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Course Design Guide

BIO/315 Version 2
Course Syllabus
College of Natural Sciences
Ecology and Evolution
Copyright 2011, 200 by !niversity of "hoeni#$ %ll rights reserved$
Course Description
&his course provides the funda'ental principles of ecology and evolution$ Students (ill focus on populations
and co''unities, adaptation, and other factors that affect organis's$
)aculty and students*learners (ill be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained
(ithin the follo(ing t(o docu'ents+
!niversity policies+ ,ou 'ust be logged into the student (ebsite to vie( this docu'ent$
-nstructor policies+ &his docu'ent is posted in the Course Materials foru'$
!niversity policies are sub.ect to change$ /e sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class$ "olicies
'ay be slightly different depending on the 'odality in (hich you attend class$ -f you have recently changed
'odalities, read the policies governing your current class 'odality$
Course Materials
S'ith, &$ 0$, 1 S'ith, 2$ 3$ 42005$ Elements of ecology 46th ed$5$ San )rancisco, C%+ /en.a'in
%ll electronic 'aterials are available on the student (ebsite$
Week One: The Basics of Ecology
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 E#plain ho( ecologists use evidence and observation to 7uantify
their results$
1.2 Describe the history and the role of evolution and natural
selection in ecology$
8888 8888
Readings Read Ch$ 1 1 9 of Elements of Ecology.
Review this (ee:;s Electronic 2eserve 2eadings$
8888 8888
artici!ation artici!ate in class discussion$ "t least 3
online da#s
Res!ond to (ee:ly discussion 7uestions$
&' 1(2 )ri*
&' 3+,at
"ctivities and
Review <uantifying Ecology 1$1 and <uantifying Ecology 1$2 in Ch$
1 of Elements of Ecology.
Review the =ee: >ne vocabulary revie( interaction located on your
student (ebsite$
8888 8888
.earning /ea0 Resources1 3earning &ea' &ool:it -o later t2an 8888
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
Instructions Co0!lete the 3earning &ea' Charter$ ,unda#*
/eren 2obinson
)ield Study "aper
Resources1 )ield Study by /eren 2obinson in Ch$ 9 of Elements of
4rite a 6008 to 1,0908(ord paper e#plaining the i'portant aspects
of the study and ho( they relate to ecology and evolution$
&escribe original observations of researchers$
&escribe the study in detail+
2esearch 7uestions of study
@ariables in study
&iscuss research findings$
-nclude a brief, general overvie( of ho( ecologists use
evidence and observation to 7uantify results before going in to
the specific findings of this case study$
&iscuss evolution and its relationship to natural selection$
=hat role do they play in ecologyA
=hat role do they play specifically in the case study chosenA
ro!ose a follo(8up study based on the case study$ /riefly address
the follo(ing 7uestions+
=hat variables (ould you alterA
=hat additional findings 'ight you e#pect to discover on
aspects of evolution or natural selection in your proposed
)or0at your paper consistent (ith %"% guidelines$
,ub0it to
Week Two: Environmental Ecology: esources an! Competition
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 %nalyBe ho( the environ'ent affects plants, ani'als, and their
2.2 E#plain ho( intraspecific co'petition affects species; success$
2.3 E#plain ho( interspecific co'petition affects species; success$
8888 8888
Readings Read Ch$ C, 6, 1 11 of the te#t.
Read Sections 1D$1E1D$6 and Sections 1D$E1D$12 in Ch$ 1D of the
Review this (ee:;s Electronic 2eserve 2eadings$
8888 8888
artici!ation artici!ate in class discussion$ "t least 3
online da#s
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
Res!ond to (ee:ly discussion 7uestions$
&' 1(2 )ri*
&' 3+,at
"ctivities and
Review the =ee: &(o vocabulary revie( interaction$ 8888 8888
.earning /ea0
Resource1 Ecosyste' =eb<uest and "resentation -nstructions
located on your =ee: )our student (ebsite
Review the Ecosyste' =eb<uest and "resentation instructions$
&his docu'ent contains details about the Ecosyste' =eb<uest and
"resentation your 3earning &ea' 'ust co'plete in =ee: )our$
Obtain faculty approval on an ecosyste' to co'plete the
Ecosyste' =eb<uest$ " conversation t2read will be !rovided 6or
#ou b# t2e instructor wit2in t2e 0ain 6oru0 on /uesda#*
a!!roval on
a to!ic due
no later
.earning /ea0
=ee: &(o 3earning
&ea' E#ercises
Co0!lete the =ee: &(o 3earning &ea' E#ercises (ithin the
learning tea' instructions section 4written above5$
8888 8888
2esources, and
Resources1 !niversity of "hoeni# 0aterials+ &e'perature and
"recipitation, -ntraspecific Co'petition, and -nterspecific
Co'petition located on your student (ebsite
I0agine you are an ecologist studying ecosyste's$ -n this
assign'ent, you are given a set of data to study$
Review the &e'perature and "recipitation data, -ntraspecific
Co'petition data, and -nterspecific Co'petition data located on your
student (ebsite$
"nal#8e the data provided in three graphs$
)or t2is assign0ent* #ou are given two o!tions. C2oose onl#
O!tion 11 9nviron0ent* Resources* and Co0!etition Re!ort
4rite a 6008 to 1,F008(ord report that ans(ers the 7uestions belo($
=hat are the 'a.or characteristics of the environ'ent of the
chosen ecosyste'A
?o( do these characteristics affect the ani'als, plants, and their
resources living in the environ'entA
2evie( the te'perature and precipitation data$ )ro' the data,
(hat can you deter'ine about the role of precipitation and
te'perature in bio'esA
,ub0it to
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
2evie( the -ntraspecific Co'petition data$ ?o( is the predator
co''unity affected by lo( nu'bers of preyA ?o( do high
nu'bers of predators affect the prey co''unityA =hat are
so'e possible effects on other speciesA
2evie( the -nterspecific Co'petition data, (hat behavioral data
'ight be inferred fro' this graphA =hat factors 'ight be
responsible for the success of the older 'others; offspringA
"ropose a scenario that 'ight e#plain the data recorded$ ?o(
'ight interspecific co'petition affect the reproductive successA
=hat i'plications can you infer fro' the three graphs about the
relationship bet(een plants and ani'alsA
Include data in the graphs to support your ans(ers$
)or0at your paper consistent (ith %"% guidelines$
OR ,elect
O!tion 21 9nviron0ent* Resources* and Co0!etition
re!are a 108 to 198slide 0icrosoft
presentation 4(ith
spea:ers notes5 that ans(ers the follo(ing 7uestions+
=hat are the 'a.or characteristics of the environ'ent of the
chosen ecosyste'A
?o( do these characteristics affect the ani'als, plants, and their
resources living in the environ'entA
2evie( the te'perature and precipitation data$ )ro' the data,
(hat can you deter'ine about the role of precipitation and
te'perature in bio'esA
2evie( the -ntraspecific Co'petition data$ ?o( is the predator
co''unity affected by lo( nu'bers of preyA ?o( do high
nu'bers of predators affect the prey co''unityA =hat are
so'e possible effects on other speciesA
2evie( the -nterspecific Co'petition data, (hat behavioral data
'ight be inferred fro' this graphA =hat factors 'ight be
responsible for the success of the older 'others; offspringA
"ropose a scenario that 'ight e#plain the data recorded$ ?o(
'ight interspecific co'petition affect the reproductive successA
=hat i'plications can you infer fro' the three graphs about the
relationship bet(een plants and ani'alsA
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
Week Three: Population Biology
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Describe the challenges of studying populations over ti'e$
3.2 %nalyBe patterns of reproduction, consu'ption, and death in
3.3 E#plain the processes that 'ove energy and 'atter through
8888 8888
Readings Read Ch$ , 10, 20, 1 22 of the te#t.
Review this (ee:;s Electronic 2eserve 2eadings$
8888 8888
artici!ation artici!ate in class discussion$ "t least 3
Res!ond to (ee:ly discussion 7uestions$
&' 1(2 )ri*
&' 3+,at
"ctivities and
Review the =ee: &hree vocabulary revie( interaction$ 8888 8888
.earning /ea0
=ee: &hree
3earning &ea'
Co0!lete the =ee: &hree 3earning &ea' E#ercises presented by
your facilitator$ " conversation t2read will be !rovided 6or #ou b#
t2e instructor wit2in t2e 0ain 6oru0 on /uesda#* 3/25/2%13.
8888 8888
,east Culture 3ab
Resources1 !niversity of "hoeni# 0aterials+ 3ab 2eport >utline,
,east 3ab =or:sheet, and ,east 3ab Spreadsheet located on your
student (ebsite
Review the ,east 3ab =or:sheet$ -t contains i'ages of four yeast
sa'ples that (ere observed at 0, 2F, FH, 62, and C hours$
Count the nu'ber of yeast cultures observed at each interval$
Record the data on the ,east 3ab Spreadsheet and analyBe the
4rite a lab report of 1,0908 to 1,F008(ords follo(ing the 3ab 2eport
>utline provided on your student (ebsite$ %ddress all points listed in
the outline$
)or0at your lab report consistent (ith %"% guidelines$
,ub0it to
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
Week "our: Evolutionary #nteractions
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 E#plain ho( ecosyste's influence species and their evolution$
3.2 Distinguish characteristics (ithin and bet(een species that
affect the species richness of a co''unity$
3.3 %nalyBe factors that affect diversity and contribute to
evolutionary differentiation$
8888 8888
Readings Read Ch$ 1C 1 16 of the te#t.
Review Sections 9$9, 9$C, 9$6, 1 9$ in Ch$ 9 of the te#t.
Review this (ee:;s Electronic 2eserve 2eadings$
8888 8888
artici!ation artici!ate in class discussion$ "t least 3
Res!ond to (ee:ly discussion 7uestions$
&' 1(2 )ri*
&' 3+,at
"ctivities and
Review the =ee: )our vocabulary revie( interaction$ 8888 8888
.earning /ea0
=ee: )our 3earning
&ea' E#ercises
Co0!lete the =ee: )our 3earning &ea' E#ercises presented by
your facilitator$ .earning /ea0 "ssign0ent due t2is wee:
49cos#ste0 4eb'uest and resentation 5
8888 8888
.earning /ea0
=eb<uest and
Resource1 Ecosyste' =eb<uest located on your student (ebsite
,elect an ecosyste' to e#a'ine$ >btain faculty approval for your
-avigate the Ecosyste' =eb<uest and ans(er the 7uestions
located (ithin it$
re!are a 8 to 108 slide 0icrosoft
presentation wit2
s!ea:er;s notes describing your tea';s selected ecosyste' and
Ecosyste' =eb<uest$ %ns(er all of the 7uestions (ithin the
,ub0it to
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
Week "ive: The $uman #mpact
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 2ecogniBe the role of hu'an population gro(th in resource
5.2 E#a'ine the processes that affect habitat degradation$
5.3 %ssess the influence of conservation on biodiversity$
8888 8888
Readings Read Ch$ 26E2 of the te#t.
Review this (ee:;s Electronic 2eserve 2eadings$
8888 8888
artici!ation artici!ate in class discussion$ "t least 3
Res!ond to (ee:ly discussion 7uestions$
&' 1(2 )ri*
&' 3+,at
Individual Resource1 &he San )rancisco Estuary "ro.ect (ebsite
Read the -ntroduction to the San )rancisco Estuary "ro.ect
Co'prehensive Conservation and 0anage'ent "lan found on the
San )rancisco Estuary "ro.ect;s 4S)E"5 (ebsite at
Select the ublications lin: on the left8hand side of the site$
Select the Co0!lete CCM lin: under the heading
Co'prehensive Conservation and 0anage'ent "lan 4CC0"5
revised 2006$
C2oose one of the follo(ing topics to e#a'ine 'ore closely$
=etlands 0anage'ent
=ater !se
"ollution "revention and 2eduction
Dredging and =ater(ay 0odification
3and !se 0anage'ent
O!tion 11 9stuar# roject a!er
4rite a 1,2008 to 1,F008(ord paper on the restoration of the San
)rancisco Estuary in ter's of one of the above aspects$ Discuss the
abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San )rancisco Estuary$
%ns(er the follo(ing 7uestions+
?o( has population gro(th in the San )rancisco /ay area
affected the estuaryA
?o( has the habitat fracture in the San )rancisco Estuary been
increased by hu'an behaviorA
?o( is conservation being used to pro'ote and 'aintain the
biodiversity of plants and ani'als in the San )rancisco
%ssess the progress 'ade in conserving the biodiversity of the
,ub0it to
Course Design Guide
BIO/315 Version 2
San )rancisco Estuary$
)or0at your paper consistent (ith %"% guidelines$
O!tion 21 9stuar# roject odcast
I0agine you are a college professor giving a podcast lecture to
students on the restoration of the San )rancisco Estuary in ter's of
one of the aspects listed above$
4rite a transcri!t to #our recorded H to 10 'inute podcast in
(hich you discuss the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San
)rancisco Estuary$ -n your lecture, ans(er the follo(ing 7uestions+
?o( has population gro(th in the San )rancisco /ay area
affected the estuaryA
?o( has the habitat fracture in the San )rancisco Estuary been
increased by hu'an behaviorA
?o( is conservation being used to pro'ote and 'aintain the
biodiversity of plants and ani'als in the San )rancisco
%ssess the progress 'ade in conserving the biodiversity of the
San )rancisco Estuary$
,ub0it your transcript (ithin your individual foru'$
!niversity of "hoeni#G is a registered trade'ar: of %pollo Group, -nc$ in the !nited States and*or other countries$
0icrosoftG, =indo(sG, and =indo(s N&G are registered trade'ar:s of 0icrosoft Corporation in the !nited States and*or other countries$
%ll other co'pany and product na'es are trade'ar:s or registered trade'ar:s of their respective co'panies$ !se of these 'ar:s is not
intended to i'ply endorse'ent, sponsorship, or affiliation$
Edited in accordance (ith !niversity of "hoeni#G editorial standards and practices$

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