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High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 1

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]

Installation Manual and Datasheet
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 2

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
e! "eatures
10R'M%00R'M%100R'M%200R'M%300R'M%000R'M%100R'M High-Torque DC Motor
Meta( 2ear3ox and 2ear/
14000R'M 3a/e .otor
High-Current DC Con/tant-Torque .otor drive integrated -ith the .otor
Motor /)eed ontro( inter*ae via $"RT% &2C% ''M /igna( and ana(og in)ut
S)eed ontro( )o//i3(e in 3oth diretion/ do-n to a(.o/t 15 o* .ax. /)eed
S.a(( )a6age and integration a((o-/ *or ea/7 in/ta((ation and o)eration
S)eed,Motion an 3e ontro((ed u/ing a ter.ina( or MC$ via /i.)(e $"RT,&2C o..and/
&2C .a/ter devie an ontro( .u(ti)(e RMCS-210x via /i.)(e &2C o..and /truture/
"n RC reeiver or an7 ''M /oure an diret(7 ontro( the /)eed o* the .otor
"n ana(og /igna( or *ixed ana(og vo(tage *ro. a )otentio.eter an diret(7 ontro( the /)eed o* the
Max-/)eed /etting to (i.it the .axi.u. /)eed o* the .otor
Da.)ing /etting to da.) the hange in /)eed on the .otor *or /.oother o)eration

Than6 7ou *or )urha/ing RMCS-210X% High-Torque DC Motor and Driver. RMCS-210X i/ Rhino Motion
Contro(/ introdutor7 DC .otor ontro( /o(ution de/igned *or ea/7 in/ta((ation and o)eration -ith .u(ti)(e
di**erent inter*ae/.
The RMCS-210X integrate/ a High-Torque DC .otor -ith 14000R'M 3a/e .otor and Meta( 2ear3ox and
2ear/ *or 10R'M% 00R'M% 100R'M% 200R'M% 300R'M% 000R'M and 100R'M o)tion/. " high-urrent DC
.otor driver and ontro( inter*ae i/ .ounted on the 3a6 o* the .otor.
The RMCS-210X o**er/ .otor /)eed ontro( via $"RT% &2C% ''M in)ut /igna( and a /i.)(e ana(og vo(tage

Te#hni#al S$e#i%i#ations
Specification Min Max Units Comments
Supply Voltage 11 13 Volts DC Between V+ and GND
Cuent !"# $ %mps No&load to stalled condition
'nput Signal (ig) Voltage * + Volts DC ,it) espect to GND
'nput Signal -ow Voltage ! 1 Volts DC ,it) espect to GND
U%./ Baud .ate 0 1+!! 2ps 3o U%./ inteface
'4C cloc5 fe6" 1! 4!! 5(7 3o '4C inteface
%m2ient /emp" ! $! Celsius 8peating /empeatue
(umidity ! 1#9 Non condensing
%nalog 'nput Voltage ! # Volts DC 3o %nalog Voltage inteface
::M :ulse ,idt) +!! 4*!! usec 3o ::M signal inteface
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 3

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
Me#hani#al S$e#i%i#ations
Specification Details
Dimensions ;- < , < (= 11!mm < #!mm <##mm
,eig)t 4#!gms

Read thi/ dou.ent are*u((7 3e*ore in/ta((ing and u/ing thi/ )rodut
&n)ut/ vo(tage to the drive .u/t not exeed the .axi.u. o* 13VDC or it .a7 da.age the drive
Rever/ing )o(arit7 )o-er /u))(ied to the drive -i(( da.age the drive or )o-er /u))(7
8xe// hu.idit7 or onden/ation on the drive .a7 da.age the drive
Vo(tage in exe// o* !V on the in)ut ter.ina(/ .a7 da.age the /)eed ontro((er
Rever/e vo(tage in exe// o* !V 3et-een the in)ut ter.ina(/ .a7 da.age the ontro((er
9ee) the .otor and drive in a venti(ated or oo( te.).
Ma6e /ure the /u))(7 i/ -e(( regu(ated and there i/ .ini.a( vo(tage ri))(e
Di/onnetion o* ''M% $"RT% &2C or ana(og inter*ae -hi(e the .otor i/ in .otion -i(( not /to) the
.otor. &t -i(( ontinue to rotate at the (a/t /)eed /)ei*ied 37 either inter*ae

&o'er and In$ut Ter(inal )ssign(ents

/eminal No" /eminal Name ,ie Colo Desciption
/eminal 1 GND B-%C> Gound s)ould 2e connected to negati?e of supply of 2attey
/eminal 4 SC-@::M@%nalog B.8,N '4C cloc5 @ ::M input signal @ %nalog Voltage 'nput
/eminal 3 SD%@%nalog Sense .AD '4C Data @ %nalog 'nput Sense
/eminal * U%./ /BD 8.%NGA U%./ Data /ansmit of speed contolleC connect to .BD of )ost
/eminal # U%./ .BD DA--8, U%./ Data .ecei?e of speed contolleC connect to /BD of )ost
/eminal + V+ G.AAN V+ s)ould 2e connected to positi?e of supply o 2attey

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age :

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
Motion Control Signal Conne#tion *)RT
To ontro( the /)eed o* RMCS-210x via $"RT *ro. a 'C% MC$ or Ho/t devie re*er to the onnetion
diagra. 3e(o-. &n a/e o* 'C a RS232 (eve( onvertor .u/t 3e u/ed a/ $"RT -or6/ on TT;. The TXD (ine
*ro. the RMCS-210x .u/t 3e onneted to the RXD (ine *ro. the Ho/t devie or ontro((er and vie ver/a
*or the TXD (ine.

Motion Control using *)RT
The idea( -a7 to u/e the $"RT inter*ae o* the RMCS-210x i/ -ith a ter.ina( /o*t-are (i6e h7)er-ter.ina(%
)utt7% et. The $"RT inter*ae -or6/ at a *ixed 3aud rate o* 10003)/. The $"RT /igna(/ .u/t 3e TT; (ogi

The $"RT inter*ae on the RMCS-210x )ro.)t/ the u/er *or a o..and varia3(e and dei.a( va(ue /tring.
To /et a va(ue o* a varia3(e the u/er .u/t )rovide an integer dei.a( va(ue *o((o-ing the o..and ode.
To read,di/)(a7 the va(ue o* a varia3(e the u/er .u/t give the o..and ode and i..ediate(7 *o((o- it 37
(ine *eed and arriage return. The $"RT o..and )roe//or -i(( return the va(ue o* the varia3(e. The
o..and (i/t and va(ue range are a/ *o((o-/.

Command Desciption Value Minimum Value Maximum
ESF .ead@,ite Moto Speed and Diection &4## +4##
EMF .ead@,ite Moto Max Speed ! 4##
.ead@,ite Speed Damping
! 4##
.ead@,ite '4C addess
! 14$
EDF -oad Default Values of SpeedC Max and Damp & &

The .otor rotation diretion i/ /)ei*ied 37 the <=> and <-< harater/ 3e*ore the /)eed va(ue. ?-2@@A and
?=2@@A are .axi.u./ in either diretion -hi(e the .otor -i(( re.ain at /tand /ti(( at <0>. The *o((o-ing
/na)/hot de)it/ nor.a( u/age o* $"RT o..and/ to ontro( the /)eed and .otion o* the .otor. Here
the <S> /)eed o..and i/ *ir/t u/ed to read the /)eed -hih i/ initia((7 <0> at /tartu). Then the .otor i/
o..anded to .ove at a /)eed o* <100> in the *or-ard diretion and then at the /a.e /)eed 3ut in the
rever/e diretion 37 the va(ue o* <-100>. The u/age o* the <M>% <D> and <8> are /i.i(ar.
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age @

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]

Motion Control Signal Conne#tion I2C
RMCS-210x i/ and &2C /(ave devie -ith de*au(t /(ave devie addre// o* 0x10 (hex# or 10 i/ dei.a(. The
&2C (o6 and data (ine/ .u/t 3e onneted to the &2C .a/ter (ine on a ho/t devie or ontro((er. The &2C
.a/ter devie .u/t )u((-u) the &2C (ine/ -ith :.!6Bh. re/i/tor/.

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 0

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
Motion Control using I2C
RMCS-210x i/ an &2C /(ave devie -ith a de*au(t &2C addre// o* 0x10 (hex#% dei.a( <10>. &2C i/ the
ea/ie/t o..uniation tehnique i* .u(ti)(e RMCS-210x or i2C devie/ are to 3e ontro((ed *ro. the /a.e
&2Contro( .a/ter.

The &2C inter*ae on the RMCS-210x -i(( reeive the o..and varia3(e nu.3er *o((o-ed 37 the va(ue that
/hou(d 3e -ritten to it. Va(ue *or.at i/ a 2-37te /igned integer re)re/entation and it *o((o-/ (itt(e-8ndian
37te ordering. The va(ue an 3e read out i..ediate(7 a*ter )er*or.ing a -rite o..and u/ing the
re)eated /tart o..and or 37 the next read o..and. During the &2C -rite o..and i* exat(7 2 37te/
are not reeived a*ter reeiving the o..and varia3(e the RMCS-210x &2C inter*ae -i(( not -rite that
va(ue to the varia3(e. Thi/ i/ u/e*u( to read the va(ue o* a varia3(e -ithout having to u)date it/ va(ue.

The o..and (i/t and va(ue range are a/ *o((o-/.

Command Byte Desciption Value Minimum Value Maximum
! Diection .ead@,ite Moto Max Speed ! 4##
1 .ead@,ite Moto Speed and &4## 4##
.ead@,ite Speed Damping
! 4##

Here i/ an exa.)(e u/age o* u)dating the /)eed varia3(e on the RMCS-210x to *or-ard 2@@. Ce -i((
a//u.e the de*au(t /(ave addre// o* 10.

&2CDStart(0x10 = 0#E ,, /end the /(ave addre// o* the RMCS-201x and -rite 3it 0
&2CDCrite(1#E ,, /end the o..and varia3(e *or /)eed
&2CDCrite(2@@#E ,, /end ;SF o* 2@@
&2CDCrite(0#E ,, /end MSF o* 0 to and /o S)eed o* *or-ard 2@@
&2CDSto)(#E ,, /end &2C /to)

Here i/ an exa.)(e u/age o* u)dating the /)eed varia3(e on the RMCS-210x to rever/e 2@@ and reading it
3a6. Ce -i(( a//u.e the de*au(t /(ave addre// o* 10.

&2CDStart(0x10 = 0#E ,, /end the /(ave addre// o* the RMCS-201x and -rite 3it 0
&2CDCrite(1#E ,, /end the o..and varia3(e *or /)eed
&2CDCrite(1#E ,, /end ;SF o* 1
&2CDCrite(2@@#E ,, /end MSF o* 2@@ to and /o S)eed o* 3a6-ard 2@@
&2CDRe)DStart(0x10 = 1#E ,, /end &2C addre// -ith re) /tart and 1 to read
/)eed G &2CDReadD"6(#E ,, read /)eed ;SF 37te and a6
/)eed G &2CDReadDHa6(#E ,, read /)eed MSF 37te and don>t a6
&2CDSto)(#E ,, /end &2C /to)
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age !

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
S$eed Control Signal Conne#tion %or )nalog In$ut
The /)eed o* the RMCS-210x .otor an 3e ontro((ed u/ing via an ana(og vo(tage *ro. a /u))(7% Digita( to
"na(og Converter% a *ixed re/i/tor divider or a )otentio.eter.
To ena3(e the ana(og /igna( in)ut to the RMCS-210x the SD","n/ ana(og in)ut /en/e .u/t 3e at 2.@V =,-
0.@V. Thi/ an 3e )rodued 37 onneting a re/i/tor divider 3et-een $"RT TXD and 2HD.

"n ana(og /igna( *or /)eed ontro( an 3e )rodued 37 )utting a )otentio.eter 3et-een $"RT TXD and
2HD and onneting the enter ter.ina( o* the )otentio.eter to the SC;,"n ana(og in)ut (ine o* the

The ana(og vo(tage range *or /)eed ontro( i/ *ro. 0V to @V DC. The .otor /)eed -i(( 3e Iero at the
enter vo(tage o* 2.@V.

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 4

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
S$eed Control Signal Conne#tion &&M Signal
RMCS-210x .otor /)eed an 3e ontro((ed u/ing via a ''M /igna( *ro. an7 ''M generator (i6e a -ire(e//
''M reeiver% Servo ontro((er or a .iro-ontro((er &,B )in.

To ena3(e the ''M /igna( in)ut to the RMCS-210x the $"RT TXD and $"RT RXD (ine/ o* the RMCS-210x
.u/t 3e /horted together. Re.e.3er to )o-er J o** and )o-er J on RMCS-210x a*ter /horting RXD and

The ''M /igna( )u(/e -idth .u/t range *ro. 000u/ to 2.:./. The .otor /)eed -i(( 3e Iero at ''M )u(/e
-idth o* 1.@./.

Ma+s$eed and Da($ing
Max/)eed /et/ the .axi.u. /)eed at -hih the .otor -i(( rotate in *or-ard or rever/e diretion. The
/)eed -i(( dro) o** (inear(7 to 0 *ro. the .ax /)eed. Kor exa.)(e a .ax /)eed /etting o* 100 and /)eed
/etting o* 100 -i(( return a true /)eed o* 31.

Da.)ing varia3(e /et/ a (i.it on ho- qui6(7 the true /)eed and hange 3a/ed on it/ urrent va(ue. &t
a((o-/ *or /.ooth ra.) u) and do-n *or /)eed/ and re.ove/ Ler6/ and (i6/ in the /7/te..

'(ea/e note that .ax/)eed and da.)ing an on(7 3e .odi*ied via the &2C and $"RT inter*ae/. Fut% the7
-i(( a**et the .otion in 3oth the ana(og and ''M inter*ae/.
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 1

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
S$eed range %or di%%erent inter%a#es
'nteface .e?ese Max Speed 3owad Max Speed Moto Stand&Still 'nput Units
U%./ &4## 4## ! %scii Values
'4C &4## 4## ! Signed intege 4Fs&
::M !"+ 4"* 1"# ms
%nalog ! # 4"# Volts

,uide to ,eneral &ro-le(s
:o2lem Symptom :ossi2le .easons and Solutions
Moto is not otating Di?e is not poweed up
Coect inputs ae not 2eing po?ided to update t)e moto speed
Aatic Motion on Moto o Di?e .esets :owe supply ?oltage not sta2le o egulated
:owe supply not a2le to supply enoug) cuent to c)ange t)e speed o
Contol input signals ae not connected popely o not ade6uate
Contol signal intefeence due to powe supply o en?ionmental noise
Axcessi?e Moto o Di?e (eating -oad on t)e moto is excessi?e o iegula
Di?e is damaged
:owe supply ?oltage is too )ig)
Not enoug) cooling o ?entilation fo moto o di?e

&o'er Su$$l! Sele#tion
" high-torque DC .otor require/ high urrent during /tartu) and during high (oad or irregu(ar (oad
ondition/. The genera( ru(e o* thu.3 to .a6e /ure 7our )o-er /u))(7 i/ adequate *or a DC .otor i/ to
.a6e /ure it an /u))(7 the .axi.u. urrent required 37 the .otor during /ta(( ondition. Kor RMCS-
210X thi/ i/ ! ".)ere/. Thi/ doe/n>t nee//ari(7 have to 3e it/ ontinuou/ urrent a)a3i(it7 3ut it /hou(d
3e a3(e to )rovide a )u(/e o* ! a.)ere/ during /tartu) o* the .otor. &t i/ a(/o good )ratie to have
/u**iient (o- J8SR deou)(ing a)aitor/ on the out)ut o* the /u))(7 3e*ore 7ou onnet it to a DC .otor
drive. Thi/ i/ to .a6e /ure that the .otor driver doe/ not re/et or /u**er *ro. variation/ in /)eed due to
an in/u**iient or unregu(ated /u))(7.
High-Torque DC Motor and Driver (Max. 13Vd and !"#
$"RT% &2C% ''M and "na(og in)ut inter*ae

htt)+,,---.rhino.otionontro(/.o. 'age 10

High-Torque DC Motor and Driver [RMCS-210X]
Service and Support
Service and support for this product are available from the Rhino Motion Controls Web site (http://www.rhinomc.com) and
our customer service email: info@rhinomc.com

Six-Month Warranty
Rhino Motion Controls (rhinomc.com) warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 6
months from shipment delivery. During the warranty period, Rhino Motion Controls will either, at its option, repair or
replace products which proved to be defective.
The above warranty does not extend to any product damaged by reasons of improper or inadequate handlings by
customer, improper or inadequate customer wirings, unauthorized modification or misuse, or operation beyond the
electrical specifications of the product and/or operation beyond environmental specifications for the product.
Obtaining Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service, please contact our customer service department at info@rhinomc.com before returning
product for service. Please make sure that you have gone through this entire installation manual and datasheet before
deciding that your product is liable for replacement or repair under this 6-month warranty Customer shall prepay shipping
charges for products returned to Rhino Motion Controls for warranty service, and Rhino Motion Controls shall pay for
return of products to customer.
Warranty Limitations
Rhino Motion Controls makes no other warranty, either expressed or implied, with respect to the product. Rhino Motion
Controls specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Some
jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long and implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation or exclusion may not
apply to you. However, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness is limited to the 6-month duration of this written

Copyright Rhino Motion Controls, 2012

Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this manual, may be adapted or
reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

This product and its documentation are supplied on an as-is basis and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular
purpose is either made or implied.

This document provides preliminary information that may be subject to change without notice.

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