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Department of Biology/ 2014-2015/ Revision Stencil-1


1. Given alongside is a diagram showing the cell
cycle. Study the same and answer the
following questions
a. Label the parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
b. What does the alphabet M shown in the
diagram state?
c. Differentiate between 2 and 3
d. What is the significance of the process
shown as M in the diagram?
e. Where does this type of process occur in
our body?
f. How is the process shown in the diagram
different in plants?
g. What is the stage that follows Telophase?

2. Given below are the types of chromosomes. Study the same and answer the
following questions.

I. Name the chromosomes a, b, c and d as shown in the figure above.
II. What is the number of chromosome present in the human genome?
III. What type of chromosome does a human male consist of (homogametic
or Heterogametic)
IV. On what basis are the chromosomes in the above diagram classified?
V. How is b different than a
VI. Differentiate between c and d
VII. Name X linked and Y Linked diseases in humans (one each)
SN Kansagra School
Cell Cycle, Cell Division - Revision Stencil 1
Date: Name: Roll No.:
Subject: Biology Standard: 10 2014-2015 Teachers Sign
Department of Biology/ 2014-2015/ Revision Stencil-1
3. Given alongside is the Diagrammatic representation
of structure of DNA. Study the same and answer the
following questions.
a. Name the four nitrogenous bases that form a DNA
b. Give the full form of DNA
c. Name the unit of heredity
d. How would DNA appear if we uncoil it? Draw the
same and label its parts.
e. What are alleles? Explain with an example.
f. How is chromosome formed from the DNA? Briefly

4. Given alongside is the diagram of a phase of the cell division. Study the
same and answer the following questions.

a. Identify the stage shown alongside.
b. Label the parts a, b, c and d shown in the
c. What is the number of chromosome shown in the
d. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the cell as it
would appear in the previous stage. Name the

5. Answer the following in brief.
a. Why is meiosis essential in sexually reproducing animals?
b. How does cytokinesis occur in plant cells?
c. How does meiosis maintain chromosome number
d. What is synapsis
e. State the importance of meiosis
f. Differentiate between the following
1. Centromere and centrosome
2. sexual and asexual reproduction (one point)

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