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Carga Horria: 100 horas 5 semanas

Material: Bem-Vindo! A Lngua Portuguesa no Mundo da Comunicao, So Paulo, Editora SBS.

Disciplinas: 1. O Estudo da Lngua Portuguesa
2. Histria e Cultura Brasileira
3. Introduo Literatura Brasileira

desse curso espera-se que o aluno tenha habilidade de cumprimentar, falar sobre si mesmo e sobre os
outros, falar sobre sua rotina e indagar sobre a rotina dos outros, dizer as horas, relatar fatos simples do
passado, falar sobre o clima e o tempo, fazer breves comparaes, fazer compras usando as unidades de
medida, falar sobre uma ao futura, fazer suposies, levantar hipteses, compreender e dar direes,
comunicar-se com pouca hesitao em lugares pblicos como em um restaurante, num hotel e num
aeroporto. Espera-se, ainda, que ele compreenda e escreva textos simples, com predominncia de uma
linguagem coloquial.

De acordo com o Quadro Europeu de Referncia para Lnguas Estrangeiras: B1.

Contedo programtico:

- presente simples do indicativo
- pronomes pessoais, possessivos e reflexivos
- pronomes interrogativos
- algumas preposies e suas contraes
- pretrito perfeito do indicativo
- pretrito imperfeito do indicativo
- gerndio
- comparativos e superlativos
- futuro do indicativo
- presente, imperfeito e futuro do subjuntivo
- pronomes do caso oblquo
- pronomes indefinidos
- imperativo
- aumentativos e diminutivos

- cumprimentos
- nacionalidades
- profisses
- comidas
- nmeros
- horas
- o tempo
- datas comemorativas
- tipos de lojas
- vesturio e acessrios

Freqncia mnima para obteno do certificado: 75%.
Favor no usar o celular em sala.

Note: The Intensive Course for Spanish Speakers is designed so as to enhance learners' exposure to
authentic input in Portuguese and draw students attention to forms that differ from Spanish.
This program takes advantage of the similarities and stresses the differences between both languages.
Along with the communication skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing the course focuses on
those features of Portuguese which are most difficult for Spanish speakers: pronunciation, idioms
and grammatical structures.

Profa. Silvia Burim
Coordenadora Pedaggica
11 3662-7046


Mainly for Spanish speakers but also for students of other nationalities subject to interview and placement

Total Course Hours: 100 - 5 weeks
Classes from Monday to Friday - from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
Material: Bem-Vindo! A Lngua Portuguesa no Mundo da Comunicao, 8th edition, So Paulo, SBS.
Units 1 to 8

Subjects: 1. The study of the Portuguese Language;
2. Brazilian History and Culture;
3. Introduction to Brazilian Literature.

Note: The Intensive Course for Spanish Speakers is designed so as to enhance learners' exposure to
authentic input in Portuguese and draw students attention to forms that differ from Spanish.
This program takes advantage of the similarities and stresses the differences between both languages.
Along with the communication skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing the course focuses on
those features of Portuguese which are most difficult for Spanish speakers: pronunciation, idioms
and grammatical structures
Objectives: At the end of this course, it is expected that the student will have the ability to introduce
himself, greet people, talk about himself and others, talk about his routine and ask others about their
routines, tell the time, report simple facts in past time, talk about the weather, make quick comparisons, go
shopping using units of measurement, talk about a future action, make guesses, raise hypotheses,
understand and give directions, communicate, even with a little hesitation, in public places, such as in a
restaurant, at a hotel and at the airport. It is also expected that he will be able to write and understand
simple texts, with a predominance of colloquial language.

According to the European Reference Grid for Foreign Languages: B1.

Simple Present (Indicative)
Subject Pronouns, Possessives and Reflexives
Interrogatives Pronouns
Prepositions and some Contracted forms
Past Simple (Indicative)
Imperfect (Indicative)
Comparatives and Superlatives
Future Imperfect (Indicative)
Present, Imperfect and Future (Subjunctive)
Indefinite Pronouns
Augmentatives and Diminutives
Nationalities; Professions; Food; Numbers; Time; Weather; Commemorative dates; Shopping;
Clothes and accessories
Minimum required attendance: 75%
Please do not use cellular phone in class.

Requirement for the registration: Written test and interview with the Pedagogical Coordinator. Students
who are fluent in Spanish and have never studied Portuguese, do not need to take the test.

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