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1-26 Exam Subjects

Colonial Era
- Northeast American Indian tribes
- The "Great Awakening"
- Halfway Covenant
- Mercantilism
- Salutary Neglect
- The French and Indian War
- Proclamation of 1763
- Acts Stamp, Intolerable, Sugar
- "virtual representation
- France during the American Revolution
- Rebellions Bacons, Shays, Whiskey
- Founding Fathers
- Deists
- American Revolutionary War

New Nation
- "republican mother"
- Articles of Confederation
- Land Ordinances
- 1
- Pinckney's Treaty with Spain
- Alien & Sedition Acts
- KY & VA Resolutions
- Marbury v. Madison

- Election of 1800
- Louisiana Purchase
- Transportation Eras
- "American System"
- Monroe Doctrine
- War of 1812
- The Hartford Convention
- Missouri Compromise
- Jacksons administration
- Nullification Crisis
- Indian Removal Act
- Know-Nothing party
- Whig Party
- Republican
- Transcendentalism
- Seneca Falls
- Declaration of Sentiments
- "cult of domesticity"
- Slave Rebellions
- Abolition

- Wilmot Proviso
- Compromise of 1850
- "popular sovereignty"
- The Kansas-Nebraska Act
- Dred Scott v. Sanford
- Harpers Ferry
- Election of 1860

Civil War
- Impact of railroads
- Advantages of North & South
- Impact on the economy
- Role of Great Britain & France

- Johnsons Impeachment
- Tenure of Office Act
- Radical Republicans
- Southern Blacks (Freedmen)
- Reconstruction Act of 1867
- Sharecropping
- Black Codes
- Redeemers
- Jim Crow Laws
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- Compromise of 1877

The Gilded Age
- Indians
o Helen Hunt Jackson's "A Century of
o Dawes Act of 1887
- immigration
- railroad expansion
- the clothing industry
- Sherman Antitrust Act
- Populism
- "Cross of Gold"
- labor movement
o The American Federation of Labor (AFL)
o Knights of Labor
o American Railway Workers
o 1894 Pullman strike
o Haymarket Square Riot
o Homestead Strike

- muckrakers
- settlement-house worker
- W. E. B. DuBois
- Social Darwinism
- Federal Reserve System

- Upton Sinclair
- Assembly-line
- Booker T. Washington
- How the Other Half Lives
- Amendments

- Spanish-American War
- American jingoism
- Joseph Pulitzer
- Open-Door Policy
- The Roosevelt Corollary

- Zimmerman Note
- American Expeditionary Force
- Committee on Public Information
- Espionage & Sedition Acts
- League of Nations
- Wilson's Fourteen Points

The 1920s
- The Palmer Raids of 1919
- "lost generation"
- the Harlem Renaissance
- Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928
- The John T. Scopes trial
- Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's
- "The Birth of a Nation"
- Flappers
- Margaret Sanger

Great Depression
- Buying on the Margin
- Speculation
- Black Tuesday
- Hawley Smoot Tariff
- Hoovervilles"
- Minority treatment
- Bonus Expeditionary Force
- Election of 1928 & 1932
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation

The New Deal
- "Hundred Days"
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- National Industrial Recovery Act
- Federal Emergency Relief Act
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Works Progress Administration
- Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Social Security
- Indian Reorganization Act
- John Steinbeck
- Dr. Francis Townsend
- Huey P. Long

The Second World War
- Quarantine Speech
- Pearl Harbor
- War Production Board
- The Four Conferences
- Japanese-Americans internment camps
- the Second World War home front
- new workers
- Manhattan Project

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