ hr and $45.00 and Perry would have been already paying only $200-$300/mo for child
support. Everyone would have more money if Perry stopped being an asshole or if Dianne can find a
lawyer who will represent her properly by defending her actions as being intelligent, and Perry's as
being as malicious as they are.
There has never been an argument about her ability to secure employment and I don't even
know where that statement comes from. We have never discussed that. Also if it was brought up
previously in court it would have to be because Dianne lost her job do to a personality conflict with her
one of her supervisors and a Zero tolerance policy of her hospital. She misread her schedule and
missed 1 day of work without calling in, and after 5 years with this hospital this supervisor had the
ability and finally a reason and she was fired. This hospital is owned by TENENT the largest group in
the U.S. and owns the majority of the hospitals in L.A. and Orange Counties. She cannot get hired by any
hospital owned by Tenant. That is the only thing that has ever been said and that was before you were
hired. Obviously Ms. Ward has put things in your head that you have not addressed or clarified with
you client.

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

Please understand that my personality and my jobs in both security and in computers require me to
analyze and verify all aspects of a situation so I can make the best decisions possible. I must find all
holes in any plan of attack or defense and then analyze and do cost vs. risk management. If I have
pointed things out it has not be to belittle you, or attack your professionalism, it has been because my
knowledge in this case due to experience, personal knowledge and the 40 plus hrs reviewing her
documents gives me a certain perspective that maybe you don't yet have in this case.
I do not let my emotions cloud how I analyze a situation, however it may sometime seep through my
words or tones. I did slip and tell Ms. Ward "She needs to stop lying." in the hallway and Maybe I
shouldn't have, but she does need to stop lying to the court. Since you have chosen to step away
from this case then we will be asking for at refund as she may be unable to acquire representation
without it, and we have not done anything that gives you a proper reason for abandoning your client.
There was nothing in the letter stating that Dianne wanted to remove you from council only that there
were some valid concerns.
If your ego was so bruised by questions posed and the concerns stated, that it has made you quit, then
I have underestimated your resolve as an attorney and this has strengthened my opinion that you
were, at least that day, outmatched by opposing council. She walked out of chambers with a
"Shit Eating Grin" after your first "in-chambers" conference with the judge while you seem
irritated and with your tail between your legs .We believed at the time, that Dianne would take less
than due to her as to keep the judge happy, and were going to regroup and be properly prepared for the
next date with a different understanding about what Ms. Ward would do to win and correct everything
then. I now agree that she needs different council as it appears that you cannot accept that Ms. Ward
controlled the last session and have chosen to quit rather than face her again. Dianne will fill out the
forms as you have asked to relieve you of your obligation for representation.
Please take into consideration the following:
1) Dianne has paid $2500 for representation, under the belief that it would be of the highest
quality possible
2) We were offered $513 by Perry's lawyer before we went to chamberst. You returned
with $467 and told her to sign. We had to insist on seeing the dissomaster as you
claimed it was right and we would anger the judge. On that dissomaster there was an
incorrect figure on her income. How is asking for compliance angering the judge ?
3) There was a claim of 4 dependents on her side and only 2 on his, yet she only currently has
only two as we have not yet decided if she or I am going to claim Arika on the taxes. You
didn't observe that or correct it either.
4) There is a claim of $250 /mo insurance without proof and it should not have been credited
until he provided the documentation as he has a history of claiming $150 - $780/ mo
insurance and this history was provided to you. He should have been told that his credits
will be applied when documented.
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

5) We brought you a copy of one of the dissomasters where the amount Dianne had requested
and the dissomaster his attorney provided was within $10 with the amount being
approximately $760/ mo. they then charged Dianne for 1/2 the child care for Blair
while Dianne was already paying childcare for Elle and did not request Perry to pay for
it. This then brought the amount to $513.
6) We brought you a letter from Wendy Coffin verifying Dianne's childcare arrangements
and cost so you would be prepared for this attempt to twist the fair figures. You allowed
them to credit Perry and not Dianne with childcare cost.
7) This constitutes improper representation. You did not tell us what happened regarding
her spousal support and we don't even know if this was addressed as we were told it
would be. You did get her $1000 / mo. in support for two months that are in arrears
and are supposed to be paid over the next 15 mo.... However she has still not received
all of her last arrears he didnt pay.
8) We specifically told you Dianne needed this order to be assigned as Perry has had to be
forced each and every time to pay support. With today being March 10th and the order
stating that she will be paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month and she has not
received anything and has no idea if or when she will. With the attorney that we paid
$2500 to for representation quitting and her not receiving the support he was
supposed to assign and how is she to get her support or obtain representation to do
what her attorney should have done in the first place.
9) This is what we told you would happen, this has been what has happened in the past...
and this is what is happening now. We do not believe that you have accomplished what we
believed you could, what you have said you could, or what you should have. Dianne is still
not receiving child support and you are quitting without doing your job.
10) You informed us that Perry would pay a contributive share of the attorney fees based on his
income Dianne makes $24,000/yr and Perry makes $80,000/yr or 30% of the
income. By this analysis and the statements made by you during consultation he should
have been made responsible for $1750 and you only received $600. By this math
Dianne should pay $750. She will agree to pay the $750 out of the $2500 paid and you
can also keep the $600 paid to you by Perry when and if you can receive it. This means that
Dianne should receive a $1750.00 refund so she can use it to obtain proper

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

While you are a very nice person and we like you personally, we do not feel that you have not
provided a high quality or even an acceptable level of representation as you have not listened or at
least did not comprehend things that were explained to you. You did not represent and protect
Dianne against attacks regarding her employment.
You have not gotten her support delivered. Now you are choosing to quit after doing very little
for your client. I hope we can resolve this in a pleasant manor and just accept that this just
turned out not to be the match of Client/Attorney that we had hoped for. This situation is not
ideal for either person and is detrimental for Dianne's case and financial situation to have to be
attempt to obtain and be represented by another lawyer while still not receiving support.
Please let her know when she can pick up a check and sign the form to relieve you of you obligation
for representation and retrieve all of her paperwork

Kevin Powell & Dianne King
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

Marital Breach of Fiduciary Duty - Marital Dissolution Judgements
Famil y Code 721 (b)
Spouses fiduciary disclosure duties " including, but not limited, to the following:
1) Providing each spouse access at all times to any books kept regarding a transaction for the purposes
of inspection and copying.
2) Rendering upon request, true and full information of all things affecting any transaction which concerns
the community property. Nothing in this section is intended to impose a duty for either spouse to keep
detailed books and records of community property transaction
3) Accounting to the spouse, and holding as a trustee, any benefit or profit derived from any transaction
by one spouse without the consent of the other spouse which concern the community property."
They are also obligated to provide the other spouse with:
1) Without demand, any information concerning the partnership's business and affairs reasonably
required for the proper exercise of the partner's rights and duties under the partnership agreement or
this chapter; and
2) On demand, any other information concerning the partnership's business and affairs, except to the
extent the demand or the information demanded is unreasonable or otherwise improper under the
Famil y Code 1100(e):
The interspousal fiduciary duties set forth in Famil y Code 721(b) in the management and
control of community assets continue " until such time as the assets and liabilities have
been divided by the parties or by a court." - Divided but NEVER Equalized
Famil y Code 2100:
This section sets forth what the intent was of the California Legislature in creating the fiduciary
disclosure duties. This record of legislative intent helps us understand why the concept of the
fiduciary duty owed between divorcing couples is taken as seriously as it is. In general, in creating
these detailed rules, the Legislature intended to:
To marshal, preserve and protect community property.
To ensure fair and sufficient child and spousal support awards.
To achieve a division of community and quasi-community assets and liabilities on the dissolution or
nullity of marriage or legal separation of the parties as provided under California law.

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

Famil y Code 2102(a):
The parties are subject to "the standards provided in Section 721, as to all activities that affect
the assets and liabilities of the other party," including those stated in the section, " from the
date of separation to the date of the distribution of the community or quasi-community
property asset or liability in question." *** NEVER Equalized

Famil y Code 2102(b):
As to assets and liabilities, the fiduciary duti es continue until the asset or liability has been
divided between the parties. Thus, even if an asset is divided months or years after the end
of the famil y law case, the parties continue to have the duty to fulfill their respective fiduciary
duties with respect to that asset.
Famil y Code 2102(c):
The parties are "subject to the standards provided in Section 721 as to all issues relating to the
support and fees, including immediate, full, and accurate disclosure of all material facts and
information regarding the income or expenses of the party" "(f)rom the date of separation to the
date of a valid, enforceable, and binding resolution of all issues relating child or spousal support
and professional fees.
Famil y Code 2103 - 2107:
To implement the rules establishing the fiduciary duties between spouse, the law requires parties to
family law cases to exchange their preliminary declarations of disclosure and final declarations of
disclosure. These disclosures consist of the following:
Detailed schedules of assets and debts
Reporting of any important developments that might affect the marital assets and debts
Completed income and expense declarations on court-mandated forms.
The Court cannot file a judgment resolving the parties property rights until the declarations of
disclosure have been exchanged. However, the final declarations of disclosure do not have to be
exchanged if the parties have agreed in writing to dispense with that requirement. If a party has not
complied with the requirements regarding preliminary and final declarations of disclosure, the
aggrieved spouse can ask the judge to order the defaulting party to comply. In extreme cases the
judge can impose the sanctions discussed below.

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

The consequences of not complying with the legally-imposed fiduciary duties can be severe. If a
party to a family law case is found to have violated his/her fiduciary duties, the judge can do any or
all of the following:
Impose monetary sanctions. In Marriage of Feldman - a recent appellate court decision - the
husband was ordered to pay sanctions in the amount of $250,000 and attorney fees of
$140,000 because of his failure to fulfill his fiduciary duties of disclosure.
Make that party pay the other partys attorneys fees, court costs and other litigation expenses.
Award all - not just one-half - of an asset a spouse has concealed to the other spouse. (In
Marriage of Rossi, a noted case, the husband was awarded all - not just half - of the $3 million
in California lottery winnings that the wife did not disclose to the husband. )
Prevent the offending spouse from presenting his or her case in court.
Set-aside (void) a court order or judgment that was entered as the result of a partys failure to
comply with the disclosure statutes.
The Family Code further provides that, when deciding what sanctions are appropriate, the judge is
to order sanctions that will effectuate compliance with the above statutes. This means that
sanctions can be ordered even if the other spouse did not suffer any actual financial damage or
Court History
Penal Code 166(a)
..every person guilty of any contempt of court, of any of the following kinds, is guilty of a
(4) Willful disobedience of the terms as written of any...court order... lawfully issued by
any court, including orders pending trial."
4-24-98 Dianne King files for divorce - Turns in 5 guns to S.A.P.D. - only 3 belong to Perry
5-19-98 Wage Assignment - $1000 Custody 50/50 agreed ordered to turn over computer
over to Dianne.- Contempt Of Court
8-27-98 Perry files for reduction in family support stating under the penalty of perjury that he
has the children for more than 50% of the time - False Statement
9-23-98 Bob Glasser files responsive showing that in reality, using the calendar with all dates
of the exchange of the children, Perry actually had the children only 42% of the
5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

*10-31-98 Dianne completes the STEP program for effecti ve parenting in lieu of the
FACES program Perry refuses to participate in even though the court has made it a
mandatory order. - Contempt Of Court
11-17-98 Stipulation signed by both parties agreeing to support of $824/mo. and a 50/50 split
custody. Attend FACES program before May 1999. Blair is to see Psychologist Paula
Inge. Guns to be turned over to Dianne to sell and Perry is credited $500, which shall
apply to his contributive share of attorney fees of Dianne regardless of what proceeds
are. He was entitled to 50%-value $200
Dianne turned in 5 guns to Santa Ana PD but.... only 3 belonged to Perry
One was modified burst-fire COBRY ASSAULT RIFLE - POLICE SEIZED.
12-15-98 - Dissolution of Marriage
**March** After not being paid, Stephen Hosford relieves himself as council for Mr. King***
3-25-99 Bob Glasser files Order to Show Cause because Perry fails to reply to the documents and
letter to divide property and is ordered to pay attorney fees and asks Equalization of
$13,307 to be ordered and responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 and The
Franchise Tax Boards bill of $ 3,699 is to be paid equally by both parties. Bob asks
the court to order a Performance Bond to force Perry to follow the existing order.
Dianne is credited value of computer that Perry was ordered on 5-19-98 to turn
over and again ignored court orders. -
Contempt Of Court with 100% of Marital Tax Debt - Seized from Dianne
5-25-99 Judge Brown grants orders of 3-25-99 and orders $1600 in attorney fees to be paid after
Perry fails to do as agreed.- Contempt of Court
*6-08-99 Perry contacts Bob Glasser after already not meeting his obligation of the 50/50
agreement and he asks to have his custody agreement reduced to 70/30 as he cannot
handle this much time with the children. I at first refuse, as I finally believed that I was
almost done with court and I dont want any additional court cost. Bob convinces me that
Perry is already not living up to his part of the agreement, and in his 25 years of
experience he believes that if I attempt to force Perry to keep the children 50/50 then
he will become resentful and he will become an absent parent.
07-6-99 Both parties agree and stipulate to custody based on 70/30 split with Perry having custody
Friday 6:00 pm until Sunday 6:00 pm and every other Wednesday from 6:00 pm until 8:00
pm and on 24 hr notice an additional midweek from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. He took the
children on only 1 of the Wednesdays and never the additional day. Support in the
sum of $1,375 per month, payable $687.50 on the 1st and $687.50 on the 15th.
Support terminates upon the remarriage of Petitioner or June 14
2002. Respondent
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

shall be responsible for the payment of $450 of fees payable forthwith. To my knowledge
the $450.00 fee has not been paid, as I have never been credited with that payment
against my attorney fees. *** THIS IS THREE YEARS OF SPOUSAL SUPPORT ***
10-06-99 After agreeing to pay support and made a court order Perry again fails to pay what is owed
and the arrears are added to support in the amount of $77.65/month for 10 months.
Contempt Of Court
Current Case
*5-21-2000 Spoke to Perry and asked for his new job information after receiving a partial support
check. Perry refused to give any information. Contempt Of Court
*5-22-2000 After evaluating Perrys financial history and previous failure to pay ordered support and
looking at the disparity between her income and expenses of supporting myself, Blair,
Elle and my mother as the primary caregiver for the children I sought legal help. I Found
Milo DeArmey as his retainer was as much as Bob Glasser. I retained him with most of
my life savings and signed Application for Order and Supporting Declaration
6-30-2000 Milo DeArmey files above paperwork with proof of service of Wage Assignment served
to Com 2001 in San Diego on 5-29-2000

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

7-01-2000 Milo DeArmey files order to show cause requesting a re-evaluation of support and
a determination of arrears with Judge David Weinberg. Date to appear is 9-06-00

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

Judge Pro-Tem/Candidate 2002 Grainne Ward - Hardiman
8-30-2000 Just 7 days before existing court date and with the children living with their mother all
their life and Perry who once had 50/50 custody and then forced only 70/30 custody just
1 year earlier as he couldnt handle the children, Grainne Ward files for an emergency Ex-
Parte hearing Perry stating:
1) That I dont live where I was living based on one a friends spying on me that doesnt have
the keys to my house and doesnt sleep with me and has no idea what my schedule is.
2) That he now has concerns about my mother who continually provided childcare for our
children during the marriage, during the divorce she would occasionally watch them for
him during his custody time, and who for the last year was the primary caregiver for the
children during the time I work was now unfit to watch the children and needed
monitored visits.
This is the same person who Perry asked to watch Blair for the entire
week he had custody in December 2001 after he started the his new job.
My mother now has Blair for HIS two weeks starting 8/11/02
3) Requested that I, and the people who have provided care for the children their whole
life have supervised visits. And he, the parent who gave up the 50/50 custody he had
because he lacked the patience to deal with the children for an extended period of
time, is given full custody.
4) Requested that guns that he threatened to kill me with and has already been
compensated $500 for, to be turned over to him. * (Filed Dec 15 th 1998 and signed
by Commissioner David S. Weinberg ) * As this has been addressed many times, this
obsession with firearms should be a concern and the waste of this courts time and
attorneys fees to address this once again should result in sanctions against the
9-05-2000 Court orders Expedited Investigation via Mediation and Investigation Services after
Grainne Ward reiterates the lies and irrelevant history stated in their request in order to
make me look like a bad person and a horrible mother and DEMONIZE US
9-06-2000 Continuance granted till 9-20-00 Attorney Ward
9-13-2000 EX PARTE HEARING MK Gustinella recommends no custody change as the children
are in a safe environment and are well taken care of. - Court date set for 9-20-00
*9-13-2000 Milo DeArmey yells at me and asks me why I havent turned the gun sover to Perry.
I tell him Perry has already been paid and I will never give him guns. He says its not
true as he has seen the paperwork. I tell him I have the paperwork and I paid him
and he is not getting guns from me.
5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

*9-??-2000 I went to Milos office with the documentation and he is arrogant, rude and disrespectful. I
bring the paperwork that proves that Perry has been compensated (Filed Dec 15 th
1998 and signed by Commissioner David S. Weinberg ). Milo yells Im an attorney with
20years experience and I read the paperwork and I know what it says and you need to
turn those guns over to Perry. Milo refuses to look at the documentation. I tell him I
dont want him for a lawyer as I pay $250/hr and he needs to read anything I give him
on my time. I leave his office and plan to represent myself, as this case is clearly a sham
and Milo is obviously a poor excuse for an attorney
The question that must be asked by the court is: " Why would someone all of a sudden state
these fraudulent concerns and express this as an emergency just a few days before the other party
has scheduled a hearing to address court ordered support payments in arrears, re-evaluation of
support due to failure to live up to the 70/30 agreement and starting a better paying job, and the
resulting attorney cost incurred to go through this process."
9-20-2000 Continuance till 10-12-00 Grainne Ward
10-12-2000 Continuance till 12-07-00 Milo DeArmey
*11-?-2000 Milo sends a substitution of attorney form and I sign it and return it in the mail.
12-7-2000 Continuance till 12-21-00 - ALL Parties
12-21-2001 Continuance till 1-18-01 - Milo DeArmey
*2-??-2001 Milo claims he never received the signed substitution of attorney form and sends
another. I sign and this time return it to his office in Santa Ana and put it directly in his
mail slot in his door. I discontinue all contact with Milo as he is arrogant and rude and
has not represented me well at all.
1-18-2001 Continuance till 2-22-01 - Both Parties
2-22-2001 Continuance till 3-08-01 - Both Parties
3-08-2001 Continuance till 3-29-01 - Both Parties
3-29-2001 Continuance till 5-10-01 - Milo DeArmey
5-10-2001 Continuance till 6-21-01 - Grainne Ward
6-21-2001 Continuance till 7-26-01 - Grainne Ward

*7-10-2001 After many conversations with Perry and seeing that the things Perry has been telling
my son about that is causing my son to have major issues, I decide to allow Perry to have
Blair on a trial bases and write a letter to such.

7-19-2001 Milo DeArmey files a Motion to Be Relieved as Council
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

7-26-2001 Continuance till 8-30-01 - Grainne Ward.

*8-20-2001 Week spent attempting to enroll Elle in school as we agreed to divide custody and would
make a fair support payment plan as school starts in two weeks

*8-23-2001 After giving Perry the custody of Blair he requested and agreeing to end this case that is
taking far to long and costing way too much money, Perry starts bullying me to take
much less than guidelines - $400.00 and no payments of arrears and no spousal
support. He yells and screams at me and threatens to take your fucking ass to court and
take both kids from your ass and the numbers I gave you is for $400 per month, so its
a $200 check every two weeks or I will tell my lawyer to go forward with all
proceedings He then threatens to tell my son that Mommy is a money grubby BITCH
who just wants Dad to take care of her . I am already having issues with Blair believing
the lies his father tells to him when he doesnt pick him up. He was telling my son
Mommy and Grand Mommy are keeping you away, from me. when he wasnt picking
his Blair up on his weekends. This was causing my son to lash out against my mother
and I. School starts in 2 weeks, I have made all living arrangements, and I am moving on
the 1 st of next month. I was 23 weeks into my pregnancy and I am an emotional wreck
after this intense verbal assault. I am completely stressed out and begin having vaginal
bleeding and start of labor cramps. Kevin takes me to Torrance Memorial Hospital
where I am diagnosed with Pre-Term Labor. I am released on 8-24-2001 and told that I
must avoid high stress and take a week off work.
These Verbal Assault and Threats are Recorded

8-24-2001 Relief of Council granted to Milo DeArmey

*8-27-2001 I contact the court clerk at Dept L69 to get continuance based on my medical condition,
which was dangerous to the health of my unborn child. I was told to call back the
following day

*8-28-2001 I called the clerk again and this time he said to contact the respondents attorney and she
would be able to get a continuance for me.

*8-29-2001 I contacted Grainne Ward and explained my situation. She said she didnt believe me but
to have something faxed to her from the doctors office. I contacted the doctors office
and asked them to fax it to Ms. Ward. It was late afternoon when they contacted me and
said for some reason they couldnt get it faxed to her. I had it faxed to the hospital where I
worked and had someone there then refax it to Ms. Ward. She received the fax and then
said she would not give me a continuance as I was a nurse and she said Im lying and I
made this up not to go to court. I told her she was given what she asked for and she
refused to do the continuance.
5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

*8-29-2001 Still at high risk for returning into pre-term labor, and with the only person that I had for
support and help, Kevin, being on a business trip after believing that I would be able to
get the continuance, I again was an emotional wreck. I couldnt stop crying as I couldnt
believe how cold and insensitive Ms. Ward was. She could have told me she wasnt going
to do it before I went through everything and sent her what she asked for. I started
vaginal bleeding and labor cramps again and returned to Torrance Memorial Hospital for
the second time in 1 week Again in stress related pre-term labor, I was admitted.

*8-30-2001 I knew that I had no representation and Grainne Ward would try to take advantage of the
situation and lie to the court and do what ever she could. I knew that I have never been
able to address these issues without an attorney and it would be even harder after
Grainne Ward puts more of her twist on it. I checked out at 3:00 am was driven to
Kevins house by his sister. Dr. Kwon ordered me on bed rest for a few days, and off of
work for another 2 weeks. I was told I cannot drive and to avoid stress, as this is the
common denominator of both hospitalizations. I gathered my court things to the best of
my ability and drove to my house in Santa Ana. I was able to get 1 hour of sleep and had
to get up to be on court on time.

8-30-2001 Continuance Denied Grainne Ward reiterate her conspired false statements to the court
and Calls me a Liar about being in the Hospital in open court. Continued to 9-27-2001

Dianne King is a A.D.A. qualified person With cognitive disadvantages in the logical processing center
that gives her difficulty with math and therefore also with understanding of finances of the depth this
fraud has perpetrated. The testing suggested that she likely has Aspergers. One of the By 2002 she
would throw up for 10 minutes every time we came to court. In court I was warned I was not allowed
to help or speak or I would be thrown out. I learned this is a lie
I.M.O. -This is a criminal act of conspiracy to defraud

9-27-2001 I am told by Attorney Robert Bergen not to show up to court as he has not had time to
finish what he needs to do and he is going to continue the court date. While I am not
there Grainne Ward is able to get a judgment abating all support without me being able
to object, question his severance pay, or have an existing order re-instating support upon
re-establishing employment.

10-16-2001 Grainne Ward gets extension to 11-15-2001- Grainne Ward

11-15-2001 Grainne Ward and Perry King, both do not show up for court. After missing work and
being in court for over 2 hours we find out that somebody died in Ms. Wards family.
However she has the common courtesy to contact her client so he doesnt waste his time.
I am 8 months pregnant and receiving nothing in support and working past when I
had plan for all the income I can get before maternity leave and she purposely does
this to cost me $187 in income, further encumbering my financial situation.
"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

12-6-2001 With Perry already talking with his new employers about his new position Grainne Ward
files this time, for a two month continuance to further the time Perry would have income
without paying support. This continuance is until 02-21-02 - Grainne Ward

12-17-2001 On or About - Perry starts his new job

12-26-2001 Perry sends Blair to stay with my Un-fit Mother as Perry has stated in court documents
when he wants to defame my family and I, for over one week. This is strange behavior for
someone who requested the court to require that I have monitored visits, of my children
but not in the presence of my mother.

2-01-2002 Feeling that I have continued to be abused of rights Kevin loans me $1,500 and then
borrows an additional $1,000 from Jayson Won to pay for a lawyer to protect my interest
and I hire Jeffery Stark a prominent lawyer in the South Bay. I explain to him my
situation and how out of control it has become and he says: Its an easy case and I am
making to much out of it

2-21-2002 We go to O/C Superior Court where we wait. Finally Judge Pro-Tem, Judge Candidate
Grainne Ward (who Perry claimed could never lose due to being friends with most Judges
in the court) and Jeffery Stark go into unreported chambers of Judge Daniel T. Brice. The
"Embroiled and Corrupt" judge and Grainne Ward both violates their respective oaths as
an attorneys and willfully lie. She claims to the judge and my attorney and that I have
called and threatened her at her office. I am not sure what happened and exactly what
was said but Jeffery Stark came out of chambers irritated and Grainne Ward intentional
smirked at us.

intent to destroy the integrity of this case by making the judge biased and prejudicial
against me. My support is set below guidelines, my arrears are unfairly assessed, my
spousal support is unfairly discontinued. Judge Brice made support orders on 2/21/02
that Perry has ignored, and now continued to violate at will.

He is now and has always been during the course of this case: In Contempt Of Court

Grainne Ward interactions with Kevin has been contentious after causing ER hospitalization &
preterm labor risking the death of daughter Arika 2x and refusing a continuance with a doctors copy
of bedrest orders and taken off work. When Granny Wards father died she had me miss work (1/3 of
the weeks income) and drive 40miles to go to court, but was able to call her own client so he didn't go
and neither called other attorney or me and she left to Ireland. Pregnant and not salaried and soon to
be on maternity leave

5-25-99 - Judge Brown ordered Tax Debt Equalization of $13,307 and the responsibility of the I.R.S. bill of $ 9,272.66 & The Franchise Tax Boards
bill of $ 3,699 paid EQUALLY by parties both parties. 100% was seized from Dianne. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY - MANDATES 100% assignment to
aggrieved party +Attorney Fees +10% yr interest $22K Debt 14 yrs @ $2.2K/yr = $30,800 Federally Non-Dismissible Interest or $52,800 Current Debt
+ $184/mo interest every month. The Court retains jurisdiction on all divorce issues including the ability to redistribute retirement investments and
look at the egregious, illegal behavior that abused the petitioner out of LVN-RN school and reduced income by 1/2. This leaves many tort actions
options available. A debt with a federally protected 10% Interest is a asset generating "Income" even if not collected. Adjournment is available

"Un-reported" Judicial Chamber: The playground for Corruption and Cronyism & Black Hole for Civil Rights and Rule of Law
Abuse is contagious and corrupts everything it touches. Worse than that unchecked it encourages more abuse Perry R King engaged in the systematic abuse
of his ex-spouse using financial oppression and PRO TEM JUDGE/CANDIDATE GRAINNE WARD using connections and court relationships with Judges to
abuse pregnant mothers into ER rooms.. because of her friendship with judges, Perry said he would never loose. We foolishly believed the law and lawyer
protects litigants. WE WERE IGNORANT and trusted them. He was right and 3yrs of Dianne's life and RN career were flushed down the toilet.

Fraud, Corruption, Abuse and Title 18 241/242. Conspiracy to Defraud

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