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Structural Repair and

Acknowledgement for the front cover illustration is made to G. Tanyeli and U. Tanyeli
for the use of Figure 5, on page 20, from their paper in Section l. Maintenance of Historical

C.A. Brebbia

Computational Mechanics Publications

Southampton Boston

Birkhauser Verlag Ba..<>el Boston Berlin

Structural Analysis of the Equestrian Monument to
Marcus Aurelius in Rome
G. Accardo, D. Amodio*, P. Cappa*, A. Bennici,
G. Santucci*, M. Torre
Central Institute for the Restoration, Rome, Italy
* Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, 'La Sapienza'
University, Rome, Italy


The Marcus Aurelius equestrian monument has been analyzed by the

finite element method. The stress and strain fields, relevant to
the rider load and thermal effects have been calculated. The
finite element model has been used to evaluate the best constraint
conditions between the monument and its pedestal and to design
an internal stiffening frame. The numerical results have been
validated by evaluating experimentally strains and displacements
in the horse occuring due to loading by the rider.


Acting on behalf of the'Comune di Roma', the Central Institute

for the Restoration of the 'Ministero per i Beni Culturali ed
Ambientali' is taking care of the restoration work of the
equestrian monument to Marcus Aurelius, the bron;~e, hand-
manufactured in the second century BC placed, during the six-
teenth century, on the Capitoline Hill in Rome (Ackerman 1 ,
Gregorovius2). The monument, standing on astone base, is con-
structed of two different parts: the horse, with a raised front
right leg, and the effigy of the emperor, rested on the edge of
a large ho le localized in the upper p art of the animal. The
restoration work necessitated the disassembly of the statue
into the two constituent pieces, the disconnection of the horse
f~om its ancient pedestal and the transfer of the group to the
Physics Laboratory of the Institute. The horse is now resting
on a steel frame which has been previously used to protect it
during transportation (figure 1).

Before daing any work on the monument, the Central Institute for
the Res !;oration executed a long seri es of historical and experi-
mental investigations. Among them here we will mention those
aiming to obtain a deeper knowledge about the techniques used
for casting and assembling the statue (Marabelli3); we should
al so mention tl!e investigations on the chemical composi ti•:m an d
582 Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings 583

on the chemical-physical and mechanical properties of the alloys frame, because the validation measurernents have been carried out
used (Cesareo4). Photogrammetry and non destructive (ultrasonic) in those conditions. In order to evaluate the best way to re-
techniques have also been used to obtain information on the mon- strain the legs of the horse when it is standing on its stone
ument geometry ~shape, dimensions and thickness distribution) pedestal, a simple supported, a complete restraining or an inter-
(Sena5, Canella ) and on the structural integrity (presence of mediate solution have been taken into account in the numerical
holes, inclusions, weldings and cracks) (Micheli7). At the same model. In a further calculation a plate linking the three loaded
time the nature and extent of P§evious restoration work has leg tips has been introduced in the finite element model. This
been carefully evaluated (Tabak ). Finally the temperature field plate allows the study of the thermal effect due to different
in the monument has been carefull~ analyzed throughout the day heating between the bronze rnonument and the stone base and the
and in different seasons (Accardo , CanevalO). . effect due to irnposed displacements.

During such preliminary investigations, the Physics and Environ- Different loads have been applied to the horse depending on the
ment Control Laboratory of the Central Institute for the Restor- aims of the calculations. For the model validation only the rider
ation, and the Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics of Rome weight has been considered. Accurate measurements indicated as
Universi ty 1 La Sapienza 1 h'ave carri ed out a study on the struct- 6.2kN the rider weight. This was subdivided in equal parts and
ural stability of the monument (Accardo 11 , Santucci12). The applied on the 18 nodes placed on the hole edge in the upper part
verification of the stress distribution in the horse, due to the of the horse. For the constraint optimization also the whole
rider weight, has been the main aim of this study. Then the weight of the monurnent has to be taken into account; in this
thermal stresses due to the non uniform environment temperature case vertical forces simulated the weight of the missing head and
distribution have been evaluated. Looking toward the future, tail.
and the replacing of the monument onto its base, the best re-
straining conditions have been studied in order to reduce the RESULTS OF CALCULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS
stress level in the horse. At the same time investigations have
been carried out on the possibility of creating an internal The calculations have been carried out by the finite element code
stiffening frame to partially release the weight of the rider SAP. Figure 2 shows the model and its deformed shape, obtained
on the horse. The study has been carried out using finite ele- by loading the structure with the rider weight only and with
ment models validated by measuring horse displacements during simple restraining hypothesis (the displacernent scale is 200
loading and unloading. times the one used for nodal coordinates). Figure 3 shows a
view of the von Mises equivalent stress level lines on the ex-
FINITE ELEMENT MODEL ternal surface of the horse. The figure shows that the maximum
stress value is localized on the connection between the front
365 shell elements and 406 nodes have been used to model the left leg and the.horse body.
horse body: the tail and the head were not introduced in the
model. The lower part of the three load-bearing legs have been The strain and displacement results have been validated by experi-
modelled by beams of circular section. A series of radially rnental measurements. Displacements ha ve been measured by linear
placed high stiffness beams link each lower part of the legs to variable differential transformers on the raised leg; strains
the shell elements belonging to the upper part of the legs. have.been measured by using an electrical resistance strain gauge
Square section beams have also been used to model the stiffening localized where the calculation results indicated there are rnax-
cross introduced in previous centuries to consolidate the edges imum values of the three displacement components examined.
of the holes on which the rider is resting. The thickness of Figure 5 shows the experimental and numerical principal strain
each shell element has been obtained by ultrasonic investigations. localized on the front left leg. The exarnination of these figures
The material forming the elements has been assumed to be iso- shows an acceptable agreement between calculated and measured
tropic and homogeneous. Mechanical tests were carried out on values so that the finite elernent model can be considered vali-
specimens whose chemical properties were very close to the real dated and therefore has been used to perform further investigation.
ones. Those tests suggested that one should assume the value of
85 GPa as the Young modulus, 0.3 as Poisson coefficient, 0.000018 CHOICE OF BEST CONSTRAINING METHOD
0 c-1 as thermal expansion coefficient and 80 kN/m3 as weight

density. Figure 6 shows the highest equivalent stress values on the exter-
nal and internal horse surfaces obtained by different constraint
The restraints linking the monument to its base have been simul- hypotheses. In this figure only the rider weight has been taken
ated in different ways depending on the aims of the calculation. into account while in Figure 7 the whole weight of the monurnent
As far as the model validation is concerned the leg tips have has been considered. Among the different constraint solutions
been restrained in the same way as they are on the transportation the imposed displacement at the leg tips seems to be the best
584 Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings 585
of the possibilities. In the finite element model these imposed REFERENCES
displacements have been obtained by a thermal dilatation (positive
or negative) of the base shell element whose stiffness is extrem- l Ackerman J S, M Aurelius on the Capitoline Hill, Renaissance
ely high. A previous investigation indicated the best imposed News, Val 2, PP 69-75, 1957.
displacement at the leg tips in order to minimize stresses as
shown in Figure 8 for the Rider t-Jeight Lo ad ( RWL) an d for the 2 Gregorovius F, Storia della Citta di Roma nel Medio Evo,
whole Monument Weight Load (MWL). The relative leg tip displace- Einaudi editore, Torino, 1973.
ment which gives the minimum stresses is about 0.1% and this value
has been used in Figures 6 and 7 to determine the best constrain- 3 Marabelli M, La struttura e le tecniche di fabbricazione,
ing solution. Marco Aurelio- Mostra di cantiere (Catalogue), PP 39- 41,
ICR, Rome, Italy, 1984.
4 Cesareo R, Ferretti M, Guida G and Marabelli M, Le leghe: il
Finally a stainless steel frame structure has been designed to metodo e i risultati, Marco Aurelio - Mostra di cantiere
get the rider supported directly by the horse legs in order to (Catalogue), PP 42- 44, ICR, Rome, Italy, 1984.
unload the body of the horse. 22 beams form this frame: their
sections are hollow and circular with 5 mm thickness and 30 mm 5 Sena C, Rilievo mediante metodi della 'Fotogrammetria del
diameter. In 1835, G Spagna filled the legs with low casting Vicino' della statua equestre di Marco Aurelio in Roma,
temperature alloys so that they are now very rigid and robust Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Non-
and able to support the rider load with a low stress level. destructive Testing in Conservation of Works of Art, Rome,
Figure9 shows the frame mounted inside the horse body; the Italy, 1983.
rider weight is applied on the frame top. A comparison between
the deformed shape of the frame, shown in Figure 9 and in Figure 6 Canella G, Marabelli M, Marano A and Micheli M, Esame
2, indicates the stiffness increase obtained in the horse; the ultrasonoro della statua equestre del Marco Aurelio,
stress level reduction is shown in Figure 6. Examination of Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Non-
Figure 7 indicates that the stainless steel frame weight nearly destructive Testing in Conservation of Works of Art, Rome,
eliminates the benefits the frame itself introduces, so that a Italy, 1983.
lighter weight frame such as an aluminium alloy frame may be
recommended. 7 Micheli M, Indagine radiografica della statua equestre di
Marco Aurelio, Proceedings of the 1st International
CONCLUSIONS Conference on Non-destructive Testing in Conservation of
Works of Art, Rome, Italy, 1983.
The decision on what type of restoration work to undertake far
the case of composite large dimension monuments such as the 8 Tabak G, Nota sul rest.auro del Marco Aurelio al tempo di
equestrian cast of Marcus Aurelius demands careful analysis of Gregorio XVI, Rassegna Archivi di Stato, XLII, I, Rome,
the mechanical behaviour of the statue structure. The uniqueness Italy, 1982.
of such a monument and its immense cultural value requires one
to use as little modification as possible. When stiffening 9 Accardo G et al, Il sistema ambiente-monumento, Marco
structures are designed it is necessary to analyze their effect Aurelio- Mostra di cantiere (Catalogue), PP 65- 70, ICR,
on the monument without actually having to build and mount such Rome, Italy, 1984.
structures. The finite element method provides a valid help to
choose the more effective restoration work on the monument 10 Accardo G, Caneva C and Massa S, Stress monitoring by
structure. In this paper one is shown how to use this method temperature mapping and acoustic emission analysis: a case
and its integration with experimental techniques. The procedure study of Marcus Aurelius, Studies in Conservation, 28,
adopted in this case can be easily generalised to find a system- pp 67 - 74, 1983.
atic methodology to be followed in the future. To obtain a
reliable finite element model of the monument a deep knowledge 11 Accardo G, De Santis P, Gori F, Guattari Gand Webster J M,
of the geometry, the mechanical properties of the material an~ The use of Speckle Interferometry in the study of large
the load nature and intensity are required. Once one has verl- works of art, Journal of Photographic Science, Vol 33, No 5,
fied, by appropriate experimental techniqeus, that the finite pp 174 - 176, 1985.
element model is able to simulate the real behaviour of the
monument it is possible to use this tool in order to undertake
structural restoration.
586 Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings 587
12 Accardo G, Santucci G, Metodo di calcolo agli elementi finiti
e misure estensimetriche per l'analisi strutturale di
manufatti storico-artistici, 2nd International Conference on
Non-destructive Testing, Microanalytical Methods and Environ-
ment Evaluation for Study and Conservation of Works of Art,
Perugia, Italy, 1988.

Figure l. The Horse of Marcus Aurelius

Figure 2. The Finite Element Mode! and its Deformed Shape

Structural Repair & Maintenance of Ristori ca] Buildings 589
588 Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings




y z
Dìsplacement dìrectìon
~ Dil'!.Transr. ~ Photogram. C Calcul.Slid. IT:] Ca!cul.Pin

Figure 4. CornpariBon of diBplacements

STR<\IN ( m/m)

-50 ·····~······

Figure 3. The von Mises equivalent Stress Map

a) lateral view 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
b) upwards from botto m vie w
Straìn gauge number
E:J EPS.l CALC. ~ EPS.l MEAS. c::J EPS.2 CALC. ~ EPS.2 !.LEAS.

Figure 5.CompariBon of principal Btrains

590 Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings
Structural Repair & Maintenance of Historical Buildings 591
MAX. EQUIV. STRESS [daN/mm~2] 4 MAX. EQUIV. STRESS (daN/mm~2]

l l

31l~ . . . . . . .. l

~~~ ································ ········· ·········································· ········ ················· .............. !


.. j.
l ~ ~
'(··················~ .. -----..::::::
......... ~ l
-0.3 0.2
- o. l .o 0.1
Relative displacement l%J
--,;;,._ EXT.SuPJ".MWI.
Figure 6. Effect of the constraints Figure 8. Effect of the imposed
(rider weight RWL) displacement of the constraints

2.5 f-········································································




Figure 7. Effect of the constraints Figure 9. The Finite Element Model
with Internai Frame
(total weight Mli'L) and its Deformed Shape

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