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First and foremost, all Narendra Modi fans must understand that the battle of

2014 that lies ahead of us is not going to be an easy one simply because of
Congress deep roots in most parts of the country. he battle of 2014 is a battle of
!ood "s. #"il. $hoe"er %ins %ill most certainly change the face of &ndia fore"er.
Narendra Modi might ha"e e'tensi"e campaign plans ready by no%. (ut he )ust
cannot %in %ithout our acti"e participation and support. $e, the youth, must
pledge to uproot the Congress and gi"e Modi a shot at the top post. #"ery Modi
fan must read the fe% points & ha"e listed belo% and implement it in order to bring
&ndia on the right trac*.
1. +each out e,ecti"ely. al* to your friends,colleagues and %hoe"er you meet
in your e"eryday life about their choice for -M in 2014. #'plain to them
Modis accomplishments and ideals. .pend time tal*ing to fence/sitters,
especially the youth among them. &f you con"ince 0 people to "ote for Modi
each day, you %ould ha"e reached out to 100 people in a month.
2. o reach out e,ecti"ely, one needs to be a%are of Modis "ie%s on di,erent
issues plaguing the country and his accomplishments. .pend 11 minutes
e"ery day researching about the man. 2is %ebsite o,ers a great deal of
information and you can use it as the primary source. 3part from his
%ebsite, you can read a number of right/%ing publications online. &nteract
%ith right/%ing intellectuals and bloggers on %itter.

0. al* to other li*e/minded people in your city4to%n and organise reach/out
programmes in your free time. 3 small e'ample of this is, fe% students and
%or*ing professionals ha"e gotten together to start a group called 5NaMo
brigade in (angalore to their bit to%ards the cause. he group %ill be
formally launched ne't %ee*. 6ou can %or* to%ards starting such groups in
your cities4to%ns to )ust co/ordinate the acti"ities better.

4. &f you ha"e some doubts or %ant some information )ust %rite to your state
(7- & cell or (7- National & cell. From my e'perience, & can tell you they are
"ery professional and you %ill most certainly get a prompt reply.

1. 8eep trac* of (7-s e"ents in your locality and co/ordinate reach/out e,orts
%ith them if possible. hose of you %ho dont %ant to get associated %ith a
political party need not %or* %ith them but in any case be a%are of the
partys e"ents in your locality.

9. &f you li"e in a city %ith a large migrant population, you can acti"ely
encourage them to register their names in the electoral rolls and to "ote in
large numbers because most of such people generally dont tra"el to their
nati"es )ust to cast their "otes.

:. 3s* e"ery person you meet to "ote for Modi this one time e"en if the
opposition puts up a better candidate in your constituency.

;. +emember, this is the smallest anyone can do to ma*e this country a better
place for e"eryone.

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