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the EIP from the kernel crash, do:

nm vmlinux | sort | less

This will give you a list of kernel addresses sorted in ascending
order, from which it is simple to fnd the function that contains the
oending address! "ote that the address given #y the kernel
de#ugging messages will not necessarily match exactly with the
function addresses $in fact, that is very unlikely%, so you can&t
'ust &grep& the list: the list will, however, give you the starting
point of each kernel function, so #y looking for the function that
has a starting address lower than the one you are searching for #ut
is followed #y a function with a higher address you will fnd the one
you want! In fact, it may #e a good idea to include a #it of
(context( in your pro#lem report, giving a few lines around the
interesting one!
If you for some reason cannot do the a#ove $you have a pre)compiled
kernel image or similar%, telling me as much a#out your setup as
possi#le will help! Please read the *EP+*TI",)-.,/ document for details!
) 0lternately, you can use gd# on a running kernel! $read)only1 i!e! you
cannot change values or set #reak points!% To do this, frst compile the
kernel with )g1 edit arch2i34526akefle appropriately, then do a (make
clean(! 7ou&ll also need to ena#le 8+"9I,:P*+8:9/ $via (make confg(%!
0fter you&ve re#ooted with the new kernel, do (gd# vmlinux 2proc2kcore(!
7ou can now use all the usual gd# commands! The command to look up the
point where your system crashed is (l ;<x========(! $*eplace the ===es
with the EIP value!%
gd#&ing a non)running kernel currently fails #ecause gd# $wrongly%
disregards the starting oset for which the kernel is compi
>! If your eth< card is not detected and your system is ok then what
will you do? ,ive the steps and possi#ilities!
@! Ahere your all install drivers are get stored? ,ive the path of it!
ans: 2li#2modules2in the kerenel directory!
3! If in 0P08BE PBP is not getting loaded then what you will do? ,ive
the steps and possi#ilities!
C! 6y/Dl commands and Duery!
E! "etworking related Duestions!
These are few questions asked @ REDHAT for redhat Technical support position.
1 ) what is initrd if it is not there wht will happend system oot if it is not there or not
! ) kernel panic errror" steps you will follow
#) what is fsta how many fileds are there
$) if kernel panic .. will u ale to oot in sin%le user or rescue mode
& ) what you wil do if u want to run any script or command when system oot
') what is the permission of rc.local rc.local is a file or symlink
()what is tcp and udp ..diff it
)) what are osi layert" e*plain osi layer
+) which layer start actual hand shakin%
1, ) what is hand shakin% in -.
11 ) what is sticky it" e*plain it
1! ) what is setuid" e*plain it
1# ) what does ',, in permission
1$ ) oot process
1& ) oot default runle/el -. " file name
1' ) in which area you are comfirtale -. 0 1etworkin% 0 application
1( ) at 23. 4 2526
what is cluster
how u will monitor cluster status
what is the use of 23. if it is stand alone
for what purpose cluster use
ha/e you e/er work on redhat cluster
how u will initiate disk in cluster
tell me & /*/m command
How The Kernel Version is Numbered
8et us ha/e a closer look at the kernel /ersion numer.
# uname r
These numers aren9t for nothin%" they indicates many aspects of the kernel /ersion.
The 8inu* kernel /ersion numer is a set of $ numers and sometimes may e supplemented y few additional
First Number Kernel version (2)
This is the actual /ersion of the kernel and it is chan%ed only when sustantially ma:or chan%es are made in the kernel
code. And this has happened only twice in the history of the kernel. ;irst was in 1++$ with /ersion 1., and the second
was in 1++' with /ersion !.,.
Second Number Major evision (!)
This denotes the 6a:or Re/ision of the kernel. -dd numers indicate that that the /ersion is a non<release testin%
/ersion to test the new features and de/ice dri/er supports =e.%. 1.+" !.& etc.). E/en numer here indicates that the
release is a production release and is stale kernel =e.%. 1.)" !.' etc.).
>ut startin% from the kernel !.'" this phenomenon has chan%ed and kernel !.' onwards the new features testin% are
done in the same /ersion numer.
Third Number Minor evision ("#)
As the name indicates this chan%e only when there is minor re/ision chan%es like new de/ice dri/er support or if some
small new features are included.
Fourth Number corrections ("$%)
This is chan%ed when any u% is patched or any error is corrected in the kernel.
&dditional 'haracters (el()
These are supplentary additional characters. ?n our case it is el& meanin% @Enterprise 8inu* &A as in RHE8 &.
.o the kernel /ersion numer !.'.1).1+$ indicates that the kernel is of /ersion ! series of kernels and is has under%one
a ma:or re/ision for the si*th time and minor re/ision for 1)th time" and it has een corrected =or u% fi*ed) 1+$ times.
1)Bhat is child name ser/er.
C AnsD<ns.domain.com is a child nameser/er of domain.com
C !)where to upload default pa%e in windows =Eleask).
C AnsD< when you create a domain with physical hostin% plesk copies
C default files into its httpdocs folder.
C that is why you %et domain default pa%e
C ut you can customiFe these files.
C you can upload ones at Elesk <C .er/er <C .keleton
C #)?f my 1 domain is hosted with A ser/er and my dataase which is on >
C ser/er.? want to access my D.>" HowG
C $)?f u re%ister imran.com ut not done D1. entry " .o now your domain
C is :ust re%ister not li/e
C in this case how you will make ns1.imran.com without addin% any entry.
C &) ?f u ook any domain and client dont want to show his personal
C detail in =who.is) then what will you do.
C 6eans if you will do who is domain name " ?t will show you all domain detail.
inter/iew questions in 1eural ?T <Airoli
C 1) How to chan%e the force the password to ne*t lo% on user
C !) Bhat is the Diff et Home Directory 4 workin% directory
C #) How to recursi/ely copy to other location
C $) How to install packa%e with @yumH dpk%G
C &) How to chan%e the file access permissions G
C ') How to e*tract the compressed file
C () Bhat is the linksG And symolic links
C Ans< ;iles are arran%ed in directories =or folders if you prefer that term)"
C and each file can e reached throu%h a series of directories and
C su<directories from the root < correctG Ies ... >JT ... there are some
C times that the same file can e reached throu%h se/eral names" and on Jni*
C and 8inu* systems this is known as a KlinkK.
C 1.8inks ha/e different inode numers. !. ls <l command shows all links with
C second column /alue 1 and the link points to ori%inal file #. 8ink has the
C path for ori%inal file and not the contents.
C $.Remo/in% soft link doesnLt affect anythin% ut remo/in%
C ori%inal file the link ecomes dan%lin% link which points to none*istant
C file
C )) Bhat is dff et AT 4 cron
C +) Bhat is path G system lo%
C 1,) Bhat is 6A3 address 4 how to check it on 8inu* machine G
C 11) How to modified the ?E 4 net mask online on Jantu
C 1!) 8s Ml file first characters
C 1#) How to %et compresses ackup of users home directory G
C 1$) How to reco/er a file was deleted
C 1&) 3an we create apache ser/er ha/e different /ersions G
C 1') E*plean this statement
C 8s Ml hrs N%rep Mi OJ.ER Ntail <# Nawk Pprint Os"O+DQ
C 1() what is diff et su root 4 su M root
C 1)) what is diff et kill E?D 4 kill <+ E?D
C 1+) what is feel aout @.JD-H

How to stop a processG

How to kill a process other than kill commandG
Bhat all parameters does T-E command showsRe*plain itG
Bhat is ash shellG Bhy it was called ashG
Bhy 1;.G
Bhy .A6>A
How to remotely access 8inu* ser/erG
How to take ackup in 8inu*G
Bhat if portale harddisk doesn9t %et detectedG
Bhat if unale to pin% linu* ser/erG
6achine runs /ery slowG Si/e ReasonsG
Bhat is E?DG
Bhat is load on .er/erG How will you check itG
Bhat criteria define the T of ser/er loadG 8ike if its $ core ) core processorG
Bhat is RA?DG Bhich RA?D is recommendedG BhyG
Ha/e you install any hardware on 8inu* machineG
Ha/e you install any applications on 8inu* machineG
Bhy it is called cloudR..in cloud computin%G ?s it a new technolo%y or oldG
Bhat are the main ad/anta%es of 2irtualiFationG
Eth, doesn9t %ets detectedG
?fconfi% shows ?E address ut doesn9t pin% to ser/erG BhyG
3an ? install rpm in a different locationG...............................................................1o
?f T-E command is runnin% " can ? run any other commandG
Bhat all you monitor on 8inu* .er/erG HowG 1ame some tools to monitorG
J.> dri/e unale to detectG Bhat will you doG
Jnale to access ser/er which is out of ?ndiaG Si/e trouleshootin% stepsG
Bhy did you decided to switch from Bindows to 8inu*G
There are few answers of below questions.

Q.what is filesystem in linux?
A UNIX file system is a collection of files and directories stored. Each file system is stored in a searate
whole dis! artition. The followin" are a few of the file system#
$ % &ecial file system that incororates the files under se'eral directories includin" $de'( $sbin( $tm etc
$usr % &tores alication ro"rams
$'ar % &tores lo" files( mails and other data
$tm % &tores temorary files

)*.+hich are the file systems are suorted in linux?


),.-ow to chan"e hostname?tell me location of home file?
A. /root0hello 123 hostname hello.co.or"
4. /root0hello123 cat $etc$sysconfi"$networ!
);.<ifferent command to chec! hostname
A. hostname
4. cat $roc$sys$!ernel$hostname

3uname %n
3hostname %a
3hostname %s
3hostname %d
3hostname %f

/root0hello 123sysctl !ernel.hostname
!ernel.hostname 9 hello.co.or"
/root0hello 123sysctl !ernel.hostname9NE+=-5&TNA:E
to chan"e it.
hostname % show or set the system>s host name
domainname % show or set the system>s NI&$?@ domain name
dnsdomainname % show the system>s <N& domain name
nisdomainname % show or set system>s NI&$?@ domain name
ydomainname % show or set the system>s NI&$?@ domain name
nodename % show or set the system>s <EAnet node name
)B.<ifference between symlin! and hard lin!?
-ard Cin! is a mirror coy of the ori"inal file. -ard lin!s share the same inode.
Any chan"es made to the ori"inal or -ard lin!ed file will reflect the other.
E'en if you delete any one of the files( nothin" will haen to the other.
-ard lin!s can>t cross file systems.
&oft Cin! is a symbolic lin! to the ori"inal file. &oft Cin!s will ha'e a different Inode 'alue.
A soft lin! oints to the ori"inal file. If you delete the ori"inal file( the soft lin! fails. If you delete the soft lin!(
nothin" will haen.
&oft lin!s can cross file systems.
)D.-ow to &ee the contain of file without editin"?
cat( less( more( tail( head( "
EF.-ow to chan"e runle'els usin" command?
init Grunle'el no.
telinit Grunle'el no.

E).Tell me about runle'els in linux?
H F &ystem -alt
H ) &in"le user
H E Iull multi%user mode G<efault.
H *%; &ame as E
H J &ystem 6eboot
E,.-ow to ta!e database bac!u in mysql?
mysqldum %u /Username2 % /assword2 /databasename2 K /bac!ufile.sql2
/username2 % this is your database username
/assword2% this is the assword for your database
/databasename2 % the name of your database
/bac!ufile.sql2 % the filename for your database bac!u

E;.In case of i for"et my root asswd of mysql ser'er then whats your
stes for reco'er the asswd?


From: sadhiD)linux)groupFgooglegroups!com Gmailto:sadhiD)linux)groupFgooglegroups!comH
On Behalf Of Pratik /hevle
Sent: 9riday, 0pril >3, @<>@ I:@J P6
To: sadhiD)linux)groupFgooglegroups!com
Subject: *e: K/adhiD Linux ,roupM Interview Duestions faced F 8apgemini

%ood....well done Ameer"Ueep it up D<)
-n ;ri" Apr 1#" !,1! at &D#) E6" A6EER .HA?U Vaameershaik@%mail.comC wroteD
1.How many fields in 0etc0passwd and what are theyG
0etc0passwd file stores essential information" which is required durin% lo%in i.e. user account information. 0etc0passwd is
a te*t file" that contains a list of the systemLs accounts" %i/in% for each account some useful information like user ?D"
%roup ?D" home directory" shell" etc. ?t should ha/e %eneral read permission as many utilities" like ls use it to map user
?Ds to user names" ut write access only for the superuser =root).
)nderstandin* +ields in ,etc,-asswd
The 0etc0passwd contains one entry per line for each user =or user account) of the system. All fields are separated y a
colon =D) symol. Total se/en fields as follows.
Senerally" passwd file entry looks as follows =click to enlar%e ima%e)D
=;i%.,1D 0etc0passwd file format < click to enlar%e)
1. )sernameD ?t is used when user lo%s in. ?t should e etween 1 and #! characters in len%th.
2. .asswordD An * character indicates that encrypted password is stored in 0etc0shadow file.
3. )ser /0 ()/0)D Each user must e assi%ned a user ?D =J?D). J?D , =Fero) is reser/ed for root and J?Ds 1<++
are reser/ed for other predefined accounts. ;urther J?D 1,,<+++ are reser/ed y system for administrati/e
and system accounts0%roups.
4. 1rou- /0 (1/0)D The primary %roup ?D =stored in 0etc0%roup file)
5. )ser /0 /n+oD The comment field. ?t allow you to add e*tra information aout the users such as userLs full
name" phone numer etc. This field use y fin%er command.
6. Home director2D The asolute path to the directory the user will e in when they lo% in. ?f this directory does
not e*ists then users directory ecomes 0
7. 'ommand,shellD The asolute path of a command or shell =0in0ash). Typically" this is a shell. Elease note
that it does not ha/e to e a shell.

!.what is nfsGhow can u confi%ure nfsGwhich packa%es are required for nfsG
1;. stands for 1etwork ;ile .ystem" a file system de/eloped y .un 6icrosystems

There are three main confi%uration files you will need to edit to set up an 1;. ser/erD /etc/exports"
/etc/hosts.allow" and /etc/hosts.deny . .trictly speakin%" you only need to edit /etc/exports to %et
1;. to work" ut you would e left with an e*tremely insecure setup.
rpm <qaN%rep <i nfs
#.How to set /ariales in linu*
$.what is SRJ>G
1N) 1)3 =short for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader) is a oot loader packa%e from the S1J Ero:ect. SRJ> is
the reference implementation of the 6ultioot .pecification" which pro/ides a user the choice to oot one of multiple
operatin% systems installed on a computer or select a specific kernel confi%uration a/ailale on a particular operatin%
systemLs partitions.

&.Tell me difference etween 8?8- and SRJ>G
4/45 1)3
4/45 has no interactive command
SRJ> has interacti/e command interface
4/45 does not su--ort bootin* +rom a
SRJ> does support ootin% from a network
/+ 2ou chan*e 2our 4/45 con+i* +ile7 2ou
have to rewrite the 4/45 sta*e one boot
loader to the M3
SRJ> automatically detects any chan%e in confi% file
and auto loads the -.
4/45 su--orts onl2 linu8 o-eratin* s2stem SRJ> supports lar%e numer of -.

'.How to add users in linu*G
Jseradd username = e* useradd ameer )

(.what is rpmGand tell me all the parameters of rpmG
rpm is a powerful Eacka%e 6ana%er" which can e used to uild" install"
query" /erify" update" and erase indi/idual software packa%es. A pack<
a%e consists of an archi/e of files and meta<data used to install and
erase the archi/e files. The meta<data includes helper scripts" file
attriutes" and descripti/e information aout the packa%e. Eacka%es
come in two /arietiesD inary packa%es" used to encapsulate software to
e installed" and source packa%es" containin% the source code and
recipe necessary to produce inary packa%es.

-ne of the followin% asic modes must e selectedD Wuery" 2erify" .i%<
nature 3heck" ?nstall0Jp%rade0;reshen" Jninstall" ?nitialiFe Dataase"
Reuild Dataase" Resi%n" Add .i%nature" .et -wners0Sroups" .how Wuery<
ta%s" and .how 3onfi%uration.

rpm <i/h Prpm<fileQ<<<install packa%e
rpm <e/ Ppacka%eQ<<<< remo/e packa%e

).How can check information aout particular .rpm applicationG
rpm Mqi =rpm packa%e name)

+.How to check whether it install or notG
rpm MqaN%rep Mi =packa%e name) if installed then it will displayR

1,.what is port no of telnet"nfs".6TE"pop#"opensshG
TelnerX!#"nfs<!,$+ " .6TE<!&"pop#<11,"openssh<!!
Ameer .haik

-n Thu" Apr 1!" !,1! at #D&1 E6" Eratik .he/le Vpratikshe/le@%mail.comC wroteD
Round<1 and Round<!

1.How many fields in 0etc0passwd and what are theyG
!.what is nfsGhow can u confi%ure nfsGwhich packa%es are required for nfsG
#.How to set /ariales in linu*
$.what is SRJ>G
&.Tell me difference etween 8?8- and SRJ>G
'.How to add users in linu*G
(.what is rpmGand tell me all the parameters of rpmG
).How can check information aout particular .rpm applicationG
+.How to check whether it install or notG
1,.what is port no of telnet"nfs".6TE"pop#"opensshG
11.what is the difference etween 0etc0passwd and 0etc0shadow fileG
1!.what is filesystem in linu*G
1#.Bhich are the file systems are supported in linu*G
1$.How to chan%e hostnameGtell me location of home fileG
1&.Different command to check hostname
1'.How 8inu* hardenin% is doneG
1(.How to .ee the contain of file without editin%G
1).Difference etween symlink and hard linkG
1+.Tell me how to 3onfi%uration .endmailG
!,.How to chan%e runle/els usin% commandG
!1.Tell me aout runle/els in linu*G
!!.Bhat is ldapG
!#.Bhat is ;WD1Gand what is sudomainG
!$.How to take dataase ackup in mysqlG
!&.?n case of i for%et my root passwd of mysql ser/er then whats your
steps for reco/er the passwdG

Round<1 and Round<!
1.How many fields in 0etc0passwd and what are theyG
!.what is nfsGhow can u confi%ure nfsGwhich packa%es are required for nfsG
#.How to set /ariales in linu*
$.what is SRJ>G
&.Tell me difference etween 8?8- and SRJ>G
'.How to add users in linu*G
(.what is rpmGand tell me all the parameters of rpmG
).How can check information aout particular .rpm applicationG
+.How to check whether it install or notG
1,.what is port no of telnet"nfs".6TE"pop#"opensshG
11.what is the difference etween 0etc0passwd and 0etc0shadow fileG
1!.what is filesystem in linu*G
1#.Bhich are the file systems are supported in linu*G
1$.How to chan%e hostnameGtell me location of home fileG
1&.Different command to check hostname
1'.How 8inu* hardenin% is doneG
1(.How to .ee the contain of file without editin%G
1).Difference etween symlink and hard linkG
1+.Tell me how to 3onfi%uration .endmailG
!,.How to chan%e runle/els usin% commandG
!1.Tell me aout runle/els in linu*G
!!.Bhat is ldapG
!#.Bhat is ;WD1Gand what is sudomainG
!$.How to take dataase ackup in mysqlG
!&.?n case of i for%et my root passwd of mysql ser/er then whats your
steps for reco/er the passwdG
ypes of D1.
Domain name system translate domain name to ip address. There are different types of dns ser/er a/ailale we can
install any of them as per our requirement.
") 3/N0 9: 3/N0 is the reference implementation of a D1. ser/er and usually ser/es as the ase for e*perimentation
with D1. protocol e*tensions. >?1D is free and has een ported to many operatin% systemsY see the respecti/e entries
in the inde*. 6ost >?1D ser/ers run on some /ariant of Jni*" althou%h >?1D on Bindows is also a/ailale.
JrlD< httpD00www.ind+.net0download
2) djbdns;9 The two main name ser/er functions of cachin% and actin% as an authoritati/e ser/er are sensily split into
two separate pro%rams =dnscache and tinydns). The d:dns packa%e is free" and comes with a O&,, security %uarantee.
<) &NS,'NS;9 A1.031. full form is Authoritati/e 1ame .er/er0 3achin% 1ame .er/er. A1.031. are commercial
D1. ser/ers from 1ominum" for enterprise applications that need ma*imum performance. JrlD<
%) .ower0NS;9 EowerD1. has de/eloped a complete suite of technolo%ies surroundin% ?nternet 1amin% and email.
?nternet 1amin% is at the core of all online acti/ities and is in/ol/ed in each and e/ery transaction on the net.
JrlD< httpD00www.powerdns.com0
() NS0;9 NS0 full form is 1ame .er/er Daemon. 1.D is an authoritati/e only" hi%h performance" simple and open
source name ser/er. JrlD< httpD00www.nlnetlas.nl0
!) Mara0NS;9 6araD1. is a packa%e that implements the Domain 1ame .er/ice =D1.)" an essential internet ser/ice.
6araD1. is easy to use hi%hly secure. JrlD< httpD00www.maradns.or%0
=) M20NS;9 6yD1. is a free D1. ser/er for J1?5. 6yD1. does not include recursi/e name ser/ice" nor a resol/er
lirary. ?t is primarily desi%ned for or%aniFations with many Fones and0or resource records who desire the aility to
perform real<time dynamic updates on their D1. data /ia 6y.W8. JrlD< httpD00mydns.oy.net0
#) 340NS0 ;9 6eanin% is @D1. daemon suitale for runnin% D1.<ased locklistsH. rldnsd is a small D1.<
protocol daemon which is desi%ned to handle queries to D1.<ased ?E<listin% or 1A6E<listin% ser/ices. .uch ser/ices
are a simple way to share0pulish a list of ?E addresses or =domain) names which are @listedH for for some reason" for
e*ample in order to e ale to refuse a ser/ice to a client which is @listedH in some locklist. JrlD<
$) .dnsd;9 -dnsd is a pro*y D1. ser/er that caches entries permanently to disk. pdnsd allows you to confi%ure one
address as the D1. ser/er for all your internet software. This can e localhost" ut ? personally use a separate machine
that ?9/e confi%ured as a %ateway to the internet for my home 8A1. pdnsd can then e confi%ured to contact your ?.E9s
D1. ser/ers when you make a dial<up connection. JrlD< httpD00www.phys.uu.nl0Zromouts0pdnsd.html
">) 0ents;< Dents is a from scratch implementation of the ser/er side of the Domain 1ame .ystem =D1.) protocol and
it shares no code with any other pro:ect. Amon% its se/eral features are compatiility with the named D1. daemon" a
modular dri/er system and an e*tensile control facility which allows the administrator to control the runnin% ser/er.
JrlD< httpD00sourcefor%e.net0pro:ects0dents0 or httpD00www.europe.redhat.com0documen....1<1.i#)'.php#
"") Microso+t?s 0NS server ;9 The D1. ser/er in Bindows !,,# has seen increasin% adoption since its first release for
Bindows !,,, in 1+++. ?t is re%arded as stale and is well<inte%rated with 6icrosoft9s ser/er administration tools.
JrlD< httpD00www.microsoft.com0downloads0d...displaylan%7en
"2) Sim-le 0NS .lus;9 .imple D1. Elus is commercial software for Bindows =any /ersion from Bindows +& to
!,,#). ?t seems fully functional and tar%eted to small sites and home users with permanent ?nternet connections. ?t has
some inno/ati/e features" ut ? ha/e no first hand e*perience with it. JrlD< httpD00www.simpledns.com
CCCCC 1) what is /irtualiFationG
CCCCC !) how you will check the load on the linu* machineG
CCCCC #) oot process
CCCCC $) what are different types of cloud computin%G
CCCCC &) do you ha/e any knowled%e of /irtuliFation =*en" hyper/isor)G
CCCCC ') what are different types of raidG
CCCCC () e*plain raid 1 ! &
CCCC )) mail ser/er postfi*G
CCCC +) what is top commandG
CCCC 1,) l/m
Hi ?mran"
They will e %oin% to take ur inter/w as per ur e*p.
means whate/er had u done in ur company.
complete knowled%e of it.
Apacha<< then load checkin and all confi%uration then
6y.ql<<ackup" restore" query sol/in% cmds and replication of it.
D1.<< what do mean y dot ser/er and D1. workin% and any one scenarion
it will %i/e u.
1.lookup<<how it works.
RA?D=1 and &)" diff. etween oth its 1scenarion it will %i/e u on
raid &. if there is 1,S> [ # ser/ers are present and 1 ser/er is
ha/in% !,S> what is ur steps to secure data and failo/er and all.
1;.<<its conf. file n entry of it how u will e %oin% to do that and
its ser/ice.
1) what is /irtualiFationG
!) how you will check the load on the linu* machineG
#) oot process
$) what are different types of cloud computin%G
&) do you ha/e any knowled%e of /irtuliFation =*en" hyper/isor)G
') what are different types of raidG
() e*plain raid 1 ! &
)) mail ser/er postfi*G
+) what is top commandG
1,) l/m
what is initrd if it is not there wht will haend system boot if it is not there or not
E . !ernel anic errror( stes you will follow
*. what is fstab how many fileds are there
,. if !ernel anic .. will u able to boot in sin"le user or rescue mode
; . what you wil do if u want to run any scrit or command when system boot
J. what is the ermission of rc.local rc.local is a file or symlin!
D.what is tc and ud ..diff it
B. what are osi layert( exlain osi layer
M. which layer start actual hand sha!in"
)F . what is hand sha!in" in 5&
)) . what is stic!y bit( exlain it
)E . what is setuid( exlain it
)* . what does JFF in ermission
), . boot rocess
); . boot default runle'el 5& ( file name
)J . in which area you are comfirtable 5& $ Networ!in" $ alication
)D . abt NA& O NXN:
what is cluster
how u will monitor cluster status
what is the use of NA& if it is stand alone
for what urose cluster use
ha'e you e'er wor! on redhat cluster
how u will initiate dis! in cluster
tell me ; 'x'm command

1..hell .criptin%.
!.>ackup in 8inu* Throu%h Tar command.
#.? want to :ust %i/e read permission to particular user in a %roup while %roup ha/e all
read" write" e*ecute permission of one t*t file.
$..ee the contain of file without editin%.
&.?n one folder" Be ha/e & directories and & files" Bhat is the comand to see only files
in this folder.
'.Difference etween symlink and hard link.
(.?n Uillall <+" Bhat is the meanin% of +G
).?n /i mode"
a.How to %o end of line
.if there is 1,,, lines" How to search line numer (!)
+.?f qmail is not workin%" How will you rectify its workin% or notG
1,..enmail 3onfi%uration.
11.Bhat is 6>R.
1!.Different command to check hostname
1#.?f ser/er load is hi%h" Bhat steps you will follow for troule shootin%.

Bhat command is used to list the contents of directoryG
ls <l
Bhat command is used to list the top 1, files 0 directories siFe wiseG
for 5 in O=du <s [ N sort <nr N cut <f !)Y do du <hs O5 Y done
Bhat command is used to display a list of currently runnin% processesG
0proc file system
Bhat is a lo%in shellG
A pro%ram %et e*ecuted when a user lo%s into J1?5 o*. E.%. ash" sh" ksh" csh
Bhat is J?DG
Jser identification numer which is assi%ned to each J1?5 0 8inu*
userY it may or may not e unique =unique numer is recommended to
a/oid security related issues). J?D and user relationship defined in
0etc0passswd file.
man id
man users
man %roups
>elow are the questions that were asked in Ato. -ri%in.

1st round of technical ?nter/iew = Atos ?nter/iew Wuestions. )

1. Bhat is the name of the seri/ce which is responsile to create the lo%s 0 e/ents G
!. Bhat is sticky<itG
#. How will you allow a user to lo%in without password G
$. Bhat are the reasons as to which a we pa%e does not open G
&. Bhat is inode G
'. Bhat is an 65 record G Bhy is it used G
(. Bhat will you do if your machine is /ery hi%h load and the top command is takin% too lon% to %i/e the output G

!nd round of technical ?nter/iew = Atos ?nter/iew Wuestions. )

1. How will you trouleshoot prolems related to 5en ser/er G

!. Bhat are the ser/ices necessary for nfs to work G Bhat is the command to see the shares in nfs from a client machine

#. ?n a client machine " a directory is shared usin% an nfs ser/er" ut the client is unale to touch a file . Bhat could e
the reason G The permission in 0etc0e*ports has KrwK permission and the directory has KrwK permission for the root .

$. ? ha/e 1, nfs ser/ers. The client does not know ?E address nor the hostname of these nfs ser/ers . ;rom a client
machine" how will i e ale to see which nfs ser/er has what shares G

&. Bhat is K.tale ;ileK error in nfs G Bhen do you face this prolem and how will you trouleshoot this issue G

'. ? ha/e a directory called as KAppleK which is owned y user A . The owner and %roup of this directory is LAL.
a. Bill another user K>K e ale to touch a file in this directory G
. ? want user K>K should e ale to touch a file in this directory " with the owner of the file ein% K>K and %roup as
KAK . How it can e done = Addin% the user K>K in KALsK %roup option is ruled out .)

(. Bhat is inode and what is the scope of inode G 3an we chan%e the inode of a file G Does a directory ha/e an inode G
There is a partition with ) S free space " and a user is tryin% to create a file " ut he is not ale to do it . Bhy G

). Bhat is ?E aliasin% G Bhy is it used G Bhat is ondin% G

+. Bhat is .ama G Bhat are the different types of shares in samaG Bhere is .amaLs lo% file located G

1,. A client machine is connected to a sama ser/er" ut he is not ale to access his shares. Bhat could e the reason G
How will you trouleshoot this issue G

11. Bhat are the steps to create an 826 G ?f your machine is connected to a .A1 stora%e " then what are the neccessary
steps to create an 826 G

1!. ?f your hard disk has some issues " what are the possile checks you will carry out G

1#. Bhat is load a/era%e G Bhat is 3EJ utiliFation G How do they differ G

1$. Bhat will you do if your 0tmpfs partition %ets full G

1&. ? am not ale to %et ssh of a remote ser/er . How will i %et the console of the ser/er. = ssh is not workin% and /nc is
also not allowed .) . Bhat is the otherway you can access the ser/er G

1'. ? want to know which process is usin% more memory resources usin% top command G Bhat is the switch to e used
alon% with top command G

1(. Bhat are the steps to e taken for domain mi%ration in D1. G

1). Bhat is E5E oot installation G

Thanks 4 re%ards"
.antosh 6uru%eshan.

if i want to create the flie of !% with the help odd dd command then what should e the comand for the sameGGG
? ha/e used the followin% command
dd if70de/0Fero of7ac s71,!$ count7!S>
it create the file ut it show the file siFe !.!%
is the >. 4 3-J1T field proper in this cmdGGG
please ad/ice aout the s 4 count parameters also
1) >oot Erocess in depth upto lo%in screen
!) difference etween .ETJ?D 4 .JD-
#) 826 = l/reduse steps and l/e*tend steps )
$) why use resiFe!fs G
&) difference etween T-E 4 E.
') ha/e you seen ao/e 1,,T cpu usa%e in top command " if yes then how is that possile
() .ticky it = apply on directory or on file G )
)) Transparent pro*y steps
+) fsck /s e!fsck
1,) difference etween super user 4 root user
11) if normal user canLt read 0etc0shadow file then how will they reset own password
1!) .ETJ?D is set on shadow file G =y0n)G
1< Bhat is 826 and how to increase 826 partitionG
!< what is raid G difference etween raid
# < what is apache G what difference etween ip ased and named ased /irtual ased hostin%G how will fine tune it ....
here is %ood link for it i
$< what is dns what are the record that you know
&< e*plain what happens when you type %oo%le.com in the rowser. G now e*plain what happen when you do the di%
'< deference etween refresh and retry in dns G plF refer link httpD00www.netdummy.net0dnsrecords.html
(< oot process
)< top command and details aout it also /mstats 4 iostat
+< how many partition mounted in linu* system and how many partition created in u r linu* system with out referrin%
to fdisk
1,< what is /irtualiFation which /irtualiFation do u know
11< what is types of file in /mware
1!< what is difference etween es*$ and es*$i
1#< now what is difference etween es*$ and es*&i
1$< what is difference etween es*&1 n es*&
this is what i can recollect it as if now
inter/iew question at \E
1< some thin% aout u r self and u r profile that work place
!< what u know /aritas cluster
# difference etween /artas cluster and /aritas /olume mana%er
$< how to reinstall the current rhel & ser/er to fedora with our reootin% it.
&< do u know l/m how will reco/er the corrupt l/m
'< do u know dns what is stu record << i am not sure on this one will ha/e check
(< do u know nfs how to run nfs on tcp
)< how to check how many lun e*posed to u r ser/er
+< multipathin% do u know it G how will u check the multipathin% runnin% in u r system and also some information on
multipathin% command
1,< oot process and how will u e*tract the inirt ima%e
11< do u know apache and its paramater
and sore more which i was unale to recollect it
Ahich of the following commands would you use to determine what application or process
created a core dump?
Ahat is the signifcance of sDuare #rackets around a process when looking at a listing
produced #y the ps command?
The process has died
The task is a kernel task and cannot #e killed
The task is sleeping
The task is #eing run from another virtual terminal
Ahich of the following is reDuired to decrypt a fle that was initially encrypted with the ,P, key
for fooF#ar!org?
The secret key for fooF#ar!org
The pu#lic key for fooF#ar!org
The secret key and passphrase for fooF#ar!org
The pu#lic key and passphrase for fooF#ar!org
Ahich of the following is a valid reason to update your Linux kernel?
Increased hardware support
The a#ility to dual)#oot the Linux system
"eed to use INE devices
"eed to use /8/I devices
Ahich of these fles do you edit to make a permanent change to an environment varia#le for
the root user?
0 server has unexpectedly crashed and it takes your team a#out C< minutes to get it #ack up)
and)running! 0 large num#er of customers were aected, therefore during this time you are
inundated with Dueries asking what is going on with their server, as well as a num#er of
regular tech Dueries! Bow do you deal with this situation? 0t what point would you write to the
aected customers and what would you tell them?
7ou are contacted #y an annoyed customer who complains a#out a recent outage of your
service and mentions that he has lost many #usiness contracts, 'ust #ecause your company
didn&t have a disaster recovery policies! Ahat do you think would #e the #est way to handle
this situation?
0s a customer service rep it is inevita#le that at times you will #e presented with rude and2or
a#usive customers who may use insulting language! 0 customer writes in using mildly a#usive
language and is #laming your company for a pro#lem that is o#viously their own fault! Ahat do
you think your primary goal should #e in situations such as this? Ahat do you think would #e
the #est way to handle this situation
Bi /uresh,
Please try this for local users and reply,
$>% create directories with follwing permission and ownership
O ls )ld 2opt2center2 ))))))))))))))))$This is chroot directory%
drwxr)xr)x 3 root root C<J5 Pun 3< >E:35 2opt2center2
O ls )ld 2opt2center2pu#lic2
drwxrwxr)x 3 ftp ftp C<J5 Pun 3< >5:>< 2opt2center2pu#lic2
$@% vim 2etc2vsftpd2vsftpd!conf
chroot:list:fleQ2etc2vsftpd2chroot:list ))))my username sachin
$3% usermod ), ftp sachin
$C% service vsftpd restart

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